Games my little pony create your own cartoon. Games for girls

Small eared ponies exist not only in real life, but also in the virtual one. A lot has been written about their adventures and cheerful life. interesting games, animated series, etc. But there are games in which you can not only be friends with horses, but also create them yourself.

Playing flash games create your own pony for girls online for free, you can choose the appearance for your hero that you like. In addition, you make him completely controllable, endow him with character traits such as courage, confidence, and kindness. Does your pony belong only to you, because it is you who decide what it should be like - bright-eyed with a green mane and a purple tail? Or gloomy but strong, like Hercules?

Thanks to the various functions of the games, you can choose the mane and eye shape for your pony, create a hairstyle and an unusual coat color. If you play online flash games for girls, create your own pony for free, then you can safely experiment with images and colors. Does your pony love the starry sky and is constantly interested in what's hiding in the clouds? Give him wings and send him on an aerial adventure through the celestial cities.

Become the creator of a fun little creature by playing games on this topic. If you don’t know how to draw, then this will not be a problem, because the game creators have drawn everything for you. Beautiful images can be realized with one click. Create your pet and friend with great features and your personal imagination. Use your imagination, add a pinch of magic and get your perfect pony! He will be yours best friend and a buddy for various kinds of adventures.

You may have several such friends, just play different games and create one character after another. Many cheerful rainbow ponies will brighten up your day and bring a lot of fresh colors to it.

Create your pony play online for free:

There are so many types of ponies in the world, but you have the opportunity to create your own. Do you want purple mane and weird patterns? Maybe you like ponies...

Those who have watched cartoons about ponies know how beautiful they look. But probably no one even knows how their clothes are selected for...

A girl named Josephine always had a lot of beautiful plush toys, but truly, she never liked any of them. After thinking for a long time, the girl tried...

True, it often happens that you go to a pet store, already determined to buy an animal, but you just can’t find one? The dog has long ears, the cat meows loudly...

When you start playing this exciting online flash game, you will see on your computer display the most ordinary ponies, the pictures of which you can find almost everywhere. A...

The game Create Your Pony 3 invites you to use all your creative skills to create your favorite character.

The toy is a kind of construction set with which you can create a variety of different ponies. At the beginning of the game, there is a blank in front of you, to which you can add new elements. First, change the basic characteristics: height, weight, body shape. Then you can safely move on to choosing the color of the horse: make it plain or with patterns. The game Create a Pony 3 offers quite a lot of options for patterns, and there is a whole palette of possible colors for the body!

Game Create Your Pony 3: rules and structure

In addition to creating a pony body, the game has many other cool features. So, you can decide on the shape of the mane and tail, as well as their colors. Here you can also choose different patterns that will make your pony even more original and attractive. But the creation process does not stop there. You still have to add accessories to the horse to make it even more attractive. Also choose a suitable pose for the pony and choose a background against which it will look most impressive. Using all the features of the game, you can create a variety of ponies that will have a unique appearance. The game Create Your Pony 3 will certainly appeal to all fans of the cartoon and will give them a lot of bright impressions! Feel free to launch this wonderful entertainment and start creating cute little puppies that evoke only pleasant emotions.

We are glad to welcome you to the pages games Pony Creator or Create Your Pony. I would like to say right away that this section was not initially planned to be independent. However free games for girls we have collected so much relevant material that it simply would not be right if we added it to the existing games May Little Pony or Friendship Is Magic. Moreover, you need to take into account the fact that many entertainment applications like “Create Your Pony” have entire series of artistic adventures of Pony Creator, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 pieces each. All this prompted us to think that with new hairstyles, little horses will look much better in the corresponding section of the site. Please note that almost all Pony Creator games are in Russian.

And this, as you dear girls understand, is worth a lot. After all, now you don’t need to constantly test what this or that button is responsible for. You can simply press the keys pre-signed with Russian words and concentrate entirely on the process of creating a pony. To be fair, it must be said that some programs here have very similar functionality. However, this may only seem so to an inexperienced user. For newcomers to the game about New Pony Creator v3, such an oversight is always forgivable, so we will not judge them harshly. But what if Creating Your Own Pony with Hairstyles is a new adventure and you have never completed it before? Yes, this is, in principle, no problem. We should pay all our attention to the wonderful opportunities that authors provide us with online games for girls. After all, May Little Pony, in fact, are not such simple horses.

It is no coincidence that they are one of the most popular characters not only, but also in other tasks. And if we are talking about Creator 3, then this is where you will find all the best. We tried to make every effort to ensure that any girl gets her favorite game about creating her own pony in Russian. Of course, with the new free hairstyle we will look like no one else. However, let's take a look at the management dashboard. This is necessary in order to understand the capabilities of the game about new Pony Creator 3.

Firstly, all the characters here are designed in 3D style. That is, a three-dimensional image of space will allow us to completely immerse ourselves in a realistic and fabulous atmosphere. Secondly, free games “Create Your Pony” in Russian, as well as Pony Creator v3. Of course, we will no longer talk about new hairstyle, about which much has already been said. Therefore, dear girls, let's not neglect the huge selection of subjects and online missions proposed in this section. In the end, I would like to remind you not to forget to share social networks our website. After all, it was created specifically so that all lovers Pony Creator games could spend their leisure time doing a pleasant activity. Good luck to everyone, dear babies!

The exciting game Create Your Pony 3 allows little princesses to choose from thousands of options - the most successful combinations, both in color and in the build of their pony. I was surprised that you can create a tall, short, fat, thin - for every taste. The expression of the eyes, the shape of the nose changes, you can attach horns or ears to your pet. For those who are interested in hairdressing - this game will allow you to choose the horse’s mane, and the tail can take any shape.

You can paint it in spots, stripes or specks. Whatever your heart desires! For lovers of stylish accessories, there is a whole section with glasses from classic to the most unusual. A huge selection in the game - hats, bow ties and ties. You can wear very beautiful bracelets on your feet. There is something to run wild with your imagination - bracelets are worn separately on the front and hind legs, as well as closer to the hooves or to the body. Future stylists will also be happy - because the choice of clothes is simply huge. vests, blankets, everything can also be selected in a suitable color.

It all depends only on your imagination. And if you don’t want to create a pony in the image of a glamorous girl, a choice of accessories such as a mustache and beard will come to the rescue. For some reason, I always end up with cute ponies - girls, with wide eyes, a smile, millions of bracelets, butterflies, hats, always with perfect hair and a bushy tail. The game is very exciting, after creating one friend - a pony, it is impossible to stop, next time you come up with a new image and bring it to life. The graphics in the game are very beautiful, the little horse looks like a real one.

Life story

Once upon a time, when I was a child, I had a toy pony. I called her Star. Time passed and with the move, my beloved Star disappeared somewhere. I already thought that I would never see her again. Imagine my surprise when in the game I had the opportunity to create my own Star, an exact copy of my childhood favorite.

Of course, I had to make a lot of effort in order to remember what color my toy’s mane and tail were. Then carefully choose an ultra-fashionable outfit for the horse. At the same time, combine all this with additional accessories that harmoniously complete the image. When the work was done, an exact copy of my childhood pony appeared in front of me. I was more than pleased with the result. Another advantage of the game is that the final result can be saved to your computer.

In order not to lose my pony again, I immediately printed out the picture and put it in a frame on my table. Like a pleasant memory of childhood and pride in recreating such a masterpiece. But I didn’t stop there, and decided to once again create a pony just out of fantasy. Having looked into the game again, I was stuck there for a long time.

Features of the pony game

It turns out that on the right side of the interface there is such a function as viewing the finished works of other game users. A whole gallery of unique ponies, incredible colors, different sizes, heights, lengths. You can immediately lift your spirits when viewing this exhibition. It feels like each creator literally poured his soul into choosing the ideal image for his hero.

Thanks to the game create your own pony 3, now every girl can become a fan magical world pony. Moreover, you can play without straining, because the interface is convenient and understandable. Even small child will be able to independently understand and cope with the task. The game is educational, because it is very important to instill in a child a love of animals, a sense of style and beauty from childhood. It is also worth noting that this game, unlike many other modern ones, is very kind.

There is no cruelty, anger or violence here. Leaving a child alone at the computer, we can say with confidence that nothing will happen to him. The end result of your child’s creativity is always a kind face of a pony, painted only according to your child’s idea, in a stylish way.

The child feels unique - after all, only he could create such a beautiful horse. By praising your child in such seemingly small things, in the future you will raise a self-confident, successful person with excellent creative skills as a designer, stylist and simply the ruler of a small but his own magic pony.

It’s not for nothing that pony games are highlighted in a special section: millions of fans want to play My Little Pony - create, dress up, care for and go through incredible adventures together. This is because the games “My little pony"made with love for the cartoon "Friendship is Miracle" - recognized not only by the audience of little girls, but also by adult players around the world!

The best games from Ponyville

Children love Pony games because they are dedicated to a beautiful and kind cartoon. Together it is interesting to continue the familiar stories of horse girls - choosing hairstyles and changing outfits. Cool games dress up ponies for Equestria Girls are already waiting in fashion simulators for Sparkle and Applejack, Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash. Adventure lovers can attack enemies with the game "", prepare babies for a beauty contest, or treat them in a clinic.

Adult players love that the pony games are polished, attractive, and filled with detail. A wonderful series of games "" will help everyone show off their creator's talents. This "how to make a pony" game (creator) will help you make your character unique by choosing from a stunning variety of manes, tails, hooves, accessories, poses and hairstyles.

Whoever you are, have fun playing. And we will help you choose the most suitable entertainment!
