Training sessions for fifth-graders to increase the level of psychological comfort during the adaptation period. Presentation for the game

Scenario of the competition program for schoolchildren “Race with the Wind”

Goals: develop logical thinking, creativity, ingenuity, dexterity of students; contribute to the unity of the class team.

Progress of the event

Leading. Hi all! Today we are gathered here to find out which of you is the fastest! So, first task...

In some competitions the whole team participates, in others one person from the team participates, so that everyone can participate.

Competition "Fishing"

Each team is given a spoon. It is necessary to catch with a spoon, which must be held in the mouth, greatest number peas floating in a plate of water for a certain amount of time.

"Pass the Ball" Competition

Each team stands in a line and begins to pass the ball:

Hands above your head;


Pinched between the chin and shoulder.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each team stands in a circle. Participants are given a piece of paper that is passed around the circle. Whoever makes the most circles in a certain amount of time wins this competition.

Competition "Practical"

It is necessary to find a new use for unnecessary, used items:

Empty tin can;

Leaky sock;

A burst balloon;

Burnt out light bulb;

Empty pen refill.

Competition "Writer"

Each team must compose a short story in which all words must begin with a certain letter:

(Adventurer Andrei Arkadyevich Antoshkin rented a car. He corporatized the watermelon barn, and Andrei was arrested by the ataman of the aborigines.)

Competition "Dance"

One person from each team sits on a chair. He will need to dance, without leaving his chair, the following dance:




Competition "Nogopantomnma"

It is only necessary to demonstrate the emotional state with the help of legs:






Competition "Sculptor"

It is necessary to imagine a monument, that is, to freeze in the form of a monument, which is called one of the proverbs and sayings:

Truth is born in dispute.

All ages are submissive to love.

A well-fed man is no friend to a hungry man.

The eyes are afraid - the hands do.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Competition "Pantomime"

It is necessary to use pantomime to depict a person who is in a hurry and therefore does two things at the same time:

Irons linen + blow-dries hair;

Rocks a stroller with a child + draws a house project on paper;

Stirs semolina porridge + picks ear;

Buttons up + brushes teeth;

Cleans shoes with one brush + cleans trousers with another brush.

Competition "Creative"

It is necessary to come up with new names for old professions:

Fireman (boiler room operator)",

Cleaning lady (technical employee)",

Street cleaner;


Shoe shiner.

Competition "Fairytale"

It is necessary to come up with new fairy tale names for the following items:

Pillow, blanket, sheet;

Bag, briefcase, backpack;

Pants, T-shirt, coat;

Armchair, chest of drawers, bedside table;

Glass, mug, wine glass.

Competition "Linguistic"

It is necessary to say the sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning.

The fly landed on the jam.

There is a glass on the table.

The clock strikes twelve times.

A sparrow flew into the window.

The detachment was walking along the shore.

Competition "Fantasy"

It is necessary to come up with the types of goods that would be sold in stores. For example:

Everything for losers.

Everything for truants.

Everything for sluts.

Everything for repeaters."

Everything for malicious shoe forgetters.

Competition "Pairs"

Perform the simplest actions from the point of view of a normal person. But at the same time, two participants need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. For example:

Thread the needle;

Light the candle using matches;

Cut a paper circle with scissors;

Tie the shoelace;

Replace the refill in your ballpoint pen.

Competition "Pictogram"

It is necessary to write, using drawings, like ancient people, a short letter addressed to a friend:

Call me today at 6 o'clock.

Let's go play football in the evening.

Let's do homework together.

Give me a puppy for my birthday.

Bring me scissors and colored paper.

Adaptation period in 5th grade


Game objectives:

Diagnostics of group interaction, ability to build relationships with peers;

Creating a situation of cooperation and mutual support;

Identifying leadership potential in the classroom.

Description of the problems or tasks that this game is aimed at solving.

The game is offered for children in 5th grade. Held at the beginning of the school year.

When moving to the secondary level, some children build their relationships with peers as if anew, find a new place in the system of interpersonal relations of the class, and perceive the position of a student in a new way. Against the backdrop of the adaptation period, this does not always go smoothly and painlessly. Therefore, a series of games united by a common plot helps children quickly determine their place in the team and choose “their” guys from the entire class. This is especially important for newly arrived children.

In addition, the class teacher, observing the progress of the game and participating in it, quickly gets to know his students and determines the leadership potential of the class.

Joint progress towards a goal creates a favorable emotional background and natural unity among students.

Anticipated psychological outcome.

At each stage of the game, children complete the task in different compositions. Therefore, in addition to his small group, the child learns to negotiate, obey interests and work at the same pace with other classmates. This expands his social circle.

Description plot outline, game result, type of plot.

ADJARV (enmity) hides FRIENDSHIP from the 5th grade kids. Therefore, children are offered different tasks to bring FRIENDSHIP back to the classroom. In search of FRIENDSHIP they go to the Islands of Interest, to the Rainbow Country. Then create a photo of their class. By completing these tasks, children understand how important it is to be able to negotiate and take into account the opinions of classmates. They learn to give positive feedback to other children's work and enjoy their successes. Children note that results can only be achieved with good leadership and with the correct distribution of responsibilities. Only after this FRIENDSHIP returns to the classroom, AJARV fails to defeat it and capture the hearts of the children. But in order to keep it in the class, it is necessary every day, every hour, every moment to remember that a sharp remark, ridicule, refusal of mutual assistance allows AJARV to win.

Time for play and discussion.

The game takes 1 hour 40 minutes - two stages. Each stage represents an independent plot and solves its own problems. At the end of each stage, a discussion is organized.


5th grade students (ages 11-12) and their class teacher as assistant teacher and observer. The presenter is an educational psychologist.

Detailed game script indicating the tasks of each stage.



Identifying children's interests.

Diagnosis of the ability to negotiate in a group and build relationships with classmates.

Development of reflection skills.


Preparation of a map depicting islands of interest, including without a name.

Blank sheets of Whatman paper according to the number of “islands”.

Colored pencils and markers.

GAME SCRIPT (first part).


For many centuries among people

Two different sorceresses live.

One is used to being called FRIENDSHIP,

Another one among the people is called ADJARV.

FRIENDSHIP teaches us to risk our lives,

Go through fire and water for friends.

ADJARV forces us to be at enmity,

Both anger and envy are for people to bear.

– Guys, this introduction to our game is not accidental. The fact is that without FRIENDSHIP, life in the classroom is impossible, and you must prove by your actions today that you choose friendship and not enmity for your relationships in the classroom. Only with FRIENDSHIP will life in the classroom be interesting. But the sorceress ADJARV decided to hide FRIENDSHIP from you. Today you will have to go to the Islands of Interest in search of her. So, quickly hit the road!

To travel we need a map. Here she is in front of you. There are various islands on it, each island has its own bays.

You and I will “sail” through different islands, and you must choose the island that you find most interesting.

The first on our way was the Island of Masters. They love to sew, knit, embroider, burn, saw out, care for animals and plants, make toys, weave beads and much more. In a word, tinker.

Our next island is the Island of Beauty. You can use it to sing, dance, draw, go to concerts and go on excursions, and prepare congratulations for children and teachers on various holidays.

The rest of the guys land on the island of Games. Here you can play outdoor games, checkers and chess, organize entertainment and competitions for the children.

If someone doesn’t like any of the islands, you can continue the journey on your own and stop on your own island.

After this, the guys are divided into groups according to their choice. Each group receives a piece of Whatman paper and draws their own island on it and marks its bays.

Then there is a presentation and discussion of the resulting works.

– Does the image of the island reflect its name?

– Did the island turn out colorful, elegant and cheerful? Would you like to visit it?

– Did the group that chose this island work together?

– Did we manage to meet FRIENDSHIP on the Islands of Interest today?

The teacher participates in the discussion of the last question and comments on his observations of the progress of the groups’ work. She says how closely each group worked, and whether the guys were able to agree on the design of their island. The whole class decides whether to continue the search for FRIENDSHIP, or whether it is in the class. Depending on the decision, the second stage of the game is held the next day (if it is decided that FRIENDSHIP has not been found), or a week later.



Creating situations that require cooperation and mutual agreement in the group.

The ability to present the results of your activities and enjoy the results of your classmates.

Identifying leadership potential in the classroom.


A set of colored circles for dividing children into groups.

Whatman sheets by number of groups.

Pencils and markers.

Scissors and glue.

Used colorful magazines (brought from home in advance).


Fiberglass particles with the word FRIENDSHIP written on them.

GAME SCRIPT (second part).

Before entering the classroom, children are asked to choose a circle of a certain color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Then they sit down according to the chosen color (there is the same circle on the table). Thus, the class is divided into 6 groups depending on the number of children in the class.


– Today we will again try to prove to AJARV that she has no place in our class. And we can show this to her by doing quick and friendly work in groups. Therefore, in each group you need to choose a captain or person in charge of the group. Please choose and try to explain why you trust this person to lead the work of your group.

After 2-3 minutes, the captains are introduced with a commentary on the choice made.

– Now, please imagine that we find ourselves in the Rainbow Country. Each group views the world through its own color. It matches the color of your circle. Each team is asked to prove that the world is interesting, that your color is necessary, that there are a lot of things of your color and you can’t do without it. To do this, you will make cuttings from magazines and postcards only in your color. Then stick them on whatman paper. The result is a collage made in one color. To make your picture look complete, you can add something with a pencil or felt-tip pens. After this, you will think about the proof that your color is necessary: ​​in what form it will take place, who will do it - the whole team or one person.

During the work, the psychologist and the class teacher help to find the necessary clippings, organize the work at approximately the same pace, and explain in case of difficulty how to make a presentation of your color. The teacher observes how responsibilities are distributed in teams and who takes on the role of organizer in each group.

After 20 minutes, teams begin presenting their colors.

Although the quality of work may vary, you are encouraged to notice interesting moments, original finds and be happy for the other team.

– Dear guys, you have presented excellent evidence of how important and necessary each color is to us. As a keepsake of the Rainbow Country, you receive colored shards. Each of them has some symbols written on them. If you can put the pieces together correctly, you will read the word.

The word FRIENDSHIP is written on a rectangular piece of fiberglass, and it is randomly cut into six pieces. If children connect the pieces correctly, they will form a word.

The teacher observes how the work is progressing: is everyone participating in the work, or some children have chosen the role of observers; who acts as a leader-organizer; Is the discussion going smoothly, etc.

– Guys, I can congratulate you: you have found FRIENDSHIP! Not only did you formulate this word correctly, but in two of our classes you showed that you can work in groups with different compositions. Take care of her! ADJARV is always happy to replace her.

School friendship is wonderful!

Not even a year is scary for her!

Wherever you are guys

Remember your friends always!

You can finish by singing songs about friendship, about friends.

Here are a few more methods for determining the cohesion of a team and the level of satisfaction with relationships in it.


Goal: to determine students’ understanding of the direction of the team and the level of its cohesion.


Symbols cut out of paper: umbrella, book, globe, cactus, lighthouse, “ ambulance”etc.,

Sheets of whatman paper, A4 sheet;

Markers, pencils.

Progress. The technique includes two stages. At the first stage, each student must draw his own emblem on a landscape sheet. It displays your own name, favorite activities and hobbies. The emblem should be placed in a circle, square, triangle or rectangle of the child's choice.

First stage assessment.

The teacher notes which form each student chose.

The circle is a symbol of harmony. The one who chooses the circle is sincerely interested in good interpersonal relationships.

Square is a tireless worker. Hard work, diligence, the need to bring the job started to the end, perseverance to achieve the completion of the work - this is what, above all, true squares are famous for.

Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be the first in everything. Energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them.

The rectangle symbolizes a state of transition and change. These are people who are dissatisfied with the way of life they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position.

In addition, the teacher draws attention to the presence of zigzags in the emblem, which indicates a creative personality.

Writing your own name speaks about the child’s attitude towards himself, his self-esteem and level of aspirations.

At the second stage, collective work is proposed. Students are divided into three subgroups. Each of them receives symbols cut out of paper: an umbrella, a book, a globe, a cactus, a lighthouse, an ambulance, etc. The teacher explains each symbol. For example, a book is an interest in knowledge; umbrella - the desire to “shelter” classmates from problems and worries; globe - the desire to travel, explore the world, etc. From these symbols you need to create a class coat of arms, reflecting the main purpose of the team and the direction of its activities. The resulting coats of arms are reviewed by the whole class, the best one is selected, and symbols that the children think are missing are added to it. After which final version placed in a corner of the classroom.

Second stage assessment.


Goal: to identify class team leaders and promote its unity

Participants: students of the same class, class teacher, high school students - leading the games.

Progress. The team is divided into micro groups of 5-9 people. During the game they must complete a series of tasks, the difficulty of which increases from first to last.

The presenter says that the game has a secret that will be revealed at the end. High school students assigned to each microgroup know about it. High school students monitor each student's participation and hand out tokens without explaining anything.

White token – leader-organizer;

Yellow token – inspirational leader;

Red – performer;

Green is a spectator.

To get acquainted, the presenter suggests coming up with a name for the group.

After 30 seconds their roll call is carried out. Then the competition begins, including next tasks:

Fold the cut card or shape the fastest.

Draw a collective picture on a given topic (subject, feelings, mood). Operating time 5 minutes.

Competition-burime. Compose a poem in 3-4 minutes. For example: a bird - dreams; boat - herring; sleepily - crow; boldly - flew away.

Write a story where all words begin with the same letter (“s”, “k”, “o”, “l”, “p”) in 3 minutes.

Dramatize a fairy tale in various genres. Preparation 5 minutes.

After the end of all competitions, the organizers of each group record the number of tokens received by each participant.

Group leaders, inspirers, performers, and spectators are determined (this is the secret of the game). The class teacher needs this to study interpersonal relationships and distribute student responsibilities.


Purpose: to determine the degree of student satisfaction with their team.

Progress. Schoolchildren are offered characteristics of various levels of team development. Students choose the level that, in their opinion, corresponds to the development of their own team and indicate it. The teacher can determine how students evaluate cohesion and unity, who underestimates or overestimates the level of development of collectivist relations compared to the average assessment.

“Sand placer.”

Take a closer look at the scattering of sand - how many grains of sand are together, and at the same time, each one on its own. A weak breeze will blow and carry some of the sand to the side, but if the wind blows stronger, there will be no placer.

This happens in groups of people. There, too, everyone is like a grain of sand: it seems like everyone is together, and at the same time, everyone is separate. There is nothing that would “link” or connect people. Here people either know each other little or do not want to meet each other halfway. There are no common interests, common affairs. This group exists formally and does not bring joy and satisfaction to everyone who is part of it.

“Soft clay.”

It is known that soft clay is a material that is relatively easy to influence. In your hands good master this material turns into a skillful vessel, into a beautiful product. In a team, such a “master” can be a commander or organizer of affairs. When soft clay is in the hands of an incapable person, it can take on the most indefinite forms.

At this level, the first efforts to unite the team are noticeable in the group, although they are timid and not everything works out for the organizers. The binding link here can be normal discipline and the demands of elders. Relationships are different - friendly, conflicting. Guys rarely come to the aid of each other on their own initiative. There are closed groups of friends who communicate little with each other and often quarrel. There is no true master - a good organizer - yet, or it is difficult for him to prove himself.

“Shimmering Lighthouse.”

In a stormy sea, a lighthouse brings confidence to both experienced and novice sailors: the course has been chosen correctly, keep it up! The lighthouse does not burn constantly, but periodically emits beams of light, as if saying that it is ready to come to the rescue.

The emerging team is concerned that everyone follows the right path. In such a student body, the desire to work together, help each other, and be together prevails. But desire is not everything. Friendship and comradely mutual assistance require constant burning, and not isolated outbreaks. There is someone in the group to rely on. The “keepers” of the lighthouse are authoritative, those who will not let the fire go out - the organizers, the activists.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a common language with everyone, to show persistence in overcoming difficulties; not everyone has the strength to obey collective demands. We see activity in bursts and outbursts, and even then not for everyone.

“Scarlet Sail”

The scarlet sail is a symbol of forward striving, restlessness, friendly loyalty, and devotion to duty. Friendly participation and interest in each other's affairs are combined with integrity. The sailboat's command staff are knowledgeable and reliable organizers. People turn to them for advice and help, and they disinterestedly provide it. Most crew members show a sense of pride in their team; everyone experiences bitterness when they fail. The team is interested in the affairs of other teams, and come to help when asked.

Although the team is united, there are times when it is not ready to face storms and bad weather. You don't always have the courage to admit your mistakes, but gradually the situation can be corrected.

“Burning Torch”

A burning torch is a living flame. The combustible material for him is close friendship, common will, business cooperation, everyone’s responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the entire team. You can shine for yourself, making your way through the thickets, climbing rocks, descending into gorges, blazing the first trails. But how can you feel happy if someone is having a hard time next to you? A true team always comes to the aid of others.

The game is a quest for fifth-graders, which is carried out with students at the end of the adaptation period, at the choice of a teacher-psychologist (end of November, December). The event is aimed at creating a game situation in which fifth-graders could demonstrate positive personal qualities, gain experience interacting with peers outside of educational activities and actively relax. To conduct the quest, you need to prepare the following materials - tasks on the islands of the Russian language, mathematics, history and sports. Also, the teacher-psychologist needs hints with the correct answers to assignments, keys - colored and cut letters for students from which they will form words at the end of the quest. It is advisable to play the game in a large room, for example assembly hall, you first need to prepare tables and chairs for working in teams, pens. To reward students, you can prepare certificates in advance with various nominations (ingenuity, quick wit, smart people, smart people, etc.). If you wish, you can put special flags on each table with the names of the islands or with small pictures. The game for fifth graders is carried out with the assistance of class teachers; students from the sixth grade can be involved.



The game is a quest for fifth graders: “We are fifth graders, we are the best!”

Participating: students of 5 “A” and 5 “B” classes.

Event date: 12/1/2016

Prepared and conducted the event: teacher-psychologist Milyutina A.V.

The class teacher provided assistance in conducting the event.

5 “B” Reva Tatyana Vadimovna.

Target: create game situation, in which fifth-graders could demonstrate positive personal qualities, gain experience interacting with peers outside of academic activities, and actively relax.

5th grade students gather in the assembly hall after the 5th lesson.

Opening speech by a teacher-psychologist: “Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we have a very interesting event! We will go through the quest. Who knows what this is? (Students' answers).

Teacher-psychologist: “That’s right, guys! Quest is a game in which you can find clues by guessing clues and completing various tasks. With the help of keys we will find out the theme of our quest! Now we will divide into teams. Each class must have 4 teams.” (Students are divided into teams)

Note: in the assembly hall there are tables prepared for students to play. 4 tables for each class. On each table there is an island designation with the name of the item. The island of Russian language and literature, the island of mathematics, the island of history, the island of sports.

Teacher-psychologist: “Well, the teams are ready for the quest. Now I will call one team to the stage and hand over envelopes with tasks. But before the teams go to their island, I will give hints in poetic form. Using these clues, the teams will guess which island they will go to.”

Hint - direction to the island of the Russian language.

Everything has a name -

Both the beast and the object,

There are a lot of things around,

But there are no nameless ones!

And all that the eye can see is

Above us and below us, -

And all that is in our memory is

Signified by words.


Every student writes carefully.

We read the rules and learn them by heart.

Well, guys, what kind of lesson is this?

Even an animal or a bug,
Here he becomes a hero.
Here they look for hints in fairy tales,
And, of course, they find it. (Island of Russian language and literature)

Island of Russian language and literature. Here the guys have to complete 3 tasks.

1. “Synonyms - rhymes” You need to choose a synonym for the spoken word, which is also a rhyme for the previous pair:

Wizard-mage, banner - (flag); Noise-roar, laughter - (laughter).

Praise is approval; luck – (luck); Strongman - athlete; mystery – (secret).

Father's - dear; heat - (heat); Suddenly - suddenly; comrade - (friend).

Walk - walk; dance – (dance); Faithful - reliable; difficult -

(difficult). Here - here; work – (labor).

2. “Choose a rhyme” - for these words “textbook”, “notebook”, “diary”, “pencil” you should choose a rhyme and compose couplets.

3. “Help the poet” - The aspiring poet composed couplets, but then abandoned them because he couldn’t do it any further. Help me complete the quatrains:

"Pinocchio and Alice

We decided to go to the store..."

“Leopold is angry with mice,

He says: “There will be no friendship!”

“Winnie the Pooh once said:

I won’t eat honey anymore!...”

“Once Shrek and Fiona together

We're going fishing..."

After the teams of students have completed the tasks, the teacher-psychologist gives each team the keys - the letters ZN and the letter Sh, the letter U and the letter B (the letters are cut out of paper in advance, each team collects its word at the end of the quest).

As soon as the children complete these tasks, they will receive the following hint (to the island of mathematics):

The lesson is interesting, in it we believe

Together we solve examples and solve problems.

Compasses, everything is accurate - without any romance.

Well, what's the lesson? That's a lesson... (mathematics island)

On the island of mathematics they are asked to solve the following tasks:

1. “Replace numbers with letters.” A series of numbers and their corresponding letters are written on the board:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


3561 – (ALIS – fox) 1568 – (SLIT – leaf)

34527 – (ADLOK – boat) 31427 – (ASDOK – board)

4123 – (DSOA – soda)

2. "Proportions."

Dividend – divisor = multiplier - ? ( factor , product, quotient, multiplication, division).

Addend – sum = minuend - ? (subtrahend, difference , addition, result, quotient).

Dividend – divisor = ? – subtrahend ( minuend , difference, quotient, division, subtraction).

Figure - square = number - ? (sum, fraction, product, difference, rhombus).

Rectangle - plane = cube -? (edge, height, triangle, face, space).

Diameter – radius = circumference - ?( arc , segment, segment, line, circle).

Triangle – isosceles triangle = quadrilateral - ?( trapezoid , figure, equilateral triangle, angle, side).

Segment - length = square - ? ( square,

After the teams of students have completed the tasks, the teacher-psychologist gives each team the keys - the letter A and the letter K, the letter C and the letters UD.

After the teams have completed the math tasks and received new keys, they are given a hint to the story island.

Everyone knows that she
Full of miracles and secrets.
Learn from other people's mistakes
And you will never get bored! (history island)

On the island of history, children are invited to complete the following tasks:

Exercise: the team receives a list of historical figures, next to which they need to write who they were and what they did.

1. Hammurabi - 6th king of Babylon (1750 BC),creator of written laws.

2. Confucius - Chinese sage.

3. Prometheus – the grandson of the Earth goddess, who taught people to plow and build, swim and sew, count and write. He stole the fire of Hephaestus and gave it to people.

4. Homer - ancient Greek poet, author of the Iliad and Odyssey.

5. Hephaestus – Greek god - blacksmith.

6. Cyrus - leader of the Persians, Persian king who conquered Media, Lydia, Babylonia and others. King of kings.

7. Rhea Silvia – mother of Romulus and Remus, priestess of the goddess Vesta.

8. Odysseus - king of the island of Ithaca, hero of Homer's poem "Odyssey".

9. Herodotus - An ancient Greek historian who described the military exploits of Cyrus.

10. Cheops – Pharaoh of Egypt 2600 BC

11. Seth - brother of Osiris, god of the desert sandstorms.

12. Isis - wife of Osiris, patron goddess of wives and children.

13. Persephone - Greek goddess, daughter of Demeter, wife of Hades.

14. What were the kings of Egypt called? Pharaoh.

15. What is Mesopotamia?The country between the Euphrates and the Tigris that existed more than 5,000 years ago can also be called Mesopotamia.

16.What is the Sphinx?Mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man

17. What was the name of the most beautiful woman Egypt? Nefertiti

18. Which king had a huge clay library?? Assyrian king Ashurbanipal in Nineveh (600 BC)

19. What paint did the Phoenicians invent? She was considered royal.Purple (lilac-red, the Phoenicians extracted it from special shells, the snails of which produced this paint).

20. Is the country the birthplace of tea? China

21. Where was paper first invented? In China.

22. Why did the Egyptians call the Euphrates River “the river flowing backwards”?The Egyptians (Thutmose's troops) were surprised that the waters of the river flowed in the direction opposite to the Nile flow they were accustomed to. After all, the Nile, flowing from the south, flows into the Mediterranean Sea, and the waters of the Euphrates flow from north to south. The conquests of Thutmose are evidenced by texts in the temple at Karnak (Annals of Thutmose III). One of the inscriptions talks about crossing the “great inverted river.”

23. Which river did the Chinese call “the river of a thousand disasters, the wandering river”?Yellow River, as it spread very widely and destroyed villages.

As soon as students have completed the tasks, they are given keys, the letters NI and O, the letter P and the letter USH.

And every schoolchild should know
How to get along with her culturally,
And run a cultural cross-country. (sports island)

To work on the sports island, students are given the following tasks:

1. What are the means of hardening? (Sun, air and water.)

2. What sports require a target? (Biathlon, archery, rifle and pistol shooting.)

3. List sports games. (Football, basketball, volleyball, bandy and puck hockey, handball (handball).)

4. What do you call a football player who dreams of a dimensionless goal? (Attack.)

handball? (5, 6, 6, 7.)

6. What is the highest sports rank? (Olympic champion.)

7. Name the pieces in chess. (Pawn, knight, rook, queen, queen, bishop, king.)

8. What is skateboarding? (Skating on a roller board.)

9. In what sports (except equestrian) can a horse work at two rates? (In chess and gymnastics.)

10. List the methods of swimming. (Crawl, breaststroke, dolphin (butterfly).

11. In what sport does the judge pronounce the command “Brack!” (Box.)

12. In what sport is tailwind important? (In sailing./

13. To which sports is the proverb “If you don’t grease it, you won’t go” more suitable (Auto, motorcycle, air, bicycle and ski sports.)

14. What emblem was on Olympic Games oh in Moscow? /Bear.)

15. What does a tourist have in his heart? (Backpack.)

16. List the types of struggle. (Freestyle, classical, sambo, karate, hand-to-hand combat, taekwondo.)

17. What is surfing? (Riding a board on the waves.)

18. Who should defenders be protected from in the game? (Forwards.)

19. Why did the athletes of the ancient Olympic Games compete without clothes? (See yourself and others, compare.)

20. How the winners of the Olympic Games were honored in Ancient Greece? (Established monuments, composed odes and hymns.)

21. What punishment was the winner of the ancient Olympic Games subjected to for unfair fighting? (He was deprived of the title of champion, paid a fine and was subjected to corporal punishment.)

After completing tasks on the sports island, each team receives keys, the letters Z and LA, and the letters EX and EE.

Teacher-psychologist: “Well done guys, everyone worked together, helped their comrades in solving difficult tasks, showed ingenuity, resourcefulness, and intellectual abilities. And now each team has its own keys, but these keys are not easy. In order to open these keys, all the kids in the class need to get together and think about how to put the keys together so that they make sense! (Children make four words from letters - school, knowledge, success, future).

Teacher-psychologist: “And now you have opened the keys and you need to complete the last task. Consult with the whole class and decide how beautiful the sentence will sound with our keys (words).”

Students in the classes discuss the task for three minutes and recite their options in turn.

Teacher-psychologist: “Well, guys, our quest has been completed successfully! The clues have been guessed, the tasks have been completed, the keys have been opened! You rightfully deserve the award."

The class teacher presents certificates to the teams of the 5th “B” class, and the teacher-psychologist presents the certificates to the teams of the 5th “A” class.


Task 1. “Synonyms - rhymes”

You need to choose a synonym for the spoken word, which is also a rhyme for the previous pair:

Wizard-mage, banner -

Noise, laughter, laughter - _____________________________________

Praise is approval; luck - _______________________________

Strongman - athlete; secret – _____________________________________

Father's - dear; heat – ___________________________________

Suddenly - suddenly; comrade - _______________________________

Walk - walk; dance – ___________________________________

Faithful - reliable; difficult - ____________________________

Here - here; Job - ______________________________________


Task 1. “Replace the numbers with letters.”

A series of numbers and their corresponding letters are written on the board:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The children are asked to replace the numbers in the following rows with letters and guess the “hidden” word.

3561 – ________________________ __________________

1568 – ___________________________________________

34527 – __________________________________________

31427 – __________________________________________

4123 – ___________________________________________


Task 2. “Proportions”.

For example: dividend - divisor = multiplier - multiplier

(factor, product, quotient, multiplication, division).

term – sum = minuend - ___________________________

(subtrahend, difference, addition, result, quotient).

Dividend – divisor = subtrahend - ___________________________

(minuend, difference, quotient, division, subtraction).

Figure - square = number - ___________________________________

(sum, fraction, product, difference, rhombus).

Rectangle - plane = cube - ______________________________

(edge, height, triangle, edge, space).

Diameter – radius = circumference - _________________________________

(arc, segment, segment, line, circle).

Triangle – isosceles triangle = quadrilateral - _______________________________________________________________

(trapezoid, figure, equilateral triangle, angle, side).

Segment – ​​length = square – _____________________________________________

(square, volume, size, straight, rectangle).


Task 2. “Choose a rhyme” - for these words

"textbook" _______________________________

"notebook" ______________________________

"diary" _______________________________

"pencil" ______________________________

Tasks 3. “Help the poet” - the aspiring poet composed couplets, but then abandoned them because he couldn’t do it any further. Help me complete the quatrains:

"Pinocchio and Alice

We decided to go to the store..."



“Leopold is angry with mice,

He says: “There will be no friendship!”



“Winnie the Pooh once said:

I won’t eat honey anymore!...”



“Once Shrek and Fiona together

We're going fishing..."




Sports assignments:

1. What are the means of hardening? ___________________________________________

2. What sports require a target? ________________________________________

3. List sports games. _____________________________________________________

4. What do you call a football player who dreams of a dimensionless goal? __________________________________________________________________________

5. How many players are in the basketball, volleyball, ice hockey teams?

handball? _______________________________________________________________

6. What is the highest sports rank? ___________________________________

7. Name the pieces in chess. _____________________________________________

8. What is skateboarding? _________________________________________________

9. In what sports (except equestrian) can a horse work at two rates? __________________________________________________________________________

10. List the methods of swimming. __________________________________________

11. In what sport does the judge pronounce the command “Brack!”______________________

12. In what sport is tailwind important? _______________________________

13. To which sports is the proverb “If you don’t oil it up, you won’t go” more suitable? __________________________________________________________________________

14. What emblem was at the Olympic Games in Moscow?_______________________

15. What does a tourist have in his soul? _______________________________________

16. List the types of struggle. ______________________________________________

17. What is surfing? _____________________________________________________

18. Who should defenders be protected from in the game? __________________________________

19. Why did the athletes of the ancient Olympic Games compete without clothes? __________________________________________________________________________

20. How were the winners of the Olympic Games honored in Ancient Greece? __________________________________________________________________________

21. What punishment was the winner of the ancient Olympic Games subjected to for unfair fighting? __________________________________________________________________


History assignments:

1. The embalmed body of the deceased, wrapped in bandages: _____________________

2. Construction material in Mesopotamia: ________________________________________

3. Writing icons in Phenicia and Greece: ____________________________________

4. Rich, respected people who hold power: ______________________

5. Ancient Egyptian tomb: ________________________________________________

7. Groups of people into which the population in India was divided: _______________________

8. A small independent state in Greece: ____________________________

9. Slaves who fought for the amusement of the Romans: ___________________________________

Sections: Cool tutorial

Purpose of the game: to create conditions for the successful adaptation of fifth-graders to a second-level school.

  • exchange school experiences gained in the learning process (children - in elementary school, parents - during their lives);
  • be able to generalize and draw conclusions, develop communicative competence;
  • enrich yourself with the conclusions obtained during the game;
  • develop the ability to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation;
  • show the value of the ability to establish partnerships between students of the team and their parents;
  • form a patriotic attitude towards your own school.

Planned result:

  • there was an exchange of school experiences on the part of both children and parents;
  • improved ability to generalize and draw conclusions;
  • the game participants were enriched with school experience;
  • improved ability to apply knowledge in non-standard situations;
  • demonstrated the value of partnerships between team students and their parents;
  • a patriotic attitude towards one’s own school is formed..

Participants in the game: 2 teams participate in the game (the number of team players is not limited): a team of children and a team of parents.

Equipment: computer, multimedia installation (projected onto a screen), presentation of the game with tasks for participants, paper for written answers (for the team of fifth-graders and for the team of parents); markers, a “magic backpack” with school supplies, cards with situations, karaoke with school-themed songs.

“Steps” - a game for fifth graders and their parents

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear game participants!

Our game is called “Steps”. Each team must climb the ladder, gain experience at the expense of the other team and become, at least a little, taller, smarter, more disciplined.

So here we go!

(Parents and children are seated at specially prepared tables in different teams - 2 teams are formed: a team of children and a team of parents. Names for the teams are invented).

First competition

Difficulties and joys (4 sheets of A3 format + 4 felt-tip pens)

Exercise. Remember your school years and write on the sheets of paper:

Parents: “The difficulties of fifth-graders before”

“The joys of fifth graders before.”

Fifth graders: “Difficulties of fifth graders now”

“The joys of fifth graders now”

Result: compare them and draw a conclusion - have the difficulties and joys of fifth-graders changed or not? The parents also had difficulties, but they still became successful people and found their place in life.

Second competition

Life success (2 sheets of A3 format + 2 markers)

What helped parents (in general, not specifically each) achieve success in life?

Assignment: Fifth graders fill out the table: what, in their opinion, helped their parents. And parents generalize what really helped them.

Result: Both lists are compared again. Children need to focus on the true values ​​that helped their parents: knowledge, hard work, perseverance in achieving goals, family, children, etc., and not money!

Third competition

Situation (situations are printed on cards)

Now let's see how the path to success actually works.

Assignment: Members of one family are invited from each team, 4 pairs are formed. Each pair receives a card with a situation and will have to play it out. But the role of adults is played by children, but parents will play fifth-graders.


  • The teacher gave a mark for the answer, but the student did not agree with it, came home and told his parents... What next?
  • The child did his homework poorly, the parent asks to redo it, otherwise there will be a “C”. The child answers: “Why do I need five?” ...What's next?
  • A parent, entering the child’s room, sees that the child is copying homework from the workbook. He tells the child that if he cheats, he will not gain knowledge. The child answers... What next?
  • Weekend. The child does his homework, but cannot concentrate and is constantly distracted. Parents say: until you complete your assignments, you won’t watch a movie or play on the computer. The child answers...What's next?

Result: the child must understand that it is very difficult to be a parent; you don’t always know what to say when looking at the child’s action, or how to parry his answer. Children must understand that parents want only the best for their children.

Competition Four

I believe - I don't believe.

The parent team recalls two of their school life or invent them. Students must guess whether it really happened.

And fifth-graders also remember or make up two incidents from their school life in the 5th grade. Now parents must guess whether this happened to their children or not.

Fifth competition

What's in my backpack? (quiz) (backpack with accessories)

Assignment: teams take turns to guess school objects based on their descriptions.

1. This subject is necessary in history lessons, but, unfortunately, fifth-graders often forget it at home, so they have to run to get it during recess... (Atlas)
2. And this item very often fails at the most crucial moment... It suddenly stops working... (Pen)
3. Teachers always scold you for this subject, but a modern schoolchild cannot do without it - something must be done about mistakes... (Stroke)
4. I really want to get these items in class, but if this happens, they can be taken away and given only to parents. And it’s so interesting to look at them in class... (Cards)
5. These two objects are constantly passed from one desk to another, although they cost pennies... (Ruler and eraser)
6. This subject can be thin or thick, and in high school it is most often “general”... (Notebook)
7. You always want to lick this object, it’s a pity that the breaks are so short, and you spend the whole lesson waiting for it to end so you can put your favorite one in your mouth again... (Lollipop)
8. You don’t really want to get this item at home, but you are so drawn to it during tests, only then do you realize that there is something interesting and, most importantly, useful in it. (Textbook)
9. And without this object we cannot imagine life, it is with us everywhere: during class it lies next to us in a pencil case, during recess it is always in our hands or in our pocket, looking at it, we may not even notice what is happening around us. The loss of this item is tantamount to a global catastrophe... (Mobile phone)
10. This item is always new at the beginning of the year and worn out by the end, because everyone who is not too lazy asks for it, everyone needs it, everyone strives to write something in it, not always pleasant... (Diary)

Competition sixth

Musical (karaoke “school medley”)

Who will pick up the song about school first?

Seventh competition


And now the teams will exchange wishes on the path to knowledge, but this must be done in the form of a pantomime without words. 1 minute to prepare.

Associations (pause games, used when preparing pairs of participants for the “Situation” competition)

What parents and children associate with:

  • school desk;
  • diary;
  • teacher's room;
  • director's office;
  • dining room;
  • doctor's office;
  • head teacher's office, etc.

What do parents and children know about their home school?

In what year was school No. 24 founded? (1962)
How many offices? (51)
How many steps lead up to office 15? (48)
How many teachers work at the school? (42)
How many items does 5-B have? (11)
How many people are there in 5-B? (25)
The thickest textbook? (Russian language (theory))
How many hours a week do you study Russian? (7+2), etc.

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It is drawn on the ground or drawn with chalk on the asphalt - two even stripes with a distance of 4-5 meters from one another, opposite each other. Then all participants are divided into two equal teams and preferably with equal...

You will need any small object (an apple, a box, a souvenir), a spread of a newspaper, and a string or, better yet, a ribbon that can be used to wrap the package and tie a bow. This is a set of props for one pair - accordingly, if the number of expected...

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In this game the principle is rock, paper, scissors, but instead we have: a dragon, a princess and a knight. Two teams are determined, not necessarily equal. You can split into boys and girls. The presenter explains: the dragon defeats the princess, the princess...

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In this game there will be no winners and losers, but there will be a cheerful mood, which can then be used in outdoor games. Participants line up in one line. One leader is selected. The presenter’s task is to come up with any word, for example:...
