Great meeting room.

Chat with Kenny, choosing any lines. Walk left to the front of the jeep to see the winch. Grab the winch hook. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. Hook the hook onto the truck axle between the wheels. Return to the jeep and go to its right door - there is a winch control panel on it. Use the remote control - the jeep will be dragged to the truck. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. Climb aboard the jeep. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. Grab Kenny's hand. Talk to Kenny, choosing any lines. When the girl runs out, choose any line. Shoot her or not, you choose. If you leave her to die and thus distract the walkers with yourself, you will have more time to gather supplies.

Timed Quest: Once in the store, collect everything that comes to hand. Don't forget to navigate between screens. When Kenny says to leave, jump after him over the fence. Press the Q button quickly. Press the Q button again quickly, at the end of the series of presses press the E button. Knock down the refrigerator to the right of the aisle. Run ahead of Kenny. Hit the helicopter pilot, hit it again. Again quickly press the Q button, after the end of the series of presses press the E button.

In a conversation with Lilly and Kenny, choose any lines. At the end of the conversation, go to Lilly's room - she is on your left, the door is ajar. Talk to Lilly, say that you want to know about the missing things, then choose any remarks. In a conversation with Duck, choose any lines. Go left, behind the van, even more left, to the place where Clementine drew a drawing on the asphalt. Slightly above and to the left of it are shards of glass - pick them up. Go even more to the left and up, around the corner - you will see a cross on the wall. Touch him. Walk right to Clementine. Talk to her, ask her about chalk. Once at the entrance with Duck, you can give him five - you will please the child. Touch the chalk mark under the container with your hand. Move aside the container covering the exit. Walk right to the grate in the building's foundation. Remove the grate. Take out the package.

In a conversation with bandits, choose any remarks, just do not be silent.

Timed Quest: If you want, shoot at the fleeing bandits. Look to the left. Kill two bandits. Look out to the right. Kill three bandits. Kill the walker who attacked Katya and Duck. Kill the walkers as much as you can, aim for the head. If you left Carly alive in the first episode, she will cover your left flank, you will only need to shoot at those walking on the right. If you left Doug alive in the first episode, he will shout from which flank the walkers are closer, from the left or right - respectively, in that direction you will need to look out.

During the conversation in the trailer, choose any lines. Whether to leave Lilly alone in the forest is up to you.

Talk to Katya, choose any remarks in the conversation. Talk to Clementine.

Optional timed task: Press the Q button quickly.

Go to the trailer. Examine the dashboard. There is a pencil under the car radio - take it. If you took Lilly, it turns out that she has freed herself from the bondage. In a conversation with her, choose any remarks. Get out of the van (or, alternatively, Lilly will kick you out of it). If you didn't leave Lilly in the woods, she will steal the van. If Lilly stayed in the forest with the walkers, the van, accordingly, will remain, but you will not need it any more. Climb aboard the diesel locomotive. Walk right. Open the second engine compartment from the left. Take any key - it will come in handy. Close the compartment. Walk to the right and open the door leading to the cockpit. Use a key or a gun. Hit or shoot a seated person. Examine the corpse.

Optional task: Walk left. Exit through the left door. Examine the car door. To get to the cookie, you need to beat the walker. Open the door. Unfasten your seat belt, and when the walker crawls towards you, knock him with the door. Take the cookies. Return to the locomotive.

On the blue-green case, with back side from the train control panel, there is a notebook with a purple stripe on top - examine it. Scribble on a notebook with a pencil - a diagram will appear. Turn right to the panel with toggle switches and touch it. In block 6, set the toggle switches according to what is shown in the figure (from left to right): down, down, up, up, up, down, up. If everything is done correctly, electricity will begin to flow. In block number 5, install the handles according to what is shown in the figure (from left to right): horizontally, vertically. If everything is done correctly, the green light will come on. Exit through the right door. Head left and open the first engine compartment on the left. There is a control panel on the left. Turn the switch on it first to the left, then to the right - the engine will start. Go right, enter the cockpit. Pull the throttle stick. Go through the right door. Head left and go to the freight car. You can pick up a bottle of water near the right door and a map near the left door. Jump off the left carriage door. Go right to the place where the cars are coupled. Use a wrench to lift the hitch latch. Climb back into the carriage. In a conversation with Chuck, choose any line. If you have picked up a bottle of water or cookies, you can give them to Katya. Walk left to Kenny - you will give him the card. During the dialogue, select any replicas. Once in the cockpit, pull the throttle lever.

In conversation with Chuck, choose any lines. Pick up the handkerchief from the floor. Dry Duck with a handkerchief. Go through the door leading to the locomotive. Go to the cockpit. Show Kenny the handkerchief. In a conversation with Kenny, choose any lines. To persuade Kenny, to stuff him in the face or expose yours to the blow - the choice is yours. Whom to send to kill Duck - decide for yourself. In a conversation with Clementine, choose any remarks. In a conversation with Kenny, choose any lines. Who finally finishes Duck is up to you. However, you can just leave him in the forest.

In conversation with Chuck, choose any lines. Go to the cockpit. Exit through the right door. Go to the carriage. Take the green whiskey bottle from the right door. Take the scissors from the backpack at the left door. Talk to Clementine, tell her that she needs to learn how to defend herself. Select any line before shooting. See where Clementine got to and tell her to make a correction. Repeat the exercise. With the third bottle, Clementine should be fine. Show Clementine the scissors, cut her hair. When cutting, choose any cues. Go to the locomotive. Go to the cockpit. Go outside through the left door. Offer whiskey to Chuck, whether to drink with him or not - decide for yourself. Return to the cockpit. Talk to Kenny. Tell him that Chuck is offering him a drink. When Kenny leaves, take the card sticking out of the drawer by the window. Exit through the right door. Go to the carriage. In a conversation with Ben, choose any lines. Go to the carriage. Show Clementine the map. In a conversation with Clementine, choose any remarks.

In a conversation with Omid and Krista, choose any lines. Go up the stairs. In a conversation with Omid and Krista, choose any lines. Open the door of the van on the left. Search the van for scotch tape. Go down the stairs. In a conversation, choose any lines. Walk right to the station. Walk right to the unsealed entrance to the station. Examine the open window above the door. Take Clementine and lift her to the window. In a conversation, choose any lines. Go inside. Support the door with the key taken from the locomotive. Examine the space above the grate. Lift Clementine so that she crawls through the grate.

Timed Quest: Move back (key W) until you find yourself at the key that supports the door. Roll the mouse wheel to select not the inspection icon, but the use icon, and then left-click to grab the key. Use the key to finish off the first walker, quickly press the Q button, at the end of the series of presses, press the E button to finish off the second walker. Take the key from Clementine, unlock the door with it, open the door, shoot the third walker.

When talking with Christa, choose whatever lines you like. Take a gas cutter. In a conversation with Clementine, choose any lines. Exit the building.

Go up the stairs. Use a torch to cut the hitch. Cover the torn torch hose with tape. Cut the hitch with a torch. Offer Omid to cut the hitch with a torch.

Timed Quest: If you like, you can dump the burner to fry some walkers. In a conversation with Omid, choose any line. Choose who you want to drag into the carriage first (however, wasting time is also an option).

In a conversation with Kenny, choose any lines.

The passage is relevant for any version of the game

For the game's features and controls, see the guide for the first episode.

In the second episode, we had to make several important decisions about the choice of the plot development:

Chapter 6

  • Choosing an option in a conversation with Emily: “ Tell the truth" or " Keep silent"About the vision of Louis de Richet.

The choice affects Emily's attitude towards Louis.

Chapter 7

  • Choosing a course of action when talking in the hallway between Cardinal Giuseppe Piaggi and Minister von Wöllner: “ Go in search of mother" or " Eavesdrop on Piaggi and von Wöllner's conversation».

The choice did not have a significant impact on the plot.

Important: There was also a moment in the episode that influenced the finale of the second episode, and thus the course of events in the third episode. It's about whether Louis managed to get out of Mortimer's secret office on his own (then it turned out the hell " Dexterous", And in the crypt he met his mother), or he had to resort to outside help: he was freed by Jacques Peru (in this case, the result was" Careless”, And in the crypt Louis met George Washington). This gives you two options for starting the third episode.

Note... To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the passage text. To view additional pop-up screenshots, click on the active links highlighted in the text of the walkthrough in dark red.

The third episode begins with a scene common to both versions in the crypt, where all the guests and Lord Mortimer himself have gathered. Upon completion of the short introduction, it is proposed to select three manuscripts.



A pistol rests against the back of Louis' head. Turning around, he sees his mother.

    Note: This variant of the passage of the game is obtained under the condition that in Chapter 7, Episode 2, Louis was able to independently get out of Mortimer's secret office, which allowed him to have time to meet in the crypt with his mother, Sarah de Richet.

Sarah does not believe that this is her son, Louis.


    Note: One of the options for successfully passing the confrontation is offered, which consists of four stages and in which three mistakes can be made. In case of failure, Sarah, without any explanation, threatening with a gun, forces Louis to go to the meeting. This will be referred to as "Failure" in the chapter summary.

Objective: To calm the mother


Stage 1

Question: "What are you doing here?"

Answer: "I want to save you." Requires the skill " Belief»Second level (- 3 action points).

Stage 2

Question: "Sarah's motto:" Always be reasonable ... "

Answer: "... and open." Requires the skill " Belief»The first level (difficulty - 1) You can choose the same option without requiring skills.

Stage 3

Question: "What was the name of the art dealer?"

Answer: "Von Borchert".

Stage 4

Question: "Did Louis talk to Mortimer?"

Answer: "He didn't even come out when I arrived."

The final stage

Question: "Did something strange happen to Louis on the island?"

Answer: "I found out what connects you with Elizabeth." Requires the skill " The science»The first level (difficulty - 2).

Question: "... I was just trying to help her"

Answer: "I believe you."

Target achieved.

  • Note 1: Record " I calmed Sarah de Richet

Sarah states that Louis should attend the meeting and inquire about Mortimer's plans, but warns that he should not trust the Lord. Stating that they will meet later, the mother sends Louis to the meeting.

As he leaves, Louis reports that Emily Hillsborrow has come to the island in search of her sister Emma. Sarah claims that there is nothing to think about the duchess now.


George Washington descends into the crypt and finds Louis bent over the corpse of a masked man. He assumes Sarah did it.

We select the preferred available options for answers and replicas.

A bell is heard announcing the beginning of the meeting. The President of the United States invites Louis to take the place of his mother, since he and Sarah had to support Mortimer.

Purpose: Follow your mother's trail or go to a meeting

Way to achieve: Inspect the room and the objects in it.

We bring our eyes closer to the corpse. We select the preferred available options for action.

The man was hit on the back of the head and he lost a lot of blood. But he did not die of this, because the stranger's neck was broken. Louis' man's face is unfamiliar.

After examining the body, we receive the KEYS with the occult symbol "Air". We investigate the room. We select the BOOK "ORGANON" and CARMELITE WATER. We look at the fireplace and find that the ash is still warm. We select the preferred available options for action.

After examining the ashes, Louis is convinced that his mother was recently here, and he would have found her if he had not been stuck in Mortimer's office..

Target achieved.


Purpose: Attend the Meeting

Way to achieve: Go to the Great Conference Room.

Solution: Leave the crypt, go through the garden labyrinth. Enter the mansion and follow to the large hall.

Great meeting room

The guests gathered in the hall were divided into groups, only Jacques Peryu sits alone.

Target achieved.

  • Note. Record: " I attended the meeting"In the" Success "section of the chapter summary.

Objective: Speak with Lord Mortimer

Way to achieve: Walk up and speak to Lord Mortimer talking to Mr. George Washington.

Solution: We investigate the room, collect the available auxiliary ingredients.

HONEY - 2 pcs., KARMELIAN WATER and AMBER SHARDS - in a locked box.

How to open the box:

- "Open the left lock" and "Open the right lock". Requires two keys with a pattern in the form of an alchemical symbol of water;

- "Pick both locks." Skill required " Agility».

We collect items:

COLLECTOR'S COIN 34 and COLLECTOR'S COIN 35 lie on two tables in niches... We are approaching Jacques Peru, we turn to him.

Jacques informs Louis that Mortimer is waiting for him. At the end of the conversation, Jacques advises not to trust Lord Mortimer.

Moving on to the lord talking to George Washington.

Mortimer invites Louis to replace his mother at the meeting.

We ask the lord all the proposed options for questions.

After answering Louis' questions, the lord asks him to stay in order to let him know his plans. Washington steps aside.

Mortimer says that the meeting will be devoted to the fate of Louisiana, and he plans to transfer it to France.

We select the available preferred options for answers and replicas.

Lord explains that the plan was developed by him together with Sarah de Richet. According to it, Spain must transfer Louisiana to France, and then France will transfer it to the United States, after which their territory will double. Mortimer explains the reactions that Godoy may have and regrets that Sarah is not around because she didn’t know much about his idea. He invites Louis to talk after the meeting. Louis wonders if Mother is wrong about Mortimer?

Target achieved.

Those present take their places.

In the course of the heated discussions, different variants of remarks are offered:

  • To the presentation by Mortimer Louis to the assembly and to Godoy's attack on Sarah de Richet, who, in his opinion, did not protect the king of France.
  • On Godoy's statement about the Indians as savages (time is limited). When choosing the option to talk about the Indians, the attack of the Spanish minister follows.
  • To a direct question from Manuel Godoy about Mortimer's proposal to transfer Louisiana to France.

We select the preferred options available.

Possibility to use :

After the words of Washington "With friends like you, sir, and no enemies are needed" - an active point on the head. Washington (requires the skill " Politics»).

Louis wonders: "It seems to me or Mortimer is not disclosing his plan to Washington?"

Cardinal Pnji declares: "The Vatican will not like that Catholic Louisiana is wanted to be handed over to the atheist revolutionaries who killed their king." Godoy asks for Louis' opinion on this matter.

Possibility to use :

After a dive between the cardinal and Louis, Piaggi pronounces words in Latin - an active point on the cardinal's forehead (requires the skill " Linguistics»).

Louis translates the cardinal's words to Sir Gregory: "Teach this presumptuous youth to behave, Sir Gregory," and understands that he is not to everyone's liking here.

Possibility to use :

After the words of the Duchess of Hillsborrow: "The English crown will be against", Wöllner pronounces a phrase in German - an active point on von Wöllner's collar (requires the skill “ Linguistics»).

Louis translates the ambassador's words to Emily: “I assure you, Emily, that Prussia will never agree,” and suggests that von Wöllner intends to thwart Mortimer's plan.

Possibility to use :

Hill enters the conversation. He argues that no one needs the swamps of Louisiana.

He is interrupted by Godoy, but Wollner stands up for Sir Gregory: "You were not asked, the Queen's pet ..." - an active point on Wollner's head (requires the skill " Psychology»).

Louis notes: “Hill, Godoy, now von Wöllner. Mortimer's opponents are ready to grab each other's throats ... And he watches them with rapture ... ".

Lord Mortimer's proposal splits the guests into two camps.

  • An important choice: « Side with Mortimer" or " Take the side of the Hill but".


Louis de Richet, Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington and Jacques Peru remain on the side of Mortimer.

They head to the lord's office.

Mortimer's office

Mortimer invites Louis to answer Washington's question and introduce him to the plan.

Mortimer explains his position on the spread of democracy and asks Louis to continue. Mortimer invites Washington to continue to resent whatever he says tomorrow.

He asks Louis to stay. The lord offers to do him a service: you need to send him to Senor Godoy and convince him to join them. Louis doubts the success of his mission, but Mortimer is confident that Louis will succeed.

The lord admits that he will not be upset if Duke Manuel considers Louis an enemy. If he declares war on France, it will play into their hands.

We go down to the second floor.

Today we will consider with you the topic: "Sweet flirting". Episode 3. Passage ". The thing is that this toy is divided into many different parts connected with each other. All actions will necessarily affect the final result. So be careful. Let's try to get to know you with the toy" Sweet Flirt ", and already then we will read about its passage.


What is our game today? Nothing less than a real dating simulator. But with all this, we will also have to live the life of an ordinary schoolgirl transferred to a new school.

"Sweet flirting. 3 episode", the passage of which requires a fairly good ingenuity, strongly depends on the two previous parts. Why? We will talk about this with you a little later. For now, let's see what the toy is based on. What do you have to do?

The basis of the game

So, before starting this game, let's think with you how you have to play. It is worth noting the fact that the entire game "Sweet Flirting" is mainly dialogues that are linked by some small quests. Something from the series "Dress up for a party", "Play a trick on your classmates" and so on.

As we study the guide "Sweet flirting. 3 episode", we will have to save money and, of course, energy. The last "item" is exactly what is constantly lacking. Especially if you decide to go through several episodes at once.

You can gain energy by daily visits to the toy. It can also be won in mini-games. They will depend on which "club" you go to as your character. For example, in the sports section or would prefer to do gardening. So pick up your energy and then start playing Sweet Flirting Episode 3. The passage will become several times easier after reading our guide.

Director's assignment

The first thing you need to do is find a collar, a toy, and a headmistress. After that, you have to catch Kiki. What a restless dog! Well, we gained patience and strength - and we set off to carry out our task.

You will have to start with the teacher's room. In it you can find a collar. Take a good look at the bottom corner of the screen. He's out there somewhere. Now walk around the locations a little. In particular, from the school to the courtyard. In the game "Sweet Flirting. Episode 3", Castiel will now play a rather important role. The point is that it will help you find the leash. After talking with the young man, move to the gardening club. Examine the lawn - the leash will lie there.

Now run through the locations again. For example, the teacher's room is a corridor. Stumble upon Nathaniel and then talk to him. After the conversation, it turns out that the toy is lying somewhere in the yard. Go back outside and then take a look at the bushes. Do a little rummage there - you will find a toy. As you can see, we have met you with a rather important part of the Sweet Flirting game. Dialogues, episode 3, part 1 is an important step that will help you in the future. We have collected with you everything you need to catch. Let's try! But it didn't work out! We'll have to look for some kind of bait for the mischievous dog! Let's try to figure this out with you.

Mischievous Kiki

Well, "Sweet Flirting. Episode 3", the passage of which may drag on without energy, continues. We just tried to catch Kiki, but we never succeeded. We'll have to look for bait! Dog biscuits are ideal. Let's remember which of our friends has a dog.

Well, of course, Castiel! Let's go and talk to him. Depending on your relationship, the guy will give you cookies or sell them for $ 20. Here is such a friend! Now let's try to catch Kiki with you. Go to the gym. Now into the courtyard, and from there - into the recreation. It remains to run into your class and catch the dog. Now move back into the corridor to give Kiki to the headmistress. The task is completed. Wonderful. Now let's continue our theme: "Sweet flirting. Episode 3. Walkthrough of the game". An additional task awaits us.


First, it's worth talking to you about a sports club. The first task is optional. Dajan will ask for a bottle of water. You can buy it at the bazaar for $ 5. You can refuse the assignment if you wish. After that, you will have to help the athlete find his medallion. To do this, find Amber and her girlfriends. As a rule, girls hang out for recreation.

Eavesdrop on the conversation of girlfriends. From the dialogue, you will learn that Amber had a hand in the loss of the medallion. In addition, you will be shown the place where to look for the decoration. This is the section under the ajar Amber drawer. Take the medallion and give it to Dazhan. Ready.

Now let's talk about the gardening club. Talk to Iris several times. The first time you ask for seeds, the second time - remind of your request, the third time - take the seed box and give it to Jad.

The second quest is optional. The young man will ask you for wormwood seeds. If you want - buy, if you want - no. It's simple.

So our game "Sweet flirting. Episode 3" is coming to an end. Passing this part will require one more action from us. Namely, bring Jad his notebook. Go to class A and then rummage among the books. Find the loss and then return it to the boy. All that remains is to choose an outfit and go on a date.

First of all, I will show us the events of the past (second) season, and now it's time to plunge headlong into the third.

We run with Kenny through the city. During the run, we manage to exchange a few words.

He still invites us to leave with his family in the van. Kenny will then climb the stairs, but it will break.

Management passes to us. Go left to the army jeep. Try to push it - you won't succeed. Then, on the front bumper, click on the roll of cable and attach the cable between the wheels of the vans.


Then activate the switch on the jeep door and the jeep will pull you towards the van.


Now we jump on the jeep, and then we grab Kenny's hand, but he will fail.

We will hear a terrible cry. The girl calls for help, and with her cry attracts a lot of attention. We have to do something, but if we start shooting, we will bring on zombies. The choice is yours. Personally, we decided to kill the girl, because there were too many zombies, and her death became much easier. Then Kenny helps us to climb, and we run away. Hiding in the store. Now you need to catch everything that is lying on the floor (jars, medicines, food).


Try to take as many things as possible in the allotted period of time.

Unfortunately, the zombies will knock the door down and fall on us.


We begin to quickly-quickly press the "Q" key, and Kenny is in no hurry to help us. Then quickly click on the shelf to fill up the door. Next, a zombie in a pilot's mask will rush at us, activate the point in the area of ​​his neck twice, then press the "E" key to kill him.


We return to the hotel. Let's talk with Clementine. She will ask you to find her batteries. We return the loot to the hostess of the camp. Lily and Kenny are fighting again.


Again we have to choose which side we will support. We personally support children to sleep inside. Colds begin to set in. We are trying to settle the whole situation in a conversation. Lily will break down and shout that one of ours is stealing food.

Then Lily learns that we shot the girl. We say that we had no other choice. Some are unhappy with our action. Lily is completely blown away. We go outside and inform everyone that she just got excited. Now we can walk around the camp. Talk to Clementine. Then we go to Lily and talk to her heart to heart. She will also give us a powerful lantern, but it is broken and she found it at all.


We go out into the street and stumble upon Duck.


He overheard our conversation. We can ask him not to tell anyone about our conversation. We also ask a married couple about the broken lantern. Further, at the entrance to the motel, we will find pieces of broken glass of the lantern, and on the side wall, a cross drawn in chalk.


And again, Duck pokes his own business, but suggests an idea.

There are suspicions that this is Lily's trick. You can ask everyone about the drawn cross, or you can talk to Clementine right away. We ask Clementine about the painted cross, but she resists. Duck calls us up and says that he found pink chalk at the gate.


Next, give five to Dak and inspect the place at the trash can. We will see many pieces of pink chalk on the ground. We ask Duck if he has found anything else. Next, we move the trash can. We open the gate and look around the street. A little to the right, we will find a small ventilation grill, and inside it is a bag with some stolen things.


We return to Lily and show her the find. Someone steals from their own. We are being attacked.


A lot of people grabbed Karla and the others. Lily runs out into the street. We must act. We leave to the bandits. The gun is behind. We ask the bandits to leave us alone. At this moment, in a brief scene, we kill some of the bandits and free our own. Help comes to the aid of the bandits. Now using sniper rifle we kill enemies.


Everyone gets into Kenny's van. The zombies also decided to join the party. We save Clementine, and then we free Duck, he attacked him by a zombie.

We shoot the zombies from the cannon, while the zombie rod is at us. We'll have to shoot back from both the left and right sides. We leave the motel. In the van, our company is quarreling again.


Lily starts to run into everyone. Calming Lily. In general, everyone had skeletons in the closet. What skeletons are there. Whole graveyards in closets.

On the way we knock down someone. We need to stop and check. A walker remains under the wheels. Moreover, he also kicks there. Lily asks to leave Ben. Again Lily runs into everyone and shuts everyone's mouths. We calm everyone down. Duck (our friend who escaped in the first part) speaks harshly about Lily, and she clearly harbors a grudge. Damn it, the fucking bitch goes crazy and kills Duck! HERE IS SHE ... You have to choose whether to throw Lily or take her into the van. Let's leave her, of course!


Talk to Kenny in the van. His son, Duck, is injured. It seems he was bitten by a walker. Further, we tell Clementine that Duck is bitten. Damn us! Clementine has become a zombie! Oh no, just nightmare... Next, we will stop in front of the train, as it blocked our way.


Now we speak with Ben. Next, on the left, we open the door and find nothing good. Wait a minute though. Here is a map with train routes, a bottle of water (it will need to be returned to Dak). We return the found card to Kenny. Next, we go to the van on the right ( gray) and open the shelves. There will be three of them (from left to right). Open the center immediately and take the tool on the right side of the right door. It is both heavy and sharp. Next, we open the third door and find ourselves in the driver's cab.


We give him our new weapon over the head. Next Ben will click on the button. It seems we can move the train. Then we talk from Kenya that we are very sorry (his son is dying). Next, we look around in the driver's cab. Let's find a notebook where the instructions for starting the train were indicated, but the page was torn off.


We leave on the other side of the train and the walker will scare us. It is strapped on. Do not shoot, for you will attract others. Open the door and then detach his seat belt.


Wait for him to crawl to the door and crush his head with the door. To do this, click on the active point on it in time. Take the toy and sweets from under the asshole. We return the find to Dak.

Enter the van. You will find a pencil near the driver's seat.



Use it to turn on the train engine. Do everything as in the instructions. Well, if you don't understand something, then watch the video.

We need to disconnect the cars from the head. To do this, enter the red carriage, and exit from its other side. Use the tool we found to unhook the red carriage.


Heck! In the next car we will find a man. We tell him the truth and get to know him. It turns out that Chuck has already managed to get to know all of ours.


Daku is getting worse. Move the upper red lever inside the car and start moving.


Next, we help to wipe up the blood of Dak. He's dying, we need to stop the train. We go to Kenny and ask him to stop. We show him a handkerchief with blood. It seems that Ken himself does not want to believe that his son is dying. He doesn't want to stop the train. He gets excited and gets up. We ask him to calm down and tell him that we are talking to him like a friend. Then we continue the conversation. Kenya will calm down and stop the train.

We must choose which of Duck's parents will kill him, for he is about to turn around.


We tell them we will do it. It is unacceptable for parents to kill their son. This is against nature (Hello, Taras Bulba). Clemenite will want to talk to us. We inform her that he is dying. Let's hear shots in the woods! We run into the forest and ... People do not stop dying. We tell Kenny to give us the weapon. We will kill Duck, no matter how sad it is.


We aim at the head and shoot. Overnight, Ken lost the meaning for which he was trying to survive.

Then we go on the train and talk to Clementine., Talk to Chuck. We ask him not to talk to Clementine. Next, we talk with Chuck about his family. Then try to calm Kenny down. Then we talk with Ben and Clementine. In the bag to the left of Clementine, you will find scissors. We give the pistol to Clementine herself.



Miss Meyers and Adil had hatched a plan from the beginning to outwit Inch the butler and take over both Eyes of the Sphinx. Once again, go through the plan and, playing as Patricia Meyers, leave the room. We go to the saloon and enjoy wonderful classical music performed by a violinist. Let's talk to Lady Westmakott. She considers Mares to be a silly girl who has no worries but to relax, have fun and beg money from wealthy fans. After discussing a couple more topics, we return to the stairs and eavesdrop outside the baroness's door.

We go to the deck and speak with Kreutz. Let's cheer up a depressed musician. He despises Westmakott and considers her a "witch." Kreuths discovers the disappearance of his father's pistol. We rise along the stairs on the right side. We go to the left and examine the ventilation grill. You will need a tool to open it. We return inside the ship and go downstairs. We knock on the door of the medical compartment. Dr. Gebhard is not very much in the mood for a conversation, and he somehow restrains his negative emotions. We go upstairs, go to the right and pass into our own cabin. We take out the pendant from the suitcase on the table.

Large towel.

Let's look into the saloon and take the salad tongs from the table. We pass to the back deck and take a large towel from the sunbed. Let's go back to the ventilation at the captain's bridge and try to unscrew the bolts on the lid with the coin of the pendant from the inventory. Also, drag the flagpole opposite to the ventilation. Combine tongs and a coin in your inventory. With the resulting device, we open the ventilation grill. We attach the towel to the flagpole and apply it all for ventilation.

Just in time the Baroness will leave her cabin. We go down and immediately open the portable mini-bar in front of us. A rich selection of drinks, however. Click on the red strap on the middle shelf on the right side. A safe with a four-character code appears. Examine the hint inscription in the upper left corner.

About to leave the room through the ventilation, an unknown person will go to the cabin. It will not be possible to see his face, as Mares will quickly hide under the bed. From boots, gloves and light-colored trousers, you can guess that this is Dr. Gebhard. He will leave, standing by the bed for a while. We move the chair to the hatch, lower the towel and climb up.

We pass into the saloon, we communicate several times with Dr. Gebhard, Lady Westmaycott and Captain DiConti. Let's go to our cabin and talk to Adil. He takes a shower, so we click on the bathroom door. We go down to the lower deck and read the magazine lying on the table. We leave for the baroness's cabin through the ventilation. The dead Baroness lies on the bed and, frightened by her presence, Meyers does not hold back and screams. People come running to the noise, but we manage to escape. We meet Adil, he will help us climb up. Inspector Legrand appears and points his weapon at Adil. As a suspect, he will be locked in the cargo hold.

Leather strap for safe access.

The next morning ... We play for Adil. Let's talk with Inch about the murder of the Baroness last night and decide how we proceed. We interact several times with the hinge in the lattice. The rod is secured with a bolt. A blanket and a mug are underfoot. We take a blanket and throw it to the boards on the right side. We remove the nail from the small board. We unscrew the bolts in the rod using this very nail, tapping from below with a metal mug. We knock out the grate and click on the door above the stairs. We pass to the shelves with luggage. We examine the shelf on the right side. We connect the found item with the hook on the floor. We use the hook control panel located on the shelf of the left rack. We study the shelf itself from the other end. We climb up and find a ventilation pipe. We interact with a securely fixed grid. Let's go back to the stairs and take the hose that is next to the lockers. First we connect the hose to the object on the floor, then to the hanging hook, and finally to the ventilation grill above the shelves. We use the control panel and thereby pull out the grate. We leave the cargo hold.

Adil arrived just in time. Helping Constable Zellner. We rush in pursuit of Dr. Gebhard. Climbing upstairs, we leave on the deck. After a skirmish with the doctor, we continue to chase after him. Gebhard is about to commit suicide. Inch appears and pushes the doctor overboard. The butler can only write a letter of gratitude on behalf of Gebhard that he is allegedly the Raven.

Egypt, Cairo

We meet with Inch and discuss the plan to kidnap the Eye of the Sphinx. We search the garbage container and find an umbrella. We select it and remove the wire. We take out the tennis ball from the back platform of the truck. Let's go to the main entrance of the museum. We go inside and communicate with the guard. Of course, he's not going to let us through.

We return to the alley. We open the door of the truck cab with a wire. Once behind the wheel, we put on the overalls that lie on the passenger seat. We remove the vehicle from the parking brake by pulling the lever on the steering wheel. We leave the car and push it closer to the stairs.

We get to the museum, go inside and inform the guard that the company sent us to carry out the work. It didn't work. We go outside and use the ball on the dog. Then we throw it inside the museum. When the guard runs after the dog, we can go inside. We only have a few seconds for this! If necessary, repeat the action with the ball. Hiding under the table. We interact with the coffee maker on the left side, enter the name of the company into the list lying on the table a little to the left of the guard. We click on the passage so that the guard gets up from his place.

Coffee maker and list.

The third attempt is the last. Now the guard will definitely let us into the museum. We go down to the main hall and interact with the statue in the upper left corner. Having studied the scheme of the museum, we communicate with Meyers.

We leave for the alley. We click on the stairs and climb onto the roof. We study the chimney. Click on the buttons in the following order: 2 (second from the right) - 3 (first from the left) - 5 (first from the right). The numbers are the same as the number of vertical sticks on the buttons. We pass to the attic. A light bulb hangs over the table. We cut the cable with a knife from the inventory and take the light bulb. We go down, use the knife on the cable in the upper right corner (if necessary, highlight the active point). Combine the knife and wire with a light bulb in inventory. We connect the wire on the ceiling and the wire from the inventory. We unscrew the light bulb and clean it with paper to the right of the table in the attic. We twist the bulb back and use the switch on the left side.

We go left and open the secret door. Inch and Meyers appear. The butler will lead us to the attic. He learned about the plans of Adil and Patricia. We select handcuffs and chained the girl to a chair. We have no choice, now the "Eye of the Sphinx" will have to be stolen personally for Inch. He will be with Patrice, and if we do not bring the "Eye", then she will die.

After leaving the attic, we open the bag and get out of it everything that we need in the thieves' case. We put on a black suit and look through the window on the left side several times. We are convinced that the "Eye of the Sphinx" was delivered to the museum. Slightly to the left of the stairs we pull off the tarp from the container and find a bucket, a rag and rubber boots. We click on the tools for washing and take out a rag from the bucket. We moisten it in water from the tap of a large tank. We select the handle with big box... Chew the chewing gum from the inventory. We make a hole in the window with a knife. We push the foil from the chewing gum package through it. Apply a wet rag on the window and click on the window itself to open it with the handle. We get down downward using the rope.

Handle and container covered with tarpaulin.

The protection system is so effective that even a mouse will not slip through. However, if a real professional gets down to business, then no technical bells and whistles will stop him. We close the review of the camera with a bag from the inventory. We interact with the rope and go down even lower. After examining the bulletproof glass, we alternately apply gum, diamond and the cordon standing next to it. An alarm was triggered after the impact.

Adil broke the glass, and Inch's powerful explosion caused the exhibit to collapse under the floor. We click on the sarcophagus and get out of it. Hiding behind the column, we select the stone lying near the adjacent column to the right, and we stun the constable Oliver with it. We click on the hole and find ourselves in the attic. Inch shoots Constable Zellner and fled the scene. Legrand will stop him. Inch falls off the roof with the fake Eyes of the Sphinx. The raven was Patricia Meyers. Constable Zellner is Patricia's father. He was not injured by the shot, as he was wearing a bulletproof vest.

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