Notes on plot-based role-playing games. Summary of the role-playing game “Family” for kindergarten

Irina Chusovitina
Abstract role-playing game according to Federal State Educational Standards in senior group"Family trip to the country"

1. Objectives:

1. formation of respectful and friendly relationships in the family;

2. formation and development of gaming activities:

3. expansion of ideas about the environment world:

* introduce the types of activities at the dacha;

* consolidate knowledge about the sequence of growing fruit and berry crops;

* consolidate knowledge about carpentry tools and their purpose;

* consolidate knowledge about the rules of table setting;

4. development of creativity (handmade attributes, use of substitute items, improvisation in game actions).

2. Preparing for the game:

Date Preparation

attributes Enrichment with impressions Teaching game techniques

May 2016 1. Making attributes for the main plot:

*vegetables and fruits

*gardening tools (shovels, rakes; buckets; scoops)

2. Making and preparing existing toys (buckets, watering cans, dishes, carpentry tools, seeds, stroller, doll, (pacifier, bottle, blanket, cubes - to indicate beds, towels);

4. Construction family car;

3. Construction of buildings in group. 1. Conversation with children on topics "Adult Labor", "My Family", "What can you plant in your garden"

2. Reading a poem "Country house" (Denkov D. A);

3. Examination of illustrations with images of country holidays and work;

4. Examination of vegetables and fruits.

1. Display of games for children actions:

*use of carpentry tools (hammer, saw, plane, vice, etc.)

3. Training in transition from the main one plot to accompanying(transferring play actions from one toy to another - from zone to zone).

4. Consolidation of knowledge on the rules of seating and behavior in a car (an adult is driving, children do not sit in the front seat, everyone needs to buckle up before setting off).

3. Long-term game preparation plan "At the dacha"

Basic plot Roles Attributes Game actions Speech figures

Work in the garden

*Vegetables and fruits

* Garden tools (shovels, rakes, buckets, watering cans)

* Cubes for marking beds


*Gathering the harvest *Come on together, come on together!

*Please help me please

*Need help

*What great fellows!

*Thanks a lot!

Related stories

* Automobile

*Eldest son

*Daughter * Built car

*We put in the car what we are taking with us (baggage)

*Take a seat

take your seats, buckle up

*We talk on the way *Has everyone sat down?

*Let's buckle up!

*Let's go!

* Builders

*Eldest son

* Construction tools

* Hammering nails

*Making it *Look, son!

*Come on, help!

Kitchen *Mom

* Products


*Cooking lunch

*Boil the kettle

*Setting the table

*Wash and dry the dishes *Turn on the stove

*Wash the vegetables

*Peel the potatoes

*Put the kettle on

* Help, please!

* It's time for lunch!

*Everyone to the table!

*Bon appetit!

*Who will wash the dishes?

* "Mothers and Daughters"


(*Daughter)* Baby doll, stroller, blanket, pacifier, bottle * Swaddling the doll

*Feed her

*Putting us to bed *You are my good one!

*Let's eat

*Bye-bye, close your eyes

4. Move games

1. The teacher introduces a game situation.

Reading a poem "Country house!" (author Denkov D. A.):

Look around the dacha in the summer -

Everything is dressed for summer:

And rose hips and roses,

And an oak tree and a birch tree.

Everything is chosen to perfection -

I came up with some fun

Dress like a model

There's a spruce in the corner behind the oak tree!

Nearby the apple tree is laughing,

Like a young lady stands

Here he will smile again,

Let me treat you to some rosy...

Evening, summer, and at the dacha -

The nightingale jumps through the beds,

Just a little bit in the corner

The stove is heating by the window,

Mom again: "Let's go to sleep,

It's too early to leave tomorrow..."

I woke up with the early light -

It's good to be at the dacha in the summer!

B. After reading the poem with the children, have a conversation on the topic "My Family", "Adult Labor in the Garden". Of course, as a rule, the main work in the garden is planting and growing fruit and berry crops, after which a conversation with the children reveals the topic "What can you plant in the garden" with a look at the vegetables and fruits that are grown at home.

B. Making dummies of vegetables and fruits that will become necessary in the process games.

D. The teacher invites the children to answer the situational question:

* “What can you do at the dacha besides working in the garden?”

During the discussion and proposals, actions are clarified. In this case, the teacher shows children games actions:

* possible actions in the garden (dig, plant, weed, water, etc.)

*use of construction tools (hammer, saw, nails, etc.)

Here you can also look at illustrations with images of country holidays and work.

Based on this, in addition to the main plot"work in the garden" associated stories, which will certainly be included in the game. This: "automobile", "kitchen", "builders", "mothers and daughters".

* "What can we take with us on dacha

This is where all the attributes that will be included in the game are identified– This: gardening tools, dishes, food for preparing lunch, construction tools, stroller, doll. Let's call it all baggage.

2. Distribution of roles. Children choose their own roles. The teacher observes and prompts. To avoid any conflict situations, the teacher suggests dividing into subgroups of 6 people according to the principle "Who is friends with whom" or by "Counting" and lose plot several times in different compositions. Be sure to inform everyone that you can play an unlimited number of times and prove yourself in any role.

3. Game design space:

* location determination games(group or an area on the street);

* distribution of zones on the territory (car (garage, vegetable garden, kitchen, carpentry workshop);

* placement of attributes in each zone.

4. Game actions:

*. Participants sit in the car. Packing luggage. Buckle up. "Adults" help "children". Dad gets behind the wheel.

There is a situational conversation;

*. We've arrived. "Adults" help "children" get out of the car, take out your luggage.

*. We take out the gardening tools and move into the garden. We dig a garden with a shovel and sow it. Water using a watering can. We weed the beds. We collect the ripe harvest. Everything happens with elements of training and support "adults" "children".

*. Boy participants remain in the garden, girl participants move to the kitchen area.

*. Lunch is being prepared in the kitchen. We wash, peel vegetables, prepare lunch from available products. We boil the kettle. Set the table.

*. Participants plot"kitchen" they call those remaining in the garden to dine. Let's have lunch. We wash and dry the dishes.

*. Boy participants go to a construction workshop. They independently choose the type of activity using construction tools.

*. Meanwhile, the girl participants feed, swaddle and put the baby doll to bed.

*. In case of conflict situations during games, the teacher joins in plot in the role of chairman of the gardening and dacha partnership, which implies his competence in resolving any dispute.

5. End games

* “End of the day off at the dacha”;

*Move to another view activities:

** conversation-discussion

** drawing

*In case games on the site - end of the walk (mode moment).

6. Evaluation games

During game actions, disclosures plot The teacher, through observation, assesses the children’s interest in the game based on parameters:

* activity inside plot;

* desire to move from plot to plot;

* the desire of others to participate or organize a similar parallel plot.

1. have a conversation on topics:

* “What did you like? What didn’t you like?”

* “What can I add?”

2. Thematic drawing: “Who do I want to be in the game? "At the dacha"

Lyubovich Snezhana Alexandrovna
MADOOU Child Development Center-kindergarten No. 44 "Forget-Me-Not" Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region
Summary of GCD
“Socialization of preschool children by means play activity»
Role-playing game "Hospital"

“Socialization of preschool children through play activities”
Role-playing game "Hospital"
Educational field "Socialization"
1. To develop in children the ability to take on a playing role (doctor (doctor), nurse, pharmacist (pharmacist), patient).
2. Encourage children to play out the plot of the familiar game “Hospital”
using familiar medical instruments (toys).
Educational field "Communication"
Promote the emergence of role-playing dialogue.
Educational field "Health"
Develop a caring attitude towards your health, the ability to show sensitivity and care for a sick person.
Equipment: doctor suit, 3 medical suits. sisters, hospital play set, dolls.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office, reading the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky, examination of medical instruments. Making attributes for the game (patient cards, recipes.) Playing out the situations “Calling a doctor at home”, “Procedure room”.

expand children’s understanding of the work of hospital workers; developing the ability to apply previously acquired knowledge about the surrounding life in the game.

1. To develop in children the ability to independently develop the plot of the game “Hospital”; promote the independent creation and implementation of game plans;

2. Develop creative imagination, the ability to develop a game together, and continue to develop the ability to negotiate.

3. Continue to teach how to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes, encourage children to independently create items and parts (tools, equipment) that are missing for the game. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help out a friend.

4. Foster a sense of responsibility, friendliness, and respect for the medical profession.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the medical office kindergarten;

Stories and conversations about the professions of medical workers;

Examination of illustrations on the topic "Hospital";

Reading fiction: “Aibolit”, “Telephone” by K. I. Chukovsky, “The rooster fell ill with a sore throat” by A. I. Krylov, “My Bear” by Z. Alexandrov;

Introduction to medical instruments.

Material: white coat and cap for a doctor; arm bandage for the nurse; doctor's vouchers; "medical records" of patients; pencils; a set of medical instruments: a thermometer (an ice cream stick with divisions drawn with felt-tip pens or cut out of cardboard, a toy syringe without a needle, a phonendoscope, a spatula for checking the throat (an ice cream stick); bandages, cotton wool, gauze napkins, cotton swabs, adhesive tape (children really like stick it on, empty medicine bottles, a measuring spoon, empty pill bottles (you can put plasticine inside, empty medicine boxes; you can also additionally use: an eye test chart, x-rays; dolls, animal toys; a robe for a nurse;

Roles: Doctor, nurse, patients, receptionist, mom, dad (accompanying the “patient”)

Related game: Family.

GCD move

And there is a miracle at our gates -

tree grows

Miracle, miracle, wonderful miracle

Not the leaves on it

And the bags on it

And the bags on it are like apples.

Educator:“Look, guys, what a miracle it is - a tree! Let's see what grew on it." Let's get it and find out. The teacher removes the bag from the branch and gives it to each child. Each child unties the bag and tells what the item is in the bag and what it is for.

Let's pack a suitcase for the doctor (interboard game)

A grandmother with an injured hand enters the group and attracts the children's attention. The teacher, together with the children, discusses the situation with the sick grandmother, and conclusions are drawn that the grandmother needs to be treated, sit down, grandmother.

Educator: Who can cure grandma? Guess the riddle:

Who in days of illness,

More useful than anyone else

And cures us of everything

Diseases? (doctor) slide 1

Educator: Yes, that's right, it's a doctor or doctor. Here's another riddle:

There are doctors in this house.

They are waiting for people to treat them.

They are ready to help everyone -

Only healthy people are released. (hospital) slide 2

Educator: what house is the riddle about?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, a hospital or clinic.

Educator: Let's put all these items in the first aid kit and take them to our hospital.

Educator: What game do you think we will play now?

Children: to the hospital.

Educator: Guys, who treats children, what is this doctor called (children’s answers)

Educator: That's right, a pediatrician is the most important children's doctor, but first you need to go to the reception and get a card. What should you tell the registrar? (what is the child’s name and where does he live).

Educator: Let you be the registrar (selecting children, issuing attributes for him and determining a place for the registry, pharmacy, office).

Educator: When entering the office, do not forget to say hello and explain what is hurting your daughter or son.

Educator: And now I’ll put on a white robe. I am a doctor and I will treat my grandmother. Anya will be my assistant: a nurse? I will have a hospital here, my assistant, prepare a bandage and medicine. Let me take a look at your wound, grandma. Now the nurse and I will anoint the wound with brilliant green and then bandage it. It won't hurt at all. Well, now, grandma, you can go home and be careful with sharp objects. And we will accept other patients. Who wants?

Educator: Guys, let's be dads and moms today, look, our doll children are waiting for us, they're sitting sad in the house, maybe they're sick too? (we go to the play corner; children choose their own “children”).

Patient: Hello.

Educator (Doctor): Hello. Tell me what happened?

Patient: My daughter has a sore throat.

Doctor: Go to the nurse, she will give you a thermometer to find out whether you have a temperature or not. The temperature is normal. Let's look at the neck (look at the neck with a spatula).

Ooh! The throat is red.

Educator: in order not to get sick, you must do exercises in the morning. Do you all do exercises in the morning? Let's do it together.

Physical education minute.

Every morning

Doing exercises

We really like it

Do everything in order:

It's fun to walk

Raise your hands

Put your hands down

Squat and stand up

Jump and gallop.

Educator: And now I will have lunch. Another doctor will take my place. Anna, come on, now you will be a doctor. Put on a white cap and robe, you are now a doctor, you will examine patients and prescribe medications. Polina will be a nurse, she will treat patients: give injections, give pills.

Children disperse to their play areas (pharmacy, hospital, reception).

Dialogue at the reception:

Children say hello, say their first and last name and ask for a sick card.

The registrar issues the card to the patient.

Dialogue in the hospital between a patient and a doctor:

Patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello, what's bothering you?

P: I have a high temperature and a severe headache.

D: don’t worry, now I will examine you and prescribe treatment.

The child, in the role of a doctor, provides medical assistance, examines the patient and offers the nurse an antipyretic injection, then writes a prescription and offers to purchase the medicine at the pharmacy.

The teacher makes sure that the children do not forget to say “thank you and goodbye.” At the end of the game, the teacher asks children how they can protect their health and what needs to be done for this.

Children answer: do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.

View: Come to our hospital

We will tell you how to treat.

Well, it’s better not to get sick,

Temper yourself, play sports,

Eat right.

Be healthy everyone!

At the end of the game we conduct an analysis. Game result:

Well, our game is over.

Did you like this game?

What was her name?
- Who took part in the game? (called by children)

How did the guys cope with their roles?

Did you like the game, why?
- If you liked it, then we will continue to play it tomorrow, and now we’re going for a walk! Well done! Thank you!

The teacher gives vitamins to all children.

Software tasks:


4. Continue learning to portray an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures. Replenish the vocabulary: gentlemen, ladies, compliments, passes, loyal subjects, master of ceremonies. Form positive relationships and a culture of behavior in public places.

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“Synopsis of educational activities for the development of speech, role-playing games and activities in the senior group.”

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech, role-playing game-activities in the senior group - “Fairytale Ball”.

Svetlana Sheina
Summary of role-playing game-activities for older children preschool age"Fairytale Ball"

Target: development of communication skills, creative abilities children

Program tasks:

1. Learn to unite in a game, agree on a sequence of actions, display characteristic features images, teach role-playing dialogue

2. Continue to introduce the rules of etiquette and moral values

3. Consolidate knowledge of proverbs and sayings on the topic "kindness"

4. Continue learning to portray an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures. Replenish dictionary: gentlemen, ladies, compliments, passes, loyal subjects, master of ceremonies. Form positive relationships and a culture of behavior in public places.

Preparing for the game-activity (preliminary work):

1. Making crafts and attributes in class manual labor

2. Reading fiction literature: fairy tales"Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Pinocchio", "Sleeping Beauty", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

3. Ethical conversations about behavior in public places

4. Learning sayings and proverbs about kindness

5. Preparation for "competition of gentlemen", conversation on the topic “How to cheer up a girl (lady)»

Game roles: king, queen, fairies of kindness, beauty, joy, master of ceremonies, guests (Puss in Boots, Pinocchio, Gray Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood, Alyonushka, brother Ivanushka, Cinderella, Baba Yaga, Pierrot, Malvina)

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, today the postman brought us this letter (shows a large envelope with a picture of a crown, reads out the letter). The king and queen invite the most good-natured, well-mannered loyal subjects to the ball on the occasion of the birth of the princess. Do you want to go to this ball? Then you need to prepare for it, and also prepare gifts for the princess.

Children pack pre-made gifts and decorate the boxes with ribbons and beads. Complement their outfits accessories: hats, feathers, jewelry. Assign roles.

Educator: The hour has come when the king and queen are waiting for us in their kingdom! The king and queen greet the guests.

King: How glad we are to see you in our palace!

Queen: Be so kind as to come in!

The guests greet, bow, congratulate the parents on their newborn, wish the princess to grow up healthy, kind, well-mannered, smart, beautiful, and to obey her parents and teachers. Handmade gifts are presented.

The king and queen thank the guests for the gifts and congratulations and admire the gifts.

Guests greet each other, give each other compliments, and thank each other for them.

The king and queen invite guests to sit down, rest from the road and listen to classical music (P. I. Tchaikovsky "Nannyfairy tale » )

Lanterns sound and three appear at the ball fairies: fairy of beauty, fairy of kindness and fairy of joy. Fairies perform a dance (P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers").

The fairies greet the king and queen, congratulate them on the birth of their daughter and bring her their magical gifts.

The Kindness Fairy waves her with a magic wand and gives the princess kindness.

The king and queen thank the fairy for her generous gift.

The fairy greets the guests and invites them to remember proverbs and sayings about kindness:

There is no price for good light

He who helps people has all his wishes come true.

Life is given for good deeds

Do a good deed boldly

A faithful pointer is not a fist, but a caress

Hurry to do good

A good deed will never be forgotten

It's warm in the sun, and good in mother's presence

It doesn't matter the face, it would be a golden heart

The fairy gives forfeits to those guests who remember these proverbs. Then he offers to dance "Good Beetle".

The beauty fairy waves her magic wand and gives the princess beauty.

The king and queen thank the fairy.

The fairy greets the guests and invites them to remember where beauty lives (in nature, in music, in poetry, fairy tales, in painting, in jewelry, beautiful clothes and good deeds).

The Fairy of Joy waves her magic wand and gives the princess a cheerful disposition and always a good mood.

The king and queen thank the fairy for the gift.

The fairy greets the guests and invites them to play an outdoor game "The sea is agitated" (emotions of sadness, joy, fear, resentment).

Then the fairy of joy announces "Competition of Cavaliers", invites them to have fun and please their lady. The ladies announce the winner and reward him with smiles and applause.

At the end of the holiday, the king and queen thank everyone present for coming and paying attention to the newborn princess. The guests say goodbye, bow and disperse. The king and queen say goodbye to the guests.

Play remains the main activity for older preschoolers. A variety of plots, free flight of imagination, active exchange of remarks are the distinctive features of games for children aged 5–6 years. The teacher acts less and less often as a partner. He stimulates and directs children's play activities and is an active observer. Everyday sketches, incidents from the lives of professionals, incredible adventures on land, water and even in space - the plot-role-playing game reflects a child's vision of the world in its versatility.

Theoretical aspects of organizing role-playing games in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

At 5–6 years old, children are able to independently organize meaningful role-playing games. “Come on...” - what incredible roles and fantastic worlds are born after this childish phrase. And it’s impossible to list all the possible plots that guys compose for familiar games of a clinic, a store, a construction site, etc.

Arseny, let’s pretend we’re flying into space now! - Let's! Let's land on the Moon, fall into a cave and find a window into the past there! - Then I’ll bring the dinosaurs right away!
My kids the same age (4 years 9 months and 6 years) were running around the apartment and getting ready to launch spaceship from sofa cushions. After 15 minutes, a technical accident occurred and the ship fell apart. The pillows became escape capsules and landed on the Moon, where they became lunar rovers. Afterwards there were dinosaurs, escaping from an erupting volcano, building a raft... I remember on it the children returned to reality. They were carried away by the river current.

The imagination of children aged 5–6 years is developing rapidly, creates exciting stories and should be encouraged

The purpose and objectives of organizing role-playing games with children 5–6 years old

The purpose of organizing role-playing games in the senior group of kindergarten is the diversified development of students in a fictitious situation. The game forms important personal qualities and develops mental abilities. Children take the initiative in preparing the space for play and choosing attributes. Five-year-old children agree among themselves on options for developing the main plot, offering all sorts of roles. In the plot- role-playing game participants learn to act in various professional competencies, that is, they try on the roles of specialists.

Older preschoolers independently choose partners for games, discuss roles and plot

Realizing this goal with older preschoolers involves solving a number of problems:

  • Developing the ability to independently determine the rules and improvise during the game.
  • Encouragement to use images and plots of works of art in games (from fairy tales and stories, films and cartoons).
  • Activation of dialogic speech.
  • Strengthening friendships within the children's team.

Older preschoolers can be encouraged to play out unusual plots, for example, borrowed from films or books

Types of games in the senior group

Role-playing games for older preschoolers are divided into the following types:

  • Household games - scenes from everyday life. Girls traditionally play daughter-mother, family. It is important to involve boys as well, because play activities develop ideas about the roles and responsibilities of parents. Older preschoolers play out with interest the following everyday situations: moving, renovation, housewarming celebration. The teacher can introduce a national element into household game(holding Cossack, Bashkir, Tatar and other holidays with the family). Household games do not bother my children. They can agree to play together, imitate an unusual situation by conspiracy. But usually the game doesn’t start right away. My daughter plays in the corner of the kitchen, cooks or washes dishes. The last time her microwave “broke.” “Dad, dad! Our microwave is broken! Something clicked in her!” the daughter shouted. Please note, my daughter calls her dad, but only me, her and my brother are at home. The child is immersed in the game and acts in accordance with the role: she is mom and calls dad. My son came running from the other room with a suitcase of toy instruments. That is, he immediately joined the game and accepted the role of the father of the family.

    Boys need to be involved in family-themed games to develop ideas about the role of men in the family

  • Creative games are the embodiment of fantastic plots or the involvement of fairy-tale characters in an ordinary situation. In the game, the children strive to display the most interesting things they have learned or seen. Therefore, the teacher carries out intensive preliminary work with the children. Fantasy images are enriched through watching animated videos, studying illustrations (including encyclopedias), and educational conversations. To maintain children's interest in play, the teacher uses in the older group a new way of constructing a role-playing game - introducing a non-standard character (for example, “Baba Yaga in the hairdresser”). Elements of costumes and unusual attributes (knightly armor and swords, astronaut helmets, paleontologists’ tools, etc.) stimulate the imagination and help one get used to the role. The game was not going well for my son and his friends. The plans included building a ship and subsequent sea adventures. And now the sailboat made from chairs and pillowcases is ready. And the team is bored.
    Then I shook out the cupboards at the dacha and helped the boys become real pirates. Colored scarves became bandanas. There was one vest for the captain. They quickly made a few blindfolds. Found a plush... eagle owl. Not a parrot, but a wise bird, just what a pirate needs as a partner! I poured the buttons into a tin cookie box and hid them in the garden. I quickly drew a map with simple symbols: beds, apple trees, a fence, a raspberry tree.
    And the game began!

    The game evolves creativity children: the ability to play a role, present fictional conditions as truthful

  • Older preschoolers are included in director's games. At first these are individual “performances” with toys or dolls. Then the children agree on who will be the directors, who will be the actors, and try to dramatize a familiar story or a fictional plot.

Summary of GCD

according to Federal State Educational Standards

in the form of a role-playing game


in the senior group


Target: expand children's understanding of culinary professions.

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the profession of a cook, waiter, bartender, introduce the profession of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work; develop a desire to work together with an adult; introduce children to the process of making pizza and the ability to decorate sponge cakes. Form the foundations of your own life safety in the process labor activity.

Integration of areas :

1. “Speech”: Fix the names of various professions. Improve your vocabulary with new words (pastry chef, pizza, pizza maker, administrator, assortment, bartender). Engage children in conversation while cooking.

2. “Social-communicative”: Creating conditions for the formation of a positive sense of self in a child - confidence in their abilities, introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, planning teamwork, subordination and control of their desires, teaching them to take turns, establishing new contacts.

3. “Educational”: Introduce the professions of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work.

4. “Physical”: Formation of the foundations of the safety of one’s own life in the process of work. To develop in children knowledge about healthy food and its importance for humans

5. “Artistic-aesthetic”: Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of people of different professions and its results. Encourage children to independently prepare a variety of dishes. Foster a desire to take part in collective work. Develop aesthetic and artistic taste when decorating dishes.

Equipment and materials :

Decoration of cafe premises, kitchens, confectionery shop, bartender's workplace, administrator's office, set for making confectionery, juice in cups, notepads, musical arrangement, spoons, plates, cups, fruits, vegetables, salted pastry dough, meat grinder, blender, mixer.

Methods and techniques :

Visual methods and techniques (games, looking at pictures, using ICT - presentation); verbal methods and techniques (the use of literary words, the teacher’s story, conversation, instructions and explanations in the educational process of educational activities, summarizing the assessment of children’s activity).

Progress of activities:

1. Introductory part. Organizational moment.

Relaxation exercise"Let's rejoice"

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds,

(children raise their hands up)

And we will also rejoice in smiling faces,

(smile at each other)

To all those who live on our planet,

(spread arms to the sides)

"Good morning! " - we will tell the guests and children.

(hug each other)

2. Introduction to the topic. Posing a question for discussion.

The teacher draws the attention of the guests present:

Guys, how many guests we have today!

Do you have guests coming to your home?

How do you meet them?

Do you go to visit yourself?

How do you behave when visiting?

On what occasions do we go to visit?

Well, if there are a lot of guests, then you can invite them to the cafe. Here is my proposal: since we have guests today, we will open our own cafe and invite them there.

But before we remember what professions people work in cafes, let's say

What is this profession? (profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life)

What professions do people work in the cafe? (cook, pastry chef, waiters, bartenders...).

And I also know such a profession as a pizza maker.

Have any of you heard of her? (Pizzmetsker is a pizza maker).

Where are people of this profession needed? (at the pizzeria). (SLIDE 1)

Teacher's story:

This profession appeared in Italy, like pizza itself. (SLIDE 2)

Pizza, an Italian dish, is so popular among Italians that a special holiday is dedicated to it, held in Italy every year. Now let's see how and what pizza is made from. (SLIDE 3)

Well, now let's take guests on a tour of our cafe.

Cafe tour:


Look how many items there are here!

What is this? (meat grinder)

What do you do with a meat grinder?

What is this? (grater, pan, stove...)

What profession do these items belong to? (To the cook)

(The cook has special clothing - this is an apron, cap or scarf. He wears this in order not to stain his clothes and so that lint and hair do not get into the food. And in general, such clothes are worn not only by cooks, but also by confectioners and salespeople , waiters).

What should a chef be like? (neat, healthy, fast...)

Physical exercise “Cooks”:

2. Confectionery shop.

What do you know about the work of a pastry chef?

What confectionery products do you know?

What tools does the pastry chef use?

3. Bar table.

There is a wide range of cocktails here. Who cooks them? (Bartender)

What do you know about being a bartender?

4. Administrator's office.

What job does an administrator do? (Keeps order in the hall, orders food).

5. Cafe hall.

Who works in the cafe hall? (waiters)

What kind of work do waiters do? (Introduces visitors to the menu, takes orders and fulfills them).

Now we have become acquainted with the cafe premises, let's assign roles and invite willing guests to the cafe. (Cooks prepare salads, prepare soup, porridge, French fries; pastry chefs cut out cookies from salt dough and make cakes; bartenders stir cocktails; waiters turn on calm music, prepare notepads with pens; the administrator calls clients).

Reception of guests.


We played very interestingly. You played your roles wonderfully. Let's close our cafe today, and tomorrow, if the desire arises, we will continue the game.
