A simple fortune telling by wish. The most accurate online fortune telling “At will”: on playing cards, Tarot and Runes

Our ancestors learned about the future with the help of fortune telling: they turned to shamans, and they, using stones, bones, observing the location of the stars, foreshadowed a person’s future fate. By the time cards appeared, people could already tell their own fortunes. To find out whether your plans will come true, it is enough to choose an accurate fortune-telling for your desire. Let's look at some of them.

First method: fortune telling by desire & Black or red&

Fortune telling occurs as follows:

  1. By shuffling the deck, the one who makes a wish formulates it without saying it out loud.
  2. Then he draws any card from the deck.
  3. Now you can find out the answer to the question:
    • ace of spades means that what you have planned will not come true and you need to completely forget about it;
    • the jack, queen or king of spades says that you will have two or three opportunities to make this wish come true;
    • values ​​from two to ten peaks indicate that there will be more such opportunities;
    • clubs jack, queen, king, ace - you should reconsider your dream;
    • clubs from two to ten - the risk of the planned actions exists, but the likelihood of their successful completion cannot be excluded;
    • suit of diamonds from jack to ace - the dream is quite feasible, but it will require considerable effort;
    • a suit of diamonds from two to ten means that upcoming difficulties will prevent you from achieving what you want;
    • the ace of hearts says that you need to take on your plans without doubt;
    • hearts king, queen, jack mean that there is no doubt, and you are guaranteed at least 90% of a successful outcome;
    • worms from two to ten - try hard to achieve what you want - it is quite feasible.

If a card falls out while shuffling the deck, you need to pay special attention to it - it could just be the answer to your question. The name of such a card is “Fortune”.

The second method of fortune telling with cards based on desire

  1. Make a wish.
  2. You shuffle the deck.
  3. Deal the first 15 cards from the top front side up, discarding the aces in the process.
  4. Repeat the steps two more times.
  5. If after three hands all the aces fall out, the wish will come true.

Third method: fortune telling for wish fulfillment “Pyramid”

Before you start fortune telling, you need:

  1. Discard all sixes from the deck.
  2. Draw four cards in random order.
  3. Remember them and make a wish on one of those that was not drawn.
  4. Next, lay out the remaining cards as follows:
    • first (bottom) row - six cards;
    • second row - five cards;
    • third row - four;
    • fourth row - three;
    • fifth row - two;
    • sixth (top) row - one card.

If the one you made is located in one of these rows, then the probability of the wish being fulfilled is determined as follows:

  • if in the bottom row, the plan will not come true;
  • if in the second row, there are chances, but they are unlikely;
  • in the third - execution is quite possible;
  • in the fourth - the chances of the dream come true are 50/50;
  • in the fifth row - your plans can come true with a high probability;
  • if in the sixth row, then your wish will surely come true.

Fourth method: fortune telling solitaire “Drunkard”

You can also tell fortunes using solitaire, which plays out like this:

  1. Make a wish.
  2. Take a deck of 36 or 52 cards.
  3. Shuffle, while mentally pronouncing the desire.
  4. Place the cards face down in two columns one by one.
  5. If caught in two piles at the same time identical cards- put them aside.
  6. When you run out of cards, put both columns together and, without shuffling, lay them out again according to the same principle.
  7. Continue this way until all the paired cards are completely thrown away - this will mean that the wish will come true, or you understand that the solitaire game did not work out - then, alas, your plan will not come true.

RED, BLACK. Fortune telling by wish.

This is the simplest way of fortune telling. Take a standard deck of 36 cards, make a wish, and then, concentrating on the wish, click on 1 card from the deck and it will tell you about the fulfillment of your wish.

Works correctly in IE FF.

For fortune telling using the following methods, ordinary playing cards are used.

So that they tell the truth new deck cards need to speak. To do this, take a linen bag, pour a little salt into it from a new pack and put the cards there. Then put the bag in the eastern corner of the room and say: “Salt-sister, you are salty, you are strong, cleanse and whisper, speak my cards so that the truth will be spoken, and give wasteful bondage and evil languor to the lintel, languor and deception. My word is strong! Truly! Truly! Truly!

1. For this method of fortune telling, you need to take a deck of 36 cards.

2. Make a wish, mentally focusing on it, and shuffle the cards.

3. Then lay out the cards one at a time on the table. If paired cards (for example, 2 tens or 2 queens of any suit) appear in a row or after one, or after 2 cards, they must be put aside. The other cards remain in their place.

4. Continue laying out 1 card at a time, observing whether each card laid out from the deck is paired with the previous cards. If a pair of cards forms again, it should be removed to the side.

5. You need to lay out cards in this way and remove pairs until there are no cards left in the deck.

After this, you can make a conclusion about whether your intended wish will come true: if there is not a single card left in the row (that is, all the cards were put aside in pairs), then your wish will come true; if there are cards left in the row, your wish will not come true.

If you are not satisfied with the answer given, you should not tempt fate and carry out fortune telling for the same desire several times, trying to get the answer that you like best.

1. To use this method of fortune telling, you need to take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle them well.

2. Then take 6 cards out of the deck at random, look at them and put them aside, and then make a wish on any card remaining in the deck, mix it again, while concentrating on your wish.

3. Next, you should take 1 card from the deck and arrange them into piles, suit up: put 2 cards in a row in the first pile, 3 cards in a row in the second, 4 cards in the third, 5 cards in the fourth, and 6 cards in the fifth . At the same time, pay attention to which pile the card you wished for will be in: it is by this sign that you can judge whether your wish will come true.

If the hidden card turns out to be:
1) in the first pile - your desire is impossible;
2) in the second pile - the likelihood that your wish will come true is very small;
3) in the third pile - your wish may come true, but on the way to its fulfillment there will be significant obstacles that will need to be overcome;
4) in the fourth pile - your wish will most likely come true;
5) in the fifth pile - your wish will definitely come true.

4. If the card you have in mind does not fall into any of the piles, you should take the remaining 10 cards, add to them those 6 cards that were drawn from the deck at the very beginning of fortune telling and set aside, and mix them.

5. Then place 1 card on the table with the words: “Wait, be patient, rejoice, be strong, get angry, wave your hand,” paying attention to which words the intended card appears on. So, if the card corresponds to the words “wait and be patient,” your wish will come true, but you need to be patient, since this will not happen soon. If the card appears on the word “rejoice”, your wish will certainly come true. If the hidden card falls on “be strong and angry”, your wish, unfortunately, will most likely not come true. And if the card fell on the words “wave your hand,” you should come to terms with the fact that your desire does not have the slightest chance of becoming a reality.

1. For this fortune telling, you must take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it well and randomly draw 15 cards from it, which should be set aside. There are thus 21 cards left in the deck.

2. You need to make a wish on one of the cards remaining in the deck and, mentally concentrating on it, thoroughly mix the cards again.

3. Then, holding the deck in your right hand, with your left hand you need to remove some of the cards and move them to the bottom of the deck.

4. Next, arrange these cards one by one into piles with the suit up: put 6 cards in a row in the first pile, 5 cards in a row in the second, 4 cards in the third, 3 cards in the fourth, 2 in the fifth and 1 in the sixth pile map. Depending on which pile the card you have in mind will be in, you can guess whether your wish will come true.

So, if the hidden card turns out to be:
1) in the first pile - your wish will definitely come true in the near future;
2) in the second pile - you need to be patient, because the desire will come true after some time or you will have to make significant efforts to achieve it;
3) in the third pile - your desire is impossible;
4) in the fourth pile - the desire can only be realized if the other person provides you with their help, which you should not refuse;
5) in the fifth pile - your wish will soon come true, and your feelings for your loved one will help with this;
6) in the sixth pile - the cards are silent, fortune telling should be stopped for today.

This method of fortune telling is very simple, and it should be used only in cases where minor issues related to the near future are being resolved. In order to make more responsible decisions, it is necessary to use more complex, thorough layouts.

1. To use this method of fortune telling, you need to take a deck consisting of 36 cards.

2. The cards must be shuffled, while focusing your thoughts on a specific desire.

3. Then you need to randomly draw any card from the deck. Based on which card is in your hands, you can judge whether there is a chance that your wish will come true. If a card accidentally falls out while shuffling the deck, you should pay special attention to it - it will be the answer to your question.

The meanings of the drawn cards.

Ace of spades - there is not the slightest chance that your wish will come true.

King of spades, queen of spades or jack of spades - the likelihood that your wish will come true is very low.

The remaining peaks - you need to come to terms with the fact that your wish is unlikely to come true.

Ace of clubs, king of clubs, queen of clubs, jack of clubs - the desire is unlikely to be fulfilled, perhaps you should refuse it to avoid further disappointment.

The remaining clubs - the realization of desire is quite possible, but this will require significant effort.

Ace of diamonds, king of diamonds, queen of diamonds or jack of diamonds - the desire can come true, but certain difficulties await you on the way to the goal.

The rest of the diamonds - most likely your wish will come true, especially if you take active steps to achieve its fulfillment.

Ace of Hearts - your wish will definitely come true, and the result may exceed your expectations.

King of hearts, queen of hearts, jack of hearts - there is a high probability that your wish will come true, you should cast aside doubts and take the initiative into your own hands.

The rest of the worms - your wish will certainly come true thanks to your efforts.

If the result is unpleasant for you, you should not tempt fate and try to get a different answer by continuing to guess. You only need to guess once for one wish. And even if the answer does not suit you, you need to accept it and comprehend it.

For fortune telling you will need a deck consisting of 36 cards.

1. You need to shuffle the cards well, make a wish, move the top of the deck with your left hand towards you and put these cards under the deck.

2. After this, lay out the top 15 cards face down on the table and see if there are aces among them.

3. Put the found aces aside, collect the cards and mix them again, then put the top 15 cards on the table again and set aside the aces that were among them.

4. In this way, you should lay out the cards 3 times, choosing from them all the aces that fell out, by the number of which at the end of the fortune telling you can judge whether the wish you made can come true.

If after three hands all four aces are put aside, your wish will certainly come true. If you managed to collect fewer aces, you have made a wish for something impossible.

1. For this fortune telling you will need a deck of 36 cards, from which you need to remove all sixes.

2. Then randomly draw 4 cards from the deck, put them aside and make a wish on any card from those remaining in the deck.

4. Taking 1 card from the top of the deck, lay them out in the form of a pyramid according to the scheme: at the top of the pyramid - 1 card, in the second row below - 2 cards, in the third row even lower - 3 cards, in the fourth row - 4 cards, in the fifth - 5 cards and in the last sixth row - 6 cards. If the hidden card is in any of the six rows, you can already guess whether your wish will come true.

So, if the hidden card lies:

1) in the first row - your wish will never come true;
2) in the second row - there is a very small probability that your wish may come true;
3) in the third row - it is possible that your wish will come true, but such an outcome is quite doubtful;
4) in the fourth row - your wish can probably come true, although you cannot be completely sure of this;
5) in the fifth row - your wish will most likely come true;
6) in the sixth row - your wish will certainly come true.

5. If the card you wished for was not in any row, you should take the remaining cards that were not laid out and, laying one on the table, say on each card: “Wait, be patient, rejoice, be strong, get angry, give up.” You can judge the possibility of your wish being fulfilled by the word on which the card you wished for appears. So, if the card falls on the word “wait”, your wish can probably come true; if you say “be patient,” your wish will come true, but not as quickly as you would like; if on the word “Rejoice”^ your wish will come true in the near future; if you say “be strong”, your desire will not come true; and if the hidden card comes up with the words “wave your hand,” you need to come to terms with the fact that the desire is impossible.

1. In order to use this method of fortune telling, you need to take a deck of 36 cards and carefully shuffle it.

2. Then, with your left hand, remove part of the deck away from you and place it under the bottom of the deck.

4. This action should be repeated until there are 7 cards in each pile and you have 1 card left in your hands.

5. Now you need to look at the suit of this card and make a wish for this particular suit.

6. Then open 1 card at a time from the first pile, while paying attention to the suit of the cards being opened: if it does not coincide with the one hidden, the card must be put aside; if the card is of the desired suit, starting from ten and higher (i.e., ten, jack, queen, king or ace), you should leave this pile with the card of the desired suit on top and move on to the next one.

7. If there are no high cards of the desired suit in the stack, the entire stack should be moved to the side.

8. After all five piles have been looked at in this way, the cards must be stacked together face down, with the fifth pile on the bottom and the first pile on top.

9. Now arrange the cards into four piles, so that the top card of the first pile is in the same position.

10. These piles must also be sorted through, putting aside cards with inappropriate suits. Such actions should be carried out until in the end there is only one stack left. If the last pile contains only the highest cards of the intended suit (ten, jack, queen, king, ace), your wish must certainly come true. If there are any more cards in the pile, the wish will probably not come true.

1. For fortune telling, you need to take a deck of 36 cards, make a wish and carefully shuffle them.

2. Then take 1 card from the deck and lay them out into four piles, suit up.

3. When all the cards are laid out, you need to remove 1 card from the first pile and put it aside until an ace of any suit is encountered. You need to take it into your hand and see which card follows it: if the next card again turns out to be an ace, it needs to be connected to the first one, but if it is any other card, it should be put aside with the other cards. Thus, only those aces that come in a row are taken into account, or the first ace in each pile if it comes alone.

4. If there is at least 1 card between the first and second ace, the second ace must be put aside. So you need to go through all four piles. You may end up with 1, 2, 3 or 4 aces in your hand.

Based on the number of these aces, you can make an assumption about whether your wish can be fulfilled: if you have only 1 ace in your hand, your wish will not come true; if there are 2 aces, your wish may come true, but if this happens, it will not be very soon; if you have 3 aces left, your wish will come true and you won’t have long to wait for this event; if you have all 4 aces in your hands, your desire will certainly come true in the very near future.

Using this fortune telling, you can find out whether your wish will come true; and also get an answer to the question you are interested in, if the answer can be expressed in the words “yes” or “no”.

Fortune telling should be carried out in two stages: by carrying out the first stage - “Revelation”, you can find out whether your desire will come true; the second stage - “Aidation” - can show exactly what circumstances will contribute to the fulfillment of a desire or, conversely, hinder its fulfillment.


1. For fortune telling, you need to take a deck consisting of 36 cards and mix it.

2. Make a wish or a question that interests you, carefully shuffle the cards again and, removing some of the cards towards you with your left hand, place them at the bottom of the deck.

3. Place the cards, suit down, into nine piles, each pile containing 4 cards.

4. Reveal the top cards of each pile (turn them over with their suit facing up). If among these cards there are pairs (for example, 2 sevens or 2 kings), these pairs should be put aside and the cards lying under them should be revealed.

5. In this way, you need to open and discard cards until there are no paired cards left among the open cards or all the cards are put aside in pairs.

6. If all the cards are put aside, your wish will come true (if you asked a question, the answer will be positive). If some cards remain closed, your desire cannot come true (the answer to the question asked will be negative).


1. To continue fortune telling, you need to take the entire deck again and mix the cards well.

2. Place 1 card on the table, suit up, while saying: “Ace, six, seven, eight,...” - and further to the king, and then again, starting with the Ace, until you go over the whole deck. If the value of some cards coincides with what you say, then these cards should be put aside. As a result, it is these cards that will point you to those factors that will help your desire come true or, conversely, hinder its fulfillment.

Card meanings.

Ace of Hearts - a letter or good news.
The King of Hearts is a favorite person.
Queen of Hearts - pleasant sensations.
Jack of hearts - sadness, despondency.
Ten of Hearts - frankness.
Nine of hearts - unexpected profit.
Eight of Hearts - unexpected love.
Seven of Hearts - success.
Six of Hearts - sincerity and openness.
Ace of clubs is a friend.
The King of Clubs is a close person, a friend - always dark-haired.
The Queen of Clubs is a woman who wishes you harm.
Jack of Clubs is a cunning, insincere person.
Ten of clubs - bigamy, treason.
Nine of clubs - wedding.
Eight of clubs - death.
The seven of clubs is an uncivil attitude.
Six of clubs - despondency, melancholy.
Ace of spades is sad news.
The King of Spades is a fair, honest man.
The Queen of Spades is a fair, honest woman.
Jack of spades is a cunning assistant.
Ten of spades - slyness, cunning.
The Nine of Spades is a mystery.
Eight of spades - tenderness.
The seven of spades is news from the past.
Six of spades - prudence, caution.
Ace of diamonds - well-being, material wealth.
The king of diamonds is a rival.
The queen of diamonds is a rival.
Jack of Diamonds is a talkative, unrestrained person.
Ten of diamonds - wealth.
Nine of diamonds is an unpleasant person.
Eight of diamonds - an unpleasant meeting or conversation.
Seven of diamonds - a long journey.
Six of diamonds - the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

1. For fortune telling, you will need a deck consisting of 36 cards. You need to pick up this deck, make a wish and carefully mix the cards, mentally concentrating on what you have in mind.

2. Then with your left hand, move some of the cards from above towards you and put these cards under the deck.

3. After which you must take 1 card from the deck one by one and place them on the table in a row.

4. If you happen to get 2 cards of the same suit (no matter which ones) after 1 card, they should be put aside. The remaining cards remain in their place.

5. In this way, continue to lay out 1 card at a time from the deck, carefully observing whether the newly laid out card is the same suit as the one that comes 1 card in front of it. If the suit matches, these cards must also be put aside.

6. You need to do this until there are no cards left in the deck. If at the end of the fortune telling there is only 1 card of each suit in a row, then there is a high probability that your wish will come true. If you have more than 4 cards left, it means that your wish most likely will not come true.

If you are not satisfied with the answer you received, you should under no circumstances make repeated guesses on the same wish, since by doing so you can show that you do not trust the result obtained.

Sometimes you really want to look into the future to find out whether your wish will come true or not. We will teach you how to tell fortunes!

To find answers to your questions and find out whether fate will help you fulfill your cherished dream, it is not at all necessary to have special sacred and secret knowledge. Simple and accessible wish fortune telling can help us with this.

How to tell a wish

Anyone can tell their wish. However, in order for fortune telling to be truly accurate, it is necessary to prepare for it. First of all, you need to choose the right time. The full moon is best suited for these purposes. But you should guess before sunset, and not at night. Since the night is more suitable for rituals and ceremonies, rather than fortune telling.

When to make a wish

The day of the week also matters.

  1. On Monday you can guess for absolutely any desire.
  2. On Tuesday and Friday you should look for answers to complex, serious and love questions.
  3. On Wednesday, make wishes related to business, work and study.
  4. Thursday is associated with material well-being, so you can ask fate if it will give you a million.
  5. On Saturday and Sunday, fortune telling is not accepted.

The meaning of the days of the week in fortune telling

Monday is a universal day when you can ask any question, especially regarding personal development.

Tuesday is favorable for receiving answers to questions about whether what you want will come true.

Wednesday is a suitable day for fortune telling if you are interested in issues of study, career and any development at work.

Thursday - it’s worth asking questions about money. Repaying loans, repaying debts, receiving bonuses, etc.

Friday - you can ask the Universe about love moments, intimate relationships.

Fortune telling to make dreams come true should be carried out on Monday. On issues of conflicts and health, it is worth making fortunes on Tuesdays. The appeal to the Universe on Friday must be sincere in order to receive what is planned.

Fortune telling by wish. Methods

Try to take fortune telling seriously. Clear your thoughts, focus on desire, create a calm atmosphere. Fortune telling by wish is usually carried out using cards, books, candles, coins, etc.

Fortune telling using a book

Fortune telling with the help of a book is one of the most simple ways. It also has a beautiful magical name - bibliomancy. For fortune telling, take any book and make a wish. Now, without opening the book, think of any page and line number. After that, open the book, find the intended page and line, read it. This will be the answer. By the meaning of this line you can understand whether the wish will come true or not.

Fortune telling using cards

An equally popular method of fortune telling is cards. To do this, you don’t need to go to a fortune teller or learn complex layouts, because there is simple fortune telling on the cards as desired. The easiest way is to make a wish and shuffle the deck, concentrating on what you want. Now draw a card from the deck. If the suit is red, then the wish will come true, but if it is black, it will not.

Fortune telling on cards can also be done as follows. Shuffle big deck cards and place 15 cards suit up in one row, discarding the aces. Then lay out 2 more rows of 15 cards. If all the aces come out during the reading, then the wish will come true.

Fortune telling using coins

You can tell your wish using coins, but it is best to use old coins. They will be happy to reveal all the secrets to you if you take fortune telling seriously. Take a handful of coins in your palms, make a wish and throw them up. Count the number of coins that land tails and heads up. If more coins land on heads, then the wish will come true, but if more coins land on tails, then the wish will not come true.

Here's another fun way to tell your wish using coins. You will need three coins of different sizes. Write your wish on 3 pieces of paper, wrap one coin in each and put it under your pillow. In the morning, pull out the first piece of paper you come across with your left hand. If you come across the most big coin, the wish will come true. Medium coin indicates that the wish will come true, but not soon. And if you come across a small coin, your wish is not destined to come true.

Fortune telling using a mirror

A very interesting fortune telling can be done using a mirror. Light a candle and apply wax to the round mirror. Write a wish on the wax with charcoal and put the mirror in a cool place. After a couple of hours, thoroughly spray the mirror with cold water. If the inscription disappears, the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling with dice

Lately, fortune telling has become very popular. dice. After making a wish, put two dice in a cup, mix and throw on the table. At the same time, hold the cup with your left hand and rotate the dice counterclockwise. Now look at the combinations that came out.

If you roll 2-1, 6-6, 3-2, 5-5, 4-3, 6-4, your wish will definitely come true.

If 6-5, 4-1, 6-1, 5-1, 3-3, 5-2, 4-4 are likely to come true, fate gives many chances.

And if you roll 6-3, 2-2, 6-2, 5-4, 1-1, 5-4, 4-2, 5-3, 3-1, alas, your wish will not come true.

What fortune telling do you know? Write to us!

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

First way. For fortune telling, we take a deck of 36 cards, carefully shuffle them and make our wish. After this, we lay out one card at a time into 3 piles. Having laid out all the cards, we take out 3 cards from each pile: one from the bottom, the second from the middle, the third from the top. This makes a total of 9 cards. We lay them out the same way we pulled them out, as follows: first, the first row - 3 bottom ones, the second - 3 middle ones, the third - 3 top ones. We look at which cards there are more: figures (jack, queen, king), small ones (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) or aces. Next, we interpret the cards according to the interpreter.


If aces fall out or 2 aces and two figure cards lie in a row, then the wish will come true.
One is an ace and one is a figure card and the other is a small card, then this is a complication in the family, troubles.
2 aces, two figures and small cards- your spouse is unfaithful to you.
3 aces, one piece- You will have or already have strong enemies.
4 kings- success.
4 ladies- love is under threat.
4 jacks- vanity, troubles, stupid work.
Ace, king, queen, jack, small cards- ordinary life.
Small cards- failure, the wish will not come true.

Second way. Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place all the cards into 9 piles with 4 face down cards in each pile. After this, reveal the top cards of the piles. Those open cards Place the piles that match in value aside. Accordingly, open the cards that were under them. And then remove cards in pairs. If, as a result of laying out, all the cards are removed, then your wish will come true, otherwise it will not come true.

Third method (Fortune telling with four aces).

Option 1. Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place 15 cards face up on the top of the deck on the table. If there are aces among the cards laid out, then put them aside. Then collect the cards from the table, mix them with the deck, shuffle them and put 15 cards face up on the table again. If there are aces among the newly laid out cards, then put them aside. If not all aces came out, then repeat the above steps a third time. If all 4 aces come out in no more than 3 card layings, then your wish will come true, otherwise it will not come true.
Option 2. Take a deck of 32 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place 13 cards face up on the top of the deck on the table. If there are aces among the cards laid out, then put them aside, and in the order in which you take them. Then collect the cards from the table, mix them with the deck, shuffle them and put 13 cards face up on the table again. If there are aces among the newly laid out cards, then put them aside, observing the sequence in which you take them. Continue laying out cards in this manner until all 4 aces come out. If the first to appear on the table is the Ace of Spades, then your wish will not come true; if the Ace of Clubs, then your wish may come true, but with great hassle and difficulty; if the Ace of Diamonds, then your wish will come true with little difficulty; if the Ace of Hearts, then your wish will certainly come true.

Fourth way. Take a deck of 36 cards in your hands, shuffle it thoroughly and arrange it into 5 closed piles of cards, so that each pile contains 7 cards. After this, you will have 1 card left in your hands, make a wish on it. Then start revealing cards from the first pile, discarding those whose suits do not match the chosen one. Of the cards whose suit matches the chosen one, keep only cards with a ten and above. If any pile of cards does not contain any of the five highest cards (10, jack, queen, king, ace), then discard the entire pile aside. Do this procedure with all the stacks of cards, after which collect the cards into a deck, carefully shuffle them and arrange them into 4 piles. Inappropriate suits must be discarded again. Do this operation several more times, laying out the deck into 3, 2 stacks, until you get 1 stack. If only 5 cards remain in this one pile, and these are 10, jack, queen, king and ace of the intended suit, then the wish will come true, but if there are others among these cards, then you will have to wait for the wish to come true. You cannot make one wish several times!

Fifth way. Make a wish. Pick up a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Then take one card from the middle of the deck and place it closed in the center of the table. Below, start laying out the cards in 2 rows. The cards are placed face up. First put the card in the first row, then in the second, then in the first row, then again in the second, etc. If during the laying process two cards of the same value appear in one row, then remove these cards and move the remaining cards in the row together. Thus, lay out the entire deck. In the row where the fewest cards remain, take the first card and compare its suit with the card that you pulled from the deck and placed in the center of the table. If the colors of the suits are the same, then your wish will most likely come true; if the suits match, then your wish will definitely come true. If the color of the suit does not match, the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling by wish can answer all the exciting questions about the planned business. Will your wish come true? How soon? If it doesn't come true, why? Cards can answer all these questions.

To tell your wish, you will need a deck of 36 cards. Take the cards in your hands, shuffle them and make a wish. Then remove some of the cards with your left hand and place them at the bottom of the deck. Now you can start fortune telling.

Start laying out the deck face down in a row of 9 cards. When you run out of cards, open the top cards of the resulting pile and remove those that match the value. The cards that lie under them need to be opened and also see if there are matching cards in the row. Cards of equal value must be removed to the very bottom row. If all the cards have been removed in pairs and there is nothing left in the laid out deck, then the wish will come true. If there are cards left, then the plan is not destined to come true.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the first fortune telling, or you want to receive a more detailed answer, you can use the following fortune telling.

Take the cards and start shuffling them. During the process, think about your desire. Your intuition should tell you when to stop. Pull any card from the deck, its meaning will tell you whether the wish will come true or not.

The meaning of the cards in this fortune telling is as follows:

  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - there is a high probability that your wish will come true.
  • Jack, Queen, King - your wish will come true, expect outside help.
  • Ace - your wish will come true very soon.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the wish will come true, but you need to make an effort for this.
  • Jack, Queen, King - your wish will come true, but problems may arise in the process of achieving your plans.
  • Ace - the wish will come true, but not right away. Be patient.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 – the probability that the wish will come true is very small.
  • Jack, Queen, King - there are almost no chances.
  • Ace - the wish will not come true.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the wish will not come true due to your wrong actions.
  • Jack, Queen, King - your wish will not come true, since you will have many rivals and ill-wishers along the way.
  • Ace - the wish will never come true.

Eat another quick way to know whether the plan will come true. To do this you need to take your card. It is very easy to determine. If you are single (not married), then your card is the queen of diamonds (king of diamonds), if you are married, your card is the queen of hearts (king of hearts), if you are an elderly person, then your card will be the queen of clubs ( king of clubs). Take the deck, mix it well, make a wish and start laying out three cards in front of you. When your card comes up in one of the threes, look at what two cards came out with it. If the suits are black, the wish will not come true, if the suits are red, it will come true, if both are light and dark, then there is a chance that your wish will come true, but this requires some effort.

Exists another simple wish fortune telling. Take a deck of cards, shuffle it thoroughly and place 15 cards face down in a row. If there are aces among them, they need to be put aside. After this, shuffle all the cards again, shuffle them and lay out 15 cards again. Set aside all the aces. The third time you need to do the same. If after three hands all the aces come out, then the wish will come true; if not, then the wish is not destined to come true.

All these fortune telling are not recommended to be used too often, otherwise the cards will begin to lie. It is also worth remembering that the deck should only be used for fortune telling. If she has ever been used in a game, she will never tell the truth. In addition, if you like fortune telling with cards, then you should definitely know that no one else should touch fortune telling cards except you. This is the only way to get an accurate prediction. Useful article? Then be sure to put

03.12.2013 14:07

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