Presentation - an interactive game on life sciences. Quiz "Sports hour" Sports game quiz

On the basics of safety and life

(5-6 grade)

  • What safety rule did Little Red Riding Hood forget (or didn’t know)?

(Don't talk to strangers)

(Never open the door to strangers)

  • You're home alone. The phone rings, and at the other end of the line an unfamiliar voice asks if the parents are at home. It’s probably worth boasting about your independence: let them know that a completely adult person is talking to them, right?

(No, that’s not true. Strangers don’t need to know the details; it’s enough to say that the parents are busy and ask if they need to give them something. It’s possible that the caller is a thief trying to find out if anyone is in the apartment)

  • An unfamiliar adult comes up to you on the street and says that they need your help (carry groceries, press the pedal in the car, pay for the phone). What should you do in this case?

(Advise him to seek help from an adult)

  • The most basic way to stop bleeding from a small wound?

(Hydrogen peroxide)

  • Can any fire be extinguished with water?

(No. If a fire occurs due to a malfunction of an electrical appliance or wiring, it is strictly forbidden to extinguish it with water - you may get an electric shock)

  • In order to keep the air in the room fresh and clean for a long time, it is best not to open the windows - so that it does not go out in vain.

(No, of course. Fresh and clean air in the room is the result of ventilation, regular wet cleaning, and the “work” of indoor plants)

  • “Don’t drink from the hoof - you’ll become a little goat!” What can you drink while camping?

(Water on a hike must be boiled, even if it is taken from a spring - unless there is reliable information about the purity of this water and its suitability for drinking)

  • You are sledding with a friend, it’s freezing outside. Suddenly you saw that the tip of your friend’s nose was completely white. Will it go away on its own or do you need help?

(This is a sign of frostbite. Whitened areas of skin should not be rubbed - you can damage them, you need to cover your nose with a scarf or mitten and go home quickly - it won’t go away on its own!)

  • A cyclist is a full participant in the movement. But unlike cars, it doesn't have turn signals, so how does a cyclist indicate his intention to turn left?

(He must put his left hand out to the side or his right hand with a bent elbow. Clarification: turning left without getting off the bike is possible only at an intersection, only if the road is one-lane and if there are no tram tracks on it and you must first let all oncoming cars pass. Otherwise In this case, you need to get off the bike and perform this maneuver on foot)

  • If you need to go to school by bus or subway, best way to pass the time is to play some game on the phone. So?

(No. It’s better in crowded places and public transport Do not take out your phone unless necessary - it can be an easy target for a thief)

  • You're walking down the street, and suddenly a friend calls out to you from the opposite side of the road. What to do?

(Under no circumstances should you run towards him across the road! All your attention is on the roadway. You need to get to the intersection or pedestrian crossing and, following the rules, cross the road)

  • You're waiting for the elevator. A stranger joins you. Your actions?

(You can’t get in the elevator with strangers! It’s best to walk)

  • On the way to school, you see a man gathering a crowd of passers-by and inviting everyone to take part in a win-win lottery. Will you try your luck?

(No! Most likely this person is a fraudster. The saddest thing is that he may have accomplices among the crowd of onlookers, they will “play along” with him, creating the illusion of the honesty of what is happening)

  • Someone left a bag under your seat on the bus. What to do?

(Inform the driver or an adult immediately. Do not touch the bag under any circumstances!)

  • A kettle was boiling on the gas stove and the burner flooded - it went out, but remained on. You noticed it. Is it possible to light the gas now?

(No, because the gas will ignite, but how long the leak has been occurring and how much gas has “flowed” is unknown. You need to turn off the burner, ventilate the room, and only then can you turn on the gas)

  • What should you do if you see a snake in the forest?

(Do not touch or tease it. Calmly move away from the snake or let it crawl away. Wear rubber boots on your feet)

  • If a tick has burrowed into your skin, you need to tear it off as quickly as possible to avoid infection - ticks are carriers of serious diseases.

(Yes, that’s true. Just don’t tear it off, but carefully and correctly pull it out, and this requires knowledge and practice. You can’t do this on your own, so the only thing you need to do if you’re bitten by a tick is to immediately inform an adult about it!)

  • There is a railway crossing on your way. The train has just passed, but for some reason the barrier does not open. Is it possible for a pedestrian to continue moving?

(No. Most likely, another train must pass. You can cross the railway crossing only with the barrier open, this applies not only to cars, but also to pedestrians)

  • You are standing at a bus stop or at a pedestrian crossing. There are a lot of people around you. Where is the best place to be?



Goals: control of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topics “Emergencies of natural and man-made nature. Rules of conduct in emergency situations"

Material support: cards with tasks, posters “Rules of conduct in case of fire”, “Primary fire extinguishing means”, photographs of natural and man-made emergencies.


    Team greetings

Teams present the name of their team, emblem, motto (2-3 minutes) to the jury and spectators.

2. Warm up.

Participants take turns answering questions. The team that is asked the question must provide a correct and complete answer as quickly as possible. If the team fails to complete the task, the question goes to the opponents. (Appendix A)

3. A little creativity

Teams need to portray a pantomime of a natural disaster; assignments are given in envelopes. Opponents must guess the pantomime. You have 7 minutes to prepare. (Appendix B)

4. Crossword

Each team receives a crossword puzzle. The crossword questions include basic concepts related to natural and man-made emergencies. (Appendix B)

5. Actions in emergency situations

Teams need to create an algorithm for how to behave in an emergency. Each team receives a task. (Appendix D)

6. “Everyone thinks”

Participants are given cards that describe fragments of actions in case of an emergency. It is necessary to find errors and propose the correct course of action. (Appendix D)

7. "Guess"

Teams are asked to guess riddles; if a team fails to complete the task, the question goes to the opponents. (Appendix E)

8. Summing up . 4 teams participate in the quiz. The maximum number of points for the competition is 4.


Questions for the teams for the “warm-up” competition

Questions for the first team:

1. What is an emergency?(The situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of a dangerous natural phenomenon, natural disaster, accident or catastrophe that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health, the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions)

2. Name the causes of accidents at enterprises.(natural disasters, wear and tear of equipment, terrorist attack, personnel errors, etc.)

3. How is the radiation dose measured?(In roentgens)

4. Define the concept of “minor”(persons who at the time of committing the crime were 14 years old, but not 18 years old)

5. Which of the available things can be used to protect the respiratory system during the release of toxic substances?(scarf, shawl, collar, sleeve, mittens)

Questions for the second team:

1. In what direction should you leave the infected zone?(perpendicular to wind direction)

2. What poisonous gas is 2 times heavier than air?(chlorine)

3. Your car fell into the water. Your actions.(wait until the cabin is half filled with water, break out the glass, take a deep breath and swim to the surface)

4. What types of fires do you know?(Forest, steppe, peat)

5. Name the consequences of the flood.(destruction of buildings, structures, loss of fertile soil, damage to communications, broken power lines, infectious diseases)

Questions for the third team:

1. Vapors of which substance are the most toxic?(mercury vapor)

2. List the crimes for which liability is provided from the age of 14.(murder, intentional infliction of grievous and moderate bodily harm, kidnapping, rape, vandalism, vehicle theft)

3. What natural disasters can an earthquake cause?(tsunami, volcanic eruption, avalanche, collapse and landslides)

4. Heavy snowfalls can lead to...(avalanche)

5. Name the causes of forest fires.(lightning, drought and heat, human)

Questions for the fourth team:

1. On what scale is the intensity of an earthquake measured?(10 point Richter scale )

2. What should you take with you when evacuating from a dangerous area?(valuables, documents, first aid kit, warm clothes, water and food supplies)

3. Name the methods of extinguishing a forest fire.(water, oncoming fire, knock down the flame, throw earth)

4. Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.(Puchkov Vladimir Andreevich)

5. How to call for help if you find yourself under a rubble?(knock on metal structures)


Assignments for teams for the “A Little Creativity” competition

1. Earthquake

2. Flood

3. Hurricane, tornado

4. Fire


Crossword No. 1

    An animal that helps find and rescue people during disasters (dog)

    The most common emergency situation in Russia (fire)

    Part of the road for pedestrians (sidewalk)

    Radiation harmful to health (radiation)

    The science that studies earthquakes (seismology)

    Road accident (collision)

    Wind of destructive force (hurricane)

    Skating rink on the road ( ice)

    Auto eye (headlight)

    Hot mass during a volcanic eruption (lava)

Crossword No. 2


1. profession of emergency service representative (lifeguard) of occurrence of avalanches and landslides (mountains)

3.snow mass moving from the peaks (avalanche)

4. hydrological phenomenon associated with rising water levels in reservoirs (flood)

5.chemical element used in water treatment plants (chlorine)

6. giant waves (tsunami)


1.release large quantity energy in a short period of time (explosion)

    underground city transport (metropolitan)

    atmospheric phenomenon that impedes traffic movement (fog)

    a facility that generates electricity by releasing nuclear energy (nuclear power plant)

Crossword No. 3


1.pedestrian …….(transition)

2.fall of snow mass from the mountain (avalanche)

3.consequence of an accident with the release of chemical and radioactive substances (pollution)

4.particle of a burning or incandescent substance (spark)

5. roadway (road)


1.a feeling of acute, uncontrollable fear (panic)

2.movement of the earth along a slope under the influence of gravity (landslide)

3.atmospheric phenomenon accompanied by thunder and lightning (storm)

4.heavy precipitation in winter (snowfall)

5.liner that crashed after colliding with an iceberg (Titanic)

Crossword No. 4


1. a mechanism that prevents the movement of cars at a railway intersection (barrier)

2. strong wind (tornado)

3. road and sidewalk fencing (border)

4. a chemical element necessary for combustion (oxygen)

5. precipitation in the form of frozen water (hail)


1. asphyxiating gas with the smell of ammonia (ammonia)

2. frozen water on the road, creating an emergency situation (ice)

3. atmospheric phenomenon causing a fire in the forest (lightning)

4. unit of measurement of radioactive exposure (x-ray)

5. one of the causes of floods (rains)


1. Rules of conduct in the evening on the street. (How to avoid becoming a victim of crime in the evening)

2. Rules of behavior in a situation with an attack by a rapist.

3. Fire in the apartment. (TV lights up)

4. Flood. (The flood found you at home on the 1st floor)


    At the first shock, you should quickly leave the technical school building. Having run out into the street, you should immediately move away from the technical school and stand near a neighboring building or fence. It is necessary to remain calm and composed in the event of falling power line supports.

    If a fire starts in your home, you need to moisten a blanket with water, cover yourself with it and hide under a table or bed. Or run out onto the landing, call the elevator and quickly go down.

    In the evening you are returning home and decide to take a shortcut through unlit courtyards. Seeing a stranger in the alley, you clutched your bag and ran behind the garage and began to call for help.

    The flood caught you at home on the first floor. You need to quickly collect the necessary things: documents, TV, first aid kit, cosmetics, open the windows and go to the roof of the house. Light a fire to attract rescuers.


Riddles for teams

The red beast sits in the oven,

The red beast is angry with everyone,

He eats firewood out of anger

A whole hour, maybe two.

Don't touch him with your hand -

Bites the entire palm.(fire)


It's a cramped, cramped house:

A hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It might break out like a fire.(matches)


It may melt, but not the ice.

It's not a lantern, but it gives light.(candle)


Under a transparent piece of glass -

Little sun.(bulb)


The red bull stands, trembles,

Black - looks at the sky.(fire, smoke)


The steamer wanders back and forth.

If you stop, grief will make a hole in the sea.(iron)


I'm shaggy, I'm shaggy,

I am above every house in winter,

Over the fire over the factory,

Over the fire and the steamer,

But I'm nowhere to be found

Can't happen without fire.(smoke)


Hurry, it's buzzing:─ Give way!

Blinks his blue eye.

Let's get there on time - trouble

Children and adults blowjob.

(fire engine)


Molten Arrow

An oak felled near the village.(lightning)


I'm rushing everywhere

And I call myself simply.....(scrap)


Ears and darling. Below them is a mug.

The empty is strumming, the full is silent.(bucket)


Ready to help everyone:

And dig and fall asleep...

What's my name guys?

You guessed it... (shovel)

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Slide captions:

Basics of life safety

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 10

1 .1 Home first aid kit Thin cotton fabric made of sparsely woven threads, used mainly as a dressing material. bandage

1.2 Home first aid kit adhesive plaster A cloth covered with a sticky medicinal substance applied to wounds

1.3 Home first aid kit brilliant green Alcohol solution of brilliant green used to lubricate skin wounds.

1.4 Home first aid kit vitamins Organic substances of various compositions necessary for the life of humans and animals (A, B, C...).

1.5 Home first aid kit cotton wool A fluffy fibrous mass made from cotton, used in medicine or in everyday life.

1.6 Home first aid kit mustard plasters A cake of pressed medicinal powder for warming the body..

2.1 Poisonous plants and mushrooms There is a harmful old woman, She is wearing a pale hat, And her foot is in a boot, There are speckles on her stocking, There are tears around the collar; Whoever touches her will not wake up. toadstool

2.2 Poisonous plants and mushrooms In a red hat - A dangerous enemy: Admire, look, and go around! fly agaric

2.3 Poisonous plants and mushrooms The flower is like a bell, A little white corolla... It does not bloom magnificently, Whether it rings or not is not audible. lily of the valley

2.4 Poisonous plants and mushrooms The large black-blue berry resembles a bird's eye. Crow's eye

2.5 Poisonous plants and mushrooms A low shrub with bright red berries that grow in clusters on the bark. Eating even 5-6 berries can be fatal for a person. Wolf's Bast

2.6 Poisonous plants and mushrooms Grows everywhere. A herbaceous plant with an unpleasant odor. In case of poisoning, dry mouth, hoarseness, nausea, vomiting, severe thirst, increased heart rate, and difficulty breathing appear. There may be delusions or hallucinations. henbane

3.1 Medicinal plants You will meet it along the paths, You will heal wounds and abrasions, You will carefully pick off a leaf. Who will heal us? (Plantain)

3.2 Medicinal plants Tea is tasty and aromatic, With her it is light and pleasant: The leaves are torn off and wrinkled. What are you inhaling? - The smell... (mint)

3.3 Medicinal plants If something hurts, Even the beast cannot resist. What herb should you drink the infusion with? With miracle grass... (St. John's wort)

3.4 Medicinal plants He is a weed, he is a flower, He helped me from illness. As soon as I sit down on the sofa, I will remember yellow... (dandelion)

3.5 Medicinal plants It grows like a green wall, They bypass it, A prickly and evil diva. What is the name of the grass? (Nettle)

3.6 Medicinal plants Inconspicuous among herbs, She has a calm disposition. Who is proud of its usefulness? - Fragrant... (oregano)

4.1 Flood disasters Flooding of an area as a result of rising water levels in a river, lake, or sea.

4.2 Mudflow disasters Mud or mud-stone flow that suddenly appears due to a sharp rise in water in the river bed.

4.3 Disasters earthquake Rapid movement of the earth's crust caused by shocks from below, from the side.

4.4 Disasters crash Accident with a train or plane on the way.

4.5 Disasters fire A strong flame that engulfs and destroys everything that can burn.

4.6 Landslide disasters The detachment of the upper layers of the earth and their movement down the slope under the influence of gravity.

5.1 Rebuses Organized withdrawal and removal of the population from dangerous areas to a safe zone. evacuation

5.2 Puzzles Chemical preparations against blood-sucking insects, flies, ticks.

5.3 Puzzles Feeling of acute uncontrollable fear, panic

5.4 Puzzles Unfair attitude towards fulfilling one’s duties. negligence

5.5 Rebus Processing

5.6 Puzzles Water disinfectant. pantocide

6.1 a) stop in place; b) finish the transition quickly; c) go back; d) raise your hand and continue moving in front of stopping traffic; e) stop and signal to drivers to stop in order to continue driving. Answer: a When crossing the road, you only managed to reach the center line. What is the best thing to do in this situation?

6.2 a) if this is not possible from the sidewalk or roadside and provided that it is safe and does not interfere with other traffic participants; b) if the driver is convinced that it is safe; c) if it does not interfere with other traffic participants; d) at a stop; e) with the permission of a traffic police officer. Answer: a In what cases is it permitted to board and disembark passengers from the side of the roadway?

6.3 a) turn off electricity, gas, water, move away from windows and pieces of furniture that may fall, take a seat safe place in the doorway; b) call the emergency service, turn off the electricity, gas, water, take a seat by the window; c) close the windows and doors and take a safe place in the closet. Answer: a In what sequence will you try to act if, while at home, you suddenly felt shocks, rattling glass, dishes, and there was no time to run out of the building:

6.4 Answer: a a) turn on the TV, radio, listen to messages and recommendations; b) open the windows and doors of the lower floors; c) leave the building and head as close to the coast as possible. When giving advance warning of an approaching tsunami, it is first necessary to:

6.5 Answer: a a) give yourself first aid, place a spanking under the structures above you, find warm clothes or a blanket to cover yourself with, scream, call for help, knock with metal objects on pipes, slabs; b) give yourself first aid and begin to clear the rubble towards the exit from the room; c) install supports under the structures above you, try to approach the window opening, if you find matches, try to make a small fire to warm up and look around. You fell under a rubble as a result of an earthquake, your leg was crushed by a fallen structure, but was freed: you can move your fingers and toes. There is some free space in the room, but the exit is blocked. What is the order of your actions:

6.6 Answer: b a) register immediately, after registration, put on clothes, dry your shoes, go into the building and wash; b) take off your outer clothing, take a shower with soap, wash your eyes and rinse your mouth; c) help the evacuees settle in at the evacuation point, go to the food station, exclude any physical activity and lie down to rest. Upon arrival at the location in the event of evacuation from the zone of an accident with the release of hazardous chemicals, you must:

7.1 Answer: b a) with a pole, holding it horizontally at chest level; b) crawling; c) at a normal pace, tapping the ice in front with a stick. How will you cross if the ice is unreliable and there is no way to get around it:

7.2 Answer: b a) go carefully in a tight group, always on skis; b) increase the intervals between group members, loosen the backpack straps, prepare the rope, unfasten the ski bindings; c) take off your skis and move on foot, if necessary, lie down on the ice and move on your bellies. When driving on the ice of frozen rivers in winter, you must:

7.3 Answer: in a) tree trunks and bark, lichen and moss, hillsides and mounds, anthills, snow melting; b) bushes and dry grass, the direction of flow of streams and rivers, well-trodden tracks; c) polynyas in reservoirs, wind speed, direction of the butts of cut trees lying on the road. What local signs can be used to determine the cardinal directions:

7.4 Answer: a a) whirlpools often occur there; b) there is the greatest depth; c) there is a very high water speed there; d) there the water looks calmer, but the water pressure is greatest. Why, when crossing a river, is it not recommended to choose an area above the stones (downstream) as the crossing point:

7.5 Answer: a) fold your arms on your stomach, bend over and tuck your legs; b) put on a life jacket, rest your hands on the back of the front seat, and press your head between your knees; c) bend over, tilt your head as low as possible and cover it with your hands, resting your feet on the back of the seat in front of you. In case of an emergency landing of an aircraft, you must:

7.6 Answer: b a) with a pole, holding it horizontally at chest level; b) crawling; c) at a normal pace, tapping the ice in front with a stick. How will you cross if the ice is unreliable and there is no way to get around it:

8.1 Answer: a) enter the apartment, inspect it, determine what things have disappeared, and report this to the police; b) you will not enter the apartment, but call the police by phone from your neighbors; c) enter the apartment and immediately notify the police by phone 02. You came home and noticed that someone had been in the apartment (the door was wide open, a window was broken, etc.). Your actions

8.2 Answer: b a) try to put out the fire using primary fire extinguishing means, open the window to remove smoke, call the fire department and report the fire; b) immediately leave the premises, tightly closing the door behind you, call adults for help, if they are not there, then call the fire department and report the fire; c) call your parents at work and report the fire, try to put out the fire using primary fire extinguishing equipment. What is the correct sequence of actions in case of fire:

8.3 Answer: a) enter the apartment, inspect it, determine what things have disappeared, and report this to the police; b) you will not enter the apartment, but call the police by phone from your neighbors; c) enter the apartment and immediately notify the police by phone 02. You came home and noticed that someone had been in the apartment (the door was wide open, a window was broken, etc.). Your actions:

8.4 Answer: d a) you start talking to him and start asking where you will ride; b) say that you can’t now, but will be happy to go for a ride next time and ask to call you on your home phone to arrange a time and place of meeting; c) agree to ride only 10-15 minutes, provided that he then takes you home; d) say: “No. I won’t go” - and move away or cross to the other side of the road. On your way home from school, a stranger approaches you and offers you a ride home. What you will do:

8.5 Answer: a a) do not let a stranger into the apartment under any circumstances; b) ask the stranger the last name, first name, patronymic of your father and mother, where they work and, having received the correct answer, let him into the apartment; c) ask the stranger for more detailed information about the parents (for example, how he knows them), and then let him into the apartment. An intelligent-looking young man comes up to you and says that he is an acquaintance of his parents and asks you to let him into the apartment so that he can wait for his dad or mom there and surprise them. Your actions:

8.6 Answer: b a) take the shortest route through courtyards, landfills and poorly lit places; b) walk along the illuminated sidewalk and as close to the edge of the road as possible; c) use passing transport. Returning home in the evening, you will:

9.1 - accessories Headgear that protects the firefighter’s head from heat radiation, sparks, impacts and falling objects helmet

9.2 - equipment A ladder with a special metal hook at the end. Using this hook, firefighters secure the ladder to the window sill, balcony and enter the apartment. attack

9.3- accessories A device on the water supply network through which firefighters, using fire-fighting equipment, draw water from the hydrant

9.4 - equipment The ancient name for a fire nozzle is a fire hose

9.5 - accessories Combat clothing that protects firefighters from heat radiation, sparks and water combat

9.6 - accessories Transparent lowering screen on the helmet, protecting the firefighter’s face from the thermal radiation of the visor

10.1 In the event of an accident at a chemically hazardous facility, a chlorine leak occurs, you are in danger of ending up in a contaminated zone. You live on the 1st floor of a 9-story building. What will you do? a) take refuge in the basement; b) go up to the top floor; c) stay in your apartment. Answer: b

10.2 In case of an accident with an ammonia leak, you decided to use a cotton-gauze bandage as personal protective equipment. What solution should it be moistened with? a) 2% ammonia solution; b) 2% solution of acetic acid or citric acid; c) 5% soda solution Answer: b

10.3 What is decontamination? a) removal of radioactive substances from contaminated surfaces; b) destruction of toxic substances; c) destruction or elimination of pathogenic microbes in the external environment. Answer: a

10.4 Head of Civil Defense educational institution is: a) a specially authorized representative of local government bodies. b) one of the deputy heads of the educational institution who has undergone special training. c) the head of an educational institution. Answer: in

10.5 What is the incubation period? a) time from the onset of the disease to recovery. b) time from the moment of introduction of microorganisms until the appearance of the disease. c) time from the onset of the disease to the moment of active manifestation of the disease. Answer: b

Thank you for your work! ! !

Tatiana Malygina
Quiz " Sports hour»

Quiz on the topic: « Sports hour»

Target: Maintain interest in cognitive activity; develop the ability to listen to each other.

Game « Quiz» first appeared in 1928 in the magazine "Ogonyok". Of course, before that there were similar games, which had different names. Author of the title Quiz(Victoria – victory) was probably the editor "Ogonyok". Famous journalist and publicist Mikhail Koltsov. IN "Ogonyok" several dozen were published quizzes, each of them contains 40–50 questions, which had to be answered impromptu.

In the game - quiz all questions about sports.

And victory will be awarded to the person who has achieved the highest results.

Educator: So, let's begin.

1. Name the species sports, which has the lightest ball. (Tennis.)

2. Name the most common species in the world sports. (Running.)

3. Name the most common winter game type sports. (Hockey.)

4. Name the most popular transport remedy in Vietnam. (Bike.)

5. Name the most important figure in chess game? (King.)

6. Guess the riddle:

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing

I jump over it.

And she - through me. (Jump rope.)

7. The main person on sports ground? (Judge.)

8. Name the strongest chess player in the 80s of the 20th century? (G. Kasparov.)

9. Name the most "English" type of martial arts. (Boxing.)

10. Name the national species sports? (Throwing a lasso, throwing an ax, jumping over a sled, running with a stick, triple jump.)

11. Finish the proverb: “Take care of your dress again, and your health... (from a young age.)

12. Name a tonic drink named after a football player? (Coffee Pele.)

"Exercise to mobilize attention."

Starting position - standing, arms along the body.

1 - Right hand on the belt,

2 - left hand on the belt,

3 - right hand on the shoulder,

4 - left hand on the shoulder,

5 - right hand up,

6- left hand up

7-8 - clapping hands above the head.

9 - Place your left hand on your shoulder,

10 - lower your right hand to your shoulder,

11 - left hand on the belt,

12 - right hand on the belt,

13 -14 - clapping hands on thighs.

1. repeat 4-6 times.

Pace: 1 time slow, 2-3 times medium. 4-5 fast, 6 slow.

13. Name the most prestigious competitions in which you participated athletes Ancient Greece . (Olympic Games.)

14. Name the species sports having the most "high title"? (athletics"Queen sports» .

15. Guess the riddles:

We are nimble sisters -

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain we lie down,

We run into the snow. (Skis.)

This riddle is not easy:

I always write in two "To".

Hit both the ball and the puck with your stick,

And my name is... (Hockey.)

17. Winter view sports and children's favorite pastime. (Skis.)

My new friends

Both shiny and light.

And they frolic with me on the ice,

And they are not afraid of frost. (Skates.)

19. Name the species sports, which contains the largest ball. (Pushball, diameter 1.8 m.)

20. Cup for the winner. (Cup.)

21. Competition in which all sports equipment. (Relay.)

22. Geometric figure, marked in the center of the football field. (Circle.)

23. The most famous Soviet hockey goalkeeper. (Lev Yashin.)

24. Car competitions. (Rally.)

25. Judge in the boxing ring. (Referee.)

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Quiz for preschoolers on traffic rules Quiz for preschoolers on traffic rules Quiz summary in preparatory group on the topic “Road Rules” 1. Riddles: 1. Early in the morning.

Scenario of an entertaining event on the basics of life safety for students in grades 5-9 “We are ready for danger!”

Objectives: control of knowledge, skills and abilities on the topics “Emergencies of a natural and man-made nature. Rules of conduct in emergency situations"

Material support: task cards, posters “Rules of conduct in case of fire”, “Primary fire extinguishing means”, photographs of natural and man-made emergencies.

  1. Team greetings

Documentary footage of war, natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes are shown on the screen.

People consider it natural to constantly increase their standard of living, comfort and safety thanks to their work and the active work of society to transform the environment. The most general criteria for the progress of mankind are considered to be the degree of mastery by society of the elemental forces of nature and the degree of liberation of people from socio-political inequality and spiritual underdevelopment.

Transformative life activity, as a rule, brings with it the emergence of new dangers, and with the increase in the size of the transformations, the scale of the dangers grows. Life activity should be understood as the long-term activity of one person or the total activity of many people (society), if the result of this activity is a noticeable, purposeful transformation of the environment.

In recent decades, the situation on the planet has changed dramatically: dangers from human activity have suddenly acquired a completely unprecedented global character. At the same time, not only humanity is in danger, but also the environment and nature. Has arrived new phase in the development of civilization, in which the first and main goal of people should no longer be so much to satisfy continuously growing material needs, as has always been the case until now, but to comprehensively ensure the safety of their life.

Guys, against the backdrop of all these phenomena dangerous to our life, we must have certain knowledge in the field of life safety that will help us survive them.

So, let's move from words to action.

Our game will include several rounds. The team captain must indicate readiness to answer by raising his hand. Time for discussion is one minute. For each correct answer, the team earns one point. And the teams will be judged by the jury (______________________________________________________________).

  1. Warm up.

Our first competition is called “Warm-up”.

Participants take turns answering questions. The team that is asked the question must provide a correct and complete answer as quickly as possible. If the team fails to complete the task, the question goes to the opponents.

Questions for the teams before the warm-up. Guys, name the main types of extreme situations in nature:

  • Change of climatic and geographical conditions
  • Abrupt change in natural conditions
  • Disease or damage to the human body that requires emergency medical care.
  • Forced autonomous existence

Questions are asked to the teams in turn:

  1. Name the causes of accidents at enterprises. (natural disasters, wear and tear of equipment, terrorist attack, personnel errors, etc.)
  2. How is the dose of radioactive radiation measured? (in roentgens)
  3. Vapors of which substance are the most toxic? (mercury vapor)
  4. What natural disasters can an earthquake cause? (tsunami, volcanic eruption, avalanche, collapse and landslides)
  5. Name the causes of forest fires. (lightning, drought and heat, human)
  6. Name ways to extinguish a forest fire. (water, oncoming fire, knock down the flame, throw earth)
  7. In what direction should you leave the contaminated zone? (perpendicular to wind direction)
  8. What poisonous gas is twice as heavy as air? (chlorine)
  9. What types of natural fires do you know? (Forest, steppe, peat)
  10. Heavy snowfalls can lead to (avalanche)
  11. On what scale is the intensity of an earthquake measured? (10 point Richter scale)
  12. Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. (Puchkov Vladimir Andreevich)

2. Competition “collect a proverb”

In the next competition you must collect a proverb from an envelope as quickly as possible. DO NOT KNOW THE FORD, DO NOT PUT INTO THE WATER

  1. Competition “Guess the rebus” (Your safety is in your hands).

Guys, the next competition is called “Guess the Rebus.” You have encryption in front of you. From each word we take only the syllable that is indicated in the code, and then we add all the results obtained into words:

  • cottage cheese, box 1-1
  • shore, ash, shepherd, extreme 1-1-1-2
  • done 2
  • ruins, bookmarks 1-3

Now pay attention to the screen. Here are puzzles on the topic “Extreme situations”.

  1. So, we have the next “Rescuers” competition.

There are situations when a person urgently needs help medical care, the state of his health in the present and future depends on this. Can we do this? Of course, we will provide first aid. I talk about fractures, poisoning, stopping bleeding, etc.

Every home has a first aid kit. Sometimes you need help, but there are no adults around.

From the cards, select the means with which you will provide first aid.

1) Which medicine from the first aid kit will you choose if a person faints?

2) How will you stop the heavy bleeding?

3) What remedy from the first aid kit will you choose if you cut yourself? (The wound needs to be disinfected and the bleeding stopped).

4) Which medicine from the first aid kit will you choose if you get an abrasion during a fall and the wound needs to be treated?

5) What remedy from the first aid kit will you choose if your tooth or head hurts badly?

1. AMMONIA (ammonia solution) 6. IODINE SOLUTION IN ALCOHOL 5%
5. VATA 10. POTASSIUM PERMANGATE (potassium permanganate)
  1. Competition "A Little Creativity"

Guys, you need to portray a pantomime of a natural disaster. The captain of each team draws out 2 tasks in an envelope. The opposing team must guess the pantomime. You have 2 minutes to prepare. Assignments for teams for the “A Little Creativity” competition (on cards)

  1. Earthquake
  2. Flood
  3. Hurricane, tornado
  4. Fire

6. “Guess the crossword” competition.

So, each team gets a crossword puzzle. The crossword questions include basic concepts related to natural and man-made emergencies.


  1. profession of emergency service representative (lifeguard)
  2. place where avalanches and landslides occur (mountains)
  3. snow mass moving from the peaks (avalanche)
  4. hydrological phenomenon associated with rising water levels in reservoirs (flood)
  5. chemical element used in water treatment plants (chlorine)
  6. giant waves (tsunami)


  1. releasing large amounts of energy in a short period of time (explosion)
  2. underground city transport (metropolitan)
  3. atmospheric phenomenon that impedes traffic movement (fog)
  4. a facility that generates electricity by releasing nuclear energy (nuclear power plant)


  1. pedestrian …….(transition)
  2. snow mass falling from the mountain (avalanche)
  3. consequence of an accident with the release of chemical and radioactive substances (pollution)
  4. particle of burning or incandescent substance (spark)
  5. roadway (road)


  1. a feeling of acute, uncontrollable fear (panic)
  2. movement of the earth along a slope under the influence of gravity (landslide)
  3. atmospheric phenomenon accompanied by thunder and lightning (storm)
  4. heavy rainfall in winter (snowfall)
  5. airliner that crashed after colliding with an iceberg (Titanic)

7. Literary Quiz Competition

Guys, you know a lot of fairy tales: original and Russian folk tales. But now you need to remember fairy tales where violation of life safety led to sad consequences. Explain why. Teams are given 2 minutes for this task, after which the captains answer. I'm handing out cards.

  1. Captains competition.

Question 1 to the captain In mountainous areas after heavy snowfalls, the danger of avalanches increases. Let's imagine that a person is covered with snow. He needs to try to get out from under the snow.

Question: How can a person determine where is up and where is down?

Answer: Collect saliva and let it flow out of your mouth.

Question 2 to the captain It is known that a battle is an organized armed clash between units and units of the warring parties.

Question: Dear captain, name the main type of combat.

Answer: Offensive.

  1. Competition "Safety in water transport".

Guys, here are cards with tasks in front of you. You need to establish consistency in shipwreck rescue actions.

Don't swim 1. hand
Masha 2. louder
Shout 3. behind the ship
Unnecessary items 4. hope
Don't lose 5. throw it away
Take care 6. clothes
Don't reset 7. strength

9. “Guess” competition

Teams are asked to guess riddles; if a team fails to complete the task, the question goes to the opponents.

Riddles for teams

  1. Summing up. The maximum number of points for the competition is 1.