Oblivion quest is next in line. One of them is a traitor

Next in line
Reward500 gold
PreviousWizard's Training
NextBroken oath
Applewatch farm
Imperial City
The next secret order lies in Chorrol, near the local landmark - the Great Oak. From the note we learn that the new contract is the murder of the entire Draconis family: Perennia, Matthias, Andreas, Sibylla and Celia. However, only Perennia's location is known - Applewatch Farm. If you talk to her, she will mistake you for the delivery gift organizer and give you a list of her children, which contains complete information about them. In addition, she will pay you a hundred gold for expenses. You can do otherwise, just kill her and search the body. There will be a list of her family and the same hundred gold pieces.

The easiest way is to kill Sibylla Draconis. She lives in the Mud Valley cave. Not a soul around. Only wild animals roam around the girl, so you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out about the crime.

It’s also easy to deal with Andreas Draconis, the owner of the Drunken Dragon tavern. If you try to attack him, everyone will come running, including the guard on duty nearby. But you don't have to take that risk. You can just kill Andreas in his sleep. But you can do it even simpler. It is enough to be rude to Draconis, and then he himself will attack you. Naturally, the guard will immediately come to your defense. Therefore, you can just stand nearby and watch the fight between an ordinary farmer and a heavily armed guard of the Imperial Legion. Of course the last one will emerge victorious. The task is completed.

It will be more difficult to kill Matthias Draconis. He lives in the Talos Plaza area. In order not to make unnecessary fuss and noise, it is better to kill him at night when he is sleeping. The option of rudeness, as in the case of Andreas, will not have any effect, since Matthias is calm and firmly in control.

Well, or another option: if you still have poisonous apples after the Purification task, you can throw them in Draconis’s pocket. He will definitely decide to eat, thereby prescribing a sentence for himself.

And finally, the hardest part. Killing Celia Draconis is not that easy. The fact is that she is not just a resident of Leyawiin, she is also the head of the city guards. Therefore, in the event of an attack or rudeness, you will run into a crowd of guardians of the law, whom Celia will definitely call. The easiest way to kill her is when she is having lunch at the Three Sisters Hotel, since she will be alone and will not be able to call anyone. In addition, you can try the poisoned apple option again.

The contract is completed, we move on to the next goal.

Walkthrough of the Dark Brotherhood 4092
November 18, 2008 0:17

To get it, go to Chorrol. In the square near the “gate”, where there is a tree in the center, look in the bush near this tree for an old bag. There will be a reward for the completed task and a description of the new one. You need to kill the Draconis family, five people in total: Perennia, Matthias, Andreas, Sibylla and Sylvia. The only known place where the mother of the family is is the Applewatch farm. There you will also need to obtain information about the whereabouts of the remaining family members. The farm can be reached by exiting the northern gate of Bruma and heading due west. In the farm house you will find Perennia Draconis, be careful when killing her. She begins to resist and call for help, and when she feels that her strength is running out, she will completely run away from the house, in addition, she is guarded by a domestic wolf. When you kill her, you will find with her the “List of Gifts to Draconis”, this letter indicates the location of the remaining members of the Draconis family. I started with Sylvia Draconis, who lives in Lviv. I killed her right on the street, I simply made her attack me, and killed her behind one of the houses of Lyavin, and since none of the guards were nearby, no one found out about her murder. Then I went to kill her brother Andreas, who runs the Drunken Dragon Hotel. The hotel, I must say, is located in quite the wilderness. You can get there by leaving Llavin along the road leading along the eastern bank of the Niben River. Closer to the place where the Panther River flows into the Niben River, there will be a fork (so that you are not mistaken, I’ll give you a landmark - near the fork there is a “Useless Mine”). The main road will go straight, and to the right is the one that will lead us straight to the hotel (there will be another small fork along the way, also turn right). One difficulty may arise here... In addition to Andreas, there may also be a soldier of the imperial legion in the hotel. I got out of this situation like this: there were three scamps walking around the “Useless Mine”, which I led in pursuit and brought to the hotel (don’t forget to take the conic that was given to you away from the entrance to the hotel, otherwise he himself will kill these scamps), in the hotel Exactly three were enough for them to kill the soldier and Andreas, and I myself finished off the last scam in two hits. Next on my list of victims was the hermit Sibylla Draconis. She lives in the "Mud Valley Cave", which is located southwest of Chaidinhal near the western shore of Lake Poppad and due east of the Imperial City. There is nothing particularly noteworthy in the cave, several serious animals and Sibylla Draconis herself, who will attack you herself. Now the last member of the Matthias family remains, who is quite easy to find, just walk around the Imperial City a little, especially in the area of ​​​​Talos Square. It is quite difficult to kill Matthius, because he constantly arrives at public places, but sometimes he still enters the Ubanox estate in Talos Square and goes down to the basement. That's where you can kill him. But be careful, after killing him, guards may appear there. Once the last of the Draconis family is dead, you will be told where to get the reward for completing the task and get the next one. Go to Skingard, or rather Skingard's castle. As you enter it, you will immediately see a well; it contains a reward of 500 gold and further instructions.

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To receive this quest and subsequently join Dark Brotherhood you need to kill someone from civilians(precisely “peaceful” ones, bandits and other adversaries are not suitable). Any citizen of Cyrodiil who lives quietly and doesn’t bother anyone, or a soldier or a guard, would be quite suitable (we don’t recommend killing beggars; this is an extremely useful source of information in many quests). It is advisable to kill (oh, how vile it is!) someone weak, living away from the city walls.

After committing a crime and the inscription “Your killing has been observed by forces unknown...” appears (indicating that you have committed an act that attracts the attention of “dark” forces), go to bed. In the night, the "Notifier/Speaker" of the Dark Brotherhood - Lucien Lachance - will appear to you. He will give you the Blade of Woe and tell you that to start a career in the Dark Brotherhood, you must get rid of Rufio, who is located in the Inn of Ill Omen.

You kill him. This matter is simple - Rufio sleeps almost all day, leaving the room for a short time at night. The next time you go to bed (even in the bed of the same Rufio), Lucien will appear to you again with an offer to go to one of the abandoned houses of Cheydinhal. To enter the Brotherhood's hideout, answer the question asked, "Sanguine, my Brother." Talk to the Argonian Ocheeva. She will assign you the rank of “Murderer” and give you a “signature” set of Brotherhood armor.

Vincent will tell you the terms of the first contract. You need to kill the captain of the pirate ship "Marie Elena", which is docked in the Waterfront of the Imperial City. If you wish, you can talk to members of the Brotherhood about this contract. You will be enlightened about the possibility of entering the captain's cabin by jumping from the deck onto the balcony.

It is also possible to get inside the ship by hiding in one of the empty boxes on the shore, next to the pirates guarding the entrance (we will learn about this when receiving the contract). Please note that if you try to simply enter the ship, the filibusters will immediately attack you! Either way, you can find your own way in. After killing the cap, team members will almost immediately run into the cabin.

Deal with them too, or remain undetected and get out of the ship. The reward is already waiting for you at Vincent's.

Talk to Vicente Valtieri about your contract.

So, our next target is a certain Baenlin. From this contract onwards, in most orders you will have the opportunity, in addition to the main reward, to also receive a bonus. Bonus conditions are negotiated separately in each case. Here it's Beinlin's murder made to look like an accident. Our target lives near the western gate of Bruma with an assistant servant.

It is also known that the victim sits on a chair by the fireplace every day from 8 to 11 pm, thinking about life. This is the time your exit is scheduled for! We go to Bruma and find his house. It is convenient to get inside through the basement; the entrance is located behind the house. On the second floor, in the room where the servant sleeps, there is secret door. Behind it is a small attic room, to one of the walls of which, on the other side, is the head of a minotaur. Now all you have to do is wait until the unsuspecting Bainlin sits on his favorite chair, untie the string and bring that head down on him. And then leave unnoticed, leaving his perplexed servant next to the body of the victim. We bother Vincent again - and we get well-deserved rewards.

Talk to Vicente Valtieri about your contract.

And now we already know the name of the next victim! Valen Dreth, a prisoner in the Imperial City prison. To receive the bonus, you must eliminate it without killing a single guard. No matter how frightening it may sound - “Let's go to prison!” But not through the front entrance, but through the sewer. Following the quest markers, past the rats and crabs, along the corridors we get to “The Sanctum”. Here a surprise awaits us - security patrolling the area. Fortunately, the developers took care to entrust the service to people with impaired hearing and vision. Therefore, a hero in soft slippers can easily slip through quietly if he is patient and takes into account not only the movements of the soldiers, but also the play of light and shadow. So, remaining unnoticed, we move further through the imperial dungeons under the noses of the guards, and in the end we find ourselves in a painfully familiar cell!

That's right, you sat here once. Remember that annoying neighbor who made fun of you? This is Valen Dreth, and now it’s our turn to joke. Choose the “joke” to your taste - you can give him an arrow without even opening the cell door, or you can tinker with the master key a little and, opening the door, introduce the victim to your favorite dagger! By the way, the guards so carelessly left the key to his cell on a nearby table! You can use it. After the murder, we return back either the same way as we entered, or through the “main entrance” (the keys are on the same table in the corridor next to Dreth’s cell). Vincent is happy, we receive a reward and a bonus.

Talk to Vicente Valtieri about your contract.

From Vincent you will learn that a certain resident of Chorrol, Francois Motierre, needs help. He owed bad people a certain amount of money, and these people took it and sent an assassin to kill him. Your task is to “kill” Francois with the poisoned dagger received from Vincent in front of this same assassin. Go to Motierre's house and talk to him. He can tell you the details of the plan - you “kill” him (thus saving him from persecution by enemies), and then 24 hours later you resurrect him in the local chapel. As soon as your conversation ends, there will be a knock on the door, and your, one might say, colleague, the Argonian Hides-his-heart, will appear in front of you. Hit Francois with the blade and run away. There is an important condition here: it is impossible for the sent killer to be attacked, either by you or by the guards. Everything would be fine, but the killer himself will attack you. Therefore, it is necessary to leave the city as soon as possible.

Exactly one day later, go to the church and resurrect the client with an antidote. He will ask you to take him to the Gray Mare. But Francois’s ancestors were not at all happy about his return to the world of the living, and right there they rose from their graves! Therefore, before going on a joint trip, we recommend calming all violent zombies. Take your resurrected comrade to where he wants to go and complete the quest. We go again to our vampire friend Valtieri.

Vincent Valtieri no longer has contracts for you, talk to Ocheeva.

You now serve under Ochiva. She will tell you about the next target - a High Elf named Faelian, you need to kill him without witnesses. It is known that he lives somewhere in the capital. Go there and ask the local elves about it. They will point you to the Tiber Septim Hotel in the Talos Plaza area. Go there and bother the hotel manager, Augustus Calidia.

This lady will tell you the story of Feilian. He was once a serious man, but now he gets all worked up and doesn’t pay any attention to his beloved Atraena, who lives here. Shall we talk to her too? Keep in mind that in order for Atreina to share her painful issues with you, you must improve her attitude towards you, otherwise you will not find a common language. Well, now you know approximately where and when you can meet the victim. We do not recommend killing in the hotel, otherwise you will not receive the bonus. You already know that our friend often comes to visit Lorkmir for another bottle of skooma, where we will wait for him (Lorkmir's House, Elven Gardens District). We kill and go back to the shelter for our reward.

Another contract from Ochiva. A certain General Roderick is seriously ill, his life is supported solely by medications. All that is required of you is to go to Fort Sutch and replace the bottle of medicine for the warrior with your own. To receive the bonus, you must remain unnoticed by anyone. Ask members of the Brotherhood about this contract and learn about an alternative way into the fort - through underground passage, located in the ruins of Fort Sutch Abbey.

We are not used to hiding from danger, so we go through the main entrance. As you move deeper into the fort, you will hear a conversation between two guards. If we have a high hacking skill and a certain number of master keys, we can not listen and move on. While they are talking, you will have time to change the bottle of medicine. But if you don’t know how to hold a master key in your hands, wait for the end of their conversation, after which one of the servants will open the grate separating you from the medicine cabinet. Now all that remains is to wait a moment and leave your medicine instead of the real one.

Talk to Ocheeva about the next contract.

We will receive goals from Ochiva - not one, not two... there will be five victims on the list of those doomed to death! We go to Skingrad to one of the estates (Summitmist Manor), where Fafnir, the butler and part-time our colleague in the Dark Brotherhood, is waiting for us. From him you will receive a key and hear a short story about the upcoming party: five people are locked in the house, who sincerely believe that a treasure chest is hidden somewhere in the estate and they have to find it.

Only you know that there is no chest, and they are all destined to die! Yes, to get the bonus, you need to eliminate everyone without revealing them (you can leave the estate only after the death of all guests). Well, let's go get acquainted? Immediately upon entering you will be greeted by Matilde Petit. Let's get to know her (note that you will have to establish good relationships with all the participants in the "party" in order to find out anything). After this, it’s worth talking more closely with others. Primo Antonius by big secret will tell you that he really likes one of the ladies present here - the elf Dovesi Dran. Let's ask her opinion about this young man - and, lo and behold, she likes him too! Love at first sight. We send her to Primo’s bedroom with the advice to wait for him there, while we take care of the rest. Let's talk with Matilda, and we will immediately receive an offer to form an alliance and divide everything 50/50.

Agree and send her to look for the treasured chest in the basement. Follow her. As soon as you find yourself in the basement, hide and reward the unlucky gold seeker with an arrow or one or two blows from a dagger. Four guests left. Have you forgotten about the elf who was sent to the bedroom? Let's talk to her, she is worried about Matilda's murder... calm her down, advise her to sleep. As soon as she falls asleep, make sure she doesn’t wake up. Eh... there's one less loving heart in the world. Now you are left only among men.

Neville wants to sleep in the room upstairs. Grant him eternal sleep! The number of living guests is rapidly decreasing. Talk to Nels the Naughty about Primo Antonius, he will decide that Primo is the killer and will deal with him. Do the same with Nels. Or you can talk to Primo himself, then he will attack Nels. In general, whoever you talk to will attack the last living participant in the party. All the guests are dead, the holiday was a success! Unlock the door of the estate and go to Ochiva with a report.

Talk to Ocheeva about the next contract.

Adamus Phyllida is the guest of honor of the Leyawiin City Guard. We are tasked with getting rid of him. Ochiwa will give you an enchanted arrow that will immediately kill Adamus, provided he is unarmoured. Travel to Leyawiin and spy on the victim. It will soon become clear to you that he loves water treatments. Let's take advantage of this! Phyllida likes to swim in the lake in the eastern part of the city.

Wait until he gets into the water (without armor, which is what we need), and then send him to the bottom with the magic arrow you received from Ochiva. If you want a bonus, swim up to the body of Adamus you just killed, take his finger and throw it into his office, located in the capital in the Imperial City Prison District. Then return to the Brotherhood's hideout.

Let's talk to Ocheeva. She will inform you that Lucien Lachance personally wants to see you. Go to Fort Faragut. There are several skeleton guards inside the fort. Deal with them or sneak in unnoticed - the choice is yours. Talk to Lucien.

After talking with Lucien, you will understand clearly that life is a cruel thing. According to him, a traitor has crept into the ranks of the Brotherhood, and Lashant has information that the traitor is in Cheydinhal. You have been tasked with carrying out a cleansing ritual - killing everyone. Ocheeva, our vampire friend Vincente Valtieri, the blond beauty Antoinetta Marie, the warlike orc Gorgon gro-Bolmog, Telaendril, the merchant M "razh-Dar (M "raaj-Dar) and Teinaava. No one should be left alive.

Lachance will also give you a poisoned apple and a scroll that summons the spirit of Rufio's ghost you killed. However, you can also "shop" at Fort Faragut yourself. In the barrel in Lachance's "office" there are a dozen more bulk apples (by the way, this supply periodically renewed).

Go to the shelter. Before starting the murders, we advise you to thoroughly purchase spells and goods from M'razh-Dar, complete the "personal" quest of Ochiva and Teinava and, if you wish, become a vampire with the help of Vincent, since you will no longer see your former friends and comrades. First, let's get you out heavy artillery is out of order. Orc Gorgon gro-Bolmog quite often sits down to eat the apples lying on the table in the living rooms of the Brotherhood. Collect all the food from the table and put a poisoned apple instead. This will be the last thing he eats in his life (However, you can please him. apples and others, having replaced food with them in their pockets and on tables, they will suddenly be flattered).

The easiest way to get rid of Ochiva is when she is sleeping. Vincent can sometimes be found sleeping, and quite often he is in the training room, where you will also find Antoinette Marie and M'raj-Dara. They all visit this gym periodically, it is better to wait for the moment when there is only one person left in the room ... and thus eliminate everyone in turn. Teinava almost always sits on a chair and reads something... an arrow from a crouching position fired from the opposite side of the room is quite enough, and if you have problems with the skeleton guard, call on the ghost. Rufio: Telindril is absent from the hideout quite often, her schedule can be found at the murdered Ochiva.

After "clearing" the shelter, return to Fort Faragut. Lucien will inform you that now you will receive contracts not from him personally, but from hiding places. He will reward you with an immortal black horse (Shadowmere will be standing next to the entrance of the fort) and the Silencer rank.

The next destination is Hero Hill. There you will find another contract (at the top under the pebble, follow the marker).

So, here is the first contract from Lucien. It is necessary to eliminate Celedaen, a necromancer who has settled in the Leafrot Cave. The scoundrel has decided to transform himself into a lich, but the process is not yet fully completed. Go to the cave. Upon arrival, the first thing you do is find Seledin's diary. From it you will learn that for transformation he uses magic hourglass Sands of Resolve, and if they are taken from him, the necromancer will die. All you need to do is sneak up on him from behind in stealth mode and steal the watch from his pocket.

The job is done, let's go for the next contract.

The next contract and the reward for the previous one await you in Chorrol, near the Great Oak. From the note you will learn that it is necessary to destroy all members of the Draconis family (Perennia Draconis, Matthias Draconis, Andreas Draconis, Sibylla Draconis and Caelia Draconis). Initially, only Perennia's location is known - the Applewatch farm. There should be no difficulties with it (we eliminate it either in a dream or while working in the garden). Search her and you will find a list that will make it easier to find the rest of the family.

The house of Matthias Draconis is located in the capital in the Talos Plaza District (Imperial City Talos Plaza District). We recommend taking his life at night (sleeping) to avoid unnecessary noise, because... a servant is often present in his house. Yes, if you still have poisonous apples left, you can put the fruit in Draconis’ pocket and he’ll gobble it up.

Andreas Draconis is a bartender at a small eatery called the Drunken Dragon Inn. This is where you will meet the first problem - the guard. He is nearby almost 24 hours a day. So, we either wait until Matthias falls asleep (and he sleeps behind the bar, separating him from the guard’s view), sneak up and kill. Or we “quarrel” with him and lower his attitude towards you to 0. Then Matthias himself will attack you and the servant of the law who is nearby will help you kill him.

Sibylla Draconis lives in the Muck Valley Cavern. Everything is simple here - we kill in any way you like, because... Apart from the animals wandering in the cave, there will be no more witnesses.

Celia Draconis closes the list. Travel to Leyawiin and find her there. Celia is one of the city guards, so you will have to try hard here. Spends most of his time wandering the streets. Follow her. As soon as she goes to the Three Sisters Inn at dawn, follow her, open the door with a master key and kill her (note that you will be fined for attacking her in any case, so be prepared to pay). The log will show an entry about the next contract waiting for you.

The next contract is hidden near Skingrad Castle. The target is the Khajiit hand-to-hand combat master J "Ghasta". Lives in Broome and fears being attacked. Let's visit him at night. He spends almost all his time in a secret training room. The hatch leading into it is located on the ground floor of the house and is littered with rolls of fabric and clothes. We go down into the room and see a Khajiit. We kill (to avoid problems - from stealth). Let's leave.

Having visited the hiding place under the Old Bridge, we learn about the next victim. Argonian hunter Shaleez lives in the Flooded Mine. She's a little crazy, so be careful. We go into the mine (be prepared to swim underwater a little) and send it to another world. The next destination is Fort Redman.

The contract is in a cache outside Redman's Fort. We are required to kill the dark elf Alval Uvani, who travels throughout Cyrodiil. Here in the contract his standard schedule is given and the time of his appearance in certain places is indicated, there is also an interesting detail - Alval is allergic to honey. From here there are several ways to go - you can go to his house, replace all the drinks with honey and wait for him to visit his abode. You can also track which taverns it happens in, and then replace all the bottles with honey there too. It causes paralysis in the victim, and in this state it will not be difficult to kill him. Well, another option is not to wait at home or in taverns, but simply track down and deal with Alval in a deserted place. And then for the next contract - to the shopping area of ​​the Imperial City (what you need is under the broken tree, follow the marker).

The next task is to get rid of Havilstein Hoar-Blood. He lives in a mountain camp, far to the north of Cyrodiil. Again, it is better to kill the sleeping one. There is not a soul around, except for himself and the dog, so the problem of witnesses does not exist. We move to the ruins of Nornal to get the name of the next victim.

As soon as you enter Nornal, look for the first turning on the right. You will see a corridor going down and filled with water. We dive and see a chest with the next contract. By the will of Lucien, we go to Bravil. You just need to kill forest elf named Ungolim. It is known that every day from six in the evening to one in the morning he comes to one of the city statues - the statue of The Lucky Old Lady - in order to pray.

We advise you to climb onto one of the surrounding balconies, from where the statue is clearly visible, and take a convenient place for shooting (if you are not comfortable with a bow, then you will have to sneak up and wield a dagger). If you wait for Angolim, kill him (he is quite capable of resisting you, be prepared). As soon as he goes to his forefathers... you will see Lucien.

But he won't be as friendly as he usually was. At first he will attack you with reproaches, but then, having calmed down a little, he will tell you the reason for his concern. Could you have thought that you personally slaughtered the entire leadership of the Dark Brotherhood? And that the elf you just killed was his “Listener”? It turns out that the traitor did not die in Cheydinhal (he simply was not there), but chose victims instead of Lucien, slipping false contracts.

Lachance will order you to track who replaced the contract in the next cache, located in Anvil, in a barrel behind the statue. He himself will go to the Applewatch farm, because... considers Fort Faragut no longer safe.

Head to Anvil, hide behind this statue and watch out for the barrel. Very soon a Bosmer named Enilroth will approach her and put a fake there (Arquen is “ordered” there - don’t kill her!). Talk to him. He will tell you that he received an order to replace him from a certain “man in a robe,” and that this man until recently lived in a room at a lighthouse nearby. When you go there, you will find the living room locked. The lighthouse keeper has the key. When asked who you are, answer that you work for the Dark Brotherhood. Go to the traitor's recently abandoned home. In the last room on the table you will find his diary. Take it and go to Lucien.

Unfortunately, the surviving members of the Brotherhood found Lucien before you did. Judging by the picture before you, his death was painful. Talk to Arquen. She elevates you to the rank of "Speaker" and asks you to return to talk to her between midnight and three o'clock in the morning. Wait, talk. You and everyone present will travel to Bravil to perform an ancient ritual at the statue of The Lucky Old Lady.

Arkuen will tell you about the ritual of awakening the Night Mother. You will be present when her spirit appears, which must name the name of the new “Listener”. Take advantage of the last opportunity to receive the Old Lady's blessing, you'll need luck soon!

The ritual will open a secret passage to the crypt. Follow the others. As soon as you see the spirit, the true traitor will show himself! Matthew Bellamont will attack you and the others, and will also try to deal with the summoned spirit of the Night Mother. Finally, you have a chance to eliminate the traitor! Kill him. That’s all, the crisis in the Dark Brotherhood has passed, although out of the five gathered only two survived, you and Arkuen. The Night Mother proclaims you her "Listener" and reveals the true power of the Blade of Woe.

All you have to do is come once a week to the statue of The Lucky Old Lady in Braville. The Night Mother will name the names of citizens who need to be eliminated. After this, go to Cheydinhal, where Arkuen is rebuilding the shelter and recruiting new members to the Brotherhood. Tell her their names weekly (all “ordered” comrades live outside the territory of Cyrodiil) and you will receive your income from murders (However, if you forget to come to the statue on time, it’s okay).

Soon three new inhabitants will appear in the Vault - young killers who look at you as a living legend, with fear and adoration. Any of them will happily agree to accompany you on your travels. A skeleton guard will also appear in the Vault, and one of the new ones will sell things useful to the killer.

Upon joining the Dark Brotherhood, you learned 5 commandments, for breaking which you can be expelled. The first time you are exiled, you have a chance to return. To do this, you need to defeat the ghost "Wrath of Sithis", which will appear to you after sleep. If you stay alive, you will be accepted into the Brotherhood again.

The second time you break the commandments, you will also have a chance to return (it will be the last). You can again redeem yourself by defeating the Wrath of Sithis ghost.

If you break the commandments again, the same ghost will appear to you, but you will never be able to serve the Dark Brotherhood.

Vincente Valtieri in the early stages of playthrough storyline as a gift he will offer you to become a vampire with his help. If you want, accept his gift and try on the fangs.
