The meaning of a fallen card in fortune telling. The value of playing cards in fortune telling for predicting the future

Zoya Reasonable

Summary of a lesson on applique from corrugated paper and napkins using the trimming technique.

Target: introduce children to a new method of appliqué - trimming, development of children's cognitive and creative activity.

Educational: teach transmission characteristic features lilac flowers

Educational: develop creativity, sense of color, develop fine motor skills, children's speech.

Educational: cultivate interest and respect for nature; education of accuracy.

Materials and equipment:

Album sheet with a ready-made image of lilac branches, corrugated paper in lilac and green, napkins, pencil or pen, glue stick.

Preliminary work:

Observing lilac flowers while walking, solving riddles, looking at illustrations.

Educator: Remember what beautiful lilac and white flowers we saw on our walk today? (lilac)

Take a close look at the wonderful lilac flowers. What are they? (children's answers)

Educator: That's right, guys, lilac consists of many small flowers that resemble miniature bells. These small flowers are collected in large, beautiful inflorescences.

Today we will learn a new method of appliqué using the trimming technique.

Using this unusual method of appliqué, each of you will create your own unique lilac branch.

The teacher shows a sample of work using the trimming technique.

Educator: In order to make a postcard with a sprig of lilac using the cutting technique, you need colored corrugated paper, a ballpoint pen and glue.

Explanation of the trimming method.

From strips of corrugated paper, cut squares with a side of about 1 cm by eye.

Apply a thin strip of glue along the contour to a small area of ​​the design.

Place the blunt end of the handle (butt) on the square.

Roll the paper onto the pencil.

You will get a colored tube - a trim.

Apply a thin strip of glue along the contour to a small area of ​​the design.

Place it on the glue.

Remove the rod.

Glue each next trim next to the previous one. Try to place the trim pieces close to each other so that there are no gaps, this will make our composition more terry.

Independent activities of children.


Educator: Guys, now look at what beautiful lilac branches you have got!

Tell us what we used to create our works today?

What is the name of the new non-traditional applique technique in which the work was performed?

We will organize an exhibition of your works and place them in our reception room.

Children's works.

Exhibition children's creativity.

Children's works were also displayed at the stand. preschool age using the technique of drawing with crumpled paper.

Dear friends, thank you for your attention and support!

Publications on the topic:

Goal: learn to cut out narrow strips of paper, twist them, and arrange them beautifully. Teach basic quilling techniques, how to...

The peony is the imperial flower of China, associated with wealth, fame and dignity due to its amazing beauty. In Japan, the peony is a symbol.

For work we will need colored corrugated paper in yellow and green, green napkins, glue, a brush and watercolors.

Cut 3 squares of different diameters. Cut off the corners from each square, and place the resulting circles on top of each other. roll it up.

Objectives: Expand the understanding of the image of birds through application. Relevance: Development of fine motor skills Objectives: -Teach children.

Trimming is one of the types of paper crafts. This technique can be classified as both an appliqué method and a type of quilling (paper cutting).

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 7"

G.o. Podolsk Moscow region

Subject: “Volume applique made of corrugated paper “Owl”

Grishchuk Svetlana Vasilievna

G.o. Podolsk

Moscow region


Subject: “Volume applique made of corrugated paper “Owl”.

Types of educational work: working with different types of paper and cardboard.

Purpose of the lesson : teach how to make volumetric applique.

Lesson objectives: improve the technique of working in the “application” genre; consolidate knowledge of safety rules when working with scissors, techniques for working with different types of paper;

improve understanding of the use of templates and the technique of tracing them with a pencil;

develop imagination, spatial concepts, as well as fine motor skills.


for the teacher: a finished craft made from corrugated paper, pictures of an eagle owl (or slides), an audio recording of bird voices; map with stations, picture of a train;

for students: colored cardboard, corrugated paper, templates, glue, scissors, pencil.

Board design: a record of the topic of the lesson, a travel map with stations marked on it, pictures of an eagle owl, a train (appear during the lesson).

Progress of the lesson.

    Introductory conversation.

Today in lesson we will work with paper different types. So, we were back in the paper craft workshop.

I propose to conduct today's lesson in the form of a travel lesson.

There is a map of your future journey on the board in front of you. During the lesson we will get to different stations, where new discoveries and activities await you. Guess what we're going to travel on?

It rushes quickly along the rails

A line of huts.


A picture of a train appears on the board.

    Communicating the topic and setting lesson goals.

Today we will perform a three-dimensional appliqué of a bird. To do this, we will need to repeat the technique of working in the “applique” genre.

To make this craft we will need scissors. At the same time, we will check your knowledge of safety rules when working with this tool.

As you work, you will use different types of templates. Be careful at all stages of the application.

What kind of bird will we depict? You must tell me yourself by solving the riddle.

Silent during the day

At night he screams.

The eyes are round,

The claws are sharp,

The nose is crooked

Forest robber.


(Demonstration of crafts.)

    Preparation for practical work.

The first point of our travel-station"Parade review."

(During the journey, the teacher attaches a picture of the train to the desired point on the map.)

We begin the parade of readiness for the lesson.

Everyone checks whether everything is ready to climb the steps of new mastery. For work we will need cardboard, corrugated paper, templates, glue, scissors, pencil.

All accessories should be laid out in front of you so that they are convenient to use. Let the materials - in our case - paper be located on the left, and working tools - on the right.

Remember one of the main rules of labor lessons:

“It’s good that in the workshop everything you need is at hand.”

    Review of safety rules.

The next point of the journey is the “Security” station.

To make this craft we will need scissors. Let's check your knowledge of safety rules when working with this tool.

When cutting with scissors, you should point the ends away from you.

When cutting, do not put your other hand under the blades of the scissors.

Do not hold the scissors with the ends up.

You can only work with scissors when you are sitting at your workplace.

You should not leave scissors open or place them on an uneven surface: they may slip and injure someone, etc.

5. Informational moment.

Let's continue the journey and go to the Information station.

How many of you have seen an eagle owl and can tell about it?

(Children's answers)

Look at the pictures of the eagle owl.

(Demonstration of pictures or slides depicting an eagle owl.)

Teacher's story about an eagle owl.

Bird of prey of the order of owls. It is distinguished by paws pubescent to the claws, a dark beak, and feathered ears. When sitting down to rest on a tree or ground, he holds his body upright, etc.

    Carrying out practical work.

We go to the next station called “Trudovaya”, where we will start making crafts.

Before this lesson, we had already worked with paper - we made various crafts from it. Today we will do a lot of work, because when making it, sheets of paper are not smoothed, but smoothly folded and glued.

Remember what the word “application” means.

(Applique is when pictures are not drawn, but created by gluing sheets of paper or fabric onto the desired background.)

What will be the background of our work?

Since the eagle owl is a nocturnal bird, the background for our work will be black or dark cardboard. blue.

Consider the eagle owl. How and what is it made of?

What colors of paper will you choose for your work?

Let's divide our work into two stages: preparation of parts and assembly.

Think about how you can quickly cut out many identical feathers?

(Fold the paper like an accordion.)

We will use templates to make the parts of the work.

Let's make blanks for feathers.

Let's make blanks for branches, eyebrows and beak.

It is better to tear off pieces of branches with your fingers rather than cut them. Why?

We are going to the Igrovy Polyanka station.

7. Physical education minute.

8.Continuation of practical work.

Zavodskaya station is ahead.

Let's start assembling the craft.

Start gluing the blanks from the branch. Then - the body from bottom to top, feathers around the head and around the eyes, eyebrows, beak. Glue feathers on the chest with the convex side up, and on the wings and head - with the convex side down.

Why do you think the parts need to be glued this way?

Pay attention at what distance from the first row the feathers of each next row are glued.

What can you do to decorate your craft?

For artistic decoration, you can add stars and a month cut out of colored paper.

9. Demonstration and discussion of the finished craft.

Our train leaves for the station "Konechnaya".

The craft is ready!

Let's compare it with the image of a real eagle owl.

(Children name the similarities between the bird and the craft.)

You made a stylized image of a bird from pieces of paper.

10. Control point.

How is this paper craft different from the previous ones, also made of paper?

What stages did the work consist of?

11. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in class, what did you meet for the first time?

What technologies were needed to make the craft?

What images from the animal or plant world could you glue together using the same details and techniques as in today’s lesson?

12. Cleaning the workplace.


    M.A. Davydova. Lesson developments on technology: 2nd grade. - M.VAKO, 2010.

    N.M. Konysheva “Technology: a wonderful workshop.” Textbook for grade 2. 2010.

    N.A. Tsirulik, T.G. Prosnyakova. Creativity lessons. Textbook for 2nd grade. Samara: “Educational Literature”, 2004.

Volumetric paper applique is a unique type of children's creativity, thanks to which you can glue three-dimensional figures animals, robots, cartoon characters, houses and even letters of the alphabet. The templates and diagrams that are on our website will help you with this.

How to do it correctly?

Although the name “volumetric applique” sounds unusual, it is not difficult to do. To do this, just print ready-made templates or diagrams, cut them out and glue them along the fold lines. The applique templates are made in such a way that by bending and gluing them along the designated lines, you can get a three-dimensional toy.

Most templates are already presented in color, so you will need to print them on a color printer. However, there are also colorless diagrams on which only conditional lines are indicated. It is enough to apply glue to the side parts of the workpiece and fold it as required by the diagram. If you decide to paint such a blank, you need to do it in advance, since it will be difficult to paint the applique in volumetric form.

Here are some examples of such applications.



This is the simplest applique that a child can easily make.

  1. Print the template.
  2. Cut along the outline.
  3. If you want to make a colored pyramid, you need to color it before forming the pyramid or simply cut out a template from colored paper.
  4. Fold the parts of the workpiece intended for gluing.
  5. Spread glue on them and form a pyramid.

Magic forest

Colored toys

This application is a little more complicated, but its principle of operation is the same. There is no need to color it: you just need to print it on a color printer.

  1. Cut out the printed template.
  2. Fold the template along the fold lines.
  3. Lubricate the “wings” with glue and assemble SpongeBob.
  4. Check that the glued parts are held tightly.

poppy flower

Now let's try a more complex application - make a poppy flower.

  1. Print out the flower templates. If you decide to make a bouquet, you will need several blanks.
  2. Cut out the applique components.
  3. Place the flower corolla blanks on top of each other so that the petals of the top one are in the spaces between the petals of the bottom one.
  4. Glue the whisk together, giving it a three-dimensional shape.
  5. Glue the black center inside.
  6. Glue leaves on the outside of the flower at equal distances from each other.
  7. If you are making a bouquet, then each flower can be placed on a wire stem wrapped in colored paper. You can also paste flowers onto a postcard or a pre-prepared base.

Such voluminous applications will look natural and simply magnificent.


You can make almost any flowers this way by printing out blanks from the website or preparing voluminous appliqués from multi-colored paper. Here, for example, is a lush carnation. However, unlike the poppy, this applique is more complex, since you will have to form the corolla of the flower from six parts.

Dog booth

Here is another more complex application. From three main parts you can put together a dog house.

  1. Print the templates and cut them out along the outline.
  2. Fold along the fold lines.
  3. Attach the walls to the base of the booth, forming a cube with two pentagonal walls.
  4. Glue the green roof on top.

The booth is ready. If you don't have a color printer at home, you can cut out parts from colored paper or simply color the blanks.

Corrugated paper

Corrugated paper is more suitable for creating voluminous appliqués. It is initially a little convex, and if you use this quality correctly, you can do interesting things.


  1. Prepare the base for the applique. This can be cardboard or thick colored paper that is not saturated with glue.
  2. We apply the outlines of the drawing to the base in advance.
  3. From blue corrugated paper (you can take paper of any shade), cut out small squares measuring 1 sq. cm.
  4. Place a pencil in the center of each square and roll it slightly so that the squares take on a three-dimensional appearance.
  5. Without removing the pencil, apply glue to the end of the square and glue it.
  6. Fill the entire drawing with such squares.

This technique of applique from corrugated paper is called “trimming”. The good thing about it is that the flaws are almost invisible. It is simple enough that even kids can do it.


These voluminous appliqués made from colored corrugated paper are simple, but look simply wonderful.

  1. Prepare the base. It could be a candy box, colored paper, a postcard, etc.
  2. Fold a sheet of corrugated paper 4 or 5 times.
  3. Draw 2 circles. To make them even, you can use a compass, cup or glass.
  4. Cut out the circles. One hedgehog requires 10-15 circles.
  5. Glue the circles together, applying glue only in the center. The edges should remain free.
  6. Make frequent cuts and fluff out the ends.
  7. Cut out a triangular hedgehog muzzle from cardboard and glue it to the body.
  8. Place the hedgehogs on the base.
  9. Eyes, mouth and nose can be drawn with a black felt-tip pen or cut out of black paper and glued.
  10. In the same way, you can make flowers and grass for a clearing from corrugated paper by folding the paper and making cuts on it.

Here's what kind of hedgehogs you can get.

How to make a 3D postcard from paper?

Applications from ordinary colored or corrugated paper can be made at home, in kindergarten or aesthetic center. They are extremely useful for kids, as they develop a sense of color shades, artistic taste, spatial thinking and a sense of composition. Cutting and gluing will have a beneficial effect on fine motor skills children and speech development.

Show your imagination with your children!
