G x Andersen silver coin summary. Fairy tale silver coin

Andersen's tales

Brief summary of the fairy tale "Silver Coin"

Andersen's fairy tale Silver coin" - interesting story one coin, which, after minting, went abroad with the traveler. A lot of interesting things awaited her on this journey, first a silver coin was dropped from her pants, then it was found, but was considered fake, although in fact it was real, just from another country. So our traveler coin passed around, everyone considered it fake and tried to get rid of it, once they even punched a hole in it and hung it on a cord around their neck. But then she returned to the traveler and he was very happy when he saw his silver coin, already tattered and with a hole in the middle. He carefully wrapped the coin in paper so as not to lose it and took it out only on special occasions.



Once upon a time there was a coin. It had just come out of the mint - clean, bright - and rolled and rang:

Hooray! Now I’ll go for a walk around the world!

And she went.

The child squeezed it tightly in his warm fist, the miser squeezed it with cold sticky fingers, the older people twisted and turned it many times, but among the young it did not stop and quickly rolled on.

The coin was silver, there was very little copper in it, and for a whole year it walked around the world, that is, in the country where it was minted. Then she went abroad and turned out to be the last native coin in the traveler’s wallet. But he had no idea about its existence until it fell into his fingers.

That's how! I still have one of our dear coins left! - he said.

Well, let him travel with me!

And the coin jumped for joy and jingled when it was put back into the wallet. Here she had to lie with her foreign relatives, who kept changing - one gave way to another, but she still remained in the wallet. This was already a kind of difference!

Many weeks have passed. The coin traveled far, far from her homeland, she didn’t know where. She only heard from her neighbors that they were French or Italian, that they were now in such and such a city, but she herself had no idea about anything: you won’t see much, sitting in a wallet like her! But then one day the coin noticed that the wallet was not closed. She decided to take a look at the world at least with one eye, and she slipped through the crack. She shouldn't have done this, but she was curious, well, and it was not in vain for her. She got into her trouser pocket. In the evening, the wallet was taken out of the pocket, but the coin remained as it was. The trousers were taken out into the corridor for cleaning, and then a coin fell out of the pocket onto the floor. No one heard this, no one saw this.

In the morning the dress was taken back to the room, the traveler got dressed and left, but the coin remained. It was soon found on the floor and had to be used again along with three other coins.

“That’s good! I’ll go for walks around the world again, I’ll see new people, new customs!” - thought the coin.

What kind of coin is this? - was heard at the same moment. - This is not our coin. Fake! No good!

This is where the story began, which she herself later told.

- “Fake! No good!” I was shaking all over! - she said.

I knew that I was silver, of pure ringing and real coinage. That’s right, they were mistaken, I don’t think people can talk about me like that. However, they were talking about me! It was me who was called fake, it was me who was worthless! “Well, I’ll sell it off my hands at dusk!” - said my master and finally came true. But in daylight they began to scold me again: “Fake!”, “No good!”, “We must get rid of it as soon as possible!”

And the coin trembled with fear and shame every time it was slipped to someone instead of a coin from that country.

Oh, I'm miserable! What is my silver, my dignity, my coinage to me, when all this means nothing! In the eyes of people, you remain who they take you for! How terrible it really is to have a bad conscience, to make your way in life through unclean paths, if it’s so hard for me, innocent of anything, just because I seem guilty!.. Every time I pass into new hands, my eyes tremble, which will fall on me: I know that they will immediately throw me back on the table, as if I were some kind of liar!

Once I ended up with a poor woman: she received me as payment for hard day labor. She couldn’t manage to get rid of me; no one wanted to take me. I was a real disaster for the poor guy.

“Really, I’ll inevitably have to deceive someone!” said the woman. “Where can I, given my poverty, keep a counterfeit coin! I’ll give it to the rich baker, he won’t go broke from it, although it’s not good, I know it’s not good.” !"

“Well, now I’ll be on the poor woman’s conscience!” I sighed. “Have I really changed so much in my old age?”

The woman went to the rich baker, but he was too knowledgeable about coins, and I didn’t have to lie where they put me for long: he threw me in the poor woman’s face. They didn’t give her bread for me, and it was so bitter, so bitter for me to realize that I was minted on grief by Another! This is me, who was once so brave, confident in myself, in my style, in my good ringing! And I lost heart as only a coin that no one wants to take can fall. But the woman brought me back home, looked at me kindly and kindly and said:

“I don’t want to deceive anyone! I’ll punch a hole in you, let everyone know that you’re fake... But by the way... Wait, it occurred to me - maybe you’re a lucky coin? Probably so! I’ll punch a hole in you hole, I’ll pull a string and hang you around the neighbor’s girl’s neck - let her wear it for luck!”

And she punched a hole in me. It’s not particularly pleasant when you get punched, but for the sake of a good intention you can endure a lot. They pulled a string through the hole and I looked like a medal. They hung me around the baby’s neck, and she smiled at me, kissed me, and I spent the whole night on the warm, innocent child’s breast.

In the morning, the girl’s mother took me in her hands, looked at me and thought of something... I guessed it right away! Then she took the scissors and cut the lace.

"lucky coin! - she said. “Well, let’s see!” And she put me in acid, so that I turned all green: then she rubbed the hole, cleaned me a little and at dusk went to the lottery ticket seller to buy a ticket for good luck.

Oh, how hard it was for me! It was as if they were squeezing me in a vice, breaking me in half! I knew that they would call me counterfeit, disgrace me in front of all the other coins that lie and are proud of their inscriptions and mintage. But no! I escaped shame! There was such a crowd in the shop, the seller was so busy that without looking he threw me to the rescue, among the other coins. I don’t know whether the ticket bought for me won, I only know that the next day they recognized me as a fake, put me aside and again sent me to deceive - to deceive everything! After all, this is simply unbearable for an honest nature - they won’t take it away from me! So I passed from hand to hand, from house to house for more than a year, and everywhere they scolded me, everywhere they were angry with me. Nobody believed in me, and I myself lost faith in myself and in people. It was a difficult time for me!

But then one day a traveler appeared; Of course, they immediately slipped me me, and he was so simple that he took me for the coin there. But when he, in turn, wanted to pay with me, I again heard the cry: “Fake! No good!”

“They gave it to me for the real thing!” said the traveler and looked at me more closely. And suddenly a smile appeared on his face. But, looking at me, no one had smiled for a long time. “No, what is this!” he said. “After all, This is our native coin, a good, honest coin of my homeland, but they punched a hole in it and call it counterfeit!

That's why I was happy! They again call me a good, honest coin, they want to take me home, where everyone and everyone will recognize me, they will know that I am silver, of real mintage! I would sparkle with joy, but this is not in my nature, sparks are emitted by steel, not silver.

I was wrapped in thin white paper so as not to be mixed with other coins and not get lost. They took me out only on special occasions, during meetings with fellow countrymen, and then they spoke unusually well of me. Everyone said that I was very interesting. It's funny how you can be interesting without saying a word.

And so I got home. My ordeals are over, flow happy life. I was silver, of real coinage, and it didn’t harm me at all that a hole was punched in me, like in a fake one: what’s the harm if, in fact, you’re not fake! Yes, you need to have patience: time will pass, and everything will fall into place. I firmly believe in this! - the coin concluded its story.

Once upon a time there was a coin. She ran out sparkling mint, jumping and ringing, and exclaimed:

Hooray! Now the whole world has opened up before me! Now I can walk around the world!

That's how it happened.

The child held her in warm hands and the miser with cold, bony fingers; The old men fiddled with the coin for a long time, not letting go of their hands, and the young people spent it as soon as they received it. The coin was silver with a small admixture of copper and spent a whole year walking around the country where it was minted. But one coin remained in the traveler’s wallet, and he had no idea about it until it accidentally turned up to him.

That's how! I still have a Russian coin left! - he said. - Well, let her wander too.

And the traveler put it in his wallet again; and the coin even rang and jumped for joy. Now she lay with her foreign companions, who came and went, giving way to each other; Only the domestic coin did not leave the wallet, which made it different from the others.

Many weeks have passed and the coin has traveled far. Only she had no idea where she ended up. She heard from other coins that they were Italian and French, and one said that they were now in such and such a city, the other that in such and such a city. But the coin could not imagine these cities: sitting forever in your wallet, you will not see the light. And that’s exactly what happened to her. One day the coin noticed that the wallet was open and crept up to the hole to get at least a glimpse of the world. She, of course, should not have done this, but she was overcome by curiosity, and this never goes unpunished: she slipped from her wallet into her trouser pocket. In the evening, when the traveler took out his wallet, the coin remained in his pocket, and together with his clothes they took it out into the corridor, and in the corridor they dropped it on the floor, and no one noticed it.

In the morning, the clothes were brought into the room, the traveler got dressed and left, but the coin remained. She was found, picked up and attached to three other coins so that she could begin to fulfill her duties with them.

“How nice it is to return to the world,” thought the coin, “to meet other people, other customs!”

What kind of coin is this? - she suddenly heard. - This is not our coin! Yes, she's fake! She's no good!

This is where the story of the coin actually begins, which she later told herself.

- “Fake! No good!” “I shuddered at these words,” the coin said. - I knew that I was made of real silver, very ringing and of excellent chasing. “These people must be mistaken,” I thought. “They can’t be talking about me!” But it was me they were talking about. They called me fake. In their opinion, I was the one who was unsuitable!

We need to slip it to someone in a dark corner! - said the person who got me.

So he did, and in daylight they again began to vilify me in the most insulting way: “False, worthless! We must sell it to someone as soon as possible!” And I trembled in the hands of someone who tricked me into giving it to someone, mixing it with other local coins.

“I’m an unfortunate coin!” I thought then. “What’s the point that I’m silver, ringing and of excellent mintage? It’s worthless. In the eyes of the world you are always considered to be what the world thinks you are! And how scary it must be to go with a troubled conscience along a bad path if I, innocent of anything, suffer only because I have the appearance of a criminal! Every time I was taken out of my pocket, I trembled at the thought of being examined. I knew that I would be angrily thrown onto the table, as if I were the embodiment of lies and deceit.

One day I ended up with a poor woman who received me as payment for hard day labor, and she could not get away with me. Everyone abandoned me, and I was a real punishment for the poor thing.

“I’ll have to deceive someone,” she said once. - I'm not rich enough to keep a counterfeit coin. If I take it to the rich baker, he won’t be poorer because of it... But still, I started a bad thing...

“This was still missing!” “I thought then,” the coin continued its story. “To top it all off, I will now darken the poor woman’s conscience.” Have I really changed that much over the years?

And so the woman went to the rich baker, but he was well versed in coins: the baker not only did not put me in the cash register, but threw me right in the woman’s face. And, of course, they didn’t give her bread for me. Oh, how upset I was! “Is it really possible,” I thought, “I was minted at the expense of people, - I, who in my youth was so cheerful and self-confident, believed so much in my worth and excellent coinage!” And I became sad, as only a poor coin can be sad that no one wants to take. But the woman took me to her home and, casting an attentive, soft, friendly look at me, said:

No, I don't want to deceive anyone. I'll drill a hole in you - let everyone see that you're not real... Wait, what if you're a lucky coin? For some reason it seems to me that you are happy. I'll punch a hole in you, and I'll put a string through the hole and hang you around the neck of the neighbor's child for luck.

And she made a hole in me. Of course, it's not very pleasant when a hole is punched in you, but if something is done with good intentions, you can endure a lot. They threaded a cord through me, and I began to look like a medallion. Then they put the neck on me small child. The child smiled at me, kissed me, and I rested all night on the warm, innocent child's breast.

In the morning, the child’s mother examined me, touched me, and I immediately realized that she was up to something. Taking out the scissors, she cut the lace.

“It’s a lucky coin,” she said, “but we need to check this luck.”

Then she put me in vinegar, and I turned green all over. Then she skillfully covered up the hole, rubbed me a little and, as soon as dusk fell, she went out to buy a lottery ticket for luck.

How heavy my soul was! It seemed to me that I had completely shrunk and was about to break in half. I knew that I would again be called a counterfeit and thrown away - and all this would happen in front of the many other coins lying in the cash register and decorated with inscriptions and images that I could be proud of. But this time I avoided shame. There were a lot of buyers, and the lottery ticket seller was so busy that he casually threw me into the cash register along with other coins without even looking at me. I don’t know if I won the ticket that I paid for, but the next day they looked at me again, declared me fake and put it aside, and then again they began to deceive the people, trying to foist me off on someone. Always deceive and use me for this! I'm honest and I just couldn't stand it.

For a long, long time I passed from hand to hand, from house to house, and everywhere I was scolded, always cursed. Nobody believed me, and I no longer trusted myself. It was a hard time!

One day a traveler arrived. They slipped me to him. He was trusting and took me for a local coin, but when he wanted to spend me, I heard again:

This coin is no good, it's fake!

They gave it to me for being real,” said the traveler. He began to examine me closely, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face - and I had not seen a smile on the faces of those who held me in their arms for a long time.

“It can’t be,” he said. - Yes, this is an old friend! This is a good honest coin from my homeland, but they punched a hole in it and call it counterfeit! That's the thing! But I will keep you safe and take you home.

I was so happy! They called me a good, honest coin! I will return to my homeland, where everyone will recognize me and believe that I am made of real silver and good coinage! Here I almost sparkled with joy! But it is not in my nature to sparkle - this is a property of steel, not silver.

They wrapped me in thin white paper so that I would not somehow get mixed up with other coins and get lost. And only on a holiday, when his compatriots gathered to visit the traveler, I was shown to them, and everyone approved of me. They said that I was very interesting. It's quite funny how you can seem interesting to people without saying a word!

And finally, I found myself in my homeland! All my torment was over, and joy returned to me. After all, I am made of real silver, excellently minted, and no one pays attention to the fact that a hole is punched in me, as if in a counterfeit coin. It doesn't matter unless you're fake yourself. Need support! In the end, the truth always wins - I’m firmly convinced of this,” the coin finished.

Once upon a time there was a coin. It had just come out of the mint - clean, bright - and rolled and rang:

Hooray! Now I’ll go for a walk around the world!

The child squeezed it tightly in his warm fist, the miser squeezed it with cold sticky fingers, the older people twisted and turned it many times, but among the young it did not stop and quickly rolled on.

The coin was silver, there was very little copper in it, and for a whole year it walked around the world, that is, in the country where it was minted. Then she went abroad and turned out to be the last native coin in the traveler’s wallet. But he had no idea about its existence until it fell into his fingers.

That's how! I still have one of our dear coins left! - he said.

Well, let him travel with me!

And the coin jumped for joy and jingled when it was put back into the wallet. Here she had to lie with her foreign relatives, who kept changing - one gave way to another, but she still remained in the wallet. This was already a kind of difference!

Many weeks have passed. The coin traveled far, far from her homeland, she didn’t know where. She only heard from her neighbors that they were French or Italian, that they were now in such and such a city, but she herself had no idea about anything: you won’t see much, sitting in a wallet like her! But then one day the coin noticed that the wallet was not closed. She decided to take a look at the world at least with one eye, and she slipped through the crack. She shouldn't have done this, but she was curious, well, and it was not in vain for her. She got into her trouser pocket. In the evening, the wallet was taken out of the pocket, but the coin remained as it was. The trousers were taken out into the corridor for cleaning, and then a coin fell out of the pocket onto the floor. No one heard this, no one saw this.

In the morning the dress was taken back to the room, the traveler got dressed and left, but the coin remained. It was soon found on the floor and had to be used again along with three other coins.

“That’s good! I’ll go for walks around the world again, I’ll see new people, new customs!” - thought the coin.

What kind of coin is this? - was heard at the same moment. - This is not our coin. Fake! No good!

This is where the story began, which she herself later told.

- “Fake! No good!” I was shaking all over! - she said.

I knew that I was silver, of pure ringing and real coinage. That’s right, they were mistaken, I don’t think people can talk about me like that. However, they were talking about me! It was me who was called fake, it was me who was worthless! “Well, I’ll sell it off my hands at dusk!” - said my master and finally came true. But in daylight they began to scold me again: “Fake!”, “No good!”, “We must get rid of it as soon as possible!”

And the coin trembled with fear and shame every time it was slipped to someone instead of a coin from that country.

Oh, I'm miserable! What is my silver, my dignity, my coinage to me, when all this means nothing! In the eyes of people, you remain who they take you for! How terrible it really is to have a bad conscience, to make your way in life through unclean paths, if it’s so hard for me, innocent of anything, just because I seem guilty!.. Every time I pass into new hands, my eyes tremble, which will fall on me: I know that they will immediately throw me back on the table, as if I were some kind of liar!

Once I ended up with a poor woman: she received me as payment for hard day labor. She couldn’t manage to get rid of me; no one wanted to take me. I was a real disaster for the poor guy.

“Really, I’ll inevitably have to deceive someone!” said the woman. “Where can I, given my poverty, keep a counterfeit coin! I’ll give it to the rich baker, he won’t go broke from this, although it’s not good, I know it’s not good.” !"

“Well, now I’ll be on the poor woman’s conscience!” I sighed. “Have I really changed so much in my old age?”

The woman went to the rich baker, but he knew too much about coins, and I didn’t have to lie where they put me for long: he threw me in the poor woman’s face. They didn’t give her bread for me, and it was so bitter, so bitter for me to realize that I was minted on grief by Another! This is me, who was once so brave, confident in myself, in my style, in my good ringing! And I lost heart as only a coin that no one wants to take can fall. But the woman brought me back home, looked at me kindly and kindly and said:

“I don’t want to deceive anyone! I’ll punch a hole in you, let everyone know that you’re fake... But by the way... Wait, it occurred to me - maybe you’re a lucky coin? Probably so! I’ll punch it in you hole, I’ll pull a string and hang you around the neighbor’s girl’s neck - let her wear it for luck!”

And she punched a hole in me. It’s not particularly pleasant when someone punches you, but for the sake of a good intention you can endure a lot. They pulled a string through the hole and I looked like a medal. They hung me around the baby’s neck, and she smiled at me, kissed me, and I spent the whole night on the warm, innocent baby’s breast.

In the morning, the girl’s mother took me in her hands, looked at me and thought of something... I guessed it right away! Then she took the scissors and cut the lace.

“Lucky coin!” she said. “Well, let’s see!” And she put me in acid, so that I turned green all over: then she rubbed the hole, cleaned me a little and at dusk went to the lottery ticket seller to buy a ticket for good luck.

Oh, how hard it was for me! It was as if they were squeezing me in a vice, breaking me in half! I knew that they would call me counterfeit, disgrace me in front of all the other coins that lie and are proud of their inscriptions and mintage. But no! I escaped shame! There was such a crowd in the shop, the seller was so busy that without looking he threw me to the rescue, among the other coins. I don’t know whether the ticket bought for me won, I only know that the next day they recognized me as a fake, put me aside and again sent me to deceive - to deceive everything! After all, this is simply unbearable for an honest nature - they won’t take it away from me! So I passed from hand to hand, from house to house for more than a year, and everywhere they scolded me, everywhere they were angry with me. Nobody believed in me, and I myself lost faith in myself and in people. It was a difficult time for me!

But then one day a traveler appeared; Of course, they immediately slipped me me, and he was so simple that he took me for the coin there. But when he, in turn, wanted to pay with me, I again heard the cry: “Fake! No good!”

“They gave it to me for the real thing!” said the traveler and looked at me more closely. And suddenly a smile appeared on his face. But, looking at me, no one had smiled for a long time. “No, what is this!” he said. “After all, This is our native coin, a good, honest coin of my homeland, but they punched a hole in it and call it counterfeit!

That's why I was happy! They again call me a good, honest coin, they want to take me home, where everyone and everyone will recognize me, they will know that I am silver, of real mintage! I would sparkle with joy, but this is not in my nature, sparks are emitted by steel, not silver.

I was wrapped in thin white paper so as not to be mixed with other coins and not get lost. They took me out only on special occasions, during meetings with fellow countrymen, and then they spoke unusually well of me. Everyone said that I was very interesting. It's funny how you can be interesting without saying a word.

And so I got home. My ordeals passed, a happy life began. After all, I was silver, of real coinage, and it didn’t harm me at all that a hole was punched in me, like in a fake one: what’s the harm if, in fact, you’re not fake! Yes, you need to have patience: time will pass, and everything will fall into place. I firmly believe in this! - the coin concluded its story.

Once upon a time there was a coin. It had just come out of the mint - clean, bright - and rolled and rang:

Hooray! Now I’ll go for a walk around the world!

The child squeezed it tightly in his warm fist, the miser squeezed it with cold sticky fingers, the older people twisted and turned it many times, but among the young it did not stop and quickly rolled on.

The coin was silver, there was very little copper in it, and for a whole year it walked around the world, that is, in the country where it was minted. Then she went abroad and turned out to be the last native coin in the traveler’s wallet. But he had no idea about its existence until it fell into his fingers.

That's how! I still have one of our dear coins left! - he said.

Well, let him travel with me!

And the coin jumped for joy and jingled when it was put back into the wallet. Here she had to lie with her foreign relatives, who kept changing - one gave way to another, but she still remained in the wallet. This was already a kind of difference!

Many weeks have passed. The coin traveled far, far from her homeland, she didn’t know where. She only heard from her neighbors that they were French or Italian, that they were now in such and such a city, but she herself had no idea about anything: you won’t see much, sitting in a wallet like her! But then one day the coin noticed that the wallet was not closed. She decided to take a look at the world at least with one eye, and she slipped through the crack. She shouldn't have done this, but she was curious, well, and it was not in vain for her. She got into her trouser pocket. In the evening, the wallet was taken out of the pocket, but the coin remained as it was. The trousers were taken out into the corridor for cleaning, and then a coin fell out of the pocket onto the floor. No one heard this, no one saw this.

In the morning the dress was taken back to the room, the traveler got dressed and left, but the coin remained. It was soon found on the floor and had to be used again along with three other coins.

“That’s good! I’ll go for walks around the world again, I’ll see new people, new customs!” - thought the coin.

What kind of coin is this? - was heard at the same moment. - This is not our coin. Fake! No good!

This is where the story began, which she herself later told.

- “Fake! No good!” I was shaking all over! - she said.

I knew that I was silver, of pure ringing and real coinage. That’s right, they were mistaken, I don’t think people can talk about me like that. However, they were talking about me! It was me who was called fake, it was me who was worthless! “Well, I’ll sell it off my hands at dusk!” - said my master and finally came true. But in daylight they began to scold me again: “Fake!”, “No good!”, “We must get rid of it as soon as possible!”

And the coin trembled with fear and shame every time it was slipped to someone instead of a coin from that country.

Oh, I'm miserable! What is my silver, my dignity, my coinage to me, when all this means nothing! In the eyes of people, you remain who they take you for! How terrible it really is to have a bad conscience, to make your way in life through unclean paths, if it’s so hard for me, innocent of anything, just because I seem guilty!.. Every time I pass into new hands, my eyes tremble, which will fall on me: I know that they will immediately throw me back on the table, as if I were some kind of liar!

Once I ended up with a poor woman: she received me as payment for hard day labor. She couldn’t manage to get rid of me; no one wanted to take me. I was a real disaster for the poor guy.

“Really, you will inevitably have to deceive someone! - said the woman. - Where can I, given my poverty, keep a counterfeit coin? I’ll give it to the rich baker, he won’t go broke from it, even though it’s not good, I know it’s not good!”

“Well, now I will lie on the conscience of the poor woman! - I sighed. “Have I really changed so much in my old age?”

The woman went to the rich baker, but he knew too much about coins, and I didn’t have to lie where they put me for long: he threw me in the poor woman’s face. They didn’t give her bread for me, and it was so bitter, so bitter for me to realize that I was minted on grief by Another! This is me, who was once so brave, confident in myself, in my style, in my good ringing! And I lost heart as only a coin that no one wants to take can fall. But the woman brought me back home, looked at me kindly and kindly and said:

“I don’t want to deceive anyone! I'll punch a hole in you, let everyone know that you're fake... But by the way... Wait, it occurred to me - maybe you're a lucky coin? Probably so! I’ll punch a hole in you, pull a string and hang you around the neighbor’s girl’s neck - let her wear it for good luck!”

And she punched a hole in me. It’s not particularly pleasant when someone punches you, but for the sake of a good intention you can endure a lot. They pulled a string through the hole and I looked like a medal. They hung me around the baby’s neck, and she smiled at me, kissed me, and I spent the whole night on the warm, innocent baby’s breast.

In the morning, the girl’s mother took me in her hands, looked at me and thought of something... I guessed it right away! Then she took the scissors and cut the lace.

“Lucky coin! - she said. - Well, let's see! And she put me in acid, so that I turned all green: then she rubbed the hole, cleaned me a little and at dusk went to the lottery ticket seller to buy a ticket for good luck.

Oh, how hard it was for me! It was as if they were squeezing me in a vice, breaking me in half! I knew that they would call me counterfeit, disgrace me in front of all the other coins that lie and are proud of their inscriptions and mintage. But no! I escaped shame! There was such a crowd in the shop, the seller was so busy that without looking he threw me to the rescue, among the other coins. I don’t know whether the ticket bought for me won, I only know that the next day they recognized me as a fake, put me aside and again sent me to deceive - to deceive everything! After all, this is simply unbearable for an honest nature - they won’t take it away from me! So I passed from hand to hand, from house to house for more than a year, and everywhere they scolded me, everywhere they were angry with me. Nobody believed in me, and I myself lost faith in myself and in people. It was a difficult time for me!

But then one day a traveler appeared; Of course, they immediately slipped me to him, and he was so simple that he took me for the coin there. But when he, in turn, wanted to pay with me, I again heard the cry: “Fake! No good!”

“They gave it to me for real! - said the traveler and looked at me more closely. And suddenly a smile appeared on his face. But, looking at me, no one smiled for a long time. - No, what is this! - he said. - After all, this is our native coin, a good, honest coin of my homeland, but they punched a hole in it and call it counterfeit! That's funny! We need to hide you and take you home with us.”

That's why I was happy! They again call me a good, honest coin, they want to take me home, where everyone and everyone will recognize me, they will know that I am silver, of real mintage! I would sparkle with joy, but this is not in my nature, sparks are emitted by steel, not silver.

I was wrapped in thin white paper so as not to be mixed with other coins and not get lost. They took me out only on special occasions, during meetings with fellow countrymen, and then they spoke unusually well of me. Everyone said that I was very interesting. It's funny how you can be interesting without saying a word.

And so I got home. My ordeals passed, a happy life began. After all, I was silver, of real coinage, and it didn’t harm me at all that a hole was punched in me, like in a fake one: what’s the harm if, in fact, you’re not fake! Yes, you need to have patience: time will pass, and everything will fall into place. I firmly believe in this! - the coin concluded its story.

Andersen Hans Christian

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Summary: About such a life situation when most often it is very difficult to find for yourself your true purpose and your place in the sun. The fairy tale The Silver Coin, authored by the famous storyteller Andersen, will tell us about such a story. A completely new coin made of silver appeared in the world. It passed from hand to hand, and this went on for a long time, until one day it fell directly into the hands of one amazing and unusual traveler. Learning that the coin was a symbol of her native homeland, he did not hesitate to keep it in his wallet. Coins fell into his wallet different countries, these were French, Italian and many others. One day, a silver coin decided to see the rest of the world and simply rolled out of its owner’s wallet. Afterwards it was again transferred from one wallet to another, it passed from one hand to another. But after this incident silver coin, falling first to one owner, then to another, brought nothing but troubles and failures. It brought only bad luck because it was considered false in a foreign country. Much more time passed in this way, and she again fell into the hands of the traveler. This was where all the misfortunes ended, as she again fell into the right hands and went to the address of her owner. An exciting and happy life began again, without falsehood. Anyone can read Andersen's fairy tale The Silver Coin online on our website. You can listen to it in audio recording. After watching and reading, do not forget to leave your feedback about the fairy tale.

Fairy tale text Silver coin

Once upon a time there was a coin. She had just come out of the mint - clean, bright, - rolled and rang: - Hurray! Now I’ll go for a walk around the world! And she went. The child squeezed it tightly in his warm fist, the miser squeezed it with cold sticky fingers, the older people twisted and turned it many times, but among the young it did not stop and quickly rolled on. The coin was silver, there was very little copper in it, and for a whole year it walked around the world, that is, in the country where it was minted. Then she went abroad and turned out to be the last native coin in the traveler’s wallet. But he had no idea about its existence until it fell into his fingers. - That's how it is! I still have one of our dear coins left! - he said. - Well, let him travel with me! And the coin jumped for joy and jingled when it was put back into the wallet. Here she had to lie with her foreign relatives, who kept changing - one gave way to another, but she still remained in the wallet. This was already a kind of difference! Many weeks have passed. The coin traveled far, far from her homeland, she didn’t know where. She only heard from her neighbors that they were French or Italian, that they were now in such and such a city, but she herself had no idea about anything: you won’t see much, sitting in a wallet like her! But then one day the coin noticed that the wallet was not closed. She decided to take a look at the world at least with one eye, and she slipped through the crack. She shouldn't have done this, but she was curious, well, and it was not in vain for her. She got into her trouser pocket. In the evening, the wallet was taken out of the pocket, but the coin remained as it was. The trousers were taken out into the corridor for cleaning, and then a coin fell out of the pocket onto the floor. No one heard this, no one saw this. In the morning the dress was taken back to the room, the traveler got dressed and left, but the coin remained. It was soon found on the floor and had to be used again along with three other coins. “That’s good! I’ll go for walks around the world again, I’ll see new people, new customs!” - thought the coin. - What kind of coin is this? - was heard at the same moment. - This is not our coin. Fake! No good! This is where the story began, which she herself later told. - “Fake! No good!” I was shaking all over! - she said. - I knew that I was silver, pure ringing and real coinage. That’s right, they were mistaken, I don’t think people can talk about me like that. However, they were talking about me! It was me who was called fake, it was me who was worthless! “Well, I’ll sell it off my hands at dusk!” - said my master and finally came true. But in daylight they began to scold me again: “Fake!”, “No good!”, “We must get rid of it as soon as possible!” And the coin trembled with fear and shame every time it was slipped to someone instead of a coin from that country. - Oh, I'm miserable! What is my silver, my dignity, my coinage to me, when all this means nothing! In the eyes of people, you remain who they take you for! How terrible it really is to have a bad conscience, to make your way in life through unclean paths, if it’s so hard for me, innocent of anything, just because I seem guilty!.. Every time I pass into new hands, my eyes tremble, which will fall on me: I know that they will immediately throw me back on the table, as if I were some kind of liar! Once I ended up with a poor woman: she received me as payment for hard day labor. She couldn’t manage to get rid of me; no one wanted to take me. I was a real disaster for the poor guy. “Really, you will inevitably have to deceive someone! - said the woman. - Where can I, given my poverty, keep a counterfeit coin? I’ll give it to the rich baker, he won’t go broke from it, even though it’s not good, I know it’s not good!” “Well, now I will lie on the conscience of the poor woman! - I sighed. “Have I really changed so much in my old age?” The woman went to the rich baker, but he knew too much about coins, and I didn’t have to lie where they put me for long: he threw me in the poor woman’s face. They didn’t give her bread for me, and it was so bitter, so bitter for me to realize that I was minted on grief by Another! This is me, who was once so brave, confident in myself, in my style, in my good ringing! And I lost heart as only a coin that no one wants to take can fall. But the woman brought me back home, looked at me good-naturedly and kindly and said: “I don’t want to deceive anyone! I'll punch a hole in you, let everyone know that you're fake... But by the way... Wait, it occurred to me - maybe you're a lucky coin? Probably so! I’ll punch a hole in you, pull a string and hang you around the neighbor’s girl’s neck - let her wear it for good luck!” And she punched a hole in me. It’s not particularly pleasant when someone punches you, but for the sake of a good intention you can endure a lot. They pulled a string through the hole and I looked like a medal. They hung me around the baby’s neck, and she smiled at me, kissed me, and I spent the whole night on the warm, innocent baby’s breast. In the morning, the girl’s mother took me in her hands, looked at me and thought of something... I guessed it right away! Then she took the scissors and cut the lace. “Lucky coin! - she said. - Well, let's see! And she put me in acid, so that I turned all green: then she rubbed the hole, cleaned me a little and at dusk went to the lottery ticket seller to buy a ticket for good luck. Oh, how hard it was for me! It was as if they were squeezing me in a vice, breaking me in half! I knew that they would call me counterfeit, disgrace me in front of all the other coins that lie and are proud of their inscriptions and mintage. But no! I escaped shame! There was such a crowd in the shop, the seller was so busy that without looking he threw me to the rescue, among the other coins. I don’t know whether the ticket bought for me won, I only know that the next day they recognized me as a fake, put me aside and again sent me to deceive - to deceive everything! After all, this is simply unbearable for an honest nature - they won’t take it away from me! So I passed from hand to hand, from house to house for more than a year, and everywhere they scolded me, everywhere they were angry with me. Nobody believed in me, and I myself lost faith in myself and in people. It was a difficult time for me! But then one day a traveler appeared; Of course, they immediately slipped me me, and he was so simple that he took me for the coin there. But when he, in turn, wanted to pay with me, I again heard the cry: “Fake! No good!” “They gave it to me for real! - said the traveler and looked at me more closely. And suddenly a smile appeared on his face. But, looking at me, no one smiled for a long time. - No, what is this! - he said. - After all, this is our native coin, a good, honest coin of my homeland, but they punched a hole in it and call it counterfeit! That's funny! We need to hide you and take you home with us.” That's why I was happy! They again call me a good, honest coin, they want to take me home, where everyone and everyone will recognize me, they will know that I am silver, of real mintage! I would sparkle with joy, but this is not in my nature, sparks are emitted by steel, not silver. I was wrapped in thin white paper so as not to be mixed with other coins and not get lost. They took me out only on special occasions, during meetings with fellow countrymen, and then they spoke unusually well of me. Everyone said that I was very interesting. It's funny how you can be interesting without saying a word. And so I got home. My ordeals were over, a happy life began to flow. After all, I was silver, of real coinage, and it didn’t harm me at all that a hole was punched in me, like in a fake one: what’s the harm if, in fact, you’re not fake! Yes, you need to have patience: time will pass, and everything will fall into place. I firmly believe in this! - the coin concluded its story.

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