Guide to bat chat level 9. Basic projectile damage

Game World of Tanks is one of the most popular tank simulators. Players can plunge into the atmosphere of wartime, perform in tank battles and learn all about real prototypes. In the first stages, beginners have many questions related to gameplay. For example, what equipment to install on “Batchat 25t” or how to upgrade this or that branch.

It’s worth saying right away that a lot depends directly on the style of play. And only after learning about the vehicle’s capabilities and understanding how to play a tank can you answer these and other questions.

About the game

World of Tanks is a game that turns 9 years old this year. This is a multi-user project that became popular in 2010. During this time, the developers have changed a lot in the game, so those who left 5 years ago can no longer recognize it.

Nevertheless gameplay practically unchanged. A standard battle still involves 20 vehicles, 15 tanks on each side. Players need to destroy all enemy equipment or capture their base. The game also has a couple of new modes.

Leveling up

Also, a lot depends on the correct pumping of equipment and installation of equipment. Which one should I put on “Batchat 25t”? You can decide this only after you decide on pumping the entire tank.

First, you need to know the combat effectiveness of the vehicle. Based on this, you can decide on your playing style. Many players do not pay attention to this detail and believe that they can play any technique well. But in reality, a professional gamer will tell you that he only plays on “fireflies” or “heavies”.

This way you can choose your own play style, often active or passive. And only after that you can think about how to upgrade the crew and what equipment to choose.

About the tank

"Batchat 25t" is medium tank French branch, tenth level. Its peculiarity is its dynamism. Many newbies confuse it with light tanks because it is quite fast and also works with a drum charging system. It also owes its speed to its small dimensions.

This tank costs 6,100,000. On the branch it is preceded by the “Batchat 25t AP” of the ninth level.

Dynamics of technology

Before deciding what equipment to install on the Batchat 25t, you need to understand the capabilities of this machine. This is the only way to decide auxiliary tools. What do you need to know about the tank?

At Batchata 25t it is important to always be in the right place. If heavy equipment begins to be squeezed out on one of the flanks, it is better to rush to their aid in order to hold the offensive as quickly as possible. It’s worth doing the same if you’ve broken through the defense on one of the flanks, but the damage is a little lacking.

Remember that stopping in an open field is suicide. There is a high probability that you will be shot by art or heavy weapons. Ideally, you should be constantly on the move in order to realize the full combat potential of the drum as quickly as possible. And after that you can move to another point, while simultaneously reloading the weapon. In theory, the drum can produce almost 2 thousand damage. Accordingly, the tank itself can easily deal with some light or medium tank.

When you find yourself in an urban area, you can not be afraid of artillery and calmly fire all the shells. Thanks to the dynamic gameplay, the vehicle can come from the rear and take reloading heavy tanks by surprise. It will also not be difficult to catch up with a “running” heavy that has few hit points left.


What equipment to install on “Batchat 25t” will be clear only after you understand your playing style. In addition to dynamic battles, in theory you can take on the role of a “firefly”. The compact size of the equipment allows you to engage in passive lighting by choosing the ideal bushes.

But here it is worth understanding that the Batchat 25t is still not a reconnaissance tank. He can help in this matter, provide insurance, but not perform this role everywhere. Since it is a drum technique, its job is to deal damage and cover allies.


Add. You can choose different equipment for the “Batchat 25t”. For example, you can use a stabilization aiming complex, adjusted optics, wear-resistant aiming drives, a powder gas removal system and an expanded set of spare parts. There are also standard analogues of this equipment that players usually use.

Such systems can improve the characteristics of the tank. Complex standard equipment is the most common and cheapest option. But complex advanced equipment is chosen professional players, since it is sold for in-game currency, bonds.

Bonuses are a relatively new game currency, which was introduced as an incentive for players who show high efficiency in battle. To accumulate them and buy complex, improved equipment, you need to be a strong player and always show the best results in battle.

Which is better to choose?

Since the tank, as we have determined, requires an aggressive playstyle, the equipment must be auxiliary. Of course, you can choose the most suitable options yourself, but players recommend choosing:

To understand what additional to install equipment on the “Batchat 25t”, you need to understand what it is responsible for. Coated optics adds 10% to the viewing radius, but it cannot exceed 445 m. It costs 500 thousand credits.

The vertical aiming stabilizer reduces dispersion by 20% when moving, turning the turret and after firing. This equipment will help you hit enemy vehicles while moving. It also costs 500 thousand credits.

Reinforced aiming drives add 10% to the gun aiming speed. This also helps in dynamic combat to implement the drum more effectively and not have to wait for a long time to aim the gun.

Alternative opinion

Of course, there is a lot of debate about what to put on “Batchat 25t”. Everyone chooses the equipment for themselves, so someone may not agree with the above-mentioned set of tools.

For example, some players on the forums recommend using improved ventilation. It adds 5% to all crew skills, but does not work on skills. Some recommend using camouflage net, but this is for very passive players. In fact, “Batchat 25t” will not be able to stay in place for a long time, given the potential of the drum.

Ninth tank level

As mentioned earlier, before leveling up “Batchat 25t” you will have to pump out “Batchat 25t AP”. What equipment should be installed on this equipment? Everything is the same here, no changes: optics, reinforced aiming drives and improved ventilation (or vertical aiming stabilizer). In the latter case, it is better to immediately decide what you want to see on a level ten car.

The fact is that often the equipment on the “Batchat 25t AP” after purchasing the tenth level is transferred to the next equipment. This way, you don't have to spend credits to buy the same equipment that you used before. In addition, the nine is not the tank that gamers return to.

Other pumping elements

In addition to equipment, you will have to install equipment and ammunition on the Batchat 25t. It is best to use a hand-held fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and a repair kit. If you're willing to splurge, you can opt for a large first aid kit and repair kit, as well as strong coffee. The latter allows you to improve all technical parameters.

It’s up to you to decide which ammunition to choose for the Batchata 25t. Some players leave 15 cumulative and armor-piercing sub-calibers. Sometimes you can leave fewer cumulatives to save gold. High-explosive fragmentation "Batchata 25t" is not needed.

The thickness of the frontal armor plate is 60 mm and this part of the tank is the most reinforced, so if you have a choice where to shoot, it is better to do it at the sides or stern. In the front of the tank there is a mechanical drive and an engine, so if you want to immobilize the tank and subsequently impair its speed and maneuverability.

The sides of the tank have even less harrow, only 40 mm. We see that there are no important modules on the sides of the hull, only, perhaps, a fuel tank, which will reduce the speed of movement of the tank. Also, if you fire a landmine (fortunately, the enemy’s armor allows it to be penetrated by this projectile), you can easily disable other modules, because they are close to each other, the tank is not a Mouse. As for the sides of the turret (perhaps the most important place on a tank), there is 30 mm of armor, and in the turret there is: a gunner, a commander (if anyone is concussed, reloading between shots increases), as well as a walkie-talkie and an ammunition stowage, which, starting from AMX 12t remained in the same place.

The rear armor of the tank is 30 mm. At the rear of the tank there is a large ammunition stowage and an equally large fuel tank. The rear armor of the turret is 15 mm, that is, it’s not just not there, it doesn’t exist! Take for example AMX 12t and up to Lorraine 40 t, the armor in this place is 20 mm.

This thickness of armor is due to the fact that if the driver is good, then you will never drive Batchatu into the stern.

Performance characteristics comparisonBat Chatillon 25 twith other level 9 tanks.


Bat Chatillon 25t




Weight (t)

Engine power (hp)

Maximum speed(km/h)

Turning speed (deg/sec)

Hull armor (front/sides/stern in mm)





Turret armor (front/sides/rear in mm)





Basic projectile damage





Armor penetration with basic projectile (mm)





Gun rate of fire (min -1)

Turret rotation speed (deg/sec)

Review (m)

Communication range (m)


  • The ability to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time.
  • The tank's small silhouette means low visibility.
  • Good angle of inclination of the front armor plate.
  • The best dynamics and highest speed among all tier 9 medium tanks.
  • Not bad cross-country ability, due to the unique chassis.
  • The tank's gun has the highest armor penetration among medium tanks of tier 9.
  • Good review.


  • Close arrangement of modules inside the tank.
  • Low accuracy when shooting on the move and without aiming.
  • Small ammunition load, which is 30 shells.
  • Small thickness of armor.
  • Small margin of safety among medium tanks of level 9.
  • Poor aiming angles.

Breaking through a tank.

This screenshot shows the areas where the ammunition storage and fuel tanks are located. 3-4 hits in the yellow zone are enough to blow up the ammunition rack, because at the rear of the turret the thickness of the armor is 15 mm, so go for it. Also, by shooting in the area marked in blue, you will disable the fuel tank, which will significantly slow down the enemy tank.

Game tactics.

The concept of French tanks is such that the standard style of combat does not suit them at all; playing seesaw or protracted trench warfare is dangerous for them and has a bad effect on efficiency. The main rule of any Frenchman is to cooperate with two or three of the same kind and break into the enemy flank and inflict the maximum amount of damage on the enemy, and then quickly run away to reload. You can play solo in random, but in this case you take a lot of risks because you become highly dependent on the team, which is often the reason for the lost battle.

Of the modules, I will advise you to install: convergence, stabilizer and optics.

Consumables: repair, first aid kit, fire extinguisher.

Crew: first we pump out repairs on all crew members, then on the commander : sixth sense, military brotherhood. Gunner: smooth rotation of the turret and brotherhood in battle. Mechanic - driver: smooth ride and brotherhood. Let me remind you that the “combat brotherhood” perk only works if it is pumped up to 100% for all crew members and in itself acts as an additional fan.

Historical information.

The tank still belongs to the same famous series AMX-13. Increased armor, increased hull, all this increased the survivability of the tank on the battlefield. After all the changes and other modifications, the final weight of the tank was 25 tons, which is reflected in the name. The crew consisted of 4 people. The speed that this tank could reach, stated in the design documents, was 65 km/h. Like the AMX 13, the tank's layout has several features: 65 km/h. Like the AMX 13, the tank's layout has several features. One of which is a swinging tower. The transmission compartment of the tank is located in the front of the hull. In the front part there is a control compartment shifted to the left side.

Bat Chatillon 25 t is the crown of development of French medium tanks, equipped with a drum loading system. Capable of injecting an atomic amount of damage in a few seconds and disappearing as if nothing had happened. Small dimensions and crazy dynamics help him with this.

Leveling up

  • Medium tank Bat Chatillon 25 t can be researched with Bat Chatillon 25 t AP for 200,000 experience;
  • The 100 mm SA47 gun will increase penetration, damage and improve accuracy. Can stay with Bat Chatillon 25 t AP;
  • Gun 105 mm mle. 57 (D. 1504) will increase penetration, damage and slightly increase spread.

Top equipment

How to play

When playing on Bat.-Châtillon 25 t, you should refrain from the stereotypes of playing on medium tanks - you should be where at the moment the team urgently needs to cause a lot of damage to the enemy in order to slow down or stop his advance.

Of course, you shouldn’t abandon the traditional paths for the CT, but if, for example, heavy tanks are fighting a heavy battle in the city, it makes sense to help them: when moving from one flank to another, you can have time to reload, call for help, and the tank’s mobility allows it get to the right place even before the allies have time to die.

You cannot stop driving a tank in open areas: many players do this in order to better utilize the damage from the drum, but more often than not this leads to the quick death of the vehicle from enemy artillery. It is also necessary to use the excellent dynamics of the tank and shoot on the move, but only at a distance of no more than 80-100 m from the enemy, otherwise most of the shells will not even hit the target.

The 105 mm CN 105/57 gun has a potential drum damage of 1950 points of damage, which allows batshat even alone (although this is very risky), unlike the AMX 50B, which with its 1600 damage can only provide support and destroy medium tanks of level 10 and damaged heavy tanks.

In the city of Bat.-Châtillon 25 t with the support of the Allies heavy tanks feels good: being, as a rule, out of reach of enemy artillery, you can calmly stop and shoot at reloading enemy tanks, enter from the rear, etc.

The quick destruction of several heavily damaged enemy heavy or medium tanks, or one almost complete one, has a stunning effect on the enemy team and often allows you to turn the tide of a protracted battle in the city.

The tank has the lowest safety margin among all ST-10s, so it is important, if possible, to avoid even exchanging durability points and to implement the drum without a return shot from the enemy.

The tank's mobility should be used to its fullest - only then can you truly operate successfully on the battlefield. However, it is important to remember that stupid movements across the battlefield leave allies without powerful fire support, which is fraught with defeat.

Reconnaissance is a secondary function for the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t - a low silhouette and excellent visibility, especially enhanced by coated optics and perks to improve visibility, allow you to successfully carry out both passive and active exposure, but you should not get too carried away with this, since the main function of the tank still causes damage.

It is also worth paying attention to enemy scouts - the drum allows you to destroy them quickly enough, but specifically guarding artillery for half the battle is simply stupid.



  • Speed ​​and dynamics at the level of light tanks
  • Low silhouette and small dimensions
  • About 2000 damage per reel
  • Ricocheting hull forehead


  • Modules and crew are often criticized
  • Small UVN
  • Total 30 shells
  • Vulnerability to ramming
  • Low HP
  • Poor shooting accuracy on the move
  • Low one-time damage

Crew skills and abilities

We study the sixth sense as the first perk for the commander, the rest are repairs. The second perk for the commander is Repair, for the gunner - Sniper, for the driver - King of the Off-Road. All crew members should take the combat brotherhood at the third level of perks at the same time, otherwise it will not work.

The fourth level of crew member abilities: Eagle Eye, Smooth Turret Rotation and Smooth Move. At the fifth level we pump in Radio Interception, Non-Contact Ammunition, Cleanliness and Order. With the sixth perk we upgrade everyone to Disguise.

Equipment and gear

There is also alternative option assembly in which a small repair kit is used instead of an automatic fire extinguisher. The advantage of this approach will be a bonus of 10% percent to the repair speed from a large repair kit, while a small one will be used for repairs.

Speeding up drum reloading

100% crew = 39.16 sec
100% crew + Improved ventilation = 38.31 sec
100% crew + Improved ventilation + Strong coffee = 36.72 sec

Bottom line

When playing the Bat Chatillon 25 t, forget everything you knew about playing medium tanks. Now, your main task is to be where it is necessary to “defuse the situation.” Having shot the drum, you can safely go to the other flank, just this time will be enough to completely recharge.

Even though the tank can act as a support, its drum is enough to destroy any tank in the game. It is important to act carefully, since the small safety margin and dense layout of the tank are not conducive to exchanging shots.

Illuminating enemy positions is not the main task of the tank, although this is facilitated by excellent visibility, enhanced by perks and equipment. The main goal of the Bat Chatillon 25 t is to deal as much damage as possible.

Historical background

The French military leadership decided to create a fast and mobile tank with good weapons. The development of the prototype was entrusted to Batignolles-Châtillon.

The tank was supposed to be a modernized AMX-13, but with a larger hull. In addition, the tank's crew increased by one person: two crew members were to be located in the turret and two more in the tank's hull. From its predecessor, it inherited a “swinging” turret, a front-mounted engine and a drum-type magazine for 6 rounds.

Two prototypes were produced in 1954. After a year of testing in 1955, it was decided to close the project in favor of another tank project, which later received the designation AMX-30.

Share and win from 100 gold

In the late 40s - early 50s of the 20th century, a fundamental change in tank building was in full swing - the role of armor was fading into the background, cumulative shells pierced everything in the world, and mobility became one of the main requirements for equipment.

French engineers were among the first to sense “which way the wind was blowing,” and as a result of their developments, in particular, the legendary AMX 13 tank appeared, which received many modifications and is still in service in some countries (one of the most common light tanks in the world, for a second) - the French sold it out if they were too lazy.

Char Batignolles-Châtillon de 25t , or Bat.-Chat for short. The 25t was supposed to be a logical continuation of the development of the AMX 13 and become a pioneer in the family of main battle tanks of the French army. "Railroad workers" from the company Batignolles-Châtillon took the developments from the "13th", added a little armor, enlarged the hull, added another crew member (in reality there were four of them, not three, as in WoT), left a 90-mm cannon with a drum for 6 shells and received a 25-ton prototype of a medium tank.

There are no photos of the “advanced project”, so you can admire Bat.-Chat. 25t in "youth"...

Two prototypes were built, but after sea trials the project was canceled: the new hydraulic suspension turned out to be not so great, and the disadvantage of the leakage of the “swinging towers” ​​came to the fore - it could neither cross the river nor survive a gas attack. Moreover, it was in 1954-55, and it was then that the AMX 30 entered the arena, which was destined to take the place of the Bat-Shat. Now the only one that has survived to this day is Bat.-Chat. 25t can be seen in the museum of the city of Saumur. According to information that appeared on the Internet in 2014, the car has long been removed from the exhibition and is rusting in the backyard of the Saumur Museum. From the second prototype produced, they made a prototype of the Bat.-Châtillon 155 58 self-propelled gun - the very drum “Bat” of the 10th level with a 155 mm howitzer, which also was not developed.

...and in “old age”, in 2014

Given the “historical” performance characteristics in World of Tanks, the “Bat-Shat” was supposed to take place somewhere at the eighth level, but the developers decided to push the tank to the 10th level by adding two guns for “balance” (in fact, on the tank planned to install a 90mm gun). However, no one even hesitated to criticize Wargaming for such a decision, since the device turned out to be quite balanced and flexible in capable hands.

Unlike Bat.-Chat. 25t, almost everyone disliked its predecessor, located on the 9th level - Lorraine 40t, which stands out from the entire branch of French light "drummers" both in its logical development, and in size, and in " family ties"According to the latest, Lorca is a lightweight option AMX 50, which for a long time was formally considered a medium tank, and the Char de bataille de 40 tons was developed as a heavy tank.

Rumors and talk about a replacement Lorraine 40t have been around for quite some time, but the search for candidates took a long time. Many expected that the developers would try to plug the “hole” in the light-medium French line with a slightly cut down “historical” “Bat-Shat”, the real 90mm gun of which is Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s (converted AMX 13 90 Canon de 90mm Modèle gun F3) was never introduced in World of Tanks. Therefore, when information appeared about the appearance of a new “drum” French tank in the game with “Bat.-Chat.” in the title, I thought that was it.

However, everything turned out to be a little trickier: Wargaming again found a tank, information about which is practically absent in free access- Bat.-Châtillon 25t AP ("advance project"). Externally, the device looked like a slightly plump “nineties” with a tower from the good old Bat.-Chat. 25t.

Bat.-Chat. 25t AP, according to the description presented in the game, is the brainchild of the company FAMH (Compagnie des forges et aciéries de la marine et d'Homécourt), which also led the development logical development AMX 13 in the early 1950s. If this is actually the case, then new tank it certainly cannot be called “Bat-Chat”, since the Batignolles-Châtillon company has nothing to do with it.

But enough of the lyrics. On general test updates "not enough" were delivered with three pumpable guns, the top of which is the same 100 mm SA47 with 6 shells in the drum from Lorraine 40t, which was given a 5-second reload time (45 instead of 40), leaving the rest of the characteristics the same (232mm BB gun penetration, 300 damage points, 2.5s reduction, 0.36 accuracy, reload inside the drum in 2.73 seconds). Ammunition - 30 shells, which is 18 less than that of the Lorraine.

In the pre-top configuration, we are waiting for the above-mentioned experimental Canon de 90 mm Vo 930 m/s gun, which has been “screwed on” with 200 mm of armor penetration. It is curious that this gun provided an initial projectile speed of 930 m/s (as the name implies), versus 950 m/s for the stock Canon de 90mm Modèle F3 (pierces 170mm of armor in WoT). In other words, armor penetration in real life it was worse than its serial counterpart, but in our game everything is adjusted for the sake of balance.

In addition to the significantly reduced size compared to Laura, Bat.-Chat. 25t AP received a significantly weakened engine of 575 horses, but due to its weight of 26.5 tons, it received better mobility. 65 km/h maximum speed (at Lorraine 40t was 60), 44 degrees per second of "agility" (at Lorraine 40t- 34 degrees/sec), with a specific power of 21.68 hp. per ton (which, by the way, is slightly less than that of “Lora” - 25.3 hp/t).

The composition of the crew, compared to its forty-ton predecessor, has not undergone any changes - still the same 3 people (in the test, the “extra” loader, according to the developers, appeared by mistake). But the review was reduced by 20 meters - only 380m, which will be the worst indicator at the 9th level. Although it's just for show, the armor is worth mentioning. The forehead, sides and stern of the new "Bat-Shat" received 30/25/20 mm, respectively (for Lorraine 40t was 40/40/25 mm), the tower is also not very thick - 25/25/20 mm.

To summarize, the players finally received a long-awaited replacement for such an inconvenient and unloved machine as the Lorraine 40t, which threatens to be quite worthy. The developers have implemented Bat.-Chat. 25t AP save best sides"Lorki" (at least nothing was spoiled), while removing the main disadvantages of the French tier 9 medium tank. The branch of the French “light drummers” has received a finished look, and fans of the Lorraine 40t have a reason to be nostalgic and reflect on the possible reincarnation of the tank in World of Tanks.
