Walkthrough of the Explorers' Hall on Heroic mode. Skeletosaurus Anorex Walkthrough on Heroic Mode

Hi all! Rabuin is with you! Lots of interesting things about Hearthstone and card games you can find on my channel: Lets play TCG !

So, let's start completing the League of Explorers adventures in heroic mode with the help of budget decks. Today we will talk about the last quarter - the Hall of Researchers

Skeletosaurus Anorex

Deck idea: Since Anorex has an unlimited supply of creatures (and
spells), then we should take advantage of this fact. Therefore we use various cards, the effects of which depend on the number of creatures on the opponent’s half of the table. We also use cards that steal or destroy Secrets, since Anorex also has a large number of them.


  1. We use the combination Unleash the Dogs + Dagger Juggler + Carrion Hyena. We shoot enemy creatures, finish them off with dogs, and buff the hyena, which hits the enemy in the face. Hunter's Mark and Timber Wolf will help you successfully exchange with a heavy creature.
  1. To quickly find Unleash the Dogs (or other useful cards), we use Tracking and Precious Scarab.
  1. To deprive the boss of Secrets, we use Mystic Kezan and a Flare.
  1. As soon as there are 4 or more creatures on the opponent’s board, we use the Mental Technician to take possession of one of them.

Starting hand: Unleash the Dogs, Dagger Juggler, Carrion Hyena, Explosive Trap or Dart Trap.

Steel Sentinel

Deck. Click to expand

Deck idea: Since this boss, like all creatures on his side of the table, only takes 1 point of damage from any source, regardless of the actual damage of the attacking creature or spell, we will need many small creatures that would bring more small creatures with them. We will also need a lot of healing, since the Steel Sentinel has at his disposal quite powerful creatures and weapons, with which he most often hits the hero in the face. Therefore, we use creatures that can deal multiple damage when summoning new creatures, as well as when healing the hero. We also use creatures that can repeatedly heal the hero and friendly minions to ensure constant single-hit damage to enemies throughout the game.


  1. We use Wells of Light, Tournament Healers and Word of Power: Glory for healing. We combine them with Shadow Boxers so that with each treatment the Steel Sentinel is dealt damage. We combine Dagger Juggler and various small creatures to deal damage to the enemy through daggers.
  1. If it is necessary to exchange with enemy creatures, we place the Head of the Cult in order to get cards from the deck during the exchange.
  1. Divine Spirit, Word of Power: Shield and Velen's Chosen are needed for more profitable exchanges of buffed creatures with the creatures of the Steel Sentinel. It is best to apply the buff to creatures that you absolutely must save, such as Shadow Boxer. (It makes sense to cast Inner Fire on Shadow Boxer, which is not in the deck, but which can be put, for example, instead of Power Word: Shield. This will help him survive when using Exit to the Colosseum).

Starting hand: Shadow Word: Pain, Well of Light, Dagger Juggler, Shadow Boxer

Thief Raffaam

Deck. Click to expand

Deck idea: Just lay down any bad rare cards you have. The worse, the better. It is advisable that the cards do not synergize with each other and have an effect more beneficial to you than to the boss. And we hope that the boss will not lose too valuable cards from his unstable portal.


  1. We equip the hero with a Rare Spear. You can already start hitting your opponent in the face with it. The main thing is to make sure that your weapon does not break. We are waiting for you to appear rare cards on the enemy's board so that our weapon gets +1/1 to its stats if it is already at its maximum durability.
  1. We are waiting for the Cursed Blade to appear in Rafaam’s hand. We can hit the enemy’s face with all creatures on the board and weapons (unless, of course, we urgently need to destroy the enemy’s board in order to avoid losing on the next turn) - now, within 3 turns, all the damage inflicted on Rafaam will be doubled.
  1. If you manage to build a deck of rare cards for 1 and 2 mana, you can try to use the Ominous Statue as a source of additional damage. But first you should make sure that you can clear the opponent’s table (and yours too) during the next turn, after placing the Ominous Statue on the table (of course, the Ominous Statue itself does not need to be cleared).

Starting hand:.Rare Spear, Precious Scarab, Black Archaeologist, Raven Statue.

Indomitable Raffaam

Deck. Click to expand

Deck idea: Since we need to somehow get rid of 10/10 creatures with powerful effects (previous bosses) every 3 turns, we will need all possible removal spells. We can combine these spells with the Summoning Stone to simultaneously get an instant effect and summon a creature to the battlefield. Most of the spells in the deck are aimed at destroying or capturing enemy creatures.


  1. We place the Well of Light and the Tournament Healer to treat the face and the hero and creatures. We try to eliminate enemy creatures for the first few turns using cheap removal spells, for example, Shadow Word: Death and Shadow Word: Pain. Or we are looking for removal and AOE spells through the hero’s ability.
  1. Starting from the 5th turn, we try to combine spells with the Summoning Stone in order to summon additional creatures to the table that will also help in clearing Rafaam’s table.
  1. If we lose a creature in battle, we can draw cards from the deck if we have previously placed the Head of the Cult on the table. New map, will most likely turn out to be a spell, so we will have the opportunity to cast it and put a new creature on the table to replace the old one.
  1. We use Inner Vision and Stolen Thoughts. Sometimes they can bring quite useful maps, such as one of the 3 powerful artifacts of Rafaam or the Faceless Manipulator.
  1. We use removal spells such as Shadow Word: Death, Entombment and Mind Control to destroy or steal the 10/10 legendary creatures that Rafaam summons through his hero ability.
  1. Save the Unearthed Evil for destroying the zombies!

Starting hand: Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Word: Death, Well of Light, Summoning Stone.

Farewell League of Explorers!

Thank you for your attention, I hope I helped you in completing the heroic mode of the Hall of Explorers!

Walkthrough of the Hall of Explorers on Heroic Mode

I immediately apologize for the late post (usually I wrote adventure walkthroughs on Friday), so it’s time to rehabilitate myself. The cycle of completing the League of Explorers adventure has come to an end and today we are going through the last, fourth quarter. This quarter contains as many as 4 bosses, but then the legendaries also give two, so it’s not a shame. Let's go!

Skeletosaurus Anorex Walkthrough on Heroic Mode

This lizard has a very sonorous name, it’s not for nothing that he is so thin. The native ability is boring and banal, but very strong - for 0 (zero) mana the boss gets random map, which also costs 0 mana. He has many animals in his deck, and among the secrets he fell in love with the hunter - snakes, a bear and a new one - darts. Our video maker went through the boss with a magician specially assembled for this, so watch the video and learn, the deck will be at the end.

Walkthrough of the Steel Sentinel on Heroic difficulty

A very interesting boss who, after passing, will give the same interesting map for a magician, just like his native ability. Here's the point: he and his creatures take no more than one damage from any source, the ability is passive, and he has a lot of creatures, and he himself is fat. Of all the walkthroughs, this was the funniest for our video maker, I advise you to watch it even for those who have already completed it.

Walkthrough of the Great Thief Rafaam on Heroic Mode

It is with Rafaam that you will have to fight twice, his first variation is the Great Thief. The fight starts out funny - he steals your deck (and really great thief), and Eliza the Stargazer gives you a new one. Is the hint clear? Yes, you will have to create a deck for this boss, the worse the creatures and spells are, the easier it will be for you. The enemy's base hero power is a free unstable portal, which is also not particularly surprising or fresh, but so be it. Walkthrough of the boss and deck for this at the end of the video.

Rafaam the Indomitable Thief Walkthrough on Heroic Mode

Rafaam can't calm down and wants to fight us again. His hero power is now passive, allowing him to attack once every three turns, when he places a random fat creature (bosses from previous quarters) on the table. The bosses, by the way, almost all have the same abilities as during the initial playthrough. By the way, in this battle you will have another hero power - a random spell for 0 mana, but the spell is not an ordinary one, but with a surprise, you will see the details during your own playthrough or when you watch our version.

Steel sentry- This is the second boss of the Researchers' Hall, fourth quarter. In this guide, we will tell you about cheap decks that you can use to defeat him in Normal and Heroic modes.

Rewards for defeating the Steel Sentinel

For completing the fourth quarter you will receive 2 cards:

Tactics and decks for the Steel Sentinel

The Steel Sentinel's hero power does not allow him to deal more than 1 damage. damage at one time. This effect delays the battle, but does not actually affect the course of the game. Once you take control, the boss is unlikely to be able to fight back. As a result, you will systematically kill the sentry's creatures and gradually break through the sentry itself. In other words, the key to winning in normal mode is patience.

In heroic mode, the battle becomes more difficult, because... The boss's hero power also affects his minions. Thus, you are unlikely to be able to seize control and deal periodic damage to the boss. Since the attack power of your creatures is not at all important in this case, you will need cards that summon several small targets - for example, Call to Battle or Demon Mistress. Repentance or Equality will effectively clear the board, so we recommend using a Paladin deck.

Basic Paladin (normal)

The Paladin is great for fighting the Steel Sentry, because... he is able to summon small creatures using his hero power. In addition, the deck in question contains other cards for summoning additional creatures. As noted above, the key to defeating the Steel Sentinel is patience. Summon creatures and deal more and more damage to the boss with each turn.

Cheap Paladin (heroic)

Since in Heroic mode the boss's Hero Power also affects his minions and health, there is no point in including minions with high attack power in your deck. Your task is to put as many creatures on the table as possible. While the boss deck does have board clears (most notably Brawl), there aren't many of them, so most of the time you'll have 5 or more creatures on your side of the board.

This is a long fight, but with judicious use of Equality, Repentance, and the Guardian of Uldaman, you will eventually be able to defeat the Steel Sentinel. Don't play these cards too early. Wait for large provocateurs and the North Sea Kraken to appear. The boss can only win if he puts a large creature on the field that you cannot deal with for three or four turns. To prevent this from happening, always keep at least one of the cards listed above in your hand.

Suggest your decks for completing the Steel Sentinel and we will add them to this guide.

Hi all. With you Kucha, and today I will tell you about how I passed the 4th wing of the League of Explorers. This time 4 difficult bosses awaited us, with whom I had to tinker quite a bit.

Since many of my readers were unhappy with the large number of Freeze Mages in previous playthroughs, I decided to do without it this time.

Skeletosaurus Anorex.

This boss has one of the most powerful abilities of all bosses. For 0 mana, every turn he receives a random card, and its cost is 0. Thanks to the hero power, Anorex gains a huge advantage in cards and tempo. Already starting from
On his first turn, he can fill the board with powerful creatures that are very difficult to deal with. The opponent also has an Ancestral Spirit, which only increases his advantage.

The Hunter has 3 secrets in his arsenal: Snake trap, Bear Trap and Dart Trap. The deck itself consists of large quantity animals, as well as the map Hungry Buzzard, which is weak point decks. Thanks to a large draw of cards, we have the opportunity to win through fatigue, which I took advantage of.

Our most strong card- Disappearance. Thanks to her, we destroy all the enemy’s plans and send him far back. The very strategy of the deck is to give the opponent as much as possible more cards and leave him without a deck. It will be great if you don't activate the traps until the Hungry Buzzard appears. This will give us a big advantage, since our opponent will take a lot of cards from the deck.

Watch your health, since the opponent has King Krush. To defeat this boss we will need a lot of luck, as he can get a very strong start.

Mulligan: Sap, Deathlord, Preparation, Eviscerate.

Steel Sentinel.

This boss also has a very strong Hero Power. They all of his creatures receive only 1 point of damage. So, to kill a 5/5 creature you need to hit it 5 times. Having strong creatures in our arsenal, we will get little advantage, because anyway we will not deal more than 1 damage.

I chose the Paladin deck because this class has the ability to hit
one unit of damage very often, thanks to Recruits, as well as the Punisher’s Wrath card. We also have Equality, Aldor Peacekeeper, and Guardian of Ulduman to help weaken enemy minions.

It is worth noting that the opponent has Coliseum Entrance and Brawl. Try to play aggressively and destroy your opponent as quickly as possible. Use Ironbeak on Tirion Fordring or on the provocateur if you have lethal.

The great thief Rafaam.

At the very beginning of the game, Rafaam steals ours deck, and Eliza the Astrologer gives us her deck.

The cards in our new deck aren't very strong, but we do have Rare Spear, a 1-mana 1/2 weapon that gets +1/+1 every time an opponent plays a rare card. By pumping up this weapon to great values, we will be able to defeat the enemy.

So we build a deck as bad as possible, but using rare cards for our weapons. We choose a hero with the ability to restore health, since we will use his face as a resource.

I advise you should immediately give up if you haven’t given yourself a weapon, since it will be very difficult for you to win without it.

Indomitable Rafaam.

The strength of this boss lies in the hero’s ability, which allows him to attack only once every 3 turns, and also puts a 10/10 creature with a random effect on the battlefield. That's why I chose the Hunter deck. This deck has great removal to deal with 10/10 minions (Hunter's Mark, Frost Trap, Deadly Shot, Master Hunter) and the ability to deal a lot of damage in one turn (Take Command, Eaglehorn Bow, Unleash the Hounds).

Try to use your hero power as often as possible, as you can get very valuable cards. The opponent's arsenal includes Twisting Void and Wave of Fire, which make sense to play around.

Don't delay the game, since towards the end you will be given not very useful cards from the hero power, and you may not have enough resources to win.

Mulligan: All early drops except Frost Trap, as well as Pet and Master Hunter.

The last quarter brought me a lot positive emotions. He was complex and interesting. I spent 5 hours in it, but that time flew by. I hope my experience will help you in the battle against these difficult opponents. Thank you for your attention and see you again!

Designed TrueEnemy
