Marvel Contest of Champions: how to properly improve heroes. Marvel: Contest of Champions Walkthrough - Tips and Tricks What Makes Heroes Strong

May 27, 2017 Game guides

Marvel: Contest of Champions is one of the most popular Marvel superhero fighting games. A huge number of characters, excellent animation and excellent graphics have made this game incredibly popular - but nevertheless, do not forget that at the heart of all the visually pleasing graphics developments is the gameplay of a fighting game, which requires skill and dexterity from you. In this guide, we will try to figure out how to fight in Marvel: Contest of Champions in such a way as to receive as little damage as possible and at the same time defeat your opponents as quickly as possible!

How the combat system works

If you've ever played a 2D fighting game like Mortal Kombat or Injustice, it's easy to imagine the battlefield in Contest of Champions: your hero stands on the left side of the screen, and the enemy hero stands on the right, and the goal of both is extremely simple. - knock out all the enemy's health.

The primary controls in Marvel: Contest of Champions are on the touch screen of your tablet or phone - but when playing on a computer, you can use a mouse or set up controls for the keyboard.

There are three types of regular attacks, two types of dash (back and forward), a block and a special attack.

To perform a light attack, you just need to click on the right side of the screen. The light attack is carried out faster than all the others, but also deals the least damage. In total, you can chain 4 light attacks together - they will connect in a series, after which there will be a short pause (during which the enemy will most likely carry out a counterattack). As a result, you should under no circumstances hit the quick attack key without stopping.

The middle attack is performed by swiping to the right - just hold the mouse down and quickly swipe from the left side of the screen to the right, or program a button on the keyboard for this action. Medium attacks hit harder and further than fast ones, but they are also slower - if the enemy decides to hit you with a fast attack before being hit by your medium attack, they will most likely deflect your attack. In this case, only three medium attacks chain together - between a series of three medium attacks you are very vulnerable.

A heavy attack must be carried out in almost the same way as a light attack, but without clicking on the right side of the screen, but by holding the mouse button down. When you begin to perform a heavy attack, the hero starts a relatively long animation, after which the button must be released for the heavy attack to hit the target. However, you can not release the button while waiting for the enemy to approach. The main disadvantage of a heavy attack is that it is easy to get ahead of it, and the main advantage is that a heavy attack breaks through a block. At the same time, the range and damage from such an attack are the highest, so you should not ignore such attacks. The most important thing is to carry them out on time.

Dashes are used for dodging and attacking: if you swipe from right to left, you will jump a long distance away from the enemy and be able to dodge the attack, and if you swipe from left to right, being far from the enemy, you will jump up to him and deliver a weak blow. With the help of dashes, you can dodge your opponent’s attacks, especially medium and heavy ones, and then jump up to him and begin a combination of attacks.

The easiest way to create a block is to simply hold down the mouse button on the left side of the screen. While you are blocking, the damage taken is reduced, but you also cannot respond to the enemy without releasing the block. The block is easy to break through with a strong attack, so standing in the block for a long time is highly not recommended.

Each character has its own special attack - and to activate it, you need to click on the small button in the lower left part of the screen. At the same time, the button can only be pressed when the special attack gauge is full - this happens when striking and receiving damage. Typically, you can accumulate a special attack twice during a battle.

How to correctly apply the above techniques

First of all, you need to try to rebound or at least block at the very beginning of the match. Often the first move the enemy makes in the first second of the fight is a light attack in your direction. After making one such attack, he can catch you with a combination and you will suffer even more damage.

After the rebound, you need to quickly jump up to the enemy and deliver two or three quick blows. You should not carry out a full combination of four quick strikes - after it you will be faced with an enemy counterattack, from which you are unlikely to be able to escape.

After attacking in this way, you can jump back and jump again with a couple of quick attacks, or continue the combination of light attacks with medium attacks. In the second option, it is best to combine three light attacks and two medium ones - this way you will inflict maximum damage on the enemy with your combination of attacks. Whatever you choose, after performing attacks, you need to immediately jump away, because the enemy will respond to you with blows.

In the event that the enemy jumps up to you to attack, try to block - after such an action, the enemies usually do not inflict heavy attacks, and you will be able to save some of your health and counterattack.

If the enemy gets into a block, immediately stop any combinations and try to carry out a heavy attack as quickly as possible. The important detail is that you need to release the heavy attack as soon as the animation ends - this way you can knock down the enemy's block and quickly start carrying out your combination of fast attacks. If you fail to knock down the enemy’s block, then immediately jump back - after blocking, the enemy will almost always quickly attack you.

A special attack is best performed in the middle of a combo - when you are absolutely sure that the enemy will not block a powerful special attack. Under no circumstances try to carry out a special attack as soon as it accumulates; it is better to wait for the right moment - it is extremely disappointing to spend the accumulated attack on an enemy block and not cause any damage to him!


In this guide, we looked at your combat capabilities in Marvel: Contest of Champions. After reading this guide, you will be able to better control your hero and fight even more effectively! The most important thing to learn is that you shouldn’t hysterically hit the buttons, hoping for luck, and you need to learn to dodge as quickly as possible. Control over your actions is half the victory in battle! I hope this guide helps you play better and have more fun in Marvel: Contest of Champions!

May 27, 2017 Game guides

Marvel: Contest of Champions is a game that requires constant improvement of heroes. If you can easily master the initial stages of the game with the first available heroes, then already from the third or fourth chapter of the story campaign you may start to have troubles. However, they are very easy to avoid if you upgrade your heroes correctly! In this guide, we will look at ways to level up game characters and highlight the main secrets of leveling up that can improve your game as a whole.

What makes heroes strong

In the game, there is a “power level” for each hero - it expresses an approximate assessment of the hero’s abilities. The higher this level, the better the hero is, in theory. It should be understood that this indicator is actually not decisive - in principle, it is very possible to defeat opponents even with a lag of 50-100 units without any problems, if you correctly dodge blows and carry out combinations. However, the blows of opponents with a high level of power hit harder, and they have more health, so it’s usually not worth sending obviously weak heroes into battle.

The character's attack and health indicators are real and visible - they must be assessed when choosing a hero for battle with the enemy. If the enemy has a lower attack than your hero (usually this happens when you have class superiority), then you can take the risk and fight even with a small supply of health - most likely you will not lose if you do not stand still. Again, if the enemy’s attack is higher than yours, although the enemy has less health, it is better not to try to crush the enemy with your amount of HP - this is ineffective and even if you do not lose, you will at least lose the lion’s share of your health and will be forced to use healing potions.

Moreover, in addition to the above, each hero has passive features that allow him to weaken the enemy’s attacks, cause bleeding, heal, go into rage, stun and drain the enemy’s special attack level - there can be many effects and each hero has different conditions for their activation. You can find out about the enemy’s capabilities in advance either immediately before the battle, or by having the same hero. Passive abilities rarely directly affect the damage caused by attacks and are unlikely to predetermine the outcome of the battle, but they are worth considering when choosing a hero for battle.

How to make a hero stronger

All of the above has quantitative characteristics - health, attack, chance of triggering additional effects, etc. are calculated. Any quantitative characteristic can be increased by leveling up the hero using ISO-8 and increasing his rank using the Catalyst. Also, the abilities of heroes with more stars are correspondingly higher than those of others. But first things first.

Each hero initially has a certain number of stars - from one to five - and begins his journey from the first level and at the first rank.

Heroes with one star only have access to two special attacks and gain these special attacks as they rank up. Also, one-star heroes do not have access to special passive abilities, unlike everyone else. Two-star heroes are stronger and can perform three special attacks - but they also need to be obtained by increasing their rank. Three-star and four-star players can use all three special attacks without leveling up their rank, right away. Five-star heroes also have all the special attacks - but they also have the ability to make a third special attack even stronger if you do the right thing when activating it.

The same heroes can have different numbers of stars - for example, there can be a Black Panther with one star and with two stars. At the same time, you should not assume that for each hero there are all versions with a different number of stars - many heroes do not have a version with five stars, some do not exist with four, and some simply will not be found in the one-star version. It goes without saying that the higher the number of stars a hero has, the less often he is found in the crystal and the more difficult it is to pull him out. Moreover, to obtain heroes with a certain number of stars, you need certain crystals - for example, in principle, a five-star hero cannot be obtained from standard crystals.

Of course, the higher the number of stars of a hero, the higher his level of power and, accordingly, his characteristics. Also, heroes with a high number of stars receive a greater increase in characteristics when leveling up and are able to level up further than heroes with fewer stars.

Also, any hero, regardless of the number of stars, starts at the first rank with the first level. Levels are leveled up using ISO-8, a special unit required for leveling up. ISO-8 can be drawn from daily crystals and crystals received for completing the story chapter and received for defeating opponents. ISO-8 can be standard (in the form of packages of 75, 125 and 525 units) and class-based (works only for heroes of a certain class, but gives 825 units of experience). To raise the hero's level, you need to use a certain amount of ISO-8 and gold - usually ISO-8 is always enough, while the amount of gold will soon begin to decrease, so try to save it. By raising a level, you increase (but not very high) the main characteristics of the hero, and in total at each rank you can increase the level 10 times. After reaching level 10, you will not be able to level up the hero further using ISO-8 and you will need to use the Catalyst to raise the rank - in this case, the hero’s characteristics will increase significantly and you will receive new special attacks (for heroes with 1 and 2 stars). After raising the rank of the hero, the hero’s level will again drop to level one (you will not lose the improvements you received!) and you will be able to raise 10 levels again.

The special abilities of heroes can also be upgraded - to do this, you need to obtain identical duplicate heroes from crystals. They will strengthen existing heroes and increase the level of their special abilities (in this case, to obtain a special ability you need to get at least one duplicate - roughly speaking, initially the special ability is at “zero” level). In total, you can strengthen a special ability to level 99 - accordingly, the chances of activation, increased damage, protection, health increases and other similar quantifiable variables will increase.

Don't waste ISO-8 and gold on leveling up one-star heroes if you have heroes with more stars. It is better to pump them up first and, of course, spend catalysts on them. The higher the number of stars a hero has, the higher his priority for leveling up.

Try to upgrade heroes of different classes, starting from the most “multi-star”. Roughly speaking, if you have one three-star “Cosmos”, one two-star “Cosmos” and one two-star “Mutant”, then first it is better to level up the 3-star “Cosmos” hero, then the “Mutant” and only then the remaining “Cosmos” hero. The described situation is abstract and in a real game you will most likely have many more different heroes, but do not forget the general principle - first upgrade heroes with a large number of stars, and then heroes of a different class.

Don’t try to focus on just one hero - although it’s better to strengthen the “multi-star” ones first, you shouldn’t spend all your resources on just one. It's better to raise a hero one rank (or to level 10 if there is no catalyst), and then move on to another. When you have upgraded all the most useful and used heroes in this way, you can further improve the strongest of them. However, catalysts are best used on strong heroes, as these are very rare and expensive items.


In this guide, you got acquainted with the mechanisms for improving heroes and their abilities. By constantly improving your heroes, you will be able to achieve success in Marvel: Contest of Champions in no time. The main thing is to pump up correctly! I hope that this guide will be useful to you and you will be able to make your heroes in Contest of Champions the strongest!

Marvel: Team of Superheroes is a free browser-based 3D RPG game. It differs from other role-playing games in that in it you can control a whole team of heroes to choose from. The game was created on the Unity 3D engine, for example, like Critical Strike Portable.

To begin with, you will need to give your team a name and decide on your favorite hero. Further there will be more and more heroes. There are 71 superheroes in the game (Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Elektra, Captain America, Wolverine and others), each of them has their own special super abilities. The heroes will be opposed by villains, of which there are 24 in the game (Lizardman, Magneto, Mystic, Venom, Loki, Doctor Octopus and others).

All events will take place in the Marvel world. In it you can have fun, explore something, and make friends with someone. Your super team will relax and have fun at the secret headquarters.

Go through missions, defeating villains with your heroes who are about to commit another dirty trick. Also take part in card battles.

Based on the comic book series of the same name from Marvel Studios, which was popular in the 80s.

In this game you have to collect various heroes and villains and train them by completing quests, and then put them in PvP arenas for battles. This is not to say that this game is too difficult, but to get the hang of it, a few tips will not hurt you.

  • The control mechanics in this game are simple and straightforward, but there are some nuances that you should be aware of. Remember that defense is very important in Contest of Champions, so the first thing you should master is blocking enemy attacks. Keep in mind that even while blocking, your hero can receive damage, which means that dodging an attack is just as important as being able to block it. Evasion is performed by swiping left and right. Your main task is to avoid any damage as much as possible and attack enemies when they are open. The main thing is to minimize health losses, and you will find out why in the next paragraph.
  • Your Champions do not restore health between fights during the same quest. The only way to improve it is to use elixirs, but this costs money, so it is advisable to avoid taking damage for as long as possible.
  • Try to get a Champion with two or three stars as quickly as possible. One-star heroes will not be able to withstand many enemies for long enough and complete more difficult quests, even if you increase their level and rating. Therefore, pay attention to the two-star ones and strive for even more solid characters with three stars - the supply of health and strength turns them into competitive fighters.
  • There are six main classes in this game, and the relationships between them are best characterized by the rules of a rock-paper-scissors style game. It looks like this: Cosmic -> Skill -> Tech -> Mutant -> Science -> Mystic -> Cosmic. Except for those cases when you have only one hero left, and there are no reviving potions for the dead, you must choose your character from those available precisely according to the principle stated above. This will help your Champions gain the upper hand in battles, increasing your strength and decreasing your opponent's potential.
  • It's a very good idea to start every match by blocking. The artificial intelligence of the system does not act too uniformly, but often your opponent will try to knock you down with one blow. That's why we advise you to block without thinking about how it will look from the outside. Even if there is no real threat, you don't have to worry about looking stupid: self-defense is the name of the game.
  • The special ability indicator located at the bottom of the screen fills gradually. To use your character's first special move, the indicator must be filled once, for the second move it must be filled twice, and for the third, respectively, three times. If you want to use the indicator before it reaches the next level, then know that it will reset completely. Therefore, if you want to use a special move, do it as soon as the indicator allows it, and if you plan to accumulate it until the next move, then do not waste the indicator between levels.
  • To upgrade your heroes you will need gold, catalysts and a special substance ISO-8. Gold is for purchases, ISO-8 will allow you to level up, and catalysts will help increase your character's rating. One- and two-star heroes will only be able to unlock their special moves after increasing their rating.
  • If you don’t need some of the heroes, you can sell them for gold, but in practice there is no particular need to do this. You get gold simply for completing quests, so you won’t experience much of a shortage of it. In addition, the class system here is designed in such a way that you will need several fighters of completely different types at the same time. Plus, you can fight several PvP fights in the arena at the same time, putting all your heroes into battle at once. Do not forget that each Champion needs a break - the timer will not allow you to use the character earlier than two hours after the next fight, so it is better if there are several heroes.
  • The system for using crystals in Marvel: Contest of Champions is quite complex. We will try to clarify it by briefly describing the main types of crystals involved in this game. Every four hours you receive a crystal that gives you the right to the simplest hero, and every 24 hours - to a two-star Champion. There are also crystals earned in quick PvP matches - they are intended to obtain gold and combat chips. These, in turn, you can exchange for an Arena crystal, which will give you the opportunity to get a four-star Champion. During the quests you will find purple crystals - they are needed to obtain the ISO-8 substance. And finally, Premium Crystals, which can be purchased with premium currency - they guarantee you at least a two-star hero, and even a four-star with some luck.
  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to get a strictly defined Champion in this game. If you still want to have your favorite hero on your team, you will have to grind - unfortunately, there is no other way.
  • Going through quests you have already completed again is not as bad an idea as it might seem at first glance. This method will be useful to you if your team is not yet too strong for further advancement. Quests usually have branches, by completing which you can earn additional money and bonuses for further team upgrades.

Marvel Contest of Champions is a game developed by Kabam specifically for Android and iOS mobile platforms. In the game you can assemble a team of heroes or villains, take part in a quest to defeat the most vile villains in the Marvel universe. You can team up with your friends to create the most powerful alliance and earn team rewards. Overall, it's a pretty exciting mobile app that's quite different from games like Marvel Future Fight. To ensure that it is not too difficult for you to complete the game, we have prepared a list of tips and tricks in this article that will help you save the universe from the villains and receive well-deserved rewards. And although the tips and advice for the game Marvel Contest of Champions are designed for beginners, we are confident that they will also be useful for experienced gamers, and will also help them find the right way out of a difficult situation.

1. Bonus class matters a lot

The first thing you should know is the class of bonuses with which you can inflict additional damage on the enemy. And also, you can reduce the level of damage that can be caused to you. The bonus class hierarchy is as follows: Skill > Tech > Mutant > Science > Mystic > Cosmic > Skill, keep this hierarchy in mind when creating a team. Using this knowledge, you will be able to engage in battles and survive in more difficult, more advanced levels.

2. You can get the hero in different ways

There are many different ways in which you can attract more heroes to your cause. To begin with, Premium Hero Crystal will give you the opportunity to guarantee that you will receive heroes with stars from two to four for only 100 units. This is the best way to get highly skilled heroes. The Daily Crystal, which rewards you for logging into the game every day, can give you heroes with one to three stars, although the chances of adding three-star heroes to your team are not very high. You can also get Arena Crystal for winning arena battles and Arena Event Ranking Reward. For a beginner, the chance of getting a four-star hero is not great, however, it is still a chance.

And so, to begin with, you received several heroes and can improve them. You will have a choice: go forward and update your heroes, or wait a little. We would advise you to wait until you have heroes with three stars or higher in your team, this way you can upgrade heroes with more stars first. Upgrading heroes with two stars is also a good idea, provided that you have had them for a long time and there are no heroes with a large number of stars. As for one-star heroes, upgrade them last, after you have upgraded everyone on your team, and upgrade them to the highest possible degree.

4. Arena fight

Arena combat is always a good idea in Marvel Contest of Champions, even if it means sacrificing your winning streak. Never miss the opportunity to fight in the arena, even if you are sure that you have a chance to win, and even when you lose more often than you win. After a successful battle in the arena, you can always increase the level of your heroes and improve their speed.

5. What does synergy mean in the context of the Marvel Contest of Champions game?

The term synergy in Marvel Contest of Champions should not be used in the context of business jargon. In Marvel Contest of Champions, synergy refers to the bonuses that you receive if your team has a worthy combo - a hero. Thus, your bonuses can span multiple types of rewards, including health boosts, attack ratings, and critical damage. Synergy bonuses can vary depending on the hero who receives them. So always check if you have received these bonuses in the game.

6. Do not sell your heroes, even if their abilities are not impressive.

One of the temptations that you may encounter in the game is selling your low-rated heroes. Don't do this! Even if your team has enough heroes with three stars or more, you should not sell low-rated heroes, as they are counted separately when arena battles begin. You can earn more Arena Crystals by using the entire line of heroes in battles, even the weakest ones. Additionally, in some 3-on-3 type fights, you will need to use someone with a low rating.

7. Story quests come first

If you do not have a sufficient supply of energy, you need to go through story quests, where you can get a catalyst. As for other more advanced story quests, they will be able to give you more experience points and ISO-8. So don't be afraid of difficult quests. Yes, the risk is high, but the reward is no less worthy.

In addition, you can get free units by completing a quest chain or achieving 100% results in your search. Think about this tip as it is a great idea for you to collect free units.

8. Start offensively.

Finally, we will give you some tips on how to fight in the Marvel Contest of Champions game, and the first one will be to attack first. This will give you a huge chance to greatly reduce the enemy's attacking ability. Assuming the enemy is in a defensive or blocking position, you will be able to get a few free hits to reduce the enemy's attack units. And if you make a strike at the moment of attack, then you will be able to replenish the special meter at a much faster pace.

You also have special moves that will allow you to gradually destroy enemy strike units. Your special actions must be executed with perfect synchronicity, which means that you should not launch them when you know that there is even a small chance that you might be blocked.

9. Execute your combos

Don't leave anyone hanging, if you hit someone, then complete the entire sequence of combo attacks. Essentially, this means constantly attacking, and not blocking the enemy's attacks in the middle of the fight. Most of the time you will end up attacking your opponent with your hand raised, throwing combos and defeating the enemy.

10. Know the heroes' special moves

All heroes in the game have their own combos and special moves. We do not insist, but we still advise, whenever possible, to study all the special movements of the heroes who are in your team, or who you are going to add to your team in the near future. Again, you should do some research regarding heroes' special moves, as enemies may specifically target them to block or destroy. Either way, you can block them (or block your opponent's special moves) if you're fast enough to do so.

Also, it's good practice to use special moves when you can. Remember that you lose your special meter after finishing a battle. This should further encourage you to use special moves every time in battle. Using them, as you already guessed, you can quickly destroy the enemy

If you are playing in quest mode, you should always remember that the hero's hit points will be transferred to the next enemy until the quest is completed. Keeping this in mind, you must take a defensive position if your striking points begin to run out. Save a quick attack for when you have enough attack points. And if your hero dies in the middle of the battle, then you can use other heroes to fight the enemy again.

Speaking of the potion, it is more prudent to use it on injured heroes than to revive, which is possible in this game. Ideally, you should use the potion when working on more difficult quests where your goal is to unlock the catalyst. A potion can help your heroes restore health, but if this is not so necessary, then it is better to save it.

12. Storage for ISO-8

Breeding or diligently working on ISO-8 is a smart strategy, but it will require a more detailed guide, the point is that you want to tackle ISO-8 while playing Marvel Contest of Champions. After all, ISO-8 is necessary when you need to level up your heroes.
