The magical world of Sega consoles and good old computer games. The magical world of the Sega console and the good old computer games Pirates gold Russian version of Sega

Pirates! Gold

Main menu

It appears after you press the button START on the start screen. You immediately have different options:
Start a new Career (Start a new career/game);
Continue a saved game (Continue old career);
Command a famous expedition (Command a famous expedition).


Starting a new career not only gives you the opportunity to thoroughly study your profession, not only duel, but also learn some useful things. However, to start the game, you will have to finish off the captain of your future ship with your trusty sword. During your travels you will have the opportunity to choose one of the following as your allies.
serious naval powers of those times, under whose protection you will be (from the point of view of the patron country, you are engaged in completely legal activities - privateering, fighting with the enemy fleet in order to increase the glory of the fatherland). These include countries such as England and Spain. Holland. France, etc. Of course that. in principle, you can not associate yourself with any country and continue to rob all ships, regardless of their affiliation. However, it should be remembered that having allies is not so bad. Powerful patrons will reward you for successful operations, bringing you treasures and huge political dividends for the government. In addition, these patrons have daughters who need to be married off, and you represent a good match for this.


START- pause
A- select the game menu, and also used as an attack button
IN- reselection
WITH- pauses the game and sends you to the captain's cabin
Directions bar ( DIRECTION PAD) - allows you to control your movements. It can also be used to navigate through the menu. Please note that if any breeze blows, you can create some acceleration for yourself by pressing the button IN, which raises and lowers the sails. However, in complete calm these actions will be useless. This button is used for temporary acceleration.
Sword fencing occurs infrequently: at the very beginning of the game, when you board an enemy ship, and also when pursuing an enemy. During the game, you must remember that backstabs are the most effective, and wounds are the most dangerous.


During combat operations, use the button A- for an attack (simple lunge or slash), button IN- to repel the blows of an enemy blade. When the button is pressed WITH you retreat. When fighting, block enemy attacks, preventing yourself from being wounded at the very beginning of the duel. If you are confident in your abilities, then strike first. At the same time, try to hit the middle of the body, using the arrow in the desired direction and the button A.
One-on-one combination ( One-to-One combo). In this duel, it is recommended to press the direction arrow towards the enemy and up, then press the same direction and button A. As a result, you will be able to carry out a combination in which the first lunge will hit the enemy in the head, and the second - in the body. At the same time, you can attack, thus gradually driving him into a corner, and the enemy will soon be forced to admit defeat. It is necessary to take into account that the enemy can seize the initiative and achieve victory. Therefore, it is important to save the game before the fight so that, after rethinking the results of the fight, you can re-do it, with a more successful outcome for yourself. This must be taken into account before other battles.
It is possible to penetrate the city you need by land or sea. To disembark the team from the ship, you just need to swim to the shore. This will automatically lower the ladder and your team will be on dry land. If the city is near the sea, then simply sail towards it and you will find yourself at the port.

Port cities

When visiting a port, you have the opportunity to repair your ship for a fee (to do this, you need to go to the right side of the screen, where the craftsmen will be waiting). If you're tight on money, you can sell your guns to get cash (of course, this is the last chance when there is no other choice). In addition, you can sell one of those ships. which were previously captured. It is most advisable to sell those ships that have serious damage and are difficult and impossible to repair. Please note that before you sell a ship, you need to rob it properly, take everything you need and give only the skeleton to the merchants.

Cities on land

These cities have no ports and can only be reached on foot. However, the presence in these cities of a bank, a tavern, a governor's mansion and, of course, a shop makes this visit not so tedious and useless. By visiting the bank, you can solve your problems: pay checks for the team, set aside money for a rainy day, or move on to a more difficult level (at the very beginning you will be satisfied with the easy difficulty level, then move on to the standard and only then to a more difficult option). Please note that while your sailors are on your list of survivors, they must be paid. And the captain doesn’t always like this, and he is always glad to get rid of some of his sailors, of course, not the best. And for this, like nothing else, a tavern is suitable. As you know, the easiest way for a sailor to escape from a ship is in a port where he can go to a tavern, rather than sail a couple of hundred miles across a rough sea. Please note that when you conduct such an experiment, its results may turn out to be the most unexpected; suddenly, not ten rebels who are tired of you will leave, but fifty corsairs who are tired of the lack of good old battles and bloody victories. You need to win, then only unprincipled sailors who are not right in the head will leave you. If you leave the battle, your crew treats this decision with some contempt, which means you lose points.
When you go to a store, there you can sell and buy all sorts of goods. Use the same principles as when trading guns. In the tavern you can acquire a certain amount of information, which sometimes turns out to be true. It is also necessary to maintain good relations with the governor who is in the mansion. This will help you get good advice, good compensation and promotion.

Ship battle

At the beginning of the game, you receive a small ship, such as a barque or sloop, which, by the way, does not have very impressive combat qualities, as does the crew. But these ships have one important advantage - they are incredibly maneuverable, so in some cases, when heavy artillery enters the battle, they can be effectively used to penetrate the fire zone. Please note that there are three more types of ships in the game - a galleon, available in three varieties (fast, combat and standard), a frigate, merchant ships, and cargo ships. In defense, all these ships are quite strong, although the larger ones lack maneuverability. Small ships are still better. When making an attack, it is better to do it with a 180 degree turn in order to produce maximum damage and shoot back quickly - then your rate of fire increases. When you go around an enemy ship, try not to get hit by its broadside. If your ship is badly damaged, do not give up right away, but instead sail a little back and start shooting from a distance in order to take revenge on the enemy with your long-range guns. Practice this sniper shooting game. She will help you even if the enemy has more guns and people.

End of the battle

A similar result is recorded if your or an enemy ship surrenders, sinks, or the sun sets and you have to continue the battle in complete darkness. If you manage to inflict enough damage on the enemy (meaning that he has no more than a hundred men and 20 guns left), crash into his ship and board him in hand-to-hand combat. Please note that the more people you have, the greater your chances of success, that is, strength is directly proportional to the number of fighters. Use the tactics described above to ensure that all battles end in your victory.

Traveling across seas and oceans

First, you need to make sure that you have enough food (try to buy as much as your ship can hold, or a little less if you're hoping for rich loot). Then recruit a crew (make sure you have at least a hundred people on board). For the most part, they will be happy with their situation until they see an opportunity to get involved in some action, find gold, or feel they have a chance to get their share of the treasure. The rest of the time, surf the waters of the oceans and seas, attack enemy colonies, look for the treasures of vile pirates.

Historical campaigns
John Hawkins and the Battle of Saint San Juan de Ulla (1569).

Your powers: 1 galleon, 1 merchant ship, 4 sloops and 308 people.
Your prospects: You have quite powerful boarding parties, consisting of desperate corsairs who have no equal in hand-to-hand combat, but your flagship moves very slowly and is difficult to control. You must choose what to do: peaceful trade or attack merchant ships, become a damned raider. If you choose a peaceful path, you will be able to call at small Spanish ports in order to replenish your supplies of food and fresh water, but then you are unlikely to be able to earn a lot of money. Military raids promise greater earnings, but each time you will have to look for a friendly city where you could recruit a crew and sell the loot.

Francis Drake and the Ambush of the Silver Convoy (1573)

Your powers: 1 merchant ship, 1 sloop and 73 people.
Political situation: Spain is at war with England.
Your prospects: Only a man as desperately brave as Drake could have dared to attack the mighty Spanish Empire at its height with only 73 men on two small ships. A more cautious person would have chosen a trading strategy in order to make some fortune for himself and good crew, before getting into piracy properly.

Piet Hein and the Treasure Fleet.

Your powers: 4 fast galleons, 2 sloops and 700 people.
Political situation: Holland is at war with Spain and is in an alliance with England. France and England are at war with Spain.
Your prospects: you command a powerful, if somewhat cumbersome, squad. A treasure fleet is a wonderful goal that promises you big profits. You start the game at the end of the season, when the fleet has collected all its loot and is about to transport it from Havana through the Straits of Florida - this is where the treasure hunt is best to begin. If you don't want to attack this target, you can go after some medium or large Spanish cities.

L Ollone and the capture of Maracaibo (1666).

Your powers: 1 sloop, 4 small ships and 400 people.
Political situation: France is at war with England and Spain and is allied with Holland. England and Holland are at war.
Your prospects: your powers are good in hand-to-hand combat. You have a lot of people who have gone through fire and water. It’s just not clear what to do with the completely unsatisfactory condition of your ships. So your prospects are to attack coastal cities. You shouldn't fight at sea. Your job is coastal navigation from one gold (silver) mine to another.

Henry Morgan, King's Pirate (1671)

Your powers: 1 frigate, 2 merchant ships, 1 barque, 2 sloops, 1 small ship and 600 men
Political situation: England and France are at war with Spain.
Your prospects: You have powerful forces for land and sea battles. The only difficulty for you is to provide your corsairs with food.

Baron de Pointis and the last expedition (1697)

Your powers: 5 frigates, 1 sloop and 1200 people.
Political situation: France is at war with England and Spain.
Your prospects: your forces are much more powerful than anyone else who has been in the Spanish Main area. You can freely choose your goal without thinking too much about strategy. The only serious question you should ask yourself is how much treasure can you carry with you? Overall, this expedition is something of an entertainment cruise.

Game Pirates! Gold - by downloading the file from the link, you can run this game on your computer or on any other device on which you can install an emulator, but you will have to launch it through a special game emulator for Sega Mega Drive. Without this emulator you will not be able to run this game.

Game file Pirates! Gold must be removed from your disk within one day after downloading and familiarizing yourself with this game, after which you decide to purchase a licensed product from the owner.

> > > Download the game Pirates! Gold (Sega Mega Drive)< < <

A game that invites the player to plunge into the world of pirates who plied the seas of the New World in the 16th-17th centuries. Your gaming career will begin after a sword fight with the captain of a pirate ship, the winner takes all, the loser gets death. After victory, the player becomes the captain of a pirate ship and heads to the port, where he can recruit people, purchase provisions and goods, order a ship, etc. After leaving the port, the player is left to his own devices; he can sail anywhere, as long as the wind does not interfere too much. During the voyage, random events appear, you can meet a ship, run into reefs, or run into something else. Battles between ships take place on tactical map, where you need to maneuver for an attack and set the sails according to the wind and course. You can also go on board, and you will have to fight with the captain of the enemy ship. After winning a boarding battle, you should think about what to do with a fresh ship, you can simply take all the goods for yourself and let it sink to the bottom, or you can start putting together your own fleet. The game doesn't have very good graphics, but gameplay very addictive.

Pirates! Gold - in this game you will find adventures, fights, and betrayal of those you trust unconditionally.

The endless plains of death lie before you - but glory and treasure await you there too. The main thing is to be worthy - brave and calculating in order to be a winner. Pirate's Gold is a game dedicated to the battles in the Caribbean in the 16th-17th centuries, you - pirate captain, who decided to make his fortune through one of the most dangerous professions in the world. You must begin your dangerous adventure activities as the commander of a small ship, on which there is a small but strong-willed team of sea wolves. Your goal is to return from this voyage rich, influential and famous. Although you can end your life as a respected and worthy person, there is also a chance that you will be buried alive by your own sailors. Nevertheless, good luck to you and your first mate on these dangerous voyages.

Starting a new career not only gives you the opportunity to thoroughly study your profession, not only duel with your boss, but also to learn some useful statements. However, to start the game, you will have to finish off the captain of your future ship with your trusty sword. During your travels, you will have the opportunity to choose as your ally one of the serious naval powers of those times, under whose protection you will be (from the point of view of the patron country, you are engaged in completely legal activities - privateering, fighting with the enemy fleet in order to increase glory " fatherland"). These include countries such as England, Spain, Holland, France, etc. Of course, in principle, you can not associate yourself with any country and continue to rob all ships, regardless of their affiliation. However, it should be remembered that having allies is not so bad. Powerful patrons will reward you for successful operations, bringing you treasures and huge political dividends for the government. In addition, these patrons have daughters who need to be married off, and you represent a good match for this.

During combat, use the A button to attack (a simple lunge or a slash), and the B button to repel the blows of the enemy blade. Pressing the C button will cause you to retreat. When fighting, block enemy attacks, preventing yourself from being wounded at the very beginning of the duel. If you are confident in your abilities, then strike first. At the same time, try to hit the middle of the body, using the direction button and the A button.

One-to-One combo. In this duel, it is recommended to press the direction button towards the enemy and up, then press the same direction and the A button. As a result, you will be able to carry out a combination in which the first lunge will hit the enemy in the head, and the second - in the body. At the same time, you can attack, thus gradually driving him into a corner, and the enemy will soon be forced to admit defeat. It is necessary to take into account that the enemy can seize the initiative and achieve victory. Therefore, it is important to save before a fight so that, after rethinking the results of the fight, you can do it again, with a more successful outcome for yourself. This must be taken into account before other battles.

It is possible to penetrate the city you need by land or sea. To disembark the team from the ship, you just need to swim to the shore. This will automatically lower the ladder and your team will be on land. If the city is located near the sea, then simply sail to it and you will find yourself at the port.

When visiting a port, you have the opportunity to repair your ship for a fee (to do this, you need to go to the right side of the screen, where the craftsmen will be waiting). If you're tight on money, you can sell your guns to get cash (of course, this is the last chance when there is no other choice). In addition, you can sell one of those ships that you managed to capture earlier. It is most advisable to sell those ships that have serious damage and are difficult, and there is no cost to repair. Please note that before you sell a ship, you need to rob it properly, take everything you need and give only the skeleton to the merchants.

At the beginning of the game, you were given a small ship, such as a barque or sloop, which, by the way, did not have very impressive combat qualities, as did the crew. These ships have one important advantage - they are incredibly maneuverable, so in some cases, when heavy artillery enters the battle, they can be effectively used to penetrate the fire zone. Please note that there are three more types of ships in the game - a galleon, available in three varieties (fast, combat and standard), a frigate, merchant ships, and cargo ships. In defense, all these ships are quite strong, although the larger ones lack maneuverability. Small ships are still better. When making an attack, it is better to do it with a 180-degree turn in order to produce maximum damage and shoot back quickly - then your rate of fire increases. When sailing around the enemy, try not to get hit by his broadside. If your ship is badly damaged, don't give up right away, but instead sail a little back and start shooting from a respectable distance in order to take revenge on the enemy with your longer-range guns. Practice this sniper shooting game. She will help you even if the enemy has more guns and people.

End of the battle. A similar result is recorded if your or an enemy ship surrenders, sinks, or the sun sets and you have to continue the battle in complete darkness. If you manage to inflict enough damage on the enemy (meaning that he has no more than a hundred men and 20 guns left), crash into his ship and board him in hand-to-hand combat. Please note that the more people you have, the greater your chances of success, i.e. strength is directly proportional to the number of fighters. Use the tactics described above to ensure that all battles end in your victory.

Traveling across seas and oceans. First, you need to make sure you have enough food (try to buy as much as your ship can hold, or a little less if you're hoping for rich loot). Then recruit a crew (make sure you have at least a hundred people on board). For the most part, they will be happy with their situation until they see an opportunity to get involved in some action, find gold, or feel they have a chance to get their share of the treasure. The rest of the time, surf the waters of the oceans and seas, attack enemy colonies, look for the treasures of vile pirates.

" PIRATES! GOLD!" (Russian version)

Do you think that the job of pirates is to rob? Of course, but not only. After all, there were noble pirates, they weren’t even there, but there are - you stayed and played this wonderful game.

The gameplay involves sailing between ports and robbing ships. Sea battle, like the duel, takes place in real time. You can either shoot the enemy with cannons, or you can go on board.


1) Save a lot of money

2) Accumulate many acres of land (given by the governor)

3) Get a cool noble title

4) Marry the governor’s daughter (there are four “types” in total: from an old hag to a fairly young girl with a dog)

5) find four lost members of your family. To get 1/4 of the map of the place where one of your family members is being held captive, you need to kill a certain Spanish officer. It is easy to calculate that there are 16 officers in total. But only the governor can tell the name of the next enemy and his current location, assigning the next title (which means there are also 16 titles). It’s nice that the enemies don’t sit stupidly in the city, but know how to swim, or rather, sail on ships. So if you are late, you will have to ask the locals. Another extremely useful thing is that you don’t have to collect the entire map. Sometimes you can guess in the right place and 1/2 card.

6) You can and should look for treasures. Usually a treasure map costs 500 piastres, and treasures are valued at 6,000-12,000 of the same.

7) Each relative found gives 1/4 of the Inca treasure map (100,000 USD).

8) Theoretically, you can trade in the game. But compared to Uncharted Waters, trade here is so curtailed that it’s simply funny when you look at the poor three types of goods.

9) The main way to make money is by robbing ships and cities. Moreover, if you have captured a port and you have a lot of extra sailors, you can “install” a new governor.

10) Not only nameless captains sail the seas, but also specific (with first and last names) pirates and pirate hunters. From especially cool ones like Duke with by ship War Galleon better run away.

11) If you board, the game will switch to duel mode, and the energy will be the number of sailors... The duel ends when either the duelist loses all the sailors, or when a cool combo is dealt to him.


A - menu selection; attack.

B - confirmation of choice; repelling enemy attacks.

C - retreat.


1. How to make your computer give up.

Attack a fairly strong merchant ship, turn on its side (where the guns are), but do not shoot. For about five seconds the enemy will float nearby, stunned (he won’t shoot either!). Then the computer decides that it is better not to embarrass itself, but to give up right away.

2. Increase in time and speed.

If you hold down B in the map mode on which you are sailing on a ship, then the time and speed will increase.

3. Super combo.

During a fight, press up-right + A twice. The first blow will hit the enemy in the head, and the second in the body.

4. How to make money.

To make good money, do the following. In the battle with the Pirate-Hunter, capture the ship and arrest him (hold him for ransom). Now sail to the port of his nationality and go to the mayor. Here he will tell you (not always) that the hunter’s relatives give a ransom. Now you have two choices:

1) take money (take a gold);

2) wait for a better price. We advise you not to abuse the second option, since those arrested have a habit of escaping.

Even though the genius of Sid Meier (or Mayer, to pronounce it in German) is better known and revered among PC gamers, this does not detract from his merits. Moreover, many of his games graced consoles with their presence. It was the same with Civilization, and with a very unconventional for its time (the game was released in 1987) Adventure/Strategy/RPG Pirates! , which first visited the NES and then, in 1993, was re-released on Megadrive under the name Pirates! Gold. PG has improved graphics and musical accompaniment, plus some aspects of the gameplay have been reworked, which will be discussed below.

Of course, calling “Pirates” a pure RPG is incorrect - it is a cocktail consisting of RPG, strategy and adventure elements, decorated with a slice of action. Meanwhile, “Corsairs”, prepared much later according to the same recipes, was called an RPG without any reservations - even though the part of the game taking place on land was noticeably expanded. For the second half of the eighties, when the lion's share role playing games both on PC and consoles consisted of two-thirds of dreary leveling, it was a breakthrough (although some players considered “pirates” a shameless clone of Elite - perhaps the first game with complete freedom of movement). IN Pirates there was no need to download for hours - the game was easy to learn, although not so simple in terms of completion.

The game begins with our hero deciding to kill the captain he doesn’t like... oops, that’s not it. The game begins with a menu in which we are asked to either start new game, either download a not-so-new one, or watch Hall of Fame (which was later reflected in Civilization), where your achievements are displayed. When choosing the first option, we are asked to choose the historical period in which our hero will act (children, learn history!), nationality (England, France, Spain, Holland), the complexity of the game and the special ability of our alter ego (only one). IN Pirates! Gold on Megadrive, this is complemented by a campaign mode (aka Famous Expedition), in which you are given the opportunity to experience the shoes of one of six fairly famous historical figures of this era (including such a person as Francis Drake). In campaign mode, you don’t start your career from scratch, but you will have fewer additional chances to continue it in the event of a crew mutiny, capture or something else.

And now about the unwanted captains. The game begins with a one-on-one duel with this unpleasant subject. And here I want to swear at the controls of the NES from the bottom of my heart Pirates. No, of course, I understand that the Nesov joystick has only two buttons - A and B, but this does not mean that, in addition to poor response to joystick commands, all movements need to be crammed into two buttons. It looks like there is a slow response to commands in games on all sorts of ZX Spectrum and Atari 2600/5200 or Magnavox. The hero, by the way, has three types of weapons - a rapier, a long sword and a boarding broadsword. Duels will occur in three cases: in the event of boarding an enemy ship, in the event of an attack by your people on an enemy city, and in the event of a riot on your ship.

There is no need to say much about the ground part of the game - in the NES version it is presented in the form of a menu, in the megadrive version - in the form of a side-scroller (see screenshots). Meanwhile, you can’t do without visiting cities - goods and treasure maps are purchased and sold there, new crew members are recruited (and old ones desert), news and rumors are obtained, loot is divided, and relations with governors are sharpened. The latter can give you quests (but first you need to enlist in the service of the corresponding country), forgive state crimes (not for free, of course), promote you in rank (which also gives you ownership of land, which, however, only affects the final score ), and sometimes marry off their daughters to you (the higher her status, the prettier she is ^^). In general, they are your roof. The news, based, by the way, on a real story (albeit with a considerable number of mistakes) will serve as information about the foreign policy situation in the Caribbean and who is at war with whom. So, for example, if you are in the service of Spain, and she is at war with France, then you will greatly help your patrons if you spoil the latter in every possible way. In general, cities can be plundered and simply terrorized, but the nation to which it belongs will no longer allow you into their cities, and in especially difficult cases will place a substantial reward on your head. Some cities can only be reached by walking some distance overland.

But the most interesting thing, of course, awaits you at sea. Even if graphically it looks quite primitive. They will let you know if any ship appears on the horizon. The ship battles themselves look rather slow and ugly; in addition, to shoot you need to turn sideways to the enemy. In principle, you can sink the enemy without resorting to boarding, but I would not recommend it. Moreover, after a duel with the captain of the ship, which is a necessary condition for victory, you can steal this trough, profit from the loot, recruit a crew from the personnel of the defeated ship and/or take the captain as a hostage. But you may not receive the first two prizes if you lack people or free space, respectively. But sometimes you have to worry about food supplies, because hungry pirates (law-abiding sailors, as an option) will not fight well, or they will even kill you.

For dessert (only in Pirates Gold) Uncle Sid has prepared for us a feature in the form of 10 Great Pirate Quests - starting from such banalities as capturing another pirate and rescuing your family members (sister, father, great-aunt and her favorite canary ^__^) and not ending with the Treasure Fleet ( Treasure Fleet, in reality it was sunk in a banal way...) and the Legendary Mayan Treasures. In order to completely map the location of each of them, you will need to work hard - with the exception of the Silver Train and Treasure Fleet, which are located in one of the cities and change their location each time - to get them you need to plunder this city. Well, after being found (by the way, all treasures, including your relatives, are “buried” and dug up using the “Dig” command), your reputation will change dramatically. Personally, the word “notorious” was written in this column almost every time, and the crew became furious and rioted - probably the effect of the randomizer. Completing all quests guarantees a high place in the Hall of Fame.

Generally speaking, the randomness of events is something that can make life a lot easier for a beginner (say, accidentally finding 100 thousand gold coins buried by someone in a visible place, almost at the beginning of the game) or complicate it for a veteran. Some consider this an advantage, others - a disadvantage. Personally, I adhere to the first point of view, but I will still refrain from dithering.

After all of the above, I don’t feel like talking about such little things as graphics and sound. But it will have to. The NES and SNES versions (simple and gold, respectively) are significantly different from each other, and the first was developed 6 years earlier. That is, for 1987 everything is more or less normal, although the portraits of the governors, their daughters and your “colleagues” are rather grainy and unattractive. The music in the eight-bit version is simply absent in many places, and in those where it is, it is underwhelming. PG for “Megadrive” looks like a solid four – perhaps with a plus.

No, there are no stunning special effects for that time, everything is just done very high quality (with the exception of portraits of some potential brides and a black governor in a powdered wig...) and almost without bugs and blunders - artists from Microprose we redrawn a lot and the result is impressive (or impressive...). Although in terms of graphics, naval battles differ little from their eight-bit counterparts, which spoils the impression a little. Listening to the soundtrack, which perfectly conveys the romantic, adventurous atmosphere of the time, may encourage you to search and download the soundtrack and then savor it, along with putting on a cocked hat and brandishing a sword with something sharp. If you find it, of course.

It’s a pity that many gamers of the new generation (those who are called casuals) are not familiar with the legendary creation of Sid Meier, which in terms of gameplay has not even been surpassed "Corsairs"– fans of Akella’s work, please do not be offended.
Therefore, they are highly recommended to download this masterpiece, which is still relevant now, when the introduction of freedom of movement into games is becoming not just fashionable, but necessary. And coupled with its accessibility and ease of learning, it will become good entertainment for them too.

P.S. Meanwhile, old Sid promises to release a sequel to the game at the end of 2004. Are we waiting, sir?

Written By: StormReaver
