Fool with two jokers. Card game poker with joker How to play joker in poker

Hello. Today we will tell you about another variety of the well-known and beloved game of fooling around. But it will be called “Ass”.

The game uses a deck of 38 cards: four suits, ranging in value from six to ace, plus 2 jokers. Sometimes they play with a deck of 36 cards. In this case, it uses six black suits - spades and clubs - as jokers (we'll talk about them below).

Deck distribution

Played by 2 to 4 people. Players are dealt 6 cards plus 2 hidden cards face up, which cannot be opened yet. These cards will be the ass-buy for each of the players. A trump card is announced, and a hidden trump card is placed face down underneath it. It will be announced when one of the players takes an open, active trump card from the deck. The next card drawn from the deck taken this hidden trump card and is announced (shown) to everyone. From now on, the trump card is different.

See how to deal the deck correctly.

An important point: if, when announcing a trump card (no matter which one, first, second), a joker appears, it is considered that there is no trump card in the game at the moment. This is the so-called capless cap.

The game plays clockwise. The right to move in the first game is determined by the smallest trump card among the players. If the players do not have trump cards in their hands (if they simply do not exist or a no-trump card is declared), the smallest black or red card is looked for, depending on what shines as a trump card - a black or red suit, a black or red joker. In the case of a stripped-down game, when there are no full-fledged jokers and sixes of spades and clubs are considered jokers, the choice of the smallest card in the hands of the players to determine the right to move takes place among these suits.

The game follows the rules of the classic translation fool. If the player starts from a card of the same value as the one who is fighting, the opponent places this card he has next to the entering card(s) and the need to fight goes to the next player sitting to the left. The game goes clockwise after all. If the player to the left has fewer cards in his hand, rather than being offered to beat him off, then the translation cannot be carried out. And the player who tried to make the transfer will still have to fight back. If the person fighting back has a trump card of this value, to transfer the battle, you can not put it down, but simply show it to everyone playing. According to fair rules, you can do this, with this particular card, only once per game.

If the transfer has been made and the player sitting to the left also has a card of the required value, he can also continue transferring the battle to the player sitting further to the left according to the same rules.

The fight is carried out according to the rules of the classic fool. The attackers throw as many cards at him as the defender has, but no more than six. The priority of throwing cards (who has the right to throw first) can be discussed at the beginning of the game, but as a rule, by the middle of the game everything is thrown. In general, whoever tossed it first is the one who fights. After the battle, players draw cards from the deck, and if they match, then a trump card with a hidden trump card.

The priority of the set belongs to the player who moved. If, thanks to the transfers, this player who walked ended up fighting back, then the player sitting to his left is the first to draw cards from the deck. And so on clockwise.

You can't touch your ass yet.


Now from this important map like a joker. Joker card of unknown value. That's why they don't go with it. And they don’t translate it for her. If the player has only one or two jokers in his hands and he gets the right to move, he skips this move and passes this right to the one sitting on the left. But these are perhaps the only disadvantages of this wonderful card.

How to hit a joker correctly

And now about the advantages: If the player has been given cards to beat off (according to the rules described above) and has in his hands joker, he can fight them off by instantly throwing away the repulsed cards. The joker beats off, as you understand, any card, even a trump ace. Toss, in order for this player to fight back further, no longer possible. The simplest case is if the player has beaten all the cards - then there is an immediate release and the player who has already beaten moves on. But if a player with a joker in his hands does not want to beat all the cards, then the part of them that were not beaten goes over for batting the player sitting on the left, and also you can't throw it at him anymore. Even if he can’t fight back and takes it. If this player sitting on the left has fewer cards than the player trying to transfer to him, then the player cannot use the joker and must accept the cards. As they say - on the shoulder!


As mentioned above, the game continues, cards are drawn from the deck. So there is no deck. Players are left with fewer and fewer cards. And then the moment comes when someone runs out of cards. This is where this player is required to pick up his two hidden cards and enter them into the game. If this happens during a fight, the fight continues and cards are thrown further to the player until the maximum is reached the amount that suits him, but no more than six.

When and under what conditions does the purchase (ass) rise?

At this moment the whole essence of the game's name is revealed. After all, no one knows what cards are hidden there and what they will bring to the player.

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    The Joker will be the 313th card in the version of the game played with six decks. If a player receives such a card in his hand, he is considered to have won, since the combination is automatically valued at 21 points - regular or a guarantee of an immediate win.

    The joker that comes to the dealer has no such meaning. If he came with the first card, then they simply put it aside, taking another one in return.

    Blackjack with joker has some special features. So, with its presence, the player’s chances of winning certainly increase greatly. In percentage terms, the expected winnings are 0.77% higher when compared to standard Blackjack. However, such a game becomes more dynamic and sharper - the player must gradually act more and more aggressively, since as the deck is exhausted, the probability of a joker “falling out” increases. And after he leaves the game, you will need to return to the basic strategy again.

    Playing Blackjack with a joker is somewhat reminiscent of a game of counting cards, only you need to keep track of not all the cards, but just one. But of course it will be useful to at least roughly understand how many cards remain in the deck by tracking their number in the pile to the right of the dealer.

    How it is adjusted basic strategy with a joker in a big deck?

    The player has 12 “hard” points, the dealer has 4 – the player takes another card;

    The player has Ace + 4, the dealer has 4, or the player has Ace + 7, the dealer has 2 – the bet must be doubled;

    The player has 5 “hard cards”, the dealer has an ace – you need to continue the game further.

    When there are five decks instead of six and there is still no joker, then the aforementioned 0.77% figure increases to 0.92%, but the player still needs to stick to the usual strategy.

    With four decks, you need to do a split of threes and twos if the dealer has 8 in his hands. Now the chances of winning have increased by 1.15%.

    With three decks, if the player has 14 “hard” points and the dealer has 10, then you shouldn’t expect “compensation”. Now is the time to raise your bets if possible, as the odds of winning compared to the odds in Blackjack without a joker have increased by 1.53%.

    With two decks and the joker still not appearing, this is already 2.3% and the strategy needs to be changed again:

    The player has 7+7, the dealer has 8 – a split is needed;

    The player has Ace + 6, the dealer has 2 - you need to double the bet;

    The player has 6 “hard cards”, the dealer has an ace – you need to continue the game;

    The player has 16 “hard” ones, the dealer has 9 – the game also continues.

    In the last two cases there will be no “compensation”.

    So, the most important thing that a player needs to remember is that a joker that does not come out of the deck brings a significant advantage compared to playing without it. And the fewer decks from the original six remain in the game, the percentage increases the chances of winning. Naturally, all this is relevant only until the joker comes out.

    Types of side bets

    The rules of the game allow such bets to be made that are not related to the game. Typically, in this case, the player bets $1-$10.

    The first type of side bet is the player's bet on Blackjack. In this case, the payout ratio will be approximately 12 to 1, sometimes casinos can change this indicator, and clearly underestimate it. The actual odds, at least at the start of the shuffle, should be 20 to 1.

    A side bet on sevens is also common. A standard blackjack table has a special field for such bets - circles in which the number 7 is written. Placing a chip here means making a bet. Next, the player can receive a reward:

    On the first card, a seven, the odds are approximately 8 to 1;

    With the second card seven – 40 to 1;

    With three sevens, this is the largest payout that the casino sets independently.

    The only thing a potential lucky player should worry about, who may get a third to two sevens, is whether he is entitled to a reward for cards of the same suit or whether they can be different.

    Sometimes the casino rewards three sevens with a jackpot payment - in whole or in part. The size of the payout will depend on the size of the bet made by the player. Thus, he is entitled to money that is accumulated through the losses of other players who made side bets in the casino. It is difficult to say for sure what amount you can expect, but it can be either 10 or 60 thousand dollars.

    Despite the fact that the mathematical calculations in this game indicate that there is no benefit for the player, this is nevertheless how you can get the opportunity to win an amount that will be 10 thousand times more than the bet made.

    Finally, let's give useful advice– among side bets, it is best to give preference to high-low bets, especially if you are counting cards.

Feb 23, 2015

The Joker is one of two additional cards included in the standard fifty-two card deck, which is used only in some games.

A standard poker deck contains fifty-two cards plus two jokers. In most casino poker games, jokers are not used or played, but in some games they may be included in the game and used as wild or semi-wild cards. If you play poker in a casino, the joker is typically only used in some types of lowball games, as well as a few types of draw poker. In these games, the joker is usually referred to as a "bug".

In lowball games, when the joker is used, it is the wild card. This is an extremely valuable card in the game because there is usually only one joker in the game, and it can replace any card. Since the joker can replace any card, it will automatically be considered the card that helps the player's hand the most. In lowball poker games, the main goal is to make the smallest possible hand, and therefore the joker card can replace the low card with a card that increases the value of the player's hand.

In draw games of poker, the joker is a semi-wild card. In these games, the joker can only be an ace or be used as missing card for any straight or flush. In these games, if a player cannot use this bug to complete any straight or flush, and he does not have another ace, then it will simply read as an ace at the end of the hand.

In casino games where the joker is used, there is large number strategies for playing with him. This is because when one player has a joker, especially early in the hand, it can often be of great benefit. The Joker is a very flexible hand, which adds to its value. Whether it is a wild or semi-wild card, the joker can be used in a variety of ways to help a player's hand. As the game progresses, it may even change its meaning from one to another. Since it is such a powerful card, players tend to bet aggressively with starting hands, which include a joker.

Just as a player who holds a joker is aware of the value of his hand, players who do not have one may find themselves at a disadvantage and tend to play with great caution. They are well aware that if they do not have a joker, then it is very likely that one of their opponents does.

In addition to their use in casino draw poker, jokers are also widely used in home games as wild cards. Many players choose to enter jokers as wild cards, as opposed to using cards from an existing standard deck. On the one hand, this makes it possible to introduce wild cards without fundamentally changing the composition of the standard deck. Instead of assigning wild cards existing maps or a group of cards, jokers can act as wild cards. Since there are two jokers in a standard deck, this good way enter up to two wild cards into play. Each wild card will have a noticeable impact on the game, as each will result in stronger hands on average. If more than two wild cards are used, then additional cards from the deck, which will also be called and treated as wild cards.

If you are playing at home, the joker can also be used to replace missing or damaged cards in the deck, in order to complete the deck again. For example, if one of the standard fifty-two cards is missing or damaged, a joker can be inserted in its place to play for that card. Since there are two jokers in a standard deck, both of them can be used to replace up to two missing or damaged cards. The two jokers in a deck usually have two different colors, or there are some features that distinguish them from each other. If you are going to use multiple jokers to replace several missing or damaged cards, then it is important that you remember which joker represents which card. If the jokers are indistinguishable from each other, you can tell them apart by making a distinctive mark on the front side one or both jokers before they are put into play.

When any player hears the word “joker,” the corresponding card comes to mind. A Russian-speaking poker player can also remember the JokerTeam. What connects the common man with the Joker? We decided to trace the history of this word and its various varieties.

Literally translated from English word Joker means “joker” and the term is mainly used in card games. In the deck, the Joker represents special card, included in a standard 54-card French deck. Most often, this card depicts a jester, and in most games the Joker can replace any other card, that is, it is by far the strongest.

Interestingly, among the two jokers in the deck, the color one is usually valued higher than the black and white one.

But still, when it comes to the Joker, the vast majority of people first of all remember the hero of comics and films. This supervillain of the DC Comics universe was once brilliantly played by Jack Nicholson in the first modern Batman film. The Joker of that period wears a purple suit and a gun, which somehow fits in his pants.

The origin of the Joker is a mystery even to himself, but the most common version says that he fell into a container of acid during an unsuccessful robbery of a card (!) factory.

The Joker first appears in films in 1966, he is comical and not particularly dangerous, matching his costume.

Then, in the gothic “Batman” by Tim Burton, as already mentioned, Nicholson is the soloist. He is also not without a sense of humor, but at the same time he is gloomy like Dracula. Here we learn the villain's story for the first time.

The last person to portray the Joker on screen was Heath Ledger. His character is as realistic as possible, his purple suit is stained with dirt, and his famous grin is replaced by a “Glasgow smile” consisting of scars. He's a selfish psychopath with a dark appeal but none of the charm of Nicholson's Joker.

The Joker ranks first on the list of the greatest villains of all time according to many specialized magazines. Of course, he’s such a charmer!

Well, more recently, if compared with the Joker from the comics, another Joker appeared. Yes, not just one, but several at once. And they teamed up to form the JokerTeam, which immediately became one of the best in the history of tournament poker. We have already named these heroes several times, you all know them very well:

Being quite young, the JokerTeam, however, has already become a “father” - it has several subsidiary initiatives, including the Joker Tour, which starts in March - an offline series for Russian-speaking players under the direction of tournament director Dmitry Ganin.

Welcome to JokerTour! Our Jokers are not as dangerous as the ones in the movies, but you shouldn’t expect mercy from them in the tournament! And this is another reason to feel like Batman! Spread your wings and fly to us, from March 3 to 11, the Khreshchatyk hotel and club are waiting for dear guests.

If you have played poker at least once in your life, then you probably know that this game uses a regular deck, which consists of 52 cards, ranging from two to ace. However, besides them, there are also two other cards in the deck, which are rarely used in various games. We are talking, as you probably already understood, about “jokers” - the only cards in the deck that have neither suit nor value.

Jokers are not used in poker if we are talking about classic Texas Hold'em or Omaha. These cards are not even used in, but they are still sometimes used in the game. We are talking about the so-called American poker, in which jokers are dealt along with other cards to the player.

Joker value

Since the joker has neither a suit nor a specific value, in poker it can be used instead of any other card that the player wants. For example, if you received a king and a joker, you can use the joker as a second king to make a pair. Or, for example, you have collected a combination in which there is not enough an ace to make a straight - use the joker, and you will have a ready-made straight.

Thus, the joker is used when the player does not have the required card to make a combination. However, it should be taken into account that a combination collected using a joker will lose to the same combination that was collected without the participation of this “magic” card.

Poker rules with joker

Joker poker is usually played not against each other, but against the establishment (casino or poker club). The rules of the game are quite simple and resemble the rules of regular draw poker, with the only difference being that the game involves not 52, but 54 cards.

Initially, the dealer deals each player 5 cards, one of which is dealt face up. All players do not play against each other, but only against the dealer, who also lays out these five cards for himself.

After this, players have the right to either fold their cards or place a certain bet on their cards. The larger their bet, the more they can win if they have a better hand than the dealer. In addition, some types of American poker allow the possibility of exchanging cards, but the player will have to pay additional money to the dealer for this. And what? more cards You want to change - so more money will need to be given back.

Finally, as in regular poker, there is a showdown, and all players, including the dealer, reveal their cards and compare them. If the dealer has a better combination than the player, he takes all the money bet by the player for himself. If the player makes a stronger hand, he doubles his bet.
