The opening ceremony of the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games took place (video).

The opening ceremony of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games took place at the forty-five thousand stadium of the Olympic town in the heart of the capital of Turkmenistan. The memorable, original program of the celebration lasted more than three hours and ended with a pyrotechnic show, reports the correspondent of the online radio “Voice of the CIS” from the scene of the event.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and honorary guests of the ceremony - head of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah (OCA), President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Uzbekistan - Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Tajikistan - Emomal Rahmon, Armenia - Serzh Sargsyan, Afghanistan - Ashraf Ghani, Pakistan - Mamnoon Hussein, Moldova - Igor Dodon, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia Valentina Matvienko and the head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, as well as other heads of delegations.

The solemn speeches of the President of Turkmenistan and the head of the Olympic Council of Asia, the raising of the flags of the host country of the games and the Olympic Council of Asia marked the beginning of a theatrical historical show. Bright costumes, historical characters and skillful use of modern technologies, the play of light and dynamic music did not leave the audience of the event indifferent.

The parade of delegations of athletes from the participating countries and the procession of flags gave way to a performance by an equestrian troupe. During the short concert of Turkmenistan’s favorite performers, the audience sang along and sincerely gave their applause.

The ceremony ended with the transfer of fire brought from the Galkynysh deposit to a huge torch above the Olympic Stadium. The bursts of fireworks and the beauty of the pyrotechnic show completed the event program.

The V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games will last until September 27 and all this time the Olympic village will be illuminated and warmed by the unifying fire of the Olympic movement.

In 2017, which at the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan was declared the “Year of Health and Inspiration,” the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games will be held in Turkmenistan, and the whole country is looking forward to the start of these major competitions. The opening ceremony of the V Asian Games will take place on September 17, 2017. The motto of the Asian Games 2017 is “Health, inspiration, friendship,” reports the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Tajikistan.

The message further notes: “As President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, sport is an important factor in strengthening global peace, friendly relations and fruitful cooperation between states and peoples. Independent Neutral Turkmenistan, being invariably committed to the high humanistic ideals of the Olympic movement, advocates building up regional and international partnerships in the sports field, taking concrete steps in this direction. The far-sighted policy initiated by the President in this area is bearing real fruit - Turkmen sport is reaching a qualitatively new level, our Fatherland is becoming a venue for major sports competitions and in recent years has increasingly acquired the status of a sports power, in which a healthy lifestyle has become a priority of the country's state policy aimed at to strengthen the health of the nation, and this is facilitated by the previously adopted National Program for the Support and Development of Physical Culture and Sports for 2011-2020.

The V Asian Games are unprecedented in their kind.

Firstly, they go beyond the continental ones, athletes from 64 countries of Asia and Oceania will take part in them, in addition, a record will be broken in the number of sports - more than 20 (21), the program of which, on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, included Turkmen national wrestling “goresh” and a popular type of equestrian sport – show jumping.

As part of the sports program of the 2017 Asian Games, competitions will be held in 21 sports: chess, futsal, tennis, Muay Thai (Thai boxing), sambo, kurash, jiu-jitsu, bowling, track cycling, swimming, athletics, weightlifting, basketball, taekwondo (WTF), sports dancing, kickboxing, belt wrestling, wrestling (Greco-Roman and freestyle), billiards, show jumping and national Turkmen wrestling Goresh.

To commemorate this event, on May 5, 2016, the President of Turkmenistan launched a 500-day equestrian relay race, which, covering the entire country, will finish on the opening day of the 2017 Asian Games in the main arena of the Olympic village and at the central stadium with 17 riders, on September 17, 2017, in 17:00, the Olympic torch of the 2017 Asian Games will be lit.

To host the 2017 Asian Games, an Olympic village was built in the white marble city of Ashgabat. The complex of this largest structure included about 30 objects, including the Paralympic complex and a rehabilitation medical center, social services, transport and other infrastructure. The total cost of the facilities is US$5 billion.

All the necessary conditions for holding the Games have been created on the territory of the Olympic village: a residential complex with 12 thousand beds is located, which will accommodate guests of the capital, athletes and coaches, medical and cultural centers. The stadium where the competition will be held is designed for 45 thousand spectators.

A number of test tournaments have already been organized on the basis of the Olympic village, including international competitions in sambo, Turkmen national wrestling Goresh and belt wrestling, basketball, tennis, athletics and jiu-jitsu, weightlifting and boxing.

At the April meeting of the country's government dedicated to the 2017 Asian Games, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific instructions to the heads of relevant departments to comprehensively study the issues of participation of refugee athletes in the upcoming Asian Games. After all, the main mission of sport, the Turkmen leader emphasized, is to serve as messengers of peace, friendship and progress.

The total number of guests who are expected to come to Ashgabat to participate in the 2017 Asian Games is more than 8 thousand, including athletes, media representatives, etc. More than 8 thousand volunteers will be involved in servicing the games. The national team of the Republic of Tajikistan and representatives of the country's media are also expected to participate in the upcoming games.

The official symbol of the V Asian Games was the image of the Akhal-Teke horse, highly revered by the Turkmen people, who gave the world the unique Akhal-Teke breed, which personifies the ancient history of the Turkmens and the rapid development of the country in the present time. Its silhouette above the stadium is oriented to the south - this direction has been considered since ancient times among the Turkmen to foretell glory and success in great endeavors.

Taking into account the fact that for centuries in the everyday life of the Turkmens various amulets-amulets, which were attributed with sacred power, were widespread, it is also quite justified that on the neck of the horse, which can easily be recognized as an Akhal-Teke by the shape of its thin ears, compared to the pointed reeds leaf, the national amulet “alaja” flaunts - a cord of intertwined white and green threads.

The white color here symbolizes purity of thoughts, the country’s path forward with the swiftness of a horse, and green symbolizes life and renewal.

Aladzha is also decorated with a torch placed above the horse’s head in the form of yuzerlik stems gathered in a bunch (in Tajik language - khazor-ispand), which surround the bowl of fire with a golden crown. In accordance with the folk custom of lighting a miraculous yuzerlik before the start of a big important task, before the Olympic torch ignites with fire, white smoke will be released from it, which, according to ancient beliefs, brings with it purification and good luck. In this case, it will mean the sincerity of the desire for friendship and interaction, the strength of a healthy spirit.

As is known, the tradition of using yuzerlik as a medicinal plant, as well as a talisman, dates back to the ancient origins of the Turkmen nation. Its stems and seeds not only relieved various ailments, but also helped people in life; they were endowed with magical properties that protected a person from all evil. Since then, the tradition arose of fumigating a new home with userlik smoke, hanging a bunch of healing herbs over its entrance as a magical talisman that can protect the house from disease and negativity, and attract prosperity and good luck.

On the neck of the horse there is also a ceremonial horse decoration “govusband” with 17 pendants, symbolizing the start date of the V Asian Games - September 17, 2017.

Alabai was chosen as the image of the 2017 Asian Games. In the life of the Turkmens, the brave, fearless, proud Alabai always stood guard over family hearths, well-being, was always a friend of man, devoted to his master, vigilantly guarded the flock, house, and property. Taking into account all these qualities, the name Vepaly (Faithful) was chosen for Alabai - the image of the V Asian Games. Vepaly is sincere, fair, acts decisively, and always defeats the enemy.

230 / State News Agency of Turkmenistan / 09.18.2017 / Comments

“The opening ceremony of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games took place in Ashgabat” - the message about this significant event was instantly disseminated by numerous news and sports electronic publications, news agencies, television and radio channels of various countries, primarily in the Asian region.

It should be noted that the authors of numerous publications, colorful photo sessions and video reports on this topic - correspondents of domestic and foreign media - have been covering in detail the preparations for these major sports competitions for several years and are now closely monitoring all the news of the Ashgabat 2017 Games.

By all accounts, being a member of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, Turkmenistan makes a worthy contribution to the development of the international Olympic movement. The right to host the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, entrusted to Ashgabat, testifies to the high international authority of our country, which has achieved great success in various spheres of life. An important factor in the adoption of this decision by the Olympic Council of Asia is the proactive role of the President of Turkmenistan, who pays great attention to the popularization of physical education and sports.

Many media outlets in their comments cited the words of participants in the grandiose sports festival - heads of state and government of a number of countries, prominent foreign figures, heads of international organizations and honored guests, who emphasized the importance of the Ashgabat Asian Games, designed to become one of the factors in strengthening international cooperation, unity, sports and peacekeeping activities .

Thus, the President of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, noted that thanks to the great attention of the President of Turkmenistan, who led every step in the preparatory process, world-class sports facilities were built in Ashgabat and excellent conditions were created for athletes. The head of the OSA expressed great gratitude to Head of State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for this hard work.

Let us recall that the high assessment of the policy of Turkmenistan, which, steadily realizing its neutral status, makes a significant contribution to strengthening peace, friendship and good neighborliness, was given during bilateral meetings with the Turkmen leader by the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussein, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation Rustam Minnikhanov, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, chairman Executive Committee - Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States Sergei Lebedev.

In recognition of the enormous merits of the Turkmen leader in strengthening and developing fruitful interstate relations, the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was awarded the highest state award of Moldova - the “Order of the Republic”, as well as the Order of Duslyk of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation.

According to the unanimous opinion of the guests of the Games, the strategy of the head of Turkmenistan in the field of sports is bearing real fruit: today great prospects are opening up for turning Ashgabat, a recognized peacekeeping center, into a major sports center.

As the foreign press commented, this is the first sporting event of this scale for Turkmenistan, which will debut as the host of the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games among the countries of Central Asia. For the first time in the history of these competitions, in addition to delegations from the Asian continent, athletes from 19 countries of Oceania also take part in them. A total of 65 teams, more than five thousand athletes will compete in 21 sports.

“These are the most prestigious competitions, practically their own Olympic Games in Turkmenistan. Asian countries are holding them for the fifth time. For the first time, Turkmenistan received the right to host them,” a correspondent of the interstate television and radio company “MIR 24” reports from the scene. It is also noted that even before the official opening of the Games, several records had already been set. About a thousand journalists are covering what is happening, eight thousand volunteers are helping the guests, and the most spectacular competitions promise to be martial arts and equestrian sports.

“The state has been preparing for prestigious sports competitions for several years. The opening ceremony of the V Asian Games surprised the guests no less than the renewed Ashgabat,” in turn, reports the Russian Internet channel “VESTI.RU”.

Almost all media, including news agencies of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine and many other countries, focus on the colossal work done in preparation for the Asian Games and the highest level of organization of the Games. It is noted that the project cost of the Olympic village built in Ashgabat is almost 5 billion US dollars, as President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the V Asian Games. About 40 facilities have been built here, including indoor and outdoor swimming and diving pools, tennis courts, bowling, badminton and table tennis courts, an indoor cycling track, multi-sports grounds with running tracks, training grounds and halls for football, track and field athletics, fencing and boxing, team sports, gymnastics, etc.

Dozens of hotels, cafes, restaurants, residential complexes, cultural and shopping centers, parking lots - in total, more than 150 hectares are built up. “There is even a monorail built on the territory of the town for the convenience of athletes, staff and spectators, who can quickly move from one sports facility to another!” - the media report with genuine delight. It is noted that new architectural masterpieces of Ashgabat - an artistic depiction of the Akhal-Teke horse at the Olympic Stadium and a water sports complex with the world's largest indoor swimming pool were recently included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Journalists describe with great admiration the grandiose festive event that unfolded at the Olympic Stadium of the Turkmen capital, noting the impressive special effects, lighting and original compositions prepared by artistic groups. Turkmen people and millions of residents of other countries, who had the opportunity to follow what was happening live thanks to satellite television broadcasts, made a “journey” to the historical eras of all five velayats of Turkmenistan. A caravan is moving across the vast expanses of the Karakum Desert - the plot of the Great Silk Road comes to life, then the colorful narrative takes viewers to ancient Parthia, Dehistan, Kunyaurgench, the trading city of Amul, the legendary country of Margush...

The festive procession of athletes included teams from 64 countries in Asia and Oceania, as well as a refugee team taking part in the Asian Games for the first time. Particularly noting this fact, the world media again quote the speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

“Guided by the high humanistic ideals of the Olympic movement, Turkmenistan proposed a draft joint Declaration on encouraging the great contribution of the Olympic refugee team to strengthening peace and security,” the head of state said. Let us recall that this project was submitted for consideration at the 36th session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva and was unanimously adopted.

“We are confident that everyone should have the right to participate in international sports competitions, including athletes who, due to current circumstances, cannot compete under their national flags,” said the Turkmen leader.

The image of the Games “Ashgabat 2017” - the alabai Vepaly, and the huge statue of the ancestor of the Turkmen people - Oguzkhan, and the historical gallery of the great personalities of the Turkmen people who left an indelible mark on history - Gorkut-ata, Gerogly bek, Togrul bek, Alp - did not go unnoticed Arslana, Ertogrul Gazi, Magtymguly Fragi...

The participants of the equestrian group “Galkynysh” of the Akhal-Teke equestrian complex of the President of Turkmenistan made a splash. Her performances become the decoration of any holiday; the daring horsemen and graceful riders have captivated the public of many countries, deservedly being the winners of the main prizes of world circus art festivals.

And finally, the culmination of the celebration: a rider with a torch for the Ashgabat 2017 Games enters the stadium. A few more minutes pass and the Flame of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games lights up in the bowl built above the head of the giant horse decorating the dome of the Olympic Stadium.

The finale of the grandiose celebration, which lasted three and a half hours, was a festive fireworks display.

“Athletes of Turkmenistan are ready to win and inspire. One of the main tasks of the organizers of these Games is to promote the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle and the importance of sports to the world,” emphasizes the Euronews correspondent. “White stone during the day, magical at night - this is how the transformed Ashgabat will remain in the memory of the Games participants. It will go down in history as the first city in Central Asia to host the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games,” the author concludes his report.

In extended news reports from the international news agency Trend, the opening ceremony of the Ashgabat 2017 Games was presented as the largest event in the Central Asian region.

“About 3.5 hours of artistic expression, 7,500 performers, 200 musicians and 100 animals, 75 thousand costumes prepared for performances, and many other elements - all this will seem like an incredible spectacle to most outside observers,” Trend quotes one as saying from the organizers of the ceremony, Marko Balic.

Immediately after the opening ceremony, a voluminous publication appeared on the website of the news agency, hot on the heels of which described all the details of the event and included the speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. At the same time, a photo report was given, conveying memorable and symbolic images captured by professional photographers.

Foreign correspondents paid special attention to the symbolism of the ceremony, emphasizing the deep meaning of the theatrical performance of domestic and foreign artists who fully embraced their stage characters. The admiration of observers was caused by the lighting of the fire of the Games, when a torchbearer on a beautiful Akhal-Teke horse lit an octagonal star, causing two “comets” to flare up on it, which immediately soared to the bowl above the head of the giant horse adorning the dome of the Olympic stadium. Having reached the goal, the flame slowly ignited yuzarlik - a medicinal herb, the smoke of which drives away evil forces and promises success in all endeavors.

The information resource SNG.TODAY also devoted a reportage to the opening ceremony of the V Asian Games with high-quality photographs, under each of which there was a detailed commentary from the publication’s journalists.

“The show’s participants brought to life the history of Turkmenistan from ancient times to the present day,” observers of this publication write with admiration. “A gigantic image of Oguzkhan, the legendary ancestor of the Turkmen people, sculptures of prominent military leaders and poets who left a mark on the history of Turkmenistan appeared before the audience.”

Foreign correspondents also note that the opening ceremony of the V Asian Games reflected the unique flavor of modern Turkmenistan, which preserves the spirit of centuries-old traditions, respects its rich heritage, and at the same time keeps up with the times, using the most advanced technologies in all areas of activity. As the theatrical performance at the opening of the Games showed, national music, ancient symbols and clothing of our ancestors fit harmoniously into the modern, high-tech era of computers and electronics.

The State News Agency of Azerbaijan “Azertaj”, talking about the start of the Ashgabat 2017 Games, emphasized the international status of the V Asian Games, in preparation for which professionals from all over the world were involved.

The presence of many high-ranking foreign guests at the opening ceremony also attracted the attention of international observers. The Khabar 24 information site spoke in detail about the visit of the President of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan and his participation in the celebrations marking the start of the Ashgabat 2017 Games.

The electronic publication "ArmInfo" reports on the visit of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to Turkmenistan, who also became the guest of honor at a large-scale sports festival in Ashgabat.

“Guests from all over the world arrived at the grand opening ceremony, which took place at the Ashgabat Olympic Complex,” the agency’s correspondents report. “Delegations from 65 countries will take part in the Games, which will last from September 17 to 27, several hundred journalists from all over the world will closely follow competitions in 21 sports, and about 267 competitions will be held.”

Representatives of the foreign press paid close attention to the spectators of the opening ceremony of the Games, who united under the motto of the V Asian Games - “Health, Inspiration, Friendship”. In general, according to the unanimous opinion of foreign media, “The Asian Games in Ashgabat will be a new stage in the development of the international sports movement on deeply humanistic Olympic principles!”

On Sunday, September 17, the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games open in Ashgabat. The opening ceremony was scheduled to begin at 17:00 local time.

But the ceremony began more than three hours later. There are reports that the ceremony could have been moved to 20:17 - a play on numbers to indicate 2017, but there has been no official announcement about this.

At the same time, thousands of extras were reportedly brought to the venue at 10 am.

It is also reported that the postponement of the ceremony is due to the fact that at 17:00 in Ashgabat it will still be light outside and the planned fireworks will not be entirely spectacular.

Several heads of state arrived in Ashgabat to participate in the event. Including the presidents of neighboring Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon and Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyaev. The head of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev did not come due to participation in the UN General Assembly in New York.

The presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan, the countries participating in the games, also arrived. It is noteworthy that the presidents of Armenia Serzh Sargisyan, Moldova Igor Dodon and Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, as well as the head of the Russian Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, arrived at the opening of the Ashgabat Games. None of these countries are participating in the Ashgabat Games.

64 national teams, as well as a refugee team, are participating in the Ashgabat Games. Before the teams were presented at the ceremony, the organizers staged a colorful show, for which the Italian company Balich Worldwide Shows was hired.

Despite the selection of spectators to fill the stands during the opening ceremony, during the broadcast, most of the stands remained unfilled. The Chronicle of Turkmenistan publication noted that the raising of the flags of Turkmenistan and the Olympic Council of Asia took place against the backdrop of empty stands.

Before the teams began to leave one after another, a young man in national clothes walked with an Alabai dog on a leash. Two girls walked behind him with Alabai puppies in their arms. Alabai is considered a Turkmen dog breed and was chosen as the mascot of the Ashgabat Games.

Despite the role assigned to the “friend of man” in this event, the Turkmen authorities, as part of the preparation of Ashgabat for the games, included Alabaevs on the streets of the city. On Saturday, the day before the opening ceremony, dozens of stray animals were killed in the 30th microdistrict of Ashgabat.

The city center is cordoned off, an unofficial curfew has been introduced

In Ashgabat, on the opening day of the Asian Games, the entire center of the Turkmen capital was cordoned off.

There are reports of an unofficial curfew being imposed. In particular, “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” reports that after 8 pm city residents are prohibited from walking in parks and children are prohibited from playing in courtyards. The police officers dispersing people only respond that being on the street in the evening is a “lapdog!” (forbidden).

The central part of Ashgabat has remained under siege since the end of last month.

Azatlyk reported on the closure of residential neighborhoods adjacent to the Olympic village. Including all roads leading to the central microdistricts of the capital of Turkmenistan, Mir-1 and Mir-2, are blocked by concrete slabs. According to Azatlyk sources, on August 8, residents of areas located near the Olympic village - the site of the V Asian Games - were almost completely deprived of the opportunity to travel by vehicle in the microdistrict, as well as enter the territory of the residential area.

“In Ashgabat, it was possible to enter the Mir-1 and Mir-2 microdistricts through two streets: Molodezhnaya and Yunus Emre. Since last Friday, concrete slabs have been installed there too. On the small streets leading to the microdistricts, there are about 30-35 of them, obstacles have also been installed.” , - a resident of one of their microdistricts told Radio Azatlyk.

$15 Billion Non-Olympic Games

The 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games will be held on September 17-27. The authorities of Turkmenistan are taking unprecedented measures to isolate foreign participants and guests of the event from chance meetings with Turkmen citizens, for whom the Asian Games have become a real test.

With Turkmenistan facing its worst economic crisis since independence, authorities have spent an estimated $10 to $15 billion on this rather minor competition. By comparison, Brazil spent about $4.6 billion for the last Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

The program of the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games included competitions in chess, futsal, tennis, Muay Thai (Thai boxing), sambo, kurash, jiu-jitsu, bowling, equestrianism, track cycling, swimming in the 50- meter swimming pool, athletics, weightlifting, 3x3 basketball, taekwondo (WTF), sport dance, kickboxing, belt wrestling, wrestling (Greco-Roman and freestyle), billiards and traditional wrestling - a total of 21 sports. At least 13 of these disciplines are not recognized as Olympic sports.

Additionally, the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, which have been held since 2005, do not qualify athletes for other major international competitions and do not affect their rankings.

Organizers initially reported that about 6,000 athletes were expected to participate in the Ashgabat games. But, on the official website of the games, the participation of 4066 athletes from 62 states and territories of Asia and Oceania is announced.

It is also worth noting that the media, including Azatlyk, mistakenly called the Ashgabat Games the Asian Games or the Asian Games, which the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games are not. The fundamental difference between the two events is that the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games are not recognized by the International Olympic Committee, although the organizer is the Olympic Council of Asia. The Asian Games or Asian Games are a major international event recognized by the IOC.

In this regard, the name of the Olympic Stadium, where the games are taking place, raises a question, since Ashgabat is not the city hosting the Olympics.
