Where to get a wrench for the game thief. Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Prologue: Fall

On the eve of the summer festival, professional thief Garrett receives a tip on a major loot from his informant Basso. The task is complicated by the fact that he will not have to work alone. Garrett, accustomed to acting quickly and quietly, will be paired with a daring and uncompromising young girl named Erin. Before the main task, Garrett did not miss the opportunity to look at the townsman and clean out his modest home. We collect everything that is in plain sight and everything that is hidden from view on the shelves behind cabinet doors and inside drawers. Having finished, we get out through the open window and move along the beam to the building opposite. We open the window, quickly and often pressing one button, and enter the attic. Crouching or walking slowly while standing, we walk past cages with birds. Birds react especially sharply to tugs, so using them will instantly arouse suspicion among nearby enemies. We interact with the picture and slowly move our hand under the frame on each side until we find a secret switch, which will be indicated by a filled-in icon. We activate the switch and start hacking the safe. By rotating the master key, we find the correct position for it and by pressing the corresponding button we fix the lock pin. The complexity of the lock is determined by the number of pins (maximum 5). And, therefore, the more pins, the smaller the fixation radius of each of them. Having completed the hack, we take the shiny necklace from the safe and hear someone rushing across the roof.

We go outside, turn right and go around the corner. We take out the rope arrow from the box. We look up, open the equipment menu and select the only available type of arrow. We pull the bowstring and shoot at the beam wrapped in rope. We grab the rope and climb up. Erin turned out to be the bird's troublemaker. She offers to check which of us runs faster. We quickly rush after our partner, overcoming simple obstacles. The well-deserved victory goes to the lady.

The light stone located in the lower left corner shows whether the shadow is hiding us or not. The light circle means we are easy to notice, the dark circle means we are practically invisible. Continuing to follow Erin, we press ourselves against the corner of the building and, without fear of being discovered, we safely look out from behind it by pressing the appropriate button. Having advanced behind the guards, Erin will use her own development - a claw that allows her to cling to bars and easily climb walls. We'll have to do things the old fashioned way. We use an instant dash to jump through the illuminated area. Then we turn left and go up the stairs. After the conversation, crouching we pass under the pipe. We move to the control point, break the winch and climb the stairs. Having penetrated inside through the window, we break the door lock, go into the room and take the document “Diary of a Viewer” (1/1) from the table. We exit through the window and go to the next building. We walk slowly to the stairs so as not to scare the bird, and go up to the next floor.

The Primali Stone is located in the ceremonial hall of Baron Northcrest's mansion. Having made our way into enemy territory, we follow Erin and use the dash to instantly overcome the illuminated path. We climb a little higher, approach the guard from behind and rob him. We jump over the fence, crouch down very slowly, walk through the water and make a dash through the illuminated area. We take out a water arrow from the box and hit the torch with it. We walk through the water, climb the stairs and watch as Erin kills a young and inexperienced guard. We stun the second guard and after talking with our partner, we break the door lock.

We pick up the bottle, hide around the corner in front of the illuminated area on the right side and throw the bottle in the place from where we came. The guard will be distracted, and we will be able to freely get to the boxes to the right of the gate. We climb up, move to the scaffolding and climb the rope. Below, behind the motionless guard, there is a locker, which is not only an excellent shelter, but also serves as an autosave point, and a box with a water arrow. Also on the other side we will find a chest with valuable items. Erin kills another guard and Garrett decides to temper her ardor by stealing a claw. Baron, Aldus and Cornelius perform a ritual using the Primali Stone to summon Primali. Garrett suggests leaving this place, and Erin insists on continuing the mission. As a result, Erin, trying to get her claw back, falls down and finds herself right in the center of the ritual. Trying to save her, Garrett also rushes down.

Chapter 1: Blockade

Exactly a year has passed since the last events. The city was gripped by a disease called “Darkness”, which has already killed many people. The Baron's power is growing stronger every day. The guards began to look like watchdogs, ready to tear anyone to pieces for criticizing the authorities and minor offenses. Having miraculously avoided meeting them, we hide in the alley.

Valuable trophy “Ring with amethysts”.

Each chapter has unique tasks, the completion of which promises a monetary reward. The “Phantom” style involves the complete or partial exclusion of other styles. Stunning and killing enemies belongs to the Predator style, while extinguishing candles or torches, suspicion and detection belong to the Opportunist style. The chapter is considered completed in the style for which the most actions were performed.

Concentration allows you to slow down time and highlight all active points. The concentration reserve is limited by the scale, but you can highlight active points without it. We go all the way forward, turn left and pick up the newspaper “About the curfew” (1/19), lying near the door. Turning around, we run forward, jump over the fence and use the claw to climb the wall. We select a bag of food that restores health, and climb even higher.

In the distance you can see the clock tower - Garrett's hideout. We jump down and sit in the shadows. One of the guards has a document “Siege Rules” (1/2) - we rob him. If we didn’t have time to do this right away, then we wait until the guard returns to the gate alone. We move to the nook on the other side and, turning left, go through to the end. We jump over the wall and find ourselves on the street again. We jerkily get to the lamppost after the guards disperse. We quickly pick up the “Ring with Amethysts” trophy (1/4), lying near the barrel on the left side and return back to the nook. We cling to the grate with our claw, climb up the wall and jump down on the other side.

We break the door lock, squeeze between the boxes and get out into the Stonemarket stonemasons' yard. We jump off the right side and go into the backyard. There we will find a staircase - we go down to the basement. We get to a small room, pick up the newspaper “The clock on the tower has risen again!” from the pallet. (2/19) and make our way through the tunnel behind the shelves.

There are three ways to get into the shop. A master works in the basement, constantly moving from one table to another. On the left table there is a document “Lygrove’s Letter” (2/2) - take it. In it, before the beginning of each paragraph, the numbers 7, 3, 9 are indicated, which are the code for the safe. The safe itself is hidden behind a picture in the corner next to the shelf. The area is lit, so we act quickly, but don’t get carried away. It is easy to understand from the subtitles when the master moves to another table. Let's find the switch under the frame, activate it, set the required numbers in the combination lock and take away the valuable trophy “Mask with Lygrove's Jewels” (2/4).

We go up to the first floor and go into a small room with a sleeping guard. We slowly walk to the wall safe, crack the rather complex lock and take away the valuable trophy “Blackened Bracelet” (3/4). There should be no mistakes, otherwise the guard will wake up. Before this, it is best to save in the closet or through the main menu. You should not save if the safe door is open, since after loading this save the guard will miraculously wake up and discover a break-in (hacked doors, safes and chests left open alert enemies). We go to the exhibition room, wait for the guard and follow him to the left side. When the guard starts to go back, we break open the display case in the middle and take away the valuable trophy “Mask with Jewels” (4/4). We go up to the second floor, go into the bedroom on the right side and pick up the newspaper “Who is watching the watchdogs?” from the bed. (3/19). Slowly and without jerking, we reach the open window at the other end of the corridor and climb out.

We select the newspaper “Blockade!” (4/19) lying on the bench on the right side. We open the window, enter the building and go out through the door at the other end of the room. We use the dash to slip past the guards. Moving forward, we will soon stumble upon another couple of guards. We follow them to the corner, and then cling to the grate on the pipe on the left side with our claw and, climbing up, we get to the control point.

clock tower

On the left on the table is the newspaper “Necklace “Star of Oldale” (5/19) - take it. You can store unnecessary supplies in the chest. We go up the stairs and receive a message from Basso, delivered by Jeniver the crow.


We leave the tower and go to the Lame Burrick tavern, avoiding clashes with the guards. Things are bad for Basso, but he always has work for us. Cornelius Graves, who recently passed away, always wore a ring on his finger. This ring is of interest not only to Basso, but also to the Baron’s people, who have taken control of the old factory where the corpses are delivered.

Returning back to Basso’s shop, we take the “Treason!” newspaper from the table. (6/19). Opposite the entrance of the tavern is a merchant. First of all, we buy a wrench from him. Rope arrows will also come in handy. You can earn money by selling unnecessary supplies, searching for useful items in the city, or completing orders from Basso and other characters. We go into the tavern and pick up the newspaper “Northcrest is indestructible” (7/19) from the counter.

We get to the cemetery and meet the Queen of the Beggars. A representative of the lower stratum of the population hints that a dangerous force lurks in the city. Having received a concentration point, we acquire an improvement for the “Intuition” skill. For every donation to the Queen of Beggars, we receive one concentration point. Each subsequent tip will be 150 coins more expensive than the previous one. We pick up the newspaper “Old gods in the new city?” (8/19), lying on the table near the old woman.

Chapter 2: Ashes to Ashes

The main gate of the foundry is heavily guarded. We go down the rope and jump even lower. If you go all the way to the right, you will find a shortcut. A wrench is required to remove the bolts from the grilles. The long path is through the area in front of the gate. We climb the stairs to the left of the bridge and dash between the shadows to reach the door to the right of the gate. One of the guards will fall asleep, and the other will walk in a circle.

We jump over the wall and run to the factory building. For a second, the image of Erin appears before my eyes. We climb onto the structure located on the left side, and from it we jump to the roof of the building. We go all the way to the right, go down the stairs and from the desk drawer we take out the valuable trophy “In Memory of Mercy” (1/5). We take the document “Coal Mine” (1/9) from the table. We get out of the building and grab the pipe adjacent to the factory building. We go up, move to the left along the ledges and penetrate the ventilation system.

Path to the roof.

We go through the ventilation and jump onto the staircase when the guard leaves. We go all the way down, open the door and move to the illuminated door on the other side. The guards will disperse very soon. One of them will remain in the illuminated area, so we take the document “Transportation of Cadavers” (2/9) from the wall to the right of the door only when the guard is on the left side. On the right is a shortcut to the hook through the ventilation. If there is no wrench, we climb onto the box in front of the door and climb to the top floor when the guard is on the right side. We go all the way to the right and take the document “Broken Glass” (3/9) from the wall. Having jumped down, we stand at the edge and cling to the hook.

Having moved to the production workshop, we jump down before we find ourselves in the guard’s field of view. We go all the way forward, pick up the document “Free Place” (4/9) from the table and break open the door on the left side. We slowly walk along the glass between the cabinets, pick up the document “Repair Notice” (5/9) from the table and go out into the corridor. Following the guard, we go down the stairs and immediately look up. We shoot a rope arrow at the beam, climb onto the cabinet and, grabbing the rope, climb up. We jump to the last bridge and pick up the valuable trophy “Brooch: Daisy” (2/5). We continue to move along the corridor until we reach a small room, from where we continue past the guard(s) and go up the stairs. We jump over the railing and make our way through the ventilation system into the workshop. On the stack of books a little further from the door there is the document “Mysterious Letter” (6/9) - we select it. To the left of the shelving is a wall safe. We set combination 314 and take away the valuable trophy “Soul of a Mechanical Man” (3/5). We leave the workshop through the ventilation shaft on the right side.

We return to the stairs and get out into the corridor. Avoiding a collision with the guard, we get to the blocked door and pick up the document “Forbidden Zone” (7/9). In front of the sleeping guard is a chest lined with broken glass on all sides. We walk slowly through a noisy area or simply jump over the railing. We break open the chest, take out the key to the engine room and do not forget to close the lid. We go into the next room, climb up the wall with the help of a claw and wait in a dark area for the right moment to pick up the document “List of Corpses” (8/9) from the pathologist’s table. We return to the locked door, open it with the key and, climbing up, grab the hook.

Once in the next part of the plant, we jump down and follow forward. We watch as General “Thief Catcher” removes the ring from Cornelisus’ body. We go further and get up. We take the document “Search Instructions” (9/9) from the wall column. We go to the room behind us, where under the grate above the conveyor belt lies the valuable trophy “Diamond Ring” (4/5) - we take it. Returning back, we jerk from tabletop to tabletop to the other side. We make a breakthrough at the moment when the furnace door of the furnace closes. Next, we climb up the wall on the right side and through the ventilation we get to the workshop foreman’s office. We hack the wall safe by arranging the elements according to the image. We take away the valuable trophy “Cornelius’ Ring” (5/5). We neutralize the unexpectedly appeared General and block the door.

Solved puzzle.

We break open the door and go outside. When the guards finish speaking and go to their places, we move to the right side along the dark area between them. Continuing to move along the right side, we carefully approach the gate and climb up it using the claw. We go up the pipe, move to the right and get out. We go to the right, jump onto the roof of the building and fall down. We hide behind the rack and wait until the guard checks what happened here. Then we follow him and quickly climb onto the structure on the right side when the guards leave. We jump from surface to surface, from beam to beam and thus get to the building. We get inside through the window and crouch down into the next room.


The merchant has new tools - a razor and wire cutters - we purchase them. We meet with Basso in Black Lane. He will introduce us to the customer of the ring, Orion, who opposes the Baron's regime. We agree to get him a unique book located in the House of Flowers brothel. The House of Flowers is a rather secret place and not everyone is allowed there. Erin had once worked in a brothel and naturally knew how to get there.

(2014), including the Bank Robbery DLC. There are a total of 32 side missions in the game. I recommend completing them after completing the main story campaign, since you will have access not only to all tasks, but also to the necessary tools. I will mark especially necessary items for completing missions or tests in a separate column “Required equipment”.

The order of availability of side missions:

After the first chapter:

Bank Robbery, Sick Willie, Beauty Inside, Medical Issues, Dangerous Reading, Shenanigans (Ector Missions)

After the second chapter:

Attack of Madness, The Missing Poet, Rob the Loot, A Lady's Will, Watch Your Steps!, Save Face, Balagan (Vittori Missions)

After the fourth chapter:

Cover cargo, Poor protection, Shark bait, Royal luxury

After the fifth chapter:

Gallows Hand, Path to Riches, Keep Your Eyes On, Board Move, A Matter of Life and Death

After chapter six:

Rule of Thumb, Stonemarket Witch, Point of No Return, General's Bling.

The missions will be reviewed in this order. The Hector and Vittori missions, as well as the “Bank Robbery” will be listed in a separate column. Let's begin.

Sick Willie

Willie is very sick and doesn't have much time left. Basso wants him gold watch. Willie's house is located in one of the alleys, you can get inside through the window. After looking around, pay attention to the picture on one of the walls, there are switches on it.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Once you activate the switches, a secret door to the attic will open, and poor Willie will fall lifeless from above. Climb the stairs, open the chest, there is a clock in it.

Beauty is inside

Required equipment: Rope boom

One of her admirers gave the local flirt Miss Scarlett golden mirror. Let's borrow it untimely. You can get into the lady's house through the window, but this will require a rope. Shoot a rope arrow at the beam.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Once inside, be careful. Although the girl is fast asleep, there is another person in the house besides her. The thing we need is in the safe, and the safe is behind the painting.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

As we learn from a note in the house, the code to the safe is carved into the wood inside the cabinet (824). We take the mirror, while paying attention to another cabinet nearby, there is valuable trophy.

Medical problems

Medicine found from Darkness! So says Dr. Troy. But he is in no hurry to share the results, which means we ourselves will get the fruit of his labors. His pharmacy can be reached through a couple of windows. There is a doctor in one room, two guards in the other.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

When the doctor is distracted, grab the medicine sample that is on the table.

Dangerous reading

It seems that someone has decided to publish a work containing facts from the life of our friend Basso. Some things are better kept secret. Need to find manuscript. First, you should visit the writer’s house; he won’t be there, just like the manuscript. The marker will point to another building, this is the abode of the bookmakers of the Clock Tower. The entrance is in one of the alleys.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

As you explore the environment, you will come across a number of books. Among them is a switch.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

A secret entrance to the basement will open, where the manuscript we need lies.

Attack of madness

Required equipment: Razor, Rope boom

The paintings of one crazy artist are selling like cakes. Basso knows where one such pie is. We'll get this one for him picture. Everything will be outrageously simple.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We use the rope arrow to get closer to the window of the room with the painting. Then we take the picture.

The Lost Poet

Required equipment: Razor, Spanner

The fashionable poet was mowed down by Darkness. It is said that he was working on his last masterpiece before his disappearance. We'll get it poem for Basso. You will have to piece together the poet's work piece by piece. Only 5 parts. The first one is on the cabinet right next to the entrance.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

The second one is in the box nearby.

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The third is under a bag of food by the bed.

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To take the fourth passage of the verse, you need to get into another room through the pipe.

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Passage behind the chest.

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The fifth passage is in the drawer.

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Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Don't leave right away, look in the bathroom, there will be valuable trophy in the form of a picture.

Rob the loot

Required equipment: 2 rope booms, 2 blunt arrows

It is necessary to teach a lesson to one reseller, John Tullow, who trades in the territory of Basso. The problem is that Tullow is hiding well. To get into his house, you need to find a beam on Baron Avenue, not far from the marker, and shoot a rope arrow at it.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Having climbed the rope, we move further along the ledges, and find another beam, repeat the action.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Now we need to lower the wooden bridge above us. We shoot at the highlighted area with a blunt arrow.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We climb the rope, go down to the bridge and approach the window with bars. To lower the grate, we shoot at the switch in the house.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Inside we find a shelf with books, activate the hidden switch. Voila. Here is what Tullow has acquired.

Lady's will

Required equipment: Razor

Lady Christina went a little crazy and then died from the Darkness. Not being herself, she hid her will, now her children face impoverishment. We need to find a will to save her family. Having entered the house with Lady Christina's belongings, pay attention to two closets placed close together. Climb up on them and you will see a chest of drawers with a will in the drawer.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

But that's not all. A small passage is hidden behind other rubbish.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

There is a button on one of the barrels, clicking on which will open a secret room with painting an artist already known to us.

Watch your step!

Required equipment: Wire cutters

We have a non-trivial task. There is no need to steal anything, you just need to disarm the traps, which were placed at the Basso thieves' transit point by a very disrespectful gentleman.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

You can enter from Stonemarket or Baron Avenue, the choice is yours.

Save face

Required equipment: Spanner

Lord Alderley is dissatisfied with the result of the work of the best sculptors of the Crowley and Sons stone market. His appearance in one of the creations was conveyed, as they say, without embellishment, so it would be better for us to make sure that no one sees this misunderstanding. In the office sculpture is in the basement, but don't rush.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

There's another trap on the floor. Twist memorial plaque nearby, there will be a button behind it that will turn off the trap. After which you can safely pick up the sculpture.

Cover the load

Required equipment: Wire cutters, Rope boom

The guards are involved in some shady business in the port; you can make good money if you steal your account registry, and then blackmail the administrator. There are bars on the office windows, we turn them off, disabling a nearby mechanism on the street.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Then we find a beam with which we will rise to the office.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

In the office we look for a switch in the picture; by activating it, we will open a secret cache where the register is hidden.

Poor defense

Required equipment: Wire cutters

The Oogreeds do not fulfill their duties to protect the Carders' Ditch, although money they got it. No protection - no money. We'll take the entire payment. The valuables are in the closet.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

But the path is blocked by a floor trap. The control mechanism is right outside the window.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Having deactivated the trap, we take away everything that is in the closet.

Shark bait

Required equipment: Wire cutters

Eddie Levak gives loans to poor people, and then severely punishes them if they cannot pay, while he himself owes money to the poor. We need to ruin Eddie's affairs and completely rob his store. There is a floor trap installed at the entrance.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Crouching, walk past her. Collect available valuables, then open the closet. There will be a vase there, break it, you will see a button. She opens a secret door to the office, which contains more jewelry, as well as a trap control mechanism.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After deactivating the traps, crack the safe and collect the remaining loot.

Royal luxury

Required equipment: Rope boom

Basso's lover, Comfort, lent it to her protégé necklace. But, apparently, Comfort doesn’t see her treasure as often as she would like. We need to invite Little Lucy to dinner, where they will explain to her the rules of handling other people's property. To get into her house, we need a rope.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We will take it down to the floor below. But once inside, we find Lucy's lifeless body without a necklace. From the note we learn that another lady has the necklace in a house nearby. When we get there, we see another unpleasant scene. But our task is simple, we take the necklace from the table and leave the house.

Gallows Handle

Required equipment: Wire cutters, Rope boom

Little Davey was hanged, it so happened that he had his beloved with him Basso handle. We need to get into the executioner's house and bring her back. First you need to lower the bridge opposite the window where the executioner lives. This can be done using the mechanism around the corner.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We pass along the bridge and see a beam. We use the rope arrow and jump to the window. Once inside we approach the bookshelf. There is a switch here, let's activate it. We find a secret room. After reading the executioner's notes, we learn terrible things. We take the pen near the diary.

The path to wealth

Required equipment: Rope boom

The client wants to receive documents trading house “White Sail”. Having made our way into their building, we pay attention to the beam near the pipe.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We use the rope arrow to climb up. The necessary documents are there.

Keep your eyes open

Required equipment: Wire cutters

“Illyrian Import” has at its disposal the miracle telescope. Basso's smugglers need him. We'll steal this thing for him. Once inside the office, we see some dead poor guy. You don't have to avoid the protruding floor slab; instead, you need to place a weight on it to open the secret door.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Use the body of a deceased person as cargo; in the room that opens there is a mechanism, deactivating which will allow you to break into a previously inaccessible door. Then everything is elementary: we go down the rope and take the telescope from the box.

Board move

Required equipment: Wire cutters

Archie Maxwell stole from Basso chess knight. We will return not only the horse, but also take away the stash. The owner is in the house; he hid the horse in a safe in the basement. We look at the floor - a trap.

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There is a mechanism nearby that allows you to deactivate it.

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The code to the safe was helpfully written on one of the documents in the house - 776.

A matter of life and death

Required equipment: Rope boom

The task is to get grandfather's ashes clients. It's a pity that the goal is not as noble as it might seem at first glance. After all, in the urn, in addition to grandpa, there is a portion of opium. There are two ways to get to the warehouse. The fastest way is to climb up to the warehouse office using a rope arrow.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Once you're at the top, look around. There are traps set here that can be neutralized or bypassed. We break open the door. In the left cabinet we find an urn with ashes.

Rule of thumb

Required equipment: Rope boom

You need to steal silver scissors from the cruel leader of the ugreeds, with which he cuts off the fingers of his subordinates. You can get into his house by climbing a rope to the second floor right next to the building with the marker.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We stun/kill or quietly steal his precious scissors. I suggest the first option, because there is another valuable reward in the house.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After breaking the vase in the closet, you will see a button that will open a cache with trophy.

Stonemarket Witch

Required equipment: Spanner

Basso set his sights on dagger pharmacists. Rumor has it that she is a witch. But work is work, let's get the dagger. It is located under the pharmacy, the entrance to the basement is through a pipe in one of the nooks.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

He came, he saw, he took.

Point of no return

Required equipment: Wire cutters

The store at the Lame Gate is a tough nut to crack for thieves. Therefore, Basso sent the best, that is, us. The inconspicuous entrance to the territory is located in one of the lower alleys.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

To open the door, you need to deactivate the mechanism, it is very close.

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Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Inside we will see a picture and the corpse of a colleague. We are not touching the picture yet. Trap. The mechanism is right opposite the picture. Once you disarm the trap, you will find a switch behind the painting. He opens a hiding place to the desired prey.

General's Bling

A very simple mission. The only difficulty here is the two guards at the target. You can neutralize them or distract them, the main thing is to take the name Order of the General.

Hector's missions

“Shenanigans”. After you find Hector’s shop and talk to him, the mission “Machinations” will be considered completed, and Hector himself will begin to offer you new tasks. In total, Hector will have three missions available, one after the other. The purpose of the tasks is to collect parts of the mechanical man that Ector wants to complete.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)
Hector's first mission: Hand Job

Required equipment: Razor

Challenges: Be invisible, 5 pickpockets, Kill/stun one person, Steal everything

The player must infiltrate Alfonso's studio and kidnap mechanical arm. Possible entry points include the main entrance, the back door behind the studio, and a second floor window.

Map “First floor of the studio”

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Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

The safest way to enter would be the third way - through the window.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

There is only one guard patrolling the second floor. If you are aiming to steal all the valuables in the house, then you should definitely have a razor with you to cut out the trophy picture.

Map “Second floor of the studio”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After clearing, you can immediately go down to the basement. Where, in fact, is the mechanical arm. There is one guard in the basement, but if you manage to crack the safe with the main trophy without attracting his attention, he will leave the room and go outside.

Map “Studio Basement”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After this, you can go up to the first floor, where you will see the scene of the beating of the owner of the studio. This is good for us; we won’t need to stun a civilian. All you have to do is collect the remaining loot if you wish, and then leave the workshop area and bring the hand to Ector.

Other tips:

There are only 4 guards in the mission with 5 wallets, to complete one of the tests, you must first rob the guard, and only then stun him if necessary, otherwise the test will fail.

Ector's second mission: Silence of Gold

Required equipment: Any 2 arrows, 3 hunting or barbed arrows, rope boom, strangling arrow, Wire cutters, Razor

Challenges: Be invisible, Use the environment 1 time, Take 3 headshots, Steal everything

Hector needs voice apparatus, who had already been kidnapped by one of the thieves he hired, but the thief was captured and hanged. We need to find the hanged man and take the device. Having reached the place, you will see a hanged thief; to lower him you need to shoot at the noose.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

The hanged man will have a note from which we learn that the device is with Oxheart Perry. Our path lies to his shop. However, not everything is so simple; to get into the shop you need to climb onto the ledge. Here a rope arrow will help us, which we need to shoot at a beam not far from our destination.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We climb the rope and climb out the window. We get into the room, look for another window, through it we go out to the ledges we need. From there it's not far to the entrance to the shop.

Finally, we are on the territory of the store, we start in an abandoned house.

Map “Abandoned House”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

From here we should go to the yard where the guard and the dog are located. There is a document for collectors and security guards.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

There are two ways to get into the building - through the main passage or jump into the basement. The first option will be safer.

Map “Oxhart Perry's Shop (1st floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

If you choose the second path, then do not rush to clear the territory right away. There is a trap on one of the chests.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

For the same reason, you should not immediately go into the safe deposit box where the device is located. First you need to go up to the second floor, where in Oxheart's room you can disable the trap mechanism in the house. After which you can safely put everything you see in your pocket, including the voice apparatus for a mechanical man.

Map “Oxhart Perry's Shop (2nd floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Map “Oxhart Perry's Store (basement)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After clearing, you can leave the mission and take the main trophy to Hector.

Other tips:

The razor is needed for one painting in the house.

To complete one of the tests, you need to break the holder with an arrow, but if you do this without stunning the guards, you will raise the alarm by failing the other test - to be invisible. To successfully complete the tests, you need to quietly stun (kill) all the characters and put the dog to sleep with a strangling arrow.

There are three guards and Oxheart on the map. Keep this in mind when doing one of the challenges where you need to get three headshots, and don't get carried away with melee neutralization.

Hector's third mission: Broken Heart

Challenges: Steal everything

Hector's last task. We need to get heart for a mechanical man, which is in the possession of a certain Clockmaker. When we reach his house, we find no one. I recommend starting immediately from the second floor and collecting all the loot there.

Map “The Watchmaker's House (2nd floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Returning to the first floor, we collect valuables/documents and pay attention to the switch on the pedestal in one of the rooms. Activating it will give you access to another room where there is another switch.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Map “The Watchmaker's House (1st floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

By pressing the switches you will be able to get into several more rooms. The last one is behind the book stand. An elevator will become available, which takes us to the workshop.

“Workshop” map

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

In one of the walls you can see a switch, after activation of which a puzzle appears. Click on the blocks in the given sequence to solve the puzzle:

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Our final stop is the Pendulum Project. The heart is just a stone's throw away, but the last obstacle lies ahead - the floor slabs. If you walk along them in the wrong order, the path to the heart will be closed. Notes scattered around the house contain clues to the solution to this riddle. If you don't want to bother, here's the right route:

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We take the loot and get out of here.

Map “Project “Pendulum””

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We give the heart to Hector and the mechanical man is completed!

Vittori missions

Are a continuation of Basso's mission “Balagan”. After you talk to Vittori in the Siren's Rest tavern, the mission "Balagan" will be considered completed, and Vittori will begin to offer you new tasks. In total, Vittori, like Hector, will have three missions available, one after the other. Vittori has a penchant for exotic things, so it is in receiving them that he will be interested.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)
Vittori's first mission: The Golden Mean

Required equipment: Spanner

Challenges: Be invisible, No damage, Stun 2 in battle, Steal everything

Vittori wants to get talking skull, while he does not know where exactly this curiosity is located. The location of the value is known to Drunken Lenny, so our task is to follow the drunkard, simultaneously helping him get to his final destination.

Map “Smelly Lane”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

First we open the gate.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Then we turn the valve to cut Lenny off from the guards.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Then we need to get rid of the lady on the bridge. Don't get distracted, Lenny.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

The final part is the opening of another gate, here is the skull.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

We ended up in a Ugreed warehouse. The warehouse is divided into three levels: basement, first floor and second floor. The skull is in one of the chests on the second floor. You can sneak onto the stairs behind Lenny and one of the guards on the first floor, or go through the basement - a little safer, but you'll need a rope arrow to get to the other floor.

Map “Ugreed Warehouse (basement)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Map “Ugreed Warehouse (1st floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Map “Ugreed Warehouse (2nd floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

All that remains is to take the skull and take it to Vittori.

Other tips:

Completing a challenge that requires a combat stun may be difficult to complete while simultaneously completing the Be Invisible challenge, as silent stuns do not count toward combat stuns. To successfully complete all tests, you must shoot the guards in any part of the body, with the exception of the head. The Guardians will go into yellow alert, but there will be no detection, after which you can perform a stun, which will count as a "Combat Stun". 

Vittori's second mission: Gourmet

Required equipment: Razor

Challenges: Be invisible, Don't kill/stun, Stun 1 on top, Steal everything

This time Vittori wants us to bring him octocota, a cat with eight legs. It is now in the possession of a collector in Riverside. To get to the place, you need to go to the house opposite the sign in the Southern Quarter.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Then climb out through the window directly onto the ledges and cross the street along them. Next there will be a window through which we will get to the task. We will find ourselves in a building opposite the collector's house. There are three ways to get into the house. The safest among them is through a second floor window using a rope boom.

Map “Collector's House (1st floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Map “Collector's House (2nd floor)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Map “Alley near the collector’s house”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Having found a note in one of the rooms, we learn that the owner stores the most valuable things in a separate room, the entrance to which is guarded by a safe. It is located in the wine cellar. Go down there and find a painting with a safe hidden behind it.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

The code for the safe, as is clear from the note, is the owner’s birthday. After reading the will, with a simple calculation we determine the code - 812. We find ourselves in another section of the wine cellar, where in one of the cabinets we find a jar of octocotte.

Vittori Mission Three: Additional Attraction

Required equipment: Spanner, Any 4 arrows

Challenges: Be invisible, Perform 4 sabotages, Stun 4 in battle, Steal everything

Beloved Vittori - Isabella, arrested for strange behavior. She's languishing in the Guard's precinct. Our task is to get her out of there. Once inside, we will encounter an impressive number of guards. Fighting or silently, we need to get into the locked office on the top floor, where the key to the doors in the dungeon lies.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After that you can go straight to the cameras.

Map “Guard Area (Top Floor)”

When you open Isabella's cell, you will be a little confused. But nothing can be done, we need to get the princess out. Be careful, after liberation, two new guards will appear at the entrance to the cells. Once past them, take Isabella to the exit, then return to Vittori. The attraction is over.

Other tips:

To complete the sabotage challenge, simply shoot an arrow near one of the guards. He will be alarmed, wait a little, one sabotage will count. Repeat this three more times.

Similar to the “Golden Mean” mission, silent stuns do not count towards stuns during combat. Therefore, to perform these two tests simultaneously, follow a similar algorithm of action described in the “Golden Mean” task.

Bank robbery

Required equipment: Spanner, Wire cutters

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

The mission is unique primarily because it contains mechanical security cameras, which are not found anywhere else in the game. The initial goal is not immediately given; the player is required to enter the bank to receive further instructions. He can do this using three ways: through the main passage (1), through a window on the first floor (2) or through a window on the second floor (a rope arrow is required) (3).

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Walkthrough of Thief side missions (2014) Walkthrough of Thief side missions (2014)

Also, when reading the notes, you will become aware of a value hidden in one of the vases; your additional goal is to find and break this vase. Don’t rush to smash everything, the vase is in storage, that’s where we’ll head.

Once in a room with cells, do not rush to break open the main door to the vault, otherwise you will fall into a trap. To neutralize it, climb onto the racks with cells, turning your back to the entrance to the storage, under the bust you will see a trap mechanism, that’s what you need.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After this, you can start hacking the cells with valuables (07, 09, 11, 21, 23).

Map “First floor of the bank (cell)”

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After collecting the items, we proceed to break into the door leading to the main storage room. If you read the notes carefully, then you know that the code for the safe is 682, but if you read even more carefully, then you know that one of the disks is acting up, so this combination will not work. Using the brute force method we get: 632.

Once inside, we are in no hurry, the room is crammed with traps. First, we turn off the floor trap mechanism, which is located behind the bars directly under the stairs on the first floor.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

It seems the path to the Oldale Star is clear. Not really. Another trap awaits us, but it simply turns off. You just need to press the button on the left on the pedestal.

Map “Storage (2nd floor)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

After collecting all the jewelry, you can safely leave the mission.

Other tips:

The cameras are neutralized by water arrows; there are 9 cameras in total on the territory of the bank; keep this in mind when selecting equipment.

One of the mission's challenges requires performing two stuns from above, the easiest way to complete the challenge is to perform stuns from lockers.

Since the Hector, Vittori and Bank Robbery missions can be replayed, I will mark the places on the map where you can start these missions again. Red - Hector's task, green - Vittori, blue - Bank.

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

Thief Side Missions Walkthrough (2014)

That's all, I hope my guide will be useful.

Prologue: Fall

On the eve of the summer festival, professional thief Garrett receives a tip on a major loot from his informant Basso. The task is complicated by the fact that he will not have to work alone. Garrett, accustomed to acting quickly and quietly, will be paired with a daring and uncompromising young girl named Erin. Before the main task, Garrett did not miss the opportunity to look at the townsman and clean out his modest home. We collect everything that is in plain sight and everything that is hidden from view on the shelves behind cabinet doors and inside drawers. Having finished, we get out through the open window and move along the beam to the building opposite. We open the window, quickly and often pressing one button, and enter the attic. Crouching or walking slowly while standing, we walk past cages with birds. Birds react especially sharply to tugs, so using them will instantly arouse suspicion among nearby enemies. We interact with the picture and slowly move our hand under the frame on each side until we find a secret switch, which will be indicated by a filled-in icon. We activate the switch and start hacking the safe. By rotating the master key, we find the correct position for it and by pressing the corresponding button we fix the lock pin. The complexity of the lock is determined by the number of pins (maximum 5). And, therefore, the more pins, the smaller the fixation radius of each of them. Having completed the hack, we take the shiny necklace from the safe and hear someone rushing across the roof.

We go outside, turn right and go around the corner. We take out the rope arrow from the box. We look up, open the equipment menu and select the only available type of arrow. We pull the bowstring and shoot at the beam wrapped in rope. We grab the rope and climb up. Erin turned out to be the bird's troublemaker. She offers to check which of us runs faster. We quickly rush after our partner, overcoming simple obstacles. The well-deserved victory goes to the lady.

The light stone located in the lower left corner shows whether the shadow is hiding us or not. The light circle means we are easy to notice, the dark circle means we are practically invisible. Continuing to follow Erin, we press ourselves against the corner of the building and, without fear of being discovered, we safely look out from behind it by pressing the appropriate button. Having advanced behind the guards, Erin will use her own development - a claw that allows her to cling to bars and easily climb walls. We'll have to do things the old fashioned way. We use an instant dash to jump through the illuminated area. Then we turn left and go up the stairs. After the conversation, crouching we pass under the pipe. We move to the control point, break the winch and climb the stairs. Having penetrated inside through the window, we break the door lock, go into the room and take the document “Diary of a Viewer” (1/1) from the table. We exit through the window and go to the next building. We walk slowly to the stairs so as not to scare the bird, and go up to the next floor.

The Primali Stone is located in the ceremonial hall of Baron Northcrest's mansion. Having made our way into enemy territory, we follow Erin and use the dash to instantly overcome the illuminated path. We climb a little higher, approach the guard from behind and rob him. We jump over the fence, crouch down very slowly, walk through the water and make a dash through the illuminated area. We take out a water arrow from the box and hit the torch with it. We walk through the water, climb the stairs and watch as Erin kills a young and inexperienced guard. We stun the second guard and after talking with our partner, we break the door lock.

We pick up the bottle, hide around the corner in front of the illuminated area on the right side and throw the bottle in the place from where we came. The guard will be distracted, and we will be able to freely get to the boxes to the right of the gate. We climb up, move to the scaffolding and climb the rope. Below, behind the motionless guard, there is a locker, which is not only an excellent shelter, but also serves as an autosave point, and a box with a water arrow. Also on the other side we will find a chest with valuable items. Erin kills another guard and Garrett decides to temper her ardor by stealing a claw. Baron, Aldus and Cornelius perform a ritual using the Primali Stone to summon Primali. Garrett suggests leaving this place, and Erin insists on continuing the mission. As a result, Erin, trying to get her claw back, falls down and finds herself right in the center of the ritual. Trying to save her, Garrett also rushes down.

Chapter 1: Blockade

Exactly a year has passed since the last events. The city was gripped by a disease called “Darkness”, which has already killed many people. The Baron's power is growing stronger every day. The guards began to look like watchdogs, ready to tear anyone to pieces for criticizing the authorities and minor offenses. Having miraculously avoided meeting them, we hide in the alley.

Valuable trophy “Ring with amethysts”.

Each chapter has unique tasks, the completion of which promises a monetary reward. The “Phantom” style involves the complete or partial exclusion of other styles. Stunning and killing enemies belongs to the Predator style, while extinguishing candles or torches, suspicion and detection belong to the Opportunist style. The chapter is considered completed in the style for which the most actions were performed.

Concentration allows you to slow down time and highlight all active points. The concentration reserve is limited by the scale, but you can highlight active points without it. We go all the way forward, turn left and pick up the newspaper “About the curfew” (1/19), lying near the door. Turning around, we run forward, jump over the fence and use the claw to climb the wall. We select a bag of food that restores health, and climb even higher.

In the distance you can see the clock tower - Garrett's hideout. We jump down and sit in the shadows. One of the guards has a document “Siege Rules” (1/2) - we rob him. If we didn’t have time to do this right away, then we wait until the guard returns to the gate alone. We move to the nook on the other side and, turning left, go through to the end. We jump over the wall and find ourselves on the street again. We jerkily get to the lamppost after the guards disperse. We quickly pick up the “Ring with Amethysts” trophy (1/4), lying near the barrel on the left side and return back to the nook. We cling to the grate with our claw, climb up the wall and jump down on the other side.

We break the door lock, squeeze between the boxes and get out into the Stonemarket stonemasons' yard. We jump off the right side and go into the backyard. There we will find a staircase - we go down to the basement. We get to a small room, pick up the newspaper “The clock on the tower has risen again!” from the pallet. (2/19) and make our way through the tunnel behind the shelves.

There are three ways to get into the shop. A master works in the basement, constantly moving from one table to another. On the left table there is a document “Lygrove’s Letter” (2/2) - take it. In it, before the beginning of each paragraph, the numbers 7, 3, 9 are indicated, which are the code for the safe. The safe itself is hidden behind a picture in the corner next to the shelf. The area is lit, so we act quickly, but don’t get carried away. It is easy to understand from the subtitles when the master moves to another table. Let's find the switch under the frame, activate it, set the required numbers in the combination lock and take away the valuable trophy “Mask with Lygrove's Jewels” (2/4).

We go up to the first floor and go into a small room with a sleeping guard. We slowly walk to the wall safe, crack the rather complex lock and take away the valuable trophy “Blackened Bracelet” (3/4). There should be no mistakes, otherwise the guard will wake up. Before this, it is best to save in the closet or through the main menu. You should not save if the safe door is open, since after loading this save the guard will miraculously wake up and discover a break-in (hacked doors, safes and chests left open alert enemies). We go to the exhibition room, wait for the guard and follow him to the left side. When the guard starts to go back, we break open the display case in the middle and take away the valuable trophy “Mask with Jewels” (4/4). We go up to the second floor, go into the bedroom on the right side and pick up the newspaper “Who is watching the watchdogs?” from the bed. (3/19). Slowly and without jerking, we reach the open window at the other end of the corridor and climb out.

We select the newspaper “Blockade!” (4/19) lying on the bench on the right side. We open the window, enter the building and go out through the door at the other end of the room. We use the dash to slip past the guards. Moving forward, we will soon stumble upon another couple of guards. We follow them to the corner, and then cling to the grate on the pipe on the left side with our claw and, climbing up, we get to the control point.

clock tower

On the left on the table is the newspaper “Necklace “Star of Oldale” (5/19) - take it. You can store unnecessary supplies in the chest. We go up the stairs and receive a message from Basso, delivered by Jeniver the crow.


We leave the tower and go to the Lame Burrick tavern, avoiding clashes with the guards. Things are bad for Basso, but he always has work for us. Cornelius Graves, who recently passed away, always wore a ring on his finger. This ring is of interest not only to Basso, but also to the Baron’s people, who have taken control of the old factory where the corpses are delivered.

Returning back to Basso’s shop, we take the “Treason!” newspaper from the table. (6/19). Opposite the entrance of the tavern is a merchant. First of all, we buy a wrench from him. Rope arrows will also come in handy. You can earn money by selling unnecessary supplies, searching for useful items in the city, or completing orders from Basso and other characters. We go into the tavern and pick up the newspaper “Northcrest is indestructible” (7/19) from the counter.

We get to the cemetery and meet the Queen of the Beggars. A representative of the lower stratum of the population hints that a dangerous force lurks in the city. Having received a concentration point, we acquire an improvement for the “Intuition” skill. For every donation to the Queen of Beggars, we receive one concentration point. Each subsequent tip will be 150 coins more expensive than the previous one. We pick up the newspaper “Old gods in the new city?” (8/19), lying on the table near the old woman.

Chapter 2: Ashes to Ashes

The main gate of the foundry is heavily guarded. We go down the rope and jump even lower. If you go all the way to the right, you will find a shortcut. A wrench is required to remove the bolts from the grilles. The long path is through the area in front of the gate. We climb the stairs to the left of the bridge and dash between the shadows to reach the door to the right of the gate. One of the guards will fall asleep, and the other will walk in a circle.

We jump over the wall and run to the factory building. For a second, the image of Erin appears before my eyes. We climb onto the structure located on the left side, and from it we jump to the roof of the building. We go all the way to the right, go down the stairs and from the desk drawer we take out the valuable trophy “In Memory of Mercy” (1/5). We take the document “Coal Mine” (1/9) from the table. We get out of the building and grab the pipe adjacent to the factory building. We go up, move to the left along the ledges and penetrate the ventilation system.

Path to the roof.

We go through the ventilation and jump onto the staircase when the guard leaves. We go all the way down, open the door and move to the illuminated door on the other side. The guards will disperse very soon. One of them will remain in the illuminated area, so we take the document “Transportation of Cadavers” (2/9) from the wall to the right of the door only when the guard is on the left side. On the right is a shortcut to the hook through the ventilation. If there is no wrench, we climb onto the box in front of the door and climb to the top floor when the guard is on the right side. We go all the way to the right and take the document “Broken Glass” (3/9) from the wall. Having jumped down, we stand at the edge and cling to the hook.

Having moved to the production workshop, we jump down before we find ourselves in the guard’s field of view. We go all the way forward, pick up the document “Free Place” (4/9) from the table and break open the door on the left side. We slowly walk along the glass between the cabinets, pick up the document “Repair Notice” (5/9) from the table and go out into the corridor. Following the guard, we go down the stairs and immediately look up. We shoot a rope arrow at the beam, climb onto the cabinet and, grabbing the rope, climb up. We jump to the last bridge and pick up the valuable trophy “Brooch: Daisy” (2/5). We continue to move along the corridor until we reach a small room, from where we continue past the guard(s) and go up the stairs. We jump over the railing and make our way through the ventilation system into the workshop. On the stack of books a little further from the door there is the document “Mysterious Letter” (6/9) - we select it. To the left of the shelving is a wall safe. We set combination 314 and take away the valuable trophy “Soul of a Mechanical Man” (3/5). We leave the workshop through the ventilation shaft on the right side.

We return to the stairs and get out into the corridor. Avoiding a collision with the guard, we get to the blocked door and pick up the document “Forbidden Zone” (7/9). In front of the sleeping guard is a chest lined with broken glass on all sides. We walk slowly through a noisy area or simply jump over the railing. We break open the chest, take out the key to the engine room and do not forget to close the lid. We go into the next room, climb up the wall with the help of a claw and wait in a dark area for the right moment to pick up the document “List of Corpses” (8/9) from the pathologist’s table. We return to the locked door, open it with the key and, climbing up, grab the hook.

Once in the next part of the plant, we jump down and follow forward. We watch as General “Thief Catcher” removes the ring from Cornelisus’ body. We go further and get up. We take the document “Search Instructions” (9/9) from the wall column. We go to the room behind us, where under the grate above the conveyor belt lies the valuable trophy “Diamond Ring” (4/5) - we take it. Returning back, we jerk from tabletop to tabletop to the other side. We make a breakthrough at the moment when the furnace door of the furnace closes. Next, we climb up the wall on the right side and through the ventilation we get to the workshop foreman’s office. We hack the wall safe by arranging the elements according to the image. We take away the valuable trophy “Cornelius’ Ring” (5/5). We neutralize the unexpectedly appeared General and block the door.

Solved puzzle.

We break open the door and go outside. When the guards finish speaking and go to their places, we move to the right side along the dark area between them. Continuing to move along the right side, we carefully approach the gate and climb up it using the claw. We go up the pipe, move to the right and get out. We go to the right, jump onto the roof of the building and fall down. We hide behind the rack and wait until the guard checks what happened here. Then we follow him and quickly climb onto the structure on the right side when the guards leave. We jump from surface to surface, from beam to beam and thus get to the building. We get inside through the window and crouch down into the next room.


The merchant has new tools - a razor and wire cutters - we purchase them. We meet with Basso in Black Lane. He will introduce us to the customer of the ring, Orion, who opposes the Baron's regime. We agree to get him a unique book located in the House of Flowers brothel. The House of Flowers is a rather secret place and not everyone is allowed there. Erin had once worked in a brothel and naturally knew how to get there.


We go to a new area of ​​the City and get to the mill. Having made our way inside, we jump over the boxes, go down and activate the secret switch on the wall a little to the right of the boarded-up passage.

We climb up and press the wall button at the corner on the left side. Having neutralized the traps, we climb up the ladder and continue climbing the monolithic ladder, simultaneously activating the secret button on the wall. We open the hatch by pressing the button on the support and jump down. Finding ourselves in a strange place, we get to the glow emanating from Erin. Having overtaken the girl twice, we tear off posters with her image from the walls and the last one will be a poster with our portrait. Returning to reality, we activate the button on a similar portrait and take the medallion from the hiding place.

We purchase wire cutters if we have not done so before. We get to the indicated point, go down and go all the way to the right. We pull the lever on the support and make our way across the lowered bridge to the House of Flowers.

Chapter 3: Dirty Secrets

The guard leads the rich man to the House of Flowers. It is not necessary to follow them, so we go forward to the wall and climb the pipe on the left side. We use the wire cutters to cut the rope of the shield and thereby unlock the door below us. Having passed there, we turn right and climb up the box. We pick up the valuable “Dragonfly” trophy (1/5) from the floor and continue to move forward. We jump lower and lower and get out to the stairs. If necessary, before the last break we release the rope arrow into the upper beam and descend safely along the rope. Let's proceed to the lower floor and make sure from the client's experience that you can only enter the House of Flowers by invitation. We don't need it: use the hook to climb over the wall on the right side.

We open the doors by pulling the levers on the left side and freely enter the brothel. We move in a squat so as not to wake up the sleeping guard. When the girl goes to the right, we go into the hall through the closed curtains in front and see that there is a guard standing by the wall on the left. We make a dash to the right to slip through the illuminated area unnoticed. In a circle, through the center of the hall and the right room, another guard is constantly moving. Having found the right moment, we move to the stairs on the other side. We do without jerking, otherwise we will scare the bird. If you don't want to wait for the guard to make a circle, you can try to go through the room on the right side. However, it is worth considering that there is a guard there too, also moving in a circle. We rise to the span between the floors and, using a hook, climb up the wall. We select the valuable trophy “Ring with Emeralds” (2/5), lying among the ropes and go back.

To the attic with a valuable trophy.

We quickly and without jerking go into the first room on the left side on the top floor, when the guard approaches the fence. From the chest of drawers in the corner we select the document “Coyle’s Combination” (1/4). We leave the room and again wait for the guard to approach the fence. We go to Xiao-Xiao’s office and, after the guard returns to his previous position, we take the document “List of Constellations” (2/4) from the table in the corner. We go to the waiting room, pick up the document “Finding the combination” (3/4) from the table and break open the office door. Having gone inside, turn right and pick up the document “Diary of Madame Xiao-Xiao” (4/4) from the table. We feel and activate the switches under the picture frame on the opposite corner and gain access to the secret passage.

Having gone down the stairs, we turn right and pay attention to the gap in the wall, which allows us to observe the pleasures between clients and courtesans. We go down even lower and find a podium with a niche for a medallion. After a new task appears, we look at the symbol on the wall and automatically remember it. We go back to the wall with the gap and look through it. The symbol is at the top left. We pass further than the podium and go up the stairs. We look into two more rooms: in the first, the symbol is located at the top right, in the second, at the top left. We go to the podium, select the rings and rotate them to center the symbols vertically in the upper half of the medallion. Then all that remains is to place the medallion on the podium.

We jump down, go around the wreckage and make our way through it. Next, we go left and, crouching, we pass forward. The trap has been activated - we disarm it by pressing the button on the wall. We go down the stairs and get to the door in the far left corner. We break it open and go downstairs. We slowly move towards the podium, looking around along the way and remembering the symbols depicted on the walls. We arrange them in their positions, place the medallion on the podium and take away the valuable trophy “Ancient Figurine” (3/5). We go back upstairs and activate the wall button. We get to the tower and jump out of the broken window. We go down in any available way and find ourselves in the scriptorium. We interact with the bookshelf on the right side, find the switch book and find ourselves in the secret room. From the dishes of the statue we take the valuable trophy “In memory of the stonemason” (4/5).

After leaving the secret room, we go to the far right corner. We interact with the bookshelf, move our hand along the row and find the switch book. Let's go down into the tower, get out of it on the left side and soon find the first valve. Rotate it clockwise until it stops. We go down to one tower and from it we go up to the other. We jump down, go outside and turn the valve all the way counterclockwise. We go back inside, climb up and return to the previous tower. We pass along the bridge on the right side, turn the next valve clockwise all the way and go up the stairs. We run all the way to the left, jump onto the stairs and climb to the very top. We accelerate and jump to the tower window. We interact with the podium, place the symbols in their places and place the medallion in the niche. We take away the valuable trophy “Ritual Book” (5/5).

We climb up the rope, move to the neighboring tower and go down also along the rope. We penetrate the scriptorium, go right and get to the tower. We avoid a collision with the guard by waiting inside the tower. Climbing the stairs, we will notice another guard on the left and hide behind his back. We wait for the enemies to leave, climb the stairs and get to the last guard. We go around it, climb onto the boxes and, grabbing the rope, climb up. Following the control points, we get out of the catacombs. Quietly watching the brawl, we accidentally become drawn into it. We again manage to outwit the General and leave him with his nose.

Baron Northcrest.


Jeniver, with the last of his strength, flies into the clock tower and dies in our arms. My first thoughts are that Basso is in trouble. Popular unrest is growing in the city. The Illuminated are preparing to revolt. We go to the tavern and see Orion trying to find the book of rituals. The Thief Catcher dragged Basso and several Lightforged to the fortress, among whom was Jacob, who was preparing an assassination attempt on the Baron and had previously carefully studied the Fortress. Having received valuable information, we give Orion the book of rituals and set off to rescue the allies.

Chapter 4: A Friend in Need

Apparently, Jacob will no longer tell anything, because the rebellion has reached its apotheosis, and the Lightforged have begun to free their people from the Fortress. There is one more person who knows the Fortress like the back of his hand - Eastwick. He is the creator of the monumental structure. Following the signs, we get to the wall, which you need to climb with the help of a claw. On the left is a beam for a rope boom. We release the arrow, go down and go to the lamppost on the left side. We take away from under the bench the valuable trophy “Ring with lapis lazuli” (1/6). We go back and get to the architect's mansion. There are different ways to get into the house, but we will choose the simplest and most effective. We jump down, go left and jerk around the building so that the dog does not have time to notice us. There is a beam at the top - we shoot at it with a rope arrow and climb up. We jump onto the mansion, wait for the crossbowman to leave and enter the house through the door on the balcony.

We turn right and go up to the third floor. We carefully walk behind the guard and use a razor to cut out the valuable trophy “Excess of Emptiness” (2/6). The crossbowman will also enter the house and go to the main stairs - let's follow him. We go down the stairs about halfway and jump over the railing to the right side. It is also worth considering that on the first floor there is a guard moving around the stairs. We go into the office and be sure to close the door behind us. We take the document “Letter from Madeline” (1/6) from the table. There is a secret button in the corner of the adjacent table on the left side - activate it. We break into the wall safe and take away the valuable trophy “Morendrum Medal” (3/6). We go to the library on the second floor. We climb onto the table, then onto the bookcase and move to the other side. Let's observe the guard and study his route. We jump down, slowly walk through the area with glass and interact with the bookshelf. Before doing this, we make sure that the maid and the guard are not looking in our direction. We quickly feel for the switch, activate it and find ourselves in the secret room.

We use the elevator and go up to Eastwick's office. The architect is hanging from a noose - this explains his reluctance to cooperate with the guards. We take the document “Fortress in Miniature” (2/6) from the bottom shelf of one of the cabinets. We go up the stairs, go to the middle and interact with the painting. We move our hand under the frame and activate the detected switches one by one. We jump down and interact with the miniature fortress. It should be positioned exactly like the original. We start from the lowest compartment and expose the side with three windows. Further, from bottom to top: three windows - eight windows - six windows - two windows. We take the documents “Fortress Plan” (3/6) and “Big Safe Cipher” (4/6) that appear on the left side. The shield guy broke down the door, which means it’s time for us to leave. We quickly rush forward and break away from the chase.

We stock up on everything we need from the merchant, climb onto the boxes on the right side and climb up the rope. We jump into the attic and crouch down, moving along a narrow passage. We get to the fortress, go inside and, turning right, jump down. We move along the pipeline, overcoming simple obstacles. Having successfully made our way into the engine room, we pass through the ventilation system and find ourselves in a smoky room. You will have to act quickly to avoid suffocation. Crouching, we pass under fire and turn right. Before the next fiery barricade, turn left and jump up. All that remains is to reach the door and unscrew the valve. Having reached the boiler room, we go forward to the end, simultaneously taking the valuable trophy “In Memory of a Soldier” (4/6) from the guard’s hand. We unscrew the valuable “Fortress” trophy (5/6) from the wall. We take the elevator up to the prison.

We take the document “List of Prisoners” (5/6) from the table. When there are 13-14 meters left to the next checkpoint, the document “Letter to the Illuminated” (6/6) will lie on the floor next to the body - we select it. We pull the lever to the right of the gate, free Basso and go to the most reliable storage facility in the world.

When the elevator is in place, we get out into the shaft through the opened top hatch. We jump over to the next cabin, pull ourselves up to the ledge and along the ventilation shaft we get to the room with the safe. We pull the lever, as quickly as possible, alternately press two buttons in the corners of the safe and set the first combination (319), which consists of the first digits of two-digit numbers in the “Big Safe Cipher” document. After we try to set up the second combination, the General will appear and shoot us in the hand. Having hidden from the guards on the upper level, we turn around and go back. Having jumped up, we turn around again and go up the stairs on the right side after the guard leaves. Then we go to the right and from the last box we select the valuable trophy “Bracelet: Slate Snake” (6/6). We go down on the other side and jerkily get to the safe. The guards are alarmed, so they move quickly and are in a state of special vigilance. Enter the second combination (018) and pick up a fragment of the Primali Stone.

We collect flowers, open the door and follow Erin. She will give a tip to Moira's shelter, located on the island and containing many secrets and secrets.


Stonemarket has been taken over by the Lightforged, but that doesn't mean we can roam around the area freely. Avoiding collisions with local residents, we get to the southern Baron Avenue and immediately jerk around the guards on the left side. We move to Riverside and go to the Siren's Rest tavern. Basso will agree to take us on his boat to Moira's shelter. Having purchased everything we need, we go outside and set off to the place that Erin mentioned in our vision.

Chapter 5: Les Miserables

Having reached the main gate, we climb up the wall on the right side and head towards the building. After going around on the left side, we unscrew the valuable trophy “Moira’s Shelter” (1/6) from the wall. Having entered the building, we look through the hole in the door. We move to the reception desk and select the document “Visit Log” (1/42), lying to the left of it. We go up to the second floor, break into the closet and take the document “New Patient” (2/42). We go along the right side and go to the men's department.

Map with useful finds.

3 – document “Report on the hood in the shower” (3/42) inside the drawer.
4 – document “Absence” (4/42) inside the drawer. In the same room, turn the valve clockwise all the way.

Returning to the corridor, we go down the stairs as far as possible and select the document “History, 2” (5/42). Returning back, we pass through the doors to which we gained access after opening the grate.

6 – we take the document “Headaches” (6/42) from the cart.
7 – we select the document “Archivist (7/42)” from the cart.
8 – we take the document “Numbers of chambers” (8/42) from the table.
9 – from the small table in the corner we select the document “Report on Success” (9/42).
10 – on the wall hangs the document “Night Watchman on Duty” (10/42).

You can get to room “A” through the passage in the next room. Near the bed frame there is a key to the women's department - we take it. In the corner on a chair there is a document “Cache” (11/42) - we select it.

12 – select the document “History, 4” (12/42).

From room “B” we look through the hole on the wall and see a picture on the wall of the corridor. We leave the room and use a razor to cut out the valuable trophy “Aversion to Courtesies” (2/6) from the frame.

We move to the reception area, avoiding a collision with the invisible night guard. You can recognize it by the distortion of the air and, naturally, by the loud stomping. The document “Results” (13/42) appeared on the table - we take it and go to the women’s department.

Let's look into the elevator shaft and shoot a rope arrow at the beam above. We go down the rope and, crouching, jump even lower. We select the document “History, 2” (14/42) from the floor. We climb onto the cabinet on the left side and find a valuable trophy “Brooch: Rose” (3/6) on the pipe. We go up to the next floor using the stairs. We use the key and enter the room. If you don't have the key, go around the room on the right side and go through the gap in the grate. We take the document “Writing Instruments” (15/42) from the wall. We also search the desk drawers. One of them contains the document “Voices” (16/42). We return to the top floor.

13 – on the wall hangs the document “Key to the doors of the department” (17/42). We insert the key into the slot and unlock the door. In the room, turn the valve all the way clockwise and go through the door on the right side. We go down the stairs on the other side and find ourselves in the dining room. The document “Entertainment” (18/42) is attached to the column. We go behind the scenes of the stage, pick up the mirror and, turning around, pick up the document “Unrest in the dining room” (19/42). We turn the valve fully counterclockwise and leave the dining room.
14 – we take the document “Lessons” (20/42) from the wall.
15 – in the room there is a document “Heat and Cold Therapy” (21/42).
16 – near the bed frame lies the document “Notes of a Spy” (22/42).
17 – under the frame there is a document “Huntfield’s Disease” (23/42).
18 – document “Report: Patient #18” (24/42).

To open the door to the central room, you need to use wire cutters to cut the shield rope in the corner marked “C” on the map. We collect the documents “Another outbreak of aggression” (25/42), “Patient records” (26/42) and “Patient transfer” (27/42). We get to the previously blocked passage, pass by the strollers and select the document “History, 3” (28/42), lying in front of the rack. We squeeze through the rubble, take the “Confidentiality” document (29/42) from the wall and go down the stairs to the elevator shaft. We jump over to the other side, turn left and go down. We go to the treatment center.

We move past the cameras and, having reached the corner, we go into the control room. We take the document “Note of a Fugitive” (30/42) from the table. From the drawer we take out the document “Lock on the Elevator” (31/42). We climb onto the cabinet, disarm the trap and from the cabinet itself we take the Baron’s document “Curbing Primali” (1/13). We leave the room, go a little to the right and from the wall next to the door we find the document “Sensory Deprivation” (32/42). We get to the generator room, pull the lever and thereby restore the power supply. We return to the control room, press the button and initiate the opening of all cameras. We leave the room and go into the only available cell. From there we go through the ventilation to the next chamber. The “Settings” document (33/42) is attached to the wall. From the drawer on the right side we take out the document “Request for transfer” (34/42). We pick up a syringe from the chair and watch from Erin’s face as they try to pump Primal out of her.

Queen of the Beggars.

One of the patients is moving along the corridor. Taking advantage of the moment, we move to the next room. The document “Sterilization” (35/42) is attached to the end of the cabinet - take it away. There is a safe on the wall perpendicular to the door. The combination for it is 731. Each number is the number of short blows heard on the pipe. If we don’t have time to open the safe and take everything that is in it, then we do it in two steps. We do not leave the safe open, as this will arouse suspicion in the patient. Also, from the drawer a little to the left we take the document “Knock in the pipes” (36/42). Inside there is a valuable trophy “Ivory Ring” (4/6). We go through the ventilation into the next room. We take the document “Lobotomy Cabinet” (37/42), which is attached to the device. We will find one more document - “Hydrotherapy” (38/42) and “Shock Therapy” (39/42) in the next two rooms. To pick up these documents, you will have to distract the patients. The first by shooting a hunting or blunt arrow at the switch, the second by putting out the fire with a water arrow.

We return to the penultimate room with the patient. We jump down when the elevator is at the top. There is a grate underneath - open it with a wrench. We move forward, jump down and unscrew the bolt at the nearest grate. We select the document “Treasure” (40/42) and get out of the ventilation. We go to the stairs and go down, letting the geek go ahead. We pull the lever, go right and pick up the document “Prison Rules” (41/42) from the passage. Next, we select the last document “Report: Aggression” (42/42) from the table. We go onto the balcony and jump over the railing. We climb to the left side. There is a rope in front of us, but we need another one, so we release the rope arrow into a free beam. We jump from one rope to another and find ourselves in the top position. We turn right and take the valuable trophy “Mechanical Eye” (5/6) from the suspended cage. There are many enemies here and they each move along their own route. We use concentration to a minimum and try not to make noise. We jump down, go right and go down. We go all the way forward, carefully push the vase and take away the valuable trophy “In memory of a child” (6/6) located under it. If you can’t act carefully, then we break the vase after making sure that there are no degenerates nearby.

You need to act no less carefully when leaving the correctional department. We sneak past the two geeks as slowly as possible. Then we squeeze through the debris and open the bars by pulling the levers. The degenerates will try to stop us, but after a moment they will disappear. We go forward and slide down. We continue to move forward, go upstairs and, turning around, get to the room. After another memory, we leave the room, jump over the railing and go to the next room. We climb up the bed frames, turn around and jump onto a stable surface. We open the lock leaking through the poster, open the door and, finally, find Erin in the last room. We interact with her, and this is where our adventures in the shelter come to an end.


After leaving the clock tower, we go to the southern part of Baron Avenue and get to Market Street. Almost before reaching the enemies (or the control point), we stand under the arch and release a rope arrow into the beam above the open hatch. Having gone upstairs, we go around the floor traps and, having broken open the door, we go outside. We unscrew the grille bolts, go through the ventilation and get out to the Ninth Precinct Square. We move to the other side, go into a small room and go down the rope. Outside we will meet a merchant - we buy blunt and rope arrows from him. We go even further to the wall, climb to the ventilation on the right side and easily reach the gate.

Chapter 6: Loner

Column with a valuable trophy.

The Lighthearted overcome the final hurdle on their way to Northcrest Mansion. Once in the courtyard of the mansion, we slowly walk through the water and follow the guard to the left. He will go up the stairs, and we will move to the left and again walk through the water next to the waterfall. We quickly climb up the column using a hook before the dog has time to smell us. We jump over to the opposite column and from the nest we select the valuable trophy “Rusty Tears” (1/6). Let's wait until the guard goes in the opposite direction, jump down and move into the garden. The crossbowmen will rise up. We turn left, go down and turn the valve in the room until it stops. Having turned off the water, we climb out right from here through the window and climb even higher. Use a wrench to unscrew the valuable trophy “Statue of Elias Northcrest” (2/6). Turning around, on the right side we see an ordinary guard and captain. On the left is a crossbowman who constantly changes position. Also, another guard periodically moves from one staircase to another. Having made sure that no one sees us, we quickly approach the captain of the guard and pull the document “Map of the Inner Court” (1/12) from his belt.

We move around the mansion on the left side. We constantly keep to the left, avoiding meeting with the guards. Illuminated areas cannot be avoided, so we use time-tested jerks at the right moment. Having reached a dead end, we climb onto the pallets and look up. We shoot a blunt or hunting arrow into the hanging box assembly. We climb onto the box, pull it to the pipe and shoot a rope arrow into the beam. We climb the rope and enter the attic through the window.

We leave the attic, turn right and take the document “Guard’s Letter” (2/12) from the table. When the guard finishes fiddling with the trap, we sneak to the stairs and go down to the second floor. The first door on the left side is equipped with a trap. The area ahead is also completely littered with floor traps. There is only one thing left - the bedroom on the right side. From the table in the corner next to the bed we select the Baron’s document “The Awakened” (2/13). We climb onto the bookcase, pipe, then unscrew the grate bolts and get out into the corridor. It is forbidden to disarm traps, as this risks getting an opportunist, so we carefully jump to the center of the tile on the far right in order to be exactly between the wall mechanisms that shoot arrows and not take damage. The method is questionable, since it is not always possible to land where you want. If desired, you can get into the part of the corridor fenced with traps through the library on the first floor.

To the left is the locked library door; we’ll return to it a little later. In the meantime, let's continue along the corridor and get to the next area with floor traps. Along the way, don’t forget to look into the small room on the right side and pick up the document “Manager’s Letter” (3/12). The next door on the right side is equipped with a trap, and on the left there is a painting hanging. We feel for two switches under the frame, activate them and find ourselves in a secret room. In the center there is storage with disk mechanisms on the sides. Let's start with those on the right side. The upper disk is installed as it should, so we don’t touch it. You can verify this by looking inside through the hole on the back wall of the storage. We turn the second disk once counterclockwise, the third - once clockwise, and the fourth - twice clockwise or counterclockwise. Let's move on to the other side. We rotate the first disk from the top once counterclockwise, the second - twice clockwise or counterclockwise, the third - once clockwise and the fourth - once counterclockwise. We take the valuable trophy “Heart of a Lion” (3/6).

Properly positioned disc mechanisms.

We return to the locked door of the library, break it open and go to the arch through which you can see the stairs. There is a beam at the top - we shoot at it with a rope arrow. We climb up and jump onto the bookcase against the wall. We jump onto the adjacent low cabinet, pull ourselves up to the ledge and move a little to the right. We remove the bolts from the grille, lift the grille and find ourselves in the bedroom. From the nightstand to the right of the bed we select the Baron’s document “Vivien” (3/13). We freely go out into the corridor, since the door will be blocked by the wall mechanism and we will not receive damage. We go around the floor traps through the opposite room and return to the library.

We go to the arch again, wait for the guard and follow him. He will turn left, and we will go to the last bookcase and remove the document “Coronation” (4/13) from the book. We catch up with the guard and continue to follow him. He will pass by the table on which lies the document “Mansion Plan” (4/12). With caution, we go down the stairs on the right side and turn right. The captain of the guard and an ordinary guard stand at the table. The latter periodically moves from place to place. When he stands with his back to the fireplace, we approach him and pull the document “Annabelle’s Note” (5/12) from his belt. The captain will not notice us, but other guards, including the one who will follow us down from the second floor, will see us if they are nearby. Therefore, there is no need to rush, but wait for the most opportune moment to commit the theft. We go around the table through the dark areas and climb onto the bookcase behind the captain on the other side. We jump down from the side of the table and take out the Baron’s document “Primal” (5/13) from the book on the shelf. We return to the opposite end of the library, go out into the corridor and be sure to close the door behind us.

We turn right and go into the first room on the right side. From the coffee table we select the document “Dismissal” (6/12). We leave the room, turn left and get to the fork. There is a guard at the other end of the illuminated corridor. We make a dash to the door on the right side. We go into a small room, climb onto a rack, a pipe and through the grate we get into the adjacent rest room. Having jumped down, we turn around and take out the Baron’s document “Book” (6/13) from the book on the shelf. On the table near the sofa is the document “Secret Vault” (7/12). There is a wall safe in the corner. The code for it is indicated in the document “Annabelle’s Note” - 889. Inside there is a valuable trophy “Ring with Sapphires” (4/6).

We go to the second floor of the library, break open the second door and go along the corridor to the floor traps. Using the hook, we climb to the grate on the left side and enter the bedroom. We select the document “Burnt Letter” lying by the fireplace (8/12). On the nightstand to the left of the bed is the Baron's document “Sterility” (7/13). We open the cabinet door and take out from the book another document of the Baron, “Reunion” (8/13). We make a circle through the library and through the lobby into the research tower.

We pull ourselves up to the ledge, jump off the other side and climb up the pipe. We move to the right, rise higher and move all the way to the left. Having got out to the landing, we climb up the frame of the elevator shaft. Having reached the stairs, we go down and from the book on the chair we extract the Baron’s document “Deathbed Confession” (9/13). We go up to the Baron and find out that his brother Aldus, also known as Orion, kidnapped Erin from the orphanage and began preparing for the ritual. Due to the flow of new information, Garrett does not even notice how the Baron sends him straight to the Lightforged, who have already broken into the mansion and are eager for reprisals.

General "Thieves Catcher".

Going downstairs, we break open the door and follow the enemy. We wait in a dark corner and at the right moment we jerkily move to the other wing of the building. Having passed into the corridor, we move forward and around the corner we will find a closet. We climb onto it and along the ledge we get to the ventilation system. On the right at the very end is the document “List of Works” (9/12). We continue to move through the ventilation in the opposite direction. Having got out into the room, we extract the Baron’s document “Ends in the Water” (10/13) from the book on the shelf. We return to the cornice and wait for the Illuminated One. As soon as he appears, we jump down and follow him along the corridor to the barricade. We keep our distance, as he will then turn around and walk into the room. There is a picture hanging to the right of the passage - cut it out and get the valuable trophy “The Married Old Maid” (5/6). We return to the lobby, jump over the fence and jump from the ledge onto the interior element. Avoiding meeting with uninvited guests, we jump off the right side and move to the first floor. We take away the document “Damaged Wing” hanging on the wall (10/12). We go into the room, hide under the scaffold and make a dash through the small opening between the boxes. Once outside, we immediately get to the far right corner, activate the wall button and find ourselves in a secret passage.

We pull the lever, go down to the laboratory and from the very first table we take away the Baron’s document “Lions of Industry” (11/13). On another table lies the document “Redistribution of Strength” (11/12). From the box in front of the stairs we select the Baron’s document “Swan Song” (12/13). We go down, pull the lever and thereby launch the device. On the chair is the document “Laboratory Repair Report” (12/12). We go up the stairs to the very top, pick up Baron’s document “Progress” (13/13) from the box and shoot a rope arrow at the beam. We go down the rope and jump over to the other side. We take the valuable trophy “In memory of the braggart” (6/6) from the box and return to the device. The left valve is responsible for changing the position of the structure, the right one is for the speed of its rotation. We install the structure in the position at which a characteristic rattling sound appears. Then we accelerate the structure with the right valve and observe the deepening of the cracks. We repeat the steps until the storage is completely destroyed. We take away the fragment of the Primali Stone and, after a series of visions, climb up the pipe. Another meeting with the Thief Catcher ends with our escape.

We run forward to a dead end, turn right, and crouching down, we get out to the pier. We get to the other end, carefully maneuvering between the burning debris. We hit the fastening with a baton, go back and cross the boat. We continue to jump over the gaps, climb onto the scaffolding on the left side and climb the rope. We jump onto the roof and use the claw to penetrate the building through the pipe. We quickly go down, go outside and climb the building. We grab one rope, then another and jump to the guard post. We slowly approach the stairs and after the collapse we climb up the rope. We run outside, turn left and rush along safe areas of the roof. We jump down from the left side and squeeze through the rubble. We move along the right side and along the collapsed support we get to the base. We turn left, move to the other side and jump up. We cross the beam, go around the fire barriers on the right side and go through the gate. We run into the house on the left, climb onto the closet and climb out through the top window.


From the window to the bridge.

We meet us in the Clock Tower. The Queen asks around and warns that if Erin dies, the City will disappear from the face of the earth. We connect two fragments of the Primali Stone and go for the third to the cathedral to Orion. Before this, be sure to purchase plenty of rope arrows. The street in Grandmauden is well lit due to flaming buildings. At the top in front of the bridge we notice a winch and two beams. We fire the corresponding arrows at them and go up. We move to the second bridge and knock out the third one, which is on the right side, with a regular arrow. We climb the second rope and jump into the building through the window. From the window we jump onto the third bridge and, after passing through the building, we get to the perpendicular street.

Chapter 7: Secret City

We get out and go forward at the fork. Having jumped down and found ourselves in front of the table, we turn right and penetrate into enemy territory. When the conversation between the two guards on the right side ends, one of them will remain in his place, and the second will begin to move around the area in a circle. Our task is to snuggle (precisely snuggle, otherwise other guards may notice us) to the table and, watching the motionless guard, move unnoticed into the building. Factors influencing success: a flash of lightning, the distance of one guard and the gaze of another. From the drawer of the table we take the document “Note from the warehouse” (1/4). We shoot a rope arrow at the top beam and go up. While making a dash through the illuminated area, we follow the guard’s gaze and do not forget about the flashes of lightning. We get to the opening above the gate and through it we penetrate into the vestibule.

We hit the bell with a baton and, while the door opens, we hide near the boxes on the right side. Curious guards will want to check why the gate is open. When they go inside, go outside and go right. We climb onto the top box, shoot a rope arrow into the beam and move along two ropes to the second floor. Let's follow the guard inside and hide in the closet. Having left the premises, he will never return to it. From the table where he stood, we select the document “The Smuggler’s Letter” (2/4) and also go outside. We go down the stairs and rush past the illuminated area, after making sure that there is no one on the balcony above us and behind the wall. The guard will go down after us - we follow him, avoiding meeting another guard. We go down even lower and stop in front of an illuminated area. Now we carefully monitor the enemy, who is constantly moving from one end to the other, and the guard, who is on the balcony above the control point. We get to the lever, pull it and, after waiting for the elevator to arrive, we go down to the loading dock.

Along the way, something will go wrong and the elevator will stop moving. Without thinking twice, we cling to the ledge on the wall, move to the right to the last grate and go down. Turning around, we jump even lower. We turn the valve clockwise until it stops and quickly move to the other side along the bridge. We go into the cave and in a small gap between the box and the rock on the right side we find the valuable trophy “City Artifact” (1/4). We return to the place where we went down the claw cable and enter the cave. Finding ourselves at a dead end, we turn around and go through a small passage near the boxes. We get to the illuminated area, climb onto the ledge and go around the floor traps. Having jumped from the last beam, open the cabinet on the left and take out the document “Pantry” (3/4) from it. We continue to move through the cave until we get out of it.

We go up the stairs, climb up the boxes on the right side and climb over the barrier when the crossbowman passes to the left. A guard with a torch and a guard in the cave itself can prevent you from entering the cave unnoticed. There is no hurry, so we do everything for sure. Having passed into the cave, at the fork we turn left and wait for the guard to pass us from left to right. We get to the bridge and go down under it on the left side. There we will find the document “The Marauder’s Note” (4/4). You can climb up using a hook along the wall on the other side. Crouching, we pass into the outer catacombs and move freely into the inner catacombs.

Valuable trophy “In memory of the old man.”

Geeks are walking around the bridge area. At the very beginning, we turn left, go down and release a rope arrow into the beam. Using the rope, we pass the gap, break open the door and go inside the room. The chest is equipped with a trap, so first we disarm it through the panel on the wall on the right side. We take out the valuable trophy “Bracelet with a Bronze Head” (2/4) from the chest. Once outside, turn left and jump down. We climb the rope and climb higher to the valve when the geek moves away from it. We keep an eye on the enemy: as soon as he moves away from us as much as possible, he will linger in one place for a short time. This is our chance to quickly, and without attracting attention, unscrew the valve all the way and thereby open the gate.

We go up the stairs to the very top, turn left and turn the valve to disarm the floor trap on the intermediate floor. Having returned to it, we climb higher and higher along the stairs and ledges. We go around the grate from above, wait for the end of the conversation between the guards and jump down. The dialogue will continue further. After its completion, we will follow the guard with a torch. Climbing the stairs, we pass through the gap in the wall on the left side. We get out of the pantry and find ourselves in the lair of the Lightforged.

Orion practices healing in the rotunda. Erin is also there. We go around the dark area on the left side (you can get to the merchant through the grate in the corner). We slowly walk along the glass and jerkily move to the other side. First you need to wait until the two guards finish their conversation and move on. We also cannot allow the crossbowman on the second floor to notice us. We go through the entire building and get out on the other side. Just before the exit there will be two guards. One of them will doze off on a chair. There is a large box ahead - we approach it from the right side, climb up and, using the rope, jump onto the wooden platform on the right side. We walk along the beam and pick up the valuable trophy “In Memory of the Old Man,” lying between the stems of plants. We climb up the wall, penetrate into the rotunda and watch the healing of the Illuminated Primalya oozing from Erin. From our appearance, the girl awakens and everything around us slows down. We select the first fragment of the Primali Stone and go right. Avoiding obstacles, we will soon reach the second fragment. Having united them, we go to the center and take the necklace from Orion’s hands. Orion manages to escape, taking Erin with him, thanks to the appearance of the General. This time a fight cannot be avoided.

The easiest option is to immobilize the Thief Catcher (the share of the Predator style will be 33%). We are using up all the arrows we have. Explosive and jagged arrows will by far do the most damage. We try to shoot directly at the enemy's head. A couple of explosive arrows can be obtained from the box on the pedestal in the center. To do this, we wait until the General starts firing from his weapon or briefly disables him with a strangling arrow or a flash bomb. Finally, having defeated the Thief Catcher, we first rob him. In his bag in the middle there is a valuable trophy “Ring with Amber” (4/4). We turn the valves on each side, break the door lock and leave the area.

Box with explosive arrows.

The second method is much more complicated. First of all, let's steal a valuable trophy from the General's belt. The bag you need is in the middle. We wait for the General to start firing from his weapon or briefly disable him with a strangling arrow or a flash bomb. We first try to sneak up as close to the enemy as possible and only then use the appropriate arrow. This will save us a few precious seconds. We move on to a more difficult stage - opening the door. We unscrew the first valve, but not all the way. We leave quite a bit. The guideline for when to stop is the bars on the door. We go to the second valve and unscrew it all the way. After this, the General will begin to be active in shooting. We quickly return to the first valve and unscrew it completely. We sit in a secluded place, but still do not forget that the cat has cried in safe places here. Therefore, at the first danger, we prepare to make a dash to the side. Most likely, the door will be illuminated by a torch - we extinguish it with a water arrow. We break the door lock and leave the territory.

Chapter 8: Morning Light

While we were dealing with our sworn enemy General, Orion and Erin moved quite far away from us. The rails will lead to a dead end, after which we turn right and, crouching, go through a small passage. Having emerged from the other side, we slowly walk around the geek and get to the chest. We break into the lock and take away the valuable trophy “Mourning Bell” (1/2). Returning a little back, use the claw to climb up the wall and go left. The geek should be on the right side at this moment. If he is on the left, then you will no longer be able to get around him. Having reached the cliff, we are in no hurry to jump down. The geek should be on the left side, i.e. We'll have to wait for him to pass us by.

After observing the ship built by the Illuminated Ones, we continue to move through the tunnel. At the fork we turn right and through a small passage we get out to the abyss. We go around it through the pipes on the wall. Following the guard, we carefully step on the surface with fragments. The guard will go back along the right side, so we can hide behind the boxes in the center. We go up the stairs, go into the room and be sure to close the door behind us. Behind the box on the right is a hidden passage that will lead us outside.

We climb over the barricade boxes and make our way through the scaffolding to board the ship. We go to the loading deck and climb through the pipes to the upper level. We look through the keyhole of the first door on our way. When the guard passes from left to right, we go outside and be sure to close the door behind us. We hide between the boxes in the dark area on the right side. We penetrate into the ventilation through the grate next to the place where the guard stood. Having got out from the other side, we go to the right and go up the stairs. We climb over the wall and find ourselves in the elevator.

Having gone down to the middle deck, we turn right and watch the guard in the room through the keyhole. Both guards - opposite the elevator and inside the room - should not see how we open and close the door. We take this into account when entering the premises. There is a picture hanging to the left of the table. When the guard from the table heads towards the door, we quickly cut out the valuable trophy “Compassion, Disgust” (2/2) and quickly hide behind the shelf. After making a circle, the guard will return to the table. Now we immediately go to the doors at the other end of the room and open the lock of the one on the left. We go outside and close the door behind us. We release a rope arrow into the beam and, using two ropes, jump onto the upper platform. Jumping from platform to platform, we move to the control point. An alternative route is possible through the lower deck. We go down and get to the blocked door (to the left of the end point of the only guard's route). We cut the rope of the wall panel on the wall on the right side and get to the control point.

Aldus (Orion).

Primal finally took over Erin's body and soul. After killing Orion, the girl runs away from us. We go to the middle deck, slowly approach Erin exclusively from the back and interact with her. After several successful attempts, avoiding collisions with degenerates, we return to the sanctuary and once again try to extract Primal from the girl. Primali's stone shatters and pieces scatter throughout the area. Erin periodically erupts in flashes, thereby trying to cause damage to us. In these dangerous moments, we hide behind the shadows of objects exactly on the opposite side of the girl. Two of the three fragments are on the upper level, the third is on the lower level. Having collected them all, we save Erin from suffering.

The situation of the fateful night when the couple tried to steal the Primali Stone is repeated: Erin is about to fall down, and Garrett is trying his best to prevent this. Unable to hold the girl, he desperately throws her a claw. One can only guess about further events. With dawn, something becomes clearer. Traces from wet feet and a parting gift in the form of a claw leave hope for the best...

Name: Thief
Platform: PS4, PS3, XONE, X360, PC
Genre: Action/Stealth
Developer: Eidos Montreal
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Localization: Russian version
Release date: February 28, 2014

Garrett, master thief, emerges from the shadows into the City. In this dangerous place, where the Baron's guards spread a wave of fear and oppression, he can only rely on his own skills. Even the most cautious townspeople (and their carefully guarded property) are not immune to his visit. With a rebellion looming, Garrett finds himself caught up in the growing conflict. Under the leadership of Orion, who speaks on behalf of the people, the oppressed citizens are ready to do anything to throw off the yoke of the Baron. Revolution is inevitable. If Garrett stays away, the streets will be filled with blood and the residents will tear each other apart.

* You are Garrett, a master thief. Step into the silent shoes of Garrett, a grim lone thief with unrivaled skills. Incredible robberies, impossible thefts, unimaginable secrets: he can handle everything.
* The city is given to you for plunder. Explore this unhealthy, tormented city, its dark alleys and high rooftops. Sneak into the houses of the rich, into heavily guarded estates, sneak into dark corners as an uninvited and invisible guest.
*Choose your approach. Use Garrett's arsenal. Stun guards with your baton, choose the right types of arrows, and use Garrett's newfound ability to focus to manipulate the environment and deceive your enemies. What kind of master thief will you be?
* Unprecedented immersion. Be part of this world through innovative graphics and naturalistic, almost tactile first-person gameplay. Next-Gen technologies of graphics, sound and artificial intelligence Thief will convince you of the reality of what is happening.

Infiltrate the bank

We head to the entrance to the bank. We find ourselves in a small dead end, we jump over the grate to the other side on the left and we see the central entrance to the bank, which is guarded. You can sneak past the guards and cameras to the main entrance and pick the lock

Or you can go to the left of the bank to a small dead end, if you look up there will be a beam at which you can shoot a rope arrow. We climb up the rope to the second floors to the window. We overhear one of the employees saying that he found a piece of paper with numbers that could be the combination to the safe. He hid the scrap in one of the lockers, and wrote down the locker number and it is in his pocket.

Open the vault. Find the combination
We are waiting for the employees who were talking to disperse. They will both stand next to the cabinets with their backs to each other, we search their pockets, we get a note with the locker number - cell No. 7. We go downstairs to the lobby. We go into the rooms behind the bars - the lower offices, there will be a clerk walking back and forth, and a woman walking near the bookshelves, where she walks in the desk drawer you can find the document “Report on the repair of the storage facility” from which we learn the second digit of the combination.

Next to the sleeping guard, we open the complex lock on the door and enter the bank’s external vault. The cameras can be turned off either with water arrows (you need to shoot not at the cameras themselves, but at the light in the mounts), climb up to the cells and turn off the traps in the bust with wire cutters. Then we open the cell with another number for the code of the safe in the bank.

We look at the notes for the first two codes. Well, after that you can pick up the third number for the safe in the bank. All in all, safe code 6-3-2

Steal the Oldale Star

If we go upstairs, we go around the traps and through the tables we make our way under the cameras, press the levers to open the bars, and inside we take more letters and guarantees. We need to go down the stairs. On the sides of the stairs you can unscrew the grate bolts and crawl to the box in which we turn off the traps using wire cutters. go to the grate in the center, press the levers on both sides. Attention, before you take the star, press the button on the left of the table to turn off the alarm and do not pick up the pile. After this, you can take the “Star of Oldale” from the table. We leave the bank.


To receive the “handmade” task, go to Hector’s store. Hector will complain to us that a certain Alfonso stole his mechanical hand for scratching his back. We need to infiltrate Alfonso's studio and steal this hand from him.
After we accept the task, it will be displayed on the map and we will go to the point we need. Arriving at the place around the corner, we watch the scene as one man chases another. We are waiting for them to disperse. One of them will sit on a bench and immediately fall asleep, the other will stand on the street.

Steal a mechanical arm

We go around him by standing in the shadows and dashing past the light or distracting him with a thrown bottle. Behind him is the entrance to the studio, behind which the tailor is communicating with someone. we go around from the back entrance, again we see them in the open door, we need to get around them. We rise next to the door to the second floor using the claw

In the room, we unscrew the bolts from the grate in the wall, crawl into the bathroom, and from there we go into the bedroom. If you open the nightstand next to the bed, we will find a new trophy, “Stately Lady.” We go down the stairs to the basement, hiding from prying eyes, or, well, the old fashioned way with a fight. We open the iron safe in the wall, take the mechanical arm, and leave the place.

Steal a painting

razor required
rope rope

We go to Montessi's home (located on the hour square). To get inside, we shoot a rope at the beam, but do not climb up through the window of the house. Cut out a picture on the wall. We receive the trophy “Danger of Seduction”

Steal Sick Willie's watch

Location: Clock Tower Square

Searching the painting

We penetrate from the street through the window into Sick Willie’s house. We search the picture on the wall, a secret room will open, there we will see dead Willie. We go up the stairs to the attic. There will be a watch in the box.

Medical problems

Troy constantly mutters some bullshit

Tools: wrench
location Clock Tower Square

We penetrate by raising the window into Troy's Pharmacy. Nearby in the corridor we unscrew the grate with a wrench and crawl into Troy’s room. There is Troy's miracle tonic on the table, we knock Troy out, or we wait for him to turn away and grab his tonic. We leave the same way we came.

Beauty is inside

Steal a hand mirror

Location: Clock Tower Square
Tools Required: Rope Boom

You can get there by shooting a rope arrow at a beam on the street. We climb the rope up to the window, lift it and get inside Miss Scarlett’s house.
We open the lock in the nightstand next to the bed and a letter in which the girl writes that she spied on her father from the closet and wrote the code on the tree. A girl is sleeping in the bed, and her father constantly comes into the room. We go down to the first floor. On the ground floor, behind the painting near the window, there is a safe. code 8-2-4 our mirror lies in it.

General's Bling

We go into the basement in which there are two guards. You can go down the stairs, you can find a grate, unscrew the bolts and climb behind the guards. We eliminate the guards. We open the next door, this “new general’s medal” will be in the chest


Meet Vittori at Siren's Rest

We go to the Siren's Rest tavern to meet with Vittori. His pleasure ship was confiscated by guards, and his valuables were stolen by thieves. He needs to get it all back. talking skull seer. We accept this task. We receive a new task “the golden mean”, the task of the farce is completed.

Watch your step

We need to bypass the guards and climb into the room through the open window; use wire cutters to turn off the traps in the room; this task is completed.
