Balloon tattoo. Dictionary of symbols Balloon symbol of what

It personifies both the Sun and the Moon, so games with balls are associated with both solar and lunar rituals and festivals. They symbolize the power of the gods to scatter planets, meteorites and stars across the skies. Golden balls are attributes of the Harpies and the emblem of St. Nicholas of Myra. , like the sphere, means peace, eternity, self-sufficient power over the universe, strength and imperial dignity. It is usually held in the left hand as a symbol of the far-reaching power of a deity or sovereign. , placed on a base, means Heaven, limitation or limit. In alchemy, the crowned ball is the philosopher's stone, sometimes called the Great King. In Christianity, a ball topped with a cross signifies the rule of Christ over the world, as well as the predominance of faith in Christ. In Christian art, God the Father is sometimes depicted standing on a ball. Emblem of Saint Charlemagne. In Greco-Roman mythology, the ball SIU volved good luck, fate, being associated with Tyche (Fortune) standing on the ball. and the compass are emblems of Urania. The blue ball is an attribute of Zeus (Jupiter), as the god of Heaven, as well as Apollo and Cybele.

View value Ball in other dictionaries

Ball— metro station Belomorsk. Zyryansk, sea strait, proran; on Novaya Zemlya: Kostin ball, Matochkin ball, Matyushev ball; to Sib. shore: Maigol-shar, etc.; sometimes the ball is also a bay, which is only........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Ball- ball, pl. no, m. (geographical). The name of the straits in the North. Mother's ball.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Balloon— -1) type of loan, by
the conditions of which the latter
the payment in its repayment is significantly larger than the previous ones (see also
"); 2)
characteristic of sequential.........
Economic dictionary

Balloon, Increased Payment— The last payment on a debt, which is significantly larger than all previous payments. Loans or mortgages provide for increased payments if........
Economic dictionary

Loan Balloon— - type of loan, by
the conditions of which the latter
payment to him
repayment is significantly higher than previous ones,
Repayment of the entire loan amount is provided upon expiration........
Economic dictionary

Payment Balloon— 1) large disposable
payment required for payment
principal amount
loan or lease at the end of the agreed
period; 2) last
payment due.........
Economic dictionary

Balloon— 1) type of loan, by
the conditions of which the latter
the repayment payment is significantly larger than the previous ones; 2)
serial characteristic
issue of bonds.........
Economic dictionary

Balloon ("balloon")- A large sum paid from time to time to repay a debt. To loans “ balloon” (balloon loans) are those whose repayment is not in the form of regular........
Economic dictionary

Balloon Mortgage— Mortgage. for which the principal amount of the debt and part of the interest are not repaid before the end of its term; such a mortgage is also called “non-amortizing”.......
Economic dictionary

Balloon— -1) type of loan, under the terms of which the last payment in its repayment is significantly larger than the previous ones (see also: LOAN ""); 2) characteristics of the sequential issue of bonds,........
Legal dictionary

Loan Balloon— - a type of loan, under the terms of which the last payment in repayment is significantly larger than the previous ones; reimbursement of the entire loan amount is provided upon expiration of its repayment period.
Legal dictionary

Ball- -a, (with numerals: two, three, four - balls); pl. balls; m.
1. A geometric body formed by the rotation of a circle around its diameter. Radius of the ball. Surface of the ball.
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Payment Balloon— - 1) a large one-time payment required to pay off the principal amount of a loan or lease at the end of the agreed period; 2) the last payment to repay the loan, which........
Legal dictionary

Pale Ball- (globus pallidus, PNA, BNA; pars pallida nuclei lentiformis, JNA; synonym: paleostriatum, pallidum) two medial sections of the lenticular nucleus of the cerebral hemisphere, separated from each other........
Large medical dictionary

Hair Ball- see Trichobezoar.
Large medical dictionary

Balloon— , uncontrollable aircraft which is lighter than air. Balloons are used for entertainment as well as scientific and military purposes. The balls are filled either with hot........
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Kostin Shar- a strait between the South Island of New. Earth and about. Mezhdusharsky in Barentsev metro. Length approx. 100 km, width at the narrowest part 3.5 km, depth at the entrance 27 m.

Matochkin Ball- the strait between the North. and Yuzh. islands of N. Earth. Connects the Barents and Kara seas. Length 98 km, smallest width approx. 0.6 km, minimum depth 12 m. Covered with ice most of the year.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Ball- (Char) Rene (1907-88) - French poet. At the turn of the 20-30s. close to surrealism (collection of poems “A Hammer without a Master”, 1934). An active participant in the Resistance Movement, whose experience........
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Balloon- a rubber balloon filled with hydrogen, released into free flight with a meteorograph attached to it to study the atmosphere.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Balloon pilot- a rubber ball filled with hydrogen, released into free flight; By determining its position using theodolites or radar methods, it is possible to calculate the wind speed and direction.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Yugorsky Shar- strait between o. Vaygach and the coast of the Eurasian mainland. Connects the Barents and Kara seas. Length 40 km, width 3-16 km, depth 13-40 m.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Matochkin Ball- the strait between the North. and Yuzh. about you Novaya Zemlya. Named after it flows into the strait. r. Matochka (ball in Pomeranian - “strait”). Connects the Barents and Kara seas. Length approx. 98 km, name. width........
Geographical encyclopedia

Shar Pei- shar-pei
the oldest Chinese dog breed. The ancestors of the Shar Pei appeared in China more than 2 thousand years ago, they were used as fighting, herding and guard dogs.........
Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Matochkin Ball- strait between o. Northern and about. South Novaya Zemlya; Nenets Autonomous Okrug Pomor, the term shar - “strait”, Matochkin - along the river flowing into this strait. Uterus, and its name can be erected........
Geographical dictionary

Yugorsky Shar- a strait between Eurasia (Yugorsky Peninsula) and about. Vaygach. Connects the Barents and Kara seas. Length 40 km, width 3–16 km, depth 13–40 m. The banks are steep. B.h. covered with ice for years.
Geographical encyclopedia

Yugorsky Shar- a strait between the mainland (Ugorsky Peninsula) and the island. Vaygach; Nenets a.o. Ugra or Ugra Land in Russian. sources of the XI-XV centuries. the territory from the lower reaches of Pechora to the lower reaches was called........
Geographical dictionary

Man Shar´i- ar. legal man, weight measure apparently around 800g
Historical Dictionary

Ball— - the set Vn of points of the Heuclidean space E n, removed from a certain point x 0 (the center of Sh.) at a distance less than (an open ball or not exceeding (a closed ball the value ......
Mathematical Encyclopedia

Pale Ball— One of the subcortical nuclei that make up the basal ganglia. It functions as an excitatory structure of the extrapyramidal motor system. Also called pallidum and paleostriatum.
Psychological Encyclopedia

innadocenko in the Imperial Regalia (1) shows the image of the statue of Antinous

and gives the signature: Antinous with a globe from Lepsis Magna. Tripoli. 130 A.D.

In general, judging by the title of the article, innadocenko defines the ball as an “imperial regalia” and considers it a “globe,” that is, an image of the Earth. Accordingly, the image of an emperor with a “globe” - the goat understands - means the power of this emperor over the world. "Prince of this world", no more and no less.

However, the image of Antinous with a ball casts doubt on the correctness of this concept.

Who is Antinous?

cicerone2007 in writes: "In the art hall Ancient Rome In the British Museum you can't help but stop in front of the famous couple. Emperor Hadrian is accompanied like a shadow by his lover Antinous. Active courageous Adrian and passive young handsome man. Energy of life and submission to fate.

In 130, during Hadrian's journey through Egypt, the emperor's favorite Antinous drowned in the Nile. There were all sorts of rumors, but most often it was said that the beautiful young man, by his death, had averted misfortune from the emperor. Adrian was inconsolable; according to the biographer, he “cryed like a woman.” In Egypt, a city was founded in honor of Antinous, and he himself was deified. In numerous posthumous portraits he appears god, more often Dionysus:

So Antinous was handsome as god. The divine perfection of Antinous is emphasized by the fact that he rests his left hand on the ball. For the ball (or circle) is symbol of perfection. By the way, innadocenko says that “the ball (globe) also belonged to the attributes of Jupiter” and gives the corresponding picture:

It is clear that Jupiter, as a god, is perfect. That's why he has a ball in his right hand - a symbol of perfection.

Now let's look at another image that leads innadocenko in his research.

This is a statue of a romanized Egyptian Isis with a "globe". Well, Zeus can still be imagined as a “pantocrator” king, but Isis cannot. Isis had no thoughts of world domination! And Antinous didn’t either! And not all emperors harbored such thoughts. For example, the same Emperor Hadrian was distinguished by his peaceful policy. Hadrian's Wall on the border of England and Scotland is the main monument of his defensive policy. This is how Aelius Spartian describes it: “Having achieved power, Hadrian immediately began to follow the ancient course of action and directed his efforts to establish peace throughout the entire circle of lands. After all, not only did those nations that Trajan conquered fall away, but the Moors attacked, the Sarmatians went to war, the British could not be kept under Roman rule, Egypt was engulfed in revolts, and finally, Libya and Palestine showed a rebellious spirit. Therefore, he immediately abandoned all the lands beyond the Euphrates and the Tigris, following the example, as he said, of Cato, who declared the Macedonians free, since he could not hold them.”

Isis is most likely holding a ball of thread in her hands. Firstly, the glomerulus (threads twisted into a spiral) is the oldest model of the cosmos (spiral galaxies), as well as the fate of man, his luck, his guiding thread, as well as his spiritual development and self-determination. And, secondly, a glomerulus (like a ball) has been an ideal form since ancient times, a symbol of the highest harmony and perfection. In fairness, one more ancient sacred symbol should be mentioned - the thread from which the ball is rolled. Let's name three meanings of this symbol. At all times, thread has symbolized unification, community of people, connections between members of a clan and continuity of generations. Secondly, the thread is the connection between heaven and earth, as well as between earth and the underworld. And finally, along the thread, the heroes of ancient myths rise up to heaven, escaping from their pursuers and finding a new life.

The balloon tattoo, the meaning of which is described below, is very popular. The romantic plot of such tattoos attracts the attention of many people who want to emphasize their individuality. You will learn about the meaning behind a tattoo and in what styles it is performed in this article.

The Montgolfier brothers succeeded in launching a hot air balloon for the first time in 1783. The first passengers who had the opportunity to make such an unusual journey were a ram, a duck and a rooster. However, after landing it turned out that the rooster was injured: its wing was damaged. However, it turned out that the problem was not in the imperfection of transport, but in the fact that the ram hit the bird during the flight. Interestingly, in the 19th century in Europe duels were very popular. balloons. It was necessary to damage the enemy's ball. Naturally, if the ball was damaged, the person who was in its basket died, falling from a great height.

Controlling hot air balloons is extremely difficult. Usually flights are made at sunset or dawn: at this time there is rarely strong wind.

The world record for staying in a hot air balloon was set by Fyodor Konyukhov and Ivan Menyailo: they completed a flight lasting 29 hours. Usually tourists stay in the air for about 2 hours.

Tattoo meaning

A balloon tattoo can have the following meanings:

  • desire for freedom. A balloon soaring up is an excellent symbol of the desire for independence, which adorns the bodies of people who have their own opinions and do not follow generally accepted rules;
  • a balloon tattoo, a photo of which is presented in the article, can mean a love of travel;
  • sometimes such a tattoo is done by romantic, dreamy people who, as they say, often have their head in the clouds and like to build castles in the air in their imagination;
  • sometimes a balloon is made as a symbol of mourning for a lost person. Of course, in this case, the meaning of the tattoo is emphasized by various additional elements, for example, a black ribbon or the dates of life of a deceased loved one.

Advice! Do you just love the look of balloons and would like to have a tattoo like this? You should not focus only on the meaning of the symbol: you are free to choose how to decorate your body, and are not obliged to report to others about why you made such a choice.

Performance styles

The balloon tattoo, sketches of which you can study in the article, can be made in almost any style. Often old school or new school is chosen for this plot. Bright, but at the same time filled with deep meaning, tattoos have different meanings depending on additional motives. For example, a balloon in combination with a compass can represent the desire to find one's path in life, and next to bones it symbolizes the many dangers that a person faces.

A realistic balloon will look very impressive. Such tattoos, reminiscent of photographs applied to the body, look like real works of art.

A simpler, but no less stylish option are graphic tattoos. Made in black and complemented by geometric shapes and symbols, they are laconic and restrained. The graphic style can be combined with other styles, for example, with dot-work, which gives the tattoo a special depth and volume.

Styles can be combined with each other. For example, tattoos that combine graphics and realism are often made. We are talking not only about trash polka, but also about images in which the drawing smoothly flows from a graphic sketch into a realistic object.


Throw / throw (throw / throw) a black ball to whom. Razg. Vote against smb. (when elected to a position, especially an academic position, or defending a dissertation). Mokienko 2003, 144.

Balloon. Jarg. they say Iron. About a lonely person. Maksimov, 66.

Pocket the ball [into the pocket]. Jarg. they say Joking. Have sexual intercourse with someone. Elistratov 1994, 561.

Test ball. 1. Tech. Outdated A balloon released to test flight conditions. 2. Razg. A technique, a method that is resorted to when trying to find out something. BMS 1998, 635; FSRY, 532.

1. A body obtained by rotating a circle around its diameter.
2. Poem by Stepan Shchipachev “The stage is ... earthly.”
3. Sea strait.
4. Film based on the script by Kir Bulychev “Lilac...”.
5. What shape does a soap bubble strive to take in space?
6. Flying lightning shape.
7. What is the natural shape of liquid in zero gravity?
8. Hot air balloon.
9. Earthly...
10. Body for the Picasso girl's body.
11. The shaky support of a girl from a Picasso painting.
12. Kolobok shape.
13. Geometric body.
14. Blue, which spins and spins (song).
15. The ball is inherently.
16. Sphere.

m. sharishka, sharishka, sharischa, bathhouse south. zap. a round body, equal all around, one dead everywhere. The surface of the ball at all points is equally distant from its spine. Don't throw bread balls. Blood globules are visible only under microscopes. Bone billiard balls. Wooden ball for playing kaslo. Ball of earth. All suns and planets are balls, slightly flattened, from the rotor, at the ends of the axis. The voting ball, during elections or generally when casting a vote, is white; and indiscriminate, negative, black. Even if you roll a ball, everything is empty, bare. He took the ball for nothing, for nothing; crazy, cheap, charm psk. Same. | A tool for grinding rags at a paper mill. | among potters, one of the implements when making dishes. | Game ball, ball, ball, butter; players stand with balls, sticks, around the castle (hole), each at their own hole, preventing the beater from driving a wooden ball or a large ball into the castle; If, when the ball is released, the beater lands his ball in an empty hole, then the one who missed goes to drive. | Balls plural Vologda...

Ball the name of the sea straits in the north of the European part of Russia (for example, Matochkin Shar); some river branches.


BALL-a, (with numerals: two, three, four - balls); pl. balls; m.

1. A geometric body formed by rotating a circle around its diameter. Radius of the ball. Surface of the ball.

2. An object of this shape. Billiard balls. Sh. sun. Lunar Highway Balloon(hydrogen-filled rubber balloon for atmospheric research). Zemnoy sh.(planet Earth). At least roll the ball(nothing, completely empty). Trial sh. (book; an action intended to preliminarily test, test smth.).

3. Outdated An object of this shape for a voice...



cm. Drying shag.

SHAR - the name of the sea straits in the north of the European part of Russia (for example, Matochkin Shar); some river branches.

BALL, a set of points in space whose distances from a fixed point (the center of the ball) do not exceed a given number R (the radius of the ball). Boundary of the ball - sphere>; area> of its surface S = 4pR2, volume of the ball V = 4/3pR3, where p = 3.1415...


launch a test balloon, even roll the balloon.

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999

ball I I, b. p. -a, bulg. ball "ball" (Mladenov 691); unconvincing attempts to approach Shar II, supposedly the original. in this case, “spot” (for example, Brandt, RFV 24, 190; Ilyinsky, IORYAS 24, 1, 136). The latter attracts good people here. The comparison with the Greek, κάρη “head”, Old Indian is also erroneous. c̨íras Wed. r. "head, top", Avest. sarah- (wed. r.) – the same, contrary to Goryaev (ES 419). II II "paint", church, Russian-tslav. shar' "paint", shariti "to paint", shar'chi "artist" (Io. Lestv., 12th century; see Srezn. III, 1582), Old Slav. shar χρῶμα (Supr.), bul. ball "spot; motley", Serbohorvian. shara "variegation", sharac "pinto horse", Slovenian. šа̑r m., šárа f. "motley, spotted", šára w. "variegation". The spread of this word speaks in favor of early borrowing...

A and (with quantity) -a, plural. -s. -ov, m. 1. In mathematics: part of space limited by a sphere. Radius of the ball. 2. An object of this shape. Billiard Highway Sh.-probe (a rubber ball filled with hydrogen for studying the atmosphere). Ballot balls (black and white balls used in secret voting; old). * Globe - planet Earth. Balloon - 1) a lighter-than-air aircraft, lifted upward by light gas filling its spherical shell. Hot Air Balloon Travel; 2) inflatable toy - a transparent colored shell filled with light gas. Air highway on a thread. Garlands balloons(at festivities). Test ball (book) - an action aimed at preliminary testing, testing something. Even if you roll a ball (colloquial) - there is nothing, completely empty. Black ball - a black voting ball expressing disagreement, also generally an expression of disagreement in secret voting. I) skillful, ball, -a, m. (to 2 meanings). II adj. spherical, -th, -oe (to 1 value).

Ball ball, w ara; two (three, four) balls; in mathematics: two (three, four) balls; two children's balls (with definition); give a ball (in a billiard game); play with a ball, But: at least roll the ball (empty); pl. balls, -o in

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001.

694 0

It personifies both the Sun and the Moon, so games with balls are associated with both solar and lunar rituals and festivals. They symbolize the power of the gods to scatter planets, meteorites and stars across the skies. Golden balls are attributes of the Harpies and the emblem of St. Nicholas of Myra. Ball, like the sphere, means peace, eternity, self-sufficient power over the universe, strength and imperial dignity. It is usually held in the left hand as a symbol of the far-reaching power of a deity or sovereign. Ball, placed on a base, means Heaven, limitation or limit. In alchemy, the crowned ball is the philosopher's stone, sometimes called the Great King. In Christianity, a ball topped with a cross signifies the rule of Christ over the world, as well as the predominance of faith in Christ. In Christian art, God the Father is sometimes depicted standing on a ball. Emblem of Saint Charlemagne. In Greco-Roman mythology, the ball SIU volved good luck, fate, being associated with Tyche (Fortune) standing on the ball. Ball and the compass are emblems of Urania. The blue ball is an attribute of Zeus (Jupiter), as the god of Heaven, as well as Apollo and Cybele.

Meanings in other dictionaries


a geometric body obtained by rotating a circle around its diameter; A grid is a set of points whose distance from a fixed point (the center of the grid) does not exceed a given R (the radius of the grid). The volume of the sphere is equal to V = 4/3πR3, the surface area of ​​the sphere (sphere (See Sphere)) is equal to S = 4πR2. ...


BALL, a set of points in space whose distances from a fixed point (the center of the ball) do not exceed a given number R (the radius of the ball). Boundary of the ball - sphere>; area> of its surface S = 4pR2, volume of the ball V = 4/3pR3, where p = 3.1415... ...


Throw / throw (throw / throw) a black ball to someone. Razg. Vote against smb. (when elected to a position, especially an academic position, or defending a dissertation). Mokienko 2003, 144. ...


m. sharishka, sharishka, sharischa, bathhouse south. zap. a round body, equal all around, one dead everywhere. The surface of the ball at all points is equally distant from its spine. Don't throw bread balls. Blood globules are visible only under microscopes. Bone billiard balls. Wooden ball for playing kaslo. Ball of earth. All suns and planets are balls, slightly flattened, from the rotor, at the ends of the axis. Election ball, with...


1. m.1) A geometric body formed by rotating a circle around its diameter and having a surface all points of which are equally distant from the center (in mathematics).2) An object of this shape.2. m. obsolete.1) Subject for running.2) transfer. Voice participating in the election.3. m.Name of the sea strait in the North. ...


They mean steps in a hierarchically organized world and the connection between them; connection between Heaven and Earth; going beyond the profane space and entering the sacred space. The steps leading up to the altar or throne symbolize a priest, king or ruler who has the power or heavenly mandate to ascend the steps leading to Heaven. For the American Indians, the months are the stages of the year. Will...
