Guide to Suramar in WoW Legion: world quests, reputation, ancient mana. Scenario

Tatyana Matafonova
Scenario for the event “Three steps leading down”

Three steps, leading down.

Target: Show the global nature of the problems of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction, using scientific data in the fight against bad habits.

(Each group receives a task with the conditional name "drug addicts", "smokers" And "alcoholics". You need to convincingly prove the harm of a bad habit, derive a formula for health - briefly and in any form)

Three steps leading down:



According to the World Health Organization, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Risk factors that contribute to the development of diseases include various exposures to an aggressive environment.

A special place among them is occupied by the so-called "bad habits" and addictions – smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Today humanity is experiencing crisis: as a result of the spread of smoking, drinking, and substance abuse among adolescents.

The Ministry of Health testifies that our nation is gradually is dying out: infant mortality is growing, the number of children with psychological disorders is increasing.

Many people believe that smoking is not a disease and there is nothing terrible about smoking for the smoker and the people around him.

We will now try to prove that smoking is an evil that brings misfortune.

Scene: "Don't smoke".

Girl: What happened in our Center?

Why fire and smoke?

Boy: (in unison) This is us smoking a cigarette,

We want to grow up quickly.

Girl: Do you know what smoking is?

This is a misconception:

You won't grow up

And you will get poisoned and get sick.

Smoking doesn't make you grow up

And they get sick and grow old.

Not even a couple of years will pass,

You will become like an old grandfather.

1st smoker: I'm exhausted

It's time to stop smoking.

2nd smoker: Our faces have turned yellow...

We are not suicides!

Girl: How disgusting this smoke is!

1st and 2nd smoker: We don’t want to smoke anymore!

Chief smoker: You are a complete baby,

You are not an example for me,

They were afraid of the instructions!

I continue smoking.

I am not a wimp, not a brat,

I will smoke tobacco!

(Blows out smoke and faints)

Girl: Eh, you didn’t listen to me,

You won't last even a day.

Death is already guarding him,

Only a doctor can save him

All (shouting) Doctor, doctor!

1st smoker: Doctor give us an answer,

Will he live or not?

Doctor: Maybe he won’t last his legs,

He will only become disabled.

(The smoker stands up all yellow)

Explain what's wrong with me?

Am I really sick?

Doctor: What kind of stupid questions are these?

It's all from a cigarette!

Children: So what is smoking?

Girl: This is smoke from the nose and mouth...

Doctor: And there is soot and dirt in the lungs.

Why are you polluting yourself?

And are you shortening your life?

Girl: Smokers need to have reason,

It would be nice for them to wise up quickly!


Tobacco smoke contains more than 400 components, 40 of which have carcinogenic properties that can cause cancer. The most dangerous is radioactive polonium 210. When it enters the body with tobacco smoke, it accumulates in the bronchi, as well as in the kidneys and liver. Nicotine contained in tobacco is classified as a poison.

Your name is cigarette.

You are beautiful, you are strong

You are familiar with the whole world.

A lot of people need you.

You're fooling your brain and heart

To young and old,

Regardless of knowledge

Let's face it, weaklings.

Remember: a person is not weak,

He was born free. He is not a slave.

Tonight, when we go to bed,

You have to tell yourself that:

“I chose my own path to the light

And, despising the cigarette,

I won't smoke for anything.

I'm human! I must live!

All together: We have made our choice.

(Carries an ashtray with cigarette butts to the trash can)


Smoking is a bad habit, it is as old as time. Not inferior According to antiquity, he has another problem - drunkenness.

"Water of Death" or "Green Serpent" brought a lot of grief to people all over the world.

The English poet Robert Burns sarcastically lists the reasons for drinking. His words are still relevant two centuries later.

For drunkenness there are such reasons:

Funeral, holiday, meeting, farewell,

Christenings, weddings and divorces,

Frost, hunting, New Year,

Recovery, housewarming,

Success, reward, new rank

And just drunkenness - for no reason.

Dramatization of fable I. A. Krylova "Two Men".

“Great, godfather Thaddeus!”

- “Great, godfather Egor!”

- “Well, how are you buddy?”

- “Oh, godfather, I see that you don’t know my misfortune!”

God visited me: I burned my yard to the ground.

And I’ve gone around the world since then.”

-“How so? Bad, godfather, toy!

- “Yes, yes! We had a party about Christmas;

I went with a candle to give food to the horses;

Frankly, my head was buzzing;

I somehow dropped a candle and saved myself by force;

And the yard and all the property burned down.

Well, how are you?”

- "Oh. Thaddeus, that's a bad thing!

And he was angry with me, you know, God:

You see, I have no legs;

How I stayed alive, I think it’s truly amazing.

I also went to the glacier for beer about Christmas

And too, I must admit, I drank too much

With polugaru friends;

And so that I don’t start a fire when I’m drunk,

So I completely blew out the candle:

Ah, the demon pushed me down the stairs in the dark,

That made me not a human at all,

And now I’ve been crippled since then.”

- “Blame yourself, friends!

Matchmaker Stepan told them.

If I tell the truth, I

I don’t consider it a miracle at all,

That you burned your yard, and you crutches:

Drunkenness and a candle are bad for you;

Yes, it’s unlikely, it’s no worse in the dark.”

Leading: Children suffer the most from drunkenness. This is the letter - a cry from the heart - read in the newspaper "Country Lights" from Kinknur.

Why is my dad like this?

Always drunk and always angry?

Never takes care of himself

And for some reason he’s angry with everyone.

He kicks the door open.

And he bursts into the house like a beast.

Calls us bad names

Everything in the house is kicking.

Mom whispers to me quietly:

And I hear a scream:

I am a man. But I'm still small

And I told dad firmly:

I'm ashamed that you are my dad.

Leave! We don't need one like that.

We made our choice and told drunkenness "No!"

(The bottle and glass are taken to the trash can)

Leading: How to prove that drug addiction is the worst evil.

Many drug addicts suffer from insomnia. Their body "sleeping", only buried in a narcotic dope.

A drug addict has no future. He is alone in his trouble. And he finds loved ones through pain and suffering because of him.

A drug addict cannot be complete person: neither a citizen of the Motherland, nor a mother, nor a father, because the goal of a drug addict’s life is to get drugs. A drug addict does not live more than 10 years.

...The complexion is earthy. And the silence...

The house is cold and dirty... and quiet...

Children in the school for the mentally retarded,

And in a psychiatric wife.

He is weak and lethargic, as if from bast

Created... And he, for all that,

Was a man at first

Later he became a shadow of a man.

S. Vikulov

Children: We do not want such a fate, either for ourselves or for others. We have made our choice – health.

(Ampoules and syringes are taken to the trash bin)

The twenty-first century is a problematic century!

Remember this, man!

Substance abusers, drug addicts

We crossed the edge of life,

They wanted all the pure blessings,

But their soul is not God's paradise.

Become people again

Extremely difficult

The dope passes only for a moment,

And then you can hear

Their hearts beat, consciousness screams

They can betray, kill, humiliate,

Great is their animal destiny.

Who's to blame? Who's right? They don't know!

Their life is a dead end!

Their life is the limit!

This can not be allowed to happen,

It’s necessary, important and possible!

Remember this, man.

Twenty-first century, problematic century!

Elena Bykova

Leading: What can be said to prevent the extinction of humanity from bad habits and vices? What are your health formulas?

A.P. Chekhov said: “Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death”

I wish that among you there will be no indifference either towards yourself or towards others.

Now let's pronounce judgment on bad habits. All together in unison: Execute! You can't have mercy!

Very often we complain about difficult times, about the fact that we are afraid to go out, about the fact that we feel lonely among people, that they don’t understand us, that they don’t want to take us into account. Or maybe the reason lies in the fact that we often do not notice the one who is next to us, we do not see that he feels bad and is in pain "more" our experiences? But we're in a hurry "pushing", we have our own affairs and concerns. We ourselves are callous in soul, but we demand love and care from our neighbors, and attention and sensitivity from those around us.

    First, you need to give your character access to world quests. To do this, you need to gain "Friendly" reputation with the five main factions of the Legion and complete the Alliance of Factions quest.

    You also need to complete the main storyline quest Darkened but Not Forgotten. After this, First Sorceress Thalyssra in Shal'Aran will offer you the task Rallying the Troops. This will be the first preparation of the Withered Ones. After completing this quest, once every three days you will have access to the local quest Drilled-up drill training.

    Kill monsters. For this, you are awarded points that will affect the reputation you receive with the Darkened at the end of the scenario. You don't need to score more than 400 points, as for them you will receive 4 Falanaar Arcane Tablet, which is the maximum for one playthrough.

    Leave as many Withered Ones alive as possible. This will give you the opportunity to take chests with loot out of the tunnels (read about them below). You won't get bonus points for surviving Withered Ones, so use them all on chests.

The Falanaar Ruins scenario ends when your army is defeated or you are killed.

Please note that the scenario does not have a time limit, so proceed carefully and try to save the army as much life as possible. To do this:

    Interrupt every enemy spell you can.

    Catch Withered Ones when someone runs away in fear.

    Collect all the chests at the very end of the scenario. If your current equipment does not allow you to complete the entire scenario, take at least 1 or 2 chests.

    Use the Withered Berserker taunt if you have one.

Note: You cannot cure Withered Ones using spells.

What Can the Withered Ones Do?

    Your army has two modes:

    1. Bosses in Falanaar Ruins

      Boss Advice
      Lapilia Move away from the Withered when you drop Crystal Shrapnel.
      Ley Line Trapper Dro Use the stun during his charge. Also, before starting the scenario, you should get the First Sorceress's Ward buff from First Sorceress Thalyssra.
      Guardian of the pack Fix Nothing complicated. Just kill the little spiders before they bite your army too hard.
      Unstable Ghost Lord Stay away from the Withered Ones. Catch the boss during his final cast.
      Furog elf Take the boss out of the room into the tunnels from where you came and fight there. Knock down castes Stomp
      Psyllic Spiders stop appearing once you reach the boss. The boss himself presents no problems.


      Regardless of how well you complete the scenario, you will still receive a large chest at the end. Usually dropped from chest

Based on materials from the guide Medivh#2545| Based on beta tests

Leveling up 100-110 (hard core) + important information under spoilers

In this paragraph we will look at the optimal way to level up a character at the start.
Having reached level 110, do the following:
A short FAQ on leveling up to level 110

  • It doesn’t matter what DPS you have, what matters is how many mobs we can tag (aggro/hit). In Legion, each mob can tag up to 5 people, take AoE talents and tag everything. Tanks rule in this regard.
  • Don't loot anything if it's not necessary for the quest. Loot lags. Everything you need will be sent to you by mail.
  • You shouldn't chase treasures, because they don't give you experience. It is easier to farm artifact power elsewhere. If it’s nearby, then it’s worth raising. Otherwise, don’t waste your time, install Handy Notes .
  • You shouldn’t chase rarities, because they don’t give you experience. Garrison resources are farmed much faster on daily quests at 110.
  • Take a follower assistant (the equivalent of a bodyguard in Draenor) as soon as possible. Usually at level 105 a free follower appears.
  • It's worth doing bonus quests if you're nearby. Running around looking for bonuses is a waste of time.
List of items that will simplify leveling:
  • Teleport to the nearest flight director (quest reward) 
  • Immunity to dizziness (mobs do not dismount when attacked) 
To summarize, by the end of September you should have:

Tips for Suramar

Surmar is a zone in the center of the new continent. Quests there start only at lvl 110. In Suramar, for almost every quest you will be given AP (Artifact Power), the zone itself is one of the main sources of AP before the start of raids. You must complete all quests in this zone. Some of the quests, about half, are limited by reputation with the faction in this zone, more turnips - more quests and daily activities.

Both MYTHIC Dungeons in Suramar require special access (attunement) and reputation:
Catacombs of Suramar - 8k/12k reputation + completed quests
Quarter of Stars - 8k/12k reputation + completed quests
Before the raid, your Good Sumaritan achievement should look like shown in the screenshot.

Dressing up the character

Test mode\Mythic plus\Challenge

Equipment level table and loot source

Regular quests800-825+
Normal dungeon810+
BoE gear random drop810+
Heroic dungeon825+
Mythic dungeon840+
Class Hall Set840

in WoW Legion full of secrets and mysteries, and although the surroundings of the once great city are now, albeit picturesque, but still ruins, the city itself is still bustling with life. The adventurer has access to the most eventful Legion location only at level 110, but a huge pile of quests, two Mythic dungeons, a raid and, in general, a lot of interesting things are definitely worth the wait.

There is plenty to do in Suramar, and first of all you can admire the local landscapes - they, as always in World of Warcraft, are simply mesmerizing. But these are little things, the most important thing begins after Khadgar himself contacts you to ask for help with some interesting matter (quest “Khadgar’s Discovery”) - this is where the plot of Suramar starts.

There is no need to talk about the plot - there are complete spoilers, so just know that the plot of Suramar is worth following and going through it completely, and besides, there is a good reward for this in the form of reputation, gold, artifact power and even an epic mount, but let's talk about all this in order.

This guide will help newbies navigate Suramar, as well as those who just want to make sure they haven't missed anything. For convenience, it is divided into several sections.

In general, the Nightfallen story quests do not pose any difficulties, but it is worth mentioning the Telemancer Oculeth. Soon after you meet him, Oculet asks you to pick up some things from his old home, and during the quest “The Subtle Art of Telemancy” you find yourself in a teleport system. Finding the ones you need is quite simple - the Oculet tools are located in the Distortion Laboratory and the Telemetry Laboratory, but there are also a couple of secrets hidden here.

The “library” teleport will take you to a distorted space, from which Oculet will hasten to pull you out, but if you examine the distortion more carefully, you can discover hidden treasures. To prevent the Oculet from “saving” you ahead of time, you need to quickly get to one of the shining purple circles and follow this way until the end of the distortion. At the exit, a statue of an elf and a reward in the form of a chest with change and artifact power will be waiting for you.

Next, Thalyssra will send you to explore the Anor Basin on the quest “Connecting to the Ley Lines”. Valtrois, who is right there, will not be happy to see you, but when she finds out about Thalyssra, she will become much more accommodating. Together with Valtrois, you need to activate the ley line of the Anor Basin, and the puzzle itself that is proposed to be solved is extremely simple, but after activating the ley line, you get the opportunity to activate other ley lines throughout Suramar. It’s better to take care of this in advance, since later in the story you will still be forced to run around all the hiding places, and it will be better if you don’t have to run that much.

Side quests

The side quests of Suramar are not inferior to the plot ones in terms of intricacy, and sometimes even surpass them. The main reward for completing them will, again, be the power of the artifact, but the achievement “Good Suramaritan” cannot be obtained without them either.

If you've ever walked past the vrykul settlement of Yandvik, where vrykul and naga fight day and night, you've probably noticed that both of them don't like you. However, you can become the Jarl of Yandvik - you can begin the plot of this settlement in the forest not far from the village, where a vrykul lady named Toril is just waiting for someone to help her drive away the naga.

In addition to the power of the artifact, several portions of ancient mana and the useless title of Jarl of Yandvik, you will also get the ability to breathe underwater and swim quickly in the nearby bay, and since several local quests take place there, such a reward will definitely be useful.

There, in the city of the nightborne, you can complete the quest chain “Blood and Wine” and receive the pet Unbound Mana Wyrm for the quest “Balance as a Gift”.

One of the world quests in Suramar sends you to train the withered ones so that they can become useful. The goal of training the withered is to reach the Telemancer Oculeth at the other end of the ruins and at the same time survive, bringing at least one wither with you. This is not as easy to do as it might seem, but with the right approach anything is possible.



    TARGET: Show the global nature of the problems of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction, using scientific data in the fight against this evil.

    TASKS: 1. Disseminate information among teenagers about the consequences of using alcohol, drugs and smoking.

    2. Teach children to defend their opinions and resist negativity
    influence from adults and peers.

    3. Help form a dislike for bad habits.

    1. 1st presenter:

    Remember this, man!

    Substance abusers, drug addicts

    We crossed the edge of life,

    They wanted all the honorable blessings,

    But their soul is not God's paradise.

    It is extremely difficult to become human again.

    Datura comes only for a moment,

    And then you can hear

    Their hearts beat, their consciousness screams.

    They can betray, kill, humiliate,

    Great is their animal destiny.

    Who's to blame? Who's right? They don't know!

    Their life is a dead end!

    Their life is the limit!

    This can not be allowed to happen,

    It’s necessary, important and possible!

    Remember this, man.

    Our twenty-first century is a problematic century!


    Each participant is given sheets of paper. Participants must follow the leader's instructions, but they should not look at their neighbors or the leader.

    2nd presenter: Fold the paper in half and tear off the top right corner. Fold the sheet in half again and tear off the top right corner again. And for the last time, fold the sheet in half and tear off the top right corner. Then expand. You have a “snowflake”. Compare it with your neighbor’s “snowflake” and you will see that they are different. Likewise, all people are different from each other and everyone’s habits are different.

    3. A student appears on the stage, and the Devil and the Angel appear alternately from different sides of him.

    About training:

    I am a smart student

    Everything is interesting to me.

    I a little mischievous

    But not evil and honest.

    I know what time it is

    As an example, add it up.

    I just want to ask you,

    How to live in the world?


    Hello, my dear friend!

    Why aren't you happy?

    About training:

    Get out, you're bad...


    No, I am your friend and brother!

    To the question of your soul

    I will be happy to answer;

    Listen and remember

    Stupid man:

    You need to drink, smoke, swear

    And inject drugs.

    Then you will be happy

    Day and night, all year round!

    A n g e l:

    It seems like I made it on time,

    To prevent trouble.

    See what could be

    If you drink wine without moderation...


    “Great, godfather Fadey!” - “Great, godfather Egor!” -

    “Well, how are you, buddy?”

    “Oh, godfather, I see that you don’t know my misfortune!

    God visited me: I burned my yard to the ground

    And from then on I went around the world.”

    “How so? Bad godfather toy!

    “Yes so! We had a party about Christmas;

    I went with a candle to give food to the horses;

    Frankly, my head was buzzing;

    I somehow dropped a candle and saved myself by force;

    And the yard and all the property burned down.

    Well, how are you?” - "Oh. Fadey, that's a bad thing!

    And God was angry with me, you know:

    You see, I have no legs;

    How I stayed alive, I really think it’s a wonder.

    I also went to the glacier for beer about Christmas

    And too much, I must admit, I took a sip

    With polugaru friends;

    And so that I don’t start a fire when I’m drunk,

    So I completely blew out the candle:

    Ah, the demon pushed me down the stairs in the dark,

    That made me not a human at all,

    And now I’ve been crippled since then.”

    “Blame yourself, friends! -

    Matchmaker Stepan told them. - If I tell the truth, I

    I don’t consider it a miracle at all,

    That you burned your yard, and you are on crutches:

    Drunkenness and a candle are bad for you;

    Yes, it’s unlikely, it’s no worse in the dark.”

    5. 1st presenter: No wonder they say: “If you reach for vodka, your life will be short.” Drunkenness leads to 6 evils: poverty, discord, illness, loss of reputation, shame and weakening of mental activity.

    6. About training:

    Yes, I won't be like this:

    With a blue-red nose,

    Dirty, weak and sick,

    With a black eye!

    I won't drink wine!

    We better dance!

    7. The sports dance “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is performed by a dance group.

    8. WTF:

    If you don't want to drink, don't drink!

    There is another joy.

    And more fashionable and fun

    Get high to your heart's content!

    9. A cigarette appears, wraps itself around a Man, tries to get to know each other:

    My name is cigarette.

    I'm beautiful and strong

    I know the whole world

    A lot of people need me.

    I'm in a wonderful package

    I have a lot of merit:

    Read the boxes:

    “Flight Attendant”, “Kemel”, “Friend”.

    I have been living for centuries, the years do not take me:

    This is what longevity means

    And I'm always young!

    This is who I am.

    I bring people good mood and joy...

    10. A n ge l.

    There is such a joke. A tobacco seller praises his product at a fair: “Buy tobacco, wonderful tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. My tobacco won't make you an old man, a dog won't bite you, and a thief won't break into your house. One guy bought some tobacco and started asking the seller:

    Why won't I be an old man?

    Because you won't live to see old age.

    Why doesn't the dog bite?

    So you will walk with a stick.

    Why doesn't a thief break into the house?

    Because you’ll be coughing all night.”

    11. 2nd presenter:


    He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy. According to doctors:

    1 cigarette shortens life by 15 minutes;

    1 pack of cigarettes - 5 hours;

    Anyone who smokes for 1 year loses 3 months of life;

    Anyone who smokes for 4 years loses 1 year of life;

    Who smokes for 20 years - 5 years of life;

    Anyone who smokes for 40 years loses 10 years of life.

    Through a survey, we found that 60% of students are against smoking and alcohol. So why?


    Akshel (cough), dyoksha (shortness of breath), nebolis asdtser (heart disease), sartgti (gastritis), acre eglikh (lung cancer), yaarnnya merst (early death), rakise (caries), wildnetios (disability), ymroschni (wrinkles) .

    13. Damn:

    Life is not sugar, it’s bad,

    But a cure was found.

    Just a shot and you'll get there

    To the pink kingdom.

    14. “White Death” and a drug addict enter.


    Don't be afraid, it's cool

    You will be completely healthy.

    Just a poppy, just once

    You try now.

    It's easy and good for us.

    Get pricked. Then more...

    Don't be afraid. This is not a scam....


    I am the ruler over you here.

    Buy a dose, come on!

    Mortgage, steal, kill,

    Don't feel sorry for other people!

    Otherwise I'll torture

    And from this evil torture

    You will become not yourself:

    You will howl, moan, rush about

    And break in half,

    If only I could get an injection,

    If only this heat would go away!

    15. 1st presenter:

    Connected by one goal

    Bound by one chain

    Shackled... Bound...

    Bewitched, fooled,

    Robbed, deceived...

    So they wander along the same path,

    Everyone is drowning in a swamp like a furnace.

    Connected by one goal

    Shackled by one goal.

    On the other side of life

    This side of death

    This side of the disease

    It's hard, believe me!

    16. 2nd leader:

    And above this hot world

    AIDS has spread its wings.

    He rules the world with death,

    There's room for him now!

    And from such a plague

    Both talents and minds

    They die, they burn alive,

    They die in terrible agony!

    17. About training:

    Let's say “No” to the needle and the potion!

    There's no fun in drugs

    There is no good in alcohol.

    Death is a cunning invention.

    But there will be no white death,

    Do not recruit victims for yourself.

    A bright mind will win

    This terrible appetite.

    18. A verse is sung to the tune of the song “Scows full of mullets...”.

    Let's all live soberly,

    We value our health,

    Don't take drugs

    Quit smoking forever.

    We want to face fate,

    So as not to throw everything at random,

    Walk through life firmly, boldly,

    What we dream about will come true.
