The SIM card is not valid when activating the iPhone. If the iPhone does not see the SIM card, do it exactly according to the instructions

The problem when the iPhone does not see (does not read) the SIM card is quite common today. Despite constant iOS updates and the release of new devices from Apple, you are not immune to this error. If your iPhone (X, 8, 7, 6, 5, SE) no longer sees the SIM card, you will not be able to make calls, use the Internet, and in general, you will be cut off from the outside world.

It’s quite easy to notice this error, because the iPhone will automatically notify you about it: “SIM card not found or not installed” (SIM card is invalid). You will also notice that in the left or right corner (depending on the version and settings of iOS) of the screen, the signal reception bar has been replaced with “No SIM card” or “Searching...”.

Fortunately, this error Quite easy to fix, below we give the most common ways to do it!

The reasons why the iPhone does not see the SIM card may be different. In some cases, the problem may be related to physical damage to the gadget, in others to a software malfunction. We tried to collect the most popular causes of this malfunction and, of course, wrote instructions for each item to help solve the problem.

Physical malfunction of the smartphone. Enumerating the entire list of what could have caused this malfunction would be very long, tedious and impractical.

However, the most popular reasons why the iPhone does not read the SIM card lie on the surface. A physical malfunction can be caused by a smartphone falling from a great (although in the case of an iPhone, not a great) height, moisture damage, improper installation of the SIM card tray, or its inoperability altogether.

Malfunction software. Perhaps this is the second most common reason and we are not talking about a crooked update released by the developer (although this has happened). We are talking about a system error that could occur due to incorrect completion of updates, installation of applications, or restoration of the smartphone.

Malfunction related to the SIM card or mobile operator. This is perhaps the only problem in which the phone is not the culprit. Your SIM card may be physically damaged or completely blocked.

Also, the source of the problem can be the technical work of the telecom operator, but this happens extremely rarely and all subscribers are warned about such an event via SMS.

What to do if the iPhone does not see the SIM card? That's right, reinstall it!

Reinstalling the SIM card is the most banal, but quite logical idea. There is nothing difficult in reinstalling a SIM card; the only problem may arise with removing the tray, since not all users save the paperclip that comes with the smartphone. This doesn’t matter, because you can always use a needle or any fairly thin and durable object. But be careful not to damage the SIM card tray and your hands.

1. To reinstall the SIM card, take a paperclip (some iPhones come with a “SIM card eject tool”), straighten it, and poke one end into the SIM card slot hole.

2. This will make the slot pop out. Make sure the SIM card is inserted correctly and fits securely. Reinsert the tray.

3. After a few seconds (in different cases, the time can vary from several seconds to several minutes), the “No SIM card” error should appear, and then the connection level and operator name will appear again at the top of the screen.

4. If this does not happen, remove the SIM card completely.

5. Make sure the card and slot are clean. If they are dirty, clean them. You can simply blow into the slot, but it is better to take something more powerful, like a hair dryer (using a cold setting) or a can of compressed air. Then install the SIM card again.

iPhone still doesn't read the SIM card? Turn airplane mode on and off!

If you still get the error “iPhone does not see the SIM card,” your next step is to turn airplane mode on and off. This may reset the iPhone's cellular connection and resolve the issue. To do this, swipe up from the bottom of the screen (or down from the top right on iPhone X) to open the Control Panel. Click on the airplane icon to make it highlight. This turns on airplane mode.

Wait a couple of seconds and click on the icon again so that it no longer lights up. Swipe down the control panel to hide it. Wait a couple of seconds to see if the problem is resolved.

Reboot your iPhone to fix communication error

If none of the above helped, restarting the iPhone is a universal solution for most problems, such as: The iPhone does not see (does not show) the SIM card. You'd be surprised at the number of problems that a reboot can fix. There are two ways to reboot:

The first method is carried out through the interaction of the mechanical and software parts. As you understand, we are talking about a soft reboot.

The second method is carried out exclusively with buttons, using only the mechanical part.

How to soft reboot iPhone?

1. Press the power off button and hold it for a few seconds.

2. Wait until the message “Slide to Power Off” appears on the screen.

3. Swipe your finger across the screen.

4. Press the button again to turn on the phone.

5. You will need to enter a password to identify yourself, even if you would normally use your fingerprint.

How to hard reset iPhone?

It is quite simple to do a hard reboot of a smartphone, however, with the release of new series of smartphones (starting with the iPhone 7), this method was constantly changing.

To learn in detail how to reboot any Apple smartphone model, read the article: or take a look at the screenshot attached below.

iPhone doesn't see SIM card? Try updating iOS!

If removing and reinserting the SIM card is unsuccessful, check if there are any updates for iOS, operating system iPhone. You'll need to be connected to Wi-Fi and have enough battery power to do this. Install any available updates and see if that solves the problem.

To update iOS, do the following:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Open the “Basic” tab.

3. Select “Software Update” from the list.

4. If available new version, follow the onscreen instructions to download and install it.

See also:

iPhone does not see SIM card - is the operator to blame?

Your phone number may not be valid. In order for your phone to connect to your provider's telephone network, you need a valid account. If your SIM card has been blocked or your access to services has been temporarily restricted (for non-payment), a SIM card error may appear. We recommend contacting your operator for clarification.

Check for updates to your carrier settings

Another reason why your iPhone doesn't see the SIM card (won't show the SIM card) could be that your phone company has changed the settings at which the phone connects to their network and you need to set them.

1. Go to Settings and select the General tab.

2. Tap in the “Other” function.

3. If an update is available, a window will appear. Click on it and follow the on-screen instructions.

You may also get an update to your carrier settings if you install a new SIM card that connects to a different network than the old one. When you do this, you will be able to download the new settings. The network connection problem should be fixed.

Try using a friend's SIM card to connect to the network

If none of the tips above helped you, then try using your friend or relative's SIM card. Maybe it's her and not the phone. Insert the card into the tray, if the “No SIM card” (SIM card is invalid) error disappears and everything works fine, then we have identified the culprit - it is your SIM card.

Instead of visiting those. Apple Store support, we recommend visiting your carrier and telling them you need a replacement SIM cards for iPhone. It's a quick process and you'll get a new one in no time.

Likewise, you can try changing your phone by inserting a SIM card into another device. This way you can quickly determine why the iPhone does not see the SIM card.

Reset network settings if iPhone does not show SIM card

A rather unpleasant item is resetting the network settings. Why? As soon as you reset the settings, the passwords for all previously saved WiFi networks will be reset along with them.

To reset network settings:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Select the “Basic” section.

3. Then select "Reset".

4. Select "Reset network settings" and confirm your actions.

This will restore the network configuration to factory default settings. This will help you troubleshoot software issues in the processes that run in the background and are responsible for managing your iPhone's connection to cellular and other networks.

Update your carrier's wireless settings using iTunes on your PC.

Connect your phone to your computer (you can also use a friend's computer). We recommend using iTunes because before updating your phone, iTunes will automatically check your smartphone for provider settings updates and, if there are any, prompt you to install them.

If nothing helps, what should you do?

If none of the tips help, most likely the problem is a physical problem with your iPhone. You can solve it yourself, but to do this you need to have certain skills and special tools.

Therefore, the most reliable way would be to contact a service center and have your smartphone repaired.

Carry out your own gadget repair

Let's say right away that using this method, without having certain skills, you risk aggravating the situation. If you consciously take risks, then the first thing you need to do is get a certain set of tools.

This set includes several brackets (for prying off the screen), special screwdrivers with different tips and a suction cup. IN different sets sets may differ, it all depends on the manufacturer.

1. First, use special tools to disconnect the screen of your iPhone.

What to do and how to fix it?

Iphone 4S - does not see SIM card

Reasons and how to fix?

Hello everyone! The iPhone's message that the SIM card inserted into it is invalid can confuse and frustrate any user of Apple smartphones. It’s especially unpleasant when you encounter similar problems immediately after purchasing a new device - you want to start using it, but, you see, it doesn’t like the SIM card!

What is the reason for this incompatibility and is there anything that can be done? Now we’ll figure it all out, let’s go!

So, the error “SIM card is invalid” may appear:

  • During.
  • After updating or restoring the firmware.
  • Just like that.

By the way, “just like that” also has reasons, but first things first...

Let's start with the most common, and at the same time the saddest case - you bought an iPhone, started to activate it, at a certain stage it asked you to insert a SIM card, and after that it showed this message:

The SIM card inserted into this iPhone is from a carrier that is not supported by the current policy on the activation server. The problem you are experiencing is not related to your iPhone hardware. Insert a different SIM card from or have your supported carrier unlock your iPhone. Contact Apple for details.

Why is this happening? The thing is that there are so-called “locked” iPhones - locked to a specific cellular operator and capable of working only with its SIM card.

For example, these devices are very common among. In this country, you can buy a phone for 200-300 dollars, but in addition to it you receive an operator contract under which you are required to pay a certain amount every month for one or two years. Until all funds are paid, the iPhone will not “accept” a SIM card from another operator.

What to do if you bought such a device? The most correct way out is to contact the seller and present a claim to him. After all, in fact, when the iPhone shows “SIM card is invalid”, then you cannot use it. If the seller is unavailable, then you have only two options:

  1. Officially unlock your iPhone. To do this, you need to determine which operator the smartphone is locked to (sometimes this data is shown), contact it and go through the unlocking procedure.
  2. Buy a special adapter that is inserted into the SIM card tray (along with the card itself), and thanks to it, the iPhone begins to accept any SIM cards.

What should I do? Using an adapter looks easier - you buy it and use it, but it also has its disadvantages:

  • You still need to choose it - GeveySim, R-Sim, Heicard. And each of them has a lot of models (for a specific device and firmware).
  • Apple is constantly releasing new firmware and there is a chance that after updating iOS you will see a message about “invalid SIM card” - then you will have to buy a new adapter.

Official unlocking often requires more time and money, but it is done only once. After this, you get an iPhone completely untied from the contract - beauty!

It would seem that this could be the end of it, but in some cases the iPhone may completely unexpectedly refuse to accept a SIM card and signal that it is invalid and an error.

Why unexpected? Because before that everything was fine: the smartphone was updated, SIM cards were changed, and in general it was originally Neverlock (unlocked) and has been working without problems for two years now! What happened?

  1. The SIM card is broken. No matter how strange it may sound, they can break (especially if they have been subjected to the “trimming” procedure). In this case, it is enough to simply replace it.
  2. The previous and unofficial unlock disappeared. This also happens when the unlocking did not occur directly through the telecom operator, but through workarounds. Here we return to what was written just above - either we do everything officially, or we use a special adapter.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this?

In most cases, the message “SIM card is invalid” indicates that the iPhone is “locked” to a specific telecom operator - you can unlock it, but you will need to take certain actions. Although, if a warning about SIM incompatibility pops up unexpectedly, then try going and replacing the card - sometimes it helps.

P.S. Under what conditions did you encounter this error? Tell your story in the comments!

P.S.S. And of course, “like”, because with every “+1” the number of locked iPhones decreases - let’s help each other! :)

iPhone users often turn to technicians because the phone does not accept or does not see the SIM card. For devices of this popular brand, this problem is very common. Perhaps, in the pursuit of introducing the next innovation, developers systematically ignore such minor, in their opinion, shortcomings. In any case, users have to independently find ways to solve this problem. What to do? How to fix the problem yourself? Who should I turn to for professional help?

The reason that your iPhone does not see the SIM card can be anything from system glitches to a burnt-out module on the motherboard. But there is a list of the most common reasons, let's look at each of them in detail.

Drops, shocks, moisture

When a phone falls, even though there are no external chips or cracks, it is quite likely that there are some. Sometimes the problem is localized in the SIM card slot. It can “move away” and the contacts will not touch the metal part of the SIM card. You can try to pull out the slot (you will need a special key or use a paper clip), and then push it back into the groove. Sometimes rebooting the device helps. If the problem cannot be solved, then you will have to contact an experienced mobile equipment repair technician. If the cause is the device getting into a humid environment, then you cannot do without a qualified technician.

Old SIM card

SIM cards, like any device, do not last forever. They can simply exhaust their resource and not contact the device. To make sure that the iPhone does not see the SIM card for this very banal reason, ask a colleague or friend to insert a work SIM card into your smartphone. If the network appears, you will have to contact your cellular provider to exchange the damaged SIM card. Often the iPhone does not read Sim if it is often reinstalled on different devices or simply removed frequently. This deteriorates the contact tracks; over time, deep scratches appear on them, preventing good contact with the board.

Firmware glitch

It will be very difficult to independently determine what firmware or system errors are causing the smart device to not recognize the card. But in the absence of other provoking factors, we try to update iOS to the current version or return it to the previous version using iTunes.

Card reader or antenna

If the phone says that there is no SIM card, then the reason may lie in the antenna or card reader. Most often, the card reader or the card itself is damaged during careless installation or removal. Some people use dangerous improvised means that can damage fragile parts of the device. The contact tabs may become bent or even break. You have to change such elements or install a completely new connector.

"Locked" SIM card

It may happen that you try to insert a SIM card of a certain operator into the iPhone 5 or any other device, but the phone is factory configured to work with a different network. Numbers from other mobile operators are not supported in this case. You can deal with this problem by contacting a good service center. Or do it yourself, but this is risky; it’s very easy to ruin expensive electronics.

Universal instructions

If the iPhone refuses to see even a new SIM card or a message appears on the phone screen about an invalid SIM or a micro-SIM not inserted, try the following manipulations:

  1. It is necessary to check that in the area where the gadget is located, the cellular communication of the operator whose SIM card is inserted into the slot works well.
  2. Try updating your iPhone to the most current version of iOS.
  3. Using standard iOS functionality, switch your phone to airplane mode. Then wait 10 seconds and turn off airplane mode.
  4. Restart your iPhone. To do this, press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the slider appears on the screen. Slide it to turn off the device. in the picture below.
  5. Be sure to check if your operator's settings are updated. To do this, go to Settings, select General, and then click About This Device. If an update is required, a message will appear on the smartphone screen asking you to click “OK” or “Update”. Click “Update”, after a while we restart the device again, the communication error will most likely go away.
  6. Carefully remove the SIM card from the holder and slide it back into the slot. Inspect the gadget and make sure that the SIM slot is tightly closed. If you are using a SIM card holder from a different iPhone model or a completely different smartphone, then it may not fit.
  7. Try using a different SIM card. If you don’t have a backup option, then go to the communication store and ask the employees to provide a duty SIM card to check the device.
  8. If after all the manipulations the message about the absence of a SIM card does not disappear, then contact Apple support. The operator will tell you what to do in a situation where the iPhone no longer sees the SIM card.

iPhone and other apples

When I inserted my SIM card into it, it began to demonstrate that the SIM card was invalid. Writes on the handset: “SIM- card is invalid. Actually, I encountered a problem that it says the SIM card is invalid.

We answer: the message “sim card not inserted” is displayed on the iPhone screen, or a similar expression “sim card not installed”. The only way out of the situation is to activate the SIM card if it is not activated, or fix a breakdown in the iPhone. You may see an "Invalid SIM card" or "SIM card not inserted" warning.

The SIM card is invalid, what should I do? iPhone.

If you say that you tried to insert a SIM card into different phones and it did not work, then 100% you need to call the operator so that he can initially check what’s wrong with the number. When activated, it says that the SIM card is invalid. he writes “this SIM card is not. There are several reasons why the iPhone does not see the SIM card. It is important to determine why this happened in the first place. Naturally, when you insert another SIM card, the iPhone asks for its “native” code, which is blocked for its operator.

A little background: Previously, I had a Sberbank Visa Electron card, but later it was lost; I used that card to purchase groceries Google Play, after I recovered...

Although the card is quite relevant, various types of purchases have been made through it more than once. error “SIM card is invalid upon activation” writes SIM iPhone 6s upon activation. If unexpectedly for you your favorite iPhone stops see sim card, don’t despair, it’s possible that this is just a glitch or a simple breakdown. The problem most often lies in the SIM reader, which is not able to read the card. But first, it is recommended to remove it and insert it again.

How to install a SIM card in an iPhone if it says invalid SIM card

4 stops see sim card in the cold, even with slight frost, i.e. a minute-by-minute conversation on the phone at -4 is enough. Yesterday I bought a used iPhone, but what's the point? The phone was brought from America and since it was imported illegally, it therefore does not see Russian SIM cards, that is, it is locked to a specific operator.

SIM card not valid after iOS 11

I worked on my restored one (on the top) iphone 6 for about 4 months and after updating to axis 11 it stopped being activated.

Sim map not valid after Unlocked

Channel LOMASTER System Administrator: Yours iPhone .

I bought an iPhone 4s used. active I insert the SIM card, only cell comes out, but the network does not come out. He began to see the SIM card. Maybe the problem wasn't the water? Maybe the contacts were lost there? Hello) My friend bought a used four iPhone, they brought it from Canada, but it is locked to the Canadian operator Canada Bell and does not want to see SIM cards, neither MTS nor any others. The AppleInsider website reported on a message from one of the owners of the iPhone 4S, who complained about error messages appearing - “SIM card is invalid” and “SIM card has failed.”

11/26/2013 Invalid Iphone 4S SIM card

Whether Apple plans to solve the problem with the SIM card in the next firmware is unknown. My micro SIM card was cut from a regular SIM card. It worked on iPhone 4 without any problems. Specifically: unpleasant error messages appear (“Network failure”, “SIM card is invalid”).

Well, maybe the iPhone doesn’t see the SIM card because the SIM card isn’t really valid? That is, it was stitched, it took a long time to replenish it, for example, and subsequently the SIM card was locked by the operators? If this is not the problem, then perhaps the iPhone still does not work with Russian networks, although what kind of iPhone is this, this can only happen if the smart phone is tied to a specific operator.

Related sites - Sim Card Invalid

Message from JesDi." Under some circumstances, your iPhone's status bar may display "No SIM card" even though it is inserted into the device. The SIM card inserted into this iPhone belongs to a cellular service provider that is not supported by the current policy on the server activation. We solve any problems with technology! If your iPhone is locked, use our service and you will receive a communicator that is completely restored and adapted to your operator.

Such a phone will not work with your SIM card, but only with the SIM card of the operator to which it is locked! 1) Officially unlock the iPhone (unlink from the operator) An expensive option, but the problem will be solved forever! You can unlock your iPhone from any operator in the world (even on the black list). The SIM card is invalid on Iphone 5s, 6, 6s, SE, 7. There was a desire to purchase an application on GooglePlay, but after entering the data, the system displays the error: “The card is invalid.”

In this case, we borrow a SIM card from a friend and check the phone with it. If he sees the network, then you need to contact your operator for a replacement card. Here the problem is either in the card reader, or something with the antenna (the most likely options).

So, you can solve the problem of the SIM card being invalid on the iPhone 5s by calling a trusted repair service. Spanish SIM cards in Russia. New SIM card format Nano-Sim. First, try inserting a different SIM card into your phone. 10 times. he was flashed, but now he writes“This SIM card is not supported by the operator.” However, at the moment it is unclear whether the problem with the SIM card will be resolved.

This problem can be encountered in two cases:
Upon first launch and activation
With long-term and successful operation

Upon first launch and activation

You purchased an iPhone, launched it, but when you inserted the SIM card, a message was displayed on the screen:

“The SIM card inserted into this iPhone belongs to a carrier that is not supported by the current policy on the activation server. The problem you are experiencing is not related to your iPhone hardware. Insert a different SIM card from or have your supported carrier unlock your iPhone. For detailed information contact Apple."

This means your phone is “locked”, i.e. It is locked to a specific mobile operator. Such devices can only function with its SIM card.

If you experience this error, then most likely your device was purchased in another country, most often in America, where “locked” Apple products are widespread. There is an opportunity to purchase the device for much low price, but with restrictive conditions - you must pay the cellular operator every month for a couple of years. Until the full amount is paid, the iPhone will not work with a SIM card from another operator.

There are several solutions:

1. Tell the seller about your problems, because if the SIM card is invalid, then your device does not function fully.

2. Buy an adapter with which your iPhone will start reading any SIM cards. However, this method has many disadvantages. Starting from the fact that the adapter must be selected for your model and firmware and ending with the fact that there is a possibility that after updating the software the error will appear again.

3. Unlinking iPhone from operator. The main advantage of this solution is that it is done once and for all.

“With long-term and successful operation”

In exceptional cases, the iPhone may suddenly stop reading the SIM card. It may be unlocked and work uninterruptedly for a long time, but the error may appear again. Why does it arise?

1. SIM card malfunction. Most often, the reason is an incorrect “cut” of the SIM card, but it is possible that it may simply break. In this case, it is enough to simply replace it.

2. The previous unlock has disappeared. If the unlocking was suddenly not done officially (not directly from the operator), there is a possibility that it may be reset. Most often this happens with restored iPhones after flashing.

If you come across a locked phone, contact the service center - EtoService. Our specialists will help you unlock it in a short time and at the best price.
