All Hearthstone shirts. How to get a new card back (Hearthstone Café) Friendly back

All shirts Hearthstone cards can be divided into several categories.

Classic cards




How to get:

To receive Legendary shirts must reach the "Legend" rank in rating games.
Friendly The shirt is given out for playing with friends. It can be obtained by fulfilling a number of conditions:

  • At least three players (including yourself) must be connected to Hearthstone via the same network (Wi-fi or otherwise)
  • You need to play three friendly matches with any members of this network (you can also use the “players near me” function)

Heroic Shirts



How to get:

Awarded for completing the Curse of Naxxramas and Black Mountain expansions on Heroic difficulty.

Promo shirts

Molten Core

How to get:

Leaders. The shirt is given for purchasing the Collector's/Deluxe Edition of Warlords of Draenor, an add-on for World of Warcraft.
BlizzCon 2014. The shirt was given out for attending BlizzCon or for purchasing a virtual ticket.
Fiery Core. The shirt was given out for pre-ordering the Black Mountain expansion pack.

Rare shirts

Golden celebration

Flame of Dalarn

How to get:

Golden celebration. Awarded for participation in the Hearthstone China Open tournament, as well as local qualifying tournaments. In total, only 1,024 of these shirts were issued.
Flame of Dalarna. Issued to members of the American eSports Student Association TeSPA. It is almost impossible for players in the European region to obtain it.

Seasonal shirts

The following shirts are given out every month to everyone who has reached at least rank 20 in ranked games in the current season (month). It is not possible to obtain card backs from past seasons.

Hearthstone is an extremely difficult game, but not when it comes to getting new card backs. Every season (month) new card backs appear in Hearthstone, and everyone can get them. To do this, you just need to reach rank 20.

Let me remind you that rank 20 is fireproof, so sooner or later you will reach it in any case (even if for every one of your victories there are thirty defeats). That's why seasonal shirts available to everyone who regularly plays this game (see). Because of this, trying to put a new back on your cards doesn’t make much sense – The older your shirt, the more unique it is., why take a new one if everyone you meet has one?

But don’t worry, there are rare shirts that you can show off to newcomers in Hearthstone! But, there is a big question mark after “will you be able to get her.” The point is that Legendary Heartstone Shirt They are given as a reward for achieving the rank of Legend, and this, according to the announcement, is not so simple!

In addition, I exist achievement shirts(simple, and not very), and these achievements are absolutely “motley”:

At the time of writing there are five, but the number is increasing. For example, recently it has recently appeared, the conditions for obtaining which can be circumvented. Well, you can always find the current list of shirts in the knowledge base (and information in the comments).

How to change card backs in Hearthstone?

The second point I would like to describe for you is changing your shirt. Don't laugh, despite the fact that it is quite easy and is practically in plain sight, many beginners ask this question.

This is not surprising, because few people have come across settings of this kind in the settings of the game itself (I’ll tell you a secret, even I was puzzled by this). Therefore, to change a shirt in Hearthstone, we need to press the “Esc” key and go to “Settings”, then select the shirt that suits you, as shown in the picture.

Updated: A library has been added to the game in a recent update. Now in “My Collection” there is a new tab in which you can see not only all your card backs, but also all existing ones in the game. You can also change your shirt there (see picture below).

In addition, you can now use different backs for different decks. To do this, select the deck in the menu on the right and select the back of the cards (with the left mouse button).

I hope with this I have answered the questions that most interest you. If not, feel free to ask them in the comments to this article.

Many people did not fully understand the essence of the event, which starts with April 26, and even more want to get a new shirt.

I want to list and explain All Conditions in detail:

1 . “At least three people (including you) must be playing Hearthstone on the local subnet at the same time” - the main condition, at least three players need to log into their HearthStone accounts from one router, no matter what: laptops, desktop computers or iPads . In this case, the game server will see that the accounts are logged in from the same IP and will highlight your “participants” Hearthstone Café, provided that the “Players near me” function is enabled. It is quite possible that you can play with “participants” and only through the tab with contacts by scheduling a “Friendly Match”.

I admit, I don't know what this will look like, I just hope they make it obvious enough.

2. “Only players located in your subnet should participate in each match” - To complete the event, you need to play 3 games with players who are on the same subnet (have the same IP and logged in from it), marked with the function "Players Near Me" (optional). It doesn’t matter who you play with and the result of the battle either. You can play with one person, and the third will just hang in the game from your IP or even marked as “player near you”

You can play 2 battles with one “participant” and 1 battle with the second, but in this case, 3 games will count only for you, and the rest will need to do a few more battles in order to also get the coveted shirt.

3."You can play with friends or use the "Players Near Me" feature, but the previous conditions must be met." - indirect confirmation of the above words. Just a clarification that playing through the Contacts Tab also counts towards the event, If 3 players are listed as one IP (see above) and play among themselves.

For people who still don’t understand how to complete the event, I’ll describe everything step by step:

1 .We are waiting for April 26 (nothing is known about the end of the “Hearthstone Café” event, otherwise I would have indicated the closing date.)
2 . During the event, we connect 3+ devices on which you can install HearthStone to alone router or some other way, we make sure that all devices are listed under the same IP.
3 . We log into the game from 3+ accounts (one account per device). It is advisable to enable the mode in the settings "Players Near Me"
4 .The game highlights the other 2+ devices in the contacts tab or notifies you that you are playing nearby (from the same IP).
5 .We play with the “participants” of the 3rd game with the account for which you need the shirt (through Friendly fights). The Hearthstone Café conditions have been met.

UPD: I tested, players who logged in from the same router are highlighted in the contacts tab if you have the “Players near me” mode enabled in the settings, regardless of whether the player is your friend or not.

We ask in the comments if something is not clear.

Correct typos and add additions whenever possible.
