Equestria girls coloring pages online. Equestria Girls Games

Every child who has chosen his favorite hero will, at every convenient and not so convenient occasion, depict his idol and his adventures. Suffice it to remember how we drew snowmen, foxes and bunnies. Scientific progress does not stand still, so we present to you wonderful game"Equestria Girls: Coloring Pages."

The main characters of this creative toys there will be popular understandings in every country. These cute horses are very unusual and it is with their originality that they have won the hearts of young TV viewers. Each character in the animated series has an individual character and unique appearance. That is why “Equestria Girls: Coloring Books” will be of interest to young gamers.

Here, as if revived ponies will be waiting for their rich colors and bright mood to be returned to them. Only you can control this. Hurry up and start coloring the game to bring the picture-frame from the cartoon to life. Fortunately, magic has nothing to do with it. The main strength in this matter is your imagination and creativity. Be creative, and Sparkle and her friends will be forever grateful to you.

You will have brushes and pencils at your disposal. Choose a suitable shade for a stroke or stroke and use the mouse to apply it to a black and white picture. You can recreate a scene from the cartoon series, or radically change your favorite horses.

So, simple Applejack can easily become a flirtatious beauty - just choose the appropriate colors. And the villain Sunset Shimmer, after touching your hand, may well become a good-natured cutie.

Choose the right shades, experiment with them and create new images for your favorite characters in the game “Equestria Girls: Coloring Books”. The more creativity you put into this task, the more beautiful the result will be.

Equestria Girls games are one of the most beloved categories of online games for girls, which are developed based on the popular animated series about the adventures of little horses. Together with the main characters, you will find yourself in a real parallel world and will be able to help them get comfortable in such an unusual and slightly frightening environment.

Initially, the heroines of these games were charming ponies who lived in magic kingdom, led by Princess Celestia. But trouble happened: one of the princess’s favorite students stole her crown by deception and fled to a parallel world. The ponies went after her, but no one suspected that there they would turn into the most ordinary girls!

Each girl from the game Equestria Girls is similar to her prototype. They have magnificent multi-colored hair that resembles the mane of horses, languid eyes with drooping eyes, and a cheerful laugh that leaves no one indifferent. Together they are a real team that will always come to each other's aid.

You can choose with them any category of the Equestria Girls mini-game that you like: drawing games, dress up games, adventure games, cooking or music. Download them to your browser and play in any free time.

The girls from the elite school are so similar to Sparkle’s friends, whom she misses as soon as she parted. But what about herself? Won't ordinary people be surprised by the pony and dragon at school, this isn't a computer game? It's simple - magic. With her help, after passing through the magic mirror, Sparkle becomes the same girl as everyone around her, and Spike turns into a cute dog. Of course, at first everything is unusual - walking on two legs, for example, but gradually Sparkle gets used to being a girl, although this is not for long - after completing the mission she will again become a pony, although this is often not shown in games.

What is the purpose of her coming to this world? The fact is that the villainess pony, who never became a princess, stole the magic crown, which provided protection for her beloved Equestria - by the way, many Equestria Girl games are based on this plot. Sparkle rushes in pursuit of the kidnapper, who hid in the human world and hid the crown in a cunning way - now, to get it, you need to become the princess of the school. However, Sparkle is no stranger to - even computer games often offer to go from an ordinary pony to a princess. But can she do it without her magic?

Friendship is...

Yes, because the magic of friendship works in any world, even one where there is no magic of unicorns. So, despite the sneaky thief’s attempts to ruin everything, Sparkle does everything to make friends with those girls who are so similar to her favorite friends - Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow and everyone else. Many Equestria Girls games are dedicated to this particular part of the film. Of course, it won’t be possible without obstacles later, but the magic of friendship is already working - and in this, people are very similar to ponies - so it will be much easier for everyone to get the crown together, both in the game and in the cartoon.

And what about the sneaky thief, the princess’s former pupil, Sunset Shimmer? This pony, having entered the human world, also became a girl. She offends the timid Fluttershy (whose Sparkle comes to her defense) and plots all sorts of intrigues - after all, in order to receive the magic crown, she must become the princess of the school. By the way, the plot of games about girls from Equestria is often based on this - girlfriends must overcome all the obstacles that the vile Sunset Shimmer comes up with for them.

What magic can do is real victory

But does defeating an enemy necessarily mean destroying him? Ponies have repeatedly shown that the biggest victory is to teach not very good character to be friends (it’s worth remembering at least Discord - the “Friendship” series and games with him). First, of course, you need to win the competition - this is the second time Sparkle has proven that she is worthy of the title of princess - and then everything else. Many games about girls offer to follow the same path.

When the magic of true friendship, which is so familiar to us from cartoons about ponies, works even in the world of girls - this is a real miracle that will help Sunset Shimmer become a princess, if not by rank, by heart and behavior. This is where the games of Equestria Girls usually end, but the full-length cartoon shows the logical conclusion of the adventures of Princess Sparkle - she returns to her home world of ponies.

The end and the beginning

Adventures to which many are dedicated popular games, are finished, but much is just beginning. The creators of the cartoon give fans a unique opportunity to continue the story about the girls themselves, only by hinting and predicting.

The girls remaining in the world of people, so similar to famous ponies in both character and details of appearance, will never be the same - they were connected by the strongest magic in the world, which they will continue to generously share with everyone who meets them. True, for some reason there are no games on this topic yet - apparently, everything is ahead.

But the pony who has visited their world also has a lot ahead. Having left her cute admirer behind the looking glass, in her world Sparkle finds an equally cute pony with a blue mane - who knows, maybe it’s still her destiny to encounter him, no matter what form her romantic feelings take. Since there is no continuation of the story in “reality”, it would be nice to get it in the form of a computer game...

“Equestria Girls” is not appreciated by all fans of the original series of cartoons and games; nevertheless, the main characters in the feature film are not favorite and familiar ponies, but, to its credit, the spirit of the original has been fully preserved, so it deserves both recognition and even praise.
