The Evil Within. Walkthrough of the game

The second chapter of The Evil Within is essentially the first chapter in which you have normal weapons and the ability to explore the location to find supplies and game items. There are a total of 11 items in the second chapter, it is very important to find them right away, since in the future you will not be able to return for them.

It is most convenient to play Evil Within on a PlayStation 3/4 or Xbox console; you can purchase any game consoles as well as accessories and games for them on the Notus online store website, at

The first 3 items are quite easy to find; they are located in the hospital in which Sebastian woke up at the beginning of the second chapter. After leaving the room, go to the hall behind the nurse, find an advertisement and a newspaper clipping in the hall. In the hall, behind the chair for leveling up skills, there is the first fragment of the map; it is very important not to miss it.

After passing the cave, you will see a small illuminated booth; Sebastian’s first diary will be in it. In the same booth there is a mirror, after looking into which Sebastian will again find himself in the hospital, where you again need to take the newspaper and read the advertisement.

The first figurine of the goddess, with the key to the lockers, is located at the gate to the village. If you don't know what it is, you can easily miss it. In order to take the key, hit the figurine with your fist, it will break and the key will appear.

As soon as you pass the gate, there will be a dilapidated house on the right, a fire is burning near it and there is a note next to the fire.

Further along the road there will be several houses that are patrolled by many zombies, after passing them you will get to the gate that leads to the next location. To the right of the road there will be a path leading to one separate house, you don’t have to go there to complete the game and you may not notice the path, but in that house there is a second key and a second fragment of the map.

Before going through the big gate, be sure to find this path and explore this house, because once you pass the gate it will slam shut and you will not be able to return.

The last item in the second chapter of The Evil Within, map fragment 3, is located in a booth on a field where there are many zombies. Stealthily make your way to the booth through the bushes so that they do not notice you, because after they see you, you will need to constantly run away from them and you will not be able to pick up anything.

Lord of Nightmares

You must complete the game on the third difficulty level - "Nightmare", which will open after the first passage The Evil Within. Starting from this difficulty, sneaking and hiding becomes more difficult, the viewing radius of enemies increases, there are more of them, and sometimes clones of Ruvik appear where they have not been seen before.. After beating the game on this difficulty level, you will receive a new weapon - brass knuckles.

I don't like needles

You must complete the game on the last difficulty level - "AKUMU", which will open after the first passage The Evil Within on difficulty Survival or higher. This difficulty is dangerous because any enemy kills Sebastian with one hit or shot. There are the same number of enemies as in Nightmare.

Achievements that can be obtained as you progress through the story:

Achievements that can be obtained as you progress through the story by fulfilling certain conditions:

Like Corvo (“Are they crazy? I’ll give them a wide berth.” (Episode 2)

If you want to get this achievement, then you must not kill anyone in this episode. When training for stealth killing, simply hit the enemy and then run through the door. After this, Sebastian will find himself in the village, run through all the enemies (or you can sneak along the left side of the location while crouching) to the closed gate. There will be two opponents who will stand up from the ground. Run away from them, thus luring them and move them away from the gate as far as possible, then hide so that they lose sight of you, then calmly follow to the gate and open it. Achievement received. If you did not receive this achievement during the first playthrough of the game, then in the next new game+ you can not drive away the enemies, but simply shoot a blinding bolt in their direction, and then open the gate. Then quickly run into them. There's enough time.

The knife is stronger than the saw (“The motor of his saw is roaring, but a knife is enough for me to deal with him. (Episode 3)”)

To get this achievement you need to kill the Sadist in the village using only a knife. There are several ways you can do this. The main thing is to complete the whole action with a secret murder. Using parts collected from traps and simply from locations in the game, create several Blinding Bolts for the Agony crossbow. After that, blind the Sadist with one of them, pump about 10-12 rounds from a pistol into him, then blind him again, run up and perform a stealth kill. You may not be blinded the first time, but the enemy will move, making it difficult to shoot. It's up to you to decide. And if you want to save ammo and bolts, then it’s better to generally run around the location, hiding and performing several stealth kills. Just don’t try to hide in the same place, otherwise they will find you.

I didn't sign up for this (“The water is rising, but we'll get out without a scratch. (Episode 5)”)

Once you find yourself in a large hall, in the middle of which there is a tank, slowly filling with water, in which Kidman is located, you will have to fight off a large number of enemies. To get the achievement, you must prevent enemies from hitting Joseph while you yourself can take damage.

Happens to everyone (“Who will give a hand to a man who is grasping at straws? (Episode 6)”)

This achievement is unlocked by helping Joseph climb back onto the bridge after he has fallen. You need to do this in the center of the location, where you will find a sniper rifle.

There is no time for this! (“He comes to life again and again! I won’t get into trouble unnecessarily. (Episode 7)”)

To get this achievement, you must kill the Guardian no more than twice.
1. At the first collision. release the clip from the pistol at him. Aim for the stomach.

When it appears the second time, do not pay attention to it, but quickly press the required button. You will have 100% time, after which you quickly run into the vacated opening.

2. After you turn the third pipe valve.

We keep what we have (“There is a strong echo in this cave. I’d better hide the gun and go quietly. (Episode 8)”)

All you need to do is not use a weapon (neither a crossbow nor a firearm).

Purification by fire ("Stop running away! I'll burn her on the spot! (Episode 10)")

The third time you meet Laura, you will have to kill her. To do this, use the traps provided, in the form of knocking down the pipe arms when it is directly under them. Well, when you reach the last room, you will have to finish it off on your own. And if you have a sufficient number of Fire Bolts, you can kill him right away, but I advise you to save your ammunition.

Not a scratch! (“It’s better not to take risks, the bus is about to fall apart! (Episode 12)”)

After you find Joseph's styptic and fight your way back to the bus, you'll be in control of it for a while. So, to get this achievement, you must not run over a single enemy on the road. Quite simple.

Aspiring Electrician (“We need to turn on everything on this panel, just in case. (Episode 14)”)

When you find a panel with three lights and three adapter slots, arrange all three adapters so that all the lights light up. It's very simple!

Achievements related to character leveling:

Everything is as it was

Complete the game without upgrading any of Sebastian's skills, weapons, ammo count, or crossbow bolts. This achievement cannot be earned on New Game+. It is best, of course, to do all this at the minimum difficulty level.

Achievements related to killing enemies and methods of killing them:

Kill 5 enemies with each Agony bolt. Naturally, this does not include all available bolts:
1. Explosive (You can kill one or several opponents at once).
2. Electric (After the enemies are hit by the bolt, kill five of them with a firearm)
3. Cryobolt (Freeze five enemies and then shoot them with a firearm);
4. Blinding (Blind and kill five enemies with a firearm);
5. Harpoon (Sewer the heads (optional) of five enemies with this bolt)
6. Fire (Do as in the case of the explosive bolt).
Kills are cumulative even after rebooting. The achievement is best completed on New Game+ at the end of the second episode.

Silent Assassin

An easy achievement that can be completed early in the game. To do this, you need to secretly kill 5 enemies, while remaining unnoticed.

Burn, witch, burn!

You must burn one enemy with a torch, the torch remains after killing any of the enemies who had it, after which the matter remains small.

My own army

Kill 400 enemies. I received it at the beginning of a new game+. But I died many times. I don’t know whether the deaths of enemies add up regardless of whether we killed them throughout the entire game or during unsuccessful passages of episodes. Most likely the first option.

The horror turned out to be not as scary as game designer Shinji Mikami assured before the game's release. However, this does not mean that the master’s new project will not make you nervous - it turned out to be quite difficult even at the minimum difficulty level. Our walkthrough should help you follow the path of detective Sebastian Castellanos from beginning to end.

Episode 1. Emergency call

After the introductory video, get out of the car and head to the main entrance. Find your partner inside and help him. Then go to the security cameras and watch a short cutscene. When you wake up, swing several times to get the knife from the hanging body opposite.

Don’t even think about touching the butcher, it’s better to wait until he leaves and take a bunch of keys. Return to the first room and turn right. Now the locked door can be opened with the key. After a short cutscene, you need to hide from the butcher. Run straight along the corridor, then enter the room - there you will find a hatch.

The enemies' hearing and vision are fine. Try to move crouched and not make noise. Any wrong move can complicate the situation and lead to death.

Jump down and control your character on the way down so that he doesn’t crash into any of the obstacles. Then get out of the cesspool and go through the door behind you. Turn left and go up the small flight of stairs. Move along the wall, then pick up the note near the corpse in the stroller.

Having reached the end of the corridor, go upstairs and press the red button. You can hide from the butcher in the closet. Wait for the psychopath to leave, then rush past him out the door. After that, run to the elevator and go down. Go forward and turn right to the large doors, then get out. After completing the episode you will unlock the first achievement.

Break these boxes. In them you can always find what is so necessary for survival: cartridges, first aid kits and various devices.

Episode 2. Survivors

Get out of bed and look at the things on the table. Go to the door and look at the beetles crawling on the wall. Then follow the nurse and sit in the chair, where you can upgrade your first skill.

Get out of the fire and pick up the syringe that lies on the stump. Turn right and follow the trail of blood along the path. Then find a light source, pick up a lantern and go down. Take a revolver and make several accurate shots in the head of your former partner.

Like many other horror games, The Evil Within suffers from a severe shortage of ammo. Try to use improvised means and stealth killings, but use a pistol and all weapons in general only in the most emergency situations.

Enter the cave, turn right and disarm the trap. Look into a lonely house. There you will find a diary and an unusual mirror. Upgrade the necessary skills and return to reality through the same mirror.

Leveling up in the game is carried out only in the hospital on a special chair. In the hospital you can also take a breath, save the game and find the necessary evidence that reveals the details of the plot. There you can also find lockers that open with special keys, and find map fragments. For the first piece you will receive valuable items, and for the second - a special reward.

Sneak up to the enemy and kill him covertly, then go into the house and explore it. Climb over the fence. Pick up a bottle from the ground and throw it at the first zombie, you can kill the second with a shot to the head. Next, you should be careful - in the next location there are five enemies.

It makes no sense to act head-on, so sneak and attack the enemy from behind. Then turn left and go around the second one through the thicket. Attract two more with the bottle, and then lure them to the trap. In front of large gates, do not rush to use the switch. To protect yourself, burn 2 corpses lying a couple of meters away from you.

Burn zombie bodies if you have matches and torches. These creatures have some chance of being resurrected at the most inopportune moment, so it’s better to play it safe.

Activate the switch and go through the gate. It’s better not to touch a pack of zombies busy devouring corpses. Sneak along the fence to the bridge and kill the living dead guarding the passage. Just at this moment the crowd of the dead will hear you, so don’t waste a second - run to the gate.

Episode 3. In the claws of monsters

Get out of the water and go to a small village. Look into the first house on the right, go up to the second floor and find the doctor. Then turn the wheel to the right and visit the next room. Kill three zombies, then go downstairs. Quietly deal with the remaining enemies and head to the gate.

The butcher has the required chainsaw in the barn - you can easily find him by sounds. Before attacking the boss, make sure there are no small enemies left around. In the house opposite you will find a crossbow next to the table, as well as a shotgun on the second floor. All this will help you deal with the butcher. You can place several explosive bolts in the boss's path and then finish him off with powerful shotgun blasts. After winning, pick up the chainsaw and open the gate.

After almost every battle with a new boss, you can see the monster’s biography. To do this, go to the main menu and delve into the diaries of the main character. This opportunity will be of interest to those who appreciate a good storyline and atmosphere in games.

Episode 4. Patient

Enter the hospital and turn left. After the short cutscene, kill the doctor's brother with a few headshots. Leave the hospital grounds. Look into the neighboring house. Follow the fleeing patient down the stairs. Kill the invisible creature, focusing on the silhouette in the room, and try to go outside.

Despite the hallucinations, follow the man who appears forward. After the next vision, get out of the pit and activate the switches. Get to the other side and go to the white door. Turn around and kill the zombies that appear. Don't forget about grenades and a crossbow. This is the best weapon at the beginning of the game. Go through the opened door and watch the creepy boss appear. It is useless to fight him for now, so turn around and run to the end of the corridor. The creature will be distracted by the patient running out, and you will have time to escape.

Climb into the ventilation shaft. Once you get out, run to the closing door and crawl under it. Go down until Ruvik appears again. As soon as he appears, turn around and run upstairs.

Episode 5. In the Depths

Get to the end of the corridor and turn left. Go downstairs. The door will be locked, so go into the next room. Kill the invisible man, then another one in the next room. There you will also find a key card with which you can open the gate. Follow Ruvik further until you find yourself in a locked room.

Look into two rooms through small openings in the wall, then go through the door that appears. After this, you will have access to a small riddle. In three rooms you need to press the correct buttons located on the stretcher. In case of a mistake, the main character will die. To determine the correct button, you need to carefully study the drawings on the walls of each room - a hint will be shown there. Click left flower button, left gear button and right button with a nerve cell.

Go through the new door and heal your partner Joseph. Make your way to the exit with him, and then climb up the stairs. Continue on until you meet a girl named Kidman. Protect yourself from crowds of enemies, covering your new acquaintances. Then go to the control panel and set the code to 22 on the top sensor and 5 on the bottom.

Go back and jump down. Climb through the small opening in the wall and go in search of detectives. Go through the open door. Head to the end of the corridor, set the puddle on fire, and then lure the evil creature out of the last door.

Using fire and barrels of fuel, finish off the creature, after which the desired passage will open. Go inside the room and watch the cutscene. Now you need to sequentially knock down each zombie and turn off their “power” (the same button that is responsible for burning corpses).

Episode 6. Not ourselves

Wake up in the hospital and go outside. This time the mirrors don't work, so go into the office and look at the photos. After the video, turn on the flashlight and go out into the main corridor. There, turn right and go to the end, then take the stairs down. Go to Leslie and watch the cutscene.

Returning to reality, move forward along the path and find Joseph. Climb up and protect your partner from zombies while he breaks down the door. Do the same thing in the next room.

Go to the next location. In the building on the left there are four booths, from which a hail of arrows will rain down on you. Periodically, one of the booths opens - just at this moment you must remove the shooter. Crowds of dead people will interfere with this, and it is better to kill them right away. Once you kill all four machine gunners, a butcher with a chainsaw will appear. Since shotgun shells are scattered throughout the level, killing the villain will not be a problem. You just need to collect all the ammunition as soon as possible.

Enter the building, go up the stairs and burn the corpse that is preventing the elevator from working. Climb up and save Joseph (shoot the zombies in the legs). Protect your partner while he opens the gate. Explore the cemetery with him until Joseph finds a sniper rifle.

While your partner is covering you, kill two thugs. Then meet Joseph at the two horse statues and warp back to the hospital. Go to the mirror and return to the real world. Continue moving until you come to the ritual room. The door will become safe as soon as you place all the bodies in the right order, as in the screenshot below.

Take the elevator up and walk along the dark corridors. Pass the huge sleeping creature - it is impossible to kill it now. When you reach the locked gate, step on the tile to the left. Then look through the opening in the wall behind you and head towards the gate.

Defeating the boss, despite its size, is quite easy. Just don't let him get close to you, otherwise you'll be screwed. When the creature is stunned, do not hesitate to use up your arsenal. After doing this several times, take Joseph's glasses and move on.

Episode 7. Guardian

Enter the church and talk to your partner. Then go forward a little and kill two zombies. There will be a small recess in the wall in front of the gate. Examine it and open the secret passage. Insert the sign you just found, two passages will open. You go to the one on the right.

Climb past the trap in the small opening in the wall. Then lift the lever and climb up on the large slab. Now you need to jump in time to the stone door, from which you can knock out the missing figurine. After that, go back and look for the last statue in the opposite passage.

Activate all the missing elements and go down the large stairs. When the boss appears, turn around and move back a little. Then you need to quickly run through the entire corridor, avoiding the traps placed on the floor. Find Leslie and open his cell. The location will begin to fill with poisonous gas, so run to the opposite end of the room and turn on the valve.

Go through the round door and immediately around the bend, deactivate another valve. All this time you will be pursued by a new type of enemy, which differs only in its increased health and damage. The difficulty is that this type of enemy constantly respawns at different points, so use ammo only in extreme cases.

Leave the room and turn left. The monster will break the valve, so pick up the missing element lying on the table in the next room and repair the mechanism. Then get out of the room, turn left at the stream and end the episode.

Episode 8. The grain will sprout

Move deeper into the cave, shooting enemies along the way. After that, turn the lever and move on. Run to the other side, taking cover behind the rocks. Keep moving. Be careful, there are plenty of walking dead ahead. While in the hospital, turn the lever and move forward until the vision covers you again.

When you see the next boss, don't panic. They won't let you fight him yet, so as soon as control passes to you, move to the opposite end of the corridor. Close the door behind you and watch the cutscene.

Episode 9. Cruel Intentions

Once again in the hospital, leave the room and look into the next cell. Then follow the nurse. Take a look at the picture. Now turn around and walk towards the mirror. Having moved to another world, visit the hospital.

In this location, Ruvik will attack you from time to time. You can’t kill him, and if you get within arm’s reach of him, you’ll die right there. All that remains is to run away and hide in the nearest closet or under the bed. You can determine that Ruvik is nearby by changing the color of the image.

At this point you need to open three locks on the central door. To do this, you need to find three dissected patients and correctly pierce their brains with a special bolt. To gain access to the third patient, you need to find two drums from the safe.

Go to the room on the left and kill the two zombies eating the corpse. Then head to the laboratory and at the operating table insert the bolt into the brain, as in the screenshot below:

After the vision with the professor and Ruvik, leave the room and run away from the villain to the second floor of the building. There you will find the top drum of the safe. The lower one is located in the library. Go along the corridor and then blow up the trap. Enter the room and crawl into the laboratory. The second test subject will be waiting for you there:

Finally, return to the main entrance and open the silver doors. Go to the combination lock and insert the two found reels. Set the number 11 on the top one, and 2 on the bottom one. Visit the laboratory and insert the third probe.

The central door is now open - the hero goes there. You will be shown several visions, after which get out of the trap. Watch your step and beware of traps. Also, some grates will have locks that can be broken with a pistol shot.

Once in the sunflower field, go to the farm. The character will be covered in memories again. When the fire starts, pull the lever and turn the valve, then stand on the platform. Shoot the valve blocker with your pistol and lift yourself to the exit.

A boss battle will begin. You just need to hold out for a while, shooting ordinary dead people. Do not approach the boss under any circumstances!

Episode 10. Master's Tool

Go down the stairs and go straight. In this location, you should not raise the alarm, as the trap will be triggered. If enemies notice your presence, huge saws will begin to rotate throughout the room. Therefore, secretly kill the enemy with a torch and go into the room to your right. Go up to the left, to the second floor. At the end of the corridor there will be a spare battery. Go downstairs and activate the generator in the next room.

Go through the opened iron doors and kill a couple of zombies. Then go to the gate - there will be a non-working switch nearby. The missing element will be in the blue door nearby, but there are several enemies waiting for you there. Go further, bend over, make your way to the switch and activate it. Now turn around and kill the two enemies. Afterwards a mini-boss will appear. The method of killing is simple: throw grenades at him and shoot from those cannons that have cartridges left.

Activate the switch and climb up the stairs. Be careful and don't step on the traps. Pull the lever and go to the original iron gate - it will now open.

Here the monster with long black hair and many arms will make itself known again. You need to run away from her. Eliminate the fire barrier using the switches located on the pipe. Do the same with the following traps. Then pull the lever and follow to the elevator.

Visit a doctor you know and then watch the video. Once in the parking lot, fight the boss. We recommend using a crossbow with electric and freezing bolts. Immediately after using one of them, shoot the monster in the “eyes”. Get into the elevator - this episode is over.

Episode 11: Reunion

Swim to the surface and move on. Despite the falling objects, at this level it is unlikely that anything can catch you - all the destruction here is scripted. Go along the corridor and deal with the zombies. In the prison yard, quietly deal with the enemies and take a comfortable position.

You can't kill water creatures, but you can distract them. Throw corpses into the water by shooting at the ropes on which they hang. You can also lure them with bottles.

New living dead will appear, one of which will have the key to the door. Go forward until the bridge collapses. Then swim out onto the asphalt and move along the sewer pipe. As soon as you deal with the enemies that appear, the iron door will open.

Go further to the construction site. There, kill all the guards, then go upstairs and save your partner. Look into the room with her, but something goes wrong. Open the door, go outside and go up the stairs.

Episode 12. Trip

When the giant monster grabs the bus in its clutches, shoot it in the head and tentacles. Then he should let you go - there will be time to pick up ammunition and medicine and break away from him. Kidman will take you to a dead end, so you need to shoot back from the advancing zombies.

The boss will appear again. This time shoot him in the belly. Deal with the enemies and move towards the ambulance. Take your medications. On the way back, the bus will be attacked by a crowd of dead people. Deal with them using the machine gun located on the army jeep. After that, heal Joseph. This will be followed by a mini-game “crush as many zombies as possible with the bus.”

Episode 13. Losses

Make your way through the destroyed building to Joseph. After watching the video, shoot at the cable that holds the elevator. Go down the stairs and deal with the enemies below. Don't forget about traps - there are quite a lot of them at this level. Passing the butcher with the safe on his head, move along the ventilation shaft to the outside.

Continue through the hordes of zombies and obstacles until you meet Ruvik. After it, green traps will appear on the floor, which are best disabled. At the slaughterhouse, kill the butcher using grenades and freezing arrows from the crossbow.

Episode 14. Hidden Motives

Replenish your supplies of first aid kits and weapons. Move forward and quietly eliminate the zombies. Then enter the subway car. Crawl under the electrical barrier and then pull the lever to disable the trap.

In the sewers, do not rush to waste ammo on a lone zombie - some creature will take it away on its own. Continue along the tunnel until you encounter giant tentacles. As usual, use freeze bolts to immobilize and shoot directly at the head. When the creature climbs into the pipe, it will begin to release larvae. Ammo is falling out of them, so use this to replenish your ammo. The boss can be driven off the ceiling by shooting him in the head. Do this several times and the creature will die.

Then distribute the parts from the shield as shown in the screenshot below. Get into the elevator and go up. The collapse will take you back to the hospital. Eliminate zombies that crawl out of the baths.

Episode 15. Root of Evil

The chapter consists of several battles. The first will unfold in a spacious (and very bloody) arena. Many dead people will attack you. Get on high ground to make it easier to defend. Don’t forget to pick up ammunition and medicine scattered around the arena. Save your most powerful weapon for the chainsaw-wielding sadist who will appear towards the end of the fight.

In the second arena, snipers will open fire on you. They will be helped by zombies throwing sticks of dynamite. You can deal with them using a rifle or a well-thrown grenade.

Soon you will find yourself in a new arena, where you will have to fight two safe-headed monsters at once. Before the battle, disarm the traps in the room and pick up useful items. The battle can be made somewhat easier by isolating the safe-heads from each other. To do this, use the lever on the wall.

After this, you will need to walk along a long corridor without falling under the gaze of huge eyes and without touching the stretched threads. To briefly extinguish an eye, shoot it.

During the final boss fight, you will be placed behind a machine gun located on a special installation. Shoot the creature at the tentacles and head, after which the car along with the hero will be thrown aside. Once on a steep wall, shoot the RPG directly at the head. You should have time to fire 7-8 shots before the creature comes close to you. After one of the hits, a certain part of the monster should glow red. Launch a projectile into the marked area as soon as possible - with this shot you will end the game. Watch the final video.

Text: Artem Kusakov

Developer: Tango Gameworks. Publisher: Bethesda Softworks.

Time to complete 100% completion of the game is 80 hours.

Where is it cheaper to buy the game?
The Evil Within. PC price

Shop Price Link 245 rub. 275 rub. 275 rub. 599 rub. 779 rub.
Steam 999 rub.

System Requirements
The Evil Within

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core i7 Intel Core i7
Video card Nvidia GeForce GTX 460
DirectX 11
Nvidia GeForce GTX 670
DirectX 11
50 GB 50 GB
operating system Windows 64-bit: 7/8.1 Windows 64-bit: 7/8.1

The Evil Within is one of the brightest representatives of the survival horror genre. Throughout the game you will have a limited amount of ammunition and numerous armies of enemies. In addition, you will be constantly looking for a safe place. A few tips below will help you survive this hellish nightmare.

1. Save. Throughout the entire passage, we will indicate to you the achievement of each checkpoint and mirror, with which you can save your progress. Never neglect the mirror room unless you want to end up going back a few steps. By the way, if you overcome a difficult section and know that there is a mirror a few meters behind you, be sure to go back and save again. If the mirror room is somewhere near you, then you will hear a piece of melody that gives a clue.

2. Upgrade Sebastian by collecting green gel. As the game progresses, you will find bottles of green gel, for which you can purchase upgrades in a special room with a surgical chair. Green gel can remain after killing enemies and breaking objects. When the opportunity presents itself, take advantage of it immediately. We recommend that you first purchase sprint (two levels) and increase critical shots from a pistol to 20%.

3. Get treatment. When you stand still, the main character's health is restored to approximately 30%. You cannot increase regeneration, but you can increase your health. Again, you need to upgrade the main character, or use medical kits that can be found during the game.

4. Recharge. When the fight ends, be sure to reload all your weapons.

5. Use melee weapons. As the game progresses, you will find axes and torches. Take them to instantly deal with enemies.

6. Search and break goddess figurines. Collecting figurines allows you to find the keys. These keys, in turn, can be used to open lockers inside the hospital. In the article you can find out the location of ALL keys.

7. Collect matches. Matches are one of the most useful resources in The Evil Within. With one match you can instantly kill any enemy, regardless of what level of health he has left. In this case, the enemy must be knocked down.

What can be unlocked

There are several collectibles in the game. For example, you can collect 28 map fragments and get a reward for it. Many people are interested in what this reward is. So, after completing the game, if all the fragments of the map have been collected, you can approach it and activate it. As a reward you will receive a powerful sniper rifle and a semi-automatic pistol.

For completing the game at the maximum level, the main character Sebastian receives brass knuckles, which significantly enhances his melee attacks.

Total number of collectibles and trophies:

Map fragments – 28 pieces;

Missing people posters– 15 pieces;

Audio diaries – 10 pieces;

Castellanos' personal file– 15 pieces;

Newspapers – 21 pieces;

Notes from the room– 16 pieces.

Episode 1. Emergency call

Note: 2.

Something happened at the Mayak city psychiatric hospital; all the police cars, including ours, gathered there. A group of three detectives enters the building. There are many corpses inside. We follow Joseph into the far left room. The surviving doctor cannot explain anything, but calls the name Ruvik. We watch the CCTV cameras, before our eyes a stranger in a raincoat instantly kills several police officers, and then turns up behind us and stabs us.

We come to consciousness. We are suspended upside down on a rope, with a maniac walking nearby. When the monster moves further away, we begin to swing (space), pull out knife from a nearby suspended body, and cut our ropes.

1.1. Maniac
The Evil Within. Walkthrough

It will not be possible to kill an enemy with a knife, so for now we act unnoticed, switch to stealth mode (Ctrl). Ahead, a maniac is chopping meat on a cutting table; a little to the left of him, keys hang on a hook. We wait for the maniac to move on, sneak up and take him off the hook. a bunch of keys. We move back to the previous room, open the locked door on the left with the keys.

We walk along the corridor, overlooking the previous room. At the next door we will come to an inconspicuous tripwire. The alarm will go off and the butcher will run after us. We run through two more corridors, but a maniac with a chainsaw will catch up with us and hit us in the leg, cutting the tendon. Then we run limping. The enemy bans us in the room with saws, we get out of it by going down the hatch.

We slide along the inclined pipe, dodging obstacles on the way. At the end we will fall into a large vat of blood, we get out of it. You find yourself in the sewer.

1.2. Sewerage

We go to the right, jump into the water, go up the stairs. There is nothing in the side doors on the right, we go straight all the time, climb back into the building.

1.3. Shelter
Evil Vizin. Walkthrough

We go out into the room with lockers, then into the next room. From behind, through the glass, we see a butcher appear. The door ahead is closed, so for now we hide in the closet to the right of it (Ctrl). We wait in the closet until the enemy breaks through the door forward. After some time we leave and sneak behind.

1.4. Distracting the Enemy

The butcher is in a large illuminated room, there is a dark corridor on the side, but you can’t go anywhere along it. Here you need to deceive the enemy.

1. When he goes forward, we sneak into the room, go to the dark left corner, and find a bottle behind the boxes.

2. From this place we throw the bottle into the previous corridor from where we entered.

3. The enemy will run towards the sound of breaking glass. At this moment we must run forward - to the kitchen. We don’t linger anywhere else, we run around the table, enter the door on the right, in the corridor we enter the door on the left.

1.5. Evacuation
Walkthrough of The Evil Within 2015

We walk through the room with wheelchairs. The Butcher will burst into the room and chase us. We run to the end, jump into the opened elevator car.

We find ourselves on the main floor and return to the hospital lobby. Seismic tremors will begin. We quickly run to the double doors and get out into the street. We get into the departing ambulance. The driver, the girl, the doctor and one patient escaped. The driver will take us out of a dangerous place, and at this time an earthquake will destroy the entire city. At the end the car will fall off the cliff.

Episode 2. Survivors

Number of trophies and collectibles at the location:

Map fragment: 3.

Poster: 1 (+1 in New Game+ mode).

Newspaper: 2.

Note: 1.

Castellanos' personal file: 1.

We ended up in a single room in the hospital. The nurse will let us out into the corridor. We go to the reception desk and sign the documents to make a save. We go into the opened corridor.

We sit on a chair and are chained to it. Here we can spend the collected green gel to purchase improvements for the main character Sebastian. At first, we only buy access to future improvements for 100 gel. After this, the dream about the hospital will end.

2.1. Crash site

We regain consciousness and get out of the crashed ambulance. Nearby on the couch we find 200 gel, in the medical cabinet 1 syringe. We look at the collected items in the inventory (V key), use the syringe to restore health. You can only increase your health up to the red mark. There are another 300 gels hidden to the right of the machine.

We go forward along the path with bloody footprints. Ahead is the corpse of a cow and a crow on it. There is a wooden box on the right, we break it with a melee strike (F key), inside there is 300 gel. From this place you can see the light ahead, we run there and pick up a lantern on the cliff. From below we see a tent and a man, we go down to them.

2.2. Gun
The Evil Within. Walkthrough of the game on PC

We approach the tent and see how the person inside eats a corpse. In the things at the entrance we find revolver. The man looks around, it's our infected driver Connelly. First, we push away the running monster, and then aim 3 shots at the head.

2.3. Gaming Features

We examine the tent, to the right of the boxes there is 200 gel, there is nothing in the boxes themselves. To the left of the tent we enter the cave, turn on the flashlight (Q key). Inside there is a dead end on the left, there is 200 gel in it. On the right we will see Leslie, a patient rescued from a mental hospital. There is a tripwire in front of him, we need to disarm this trap, we get trap details.

Through the cave we go out onto the field. You can climb over the fence on the left, but there is nothing there. On the road on the right there is a cart containing 300 gel and an empty box. Further to the right lies a body and 2 matches near. We use the first match to burn the body (key C). This way you can get rid of enemies who constantly resurrect after death.

At the turn we see a small barn with a bloody symbol of the Mayak hospital on the door. We go inside, we see the ghost of a nurse enter the mirror and disappear.


We approach the mirror, hold down the space bar, and find ourselves in the hospital. With the help of mirrors, we can quickly return to a kind of base, where we can save, buy upgrades, and unlock lockers. You can improve your characteristics, your weapons and maximum reserve. First of all, it is better to spend money on increasing the supply of wearable items: matches, cartridges.

To leave the hospital, we stand in the corridor between the hall and the improvement room, look in the washbasin mirror, and press the space bar.

We leave the barn and follow the path down. From a distance we see Leslie running away from the maniac and running inside the next house. A maniac knocks on locked doors. We sneak up from behind and make a stealth kill (Ctrl + spacebar). If we burn this enemy, we will get for him 1 syringe. We knock down the doors and climb through the window. Leslie runs further and further, we follow him to the gate.

2.4. Two enemies
Walkthrough of the game "The Evil Within"

Right before our eyes, two local residents, under the influence of radiation from the lighthouse, turn into monsters. We stand behind the hay bales, waiting for the monsters to disperse to different corners. We can throw the bottle ahead on the road. We silently kill the first enemy from behind. The second enemy will walk back and forth to the right of the house. We hide behind the side fence on the left, when the enemy goes behind the house, we follow and silently kill.

In the house itself on the chest of drawers lies 5 matches, on the bed - 1 syringe. In front of the house between the fences we clear the trap, we get trap details. On the left side of the road we can go to the edge of the pier, from there we will see the Mayak hospital on the opposite side of the lake.

2.5. Village

Next are several dilapidated houses and enemies walking around fires with torches. There is 1 enemy at the fork near the nearest house, we can get up from behind and kill him unnoticed. In the house at the fork there is 3 matches, 1 bullet and a random bonus in boxes.

On the right there is a dead end with a stone house, in front of it is 1 enemy. We enter the house, break the boxes, each of them contains a little gel. In the corridor stretching, in the back room there are 200 gels and 5 rounds.

We return to the main path. Around the 2nd house on the left path there are 5 traps, they can be neutralized in the same way as stretch marks. There are 2 enemies walking nearby. Inside the house in a large room stretching, there is 300 gel inside the cabinet, in the small side room there is 1 syringe.

On the left path in the far building and on the road there are 2 more enemies. In and behind the building 2 stretchers, there is 700 gel inside the room.

At the end of the left path is a locked gate with a valve. First, we burn 2 corpses on the road. We begin to turn the valve, the gate will begin to gradually rise. During this, two corpses will come to life, if we did not burn them before. We pass through the gate.

2.6. Bridge
The Evil Within. All the secrets

Ahead on the road we will see a large fire, monsters sit around it and eat corpses. Here you won’t be able to kill them silently; they will immediately notice us. We run past them on the right and run onto the stone bridge. The gate ahead will be closed, you will have to jump from the bridge into the water.

Episode 3. In the claws of monsters

Number of trophies and collectibles at the location:

Map fragment: 1.

Poster: 1.

Newspaper: 1.

Audio diary: 1.

Castellanos' personal file: 1.

We come ashore under the bridge. Lies on the table 1 syringe. If we return to the pier with the boat, we will find 200 gel there. We go up the stairs and take 3 matches, we burn corpses on the way.

3.1. Entrance to the village
Evil Within Walkthrough

We go to the village, all the passages under the balcony will be closed with thorns. You can only enter the next two buildings. In the left building we find some gel, 2 stretchers And axe, sticking out of the wall, which can be used as a weapon.

In the right building on the side there is a hut in it 1 syringe and 300 gel. There are several mines installed in the house itself; they react to noise. You can silently crawl up to them and neutralize them: you need to stop the arrow in the blue zone, and if you stop it in the red zone, the grenade will explode. We find it by the fireplace 2 matches, in the nightstand there are 500 gels. In the right house we enter the bathroom with a bloody sign, there is a mirror to move around.


This time the nurse will take us to the back room behind the counter. On the right is the detective's office, here on the wall a map is assembled from the found fragments. On the left is a storage room with many cells, they can be opened with the keys found, and there are random bonuses inside.

We return through the mirror. From both side buildings on the second floor you can get to the central balcony. There we will meet the surviving doctor Marcelo Jimenez. Together with him we examine the second half of the village, there are many enemies there. He offers to distract everyone with himself, and at this time we should open the gate ahead. On the balcony we turn the valve to open the way to the second half.

3.2. Second half of the village

The doctor has distracted most of the enemies, we can move forward. In the center there is a cart, under its wheel there is 300 gel.

To the left of the gate on the balcony there is an enemy with a gun, we shoot at him from afar. We go up to this balcony, enter the building, on the chair on the right we find a new weapon - Crossbow "Agony" and harpoons for it. In the inventory, we can use the parts of the trap to create explosive bolts for a crossbow.

We kill a couple more enemies who run up. There are two levers in this building that turn on a trap with arrows, we can use them. On the ground floor in a dark room in a case there is another weapon - shotgun.

The neighboring building on the left is a three-story barn; for now we don’t go into it but go around it. In the passage between the buildings there is tripwires and mines, and behind the building in the corner there is a chest. There is a trap hidden in the chest, so we open it slowly and not all the way, and then clear it. Inside 4 buckshot cartridges And 2 trap parts.

On the 1st floor of the barn there is a pen for pigs, behind the wall there is a maniac bound in chains. On the 2nd floor there are two internal balconies, here in boxes and on tables you can find 1 syringe, 3 cartridges. Installed near the stairs to the attic mine, we can detonate it from afar or neutralize it.

There is a water tower to the right of the entrance. On the side of it there is a barn, inside 1 syringe. If you climb the tower itself, at the top we will find 1000 gel, 2 parts traps, flash bolt.

Stone house on the right. On the ground floor there is 1 enemy walking by the fireplace, it is easy to eliminate him silently, we take 300 gel from the table. On the 2nd floor there is 1 enemy in the room and 1 on the balcony. Here we take it from the chest of drawers 1 syringe, from the nightstand 2 buckshot cartridges, we take it from the enemy from the balcony grenade. We enter the far room, take first aid kit(increases maximum health), listen. We will see the doctor who hid in the attic.

3.3. Boss: Sadist

Having examined all the buildings in the village, we finally approach the gate. To the left of them we examine the chain that blocks the opening of the doors. We need to find something to cut it. After this, we return to the barn, come close to the chained maniac, he will break free and attack us with a chainsaw.

You can hide from a maniac in a safe place. We go into the passage between the two left buildings, climb onto a small roof, the maniac will not get through here. Standing on the roof, we shoot the maniac in the head with a shotgun or a crossbow with explosive arrows.

When the Sadist boss is defeated, all other enemies in the village will disappear along with him, and Rufik in a white cloak will appear for a moment. We take it from the killed boss chainsaw and 5000 gel. We return to the place where the maniac was chained, there lies in the chest 6 rounds And 2 buckshot cartridges. We go out through the open gate, the doctor will catch up with us.

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