Pokemon go why do pokemon run away. Are the devils escaped Pokemon? How to find out if you've been banned from Pokemon GO


It is played all over the world, even in places where it has not yet officially gone on sale.

We also have experienced smartphone users who have already downloaded the application and started actively getting acquainted with cute monsters.

The game became a continuation of the Pokemon series, in which you need to search, catch, and the like, for example, join a team.

But the most basic key point- hunting! This is where many people begin to wonder, how to catch Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

No wonder everyone is interested in this. There is no Russian version yet. And in new version Pokemon catching monsters has become more difficult.

So sit back and learn how to look for Pokemon and how you can catch them.

From this article you will learn:

Let's all go on a search!

The peculiarity of the application is that here you need to learn how to aim correctly. To do this, you need to master the pokeball (pokeball) by swiping on the display of your smartphone.

A throw can, in principle, be “for luck”, but it is not a fact that the attempt will be successful. I will tell you how to catch Pokemon in a proven way so that it is certain and certain.

But before that, you need to find out where the Pokemon are actually located.

The beginning of the game is unusual, you start walking down the street in search of monsters. Don't be surprised, you'll have to get off your butt and start your journey - that's exactly what distinctive feature Pokemon Go.

The game pays a lot of attention to attractions, so you will find Halls and Poké Stops here. Those who do not live in the city are much less fortunate.

There are significantly more poke stops where the population density is higher. It is here that players actively use modules to attract Pokemon and catch them in the literal sense of the word “in batches”.

Look at the bottom right side of the screen. Here you will see a scale. This is how you can determine the distance of Pokemon from you.

Now understand how the locator works or read my previous review. Are you ready? Then go hunting!

How to catch?

Many people think that this is done easily. Throw a pokeball towards the found pokemon and that’s it. Nothing is required, no strategic action.

Believe me, it only seems, not everything is so simple. So, let's learn how to catch Pokemon.

First of all, we turn off the AR mode, then, when we see the monster, we hold our finger on the pokeball and throw it. In this case, it is necessary to give a certain flight trajectory.

After pressing with your finger, you will see a white ring appear around the monster. Another one is moving inside the ring. It can be of different colors and indicates the difficulty of fishing.

  1. Complex - red.
  2. The middle one is yellow.
  3. Simple – green.

The greater the difficulty, the more attention you pay to the circle. The Pokeball should be thrown at the moment when the circle is at its largest size.

The smaller its size becomes, the more the Pokémon begin to resist.

Sometimes the ball may start to fly in a curve. This happens completely by accident and does not mean that the capture will not be successful. You can even get a reward for such a twisted throw.

The best option for catching in Pokemon GO is to hit the place where the inner ring closes.

The smaller the size of the ring, the greater the chances of receiving bonuses, and you will receive additional experience points - Excellent, Nice, Great.

If the Pokemon escaped

Don't worry, nothing bad happened. The recalcitrant can be re-caught. But for this you need to use a different timing, finding more advantageous moments.

How to catch rare pokemon

In Pokemon GO, when catching, locations matter, and it doesn’t matter whether the Pokemon are rare or common.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to places where you will not have competitors, for example, to a remote village or forest. It is the crowded places that are the most best option for fishing.

Go to those places where there are the largest crowds of people, where the places are the busiest. This is where you will find luck in the form of a rare Pokemon.

Experienced trainers claim that rare Pokemon are found in the same places. If you didn’t catch a “rare bird” the first time, look at the same place more often.

Decoys and radar

In Pokemon GO you can use lures when hunting ( Lure Module). It lasts for half a minute and is installed on a PokeStop.

You will find the radar at the bottom right. Use it, the tool will show all the Pokemon that are near you. You can start catching everyone or start catching only the rarest ones that you don’t have in your collections.

Look at the pictograms. All you have to do is select the Pokemon you want and click on them. Follow the images for the tracks. 1 – shows that the Pokemon is very close, 2 – at an average distance, 3 – far from you.

The Pokemon Go app has only recently been released, but has already created a lot of hype. Since the game has not yet launched in most of the world, we can only stay tuned for news.

I'll be posting reviews as soon as something new comes out, and you'll be on the lookout for more Pokemon Go guides. For now, tell your friends how to catch Pokemon correctly.

Our game has not yet been officially approved, however, many are already playing it enthusiastically. By subscribing to the blog news, you will learn how you can start playing with us, and will also be the first to get acquainted with new materials on the application.

If you have your own tips for catching Pokemon, share them in the comments. That's it, I don't dare detain you, let's go on an exciting hunt!

Recently, the developers of Pokemon Go have taken cheaters seriously and the ban in Pokemon Go has moved from the category of “might be banned someday” to quite ordinary game event for those who used odd and prohibited methods in the game. What kind of bans there are in Pokemon Go, what a ban looks like and what to do if you are banned we will tell you in our new guide.

Why and how to get banned in Pokemon Go

Bans in Pokemon Go are issued to players who violate the rules of use Pokemon games Go (ToS).

The most basic and common violations are

  • using programs for replacing device coordinates - fake gps location with the help of which cheating players get to other cities and other continents in order to catch rare Pokemon there or get to places where there are a lot of Pokemon or Lur modules are installed to lure Pokemon. However, in reality they are at home.
  • the use of special bot programs that, instead of the player, catch Pokemon, moving according to the algorithm specified by the player, while the player is not actually in the game and does not perform any actions personally.
  • playing from multiple accounts; in Pokemon Go, one player can only have one game account.
  • sale game accounts other trainers.
  • using a modified Pokemon Go application (which is why you need to download the application only from reliable sources), by and large, even installing an apk file not from Google Play for android is technically a violation and can get you banned from Pokemon Go.
  • starting the game while moving at high speed - with such actions there is a possibility of receiving a temporary ban - soft ban

How long is a ban in Pokemon Go?

The time for which an account receives a ban in Pokemon Go depends on what type of ban the account received. Many players are familiar with the situation when the GPS takes a character to a completely different place and very far from the real location. If in such a situation any actions are performed in a new place, then when the character returns to real coordinates the player can receive a soft ban - a temporary ban that lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. This ban is purely technical and does not face any consequences for the account.

For serious violations described by us earlier, a player may receive a permanent ban - this is a ban that is given to the player forever with subsequent deletion of the account.

Naturally, if such a threat as a ban in Pokemon Go has appeared, then players want to know what it looks like. You have to understand, if something went wrong, the account is banned or not.

The soft ban looks like this:

  • when entering the game, not a single Pokestop spins or gives out items
  • Pokemon run away after the first Pokeball throw and the trainer actually cannot catch them
  • trainer cannot fight in Arenas (Gym)

It is impossible to remove a soft ban or speed up the procedure for removing it; if a temporary ban has been received, all that remains is to wait for its automatic cancellation.

When receiving a permanent ban, the player cannot enter the game at all and receives the message “Failed to get game data from the server” even at the stage of loading the game:

If you receive such a message over and over again, while the game starts normally for other players, then this is a permanent account ban in Pokemon Go

How to remove a ban in Pokemon Go

As we have already written, it is impossible to influence a softban in Pokemon Go. But if your account has received a permanent ban, you can contact the game support service and fill out a special form located at. It looks quite simple, it is filled out in English, but there should be no problems with filling it out since there are a minimum of fields, and your message about disagreement with the ban can be translated into English language through an online translator. This is what the ban cancellation request form looks like.

The Pokemon Go universe is full of different creatures that you will meet at every step, here in front of you is a Pokemon evolution table. Some of them will become well known to users, but the existence of some characters may not be known at all. The Pokemon Encyclopedia in Russian will help you find out everything you need about any creature. In it you can see an image of Pokemon, read brief description and also learn a lot more useful information, which will help during the game.

Just select the creature you need and learn everything about it! In Pokemon GO, a table of Pokemon with pictures and names will clearly familiarize the player with all the parameters. This includes the creature's height, weight, and the type and talents it can use. All Pokemon from the game Pokemon Go are divided into types: each type will determine the unique characteristics of the character, as well as influence the list of his talents. Pokemon classes are very important in game mechanics– the best and legendary creatures that can decide the outcome of the battle can be immediately identified.

You will also be able to track the development of Pokemon. Evolution most often has three stages, but sometimes a creature may not develop at all. Remember that the same Pokemon can have different characteristics. Pokemon's levels affect their stat rating and also determine how much attack they will have. As a rule, rare Pokemon- These are stronger creatures.

But even the most strong Pokemon have some weaknesses. They are located directly below the information about the type of creature. For example, if a Pokémon is a Fire type, it will most likely be vulnerable when in contact with a Water creature. Sometimes the opposite outcome is quite real, so special attention should be paid to another small table located just under the character’s image.

To make the Pokemon game not only interesting, but also have some balance, in addition to the general characteristics, the developers introduced additional parameters of the creature. Each Pokemon has lives, speed, as well as attack and defense, which are divided into regular and special. Pokémon species can vary greatly in all these respects. If the first Pokemon doesn't have much to boast about them, then as the rarity of the creatures increases, their characteristics grow. Especially when they evolve. In other words, such a table of Pokemon coolness will allow you to quickly identify all the obvious advantages and disadvantages of each character.

Thus we have collected full list Pokemon, making it convenient and informative so that every player can quickly learn all important information about the creature that interests him. Some of them are capable of entering the top Pokemon, others can be an excellent addition to the battle group! This information can help them a lot! Thank you!
