Tips for playing wot. World of Tanks: Tips for Beginners


All vehicles in the game have armor that protects against enemy fire. The degree of reservation varies from vehicle to vehicle, but most of them have general principle: the frontal parts are better protected, but the side and stern are more vulnerable. Armor is measured in millimeters and is indicated in the following format: thickness of front/side/stern armor. And if the armor value, for example, is specified as 75/45/45, then a gun with a penetration capacity of 60 mm with a direct hit will be able to penetrate the side or stern, but not the frontal armor.

IS-3 booking example. The color variations show areas with different armor thicknesses in millimeters.

Apart from the side and rear, almost all vehicles have the same weak points: the lower armor plate, hatches and the roof of the turret.

Armor penetration

Armor penetration mainly depends on the angle at which the projectile hits the armor. The best penetration is achieved when hitting at a right angle - in this case, the projectile overcomes the minimum thickness of the armor. The trajectory of a projectile meeting armor at a right angle is called normal.

Deviation from the normal is projectile entry angle. It determines the thickness given armor— the distance the projectile must travel to cause damage. The greater the angle of entry, the greater the amount of reduced armor.

A projectile may either fail to penetrate the armor or even bounce off it altogether - this is a ricochet. Ricochet of armor-piercing and discarding projectiles occurs if the angle of entry of the projectile is greater than 70°, and cumulative projectiles ricochet at an angle greater than 85° (see Ammunition). Only high-explosive fragmentation shells do not ricochet: if they do not penetrate armor, they explode directly on it, regardless of the angle of entry.



For the mechanics of ricochet of armor-piercing and sub-caliber projectiles, there is one more important rule: if the caliber of the projectile is more than three times the thickness of the armor at the point of impact, then ricochet is impossible at any angle of contact between the projectile and the armor. HEAT projectiles ricochet at an angle greater than 85°, regardless of caliber.

Take into account the mechanics of armor penetration and ricochet when firing at the enemy: try not to shoot tangently, and do not stand at right angles to the fire in order to reduce the chance of getting penetrated.

Effective shooting

There are a number of tricks that will help you in battle and increase your chances of dealing damage.

Shooting with anticipation

The most important skill that will come in handy when shooting at moving targets. Aim and aim at the front of the enemy vehicle or some distance in front of it and shoot. The further away the enemy is and the faster he moves, the greater the lead required.


A useful feature if you are on the move. Using auto-aim allows you to fully concentrate on maneuvering while continuing to fire at your chosen target. Aim at an enemy and right-click, and your gun will automatically aim at the selected enemy.

Auto-aiming is performed approximately at the center of the vehicle and does not take into account its armor, the location of the modules and the necessary lead for a hit.

Shooting at modules

Can't penetrate a well-armored enemy? No problem. Open targeted fire at its modules - in particular, at the tracks. This tactic is especially good against higher level and tougher vehicles. Your ability to “keep” the enemy on a downed track will not allow him to hide from fire, and your allies will be able to focus and quickly destroy him. You will definitely benefit from such assistance.


Advantageous positions

Use the terrain on your maps to your advantage! Hide behind rocks, rocks and buildings to calmly wait for reloads or completely hide from the enemy. To protect yourself from artillery fire, take cover behind mountains and other large objects.

But terrain is not only cover, it is also an opportunity to fire effectively without taking damage. Take a look: this tank is positioned behind a hill so that all its vulnerable parts are hidden, and only a powerful armored turret is facing the enemy.

Terrain hazards

Maneuver with caution on any map. Do not try to drive off rocks or cliffs at speed. IN best case scenario you will lose strength points and break several modules, and in the worst case, you will completely crash the car.

Many maps have bodies of water—small lakes, bays, and a deep city river. Be careful when crossing a pond or river bridge. Remember: if your technique - in particular, engine compartment, — went under water, you have 10 seconds to get out, otherwise the car will sink.

During extreme maneuvers, equipment can fall on its side or roll over - this especially often happens with light and fast vehicles. If a vehicle falls on board, it is not only immobilized, but also practically defenseless: visibility, accuracy and rate of fire are sharply reduced. If the vehicle is overturned, it cannot fire at all and self-destructs after 30 seconds. Allies can help return the car to both tracks by gently pushing it in the right direction, but this is not always possible.

Detection and camouflage

Machine overview

It's difficult to fight an enemy you can't see. The sooner you discover your opponents on the battlefield, the greater your chances of seizing the initiative in battle. Detection is one of the key elements game mechanics World of Tanks.

Vision is the maximum possible distance within which your vehicle can detect enemy equipment. This parameter is determined by the characteristics of the tower, as well as the skills and abilities of the crew.

The minimap shows several radii around your car icon. This is an overview of your car, maximum visibility in the game and a circle for drawing vehicles.

  1. Circle of vision. The importance of reviewing your equipment, taking into account the skills and abilities of the crew, as well as the installed equipment.
  2. Circle of maximum visibility. For all vehicles in the game, the maximum viewing range is 445 meters. Even if your vehicle’s visibility exceeds this value, you will not be able to independently detect the enemy at a greater distance. However, in this case it will be easier for you to find stealthy enemy vehicles within this distance.
  3. Draw circle. Shows the maximum distance at which players' vehicles will be displayed on your screen - this is 565 meters.

The communication range of your vehicle plays a huge role in detecting vehicles on the battlefield - this is the distance at which you and your allies can exchange data about the position of other players. The communication range depends on the characteristics of the radio station, as well as on the skills and abilities of the crew.

If your ally has discovered an enemy vehicle and provided you with intelligence, the icon of that vehicle will appear on your minimap, even if the vehicle itself is outside your rendering circle and is not visible on the battlefield. Therefore, do not neglect installing a powerful radio station in your car!


The later the enemy discovers you, the more chances you have to survive and prove yourself in battle. Disguise yourself to become more invisible!

The easiest way to camouflage yourself is to hide in vegetation, such as bushes or fallen trees. Make sure that the body of the vehicle and the turret do not peek out from the bush. But if the gun barrel remains sticking out of the foliage, this will not affect the camouflage.

When you stop at a distance of 15 meters or less from the vegetation, it becomes transparent to you: you can see the enemy, but he cannot see you. So the bush is not only camouflage, but also an opportunity to fire from an ambush.

The shot and movement of the hull completely unmasks the vehicle, and the rotation of the turret and the movement of the barrel do not affect camouflage.

How to improve visibility and camouflage

Equipment "Stereotube"

Gives +25% to the viewing radius from a stationary vehicle.

Equipment "Coated optics"

Gives +10% to the vehicle's viewing radius both in motion and when stationary.

Commander skill "Eagle Eye"

Increases viewing range, especially effective when disabling surveillance devices.

Radio operator skill “Radio interception”

Increases viewing range.

Equipment " Camouflage network»

Removable equipment that fits all vehicles and gives a bonus to camouflage a stationary vehicle.

Crew skill "Camouflage"

Begins to act from the beginning of study. If the skill is fully learned by all crew members, the vehicle's visibility is significantly reduced.

World of Tanks is a client-based massively multiplayer online game in real time in the genre of an arcade tank simulator in the historical setting of World War II, developed by the Belarusian studio. The developers position the game as a massively multiplayer online game in the action genre with elements role-playing game, shooter and strategy. Concept " World of Tanks"(World of Tanks) is based on team tank battles in PvP mode. World of Tanks article: tips, tactics, experience- about the real experience of real players in the game.

Useful links:

  • Comparison of tanks in WoT -
  • Wiki from -
  • Tank branches -

We need to prepare the following phrase: “Now our players will run as fast as they can!” How they will hit their heads on a shell and how they will lose!!” or “Don’t give them a shooting range, you will now go on the attack, and they will shoot you while drinking tea.” Throw this phrase into the chat before the battle to your team. It works on “deer”, it has been tested, they begin to play more carefully, they live longer, and therefore more benefits.

When in battle most of the tanks have gone in one direction, there is no need to play the hero and shout that all the deer and the herd. They can no longer be turned around. Quietly and calmly we go with everyone and if we lose, then we lost with damage and frags. Otherwise we will push through.

Tip No. 3, on the premium T34 you need to install a vertical stabilizer

Reduces mixing time greatly. For T34 with its slow mixing, this is very important. I took it off for a while, but then I really regretted it.

The so-called reverse diamond. You drive out from around the corner backwards, at an angle to the enemy, hiding the lower armor plate in the corner. It is important to understand here that the sharper the angle, the less likely the enemy will penetrate you. This is all learned individually in the game. If they hit, don’t be afraid, move away, make a sharper angle, shoot back into the corner.

It’s like in boxing - you don’t need to be afraid of a blow, you need to be wary of it and not expose yourself again. After the shot, the enemy needs to reload, and this time can be spent not fumbling around, but aiming well and inflicting a crit. damage to the modular part. Often, after receiving damage, young players begin to roll back or squirm, here you need to look at the situation and not panic. You can kill the enemy and let your other players shoot back, don’t be greedy, victory is more important. And remember the cooldown times of tanks, at these moments it will come in handy. Knowing the cooldown and seeing the enemy’s HP, you can safely go at him after taking damage and shoot at him well .It is better to install a mod with an indicator of the characteristics of the enemy tank.

Many people, including me, initially make one mistake. They stand in the bushes themselves and think that they are not visible; when fired, they glow. The point is that you need to stand behind the bush at such a distance that when you switch to sniper mode, you can see through the bushes visible, but a little unclear. With this position of the tank or PT and at a good distance, you can safely work in light, without fear that you will be detected when fired. Z.Y. It doesn’t help from the side gap when fired.

Don’t be lazy, go to YouTube and see how and where this or that tank breaks through.

The efficiency calculation is carried out for various positions, of which the most arithmetically profitable are:

  • base capture points
  • base defense glasses
  • enemy detection glasses (light)

So, in order to increase efficiency in a short time, you must constantly fulfill the above positions; the increase in efficiency rating will pleasantly surprise you.

In the game, you must definitely learn to follow the map, look at enemy lights, and identify the types of tanks that light up. The situation in the game is constantly changing, and in order to help the team, you need to look at the number of remaining enemy tanks and their probable location on the map in order to take timely measures to destroy them.

Everyone goes through this, it’s just that some may normalize over time, some are not destined to, but this is already a clinic. So. Don’t think that you are an exceptional player. Never. Why? Yes, if only because such conceit leads to annoying mistakes and failures, attention decreases. Most importantly, you stop developing, because you believe (subconsciously) that you have reached the pinnacle of mastery. In fact, it may be that you play better than 30% and, against the background of this, stupidly began to suffer from delusions of grandeur. The result is always the same - inevitable failure. Remember, those who continuously develop themselves, and do not engage in narcissism, reach the top.

You must constantly try to analyze the battles. Every shot, your drains and the location on the map at the moment when you were dismantled. This is all important, because next time you will know what to do. A simple example. Yesterday I was dismantled on a hundred square meters, the Jagdtiger stupidly prevented me from leaving behind cover along the shortest and safest trajectory, and I took a detour, took a lot of damage and ended up burning. I swore for a long time in the chat at this bad person, but in the end I realized that you just had to NOT GO OUT in this situation, wait a little. And there are many such examples. Take advantage of everything.

Happy owners of E-100 have some recommendations based on personal experience:

  1. The E-100 is a tank, the top gun of which lives only on gold. Ordinary BBs give a huge number of ricochets, and in the game, for the E-100, with its priority for shooting by enemies and the CD length, this is fraught.
  2. When tanking with a reverse diamond, do not forget to turn the turret at an angle to the enemy when you drive away on CD, since this colossus is sewn into the “cheeks”.
  3. Hide the nlb German tanks In general, they are highly flammable because they run on gasoline and any hit on the NLB is either a critical engine or a fire.
  4. Do not forget that the E-100 is a mega heavy tank and therefore, for the good of the matter, it is not scary to take damage, since your response is always dangerous for the enemy.
  5. For the crew, you need to upgrade your combat fraternity, and put a valve on the tank, I had a case in Karelia when I was fighting one on one with the same E-100, only it had a longer class, that is, there was no valve and bb, so here the enemy, mistakenly believing that our CD was equal, after almost simultaneous shots (mine was a little late), hid and drove out thinking that my CD was still lasting, but I calmly stood and waited, took aim and took off his HP, immediately driving off to the CD, simultaneously turning the tower. Z.Y. Several times for the e-100 this is 1.5k damage. The same goes for ob268, once he pulled out a fight like that, being left alone with the same ob268.

I have the top art of the T-92 and here are the features I found on it.

  1. It is very important to place the art correctly. To do this, you need to know the maps well and it is advisable to install a mod with a “laser pointer”, which would be convenient to determine from the map by the areas covered by fire of the selected location.
  2. Arta has very powerful BB shells, 9 levels are one-shotted, the tenth ones are also not happy about getting hit by an art bbeh. But, unfortunately, the artillery has a wide spread of shells and a hit by conventional fire is unlikely. Therefore, I do this, (usually on city maps) I stand in a place where I can shoot with direct fire, like with a PT, I load the bb, I go to the probable place where the enemy will appear and wait, when the enemy appears, a shot follows, when hit, the damage is terrifying, Camouflage net helps a lot.
  3. Aiming on art with a regular projectile. (OF) The middle point in the sight is actually the point where, in theory, the projectile should fall. There are many guides where it is indicated that this point should be aimed so that the second point (when you point at the turret, artillerymen will understand) should go behind the tank, this is like a continuation of the projectile’s trajectory. I have experimentally discovered the following: the projectile flies along a ballistic trajectory and I set the sight so that there is one point and is located immediately behind the tank, then if you imagine the trajectory of the projectile, it turns out that when it hits the side of the tank, below the turret, that is, in the most vulnerable place is large, compared to the projection of the tower (the probability of a hit is greater). Of course, this is all individual in relation to the terrain of the selected target, but in general, it will not harm the overall development.
  4. Leading a shot at a moving target. Advice right away - install a mod indicating the flight time of the projectile to the selected target, this gives, when compared with the speed of the target, information about the selected lead distance. Of course, everything is individual, you need to get better at it, but still, displaying the projectile’s flight time is very helpful. That is, the further the projectile flies, the greater the lead, plus the dependence on the speed of the target, the faster the target, and the longer the projectile time, the further you take the lead along the intended route of the target. Of course, it breaks down a lot if the target stops abruptly, but this is a game, and this happens here. There is a special thrill when you hit high-speed fireflies, thanks to the large splash, on the T-92 you can roughly throw a projectile at the tank’s route point and in 3 out of five cases there will be a hit, or minor damage.
  5. Experienced opponents. These are tanks that maneuver back and forth to knock artillery out of sight. This is exactly what will happen if you catch it with a tip. Here you can do this: People, in principle, think and act in a pattern, and moving from art is also a kind of pattern. So, you need to carefully look at the amplitude of the tank’s movements and calculate a certain middle of the segment on which the enemy tank is crawling, the amplitude, so to speak, and, having guessed when it will begin to return from one of the extreme points of its “anti-Art” maneuver, throw a projectile into the middle, based on time projectile flight and enemy movement speed. Hit 3 out of 5. Don’t be afraid to miss at first, everyone learns at some point, but learning to shoot ahead is very important, the sooner you learn, the better for you and your team.
  6. Wanging On many maps, the routes of movement of tanks are approximately known. Here, too, of course, everything is based on intuition, you look at the points and follow the objects (trees, fences, houses), they will tell you whether the enemy is heading to the point or not. Estimate the speed of movement on breaking objects, the flight time of the projectile and fire the shot, don’t hesitate, it’s still a lottery.)) And in the first minutes of the battle, no one except the fireflies will be particularly visible. The effect happens quite often. Indirect confirmation is the enemy’s curses in the chat or bewildered “how?”
  • Crew perks and installed modules are reflected on no tank like art.
  • If you want to give damage, you need to invest in a rammer, a drive. Also, I usually fire the first shell into the bushes where the tanks are stably standing, sometimes I was lucky and brought a one-shot frag (whoever plays a lot knows the places where allies often or constantly stand, therefore opponents stand there too )
  • It also happens that there are 2-3 artillery pieces in a team and you hit, for example, one target and then the target disappears and the shells of one are already flying when they hit the ground, i.e. the other misses, the tracer from the projectile goes out and suddenly disappears, this means a hit on an invisible tank. Aim at this point and shoot
  • I’ll tell you about vanging, I point to the point on the map where destruction occurs from the enemy’s movement and write in the chat that they are going, i.e. I act like a blind light.
  • If there are more than three artefacts in a team, tracing begins. Those. art begins to hunt each other.)) The fact is that upon careful viewing in sniper mode, you can see tracers from an enemy shot. So we go to the place where the enemy is supposed to be and wait for his shot. As soon as he fired, we quickly throw the projectile to where he fired from and quickly drive away from the place. If you're lucky, you can immediately kill the enemy artillery. Well, don’t forget to change your position immediately after the shot. In one battle, I managed to kill two careless artillery pieces out of three.

The first minute of the battle is the foundation that is laid for the entire battle for yourself personally and for the team. As already written above, you should not play a hero and go alone in some direction if your team went in one direction. For example, KV -1 went to the alley, at Prokhorovka. That is, I saw that the artillery station did not go to the center, but still moved, on a heavy and slow KV-1, in the zone of probable exposure of the enemy artillery station, in the center. The result is that it burned out. In this regard, the center was more profitable here. But if there is a more or less equal consumption, then you need to think (preferably before the start of the battle, based on your own equipment and the enemy’s equipment). If I am on artillery, then I immediately look at what and how many fireflies the enemy has , for example, at “Robin”, if there are a lot of fireflies, then I stand closer to the base, this is if the lower rep, because they can walk along the lake and get light. If at the station, for example at “Utes”, I go to the center, downhill. That is The first minute of the battle should be used to take the correct position on the map, depending on the chosen technique. If another player, more experienced by efficiency, calls with him, you need to listen (this is if you don’t know the map well). That is, there is a direct analogy with online shooters, you need to have time to reach a tactically advantageous position, the place for which is determined by everyone for themselves, based on the chosen technique.

Previously, until about 10k battles, I didn’t put any additional equipment, in addition to the fire extinguisher, the toad was brutally strangling. But it turns out that the toad is the same animal that has the ability, miraculously, to turn into a roasted rooster, which, as we know, is a terrible bird. So, everyone needs to have three types of extras. equipment on the tank is:

  • Fire extinguisher.
  • Repair kit.
  • First aid kit.

Does it help? Of course. The choice of which equipment to buy, gold or silver, remains up to each individual. In my opinion, using gold devices in random battles is too fat. There were variations on the theme of additional ones. rations, chocolate, etc., but again this is a question of feasibility

The mystery of the third consumable.

I think that many have encountered such a problem as choosing a third consumable.

  1. Repair kit.
  2. First aid kit.
  3. What should you choose third?

If your tank often catches fire, then, of course, you should make your choice towards a fire extinguisher, and if it hardly burns, then what is the use of using a fire extinguisher in one battle out of 30? What then should you choose? Maybe gasoline? (Land- lick oil, high-quality oil, 100-octane gasoline) Unfortunately, in the current realities of the game, the benefit of this consumable is extremely small. Unlike the First Aid Kit and the Repair Kit, it costs not 3000, but 5000 silver. Moreover, the first aid kit and repair kit may not be used and left for the next battle, and you will have to pay for gasoline before each battle. An increase in engine power of 5% is felt very weakly or not felt at all. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to carry out several tests in the training room. Those who say that after installing a gasoline tank their tank began to fly or drive noticeably faster are guided by ordinary self-hypnosis and nothing more, and when you hear this from several people, then and you yourself will begin to believe in it. What to put? Fatten the tankers? (Additional ration, Chocolate, Box of Cola, Improved diet, Strong coffee, Pudding with tea). Yes, in combination with combat fraternity and ventilation, this consumable is quite effective, but it is wasted, just like gasoline, and you can only get a profit using this consumable on premium level 8 vehicles, and not always. Is there a way out of this impasse? ?Yes, there is a way out, even 2 ways out, and they are very simple, and even moreover, effective. If your tank rarely burns, then I desperately recommend this set of consumables:

  1. Repair kit.
  2. First aid kit.
  3. Large repair kit(suitable for all tanks)OR Large first aid kit(recommended for British tank destroyers lvl 5-9, due to the peculiarities of their armor, opponents often shoot at the turrets on the wheelhouse, which leads to frequent concussion of crew members.)

The main advantages of this set of consumables:

  1. You receive a passive bonus from a gold consumable, simply because it is in the equipment slot. +10% to the speed of repairing modules. +15% to protecting the crew from critical damage. (the bonus is valid for the entire battle, regardless of whether it was whether the consumable is used or not)
  2. The cost of using this set of consumables is quite economical. After all, first you use a regular consumable, and only if necessary, a large consumable, which is used approximately once every 3-4 battles, but it always gives a passive bonus.
  3. Panacea for landmines! A large-caliber landmine is coming at you! It doesn’t matter if it’s from artillery or some E-100 and damages 2 or more important modules at once - BC and Engine, for example. Previously, you might have been scratching your head for a long time, wondering, “What should I repair?” But having a large repair kit in the slot, you can repair all damaged modules at once, while you still have a regular repair kit left in stock.
  4. You are always covered! For example, your track is knocked down, and you wait for repairs, risking damage, because you are afraid that if you use a repair kit, you may later be damaged by a more important module. Having 2 consumables, you don’t have to wait for the track to be repaired and thereby save your HP, knowing that you have 1 more consumable in stock.

Note: If you play on a medium tank, or the gameplay of your tank is reminiscent of St and you are thinking whether it is worth upgrading repairs with the first perk, then I will tell you a secret: by installing 2 repair kits (small and large), you can do repairs without a perk at all. And all because the armor and HP of Sts are usually not enough to withstand a large number of hits, so their main weapon is dynamics and speed. Two repair kits per battle are quite enough. And if you play on a light tank, then you simply need 2 repair kits, because if you lose a track (no matter how), during active flare, your tank will not live long, even the repair perk does not help , since the repair takes about 4 seconds, and during this time only the lazy will not have time to shoot at you. Real advice, 2 repair kits are great. In general, you get less damage if a track is knocked down - you use a small one, you use a large one very rarely, you just carry it around as an aid in repairs

It seems that premium tanks are the lot of weak players who do not know how to drive free tanks. This is certainly not the case. The entire gameplay is built on the fact that users contribute money. This includes a premium account and gold tanks. Silver is needed to purchase equipment for fastest pumping development branches, for gold shells, and just for peace of mind in terms of personal gaming budget. It is difficult to advise which tank you should buy for good farming, because in many respects it depends on the level and playing style of each individual player, but do a little comparative analysis Can.


It’s not for nothing that this tank is in first place; in my opinion, it is the most sold-out premium tank in the game. Slow, but with good turret armor (for its level), a rounded “ricochet” shape, an accurate weapon, a relatively short CD and good firepower.


The tank is heavy, but outperforms Leva in terms of speed, longer CD and greater spread. It is advisable to install a stabilizer on it vertical aiming, to reduce spread, but despite all this, it has very good damage and an extremely ricocheting turret, which allows, under certain conditions, to inflict sensitive damage on the enemy.

Yaga 8.8

High-quality PT with very good front armor, amazing rate of fire almost like a drum, high accuracy (syringe), but low speed and relatively weak penetration. At its levels it can really drag out the fight. I am very pleased with this machine.


Mediocre armor, large range of information, but also high speed, high damage and fast reload. Quite a good bird, but, in my opinion, it loses compared to Yaga8.8.


In principle, not a bad tank, speed, accuracy, but there are too many disadvantages - cardboard armor and a fairly high profile for it, low damage. The tank was disappointing, my opinion is that it is only suitable for upgrading the crew for French vehicles. I listed everything I owned, I didn’t drive others and I probably won’t buy any more, because for high-quality farming, what I have is enough.

Especially in the city. If two or three allies are already swinging around the corner with the same pair of red ones, it makes sense to go around and hit in the rear-stern, if the detour is blocked, then this means that there is a threat of the enemy entering our rear and we need to hold and push through. This is especially true for high-speed STs, which the gun often does not allow to hit in the forehead but penetrates perfectly into the stern and sides. If there is an opportunity for a workaround, be sure to use it.

Tanks are like chess modern version, only there are more players and variability, so it’s more interesting. Sometimes the reindeer hunter helps, somehow they pulled out a battle with a 25% chance of winning, and with a devastating score. At the beginning of the battle in the chat, we agreed not to take risks and play from defense; the expectation that the team of benders would rush to the ololorash was justified. It happens the other way around, unfortunately.

Never leave the flanks without visibility (this is why the notorious T1, MC1 are needed), this is fraught with loss in capture.

DAMAGE IS MANDATORY BY FOCUS, not different targets, but specifically one target. Many teams lose like this - there are still unfinished cars that win. It's as simple as 2+2. A living tank is plus 1 barrel, which deals damage, sometimes decisively.

The attack must be cohesive and simultaneous; do not stretch into a chain; United impact force. In cases where there are two directions of attack (for example, 2 IS3s attack the enemy head-on, and 2 AMX50100s attack the enemy in the rear, it is necessary to attack simultaneously so that the enemy is disoriented and breaks formation)

Always save your one-shot allies by covering yourself, keep an eye on your allies, again, according to the principle, a living tank is +1 barrel that deals damage.

Well, this needs to be worked out, it’s not as easy as it seems. Many often get into a frontal clinch when attacking - the consequences are fatal: you blocked the enemy from fire from your allies, they have the back of your tank in their sights and they cannot shoot, precious seconds are lost and the enemy, rest assured, will take advantage of this to their maximum benefit. Again, monitor the progress of the battle and your allies so as not to shield the enemy with your corps at a critical moment. A little to the left or to the right, or drive into the enemy’s sides/stern. Again, there are different cases, but the point is not to disturb the allies by closing their line of fire.

Don't chase frags and damage when you're in a one-shot state. If an ally is ready to approach the enemy from the rear, it is better to wait, there is no need to merge in vain. Often they simply waste the tank incompetently and thoughtlessly, even though it could have survived. Greed destroys, gentlemen.

It is complex and multifaceted, so it is not always easy for beginners to understand all its intricacies.

What should you do first?

First you need to learn all the classes of equipment and understand how each of them should behave on the battlefield. Total in game World of Tanks there are five classes of vehicles, each of which is suitable for a specific combat style.

Heavy tanks (TT). The most armored vehicles in the game have the greatest safety margin and do not have much mobility. TTs perform best at close ranges. TTs are the main striking force of your team, as strong armor and good weapons are never superfluous. Tanks of this class are great for beginners, as they can forgive even the most stupid mistakes, thanks to their armor and durability.

Medium tanks (MT). Fast vehicles capable of changing flanks at lightning speed. The ST's guns don't do much damage, but their rate of fire is very high. Continuous shooting is the main guarantee of victory for the ST. Tanks of this class easily hit everyone else's vulnerable sides and stern, can knock vehicles off their tracks and easily destroy them. The ST platoon is the most formidable force in the team, capable of not only pushing through an entire direction, but also intercepting light tanks, capturing or defending a base, and destroying artillery.

Light tanks (LT). The most mobile vehicles in the game, they are small in size and have the best visibility among all classes. The main task of the LT is to destroy enemy artillery, slow tanks and tank destroyers. In addition to these tasks, light tanks perform a number of others, such as highlighting enemies to allies so that they deal damage. LTs have a small margin of safety, rather mediocre weapons, and they have no armor at all. It should be said that LTs are the most difficult class in the game, so it is not recommended for beginners to upgrade them; LTs do not forgive players’ mistakes.

Tank destroyer. This class of equipment is designed for shooting from a long distance. Most tank destroyers do not have a turret, which makes them vulnerable in close combat. However, they have excellent camouflage and powerful weapons with high accuracy, armor penetration, and damage.

Self-propelled guns. Artillery or self-propelled guns is a support class that deals damage to the enemy in an arc - “from above”. Artillery has the least strength, it has no armor at all, and no turret. It is only effective when it is not visible to the enemy, because one shot can end the game for an artilleryman. The guns of the self-propelled guns are monstrous; they fire mainly land mines, which, if penetrated, can destroy a tank with one shot.

Which tanks to upgrade first?

Having understood the gameplay, you can start choosing a branch for pumping. Any professional player will say that it is not for beginners better branches, rather than the Soviet TT branch. Why? Let's find out!

Already at level 5, players receive the KV-1 - one of the most powerful vehicles at the level, with the best all-round armor at the level, low speed and powerful guns, with high one-time damage. Many opponents simply do not penetrate the KV-1, so newcomers live on it for quite a long time, which allows them to bring more benefit to the team. Tanks up to level 5 are nothing special, but more high level more interesting.

After KV-1 you should download . This is a very dynamic vehicle, with average armor, an excellent weapon with good alpha and high damage per minute. At level 7 there is a legend - IS. The brave “heavy” has the coolest weapon in terms of damage, which is capable of destroying 390 points of strength on average in one shot. And the IS’s armor allows it to withstand the shots of its “classmates”, and gives it the opportunity to ricochet from more serious enemies. The speed of the IS is also not lame. It is followed by one of the most popular tanks in the game - the IS-3. This war chariot has one of the best weapons at level 8, with the same alpha, great penetration, and its armor and good speed allow it to play with even level 10 tanks.

Now let's move on to " top cars" At level 9, T-10 is conveniently located. This tank has the best speed indicators at the level (among TTs), an excellent weapon with one-time damage of 440 units, excellent armor penetration and a heavily armored turret. The IS-7 is considered the crowning achievement of the development of Soviet TTs - the real one legend World of Tanks. The IS-7 is famous for its incredible armor, capable of holding guns of any caliber in the game in its forehead. The sides of the tank are protected by screens capable of reflecting all shells that hit them. The speed of the IS-7 is not bad (55 km/h), but it is difficult to accelerate. The tank’s gun is not its strongest point, but the one-time damage is impressive – 490 units.

What should beginners not do?

Ride the LT. This class of equipment is not suitable for beginners, because in order to “play” successfully, you will need to study the map in detail, as well as the characteristics of other tanks, so as not to die in the first minutes of the battle. When playing on LT, you need to quickly assess the situation on the battlefield so as not to fall into the enemy’s sights. Speed ​​and visibility are the main advantages of LT, and not all beginners are able to use them correctly.

Gstupid "tanking". Under no circumstances should you turn your stern or sides towards the enemy; always hold the tanks with your forehead - that’s where the armor is strongest. You should also not show the track rollers to your enemies, because they can be easily knocked down, and you will not be able to move for some time, which will make you vulnerable.

"Support" of allies. You should never prevent your allies from fighting, running away from opponents, pushing other tanks into the water, etc., because your allies can behave the same way. You should always focus your attention on your enemies, and not harm your allies.

"There is safety in numbers…". It is necessary to learn this rule; you should never go into battle alone if no one is covering you. Even the most formidable tank in the game is not capable of killing a crowd of agile opponents.

As a result, we figured out what kind of tanks there are in the World of Tanks game and how to behave with them. Remember also that you can find an individual approach to each situation; you can play unconventionally on each tank. If you are a beginner, download TT USSR - they are your key to simple learning and gaining experience. Don’t interfere with your allies’ play, and act collectively, then you shouldn’t have any problems when starting.

Good luck on the battlefields!

Playing WoT is interesting, but quite difficult, especially for beginners. You go into battle, you want to play, but - bam - you were killed, and the mood immediately disappeared. What needs to be done to make the game successful and enjoyable? In this article we will tell you about the most necessary skills to play tanks well.

World of tanks - let's start playing

The main mistake of beginners is that they immediately rush forward, expecting to start the fight right away. Thus, they simply expose their car, turning themselves into a quick and defenseless target. Hence the advice - never get into the front row.

Understand a simple thing - there are no super tanks in this game. Even if you are driving an armored heavy tank, if you do it alone, it will be destroyed quickly. There are no indestructible vehicles in this game. Therefore, it is important to remember the following rules:

The tank needs to be protected

The main task of any tank is to survive in battle. This is especially important for light tanks, which can “shine” and transmit data about the enemy. If you see that your car has already exhausted its safety margin, then it is better to quickly change position. Especially when any next shot will be fatal.

Why is it so important to survive in battle? Because the goal of your fight is to win. How will your team achieve victory if every player quickly fades away? Therefore, the task of survival is inextricably linked with achieving victory. If you take a shot at an enemy, but your tank is hit, then you are positioned incorrectly. You will soon be destroyed and you will not be able to help the team.

Choosing the right position

Always monitor not only the condition of your tank, but also the situation in battle. If you are injured, it is better to quickly move away and stand in a safer place. You need to act in the same way if you see that your position is about to be broken. Assess the situation in your area and figure out a safe route to change positions. If at the same time there is an opportunity to finish off one of the advancing opponents, do it. And go to another place where you will have support.

The game has a huge number of different maps on which battles take place. But, in principle, their number is limited, depending on current version, one and a half to two dozen cards are used. Each map has certain positions that are beneficial for certain types of equipment. Experienced and skillful players specifically study new maps in order to decide where to go at the beginning of the battle. They know in advance where to stand on artillery, where to go with a light or medium tank.

How to play World of tanks correctly

What is the essence of the battle? The two teams begin to intensively destroy each other, therefore, the main goal is to cause damage to the enemy. Many beginning players forget about this and start riding fireflies or busily studying the position. But the main thing is to cause damage to enemy vehicles, and for this it is important to remember the following points:

  • — Hit the enemy tank at its weak points. There are non-banned mods that show enemy vulnerabilities. Even better is to study the technique and remember the weak points.

  • - You need to shoot from safe place. The enemy either shouldn't see you, or you're shooting at him while his tank is reloading.

  • — The main thing is the effect of concentration. If you see that your allies are asking to support fire on specific tank, respond. Add your shots to quickly destroy the enemy with concentrated fire.

— Reduce the number of tanks. Sometimes newbies will shoot at an entire tank to deal more damage. At the same time, they can ignore another, already almost destroyed tank, because it will do little damage. But any enemy tank is a shot at an ally’s vehicle, and this can lead to defeat. If you see that you can finish off an enemy tank, do it immediately.

Is it possible to play World of tanks on one tank?

Beginners, as soon as they install the game, begin to get confused in various tanks. There are so many of them and they are completely different. Therefore, it is important to understand the basic classification.

There are five main types of vehicles in the game:

  • — Light tanks, they are also called “fireflies”. The task is to provide light, that is, to reveal the location of enemy tanks so that the allies can shoot at them.
  • — Medium tanks, which are universal tanks. Basically, their task is to support heavy tanks, break through the flank, protect allied artillery or tank destroyers.
  • — Heavy tanks, the personification of real combat. These are huge and not very fast vehicles, covered in armor and with good one-time damage. A group of heavy tanks can easily push through the main direction in a battle and decide the outcome of the battle. Therefore, it is important to track where and where the enemy’s “heavies” are going.
  • — Tank destroyers, real hunters who can hit from afar and cause a lot of pain. Classic anti-tank vehicles, their main feature is high one-time damage, excellent visibility and excellent armor penetration. PT-shki also have high degree camouflage, so they can mock, causing damage, and remaining invisible.
  • — Self-propelled guns, a class of equipment that many players sincerely hate. This is artillery that hits from afar and sometimes hits very painfully. It has high one-time damage, which is compensated by a long reload. A real bane for heavy tanks, which tend to be slow and therefore vulnerable to self-propelled guns.

Each class of equipment has its own pros and cons that must be taken into account in battle. Which tank from these groups is worth playing on depends on your character and play style. Cautious players prefer tank destroyers for their "bush" and secretive style of combat. Players who are fast and sharp choose light or medium tanks to gain game dynamics and the ability to influence the battle. Many beginners stop at heavy tanks, reasonably believing that with their armor they would have a better chance of surviving the battle.

How to play World of tanks without errors?

Mistakes in the game are inevitable, even experienced players who have tens of thousands of battles behind them make them. And certainly newbies who have just started playing tanks will make a lot of mistakes. But if you want to understand typical mistakes, you can figure out how to avoid them. This is how beginners turn into experienced tankers with high skills and excellent victory statistics.

All of these errors are fairly easy to fix. Analyze each battle, try to understand what exactly you did wrong. Only by understanding your typical mistakes will you begin to fight correctly, wisely. And this is important, because in this game the most important thing is to act wisely and calmly.

World of tanks watch how they play

Another mistake newbies make is that they immediately leave the battle as soon as they lose the tank. Well, this is more likely not a game error, but a methodological error that interferes with learning. There is a convenient feature in tanks - if you lost a tank, but stayed to watch the battle, you can always watch how your allies play.

You just need to click on a live tank in the list of allied vehicles, and the same picture as that player sees will appear in front of you. You just won’t be able to control his technique, but you will see the battle the same way. It's a great free lesson to follow an experienced player in battle.

You will be able to see how he chooses a position, shoots or moves around the map. Another important point is that by watching the actions of an experienced player, you will know the best positions. But then you can ride the tank in another battle on the same map. Sometimes the position may turn out to be so good that you alone can decide the outcome of the battle.

Important point– you can see an experienced player if you install the allowed mods. As for mods, we will tell you in another article, we will do it in detail and thoroughly. In the meantime, understand one thing - good mod will help you in many ways, including seeing the class of players. You can choose the most experienced fighter to monitor his actions in battle.

How to play World of tanks better

The outcome of the battle in the game, first of all, depends on your skill, that is, personal skills and abilities. Of course, there is also a considerable amount of chance, luck and bad luck. It happens that sometimes the battle is forced, most of the team quickly merges, and nothing can be done. However, skilled players are able to survive even bad battles, not to mention even initially equal battles.

But the level of your skill directly depends on your personal qualities, in fact, only on psychology. Everything matters here - temperament, learning ability, ability to think quickly, composure. Knowledge is especially important: all “extras” have one thing in common - they know the features of maps and equipment very well.

In this regard, the game is connected with life, because a person’s personal qualities also decide a lot there. And a person’s character can be immediately understood by his behavior in battle. After playing with him a few times, you will already know his qualities well. Just like in life, in tanks you can raise your level by improving your qualities.

First, you must understand what style of play you like. Just don’t go to YouTube to watch water makers talking about tanks. This will lead you astray from the right path; water experts will not help you understand your personal preferences. The correct way, as described above, is to stay in the fight and keep an eye on the best players.

Watch literally everything that an experienced player does. Watch how he chooses a position, try to understand why he changed it. Remember all the details, and if something is not clear, even ask the player himself after the battle. Another nice feature of World of tanks is that you can remember the player’s nickname and contact him after the battle. Polite treatment, precise question, and an experienced player will be happy to explain his actions to you.

Regular observation will help you understand which class of equipment you like best. Choose those tanks that you like and suit your personal qualities (temperament, motor speed, lack of restraint or composure, etc.). Then you should study the weak and strong points your tank to use them in battle. By knowing your tank, hiding its weaknesses, using excellent positions in battle, you can truly influence the course of the battle. This is how, over time, you can become an experienced tanker with a purple “statue”.

Dear tankers who recently started playing! Almost each of you, taking your first steps in World of Tanks, makes almost the same classic mistakes, which affect both your further gaming statistics for others and your personal opinion about the game as a whole. Based on them and the questions you most frequently ask, I am writing this very short and accessible guide to the most favorite rake of young tankers in random battles.

In World of Tanks, tank types are divided into two categories - the tanks themselves (heavy TT tanks, medium ST tanks and light LT tanks) and auxiliary vehicles, namely self-propelled guns (artillery) and tank destroyers.

Heavy tanks. This technique is designed to attack and push through enemy defenses. Such tanks boast good protection and powerful guns that can penetrate almost any enemy armor. You need to play them carefully, because in World of Tanks, heavy tanks are the main offensive power of the team. The death of any of them is a tangible loss for the team.

Medium tanks. In World of Tanks, this type of tank was introduced to attack the enemy from unexpected directions. These are dynamic, fast and rapid-fire tanks that are small in size and ideal for breaking through flanks defended by only a few enemies. Medium tanks can decide the outcome of the battle - return to their base and destroy the invaders, capture the enemy base, destroy artillery or bring turmoil to the enemy camp. In World of Tanks average tanks are the most dangerous class of equipment for enemy tank destroyers, since, thanks to their dynamics and firepower, they can easily come from behind or from the side and first block a tank destroyer and then destroy it with impunity.

Light tanks They cannot boast of either strong armor or powerful weapons. Their main advantage is speed and maneuverability, thanks to which they can conduct reconnaissance on the battlefield and detect the enemy extremely effectively. This gives allies information about the enemy's disposition of forces and also allows friendly self-propelled guns and tank destroyers to conduct targeted fire from a safe distance. An experienced player on a light tank can cunningly reveal the enemy's combat positions throughout the entire battle. And, having seen a broken flank, a light tank can quickly get to the enemy’s rear and destroy artillery, which is a key task in a light tank battle. In addition, many players lose sight of the fact that highlighting the enemy is a very good way to earn money and upgrade your crew and equipment: if you transmit information about the enemy to your allies, you receive 50% of experience and credits for the damage done to him.

We have sorted out the types of tanks inWorld of Tanks. Now is the time to move on to the descriptionSelf-propelled guns and tank destroyers. These are very interesting classes, and playing them is radically different from any type of vehicle.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit. In the game World of Tanks, almost all tank destroyers are so-called “shooting bushes”. By default, they have a high camouflage coefficient, which allows you to fire at the enemy unnoticed.

Almost all American anti-tank self-propelled units have good armor, Soviet - powerful guns, German - both, but their camouflage characteristics are slightly underestimated. French tank destroyers have good guns and are equipped with powerful engines that allow them to quickly move from one place to another. British tank destroyers have excellent armor and a good gun, but are large in size and cannot boast of high mobility.

Artillery. This type of technique is capable of inflicting the greatest one-time damage to the enemy. Playing with artillery is quite difficult, but in the right hands you can really ruin your opponent’s tank life. It must be remembered that this technique has very weak armor (virtually none), low mobility and extremely high reloading and gun aiming times. Any tank that gets close to the artillery can easily destroy it. The self-propelled gun has its own special sight and can destroy the enemy at long distances.

IMPORTANT! Remember that artillery is the main combat power of the team, take care of it and don’t let a firefly accidentally visiting the base destroy it.

Beginner players We advise you to first start getting acquainted with military equipment with heavy tanks, since they are sufficiently armored, have good weapons and are the easiest to play. After you have played several hundred battles on different maps, master them, remember the main directions of attack, as well as defense - you can move on to playing on other types of tanks. Just like playing tank destroyers, medium and light tanks requires more experience, knowledge of maps, weak and strengths different techniques.

Depending on the type of equipment used, we select the necessary tactics:

- playing on heavy tanks, select the main directions of attack. On open maps like Malinovka, it is best to choose camouflaged positions (bushes, trees, vegetation, folds of terrain). On city maps, it is best to choose positions in houses. Under no circumstances are we the first to go to an open area of ​​the map. We try to stay in a group of allies.

- playing tank destroyer, it is worth taking camouflaged positions (bushes, broken trees), sticking to the second line of attack or defense. Under no circumstances should you go ahead of everyone on the attack; it is more effective to be at a distance of 300-500 meters from your opponent. This will allow you to deal damage to your opponent without being exposed. The most optimal positions are elevated to increase visibility and fire.

- playing on medium and light tanks, we choose an open area, since the use of other types of equipment is less effective there. The task of light tanks is to reveal enemy positions, which makes it possible to inflict damage on allies. For medium tanks, the main task is to break through the enemy’s weakest flank. Thanks to the high mobility of this technique, the player can quickly change the direction of attack from one flank to another.

- playing artillery, we occupy firing positions in the depths of the defense, at the farthest lines. We try to support our allies with fire, both in attack and defense. The main task of artillery is to destroy enemy tank destroyers and heavily armored vehicles. When we detect an enemy artillery tank, we first destroy it.

Tips for the most common beginner mistakes:

1. Do not face the enemy with the stern or sides, because these are the most unprotected places of the tanks. Always turn the tank body towards the direction of fire. It’s most convenient to re-warm the body between shots. While moving, it will be much more difficult to hit your opponent.

2. Try not to get ahead of the main allied forces. There may be an enemy ambush ahead. It is better for beginner players to stay behind more experienced players.

3. Finish off enemies at the first opportunity, try to finish off the enemy tank. Focus fire on one enemy tank. When choosing from several targets, choose the one that you can destroy in one or two shots. In the first half of the battle, it is very important to achieve a numerical advantage.

4. The ammunition load of any tank must contain several high-explosive fragmentation shells. They will come in handy when you need to stop the capture of your base. Armor-piercing and cumulative shells can ricochet off an opponent, and this type of shell, although it will cause little damage, will break the capture and give time for slower allies to reach the defense of the base.

5. Work as a team, do not support your allies and do not interfere with moving around the map. Never be idle and remember, if you are idling somewhere, then your team is outnumbered by one tank. Don't stop each other from shooting.

6. Learn to work with the minimap, always keep an eye on it. This will give you a tactical advantage and assessment of actions. It will help you determine where and what forces the enemy is, the place where allies need help, and where you can make a breakthrough.

7. Try to realize the advantage of fast tanks in battle. They are ideal for attacking the flank of enemy forces. This will constantly distract the enemy's attention and give an advantage to the allies.

8. The key to victory is endurance. Don't rush when shooting, wait for complete aiming, even if the opponent is not that far away. Even in close combat, you shouldn’t rush to send shells at the enemy without taking aim: even thin armor can cause ricochets.

9. Always remember that not only the one who discovered you and lit himself up, but also those for whom he “shines” you can shoot at you.

10. Know and remember the capabilities of your tank. These include such simple things as speed, maneuverability, acceleration, armor, gun accuracy, aiming time, and the rest. This is the basis of the basics, without it your behavior in a difficult situation turns into Russian roulette.

World of Tanks- a very multifaceted team multiplayer game and advice for beginners can be continued for a very long time. We hope that the basic recommendations described in this article will help you quickly understand the nuances gameplay and will save you from making many mistakes.
