Detailed map of Bogodukhov - streets, house numbers, districts. Bogodukhov old photos of Bogodukhov

The city of Bogodukhov is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In what region (region) is the city of Bogodukhov located?

The city of Bogodukhov is part of the region (region) Kharkov region.

A characteristic of a region (region) or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements, included in the region (region).

Region (oblast) Kharkov region is an administrative unit of the state of Ukraine.

Population of the city of Bogodukhov.

The population of the city of Bogodukhov is 18,045 people.

Year of foundation of Bogodukhov.

Year of foundation of the city of Bogodukhov: 1662.

Telephone code of the city of Bogodukhov

Telephone code of the city of Bogodukhov: +380 5758. In order to call the city of Bogodukhov from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 5758 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Founded: 1662
City since: 1681
Liberation Day: August 7, 1943
The description of the border guard posts of 1571 mentions the settlement of Dyakov Ostrog, which existed on the site of the city of Bogodukhov.

The founding date of the city is considered to be 1662, when 1204 Rusyns, led by Ataman Timofey Krysa, arrived here for permanent settlement from across the Dnieper. There is even a village in the area named after him. Among the new arrivals there were 33 townspeople, the rest of the settlers were peasants. Having received help from the Ukrainian authorities, they built houses, as well as a fairly strong fortification for that time - an oak fort and an earthen rampart surrounded by a deep ditch. Already in 1668, the Cossacks gave a decisive rebuff to a large detachment of Crimean Tatars. In 1680, Bogodukhov was subjected to a new attack by the Tatars. Then 49 people died in battles, 184 Tatars were captured. They also destroyed and took away large number grain, livestock, beehives and other property, 312 households were burned.
Great trials befell the townspeople in 1708-1709, during the Northern War. The Swedish invaders plundered many surrounding villages. Defending themselves from the enemy, the local population organized partisan detachments.
The economic development of Bogodukhov was accompanied by its favorable geographical location - there was a busy route connecting the regimental cities of Kharkov and Akhtyrka. From 1681 to 1765 the city was the centenary center of the Akhtyrsky Cossack regiment.

From October 20 (Old Style) 1721 to September 1 (Old Style) 1917 as part of the Russian Empire.
In 1781 Bogodukhovskaya Sloboda received the status of a city. In the same year, the coat of arms of Bogodukhov was approved.
The main occupation of the city's population was agriculture. Various crafts also developed. Bogodukhov tanners produced quality leather, and shoemakers sewed shoes. Already at the beginning of the 18th century. Bogodukhov was a kind of center of handicraft production. Documents from this time indicate that “the main occupation of the residents is leatherworking.” In the 80s of the XVIII century. In the city there were 10 distilleries with 25 boilers, a soda factory, water and steam mills. As the population grew, milling became increasingly developed.

Significant socio-economic changes occurred in the life of Bogodukhov at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. The population grew rapidly. In 1785, in Bogodukhov - at that time already a significant city of the Kharkov governorship - there lived 6,763 people, of which 3,463 were m and 3,300 were women. By the beginning of the 19th century, there were 3,959 male residents only, of which 382 were merchants, artisans and other townspeople. Crafts developed, trade was supported and encouraged in every possible way. A significant part of the city's residents were engaged in Chumatsky fishing. Among them were quite wealthy entrepreneurs.
In 1831 there was a cholera epidemic in Bogodukhov.
In 1860, 10,552 people lived in the city, including 111 merchants, 1,717 tradesmen and guild workers, others were employed in agriculture.
City sites.

Here is a map of Bogodukhov with streets → Kharkov region, Ukraine. We study detailed map Bogodukhov with house numbers and streets. Real time search, weather today

More details about Bogodukhov streets on the map

A detailed map of the city of Bogodukhov with street names shows all routes and objects, including st. Pushkin and Cooperative. The city is located near. For a detailed examination of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. On the page there is an interactive map of the city of Bogodukhov with addresses and routes of the area, move its center to find the streets - Uritsky and Leonov.

You will find everything you need detailed information o the location of urban infrastructure in the city - shops and houses, squares and roads. City st. Gagarin and Embankment are also within sight.

Satellite map of Bogodukhov with Google search is waiting for you in its section. You can use the Yandex search to find the required house number on the map of the city and the Kharkov region of Ukraine in real time. Here
