Shooting games with different weapons. New free shooting games

A real weapon can hardly be called a good toy, but... computer games with weapons and shooting are now being produced quite decently and will captivate gamers of all ages for a long time. Online shooting games offer a good arsenal of weapons - arrows, revolvers, machine guns, grenade launchers, cannons, tanks, laser pistols. The player finds himself in some difficult situation and the only thing that can help him is a reliable firearm. Shooter characters find themselves in terrifying worlds in which zombies, vampires and other mystical monsters capture civilians. Or they find themselves on distant planets, where bloodthirsty creatures attack them from behind every bush. Many shooting game heroes don’t even have a second’s respite, because enemies are crawling out of all the doors and cracks. Here you should shoot bullets without hesitation and try not to let your opponents get close. Shooting games often offer an important military or rescue mission. For example, a paratrooper lands in the jungle, makes his way to the rebel base and wants to destroy their leader. Or a member of a special police squad takes part in the release of hostages and accurately shoots terrorists in the airport building. Playing shooting games is very easy, all you need to do is master the technique of aiming and shooting. Often the mouse is enough for this - the cursor acts as a sight, and the left button becomes the trigger. There are games in which game character not drawn and the player sees virtual world through his eyes. In flash games, there is often no need to examine the premises to find enemies - they themselves appear on the screen, and all you need to do is shoot at them in time and accurately. Some shooting games offer a completely different gameplay - the hero of the shootout is visible, he can freely walk around the game rooms in which some special enemies appear. Online shooting games take place on many levels and in them you have the opportunity to develop your fighting qualities and ability to defend against enemy attacks. It doesn't matter if in the first round the hero has a simple pistol or even just a knife. After defeating his first opponent, he can take his weapon and greatly increase his power. And if bonuses are given for defeating enemies, they can be spent on purchasing special equipment, faster weapons, first aid kits, and discovering special combat techniques. For fans of dynamics, games are created with constant movement of the main character - for example, a helicopter flies over a forest, and enemy equipment rushes at it from all sides. IN similar games you need to learn not only to fire deadly bullets, but also to dodge enemy shots. Shooting games are available for free in this section of the site.

Shooting games are one of the most popular genres in the computer games industry. And this is not surprising, because a cool shooter makes you feel like a real man. Holding a weapon in his hands, the player gains complete control over the situation and how long he can survive depends only on his accuracy. Shooters have many different plots, you can knock out the brains of zombies in a post-apocalyptic world, you can shoot criminals who are robbing a bank, or you can be in the role of a bandit yourself.

There is an opinion that shooting games are only suitable for the stronger sex, but in fact this is not so, because in this genre there are quite a lot of fun and interesting games, which are just fun to play. Not all shooters are filled with blood and blown-out brains; some have a humorous twist. For example, you will have to play the role of a farmer who hunts for chickens.

Features of the genre

Shooting games are becoming more complex and interesting. They have many storylines and require logical thinking from the player. For example, flash games are very popular, in which the player has to upgrade his character, buy new weapons and improve equipment. Such games are very exciting and simply addictive, because without new guns you have no chance at a new level. With each level passed, the number of enemies increases, and the bosses become more and more formidable.

Shooters about the zombie apocalypse are especially popular; they occupy a large part of this genre. The plot and gameplay of such games can be very diverse. For example, you can methodically shoot waves of zombies, or you can drive a car and knock the brains out of the dead right out of it. Some toys allow you to wander around locations, and in some you only have to do accurate shots.

Tanks can be considered one of the oldest shooters, which many remember from the days of the dandies. This game is rightfully considered a classic of the genre and does not lose popularity. Over time, tank battles become more difficult, and the player has the opportunity to upgrade his vehicle. Flash versions of famous computer games such as Call of Duty, SWAT, Counter Strike.

This section of the site contains the most exciting flash games for those who like to shoot. Now you don't need to search for your favorite games all over the Internet, they are all collected on these pages. Even the most picky gamer will be able to find a lot of interesting things for himself.

A shooter is a type of computer game that can be briefly described by the words “weapons” and “ammo.” Over time, shooters became a fairly flexible type of game, and their virtual worlds increasingly immersed players in themselves. The genre managed to give rise to several subgenres, which began to contain not only elements of shooting, but also many other interesting features, for example, driving various vehicles. As a rule, all shooters often feature at least two key features: 1) Actually, shooting from various weapons; 2) A certain type of movement. From the perspective of the player or the object being shot at. The gameplay of shooters is often linear and predictable, the levels are somewhat similar to each other. But for variety, developers sometimes add some new elements. For example, opponents may behave differently, or you may have to use some completely different weapon. And in order for you to want to go through shooters more than once, they add to the game various secrets and easter eggs.

Shooter subgenres

In first person shooters you watch everything gameplay through the eyes of the character and therefore the emphasis in such games are on on your shooting skill. In third-person shooters, you see your character completely from behind. Here you usually see more of the environment and, in addition to shooting, you need to interact with it in every possible way. An example of such games can be called.

History of shooters

Maze (1973) is one of the first shooters that defined the main features of the genre, but still had very limited functionality. But over time, the genre develops, developers use more complex graphics, and therefore such series of games as Doom (1993) and Half-life (1998) are born. These shooters not only became legendary, but also reinforced the main features that we are used to seeing in shooters today.

How often do problems come upon us, and the only desire that arises at this moment is to pick up a weapon and go destroy everything around. Shooting games will give you this opportunity. All you have to do is choose the right weapon, and you can decisively relieve stress without consequences for others.

Shooting games for boys are one of the favorite categories virtual entertainment for users around the world. Regardless of what type of weapon you choose: sniper rifle, an ancient crossbow or an ultra-modern laser, the main thing is to skillfully use it and emerge victorious from the upcoming confrontation.

In shooting mini-games you will have to fight the most extraordinary enemies: space aliens, bloodthirsty zombies, experienced special forces and even robbers from the times of Robin Hood. The main thing is to fully demonstrate your courage and endurance, and terrify everyone who dares to challenge you.

We have selected the most cool games Shooting games for boys that will please real adventurers and fans of fierce shootouts. Choose your favorite category and enjoy the gameplay!

Everyone dreams of taking part in a dangerous battle and feeling the adrenaline of bullets flying past fired by the enemy. Everyone wants to feel the joy of an accurate hit and see the defeated enemy. Like any gun games and other manly games, shooting games offer immersion in real fighting, open up a world of exciting shootouts and exciting action! We have collected the best on this page online games shooting games for boys of all ages! In our huge collection you are sure to find a shooting game that you will like and you can play it completely free of charge! Now you can become a real hero and experience all the delights of the harsh military life completely without risk and in the comfort of your own home.

Shooting games - games for all times

Young representatives of the stronger sex have always loved to have fun with toy weapons. They looked for examples from their idols - brave and strong warriors who constantly flashed before my eyes and were role models. At first, wooden swords and bows were used, made from the first branch that came across. Then they were replaced by toy muskets, and then by machine guns and laser pistols. True, the material for the manufacture of even the most modern weapons was the same wood as many years ago. Fantasy remained the main driving force of the games, but the boys never needed it. Any suitable branch could become a formidable weapon and bring pleasure from your favorite game.

However, if with wooden swords everything was clear and there could be no disputes about the place and generally the fact of defeat of the enemy, then in the course of using wooden and plastic models firearms a lot of ambiguities arose. In particular, on the main question - hit or miss. Well, where did you end up, if you did end up? This moment caused thousands of heated exchanges around the world, but did not make war games less popular.

And then computers appeared! Following computers, computer games have become an integral part of our lives. Naturally, shooting games were at the height of popularity here too! Computer worlds In general, they can be completely diverse, because they are virtual. Now it is possible to pick up a real (albeit virtual) machine gun or pistol and go into the thick of hostilities at any point in space and time real world or even some fantastic fictional reality. If you want to become a soldier of the Second World War and go to defeat the German occupiers throughout Europe - please, if you want to participate in a military operation in Iraq - there are no problems!

Or maybe your whole life's dream is to destroy imperial stormtroopers with laser guns - and this is easily achievable in virtual reality. The problem of determining accuracy, by the way, was immediately resolved - the monsters on the monitor screen promptly died when hit accurately. In general, shooting games for computers and other devices have many advantages, except for one thing - they are completely unrealistic and do not allow you to feel the main thing - physical activity and the tension of battle. And again technology came to the rescue, only not computer technology, but scientific and industrial technology.

Real, one might say professional, games have appeared that allow you to shoot at real life. You probably know them - we are talking about paintball, airsoft and laser tag. Here, the familiar and familiar sensations of playing war games to many from childhood are combined with the most modern equipment, which allows you to believe that you are really in the thick of the battle. There is no longer any question of realism - camouflage, specially equipped training grounds and truly shooting weapons will not allow you to doubt what is happening. Thus, both boys and adults now have the opportunity to shoot and run around to their heart's content, feeling the real joy of comic warfare.

A variety of marksmanship techniques

In order to succeed in shooting games - no matter real or virtual, it is enough to master several simple techniques, which will allow you to fight much more effectively and always hit your opponent without allowing him to hit you.


The most obvious, but most effective tip is to use cover as much as possible. After all, in order to make a well-aimed shot, it is enough to expose a very small part of your body from the protected area, and the rest will be reliably protected by walls, stones or earthen ramparts. However, shelter is also not a panacea. Firstly, an experienced and trained enemy will definitely hit you sooner or later at the moment when you decide to assess the situation or start shooting. Secondly, the tactic of hiding in cover is completely unsuitable if your combat mission implies the capture of enemy positions or, for example, the release of a hostage.

Movement is the main passive safety

It is much more difficult to hit a moving enemy, as anyone who has ever played a shooting game will tell you. Therefore, if you had to get out of cover and move during the battle, do it as quickly as possible and along the least predictable trajectory.

Actually shooting

Staying unharmed is not always enough to succeed in battle. Hitting enemy personnel is one of the most important tasks of any armed operation. Therefore, shooting well is a must for any military professional. This is a topic for a separate study, but a few simple tips can still be given. Firstly, try not to shoot while moving - this will significantly reduce your accuracy and you will only once again attract attention to yourself. It is better to make a short stop, take a short aim and then shoot. Secondly, shoot in short bursts.

A short burst has a better chance of hitting the target than a single round. At the same time, it is much more efficient, accurate, economical and efficient than a long queue. It’s not for nothing that many machine guns, including games, have a 3-round shooting mode. Thirdly, if your target is moving, be sure to take a lead, because bullets move, although they move quite quickly, but not instantly. Therefore, during the time that the bullet covers the distance from the barrel to the target, the target will no longer be in the same place. Try to predict where the target will be at the moment when the bullet covers the distance and aim exactly there.

In general, all these skills can be discussed in words for as long as you like, but, as elsewhere, the maximum effect comes from practice, practice, and practice again. Shoot (that is, play shooting games) as much as possible and you will begin to perfectly feel your weapon and the combat situation, which will immediately affect the success of your actions and the number of targets hit per unit of time!

The modern virtual world offers a huge variety of entertainment, but shooting games will always remain popular! They give you the opportunity to find yourself in the thick of a hot battle and feel like a real fearless fighter, whose weapon always hits the target. That's why toys that require you to shoot enemies are so attractive to boys and make them want to charge their virtual machine again and again and go on the warpath!
