All poker notation. Poker combinations - list in pictures, general rules of construction and seniority

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.


poker in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


poker, pl. no, m. (English poker - lit. poker). Gambling card game.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, m. A kind of card game.

adj. poker, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. A kind of gambling card game.



Poker- a sports card game, the goal of which is to win bets by collecting the highest possible poker combination using 4 or 5 cards, or forcing all opponents to stop participating in the game. The game is played with fully or partially closed cards. The exact rules may vary depending on the type of poker. The generalizing elements of all types of poker are combinations and the presence of trade during the game.

Due to the fact that the player does not know the cards of his opponents, poker is a game with incomplete information, like many other card games, unlike, for example, chess, in which both players see the position of all the pieces on the board. But unlike other card games, poker is not a game of chance, although it is used in casinos.

Examples of the use of the word poker in literature.

In the boiler room I found a group of players in poker, I replied, and with difficulty resisted the temptation to join, in one of the empty salons I frightened off a delegate from Sri Lanka and a delegate from Greece engaged in a comparative study of meta-corpses.

The day before, at the very beginning of the evening, Wilson, Gallagher and Staff Sergeant Croft began playing poker seven cards each with two orderlies from the headquarters platoon.

In the aft compartment of the laser fire, he found all six lasermen who were playing poker on the cover of the backup computer.

Nesterov's eyes fled from the multitude of slot machines, tables for poker and tape measures, from men of all calibers: solid fat men in fashionable frock coats, coupled with stubble-covered goners in shabby suits, with hungry, haunted looks.

And where, I wonder, does Dynamite have so much money that he spends in vain in the club for poker?

I won my apartment in poker Dennis, the cement spill, is a risky guy who will play apartments at cards all his life.

You are the very person who will conquer Mars, because you have cocktail machines, and instep supports, and chips for poker, and riding whips, and leather boots, and plaid caps, and rum.

Okay, - Shuryak finally surrendered, - yours took, I open with an ace poker on hands.

I play scat, tarokk, yass and poker Kern replied with a burst of pride.

One day in the Elk Horn saloon, the long-awaited fight with Jack Kearns took place, when Harnish took revenge for his long-term loss in poker.

He did not do anything that the fathers of all the guys did: he never went hunting, did not play poker, did not fish, did not drink, did not smoke.

Vasily invites me to his place to play poker with his program stimulated by the fear of death.

Sometimes he went to Ilheus, made a party in poker while continuing to accumulate money by playing.

Well sir, to be honest, I played poker with Squill, Rolfus and Piggon the night before that day when we were all introduced to you, and if they had at least one mind for three, I would have won it from them at the very beginning of the evening.

But they all died at once, on the battlefield, and I beg your pardon, sir, you may be able to move as fast as the Speckled Gulik, who sensed the game of poker, but still not so fast as to have time to touch each of them and cause such instant death.

Most likely, if you are interested in poker topics, then you have previously studied various literature, which talked about poker hands or watched the broadcasts of the largest poker tournaments. If so, then, most likely, you have noticed that cards in text format are displayed with special characters, but at first glance they are completely incomprehensible to a beginner. Today we will talk about the designations of card denominations, and in addition, we will tell you how you need to correctly read these records.


Let's first talk about what card dignity is. For example, the denominations, starting with two and ending with nine, are indicated very easily - it is just one number. But everything becomes complicated when the first letter of the English name of a particular card is used in the notation.

How the denominations are indicated in the text:

  • 10 - Ten - T
  • Jack - Jack - J
  • Queen - Queen - Q
  • King - King - K
  • Ace - Ace - A

In addition, exactly such symbols have their own suits in the game of poker:

  • Diamonds - Diamonds - d
  • Spades - s
  • Worms - Hearts - h
  • Clubs (crosses) - Clubs - c

Therefore, if you know the meaning of the cards in poker, then with the help of this you will be able to tell any of the hands in a text version without any problems.

Let's simulate the following situation. The poker player had a hand Ad As, using the letters that we told you about above, you can describe that he had two aces, and their suits were spades and diamonds. In addition, there are times when the text designation can also indicate what cards a person had, for example, suited or off-suited.

So, for example, offsuited hands will be denoted by the letter "o" (for offsuited), and suited hands for s (for suited). We would strongly advise you to remember the designations of these properties, as this will allow you to describe everything that happens in poker without any problems. I would like to note that this is the way in the poker literature it is customary to describe hands, but if the book is newer, then there you can find just a picture of the suit symbols.

Let's sum up

The text designations of various denominations and hands must be known to every fan of this game, since this will directly determine how successful your distribution will be. Agree, if you do not have the slightest idea about poker symbols, then it will be incredibly difficult for you to understand which symbols are displayed in text format.

Straight - from ten to ace - of cards of the same suit... In poker, all suits have the same value, and the pots are split equally between the hands of the same value. However, there are no two "royal flushes" in one hand, except for the option from common cards on the table! This is the highest combination in games like Texas hold'em or omaha .

Straight Flush | Straight flush

Straight from any card, consisting of cards of the same suit... If two players have a straight flush, the pot goes to the player with the higher hand. But there is also poker games, where you want to collect the lowest combination.
PS. Ace maybe like start off order and end his

Caret | Four of a kind

Any four cards of the same rank... If two players have the same value square, the bank is taken by the player who has the fifth card (in other words - kicker) higher. A very strong combination, use poker calculator .

Full House | Full house

Any three cards of the same rank and a pair of two other cards... In our example, three aces and two kings will be more than three kings and two aces. In case of equal combinations, the player with the higher three cards from the "full house" wins. Then the "pair" by rank is already compared, and in case of complete equality, the pot is divided between the players.

Flash | Flush

Any five cards of the same suit in any order... The highest card in the hand determines the overall value of the flush. Our example is an ace flush.
PS. Ace maybe like start off order and end his

Street | Straight

Any five consecutive cards of different suits... Ace can be considered both the highest and the lowest card. Our example shows an ace to five straight - the lowest-denominated straight.
PS. Ace maybe like start off order and end his

Three or Set | Three of a Kind

Any three cards of the same rank... Our example shows a three of aces with a king ( kicker) and lady aside - this is the best possible three.

Two pairs | Two-pair

L Any two cards of the same rank along with any two cards of the same rank... Our example is two pair of aces and kings. When two players have this combination, the value of the combination is determined by a pair of the highest cards.

Couple | One-pair

Any two cards of the same rank... Our example shows the best possible pair.

Highest card | High-card

Any hand from which it is impossible to fold the above combinations in poker... In our example, the best possible hand with the highest card.

Poker Hands: FAQ

Is a straight stronger than a flush?

No. A very common misconception. In fact, a flush (five cards of the same suit) always beats a straight (five consecutive cards). Straight flush, five consecutive suited cards, even higher.

Which is better, two pair or a set?

A set is always stronger than two pairs. The only made-up combination that two pair beats is one pair.

Are "All Reds" or "All Blacks" hitting a street?

“All Reds” or “All Blacks” hit nothing. A flush consists of five cards of the same suit - i.e. five hearts, diamonds, cross or spades.

Does the priority of the cards in the collected flush matter?

It has. In BL Hold'em, an ace flush is always higher than a king flush. Place both hands on the table to determine the winner of the hand. The combination with the highest card wins the pot.

Which suit is stronger?

In poker, suits don't matter. Spades are not stronger than worms, and crosses are not older than diamonds, etc. Players with two identical combinations, but different suits, simply split the pot. This misconception comes from other card games where suits have their own hierarchy.

Two players have a royal flush, who won?

In BL Hold'em, you cannot make two royal flushes on the same board. In other games there is such an opportunity, the bank is divided in half.

What am I hitting with three pairs?

Nothing. In this case, the top two pairs play. In poker, there is no such thing as "three pair" at all.

Is there a difference between a set and a thrips? Which is stronger?

A trips and a set represent one combination - three cards of the same rank. The difference is in how this combination was put together. When a pocket pair catches the third card on the board, a set is formed.

When there is a pair on the board and the third card in your hand is trips. Sets are much more difficult to read, so they are preferred.

What happens if there is a straight on the board?

The bank is divided between the players. Naturally, provided that no one has a high straight or a stronger hand (flush or higher).

Whatis Four-Flush?

Four-Flush is a regular flush made up of four cards on the board and one card from the player's hand. This, by the way, is one of the main differences between BL Hold'em and Pot-Limit Omaha. In PLO, the player must use two starting cards, so the concept of Four-Flush does not exist in this game.

What if I have the same pair as my opponent?

You are dividing the bank. Pocket aces versus pocket aces - most often this is a pot split (except when one of the players catches a flush).

Is it possible to make a straight from 4-3-2-A-K?

It is forbidden. With an ace, you can make both the low straight (A-2-3-4-5) and the high (A-K-Q-J-10); this rule does not apply to other cards.

Which is older: 3-3-3-A-Aor 8-8-8-K-K?

The seniority of a full house is determined by three cards of the same rank. In the example above, a full house with eights is older than a full house with threes.

Who will win with four of a kind on the board?

The player with the highest kicker. For example, on the board 8-8-8-8-5 you have A-K, your opponent has K-Q - you win. (Your five-card hand looks like this: 8-8-8-8-A, your younger opponent is 8-8-8-8-K.) If the board was 8-8-8-8-A, you would split the pot : Five-card hands in both cases would be equal - 8-8-8-8-A.

Basic beginner mistakes

Unfortunately, most newbies have a hard time learning from their mistakes unless they cost them their entire stack. And it's not just about the correct interpretation of combinations of cards in poker.

More often than not, you will pay for a mistake by losing the bank.

Your investment in this lost pot may be just a small fraction of your stack. In this case, many beginners do not take into account the lost bank and refuse to estimate the size of their mistakes.

But while such errors lead to fewer one-time losses, they occur much more often, and as a result are more expensive in the long run.

Your decisions at the poker table are the raft you sail on. Any leak, no matter how small, will eventually cause you to sink.

You can spend all of your time scooping up the water, or you can spend some time now fixing the leaks once and for all.

In other words, it is correct to understand the situation at the table when evaluating poker combinations.

5) Hopeon thecoinflips

This leak is most common for those who watch too much poker on TV and don't spend enough time learning the real game. TV poker is rarely a good way to learn a solid game strategy, especially if you want to play cash games.

Coyne flips are a common part of tournament poker.

The televised poker tournaments constantly show players eager to play coin flips. Players are constantly looming in front of the audience, eagerly going to coin flips in a desperate attempt to extend their tournament life: to get the best poker hand.

In cash games it is almost always wrong to aim for a coin flip before the flop. Often, when faced with an all-in bet, a beginner with A-K in hand will call based on the following logic:

  • I am ahead against any unpaired hand
  • I have about 50% win (coin flip) against any pair below KK
  • I only lose KK and AA, and even have three outs against KK

Based on this reasoning, the beginner concludes that calling is a good decision.

Unfortunately for newbies, cash games are different from poker tournaments. In the later stages of tournaments, especially at the final table (which most of the televised poker is about), players only need to have any hand that can win the pot at showdown in order to get all their chips into the pot.

These hands can include all hands with aces, hands with any two high cards, and playing for all the chips with A-K is a very simple solution.

In cash games, the situation is completely different. Except in rare situations where players are on tilt or just want to get home quickly, the hands that players will bet all their chips with before the flop will almost always be pocket pairs or A-K.

This means that when you call with A-K, you will very rarely be ahead. Most of the time, you will lose a little to small pocket pairs (55-QQ), and sometimes find yourself far behind KK or AA.

Hoping for a coin flip before the flop in a cash game results in a loss of money.

4) Replayhands

Another common beginner mistake is to overplay your hands.

Watch people who are just starting to play poker. Many of them will never fold top pair or better hand. If they have a pair of aces, they will not even consider folding as aces are the strongest pair.

The more you play poker, the less comfortable you will feel with marginal hands. The contrast between the emotions of a beginner and a pro of hitting the bottom two pairs on the flop is the same as between night and day.

The beginner jubilates when he flopped two pair, while the professional realizes that this hand is not that strong.

Here's an example to explain this contrast:

Flop: 8 ♠ 9 ♦ K ♣

Hand: 9 ♣ 8 ♣

The beginner sees this hand and knows that he has a very strong hand. There are no straight or flush opportunities on the board, which further increases the likelihood that his hand is the best. Beginners will be ready to put all their chips on such a board into the pot.

The professional sees the same board and realizes that there are only three options: his opponent has nothing, and he will take only a small pot on the flop; his opponent has one pair and can call one bet; or his opponent has a set or better two pair.

The pro knows that a small pot will win, or anyone willing to put in a lot of money on a flop like this is likely to have a stronger hand. The only scenario in which a professional can count on a decent profit is if his opponent is a beginner who goes too far with a top pair and a good kicker.

Unfortunately, the professional has no way of knowing if his opponent is outplaying top pair or playing the set adequately.

With rare exceptions, if your hand - in other words, a poker hand - is weaker than the high straight, then it is marginal, and you should not aim to play a big pot.

It is only when you have the nuts or an absolute monster that you should aim to play all your chips.

All of these mistakes can be avoided. Excluding them from your game will lead to an immediate increase in your winnings within the sessions, as well as significantly increase your income in the long run.

3) finishing draws on a dangerous board

When you play with a draw, you tend to finish the draw and bet if you get a strong hand. You don't play with a draw to get a strong hand and check.

Therefore, as soon as you complete your draw (flush draw or straight draw), you are obliged to put money in the pot. The amount of these investments can range from small amounts to the entire stack.

When you are trying to complete a draw on a dangerous board, sometimes getting a made hand is the worst case scenario. The simplest example of this is trying to make a flush on a paired board.

Once you complete your flush, any player who is willing to invest significant amounts of money in the pot is likely to have a full house.

There is nothing worse than trying to hit a poker hand that loses anyway, and losing a lot when you think you got a good card. When there is a real chance that you will get the second strongest hand by completing your draw, you need to keep the pot as small as possible.

If you cannot somehow be sure that you have the best hand, never rely or hope for it.

A person who needs no introduction.

2) Fearto losemoney

Doyle Brunson says: "The key to no-limit poker is ... getting your opponents to make decisions on all your chips." In other words, you need to be ready to get your opponents to decide whether to go all-in or not and call with all your chips each time.

Many newbies play poker with little or no bankroll. For this reason, the pressure on these players is that they simply cannot afford to lose their stack.

This game is called a frightened money game. If you are unable or unwilling to risk your entire stack, then your opponents will use that fear against you.

To play poker successfully, you need to separate the money you play from the money you spend on your day to day business. Losing your full buy-in in no-limit poker should be no more difficult for you than buying a hamburger.

Obviously, you would rather not lose money, but you have to do what you have to do - collect poker hands.

Until you can completely detach yourself from the amounts you put in pots, you cannot play no-limit poker properly. Play only those games that your bankroll allows you to play, and sit down at the table with the right mindset to make smart decisions.

Remember that winning money is a byproduct of winning the game - it is a profitable poker hand.

You don't sit down at a poker table with the intention of making money; you sit down at a table with the intention of showing high-quality play. Money is simply a medium that players use to record their results.

1) Illegal (or obvious) choice of the size of bets

If the size of your bets gives your opponents a clear idea of ​​your hand, they will never make mistakes. If your opponents never make mistakes, then you will never win.

Many beginners will only think about one aspect of betting while ignoring others. As a result, the size of their bets will harm them, not benefit.

Imagine you have a good hand, like flop two pair. You act first and must decide how much to bet. Many beginners will only think about the first aspect of bet size.

"I want my opponents to call my bet and make a profit on this play, so I have to make a pretty small bet in order for them to call accurately."

Isaac Haxton plays as a predator.

You bet $ 10 in a pot of $ 60. You have achieved your only goal, but now your opponents have pot odds of 7 to 1 (or better odds if someone has already called your bet) to try and finish their draws.

In fact, your bet size should be small enough to get called, but large enough not to give opponents with stronger draws good pot odds.

Another example of a beginner's wrong bet sizing is when betting very large in order to protect his poker hand. These bets will protect the hand, but they are so large that they do not allow making a profit on the made hand. Common scenario:

$ 1 / $ 2 game; the newcomer gets pocket aces in the big blind. One player limps, the second raises the bet to $ 10, and all other players fold to the newcomer; the newbie goes all-in for $ 145.

The pot is $ 15 and he raised to $ 145. It is almost always wrong to raise 9.5 times the size of the pot. Yes, he protected his hand and won the pot, but he made absolutely minimal profit from his hand.

Every time you make less profit from your hand, you make a mistake and lose money. With pocket aces, you are way ahead of your opponent. It is possible that your chances of winning are 8 to 1.

This means that you want to be called to your re-raise. You want to re-raise small enough to get called, but big enough to maximize your opponent's mistake.

If all goes well, your opponent will think you are bluffing and will go all-in. This will most likely never happen if you go all-in first.

You need to choose the size of your bets so as to maximize the mistakes of your opponents.

To win a hand, you need to take the pot by forcing your opponents to fold or by making the best poker hand. When it comes to showdown, the player with the stronger (highest) combination wins the hand. In most types of poker, it is made up of 5 cards.

In hold'em to make a combination, you can use 5 cards on the board and 2 cards in hand- in any ratio (i.e. choose 5 cards out of 7 to make the most profitable combination in poker), and in Omaha be sure to use 2 cards out of 4 in hand(i.e. you choose 2 out of 4 cards in your hand and 3 out of 5 cards on the table).

Poker hand precedence

The hierarchy of poker hands from high to low:

Royal Flush or Royal Flush

The oldest poker hand and the rarest. It consists of 10 suited, J, Q, K, A. In other words, the royal flush can be called the highest straight flush or the highest ranked suited straight.

Straight Flush

5 cards in a row of the same suit (suited straight). In terms of strength, it is second only to the royal flush. In a straight flush (as well as a straight), an ace is considered both the highest card (after the king) and the lowest (before 2).

Four of a Kind

4 cards of the same rank. If two players have collected four of a kind, the one with which it consists of cards of the highest rank wins. If four of a kind is on the table, then the pot goes to the player with the higher kicker.

Full House

A combination that consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank (three + pair).


5 cards of the same suit in any sequence. The highest card in the flush will determine the value of the flush.


5 cards in a row by rank. If several players have collected straights, the one with the highest card involved in the combination wins.

Set, three, trips (Three of a Kind)

3 cards of the same rank. The higher the rank, the stronger the three. If the players have equal triplets, the winner is determined by the highest kicker.

Two pairs

2 cards of the same rank + 2 cards of a different rank. The value is determined by the highest pair of cards, if it matches, then the lowest pairs are compared and the highest one wins.


Two cards of the same rank. The best possible pair in poker is aces.

High card, kicker (High-card)

The weakest poker hand is the highest card, which is used if you failed to collect any of the above combinations. Those. cards of different suits, do not match in rank and do not add up in ascending order. In such a situation in Texas Hold'em, you will choose from 7 cards (on the board and in your hands) 5 as high as possible.

For better memorization, we suggest studying the poker combinations in the picture:

And with the help of a video about poker hands:

These are winning combinations of cards (called poker hands). In this article you will find a description of all poker combinations with pictures and illustrative examples for Texas Hold'em, Omaha and other types of this card game. Let's start with the highest combination and describe them in descending order.

Ascending card combinations

We can represent poker ascending card combinations as follows:

Royal Flush> Royal Flush> Straight Flush> Four of a Kind> Full House> Flush> Straight> Set (Trips; Three; Three of a Kind)> Two Pairs> One Pair> High Card

Do not forget that sometimes the combinations of the players' cards coincide. In this case, the victory is determined by the seniority of the cards involved in the combination.

Royal Flush

Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten are of the same suit. It is essentially a suited high straight. The rarest and strongest poker hand.

Straight Flush

Any five cards in a row by seniority and of the same suit. If two players have collected a Straight Flush, then the hand in which the last card is higher wins. Straight flush can either start with Ace or end with it (Royal Flush).

Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same rank. If two players have collected the same four of a kind, then the one with the higher "kicker" (fifth card) wins. For example: on the table 8,8,8,8,7 both players have made four of a kind. One is holding K2, the other is holding Q6. The first player with the combination 8,8,8,8, K will win.

Full House

Three cards of the same rank and a pair of any two cards. If both players have collected a Full House, then the winner is the one whose top three from the combination is the highest. If three cards are equal, the pair is compared, the one with the higher card wins.


Five cards of the same suit. The sequence can be any. If both players have a Flush, then the player with the highest card in the combination wins. If the highest card of the Flush is common, then the next highest card is compared.

Ace-high Straight

Five cards in a row by seniority with an ace. At the same time, the suits of the cards are different. If ace is the highest card in the combination, then it is the strongest straight (A, K, Q, J, T). If ace is the lowest card, then it is the weakest straight (A, 2,3,4,5).


Five cards in a row by seniority. The suits are different for the cards. If both players have collected a Straight, then the one in whose combination the last card is higher wins. In this case, the Ace can be considered both the highest card in the combination, and the lowest. The oldest street is A, K, Q, J, T. The youngest street is A, 2,3,4,5.

Set or Three (Three of a Kind)

Three cards of the same rank. In our example, these are three Aces and two additional cards, which are considered a kicker and are taken into account if both players have the same Set or Three.

Two pair

Two cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. In our case, these are two Aces and two Kings. If both players have made a combination of Two Pair, then they are compared, and the one whose top pair is higher wins. If the players have the same Two Pair, then the one whose fifth card (kicker) is higher wins.

Pair (One pair)

Two cards of the same rank. In the example, two Aces will become a pair. If both players have made a Pair, then they are compared by seniority. If opponents have the same Pair, then the winner is determined by the highest additional card (kicker). If they are also equal, then the second and third supplementary cards are compared.

High card

Any five cards that do not add up to any of the above combinations. The winner is determined by the highest card. If both players have the highest card equal, then the second, third, fourth and even fifth cards are compared. If all cards are equal, then the players simply split the pot.

Poker combinations (video)

Examples of

To make it easier for you to remember these simple rules, we wrote several examples, where they clearly showed how the combinations are formed and the comparison of the players' cards occurs.


You win, because your two Kings are older than your opponent's two Queens. The older the couple, the stronger they are.

Two pairs

You win because your two pair 77 and 44 are higher than your opponent (66 and 55). The comparison here takes place on the upper pair, i.e. 77 versus 66.

Set or Three of a Kind

You win because your KKK triple is higher than your opponent's triple. Kings are older than Jacks, as well as 555 are stronger than 444.


Despite the fact that both players have collected Straight, you are the one who wins, because your top trailing hand is higher (J versus 10). In essence, there is a comparison: J, 10, 9, 8, 7 versus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.


You win because your flush is higher than your opponent's flush. In this case, the combinations are compared according to the highest card, where the Ace is stronger than the King.

Full house

Both players made a Full House combination with a common three of 555 in the base. In such a situation, the pair that is older is compared (99> 66). But more often than not, these combinations have a different triplet at the bottom, which determines the winner. For example: AAA99 is stronger than KKKQQ.


You win, because you have made four of sevens against a Full House of three kings and two sevens. If among the five cards on the table there are 4 of the same value, say 8,8,8,8,5, then the winner is the one with the highest card in his hand.

Straight flush

You win because your Straight Flush is older. The opponent has the highest card in the combination is 9, and you have the Jack (J). In such a comparison, the winner is always the one whose closing card is higher.

Royal Flush

You made the strongest hand and won with a Royal Flush of 10, J, Q, K, A in the same suit. There is nothing older than this combination.

If the players have no combinations at all, then the one with the highest card wins. If the combinations or all the cards are the same, then the winnings are divided between the players.

Common mistakes (Not the most obvious things in poker hands)

The flush is over (>) straight!

This deserves a separate consideration. It should be remembered that poker combinations are arranged in ascending order (seniority) for a reason, but according to logic: the stronger the combination of cards in hold'em, the less often it appears. In the problem of the street< флеша, на первый взгляд, всё не так очевидно - на самом деле, всё в порядке, сейчас объясним почему.

When we have a flush draw, we kind of have 9 outs to enhance. An open-ended straight draw involves only 8 cards. Paradox! The answer is on the surface - it's just that the flush is more beautiful. In fact, XXs will improve to a flush draw 10.9% of the time and make a flush 0.8%. For straight draws, the probabilities are different: 10.4% for an open-ended straight draw, and 1.3% for a straight.

I'll take it by the kicker!

The kicker does not exist for all poker hands. A pair, two pairs, a set and four of a kind (if four of a kind is on the board) - an ace or king in the sleeve may come in handy. It, like a red diploma when entering a university, will allow you to become the coveted owner of a bank, all other things being equal.

Kicker- this is a card that does not make up a combination, but is taken into account when determining the winner if the players at the table have collected the same combinations. For example, both players have collected a pair of queens. The winner is the one with the highest card in hand, besides the queens. If there are 4, 6, Q, 9, 2 on the board, one of the players has KQ and the other JQ, then the one with the kicker king wins.

Sometimes the kicker may turn out to be common, and then the opponents simply split the pot. A classic example: a board with any two pairs and an ace. In general, try not to call raises from early position with marginal hands like T3o.


In this case, it is best to re-raise and fold to aggression. (Do not thank!)

Be sure to learn all poker hands by seniority, because without this it will be very difficult for you to understand your position at the table.

How the combination is made

Poker hand is a set of 5 cards that form one of the combinations: high card, pair, two pair, set, straight, flush, four of a kind, straight flush or royal flush.

All hands in Texas Hold'em and Omaha consist of 5 cards. Both the player's cards and the community cards on the table are used. The main rule is that only those cards are taken into account that give the maximum possible combination in the distribution.

There are X options for using cards when making hands in Hold'em:

  • 2 player cards + 3 cards on the table. For example, player QJ on the board is A8Q2J. The combination will be QJ for the player + QJA on the board.
  • 1 player card + 4 cards on the table. For example, player 85 on board 8K7Q4. The combination "pair" will be obtained from the player's 8 + 8KQ7 on the board.
  • 0 player cards + 5 cards on the table. For example, player JQ has 5,6,7,8,9 on the board. The combo "common straight" will come exclusively from the cards on the board.

Low combination is the least significant hand in the hand. If the player has A8 on the board A7542, then his low combination is 24578. It is necessary to collect low combinations in some types of poker, for example in Omaha Hi-Lo.

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