Secrets in Fallout Shelter. Fallout shelter mysterious stranger The mysterious stranger does not appear in the fallout shelter

Fallout: Shelter is an excellent mobile strategy game based on the Fallout universe. Here you have to try yourself as a shelter keeper. You will need to use all your strategic skills to ensure that the residents of your community can survive a nuclear disaster. In this small guide you will learn about Fallout character: Shelter. Mysterious Stranger - who is he? This review will tell you what meeting him will bring and how to find him.

Game Features

In order to progress in the game, you will need to properly think through the layout of your shelter. After all, improving a settlement is impossible without building production and residential premises. And to create rooms you will need game currency - caps. In addition, money is needed to resurrect research teams or residents who died from attacks by raiders or radroaches. So a few thousand caps in stock will never be superfluous. Can in different ways, but in this review we will talk about the simplest and fastest. It's about one thing unique character, which will instantly bring large number caps in Fallout game: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger, and that's what we're talking about, is a fun Easter egg from the developers that makes life in the shelter much easier.

How to catch the mysterious stranger in Fallout: Shelter

This game character familiar to everyone who has ever played previous games in the series. This man looks like a classic spy - he is wearing a brown hat and a gray cloak. He hides his face behind a high collar, and this technique helps him remain invisible in the crowd. In Fallout: Shelter, the Mysterious Stranger is not a resident of the shelter, but his visits can significantly affect the situation with the game currency.

If you click on it, you can get a reward from hundreds to several thousand caps. So his capture will be one of the priorities. Finding it will not be difficult if you monitor the situation and watch for signs indicating its approach. In general, be careful when playing Fallout: Shelter.

Mysterious Stranger. When does the character appear and how to find him?

A special melody warns of the imminent visit of this hero. If the sound has been made, you need to quickly search all the rooms of the shelter. To make this easier, move the camera as far as possible and look around all the corners of the rooms in the game Fallout: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger appears for just a few moments. If you fail to find it within the allotted time, the game will notify you of failure with a disappointing signal. This means that you will remain without a reward. But don’t be upset, because a character comes into the game every 5 minutes, so be careful next time.

The Mysterious Stranger can appear in any location. In addition, his search is complicated by the fact that quite often this character is hidden behind furniture or equipment. So you need to be extremely careful and see at least the edge of the hat peeking out from behind the obstacle. But capturing a character will bring you a large number of caps or more significant rewards, in the case of a special quest. The visits of the Mysterious Stranger should be taken very seriously, and as soon as you hear the treasured signal, drop what you are doing and go on a search.

Fixing some bugs

Sometimes while passing the game you may encounter some bugs. For example, you see a Mysterious Stranger and try to catch him, but it doesn't work. In addition, you may encounter the following problem: your game will start from the beginning after each update. To avoid frustration from such errors, you need to learn how to correct them. Just like any other mobile strategy, in Fallout: Shelter, saving plays a big role. It is especially important for owners of Android platforms to know how to find save files. After all, most often on such mobile phones After the update, the shelter disappears, and the game prompts you to create a new one.

The Root Explorer program will help fix this error, after installing it you will be able to redo the system files of the game Fallout: Shelter. The saves that you obtain using the program must be transferred to your computer and there rolled back to the previous version, and then returned the file to the original folder. This will help fix most of the game's bugs.

The legendary game Fallout 4 is coming. And as the release date gets closer, the interest in it grows. In the game you can see an interesting scene: it is dark all around, there is practically no one on the street, the signs are illuminated, and by the light of a lantern a man walks, dressed like a typical detective: a raincoat, a hat and a raised collar. You can see it for 1 min. 41 sec:

This mysterious character's hand looks like a robot hand or a hook.

Judging by the appearance and image, this is the same mysterious stranger, which appears in the game of the Fallout series when selecting the appropriate skill.

For the first time, this character appeared in the game back in Fallout 1:

You've got my attention Mysterious stranger, who will help you from time to time. If your ally dies in battle, don't expect him or her to reappear.

Many players could see the work of a stranger, but few chose the “Mysterious Stranger” perk when developing their character, and this ability can make life much easier in a post-nuclear hostile world. Its essence is this: in difficult battle, in the end, a person appears who helps you fight against your enemies.

And he looks exactly like the guy under the lantern in the Fallout 4 trailer. The most interesting thing is that after the battle this character immediately leaves the player, and you cannot find out anything specific about him. Except for the first part of Fallout, where the stranger remains in the location after the end of the battle until the character leaves it.

His characteristic feature is that he carries with him a powerful .44 Magnum revolver, and when he appears, music from American westerns is played.

In the first two parts Fallout series the mysterious stranger was dressing in leather armor: leather pants and the same leather jacket:

Starting from Fallout New Vegas his appearance has changed, he wears a hat with a coat, and resembles appearance detective from the 40s:

Who is this man? Why does he appear so unexpectedly, why does he come to the defense of the main character, and will we meet him in Fallout 4?

IN New Vegas there are hints as to the identity of the mysterious wanderer. In the vast wasteland, under a stand advertising the Sunset drink, sits the character Lonesen Drifter.

If you talk to him, you can hear a heartbreaking story about how his father abandoned him and his mother and left without explaining anything. His father left him only a guitar, and now Lonesen is trying to find him.

Fallout: Shelter is an excellent mobile strategy game based on the Fallout universe. Here you have to try yourself as a shelter keeper. You will need to use all your strategic skills to ensure that the residents of your community can survive a nuclear disaster. In this small guide you will learn about the Fallout: Shelter character. Mysterious Stranger - who is he? This review will tell you what meeting him will bring and how to find him.

Game Features

In order to progress in the game, you will need to properly think through the layout of your shelter. After all, improving a settlement is impossible without building production and residential premises. And to create rooms you will need game currency - caps. In addition, money is needed to resurrect research teams or residents who died from attacks by raiders or radroaches. So a few thousand caps in stock will never be superfluous. You can earn game currency in different ways, but in this review we will talk about the simplest and fastest. We are talking about one unique character who will instantly bring a large number of caps in the game Fallout: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger, and that's what we're talking about, is a fun Easter egg from the developers that makes life in the shelter much easier.

How to catch the mysterious stranger in Fallout: Shelter

This game character is familiar to everyone who has ever played previous games in the series. This man looks like a classic spy - he is wearing a brown hat and a gray cloak. He hides his face behind a high collar, and this technique helps him remain invisible in the crowd. In Fallout: Shelter, the Mysterious Stranger is not a resident of the shelter, but his visits can significantly affect the situation with the game currency.
If you click on it, you can get a reward from hundreds to several thousand caps. So his capture will be one of the priorities. Finding it will not be difficult if you monitor the situation and watch for signs indicating its approach. In general, be careful when playing Fallout: Shelter.

Mysterious Stranger. When does the character appear and how to find him?

A special melody warns of the imminent visit of this hero. If the sound has been made, you need to quickly search all the rooms of the shelter. To make this easier, move the camera as far as possible and look around all the corners of the rooms in the game Fallout: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger appears for just a few moments. If you fail to find it within the allotted time, the game will notify you of failure with a disappointing signal. This means that you will remain without a reward. But don’t be upset, because a character comes into the game every 5 minutes, so be careful next time.

The Mysterious Stranger can appear in any location. In addition, his search is complicated by the fact that quite often this character is hidden behind furniture or equipment. So you need to be extremely careful and see at least the edge of the hat peeking out from behind the obstacle. But capturing a character will bring you a large number of caps or more significant rewards, in the case of a special quest. The visits of the Mysterious Stranger should be taken very seriously, and as soon as you hear the treasured signal, drop what you are doing and go on a search.

Fixing some bugs

Sometimes while passing the game you may encounter some bugs. For example, you see a Mysterious Stranger and try to catch him, but it doesn't work. In addition, you may encounter the following problem: your game will start from the beginning after each update. To avoid frustration from such errors, you need to learn how to correct them. As in any other mobile strategy game, saving plays a big role in Fallout: Shelter. It is especially important for owners of Android platforms to know how to find save files. After all, most often on such mobile phones after an update, the shelter disappears, and the game offers to create a new one.

The Root Explorer program will help fix this error, after installing it you will be able to redo the system files of the game Fallout: Shelter. The saves that you obtain using the program must be transferred to your computer and there rolled back to the previous version, and then returned the file to the original folder. This will help fix most of the game's bugs.

The mysterious stranger is a gloomy man in a hat and coat who randomly appears for just a few seconds in one of the rooms of the bunker (including near the elevators and the main entrance). Its sudden appearance, as well as its disappearance, is usually accompanied by a characteristic melody. These alarming sounds, indicating the presence of a stranger, consist of several distinct notes, so that it will be difficult not to hear them. Clicking on the mysterious guest gives the player a random amount of caps. It is very rare that the reward for capturing a stranger consists of a four-digit number, but mostly now it is equal to 200-500 caps.

Some tips for catching a stranger in Fallout Shelter:

Be sure to turn up the volume on your device to hear the stranger's signature ringtone. I also advise you to increase the volume, since the expected melody may not be heard by you due to extraneous sounds.

Sometimes he does not appear in the shelter for a long time, so be patient.

When you hear the first melody, move the camera away, and then, as quickly and carefully as possible, begin to examine each room of the shelter in search of a man in a cloak. Stop searching only when the second melody sounds.

Move the slider to 0% next to the word "Camera" in the game settings (more on this) to activate the simplified viewing mode. Then move the camera away from your shelter to the aisle to remove the volume from the rooms and character animation. In this simplified mode, finding the mysterious stranger is much easier, because he and your residents will no longer be able to stand in remote parts of the premises.

Remember that you don't have to hunt a stranger to catch him. Quite often he himself catches your eye completely by accident. But sometimes you still have to specifically look for it. When you receive the same task that I had, then you will have to frantically scour the rooms of the bunker as soon as that same melody sounds!

If you have your own secrets that can help in catching a stranger, then share them with us in the comments below. This way you will definitely help other Fallout Shelter players!

In a game called “Fallout shelter mysterious stranger,” humanity managed to find a planet on which people will soon be able to live. Scientists decided that no one lived on it, but they were wrong. They soon became convinced that many different creatures live here, with which you have to fight. They will attack you in huge flocks and your task is to hold the defense. You are ready to challenge alien monsters, and you are sure that you will conquer the planet, then you should prove it in practice.

You need to defend the place where the base is located. To do this, you will use rocket launchers, which you can place in different places. Using the bottom panel, you can select the weapon you need for battle. They need to be repaired over time to avoid losing money. By clicking on the necessary guns, select the button with tools. But remember that repairs will take some time, so fix problems when there are no enemies nearby. The longer you stay on the playing field, the harder it will be to overcome the onslaught of monsters. Remember that now it depends on you whether people can find themselves new home or not.

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