Review of the game H1Z1: King of the Kill. Review of H1Z1: King of the Kill

This project appeared on the wave of popularity of survival games. Its Early Access release date is January 15, 2015. Initially it included two modes: direct survival in the spirit of DayZ and a battle royale like in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

On February 17, 2016, the game was split into two parts. The regimes became independent of each other. The survival game became known as Just Survive. The battle royale game H1Z1, which we reviewed, lost its King of the Kill console in August 2017. Let's start the review of H1Z1.


According to the scenario, a global catastrophe occurs in the in-game world, as a result of which people began to turn into zombies. A dangerous virus called H1Z1 began to spread from the island of Poveglia, which is located near the Italian city of Venice. The reason for this was the experiments of scientists at Kurama Pharmaceuticals, who were trying to develop a cure for some serious diseases. The work of specialists has gotten out of control, and humanity is faced with a very serious problem. In the story, 15 years have passed since the first infections.


Let's move on to the gameplay in the H1Z1 review. For those who have played PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the gameplay will be painfully familiar. Players land by parachute on an island from which it is impossible to escape. After landing, you must immediately rush to search for various survival goodies scattered across the game map: weapons, equipment and first aid kits, since a collision with other players eager to win is inevitable. The danger zone here is represented not by a force field as in PUBG, but by gas, which is much more realistic. At first, players are warned about how long it will take for toxic gas to appear on the map - a green circle appears on the map. a safe zone where players end up rushing.

It should be noted in the H1Z1 review that before the update it was difficult to navigate the game map. There was and still is no minimap in the game, and when we opened a regular map, we could see not our exact location, but the sector in the form of a square in which we are now located. Many players consider this approach to be quite good and adds even more interest and hardcore to the game. However, the developers still added an indicator of the player’s exact location to the map and a compass to the game interface.


Let's continue the H1Z1 review. There are many types of equipment you can find in the game. The equipment here is represented by helmets, helmets, various clothes, body armor, backpacks, various consumables and more. Each piece of equipment performs its own functions. The backpack allows you to carry more things: weapons, ammunition, etc. By wearing a helmet, the player becomes more protected from hits to the head. If you wear a bulletproof vest, the damage taken from hits to the torso is reduced.

Summary of the H1Z1 review

The game has everything for a fun and interesting pastime: parachute landing, complicated navigation on the map, searching for objects, shooting, conditions for funny moments. In addition, more than 150 people can be in the same game session at the same time!

It should be noted that the game is well optimized: it runs smoothly without any brakes on most modern computers. System requirements are not as high as they could be. The graphics of the game are attractive and make the game more enjoyable. H1Z1 review is finished.

Official trailer

We all know that lately the trend of releasing games through an early access program has been gaining incredible popularity. If previously, when you bought a game before release, you often saved on its purchase by supporting the developers and at the same time getting early access to a commercial product, but now everything has changed. Sony Online Entertainment(SOE) went ahead and released an early version Free-To-Play games for money! Yes, yes, that's right. Those who want to play the game before release must pay money for beta testing. Those who are patient will receive the finished product for free. Let's understand our review, is it worth buying? H1Z1 now or should I wait for release?

Before I begin to share my impressions of what I saw, it is necessary to clarify what H1Z1.


H1Z1- A massively multiplayer online game on personal computers, which will also be released on PlayStation 4. According to the early access program, you can only play it on PC.

The game was announced on April 8, 2014 in a post-apocalyptic setting, on the territory USA in the setting of a Zombie Apocalypse thriller, where players are forced to constantly search for resources for survival, weapons and arrangement of their homes. The gameplay of the game is based on competition between players for the remaining resources in a post-apocalyptic world, trade and teamwork for the sake of survival. The game, in essence, is a survival simulator. The sandbox elements here are still very poorly developed. Let's hope it's only for now.

After release H1Z1 will be distributed throughout the model Free-to-play. There is no exact data on the release of the game and the nuances of monetization of the game yet, except for the statement SOE o sales of items and services that do not affect gameplay and do not give advantages to some players over others. Here, however, we must immediately make the remark that already with the first release of the game they deceived the players. Relief Crates drop upon request and contain weapons and ammo. These boxes can only be obtained for an additional fee. I in no way blame the developers for this decision, but cheating is not good. It was necessary to immediately tell the truth and keep the promise.

Player character H1Z1 tied to a specific game server. The game is built on the engine Forgelight, which should provide unique lighting effects, changes in time of day, and weather phenomena. On Forgelight the game is already out PlanetSide 2, games announced EverQuest Nex t and Landmark.

Events in the world of the game take place 15 years after a global catastrophe caused by a virus H1Z1 , turning people into zombies. The virus began its spread from the island Poveglia located near the city Venice V Italy where is the company Kurama Pharmaceuticals developed a promising drug in the fight against some serious diseases, in the process of this work a virus was created H1Z1 , which led to the massive transformation of people into zombies.


IN H1Z1 the player wakes up in the middle of the forest. He looks around and tries to understand where he is and where to go next. After a couple of minutes you begin to understand that your character is sick. Symptoms: hypertrophied metabolism. The vital activity monitoring scales are “melting” before our eyes. Another hour and you yourself will turn into a zombie, if you are not eaten by walkers or shot by survivors first.

A little time passes and you begin to understand that not everything is so bad and the local forests are rich in blackberries, which you can use to replenish your restless stomach..... After a little more time, you understand that everything is worse than you thought. Eating blackberries or found supplies does not save you, but only delays death. Whatever you eat, everything burns inside your stomach in seconds. After realizing this, an understanding comes: from now on, your life is an endless search for food. Before he could “calm down the voracious demon,” he died. What is this? The first signs of a virus that has turned almost the entire world's population into zombies, or something else?

Do you think I'm joking here? Not at all. I don’t know why, but the game developers felt that modern games about survival in the world of zombies lacked “zombie apocalypse-Tamagotchi”. The main task of such games is to feed your gluttonous character. Everything else is secondary. “But this is absurd,” you say. "What's the point of playing a game if all you have to do is worry about your stomach?" My friends, I also cannot find the answer to this question, like 60% of those people who found the game dull and wrote negative reviews about it in steam.

But, not only the search for food, after all, you will have to engage in H1Z1. In your wanderings through the harsh expanses of an almost deserted world, if you are lucky, you can find weapons, bottles of water, canned food and other supplies. Now, it will be more difficult to find ammunition for weapons. I never found it. Maybe you'll get lucky? As it turned out, later, literally from the first minutes, you can create a bow and arrows. This will greatly help you in the fight against zombies and aggressive players, of which there are a lot here, as in any similar game.

Well-known post-apocalyptic zombie games in the open world, the tasks of which are survival, have their own characteristics, thanks to which players give them certain nicknames:

DayZ- running simulator. Since, most of the time, especially at the initial stage, you just have to run.

Rust- lumberjack simulator. At first, you will cut, cut and cut trees again to build a home.

I believe that H1Z1 should be called an archer simulator, because most of the time it is these weapons that you will “admire” on your screen.

You can find many different cars in the game. The vast majority of them cannot be restored, but sometimes you can come across a car where you need to install some elements and it will be “on the road”. True, this is extremely difficult to do, especially on crowded servers. Very often, barbarians simply destroy such specimens and you can only prevent this by being nearby. It's easy to destroy a car - just kick it with your feet :-)) But to protect it..... So we come to the most important aspect of such games - team play. This is the key to success. It is impossible to achieve anything here without a team of loyal friends. Comrades devoted to you will not only terrify the looters, but will also help, if anything happens, to guard your car or other point during your absence. Play without allies H1Z1 almost meaningless, all this will boil down to a glutton simulator, nothing more. And even if you manage to gather enough food for future use, it’s not a fact that a stray arrow won’t be shot at the back of your head.

With the help of a well-coordinated team, you can even build a small camp. You can store supplies and transport in it. It is still extremely difficult to do this. Even more difficult is keeping it safe. The developers still have a lot of work to do on this aspect. It is the organization and protection of such settlements that is the best key to motivating players to spend time playing the game. The rest quickly becomes boring.


What I would like to note in H1Z1, so this is good optimization. The game runs quite smoothly at maximum settings on modern PCs, unlike DayZ. The controls are much easier to understand. And from the very first days, vehicles are available in the game, so far only cars. After the first disastrous day for the game, the servers started working stably and are not causing any complaints. You can congratulate SOE with the successful launch of the first version of their ambitious project. Not all such popular projects succeeded in this.

You need to understand that the game is currently in early access and has a lot to go through before its release. For now, everything boils down to very quickly boring, meaningless errands. Playing without a team is not interesting at all.

Is it worth buying the game? If you have a lot of friends in the service steam and you have nothing to do in the evenings - yes. Several interesting days are guaranteed for you. If you have no friends, wait for the release and get it for free.
I sincerely hope that SOE the game will be brought to mind. We really need a competitor DayZ and all similar projects. They are developing very “slowly” and perhaps it is precisely H1Z1 will be that “wonderful kick” that will allow developers to stop picking their noses and work more quickly. For now, I'll give the game 7 points. In advance. She definitely has potential.

🤬 WHO PLAYS THIS SHIT?! - I shout at the monitor when everything is bad in H1Z1.
🤗 IT'S NOT A BAD, ORIGINAL GAME! - I exclaim when everything is good in H1Z1.

👹 Why I hate H1Z1

💔 Strange technical condition.
Perhaps the most annoying thing about the game is that at release it got sick with everything that PUBG got sick with. Whoever you hang out with is what you gain, right? The specific point is that the game behaves extremely ambiguously at different moments. Disappearing ground textures during landing, which may well not disappear in the next landing. Strange friezes that may not exist next time. I think it’s not worth continuing, everyone understands that this TOP-1 thing is maddening and we can end it here. But I will continue. The game looks like the most accessible Battle Royale yet. Excellent graphics from 2014, sometimes pleasing, sometimes soapy. And here are the problems? And this on hardware is much better than the recommended ones? Where do the minimum 6 gigabytes and the recommended 8 gigabytes go? The detailing here is very ascetic, most of it is in cities, but the frame rate does not drop there, they behave decorously... So what's the matter then? Let's add dual loading to the strange technical condition. Let’s assume that so much RAM is needed to hold the entire map, the players, the entire environment, so that everything stays afloat more confidently. BUT. Let's remember PUBG and Fortnite. They also eat up about the same amount of memory, but they are loaded into both the lobby and the map only once. And then twice. And all this for your 6-8 gigabytes. The engine is used by Forgelight. Daybreak/Sony Online have been making games on it since 1997, constantly updating: . Not the shameful Planetside 2, which shows much better graphics, the scale is a hundred times larger and behaves a lot faster. The answer will most likely be given by the fact that the graphon was pulled up for release. Not absolutely amazing, but better than before. And on top of that, each round is loaded differently. Faster, slower. And at the same time there is no consistency, as the game wants it will be.

💔 Acid community.
People need to hate something. Over the years, tons of crap have been poured into various projects. That year, PUBG Early Access was hated. Everyone joined. For those whose hardware has already become obsolete, but the memory of their exploits in GTA 5 on minimum wages is still alive, there were many who didn’t even play, but listened to the high-guzzling streamers, for whom take out and put the sensation for the sake of activity in the comments. There were also those who suddenly felt mortally sorry for the 900 rubles from breakfast. Dissatisfied readers crawled out, who couldn’t read with such a low frame rate. There were a lot of people there. But the closer the release came, the more the haters converted into fans. Over time, it became fashionable to love PUBG and play it for hundreds and thousands of hours. And then 2018 has arrived, and we haven’t done anything yet. Discomfort. Mom’s detectives immediately appeared, ready to tell the ENTIRE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUE INTENTION OF THE DEVELOPMENTS for 5 likes! Attention, insider information! “Due to low sales, the studio of shit-makers floated up on their belly and urgently released the game in Free-To-Play in order to extract more money from the gullible suckers.” Level of the newspaper "SpeedInfo". This whole theory collapses back in 2014, when H1Z1 just came out in early access as a competitor to DayZ. Even then, the developers announced that in the future the game would be free. In the meantime, additional investment in development is needed. If you want, support us financially by purchasing now, you will immediately receive the game in alpha/beta status and several gaming goodies. And at the release you will receive additional gadgets. I'll tell you a terrible secret - this is not the first game to do this. But my mother’s detectives are rather inattentive people. They don’t see the articles, they don’t know how to expand the EARLY ACCESS box and understand with the help of a translator that the game will be free.

💔 The game is not promoted in the CIS.
PUBG has support in the form of... God forbid, Mail.Ru. The uncle's thick hand sensed the stream and was already reaching for the project's neck. Fortnite, for which the entire legendary studio Epic Games abandoned all projects (just like Daybreak abandoned Just Survive and Everquest NEXT for H1Z1), has a department for working with the CIS and it even climbed into VK applications in order to write on your wall how “you” Demobilization!" (those in the subject will understand). H1Z1, adapted for the Western community, has only Russian language with ugly fonts. The Yankees are not particularly interested in Putinland, but in vain. They rarely worked with this audience.

🤔 What's questionable about H1Z1

H1Z1 went through a long development period and of course it has more than a dozen versions.
People who find it at different stages have the right to love one build more than the other. But this right may not apply to the final version. In the end, everything went towards it, let's not forget that we love the game not for early access, but for its final state. And H1Z1 didn’t have much luck with this. Half of the top items simply weren't in early access. The textures loaded quickly, there were no friezes noticed on my piece of hardware. Now point by point.

💛 The theme does not roll in when players choose the landing square themselves. And at the same time, already in the preparation stage it is noted where the saving initial zone will be. Of course, its location is always different and the entire map is used, but the solution is questionable. The element of surprise disappears. Moreover, if you didn’t have time to select a square (for example, it loaded, but the match had already started), you will be thrown into the very hole. And what’s even creepier is that whoever loads first will be the one to deal cuffs.

💛 High spawn area of ​​objects. By the time of release she had become poorer, but still a bit tall. It’s not like in early access, when you could collect a whole arsenal in one house, but I also didn’t have any situations where there was a bloody nose, and there were no weapons anywhere within a radius of 100 meters. This is very controversial, and in the same PUBG in the house you can collect several types of guns along with first aid kits, armor and a rubber woman. All questions to random.

💛 Mighty Shotgun. I blow up farts with it. Having found the Shotgun, I grab +1000 to courage. Either there are a lot of newbies in the game, or the shotgun really gives a light to the machine gun and the SMG at close range. I sit down with him at a gas station and, out of courage, yell at the whole area into the microphone. All those entering immediately become those leaving for another world.

💛 I heard that there are not enough weapons. Sometimes it seems like this myself. But it's debatable. The game is about finding weapons, not showing up with them. Let's be honest, do you often find your favorite fluff with the right module in “various PUBG”? And immediately, or gradually? Or maybe never at all, right? All the main types are in place, close, medium and long-range combat.

💛 I doubt that the game needs such an audience of free players. It’s just that players often come to free games because they don’t need the game, it gets attention from unnecessary media, etc. I really hope that over time this muddy pool will become clearer.

💛 One card is not enough.

💛 The rarest sniper.

💛 Slow weapon change.

💛 I heard that there are cheaters in the game, but I haven’t met one in 25 hours. At least all my deaths were entirely my fault.

💛 I heard that in the earlier version everything was better, and the promises were sweeter. Most likely these people do not know what early access is. It's like elections, where the candidates are Sidora. Everyone promises a new road to Kukuevo for the hundredth time, but nothing changes. Show me at least one project where all 100% of the players are happy, and all promises are fulfilled with surgical precision.

🧐 What do you like about it then?

💚 Nothing new will be said here, but the thought from the very beginning of the review will only be repeated.
When everything is good in H1Z1, it's actually quite good. When everything is bad in H1Z1, then the fart bursts. Battle Royale is hard to beat. Decisions in the game give rise to some subjective opinions, some like it, some don’t, the concept often changed, some new products extinguished the second, but in general there are examples that are much worse. I recommend playing for more than 10 hours and drawing your own conclusions. Fortunately, nothing prevents this. So I "recommend" for visiting.

🤬 [b]WHO PLAYS THIS SHIT?! [i] - I scream at the monitor when everything is bad in H1Z1. 🤗 [b]AND IT’S NOT A BAD, ORIGINAL GAME! [i] - I exclaim when everything is good in H1Z1. 👹 Why I hate H1Z1 💔 [b][u]Strange technical condition. Perhaps the most annoying thing about the game is that at release it got sick with everything that PUBG got sick with. Whoever you hang out with is what you gain, right? The specific point is that the game behaves extremely ambiguously at different moments. Disappearing ground textures during landing, which may well not disappear in the next landing. Strange friezes that may not exist next time. I think it’s not worth continuing, everyone understands that this TOP-1 thing is maddening and we can end it here. But I will continue. The game looks like the most accessible Battle Royale yet. Excellent graphics from 2014, sometimes pleasing, sometimes soapy. And here are the problems? And this on hardware is much better than the recommended ones? Where do the minimum 6 gigabytes and the recommended 8 gigabytes go? The detailing here is very ascetic, most of it is in cities, but the frame rate does not drop there, they behave decorously... So what's the matter then? Let's add dual loading to the strange technical condition. Let’s assume that so much RAM is needed to hold the entire map, the players, the entire environment, so that everything stays afloat more confidently. BUT. Let's remember PUBG and Fortnite. They also eat up about the same amount of memory, but they are loaded into both the lobby and the map only once. And then twice. And all this for your 6-8 gigabytes. The engine is used by Forgelight. Daybreak/Sony Online have been making games on it since 1997, constantly updating: Not the shameful Planetside 2, which shows much better graphics, the scale is a hundred times larger and behaves a lot faster. The answer will most likely be given by the fact that the graphon was pulled up for release. Not absolutely amazing, but better than before. And on top of that, each round is loaded differently. Faster, slower. And at the same time there is no consistency, as the game wants it will be. 💔 [b][u]Acid community. People need to hate something. Over the years, tons of crap have been poured into various projects. That year, PUBG Early Access was hated. Everyone joined. For those whose hardware has already become obsolete, but the memory of their exploits in GTA 5 on minimum wages is still alive, there were many who didn’t even play, but listened to the high-guzzling streamers, for whom take out and put the sensation for the sake of activity in the comments. There were also those who suddenly felt mortally sorry for the 900 rubles from breakfast. Dissatisfied readers crawled out, who couldn’t read with such a low frame rate. There were a lot of people there. But the closer the release came, the more the haters converted into fans. Over time, it became fashionable to love PUBG and play it for hundreds and thousands of hours. And then 2018 has arrived, and we haven’t done anything yet. Discomfort. Mom’s detectives immediately appeared, ready to tell the ENTIRE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUE INTENTION OF THE DEVELOPMENTS for 5 likes! Attention, insider information! “Due to low sales, the studio of shit-makers floated up on their belly and urgently released the game in Free-To-Play in order to extract more money from the gullible suckers.” Level of the newspaper "SpeedInfo". This whole theory collapses back in 2014, when H1Z1 just came out in early access as a competitor to DayZ. Even then, the developers announced that in the future the game would be free. In the meantime, additional investment in development is needed. If you want, support us financially by purchasing now, you will immediately receive the game in alpha/beta status and several gaming goodies. And at the release you will receive additional gadgets. I'll tell you a terrible secret - this is not the first game to do this. But my mother’s detectives are rather inattentive people. They don’t see the articles, they don’t know how to expand the EARLY ACCESS sign and understand with the help of a translator that the game will be free. 💔 [b][u]The game is not promoted in the CIS. PUBG has support in the form of... God forbid, Mail.Ru. The uncle's thick hand sensed the stream and was already reaching for the project's neck. Fortnite, for which the entire legendary studio Epic Games abandoned all projects (just like Daybreak abandoned Just Survive and Everquest NEXT for H1Z1), has a department for working with the CIS and it even climbed into VK applications in order to write on your wall how “you” Demobilization!" (those in the subject will understand). H1Z1, adapted for the Western community, has only Russian language with ugly fonts. The Yankees are not particularly interested in Putinland, but in vain. They rarely worked with this audience. 🤔 What is doubtful about H1Z1 H1Z1 went through a long development period and of course it has more than a dozen versions. People who find it at different stages have the right to love one build more than the other. But this right may not apply to the final version. In the end, everything went towards it, let's not forget that we love the game not for early access, but for its final state. And H1Z1 didn’t have much luck with this. Half of the top items simply weren't in early access. The textures loaded quickly, there were no friezes noticed on my piece of hardware. Now point by point. [i]💛 The theme does not roll in when players choose the landing square themselves. And at the same time, already in the preparation stage it is noted where the saving initial zone will be. Of course, its location is always different and the entire map is used, but the solution is questionable. The element of surprise disappears. Moreover, if you didn’t have time to select a square (for example, it loaded, but the match had already started), you will be thrown into the very hole. And what’s even creepier is that whoever loads first will be the one to deal cuffs. 💛 High spawn area of ​​objects. By the time of release she had become poorer, but still a bit tall. It’s not like in early access, when you could collect a whole arsenal in one house, but I also didn’t have any situations where there was a bloody nose, and there were no weapons anywhere within a radius of 100 meters. This is very controversial, and in the same PUBG in the house you can collect several types of guns along with first aid kits, armor and a rubber woman. All questions to random. 💛 Mighty Shotgun. I blow up farts with it. Having found the Shotgun, I grab +1000 to courage. Either there are a lot of newbies in the game, or the shotgun really gives a light to the machine gun and the SMG at close range. I sit down with him at a gas station and, out of courage, yell at the whole area into the microphone. All those entering immediately become those leaving for another world. 💛 I heard that there are not enough weapons. Sometimes it seems like this myself. But it's debatable. The game is about finding weapons, not showing up with them. Let's be honest, do you often find your favorite fluff with the right module in “various PUBG”? And immediately, or gradually? Or maybe never at all, right? All the main types are in place, close, medium and long-range combat. 💛 I doubt that the game needs such an audience of free players. It’s just that players often come to free games because they don’t need the game, it gets attention from unnecessary media, etc. I really hope that over time this muddy pool will become clearer. 💛 One card is not enough. 💛 The rarest sniper. 💛 Slow weapon change. 💛 I heard that there are cheaters in the game, but I haven’t met one in 25 hours. At least all my deaths were entirely my fault. 💛 I heard that in the earlier version everything was better, and the promises were sweeter. Most likely these people do not know what early access is. It's like elections, where the candidates are Sidora. Everyone promises a new road to Kukuevo for the hundredth time, but nothing changes. Show me at least one project where all 100% of the players are happy, and all promises are fulfilled with surgical precision. 🧐 What do you like about it then? 💚 Nothing new will be said here, but the thought from the very beginning of the review will only be repeated. When everything is good in H1Z1, it's actually quite good. When everything is bad in H1Z1, then the fart bursts. Battle Royale is hard to beat. Decisions in the game give rise to some subjective opinions, some like it, some don’t, the concept often changed, some new products extinguished the second, but in general there are examples that are much worse. I recommend playing for more than 10 hours and drawing your own conclusions. Fortunately, nothing prevents this. So I "recommend" for visiting.

Platform: PC, PS4
Language: English

OS: Windows 7 64 bit
CPU: Intel i3 Dual-Core with Hyper-Threading support
Video card: nVidia GeForce GTX 275 series or higher
DirectX: Version 10
Hard drive:

OS: Windows 7 64 bit
CPU: Intel i5 Quad Core or better / AMD Phenom II X6 or better
Video card: nVidia GeForce GTX 560 series / AMD HD 6870
DirectX: Version 10
Hard drive: 20 GB free space
High speed network connection

This is not a dream, your radio is really picking up the broadcast... But this is not news reporting weather forecasts and currency quotes, this is the alarming howl of sirens singing the funeral service for a lost world.

This is exactly how life will begin in a new game in the zombie apocalypse genre.
H1Z1 is a multiplayer sandbox with a huge open world in which survivors can build shelters from the wreckage of human technology. After 15 years have passed since the mass infection of US residents with the virus H1Z1 there was no trace left of the past life. After the collapse of statehood, human activity returned to earlier eras and was limited to primitive trade and defense against the infected. The mystery of the game itself will take place in the wild countryside and in huge cities populated by new owners.

The new world is very harsh. Whether you interact with or antagonize other players, have a knack for crafting, or be a successful merchant, zombies remain your most fearsome opponent. To stay alive, you will have to rush like a fire before dark, in search of a piece of dried bread and a handful of cartridges. Food and water are the most important conditions for survival and at the same time the most valuable currency in the game. The food itself will be different, it will have different “characteristics”. It would be more appropriate to leave one for trade, such as blackberries, ground coffee and venison. But it’s better to plant corn seeds in your own corner and eat from the harvest. Yes, that’s right, the game implies an almost endless cycle, over the years and decades.

Regarding the system crafting, then it is very deep in the game. You can create simple devices from scrap items, recycle them into more valuable materials, and re-create things that are more complex. The ability to process materials is the main skill that will help you survive. Once you start collecting garbage and other consumables, adding to them, for example, herbs, you will get first aid kits, bandages and tasteless synthetic food. After receiving basic means of survival, you can turn your attention to things that will help you expand. Search and combine found weapons, make explosives or create fancy structures that will serve as your home. Or you can build furnaces and melt scrap metal in them, or build a loom or a circular saw for processing wood. And attention! The game has the ability to create moonshine still and trade in homemade alcoholic beverages.

The game world consists of many biomes, including savannas, swamps, deserts, woodlands, dense forests and many others. The main pearl of the game are the cities. The most desirable and dangerous places in the country. There are a lot of useful things and weapons in the cities, but there are even more zombies. These creatures behave differently at different times of the day and year. During the day they are slow and do not pose much of a threat, but try to stay in the city until late! The weather changes in the game are also dynamic, and they affect the behavior of the infected. During the hot season, they prefer to hide in basements, and during a hurricane they roam the streets, extremely excited.

Gang – Clan – Guild – Faction – Army. Approximately in this order H1Z1 There is a system of interaction between players. The pandemic cannot be stopped, so teamwork is the basis of all corners. Working together will allow you to do much more useful than working alone. An individual farmer will never collect and create so many resources that would allow, for example, to clear a certain territory of zombies and secure it from people. In addition, no one has canceled the right of the strong, which gives the opportunity to assemble a team of armed players and dictate their rules to everyone else.

You can continue ad infinitum: the game world is simply huge and contains a huge number of things and devices for survival. In turn, this abundance gives rise to a huge number of gaming situations. Will he be able to H1Z1 become a competitor to other games of this genre?
And yes, early access again and a lot of promises...

Good day, dear readers. In order for you to fully understand my point of view, let's go back to the basics. I’ll tell you a little about myself, I myself am an old veteran of Day Z, the early one, which was still a mod of Arma 2. I saw videos on YouTube of guys crawling through an empty territory that looked like Russia, and I realized that this is definitely an atmospheric thing. Then I spent 2-3 hours tormented with the installation, bought a key for Arma 2, then bought a key for Day Z, and patched it all with grief. Then I tried to log into the server for another 30 minutes. ARMA 2 had the absolutely wildest punkbuster, which did not react to cheaters, but made life very difficult for everyone else. The principle of its operation was to randomly kick everyone indiscriminately. Then the game itself began, and... surprisingly, it was really atmospheric. Raw, with zombies passing through walls, broken legs, from falling down one step, pneumonia from lying in damp grass, hunting wild boars in the forest. The game was cool. Cheesy, but cool.

And all this coolness did not last long. Until Day C(heat) arrived. Suddenly, the lion's share of players simultaneously, as if on a clear command from some kind of cheater headquarters, began to use special. scam programs. Walk, watch, shoot through walls and do a lot of terrible things. Which completely killed the game. And when I was killed for the 100,500th time by an invisible sniper indoors, I realized that the game can be forgiven for everything...except this. Day Z was dead.

And I thought, damn people, do the same thing, only without the hellish lags, with a normal engine. And this game will be a dream. And do you know what happened? War Z, which later, after a series of scandals, became known as infestation. The game had interesting ideas, such as the creation of clans, save zones where you cannot use weapons and....... perhaps that's all)). Technically, the game was even more clumsy than the Arma2 mod, and I also logged quite a few hours on this project. Until I noticed that the developers themselves gave up on the game, stopped releasing updates and were completely indifferent to cheaters. Which later also killed this game.

I continued to wait and believe. And what happened next? DayZ standalone. It would seem that this is it! Event! And what is the result? It turned out the same as DayZ on Arma2, only this time DayZ on Arma 3. A clumsy engine with a lot of optimization problems. The same cheaters. Of course on a smaller scale. The game has become larger and wider in capabilities, and overall a normal product, I must say. A good game, with the disadvantages of its predecessor, but still playable. And it would seem that’s all. We've arrived. People gave some unrealistic ratings of 10, 9 points, and I didn’t understand why guys? Why such ratings? It was especially satisfying when the zombie game had almost no zombies at the very beginning, when it was available for testing. But everyone turned a blind eye to this ETOZHEALFA!111 we are all already grated rolls and know that with this magic phrase you can milk a grateful population without making any effort. That is, people were ready to pay the full amount for a raw product. And what do you think happened? They began to gradually hammer in the bolt on the project. And alpha... dragged on.


While I was writing the article, this is what I thought, this survival genre currently does not have a single game in the final release. Just alphas and betas, and somewhere in the tail of the caravan a beaten omega is trailing (I look askance at the infestation). Those. this means that the developers themselves do not yet know how to do it. Which leads to constant borrowing of ideas from each other, and it turns out that we are playing the same game. Only on different game engines, different cards and slightly different functionality.

So here it is. With such a long introduction, I smoothly got to the heart of the matter. Game H1Z1. Criticism of this game reminds me of an unloved son complex. What is forgiven to the beloved son, what is considered his merits (DayZ), is reproached to the unloved one (H1Z1). And even the magic phrase ETOGEALFA has lost its power in the case of this game. Personally, I was blown away when I read this friend’s review Fekkolper.And he inspired me to write an alternative review for this game (thanks friend).

The essence

So, what is H1Z1? It's Rust and DayZ, thrown into a mixer and properly mixed and baked in the oven of a good engine from Sony Online Entertainment. Those. guys, as I told you earlier, we are essentially playing the same game. But here, finally, over many years, there is a normal technical component, already at the moment in this alpha, there are fewer bugs than in other projects on this topic, taking into account that they are all 1-2-3 years old. The game runs very fast and stable. No punkbusters or crit errors with 20 entry attempts (I’m sure many will understand me). Graphon? Well, yes, it’s a little weak, but they don’t like these kinds of games for their graphics. Yes, and defusing the base from 4 thugs with a machete is quite a fun activity. The genre is evolving. And in my opinion, taking into account today's investments in the project, H1Z1 has a future. And the speed at which updates are released only adds to our optimism.
