Is it possible to clean a coin with zinc ointment? How to clean coins from rust and oxidation at home? Video: soap for cleaning silver, copper, bronze money

To make coins, various metals and alloys are used, which are susceptible to corrosion and oxidation, which not only spoils appearance products, but also reduces the cost of especially valuable royal, Soviet and anniversary items. This problem raises the question of how to clean coins without damaging them.

Ancient coins are valuable for history. To maintain their original appearance, provide suitable storage conditions and periodically carry out preventive cleaning.

They will help restore metal money to a presentable appearance and extend its shelf life. mechanical, chemical and ultrasonic cleaning methods. The choice of method depends on the type of metal, nature and degree of contamination. The article contains useful recommendations and the most effective methods that will help maintain the purity of ancient and modern coins.

Features of cleaning products made from different materials

When choosing a method and means of cleaning coins, it would be correct to take into account the material from which they are made. The right approach will quickly and effectively restore the product's shine without damaging it.

Gold and silver

Numismatists usually value items made of silver and gold. They require careful care and special storage conditions. Stack money from precious metals should be separated from other banknotes, otherwise they will oxidize and will have to be washed much more often.

For cleaning gold and silver money use gentle products, avoid aggressive substances and excessive mechanical stress.

Dry cleaning

Wash off stains on banknotes from precious metals you can use a 10% ammonia solution. First, soak the products for several days in distilled water, and then for an hour in an ammonia solution. After the allotted time, rinse them and wipe dry.

When working with ammonia, take precautions: wear rubber gloves and open a window for ventilation.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning with brushes of different hardness will help remove minor dirt. To begin, soak the fines in distilled water for several days. Then polish it with a toothbrush, thoroughly cleaning the surface. To remove heavy stains, additionally use a mild soap solution.


You can clean copper coins using various means. The choice of method depends on the type of contamination. To delete red plaque Soak the fines in a 5% ammonia solution for 2 minutes. Get rid of green pollution the solution will help citric acid, and from yellow ones - acetic acid.

After cleaning the coppers, perform the final stage of care:

  1. Rinse items with distilled water.
  2. Dry well with a napkin or soft towel.
  3. To create a protective layer, dissolve 50 g of copper sulfate in 1 liter of distilled water and add 5 g of potassium permanganate. Heat the mixture to +90 ℃.
  4. Dip the products into the solution and soak for several minutes. Turn them over periodically during processing so that the patina evenly covers the surface.

Nickel and bronze

Products made of nickel and bronze can be cleaned yourself at home, using improvised or special products.

Salt and vinegar

Step-by-step cleaning instructions:

  1. Prepare a solution based on table vinegar and salt.
  2. Soak nickel money in liquid.
  3. After soaking, treat the surface with an eraser and then polish with a soft cloth.


For cleaning, prepare a glass container and Trilon-B product. Pour the powder into a container and add boiled water. Dip money into the solution, leave until the stains are completely cleaned, then dry and polish.


Bimetallic coins are an alloy of several metals. When choosing a cleaning method and means, it is important to consider the characteristics of each of them.

Safe and effective means of cleaning ten-ruble bimetal coins:

  1. Toothpaste. Apply no large number product onto the brush and treat the products under running water. Remember, after cleaning the change may darken a little.
  2. "Coca-Cola". Soak bimetallic rubles in a carbonated drink overnight, and in the morning rinse and dry well. To achieve maximum effect, repeat the procedure for 7 days.
  3. Formic acid and alcohol. Prepare a solution based on these components and immerse the products in it for 5 minutes. This treatment will restore the shine and beauty of the coins.

Cleaning coins with special means

Special household chemicals will help restore metal money to its original shine and purity. The products are available in the form of liquids or sprays and are effective, but require compliance with certain rules of use.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Read the instructions on the packaging and follow them carefully.
  2. Take the recommended safety measures - wear gloves, avoid contact of the product with skin or mucous membranes, and do not inhale fumes.
  3. Treat the fines with chemicals according to the instructions.
  4. After the set time has expired, rinse the product with water and dry.

The following products are especially popular: “Asidol-M”, Silbo, Leuchtturm, Shine Coins. With their help You can clean products made of gold, silver, copper, brass, bimetal. When choosing, consider the degree of contamination, the type of metal, and carefully read the instructions before use.

Using Home Remedies

Clean effectively old coin or a penny from the times of the USSR can be obtained using affordable home remedies without the use of expensive drugs.

Citric acid

Cleaning technology:

  1. Prepare ceramic or plastic dishes. Do not use a metal bowl to avoid oxidation of the metal.
  2. Pour warm water into the container, add citric acid and stir.
  3. Dip coins into the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes. The exact treatment time depends on the degree of contamination.
  4. Rinse the money under running water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

An alternative to citric acid is lemon juice diluted with a small amount of water.

Soap solution

To prepare a detergent, grate a bar of laundry or baby soap and dissolve it in warm water. Dip coins into the soapy solution and leave for several days.

After the allotted time, take out the products, treat them well with a soft brush, and then rinse with water. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. Wipe the cleaned items dry or dry them naturally.

Vinegar + toothpaste

The following method will help get rid of traces of corrosion:

  1. Dip the fines in a 5% vinegar solution.
  2. After 5 minutes, brush the money with a soft brush and a small amount of toothpaste.
  3. During the process, be careful not to damage the products.
  4. Rinse the coppers under running water and wipe dry.

You can clean it with vinegar alone. To do this, soak the change for 2 hours, and then rub the stained areas with aluminum foil. Rinse the cleaned coin under running water and dry.


Coca-Cola contains a large amount of phosphoric acid, which effectively removes minor stains and traces of corrosion. To clean, pour a carbonated drink into a glass, put coins in it and leave for 5-7 days. After a week, remove the items, clean them with a soft brush, rinse under running water and wipe dry.

Baking soda

To restore shine and purity to coins, use a sodium bicarbonate solution. To prepare it, mix soda, toothpaste and ammonia. Rub the resulting mixture onto the fines, and then rinse with running water.

"Oil" boiling

Heat Vaseline or vegetable oil in a water bath. Immerse the fines in the hot liquid for 10 minutes. After cooling, rinse and boil the products in distilled water.

This cleaning method is ideal for money made of bronze and other alloys, but is contraindicated for silver items.

Electrolysis as a way to clean coins

Electrolysis will help restore the glossy shine and purity of metal money. During the procedure, contaminants are destroyed by exposure to electric current.

Cleaning algorithm:

  1. Prepare a 6-12 volt power supply with alligator clips attached.
  2. Take a small metal object, but do not use a copper or brass item.
  3. Prepare a glass container and fill it with saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water).
  4. Attach one clip to a coin and the other to a metal object.
  5. Immerse the items in the saline solution and plug the power supply into an outlet.
  6. Under the influence of current, dirt and oxide will dissolve. After some time, the coin will become clean and shiny. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of contamination
  7. After the procedure, rinse the product with hot water and dry.

To visually familiarize yourself with the cleaning process, watch the video:

Antique pennies are often found in the ground, they gather dust in the homes of collectors and random people, and do not always look presentable. Often the products are rusty, covered in dirt, blackness and corrosion. This reduces their value. Available home remedies or professional household chemicals will help restore your coins' glossy shine, purity and radiance.


In order to clean coins, a variety of methods are used, the choice of which depends on the degree of contamination and the material of the product. Understand the intricacies of cleaning metal money The following videos will help:

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

For a novice numismatist and an experienced collector, coins are of great value, the value of which is influenced by the year of manufacture and how clearly visible the signs and inscriptions are. But the older the product, the more oxides appear and the thicker the layer of contaminants accumulated on it.

When choosing a way to clean coins at home and with what, today everyone can purchase a special product in the store. However, the price of this product is high, and experienced numismatists know about the availability of effective and simple methods for restoring the presentation of a product.

How to clean coins: universal methods

Before starting to remove dirt, the product is washed in a soapy solution, the level of damage is assessed and a method is chosen to clean the coin.

In addition, it is necessary to establish what metal is included in the composition in order to avoid damage.

Helps clean coins from rust and oxidation at home alternative methods, which require the use of Coca-Cola, olive or Vaseline oil, GOI paste, citric acid or vinegar, soda, soap and electrolysis.

Proven and popular methods for removing contaminants from modern products made of bimetal and collectible coins from other materials are presented below.

Neutral soap

A piece of baby or laundry soap is grated to obtain a slurry, then the mixture is generously lubricated on both sides of the product. Periodically, the metal is taken out and cleaned of dirt under running water with a brush. Using a soap solution to clean coins is an effective and most gentle method for the metal, but sometimes the desired result appears after a week or month.

Soda and soap mixture

If you don’t have time to wait, then use dissolved soda with soap. The metal is cleaned and then lubricated with alcohol and Vaseline ointment to prevent the recurrence of plaque.

Vaseline oil

In this product, the product is boiled until completely free of oxide and plaque, and then washed in ethyl alcohol. The method is not suitable for cleaning rare coins.

Table vinegar or citric acid

9% vinegar will remove rust and green deposits. To do this, place the coin in a ceramic dish, pour it with a solution of vinegar (1 tbsp) with water (half a glass) and turn it over periodically. After complete cleaning, the metal is washed under running water and dried using a multi-layer cloth. Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid.


The drink contains phosphoric acid, which cleans the metal of contaminants. To speed up the cleaning process, place the dishes with liquid in a warm place (on a radiator or in the sun).


This method requires preliminary testing on a less valuable specimen, as well as compliance with safety regulations. To clean the product you will need:

  1. Power supply - universal charger or device for a mobile phone.
  2. Alligator clips (2 pcs.).
  3. A metal object made of copper or brass.
  4. Ceramic or glassware.
  5. A solution of soda and water (1 tbsp per 1 liter).

A clip with a “-” sign is attached to a coin, and a clip with a “+” sign is attached to a metal object. After this, the product and the object are placed in a container with a solution, and the power supply is plugged into an outlet. The result appears in a short time.

How to Clean a Copper Coin

If you have a question about how to clean a copper coin, you can use some of the universal methods listed above. So, if stains appear on a collectible item, boiling Vaseline oil will help remove them.

Coca-Cola is safe for the product and cleans coins until they shine. Paste, soda, sand and tooth powder (not dissolved in water) are dangerous because they can scratch the surface and cause irreparable damage to the product.

Cleaning at home copper coins green plaque is removed using citric acid or vinegar. In the fight against the pale yellow formation of lead carbonate, a 10% solution of acetic acid is useful.

If the collectible item is covered with a dark cherry color, then it is placed in a 15% ammonia solution or a 10% ammonium carbonate solution. The latter is less aggressive and safe for copper.
Kefir is a gentle means for removing oxide from royal coins. Rare specimens are placed in a dairy product until the plaque completely disappears, periodically rinsing under running water.

Sometimes copper begins to deteriorate due to damage or rust. To clean metal quickly and effectively, coin collectors recommend using Trilon B, a slow-acting reagent. The product is also placed in a container with liquid and the peeling plaque is carefully washed off.

Sometimes a copper product becomes unnaturally light after cleaning. Then experienced collectors advise putting it in a sunny place and leaving it for a week, turning it over periodically.

If signs of “bronze disease” appear, it is better to contact a professional restorer who will help clean the copper coin from a light green coating.

Cleaning silver coins

In this case, coins are cleaned using the same universal methods using citric acid, ammonia, soap solution, soda or oil. At the same time, ammonia, like ethyl alcohol, cleans the product from green stains, dirt and oxide, and olive oil adds shine to the metal.

Clear silver coins You can get it shiny with salt. To do this, the component is mixed with water (1:2) and laid out on foil. Together with the resulting slurry, the metal is wrapped and left for 8 hours.

If the coins have darkened, you can clean the silver from black deposits using lemon juice. To do this, dip a cotton swab into the juice and wipe the product. It is not recommended to soak silver in this product due to the possible formation of stains.

Some collectors clean silver by soaking it in water left over from boiling chicken eggs.

To clean silver items without heavy contamination, household detergents are used. In this case, the coin is placed in a liquid diluted with water, after 30 minutes it is rinsed and dried with a napkin.

Since cleaning a silver coin is not easy, numismatists recommend using a toothbrush with soft bristles, and polishing with suede after the dirt has disappeared.

The best way to clean coins from the times of the USSR

In the period from 1931-1935 in the territory Soviet Union The coins were made from a wear-resistant alloy of copper and nickel, which undergoes the formation of a red-brown oxide. In addition, zinc, bronze, brass and aluminum were used in the composition of coins, which add complexity when removing contaminants from collectible items.

However, experienced numismatists take up the task of cleaning Soviet era coins at home. For this, Trilon B and electrolysis, discussed above, are used. And another non-standard cleaning method: the coin is moistened with water, covered with cigarette ashes and left in this state for 20 minutes. After time, the pulp is rubbed into the product and washed off under running water.

To clean bronze or brass coins, copper-nickel alloy and cupronickel products, the same universal methods are used. But you should pay attention to some nuances:

  1. Soapy water will remove dirt, but will not remove oxides.
  2. Vinegar can negatively affect image clarity and make the coin less valuable.
  3. Hydrochloric acid spoils the silver-white product.
  4. For polishing and cleaning Soviet coins Do not use GOI paste, which can erase relief images and patina.

Safely clean old and collectible coins at home

Before you start cleaning gold or ancient antique coins, which were found in the ground, the product is washed under running water and cleaned with a brush with soft bristles.

If the coin has oxidized, then the universal methods mentioned above are used. Since cleaning an old coin is difficult, you should experiment with a less expensive coin first.

Which method, in your opinion, is the most effective? Share in the comments, read all the reviews...

Yes tsinkar is ok thanks, otherwise 1 pfening is lying

Acid will not make it, like the token, better, but will simply destroy the oxides (including protective ones) on the surface of the object!

Rust converter "ZINKAR"

This is a product in which we managed to combine the advantages of two areas of corrosion protection that we have conventionally defined. To combine does not mean getting “two” by simply adding “one plus one”, etc. In our case, this is finding the optimal ratio of the components included in the composition: orthophosphoric acid, certain Zinc and Manganese salts.

When the drug is applied to a metal surface, the oxide forms of iron are destroyed and converted into phosphates, while reactions involving zinc and manganese occur simultaneously.The result is the creation on the surface of a steel structure of a simultaneously durable and at the same time “active” complex-element protective layer. It is necessary to focus attention once again: included in "ZINCAR" ingredients must be in strictly defined proportions! Since their redistribution during the formation of a protective coating is the “key” to efficiency rust converter "ZINCAR".

The result of the work is rust converter "ZINKAR"- combining galvanic-potentiometric and mechanical-strength protection properties.

Attention consumers! After completing a series of tests with positive results, in November 2006, along with the usual bottle, "Tsinkar" in a bottle with a sprayer. The color of the bottle has not changed (orange-yellow), the shape of the bottle is for easy grip and holding in the hand.

Its advantages:

Ease of use;

More uniform distribution of the product over the surface;

Saving the drug;

Possibility of processing hidden cavities and hard-to-reach surfaces (for example: ceilings, remote surfaces, etc.).

Scope of application

The Tsinkar rust converter is intended for processing metal (steel) surfaces in order to remove (transform) corrosion lesions (rust) and protect the treated surfaces from subsequent atmospheric and climatic influences.

The following steel products (structures) are subject to processing: garages, roofs, cars, trusses (supports) of bridges and overpasses, products with welded seams, riveted joints. The treatment is carried out before painting or applying other protective coatings.


A product based on purified orthophosphoric acid with the addition of active ingredients in strictly regulated proportions: zinc and manganese compounds.

Product effectiveness

Due to the active components, the effectiveness of this drug is 2-2.5 times higher than “Rust converters” of a monophosphate composition (widely presented on the Russian market).

“Active” zinc and manganese form a durable protective layer on the surface being treated. At the same time, zinc “works” when foci of electrochemical corrosion occur; manganese creates the effect of alloying the surface and strengthens the protective layer, which is not observed when using monophosphate compounds.

Directions for use:

Clean the metal surface from loose (flaking) rust

Apply the product to the surface by brush, roller or spray

Leave until dry

Repeat processing (if necessary)

After drying (the last treatment), it is enough to wipe the surface with a dry rag or brush (to remove residual deposits)

Processing can be repeated from one to several times. With each subsequent treatment, physical and chemical strength increases

Average option - 2 treatments

The surface is ready for painting

The procedure for applying paint and varnish or other coatings after treatment with Zinkar in accordance with their instructions for their use.

Briefly speaking, this color I have highlighted key phrases.

Do you need to think about why you need protection against patina:

protection of treated surfaces from subsequent atmospheric and climatic influences.

It is only in adventure films that open chests with treasures spread the glow of gold around them. In reality, everything is a little different, the coins found are not always made of gold, and there is no need to talk about chests. But a copper coin accidentally found under the floorboard or dug up in the garden can be more valuable than gold if you get your hands on it. rare specimen. But

To clean or not to clean old coins

The desire to clean a coin arises for various reasons: there are fingerprints, dirt, corrosion, oxides, you want to “do it the way it was,” to give it a marketable appearance before selling. But is it always worth doing this?

This question is asked by any novice numismatist, holding a darkened coin with a coating of oxides and corrosion in the palm of his hand, before placing it in a collection or selling it.

There is no need to rush; coins with traces of time are valued much more than those that have been cleaned to a shine. After improper cleaning, the coin will lose most of its value. After all, cleaning can reveal defects hidden under a layer of dirt and oxides.

Before cleaning a coin, you need to determine what metal it is made of, how badly damaged it is, and how much collectible value it has.

Metals from which coins are most often made

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • bronze;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • aluminum;
  • nickel;
  • platinum.

Gold and platinum are inert metals. They do not oxidize, do not rust, and therefore do not need cleaning. The most you can do is wash the coins with soapy water. Do not use any abrasives or hard brushes as this will leave scratches on the coins.

Silver is susceptible to oxidation and may need to be cleaned in some cases. To choose the right product, the silver sample is first determined. High and low purity coins produce different oxides.

Contaminants from high-grade silver are removed with ammonia, from low-grade silver - with Trilon B. Do not use mechanical cleaning and abrasives.

Important! For polished coins of “proof” quality, only washing with soapy water is allowed; no cleaning methods are allowed for them.

Over time, copper develops a chocolate brown, green-black or black patina. If the layer is even, the coin should not be cleaned. Patina indicates the authenticity of the coin, gives it a noble appearance and protects the metal from external influences. Whether or not to clean coins with an uneven layer of patina depends on the condition of the coin and its value. Cavities may appear under the oxide layer and the coin will lose value.

Bronze contains copper in its composition, so the cleaning methods should be used the same as for it.

Collectors recommend cleaning aluminum, zinc, and iron with Reinigungsbad from Silbo. All others do not give the desired effect, and can damage the coins. On low-value coins, you can experiment with household chemicals, as an option - Cillit.

Aluminum and zinc coins should not be washed with soap; alkali and acid will dissolve them. It is recommended to wipe it with alcohol before placing it in the collection.

So, you have determined what metal the coin is made of, its value and degree of contamination and decided to clean it. Gentle yet effective cleaning is not a quick process; it may take several days to bring the coin to the desired condition. Use the simplest and safest means first, moving on to more aggressive ones if necessary. Prepare everything you need for this.

How to wash and what cleaning products to use

Professionals advise using special products to clean coins. The most famous of them are Trilon B and Silbo liquids.

Trilon B is sold in powder form, which must be diluted in water. This is a rather strong and aggressive product; coins should be soaked in it under constant supervision and then be sure to rinse with water.

Silbo liquids are not cheap, but they clean dirt from coins well and carefully. There are liquids for various metals.

In addition to professional ones, you can use home remedies.

How to clean coins at home

  • professional products;
  • baking soda;
  • salt;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • citric acid or lemon juice;
  • fragrance-free baby soap;
  • household chemicals;
  • coca cola.

Materials and tools for plaque removal

  • containers for solutions and products;
  • soft toothbrush;
  • toilet paper or paper towels;
  • rubber gloves;
  • eraser;
  • toothpicks for mechanical removal of small dirt.

Method suitable for any coins

The safest and most necessary thing to do is wash the coin. Lather the coin with baby soap and rub it gently with your fingers, then rinse with clean water and dry. This is often enough to remove all excess dirt, grease, and sweat from your fingers so you can store the coin. Gold, platinum and polished proof coins do not require any other processing. If the dirt is not washed off, soak the coin in soapy water for 6-8 hours.

Proof is a technology for minting coins of improved quality, with a smooth mirror field and a matte relief pattern. These coins are minted in limited editions for collectors or as souvenirs.

These methods will help get rid of dirt, but are powerless when oxidizing the metal.

If the coins are covered with rust or oxidation

Rust is usually called any red coating on metal, which is not entirely true. Rust forms only on iron or its alloys. Other metals also oxidize, but this process is called corrosion. Let's look at how to remove traces of rust and corrosion from coins.

What you will need

  • vinegar;
  • citric acid or lemon;
  • coca cola;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • soap.

Vinegar, citric acid, lemon

  1. Pour vinegar into a container and immerse a coin in it.
  2. Hold for a few minutes. You cannot overexpose the coin; copper coins will develop a pink tint.
  3. Once you see that the coin is clean, remove it from the acid and rinse it with water, adding baking soda to neutralize it.

Coins are cleaned in the same way using citric acid and lemon. A solution is prepared from the acid, the lemon is cut into two parts, and the coin is immersed in the pulp. It is important that the coin is completely immersed in the acidic solution, otherwise a strip will appear at the interface of the media, which will be very difficult to remove.

Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid, which dissolves rust well. Soak coins in it, then rinse with water.

To make coins shine like new, after soaking in acid, rub them with a piece of foil or an eraser. An eraser is preferable as it will not scratch the surface.

Paste made from vinegar, flour and salt

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of flour, 0.5 teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of vinegar.
  2. Gently rub and massage the coins with the resulting paste until they become clean.
  3. Rinse with running water.

Video: how to clean coins with vinegar and salt paste

Advice! When using any aggressive means, protect your hands with rubber gloves.

Vinegar and baking soda paste

  1. Dilute baking soda with vinegar until a paste forms.
  2. Apply it to the coin and rub it with your fingers or a cloth.
  3. Rinse in water.

Copper coins are cleaned of oxides in another way.

Removing green deposits from copper money

In this case, Trilon B will help, boiling in Vaseline or used machine oil, soaking in an ammonia solution.

When boiling in oil, follow safety precautions, use deep dishes, cover it with a lid. Otherwise, the oil vapors will ignite and a fire will occur.

Ammonia cleaning

So-called copa coins - those dug out of the ground - can be cleaned using Cillit.

The coins are immersed in the liquid for several minutes, turning over periodically. At the end of the treatment, rinse with clean water using a toothbrush. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

Video: cleaning darkened coins from a mine using Cillit

Ancient coins require a special, more careful approach.

Cleaning antique coins

It is best to try to clean ancient coins using soap paste. This will take quite a lot of time, but it will not harm the coins.

How to wash using soap paste

  1. Grate baby soap and dissolve it in hot water until you get a thick jelly.
  2. Cool the paste, place coins in it, and leave for several hours. Periodically turn the coins over and check how clean they are.
  3. Remove the coins from the paste and rinse with clean water. You can scrub lightly with an old toothbrush.
  4. If dirt still remains, immerse the coins in the paste for a few more hours and repeat the treatment. Some coins may take up to a month to clean.

Video: soap for cleaning silver, copper, bronze money

Another gentle way is to boil it in a solution of baking soda.

Boiling in soda solution

  1. Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda in 100 ml of water and heat to a boil.
  2. Dip coins into the boiling solution and boil for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Remove the coins and rinse with clean water.
  4. Carefully wipe off the remaining dirt with a soapy toothbrush and rinse again.
  5. If the plaque still remains, repeat the digestion.

If you still have an old 9-12 volt phone charger, you can try cleaning coins using electrolysis.

Electrolysis method

Since the method involves the use of electricity, evaluate your knowledge in this area before using it.

  1. Cut the plug and separate the wires. Attach a crocodile clip to each.
  2. Pour a glass of water into a container and dissolve a pinch of salt in it. The container should not be metal; it is better to take a glass jar.
  3. Place crocodile clips between a coin and a metal spoon or nail. The positive wire goes to the coin, the negative wire goes to the spoon.
  4. Place the coin and spoon in the jar so that they do not touch each other and the coin does not touch the bottom.
  5. Insert the plug into the outlet. Under the influence of current, an electrolysis reaction will occur and the saline solution will darken. This dissolves the metal oxides on the coin.
  6. After 2-3 minutes, unplug and dip a coin in the baking soda solution to stop the reaction.
  7. Rinse with clean water.

Perhaps most often a novice collector has to deal with USSR coins.

How to clear USSR rubles and kopecks

The most common coins of the USSR are made of copper-nickel and bronze alloys.

The best cleaning method for them is a solution of salt in vinegar.

How to remove plaque using a solution of salt in vinegar

Video: using salt and vinegar to clean coins

Some collectors advise cleaning such coins with household chemicals. Pour some liquid into a plastic container and hold the coin in it for several minutes. After processing, the coin may acquire a whitish or pinkish coating. Clean it with an eraser or soda. The pinkish coating will disappear in a couple of weeks when the coin becomes patina again.

The method is effective, but whether or not to use it on coins is up to you. After all, these are quite aggressive means.

Video: how to clean coins using Dixi

Modern coins are a different story. Despite the fact that such coins are still used as a means of payment, those who like to collect commemorative and commemorative coins it doesn't make it any less. The cost of some of them reaches 12 thousand rubles.

Cleaning modern coins from plaque dirt

In most cases, these coins do not require much cleaning. Simply wash them in soapy water and dry them properly. If a coin is in a collection for a long time, it will inevitably fade and darken.

One of the methods already described above will help restore it to its original appearance.

  1. Dip the coin into the ammonia solution for a few seconds. This is enough to remove darkening and give the coin shine.
  2. If you don’t have ammonia on hand, dip it in vinegar or citric acid solution.
  3. Coins can be cleaned quite well if you keep them in Coca-Cola. This drink contains orthophosphoric acid and is quite suitable for such use.
  4. Stubborn stains can be removed with toothpaste. Apply it to the surface and scrub with your fingers or a soft toothbrush. Be careful not to use excessive force to avoid scratching the surface.

Modern foreign coins can be cleaned using the same methods.

Among modern commemorative coins Bimetallic ones are especially valued. Coins made from two metals - the central part from one, the rim from another - add headaches to collectors. After all, different metals are cleaned with different means.

Cleaning bimetal coins

Quite unusual, but effective way- using another household chemical product - Cif spray.

How to wash and clean with Cif ultra-fast anti-plaque spray

Video: how to clean bimetallic coins using Cif spray

Clean to a shine: how to avoid scratches

  • Do not use GOI paste to clean coins; along with oxides and dirt, you will erase the design of the coin.
  • Any metal brushes or sponges will cause irreparable damage to coins.
  • Do not use strong acids for cleaning; they will destroy the coin. Use only 5-9% vinegar.
  • Polish only those coins that you will admire for yourself. Shine does not add value to coins.
  • Be careful not to damage the patina when cleaning - this is evidence of the coin's authenticity and protects it.
  • Collectible coins should not be handled with bare hands; use cotton gloves for this.
  • Be sure to wash your coins before storing them. As a rule, the process of corrosion begins on them under fingerprints.
  • You should not clean gold, platinum or antique coins. Gold and platinum do not need this, but you can hopelessly ruin the old ones.
  • Coins with an even patina, even if you think it is too dark, are better not to clean.
  • You should also not clean coins if you are not sure of the integrity of their surface. Cavities and damage to the pattern may be found under the oxide layer.

And a little about how to dry coins correctly.

Drying coins

The appearance of the coins after cleaning will depend on how competently you approach this issue. The remaining drops of water after drying will leave stains on the surface and you will have to wash the coins again.

Be sure to dry the coins and wipe them with a paper towel or toilet paper. Fold the paper in several layers and fold it in half. Place a coin on one half, cover the other and blot. You cannot do this with a towel, so as not to scratch the coin and leave lint on it.

Not too much expensive coins Can be wiped with a lint-free cloth. Blow drying is allowed.

Cleaning coins is an inexhaustible topic. Each coin requires a special approach; there are nuances in cleaning coins even from the same metal. Only a specialist can determine how to clean a particular coin after assessing its condition. But if you are just starting out on the path of collecting coins, the information received will help you avoid making mistakes at the initial stage. And you can say: “I love money, it’s so beautiful!”

Many people have historical artifacts in the form of silver or bronze coins in their closets. But, unfortunately, not everyone can use them because of their unpresentable appearance. It is no secret that coins of this kind are highly valued on the market for rare items, which means that they can bring a decent profit to the owner. But even if you are not interested in selling them, storing coins in a cleaned form will not be superfluous. But how to rid coins of rust and oxidation at home? You will learn about this in this article. The information received will help you save money, since the work of a professional cleaning product will be quite expensive.

Which method to choose

Before choosing one of the cleaning methods, you need to determine what metal the product is made of. Regardless of the material of manufacture, you can use a product such as soap. Yes, regular soap combined with water will help rid coins of rust and oxidation. It is only important that the mixture is thick. To do this, you can grate it and add water gradually. If the contamination is severe, place the coin in a soapy solution for 10 hours.

Not everyone trusts folk remedies; many prefer chemicals. To do this, you need to choose a product that is specifically designed for cleaning metal objects.

Toothpaste will be an indispensable assistant for you, and it doesn’t have to be expensive.

Silver, bronze, brass and copper: what is the best way to clean

If you have a rare one in stock silver coin, then soda is perfect for cleaning it from rust and oxidation. At the same time, remember - soda must be dissolved in water, so that a thick mixture is formed. Lemon juice also helps. The coin must be kept in it until it becomes clean. Then the product can be washed with water.

Ammonia is excellent for cleaning copper products, especially if the coin has oxidized. You can also clean it with vinegar. It is important that it be 10 percent. Kefir helps well, although this method is non-standard.

Coins made of brass can be cleaned well with soap, but a prerequisite is that it must be child-friendly. If you don't have one on hand, replace it with a household item. You will need a lot of patience during cleaning as the process may take several days. If the soap solution leaves marks on the coin, they can be cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

A tasty way to clean is to use Coca-Cola. The coins are immersed in the drink. They must be monitored, as products may have different levels of contamination.

Toothpaste and ammonia are used on bronze coins.
