How many victories does it take to raise the percentage in here. How to increase your win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks

How to increase your win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks? The topic is very important and relevant for many players who would like to know how to do this. Now we'll talk about the basics. What do you need to definitely start increasing your win percentage and efficiency?

The most important thing is that you will need this desire to win, the desire to develop, think in battle and benefit your allies. You will also need good initial statistics, which will mean that you generally know the basics of the game and play well. Look at your statistics, if you have less than 48% wins and less than 900 efficiency, then it’s too early for you to think about your win percentage. You need to read the guides, learn some tricks and tactics for playing different maps and different types of technology. If you have good statistics and are generally overwhelmed with the desire to develop and increase your win percentage and efficiency. What is needed? As a solo player you will never be able to have a high win rate. Of course there are exceptions, but these are very rare cases. So to achieve the goal you will need a platoon. At the same time, the platoon should be made up of people who want to increase the win rate with you. Friends who are obsessed with this idea. Even with not very good statistics, having 2-3 such people in a platoon, you will definitely make high percentage victories! Of course, not right away, but over time you will learn to play together, win and achieve everything!

You'll probably ask: "What, now you can't play solo at all?" No, of course, you can still do this, although you must conduct most of the battles in a platoon. When playing solo, remember that your win percentage for a session or six battles should not fall below the critical point (your overall win percentage). If the total percentage is 50, and the session turns out to be 30, you understand that there is no point in playing further. You need to either stop or change equipment, look for a platoon. You can't keep merging any further. But what if you don’t have friends who play well and don’t even have an idea where to get them? Now we will talk about this in detail. You need to find such people by creating a company. If you write the header correctly, you will be able to select the right people. We advise you to choose a junior or intermediate company, depending on whether you are a beginner or not. If you just started playing, you know the basics, but you still don’t fully know how to play at all levels - choose from these two leagues. Then, over time, it will be possible to switch to champion or absolute. And so, we make a header, write the platoon and the level of tanks, while we need the same level for all players without light tanks, which are usually thrown high. We indicate the percentage of victories on the tank or the overall one that you are looking for. For example, if you have 50% overall, you need to hire people with 50%+ with approximately the same efficiency as you. You can write damage on the tank, see this characteristic using the Deer Measuring mod (if you don’t use xvm, we recommend installing it). You can't demand much more from players than you have. Look for players similar to you with a desire to work hard, win, play as a team, and improve efficiency.

Which tanks World of Tank is better choose to play in a platoon?

Many players level up one specific branch of technology, level it up to level 10 and immediately start leveling up another branch. Thus, it is unlikely to have a high winning percentage. Constantly playing on stock vehicles, you are unlikely to find a good platoon leader playing on the same stock vehicles. Your efficiency drops seriously and so does your win rate. You, of course, can upgrade new equipment, but if you are still serious about increasing your statistics, you need to select a certain level, tank, and constantly play on it. You will study the tank thoroughly, understand all its good and bad sides, upgrade the crew, install all the equipment. This way, once you fully understand one machine, you can start bending. The tank should be good in its time.

Which tank should you choose for such a game?

A long time ago, a certain opinion was formed about each tank; many tanks are considered bending tanks, others not so much. Remember, every opinion is subjective. Think your way. The same tank in different hands can kill everything that moves, or die in the first minute of the battle without breaking through a single target. From the sixth levels we recommend taking HellCat, KVAS. At level 7 you can choose from T29, IS2. Of 10 levels E-4, object 268. In general, choose the tank that you like and the one that suits you best. Platoon comrades should also play on good technology with all modules and equipment, in no case stock! The crew must be top-notch. This way you will get the maximum effect from the platoon, ending up with stock players who are simply pumping up the next branch. To play in a platoon, you should choose tanks that are similar in style of play - all medium, tank destroyers or heavy. It will be easy to interact with each other in battle. It is also worth noting that tanks of levels 7,8,9 very often end up at the bottom of the list. This is very sad. Choose tanks of the 6th level or 10th. Premium vehicles of tier 8 and below (Valentine, T-27, etc.) are also suitable. Moreover, if you do not have a premium account and premium equipment, you should pay attention to level 5.6 tanks because of their good farm abilities, you will not leave minus silver. It is also worth noting the servers on which, according to many players, the winning percentage is higher - we recommend you servers 5, 6 and 7 for playing in a platoon.

So how can you play to win more often in a platoon?

First of all, play extremely carefully. Don’t think that since you are in a platoon you need to press and attack all the time. At the beginning of the battle, take a defensive position and wait for the enemy to act. You've probably noticed that the extras play extremely carefully, they are in no hurry and often sit on the defensive. And this is not just like that. The cost of a mistake can be too high. You go somewhere, and they will simply dismantle you for scrap metal. Therefore, think 500 times before going anywhere. If you are confident in your abilities, you know what and how to do, the flag is in your hands. Well, if not, better wait. Nobody is pushing you forward, coordinate your actions with the platoon, come to an agreement. The ideal option is when everyone in the platoon has a microphone. It's much easier, faster and more convenient. Many players rely very heavily on luck and say “oh, I’m lucky, I got extras and now we’ll drag them in” or, on the contrary, “why is it so unlucky, why is the winning percentage so low.” In World of Tanks you shouldn’t count on luck, everything depends on you and the great Belarusian random! Try to drag yourself and in a platoon. Three people from the top seriously influence the outcome of the battle. Even if you are at the bottom, do everything to win and then you will win. The main thing is not to be discouraged, be determined for a good result! Analyze every loss, your strategy, technique, survival.

How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

You just need to play well, deal a lot of damage in battle, kill tanks. Efficiency is also affected by capturing a base, shooting down a capture, exposing the enemy, and much more. Benefit the team and you will have high efficiency. The biggest impact on efficiency is caused by damage and frags. Take the vehicle that gives you good damage and destroys a lot of tanks in a battle. On the blind efficiency tanks lower, because you basically don’t shine on anyone and shoot at someone else’s light. Best tank to increase efficiency - drum. To play on such a tank you need a high skill.

If you take into account all of the above, find a platoon, take your favorite tank and upgrade it completely, study the strategy of playing it on different maps - you will easily increase your efficiency and win percentage in World of Tanks! The main thing is not to give up, improve your level of play, work in a team, improve the game interface for yourself (install useful mods).

In this article we will look at what statistics are, how they are calculated and how to improve them!

Statistics in World of Tanks are an indicator of a player's effectiveness on the battlefield. Previously, many players measured statistics by winning percentage. Now, with the advent of the “reindeer measurer,” the situation has changed. Now, various indicators are used to measure statistics: win percentage, average damage per battle, average experience per battle, number of base capture points shot down, number of points scored when capturing a base.
One of the elements of statistics is efficiency (efficiency factor). To calculate it, the efficiency rating (ER) is used. Efficiency is a collection of various game data that demonstrates how effective you are in battle, how much damage you deal, and how you play overall.
IN game efficiency The player is shown in color!
“Red” - the winning percentage is up to 46%, such players are called “noobs”.
“Orange” - winning percentage 47-48%, players below average.
“Yellow” - winning percentage 49-51%, average players.
“Green” - winning percentage 52-56%, players above average, with certain gaming skills.
“Blue” - winning percentage 57-64%, high-level players.
“Purple” - the winning percentage is 65% or higher, these are the real aces of the game, are the most dangerous opponents, they are capable of dragging out almost any battle single-handedly. Legends should be made about such players!

But efficiency does not always show the real skill of the player, there are accounts in the game that were subject to artificial pumping, they have 55% victories, but in battle they do not show anything special. Nowadays, such “little green men” appear quite often in random places. You can’t do anything about them, but you won’t get into the top clans this way, they will immediately understand how this account raised its statistics.

Also one of the new statistics measurement elements is WN8. He is also very often looked at when selecting newcomers to top clans. WN8 – measures observed contribution to account battles. The WN8 should not be considered a definitive and non-revisable assessment of proficiency. The distinctive abilities of WN8 are:
- Assessment based on the damage/level ratio - namely, that the level of tanks changes linearly from 1 to 10, and the damage values ​​​​grow non-linearly. For example, for a heavy, British Tier 6 tank, the Churchill VII will miraculously deal 1000 damage, while the KV-2 can deal 1000+ damage in two shots. WN8 takes into account all the subtleties for each individual tank.
- Estimation by ratio destroyed/level - inexperienced players, or newbies, play at low levels and thus destroy tanks at level 1 easier than at 10, assuming the same skill of the player above a certain threshold. Therefore, one of the ways to increase statistics, thereby increasing efficiency, is to play at low levels, but more on that later.

We looked at the two main options for measuring statistics in World of Tanks, sorted out what's what, and now it's time to find out how to improve your game skills and how to raise your statistics!

Raising statistics is a rather complicated process. Here a lot depends on the number of battles you have. There are people who start thinking about their statistics after 300-500 battles, there are those who start thinking about it after 5000-8000 battles, and there are those who continue to ride the red “cancer” with 47% victories even after 20,000 battles. So, there are two options for raising statistics. First, if you have over 20,000 battles behind you, then it will be very difficult for you to increase your statistics on your main account, and then creating a second account, or as the players say “twink,” can come in handy. But if you have up to 10,000 battles, then it is quite possible to change the statistics of your account, the main thing is to come to your senses and start thinking in the game, and not just point at the keyboard and complain about the bad GBR (Great Belarusian Random).

One of good ways learning to understand the game means watching videos on the Internet from good, skilled players. This won't immediately increase your stats to 55%, but you will be able to understand the intricacies of the game, how to tank, where to go, what position to take, etc.
I recommend watching these videos regularly, and not just when you decide to learn how to “bend over.” Because in every new video you can discover something new for yourself.

Now let's get straight to the game!

The first and main rule for raising statistics is to try to play less in solo-random, that is, in an independent game, since here the best hope is that it will be very difficult to learn to play on your own and raise statistics. Look for experienced friends with whom you can play in a platoon, who can teach you how to play and with whom you will raise your statistics!
It is best to play on Tier VI-VIII vehicles, since there are no vehicles that can send you to the hangar with one shot, and there is also the opportunity to farm (earn) silver.

For the game, choose the vehicle you play best, the one you feel, it will become your main machine for raising statistics. If you don’t have a favorite car, then here are the options for the best equipment to upgrade for bending! An excellent option for leveling up are the heavy and medium tanks of the USSR branch. Heavy, soviet tanks can forgive some mistakes of the player leading him. Learning to play these machines is very easy. All World of Tanks players have heard about medium tanks of the USSR, it’s not for nothing that they are considered top in the entire game. It is also worth paying attention to the French “drums”. Medium tanks equipped with a drum are a good fire threat, they also have good maneuverability, but they have cardboard armor, and this is a problem. Heavy, German tanks, are a formidable weapon in the hands of a more or less trained player. All tanks of level V and higher have their own flavor, the main thing is to find your tank!

When playing on heavy tanks, understand that you are the main attacking force; when playing at the top, try to work carefully, deal damage without receiving penetrations. In the event of a firefight with the enemy, learn to use the map's terrain, learn to tank with your side and turret. If you are at the bottom of the list on a heavy tank, then you shouldn’t fly forward shouting “HURRAY”, otherwise you will find yourself in the hangar without having time to fire a shot. In such situations, it is worth taking a position with a large shooting area and performing the functions of a PT, so you will be much more useful!
When playing medium tanks, learn to take advantage of their maneuverability. These tanks can “shine” the enemy and deal damage on their own. But be careful, these tanks penetrate much easier than heavy tanks and can make a pretty good target if they stay in one place.
Light tanks (fireflies) - the main job of a firefly is to shine light on the enemy for its team; they are not large and can hide behind any bush. In the case when there are few enemy vehicles, a light tank can go out hunting and independently go to pick up enemy artillery, or turn on the anti-tank tank.
Anti-tank self-propelled guns - have good penetration, excellent damage, but in most cases they are not agile. They are a support technique, if you feel this machine, then it will become a formidable weapon in your hands.
And we still have self-propelled guns, it is categorically not recommended to play on self-propelled guns in the process of raising statistics, since they rarely destroy the capture, deal very little damage per battle, and do not shine on anyone. While playing on a self-propelled gun, you cannot change anything yourself, so if you have them in your hangar, you can only use it to remove daily bonus(X2), but you won’t increase your statistics with it!

Other interesting news on the topic

I started playing World of Tanks purely for fun and before certain point I didn’t question my gaming statistics. I simply took a tank and rushed into the thick of the battle and somehow fought through 1000 battles with varying degrees of success.

Like most beginners, I started downloading Soviet light tanks and, naturally, due to a misunderstanding game mechanics often leaked. Gradually I was drawn into the game, and by the time the number of battles exceeded three thousand, I began to pay attention to the numbers in the accounts of other players.

After looking at my stats, I came to the conclusion that something needed to be changed, since the win percentage was 47. I thought about how I could raise my statistics in game World of Tanks, playing solo in random.

For myself, I developed one recipe that helped increase the winning percentage to 50% or more. It really works and has been tested in personal practice.

Recipe for a successful stat

The whole point of your being on the battlefield is to live as long as possible and during this time do as many useful things as possible: inflict a ton of damage, stop the capture of a base, illuminate half of the enemy’s tanks, etc. Under no circumstances should you merge, even if you are at the bottom of the list.

Just wait until the situation with the placement of tanks on the map becomes clearer - and you will see how much you can do with just patience. If you are at the top, then try to save as much of your HP as possible by the end of the battle, since in this case everything depends on you.

It also happens that all your allies merge, and you are gradually left alone. Don't rush to repeat their mistakes. Continue doing your job and you will see that even in the most hopeless battle you can not only recapture your HP, but also pick up a few weaklings, or even drag them down.

Playing in a platoon

Over the many hours you spent playing the game, you probably made clan friends or acquaintances who were ready to share with you the bitterness of defeat and the joy of victory.

We unite into platoons and leave the hangar with experienced players. Remember that victory will mainly depend on your coordinated actions.

If there is no one in the contact list who could help you, then we go to random and look for skilled players.

Sandbox game

Change to low-level tanks and use your skill to the fullest. Before I returned to the sand, I discovered that only one battle had been played on the tanks of the first level.

I corrected this misunderstanding, easily winning several dozen victories. But keep in mind that in battle you will definitely meet freebie lovers like you.

Components of success

  1. Skill. Nothing is more important personal experience games in World of Tanks, so this item comes first.
  2. Top. Play on top technology. The stock is unacceptable to me for two reasons. First of all, only top equipment allows you to realize the full potential of the combat vehicle. Secondly, a tank that is unable to provide effective fire support and crawls like a turtle brings little pleasure. Don't play with stock technology. It is better to bring your technique to the top with the help of free experience.
  3. Crew. A well-pumped crew will share with you any hardships in battle. I train/retrain the crew for gold.
  4. Consumables. I don’t leave the hangar without a repair kit, first aid kit and fire extinguisher. I install an automatic fire extinguisher on vehicles from level 6 and above. I take a large repair kit and a large first aid kit depending on the tank or for the company/main battery.
  5. Golda. Be sure to carry gold shells with you. The principle is simple: the more often you shoot, the more benefit you bring to your team. How can you deal damage if ordinary shells do not penetrate the armor of a tank at a higher level?

How to increase your win rate

It's simple - play one short session a day! This is the simplest, but at the same time complex method, which I think everyone knows about, but few people use it in practice. Yes, sometimes I myself cannot resist breaking it.

It doesn’t matter how many fights you have played - 3, 8, 10 - it is important that the number of victories is greater than defeats. Once this goal is achieved, that’s it, forget about World of Tanks and exit the game. The difficulty lies precisely at this stage.

As a result, the percentage of victories will depend on the systematicity and number of victorious battles.

Tanks for raising statistics

Many will say that it is best to play on immobile tanks, which give you an advantage due to the fact that they have outstanding characteristics. At different times these were different tanks, until the developers nerfed them.

I can definitely say that you need to raise the stats on those tanks that you like to play on. Even if this tank is not immodest, and everyone says that it does not bend, the main thing is that you like it.

To begin with, we note that the efficiency rating, like any statistical characteristic, becomes reliable with a sufficiently large sample. And this means that Player World of tanks, which has fought less than 1000 battles, the effectiveness rating does not reflect the player’s abilities reliably, because random errors are large. And the RE of a player with 5000 or more battles is pretty true.

What affects the performance rating in WoT

The damage rating is most affected by the damage dealt. In addition, on efficiency rating in WoT influence the number of victories and destroyed equipment, the initial exposure of enemy equipment, the defense of one’s own and the capture of an enemy base. Thus, in order to increase the effectiveness rating, you need to deal a lot of damage and. What level of equipment is best to do this with?

Which tank to play on to increase your efficiency rating in WoT

Does the level of the technique you play take into account when calculating efficiency rating? After all, on tanks of the sixth level, it is almost impossible to deal as much damage as on vehicles of the tenth level. The level of tanks is taken into account when calculating the efficiency rating. Moreover, many top players and platoons play on 10s, so it will be very difficult to achieve an efficiency rating on top vehicles.

In order to understand which tanks to raise efficiency rating in WoT you need to look at your statistics and choose the vehicle with which you deal the most damage, while winning more than 50% of battles.

How do you take level into account when calculating damage? Pay attention to this indicator in the official World Statistics of tanks like Damage factor- this is an attitude damage caused to what you receive, and what you receive depends on the level at which you play (the higher the level, the greater the health reserve and the more damage you can theoretically receive). To get good results, the Damage Coefficient should be higher than one, the higher the better.

With loved ones statistical indicators in World of tanks choose a vehicle whose level is lower, but do not use tanks below level four.

Finish off or deal damage in World of tanks

In most cases, it is better to finish off the tank, because... Thus, you deprive the enemy team of one player, he will not cause damage, will not transmit intelligence, which means you will increase the probability of victory, which also affects RE in WoT. This does not mean that you should strive to take away frags, and specifically wait for the moment to finish off the enemy tank, we are talking about a situation when you deal damage to normal mode and you have a choice whether to deprive the enemy team of the gun or not. Destroy an opponent in World of tanks in this case it is a good choice.

What tanks are needed to increase the efficiency rating?

As noted earlier, to improve your efficiency rating you need to deal a lot of damage. Tank destroyers, such as Soviet ones, are excellent for this purpose. ISU-152 and Object 704, German Rhm.-Borsing. An ISU with BL-10 in World of tnaks is capable of 700 damage in one shot, five hits and that’s 3500 damage, which is good for the eighth level.

If you are willing to spend a lot of money (silver or gold) to win, then you can play on vehicles with high explosives and cumulative shells, which cause huge damage for their level and have good armor penetration. This way you can increase your efficiency rating in World of tanks on Sherman, SU-152, KV-1S, KV-1.

To improve your performance rating, you need to show maximum result in every battle, which means it’s worth spending money on good equipment and equipment for your tank. Remember that the more fights you have, the more difficult it will be to correct the statistics, including RE, so try to play well in every battle, and fight to the last in any situation.
