Plot-role zones in a kindergarten group. Thematic role-playing games in the senior group of dows Thematic role-playing game in the scientific laboratory

Summary of game-activities for children of the senior group kindergarten(5-6 years) “Plot- role play"Pharmacy".
Goal: enrichment game stories children, by accumulating knowledge on the topic and replenishing the play environment in the preschool group.
1. Deepen children’s knowledge about the professions of pharmacy workers (pharmacist, pharmacist, manager, etc.).
2. Continue to teach how to transfer real life situations into gaming activities.
3. Help children establish interactions in cooperative game, diversify game dialogues.
4. Develop independence when selecting game attributes, when organizing the playing area and when distributing roles.
5. Expand children’s vocabulary: “medicines”, “pharmacist”, “order”, “medicinal plants”, “laboratory”.
6. Cultivate communication skills, a friendly, polite attitude of children towards each other.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the pharmacy; viewing illustrations on the topic; role-playing games “Hospital”, “Polyclinic”, “Ambulance”; conversations “Medicinal plants”, “Vitamins - health assistants”; drawing “Pharmacy showcase”, modeling “Vitamins for animals”, application “Recipes for the sick”.
Material: jars, boxes of vitamins, medicines, cash register, pharmacy logo, gowns, cones, test tubes, recipes, wallets, toy coins, etc.
Progress of the game:
Children, guess the riddle:
If you have a cough or flu,
Or your voice is hoarse
If a person feels bad -
We're in a hurry... (to the PHARMACY)
Remember when we went to the pharmacy? (Yes)
What is a pharmacy for? (To sell/buy medicines)
Listen and guess another riddle:
There are hardly any on the shelves
Not marshmallows, not chocolate,
Not cookies, not candy,
And various...(TABLETS)
What, besides medicines and pills, can you buy at the pharmacy? (Vitamins, bandages, thermometers, etc.)
What departments are there in the pharmacy? (prescription, non-prescription drug sales department, medicinal herbs department, medical equipment department, baby products department)
Who works in the pharmacy? (Manager, pharmacist, driver for delivery of medicines, etc.)
Do you know what everyone who works in a pharmacy does? (Children discuss what duties this or that pharmacy worker performs, the teacher helps.
For example: The manager orders by phone or tells the driver what medications need to be brought, takes the order, and helps put it on the shelves.
The driver accepts the order and brings it to the pharmacy or, upon request, delivers medications to patients at home.
The cashier-pharmacist sells medicines, accepts money, gives change.
A pharmacist prepares prescription drugs in a pharmacy laboratory.
Is the profession of a pharmacist important? Why? (Important because the pharmacist helps sick people choose the right medications or recommend some vitamins, or prepare the necessary medicine according to a doctor’s prescription.)
Who else can you see in the pharmacy? (Buyers)
What are they doing in the pharmacy? (Customers come to the pharmacy, buy the necessary medications or vitamins, or hygiene products, or order medications according to a doctor’s prescription.)
Would you like to set up a pharmacy in our group and play? (Yes)
What roles can you choose? (Driver, cashier-pharmacist, pharmacy manager, pharmacist, visitors - buyers)
What do we need to organize the game? What items will we take? Where do we put them? (Children suggest how best to organize a place for play, help arrange attributes, agree on the chosen roles)
After preparing the place and selecting attributes, children are invited to act out game dialogues or come up with scenes for the game themselves and act them out with other children.
The teacher leads the game and, if necessary, turns into one of the characters in the game.
Game dialogues:
1. The driver is the manager of the pharmacy.
Mitya - driver: What medicines do you need to bring?
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: We are running out of vitamins, medicinal herbs and thermometers. Please bring it today.
Mitya - driver: Okay. (He goes, collects the order, loads it onto the car and takes it to the pharmacy)
Mitya - driver: I brought the ordered medications.
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: Let's see. Vitamins, herbs, thermometers. Have you forgotten anything?
Mitya - driver: No, I brought everything.
Yulia - head of pharmacy: Thank you. Goodbye.
Mitya - driver: Goodbye.
2. The buyer is a pharmacist.
Yaroslava - buyer: Hello.
Renata - pharmacist: Hello, what do you want?
Yaroslava - buyer: Please give me vitamins for my daughter.
Renata - pharmacist: Please choose. We have different vitamins: Revit, Alphabet and Pikovit. Which ones do you need?
Yaroslava - buyer: Please give me Revit.
Renata - pharmacist: Please, Revit costs 5 rubles. (Buyer pays).
Yaroslava - buyer: Thank you. Goodbye.
Renata - pharmacist: Please. Goodbye.
3. Buyer - pharmacist - pharmacist.
Lisa - buyer: Hello.
Renata - pharmacist: Hello. What should I show you?
Lisa - buyer: My son got sick, and the doctor prescribed him cough medicine.
Renata - pharmacist: Your medicine needs to be prepared. Come in the evening, our pharmacist will prepare your medicine.
Lisa - buyer: Okay, I'll come in the evening. Thank you.
Renata - pharmacist (Addresses Vladik - pharmacist): Please prepare the medicine according to this recipe.
Vladik - pharmacist: Okay. (Cooking) (A little later)
Lisa - customer: Hello, today I ordered your prescription for cough medicine. Is it ready?
Renata - pharmacist: Now I’ll find out in our laboratory from the pharmacist. (Addresses Vladik, the pharmacist)
Renata - pharmacist: Is the cough medicine ready?
Vladik the pharmacist: Yes, it’s ready, please tell me - let them take it 3 times a day.
Renata - pharmacist: Okay. Thank you. (Addresses Lisa - buyer)
Renata - pharmacist: Your medicine is ready, please take it 3 times a day. 10 rubles from you.
Lisa - buyer: Take this, please. Thank you.
4. Pharmacy manager - buyer - driver.
Arianna - buyer: (Calls on the phone) Hello. Hello. Is this a pharmacy?
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: Yes, hello, this is a pharmacy. What do you want?
Arianna - buyer: My baby is sick and I urgently need to buy the necessary medications for treatment.
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: Did the doctor see the baby?
Arianna - buyer: Yes. He prescribed a mixture for a sore throat and nasal drops.
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: Okay, come to us.
Arianna - buyer: But I can’t come, I have no one to leave my baby with, could you bring the necessary medications to our home?
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: Of course we can, our pharmacy has such a service, now I’ll put together your order and give it to the driver. Tell us again what medications you need and your home address.
Arianna - customer: We need a medicine for a sore throat and nasal drops. Bring everything to the address Komarova building 2, apartment 28.
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: Okay, I wrote everything down, the order costs 15 rubles. Wait, everything will be brought to you soon.
Arianna - buyer: Okay. Thank you. Goodbye.
Yulia - head of the pharmacy: (Collects the order and turns to Mitya the driver) We urgently need to deliver this order for a sick baby to the address Komarova building 2, apartment 28. The order costs 15 rubles.
Mitya the driver: Okay, I’ll take you now. (Lucky, the doorbell rings)
Arianna - buyer: Who's there?
Mitya the driver: This is the driver from the pharmacy, I brought your order for your baby.
Arianna - buyer: Okay, come in.
Mitya the driver: Here's your order. It costs 15 rubles.
Arianna - buyer: Here, take it (gives money). Thank you very much, you helped us out a lot.
Mitya the driver: Please. This is our job, please contact us if you need help. Goodbye.
Arianna - buyer: Goodbye.

Olga Pushkarevskaya
Abstract role-playing game"Young researchers in the salt laboratory"


Educator: Borovskikh Olga Alexandrovna.


Development of children's cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.

Help create a gaming environment that takes into account games, develop the ability to pose a problem, observe, and draw conclusions.

Foster independence and a sense of mutual assistance.


Various types salt

Capacity for salt

Plates with salt

Disposable cups

Disposable spoons

Magnifying glasses for every child

Hats, sleeves

Decanter of water

Photos salt


Preliminary work:

Looking at pictures « laboratory» , « laboratory assistant»

Growing crystals o salt

1. Organizational moment

(the teacher sets up the children to start GCD using psychodynamics)

Educator: all the children gathered around

I am your friend and you are my friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Educator: Let's, guys, wish each other and our guests - let's say "Hello!" and give everyone our smiles.

Educator: Guys, on our planet there is a substance without which a person cannot live. Want to know what this substance is?

I’ll tell you guys a fairy tale about Ivan the merchant, how he walked with his goods far away across the sea and ocean. He saw many countries and traded furs. A strong storm rose into the sea, and the ship washed up on an unprecedented island. Ivan went to explore the land and came across a great mountain. What he sees in that mountain is not sand, not stone, but pure salt. He returned to the shore and ordered the workers to load the ship with salt. Whether long or short, close or far, the ship sailed into the country. And the eastern sultan ruled this country. Ivan went to the Sultan to sell him salt. And the Sultan doesn’t say anything about salt heard: throughout his entire state didn't eat salt. The Sultan pondered, thought, and bought salt from Ivan.

Music is playing (Eastern Sultan enters)

Sultan: dear guys, I bought a bag of white substance from Ivan the Merchant, oh, I don’t even remember the name. Help me figure out what this substance is and what it is for.

Educator: Guys, let's help the Sultan?

Children: yes.

Educator: what should we do? How to help you, we ourselves don’t know what it is.

Sultan: I brought everything in a bag. (shows a bag of salt).

Educator: guys, in order to figure out what kind of substance the Sultan has, I suggest you go to laboratory. In our laboratories There are 4 different departments that have their own responsibilities.

Let's choose who will be who in our laboratories.

Let me be the head of the scientific laboratories. (explanation of what it will do)

Now let's decide who will be who. We need an assistant manager researchers and laboratory assistants.

And so that you are not offended, we will ask our Sultan to help choose roles.

Well, what kind of scientists are we without training? I suggest we warm up.

Right hand up

Right hand down.

Let's shake with our right hand

And let's turn around.

Left hand up

Left hand down.

Let's shake our left hand

And let's turn around.

Right foot forward

Right leg back.,

Let's shake our right leg

And let's turn around.

Left foot forward

Left leg back.

Let's shake our left leg

And let's turn around.

With your whole body forward,

Whole body back

Spin, spin

And in researchers turn into.

Educator: Well done, you have been trained and can go to laboratory. And in order for us to get to work, we need to put on special clothes and attach badges and researchers with names and positions.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of behavior in it.

Do not bring objects close to your eyes.

Do not put anything in your mouth unless necessary.

(we go to laboratory)

Educator: Well, guys, are you ready to find out what kind of white substance the Sultan has?

Children: yes.

Educator: we go to the first department called "properties salt» .

Assistant manager: young researchers, pay attention, there are plates in front of you. What do we see?

Children: This is salt.

Sultan: salt, what is salt?

Pom. manager: salt, it is a white crystalline substance

- I ask you to take a magnifying glass and examine the salt through it.

Make sure (children look).

Children: yes, it looks like small crystals.

Pom. manager: now put a little on the tip of a spoon salt and taste it. What does it taste like?

Children: salty.

Sultan: ugh, ugh, it’s really salty.

Head pom: smell it, does it have a smell?

Children: No.

Head pom: we can conclude that the salt is white, salty, and odorless.

Sultan: Does salt fall from the sky or grow on trees? Where do they get it from?

Educator: guys, let's tell the Sultan how salt is mined.

Children: it is mined in various ways: mined at sea (photo) and on land, in underground mines (photo).previously, salt was mined by hand and it was very hard work (photo, but in our time when extracting salt use special combines - salt cleaners (photo).

Sultan: How many interesting things you told me! But I still don’t understand what to do with it?

Educator: and in order to find out what it is used for, we need to go to the second department « food laboratory» .

Food Researcher: Guys, what do you think salt is used for?

Children: for cooking, salting (save).

Iss. food prod: salt, as a food additive, has been included in our diet for a very, very long time. It is not without reason that in Russia it is customary to greet dear guests "bread and salt". Salt is necessary for all people.

And now we will check with you (pieces of vegetables are cut with and without salt, children try).

In the kitchen, salt can be used not only as a seasoning for dishes. For example, to easily peel boiled eggs, you need to add a little to the water in which they are boiled. salt. The cleaning process will become easier.

Sultan: This means salt is needed for cooking.

Educator: Well, that's not all. Guys, let's tell you, what else is salt used for? I suggest you go to the third department "chemical laboratory»

Iss. chem. lab: Indeed, salt is used not only in the kitchen, but it is widely used in everyday life. Where do you think it is used?

Children: roads are being sprinkled (photo).

Iss. chem. lab: And now we will conduct an experiment with ice and salt.

Salt can melt ice. And we will check this with you.

Take ice cubes, place them on plates and sprinkle them with salt.

What's going on?

Children: The ice is melting.

Sultan: I would never have guessed that this was possible.

Iss. chem. lab: Everyone knows that at low temperatures, when it’s cold, water freezes. Do you agree with me?

Children: yes.

Iss. chem. lab: Do you think salt water will freeze?

Sultan: Of course it will freeze.

Iss. chem. lab: Shall we check? Let's put salt and fresh water in the freezer and check after a while (I help carry the children away).

Educator: Guys, you can grow salt. Let's tell the Sultan how we grew crystals.

(children's story).

Sultan: I didn’t understand anything!

Educator: Guys, let's play with our experience with the crystal? (playing out experience).

Sultan: How Interesting: And you know that in my camp there is a sea and it is very salty.

Educator: I'll tell you a secret, salt water can push out small objects. Let me show you how it happens (experience with raw eggs).

Educator: you know, Sultan, salt is simply necessary for plants and animals, and of course for humans. Really, guys? And to find out more, we are going to the next department - « health laboratory» .

Iss.: to ours the laboratory received a question, what is salt for? As my colleagues said, salt is used in cooking, preserving food, and used in everyday life. But salt is simply necessary in the treatment of various diseases. There are huge salt mines (photo where people go to breathe salt air for respiratory treatment.

Salt is also used to prepare various medicines, such as spray "Aqua Maris" To treat a runny nose or gargle with saline solution. Salt is also used in cosmetology. Add to the bath. They take it with them to the bathhouse. This is sea salt (photo). (use of hand bath).

But also overuse salt leads to illness, so there is one saying: “Salt is a friend, salt is an enemy”.

Sultan: Yes, this is not salt, but simply a miracle of nature!

Educator: I think our cups are with experience "fresh and salt water" already ready.

(Children bring glasses)

Educator: Look, the salt water is not frozen. What happened to fresh water?

Children: frozen.

Educator: Well done guys for helping the Sultan.

Now do you understand what Ivan the merchant sold you?

Sultan: yes, it's salt. Thank you guys for your help. Now I will treasure salt and will definitely tell everyone in my country what you taught me. And I would like to thank you and present you with medals "Young researcher» . (children's awards).

Sultan: bye guys, it's time for me to hit the road.

Children: goodbye.

Educator: Well, guys, we completed the task, helped the Sultan, it’s time for us to finish our working day in laboratories. We take off our special clothes and say goodbye to our guests.

Role-playing play becomes the child’s leading activity starting from the age of 4. Children are ready to play role-playing games endlessly, especially since the field for plots is vast. All that is required of the parent and educator is to provide the child with an appropriate developmental environment that the child can adapt to fictitious circumstances.

In the game of middle children preschool age You can highlight several favorite topics.

Role-playing game: STORE

The store is one of the most effective and multifunctional spaces for role-playing games. Children can play the role of a seller, a buyer, a cashier, a manager, a food supplier - and the list of available roles is not limited to this. It is in the corner of the store in the kindergarten that you can organize the most different games, in which children will learn essential social skills.

A separate and very important function that the role-playing game of shopping allows you to implement is learning to count and mastering basic economic concepts and ideas about financial and monetary relations. In order for this to become possible, in addition to other toys, it is necessary to purchase toys such as a cash register and, of course, toy money.

By counting money, a child not only actively trains his mathematical skills, but also learns the concepts of money as the most important element of the life of a modern person. It is the financial side of the role-playing game of shopping that makes it so attractive and gives it an outstanding developmental effect.

Role-playing game: HAIRDRESSER

A beauty salon or hairdresser is required in every kindergarten group. As a rule, children's furniture is purchased and filled with all the necessary accessories. Toys purchased in the store can be supplemented with various jars of shampoo, cream, cotton pads, combs, curlers, mirrors with safety glass and much more that fits the theme of a hairdresser and beauty salon.

An important element is a cape for the client and an apron for the hairdresser. Through these objects, children transform into their roles and begin to play them out in the plot. Simple costumes can be purchased in specialized stores for preschool educational institutions or sewn yourself.

The hair salon corner in kindergarten is an island of femininity and beauty. Every girl will pay attention to it and will play there with great pleasure.

In the photo you see "Hairdresser Set" which includes everything you need: plastic accessories, hairdresser's cape. It is packed in a pink suitcase. We found this set in the Kindergarten store

Role-playing game: DUTY corner

The concepts of discipline and housekeeping begin with duty in kindergarten. Since learning and development in kindergarten takes place in a specially organized everyday environment, it is necessary to create a pedagogically effective situation from this. In other words, in no kindergarten can the responsibility for organizing children’s everyday life be placed entirely on the shoulders of adults. Even the smallest children, to the best of their ability, should be involved in the most important everyday issues, because this activity contains the most important educational element.

In the duty officer's corner in a kindergarten, children should become familiar with the basic rules of housekeeping, as well as learn how to handle a wide variety of household appliances. Especially for safety reasons, toys are developed for children that are as similar as possible to real household items and equipment, but, however, are only an imitation of them. However, this does not reduce the effectiveness of the educational process, the purpose of which is to instill in children the skills of housekeeping, as well as to instill responsibility and a love of order.

In the photo set called - Play set Cinderella No. 4. It is produced by the old plastic toy factory Sovtekhstrom. The quality of the toy is good, the price is very affordable!

Corner for playing HOSPITAL

Some of the most popular subjects among children are clinics, hospitals, and dental offices. From childhood, children understand the importance of such a profession as a doctor. Playing hospital is an integral part of children's play time.

As a rule, to organize a corner you need specific furniture: a children's couch and a cabinet with a red cross. If it is not possible to organize a couch, then there must be a locker. What needs to be put there, I think, is not difficult to guess - dummies of medical instruments, jars, cotton wool, bandages and other items that children associate with a hospital. It is also a good idea to prepare forms for prescriptions and prescriptions that your doctor will prescribe. Doctor's kits are sold in any store; purchasing them is not difficult or expensive. Polesye has an excellent and wide selection, from doctor’s trolleys to the simplest and most budget-friendly sets.


Every age in a person's life brings us new discoveries. For a preschooler, the entire huge world around him is full of mysteries and secrets, and it is the duty of adults to do their best to ensure that the child’s knowledge of the surrounding reality occurs in a fun way.

The experimentation corner in kindergarten will open the doors for children to the world of basic knowledge from the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences.

The strength of the experiment is that it clearly demonstrates to children the most important laws of nature in action. Since preschoolers do not yet have sufficiently developed abstract and logical thinking In order to comprehend the laws of reality using formulas and scientific calculations, it is the experiment that becomes a guide for them to the world of truly useful and relevant scientific knowledge, adapted to children's perception.

In the photo you see the "Magnetic Rod". Unique equipment for kindergartens to explain the strength of a magnet, its actions and more. It's exciting, interesting and useful! “Magnetic wands” are foreign equipment that has only just begun to appear in kindergartens.

Role-playing game: TRAVEL BUREAU

A corner of the world in a kindergarten (or travel agency) actively encourages the child to learn important geographical and political-economic concepts. For children who have never been to other countries, it can be really difficult to understand the true scale of the world, and the traveler's corner successfully solves this problem. In addition, the travel game is a powerful stimulator of interest in learning about the world around us. In addition, the travel agency can arrange game program by traveling even into space or to the bottom of the ocean.

Another unique function of the corner of the world in kindergarten is the ability to link it to the study of foreign languages, which is undoubtedly very important. For a preschooler who is learning foreign language, it is important to familiarize yourself not only with the alphabet and the basic rules of grammar, but also to get to know the culture and traditions of other countries, which is also successfully implemented in the space of a corner of the world in kindergarten.

In the photo you see a talking poster “Living Geography”. It makes it easier for children to study and understand the nature of our Earth. This is modern equipment for home and kindergarten. In the second photo: Physical Earth globe, d-250 mm.

Role-playing game: MAIL

We live in an era of information dominance.

It is thanks to the fact that people have learned to communicate with each other across vast layers of time and numerous kilometers of space that humanity has been able to take a huge step in its development.

Despite the fact that information in the world is now capable of being transmitted from one end of the globe to another in a split second, we must not forget that it all started with mail. And that, despite modern technologies, this area of ​​human activity is still functioning and thriving.

By playing mail, a child in kindergarten will not only get acquainted with exciting processes exchange of information, but will also understand how important these processes are.

By signing postcards and sending letters by mail, the child will not only learn to correctly formulate his thoughts and wishes, but will also understand that, thanks to mail, not only texts or images, but also human emotions and feelings can be transmitted over vast distances.

In the photo: children's role-playing costume "Mail". It includes a cap, a cape and a bag with the inscription “Mail”. This is an inexpensive and practical suit. It is made of raincoat fabric, so it is easy to clean.

Role-playing game: THEATER

It is difficult to list all the advantages of theater as the most important developmental activity for a preschooler.

When children participate in a play or even just watch it, a whole series of processes that are most important in pedagogical and psychological terms take place, starting from training the ability to empathize and understand the emotions and feelings of other people, and ending with aesthetic education and cultural development.

No wonder A.S. Makarenko made theatrical performances in his education system the most powerful and one of the most important means of influencing children for pedagogical and educational purposes. Perhaps the most important function of theatrical performances in a kindergarten is psychotherapeutic. By playing the role of a character, or simply empathizing with him, a child can get rid of various problems in the emotional, sensory and social sphere, which inevitably arise even in preschool age.

In the photo: knitted finger theater, manufacturer IP Nikulina. Excellent quality! The characters are easy to put on your finger. They are hand knitted. In the second and third photos: walking theater characters. Development of Russian manufacturers of didactic equipment “Naive World”. The fingers are inserted into special loops that are sewn to the back of the doll. By moving your fingers, you move the doll's legs. Very interesting development. Sets based on fairy tales and just individual dolls are sold in specialized stores for kindergartens.


One thing distinguishes a folk toy from a modern one - the vast experience of our ancestors and their endless wisdom, which is embodied in every folk product.

Please note that folk toy practically immortal - children of different generations have been playing with them for hundreds and thousands of years, and no modern technology can challenge or surpass their effectiveness.

In addition, the wisdom of the people endows toys with enormous symbolism, which, undoubtedly, is perceived by children at least on a subconscious level.

For example, nesting dolls symbolize the sanctity of motherhood and the continuation of the human race, and the whimsical Russian folk decorative painting, which decorates almost all folk toys, conveys to the child information about the structure of the world, encrypted in visual and color symbols.

Thus, a Russian folk toy in kindergarten is more than a means of instilling patriotism. This is also an opportunity to pass on to children the experience accumulated by people over a huge period of time.

In the photo: Our traditional educational toy is the matryoshka doll.

Role-playing game: SPORTS

Sports and a healthy lifestyle are what modern children need most.

Now, when society is faced with many problems, such as physical inactivity (lack of movement) in children and adults, the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism, the problem of poor nutrition - sport is a real miraculous means of preventing and eradicating these negative social phenomena. Therefore, a sports corner must be present in every kindergarten and in every family.

Childhood is a wonderful time when the human body is still light, flexible and obedient, when the child still has enough strength, energy and desire to be active, no matter in the fresh air or in the gym.

Our duty is to give children everything they need for sports development and stimulate their interest and love for sports, movement, healthy image life. In addition, it is sports education that forms in children such important qualities as willpower, perseverance, determination, dedication, responsibility, discipline and team spirit.

In the photo: Darts with Velcro. Excellent interesting sports game! The task is to hit the various numbers on the shield with cartoon characters with sticky balls. The balls stick!

Role-playing game “In the science laboratory”

in the preparatory school group

1. Management tasks:

a) expanding ideas about the environment

R to develop children’s research activities on the topic “Air” through experimental and play activities;

Encourage children to activate the necessary knowledge, analyze it, synthesize it, generalize it and systematize it;

Motivate children to search for new knowledge;

Involve children in the process of identifying search stages and planning them;

b) formation of gaming activities

Encourage children to independently select and create items missing for play;

Strengthen the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game;

c) forming relationships

Continue to develop the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss the actions of all players;

Cultivate goodwill, a willingness to help a peer, and resolve disputes fairly.

2.Preparing for the game:


Making attributes

Enrichment with impressions

Teaching gaming techniques



Search for images depicting planet Earth.

Making signs and symbols.

Making paper fans.

Collection of cocktail straws, plastic cups, foam sponges.

Preparation of fabric ribbons.

Making sultanas.

Preparation of badges with the names of children and the names of positions in the laboratory.

Modeling small plasticine balls.

Partial production of a kite.

Experiments with air.

Watching the wind while walking.

Making riddles about the wind.

View slides on the topic “Air” when familiarizing yourself with the properties of air.

Didactic game"Multi-colored drop."

Outdoor games on a walk with the sultans.

Playing while walking with a kite.

We carry out experiments and tests.

We come to an agreement.

3. Long-term plan for preparing for the role-playing game “Playing Science Laboratory”



Attributes for the game

Game actions

Speech figures

Science laboratory

Head of Laboratory

Deputy Head of Laboratory

Laboratory assistants

Laboratory Assistants

  1. letter;
  2. homemade doll image of planet Earth;
  3. signs-symbols;
  4. container with water;
  5. a plastic glass for each child;
  6. foam sponge;
  7. a paper napkin for each child;
  8. a toy fan for each child;
  9. candle;
  10. porcelain saucer;
  11. fan;
  12. computer;
  13. projector;

slides on the topic “Air”

Manages the laboratory, coordinates the work of laboratory assistants, conducts the most complex experiments

Helps the manager, brings instruments, monitors the work of laboratory technicians and their assistants

Conduct experiments and experiments, draw conclusions, record the results of experiments

Assist laboratory assistants, prepare instruments for experiments, put them in place, help record the results of experiments

How do you think?

I guess...

Let's think together..., try..., check...

I think that...

Let me help you.

Let's draw a conclusion..., record the results...

I think that...

I guess...

Let me help you.

Be so kind...

I think that...

Related stories

Creative workshop

Young artists

  1. pipette for each child;
  2. cocktail straws for each child;
  3. container with water;
  4. gouache

We play with the air, blowing out a picture.

I would advise you...

Let's imagine...

How do you think?

In the rest room

Laboratory staff

  1. ribbons for each child;
  2. dance music

We play and move to cheerful music with ribbons.

We suggest you take a break.

Pay attention to the movements...

4. Progress of the game.

Guys, look, Santa Claus sent you a letter and an extraordinary gift. The children open the letter, the teacher reads it: “Dear children! Happy New Year! I am sending you a doll as a gift, and her name is Sharochka. Father Frost".

That's how Santa Claus is, the inventor! I sent you such an interesting toy.

It’s just not clear what Sharochka is made of? Maybe you can tell me.

Would you like us to play a game where you become employees of a research laboratory? And like real scientists, together we will try to conduct well-known experiments with water and air.

Let's choose who will be who in our laboratory?

Let me be the head of the scientific laboratory(explanation of what it will do)

Who will be my deputy?(explanation).

Now let's decide who will be the laboratory assistants?(explanation).

We also need laboratory assistants(explanation).

Let's put on aprons, gowns, and attach badges with our names and positions. Let's go to our workplaces.

What do you think is lighter: air or water?

I'll tell you how you can check this.

Laboratory assistants, I need your help. Let's do this experiment in our laboratory.

Laboratory technicians, what happened? Explain what you received? Assistants, please record the results of the experiment?

And now, laboratory assistants, carry out all the experiments you know with air and water, and your assistants will help you.

Calm music is constantly playing in the recreation area; children move and dance with ribbons at will, pretending to be a breeze.

Allow me, as the head of our laboratory, to show you one interesting experiment.

I light a candle. Look, the flame is burning. I'll hold a porcelain saucer over the flame.

What happened to the bottom of the saucer?

Guys, you saw that even such a small flame can pollute the air.

We did a great job today in our scientific laboratory and achieved good results.

5. End of the game

I propose to go to the creative workshop and complete the work of making a kite. We'll take him outside and admire his flight. You can take our new toy Sharochka for a walk and see how she walks.

You can also use wind and air to create a multi-colored picture. You can try drawing with colorful drops.

Children go to their work stations, complete the construction of a paper kite, which they started earlier, and draw pictures using the blowing method.

6. Game evaluation

Guys, I really enjoyed being the head of the science laboratory. I had very good employees working in my laboratory today. Everyone knows how to negotiate, is friendly, ready to help each other out at any moment, and fairly resolved disagreements and disputes that arose. The laboratory assistants planned their work very well today and discussed their actions with their assistants. Thanks to the laboratory assistants! Our laboratory is clean and tidy. You can go for a walk and fly kites.


Role-playing game


Senior group

Developed and carried out

teacher: Karimova G.R.


Target: Expand children's knowledge about the work of a salesperson in a store.

Tasks: 1. Cultivate a respectful and polite attitude towards the work of the seller.

2. Activation of the dictionary: seller, buyer, pay at the cash register, display case, product, scales, cashier, weigh, wrap things, names of products, household appliances, clothes.

Previous work:

1. An excursion to the nearest store to observe the work of the seller.

2. Conversation with children “How I went to the store with my mother (vegetable, grocery, electrical goods, hardware)”

3. The teacher’s story about the sales profession.

4. Examination of paintings or photo illustrations about the work of the store.

5. Didactic games: “Who can name the most items for stores: “Toys”, “Products”, “Dishes”, “Clothes”, “Who can name the most actions.”

6. Drawing “Groceries Store”

7. Modeling “Fruits and vegetables for the store”

8. Manual labor: making a cash register, checks, money for the game “shop”

There is a salesman in the store who sells bread, milk, vegetables, fruits, and candies.

Products are weighed on scales.

The seller speaks politely to customers.

Shoppers place their purchases in a bag or basket.

Buyers pay money to the cashier - he gives them checks.

The seller receives receipts and weighs the products and releases the goods.

Toy store– we choose the most beautiful toy, the seller shows how to play with it.

Ready-to-wear store– We try on beautiful clothes for our son or daughter. We talk politely with the seller.

Kitchenware store– we choose the dishes we need and name them correctly.

Drapery– we correctly name the fabric we want to buy. The seller cuts the fabric, wraps the purchase, and accepts money from buyers.

Shoe store– we try on shoes for our son or daughter and name them correctly. The seller is polite with customers.

Branch of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

d/s "Rosinka" village. Novobelokatay "Kindergarten" « Teremok" p. Novobelokatay" municipal district Belokataysky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Role-playing game


Senior group

Developed and carried out

teacher: Karimova G.R.

Role-playing game "HAIRDRESSER"

Target: Enrich children's knowledge about the work of a hairdresser.

Tasks: 1. Cultivate polite treatment and respect for the work of a hairdresser.

2. Activation of the dictionary: hairdresser, master, scissors, comb, hairstyle,

hairdryer, haircut, cuts, bangs, shaves, refreshes with cologne, styling foam, curls, pays money to the cash register.

Previous work:

The teacher's story about the profession of a hairdresser, about work in a hairdresser.

Examination of paintings, photo illustrations about the work of a hairdresser.

Conversation with children “How I went to the hairdresser with my mother.”

Excursion to the hairdresser.

Observing the work of the master.

Reading stories by B. Zhitkov “What I saw”, S. Mikhalkov “In the hairdresser”

Manual labor: making toy scissors, combs, hairstyles (drawings)

Collect attributes for the game: used clean boxes and jars of creams, perfumes, deodorants, shampoos.

The teacher and children pronounce game actions and distribute roles.

There's a knock on the door. The doll Katya comes to visit the children. She meets all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her braid has come undone and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several halls there: women's, men's, manicure, they work good craftsmen, and they will quickly put Katya’s hair in order.

We appoint Hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go into the salon. Katya remains very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair, manicure.

The master combs the hair and cuts it.

Mothers and daughters at the hairdresser.

The master is polite with clients. He combs, cuts, blow-dries his hair, and offers to look in the mirror.

The master of the men's room - cuts hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne. Speaks politely and affably. The client pays money to the cash register.

The master of the children's room cuts, combs, and braids the girls' hair. Clients thank you for your work.

Branch of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

d/s "Rosinka" village. Novobelokatay "Kindergarten" « Teremok" p. Novobelokatay" municipal district Belokataysky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Role-playing game


Senior group

Developed and carried out

teacher: Karimova G.R.

Role-playing game"STEAMBOAT"

Target: Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about workers water transport.

Tasks: 1. Give children information about what types of ships there are, where they sail, and what they carry.

2. Instill in children respect for the work of water transport workers.

3. Activation of the dictionary: ladder, captain, bridge, helm, deck, sailors, pier, mast.

Previous work:

Reading stories about sailors and water transport.

Examination of illustrations about water transport.

View slides or cartoons (“In the port”) about steamships and the work of river transport.

A conversation about the work of sailors, about the work of water transport.

Didactic game “On land, in sky, on water”

Board game lotto "Transport"

Application “Steamboat on the River”

Manual labor: making binoculars, bullhorns, colored flags for the mast, caps.

The teacher and children pronounce game actions and distribute roles.

The steamboat is built from cubes, blocks, bricks, rope, and chairs.

Passengers go on a journey along the river.

The captain gives commands and looks through binoculars.

The helmsman steers the ship and turns the rudder.

At stops, everyone goes ashore, walks, and goes on excursions.

Sailors on the ship remove the gangway, wash the deck, and follow the captain's commands.

The cook prepares lunch for the team.

Branch of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

d/s "Rosinka" village. Novobelokatay "Kindergarten" « Teremok" p. Novobelokatay" municipal district Belokataysky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Role-playing game


Senior group

Developed and carried out

teacher: Karimova G.R.

The plot-role-playing game "Family" in senior group.

Target: enriching social play experiences between children; development of gaming skills based on the plot of “Family”.


Enrich the social and gaming experience of children according to the plot “Family” according to the situation - calling an ambulance or a doctor to a patient’s home, examining the patient by a doctor;

Encourage independent distribution of roles; (Cognitive UD)

Develop game skills based on the plot; (Cognitive universal actions)

Learn to choose a convenient place for play and organize a play environment, select the necessary play material and attributes.

Develop role speech; (communicative actions)

Encourage the development of simple plots with 2-3 situations (calling an ambulance at home, buying medicine at a pharmacy). Regulatory actions.

Form friendly relationships. Personal universal learning activities.

Activate words in your speech: pediatrician, surgeon, emergency doctor, pharmacist, etc.

Preliminary work:

Stories about medical professions. workers, ambulance.

Conversations based on personal experience children about doctors, hospital.

Reading Liters: K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, Z. Alexandrova “My Bear”, A. Krylov “The rooster got sick with tonsillitis”.

Excursion to the medical center office in d.s.

Did. games: “Which doctor should the bear see?”;

Didactic game “Who needs what for work?” Looking at pictures depicting the activities of a doctor?” etc.

Working with parents: making attributes for the game.


Game corner “Family”, doll Masha, ambulance car, games. medical instruments, white coat for doctor and pharmacist, attributes, toys. telephones, toys - substitutes.

Progress of the game:

1. Conversation: Today we will play the game “Family”. No wonder people say: “The whole family is together and the soul is in place.”

What do you think a family is? Who is in the family? What are dad's responsibilities? What are the responsibilities of a mother? What is their child doing? Tell us how you take care of your loved ones, how you help them?

Children, if one of your family members gets sick, what will you do? (I summarize the children’s answers).

2. Knock on the door. They bring the doll Masha. She is naughty because her throat hurts.

Children, so as not to upset the doll Masha, let us become her family and take care of her.

Where do you think we will start the game?

3. (Distribution of roles at the request of the children)

What else is needed for the game? That's right, you need to choose a place to play. (Selecting a place to play) Indeed, in dollhouse It will be convenient for us to play.

The ambulance fleet will be located here.

4. Dad, mom and little daughter Mashenka live in this house. Today is a day off.

What does mom do in the morning? (prepares breakfast) What is dad doing? (works with the child).

Little daughter Mashenka is capricious and crying. (In the role of the doll Mashenka)

What do you think, children, why is Masha crying? (She's sick)

Mom touches Mashenka’s forehead with her palm and asks dad to bring a thermometer. The child has a high temperature. Mom and Dad are worried.

What should mom and dad do, guys? (Call " Ambulance»)

Dad takes the phone and calls an ambulance.

What number do we call an ambulance? (03)

Dialogue between dad and emergency doctor.

Dad: Hello, can I call a doctor at home?

Doctor: What happened to you?

Dad: My daughter is sick. She has a high temperature.

Doctor: What is your address?

Doctor: Wait, we’re leaving.

The doctor arrives.

(Dad meets the ambulance and invites him into the house)

Children, what should the doctor do first? (Wash your hands)

The doctor examines the girl (eyes, ears, neck), puts on a thermometer, then gives an injection, writes a prescription and asks to see a children's doctor (pediatrician) tomorrow.

Mom rocks her daughter.

Dad goes to the pharmacy to get some medicine.

Guys, which of you was at the pharmacy? What is the name of the profession of people who work in a pharmacy?

Hello. Do you have this medicine? (Hands the prescription to the pharmacist)

Yes. 4 rubles. Please. (Hands out money through the window)

Take your medicine.


Masha is given syrup to drink. Put to bed. She is healthy.

5. – Children, did you like the game? Have you ever had such cases at home? What did the ambulance doctors do? Would you like to play this game again?

Branch of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

d/s "Rosinka" village. Novobelokatay "Kindergarten" « Teremok" p. Novobelokatay" municipal district Belokataysky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Role-playing game

"Guests have come to us"

Senior group

Developed and carried out

teacher: Karimova G.R.

Role-playing game “Guests have come to us”

Target: enrich children’s knowledge about the traditions of Bashkir hospitality.


to form an idea of ​​collective housekeeping, the family budget, family relationships, joint leisure activities, to cultivate love, a friendly, caring attitude towards family members, and interest in their activities.

Equipment: all the toys necessary for family play: dolls, furniture, dishes, things, etc. with elements of Bashkir ornament.

Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations of Bashkir life.

Reading stories of Bashkir writers.

Conversation about the traditions of the Bashkirs.

Progress of the game:

Roles are assigned as desired.

The family is very large, Grandma has a birthday coming up.

Everyone is busy about organizing a holiday.

Some family members buy food, others prepare a festive dinner and set the table.

During the game, you need to observe the relationships between Family Members and help them in a timely manner.

Children talk through the rules of behavior during lunch; visiting. The teacher recalls the features of Bashkir hospitality.
