Paper chess pieces. How to make a paper chess board with chess

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, teacher primary school KEI KHMAO-Yugra "Lariak boarding school for students with disabilities".
Description: Chess is not only a game that gives children a lot of joy and pleasure, but also an effective, effective means of their mental development. The process of learning the basics chess game contributes to the development in children of the ability to focus on the plane, the development of analytical and synthetic activity, thinking, judgments, conclusions, teaches the child to memorize, compare, generalize, anticipate the results of their activities and Practice has shown that a well-organized process of teaching chess gives a lot to gifted children, and conditionally normal, and weak, and children with various functional disorders. Therefore, it is desirable to start learning the wise game as early as possible, but, of course, at a level accessible to the child.
The master class provides a detailed description of the manufacture of a paper chess game and paper chess pieces using a magnet.
Purpose: ready-made demonstration material is necessary in the lesson when studying any topic of the subject of chess.
Target: Production of demonstration material on the subject of chess.
1. Repeat the concept of "figures on a plane". Develop design abilities.
2. Development of children's ability to visual modeling.
3. Cultivate the desire to make the product with your own hands.
4. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, bringing the work begun to its logical conclusion.
5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic sense.

Materials and tools:
1. Paper for drawing A-4 or drawing paper.
2. Colored paper, corrugated cardboard.
3. Ruler (50cm), pencil, scissors, cutter.
4. Magnets, adhesive tape, glue.

Description of the manufacture of visual aids
"Chess and the chessboard".
1. To make a chessboard, prepare 2 sheets of A-3 drawing paper. The standard sheet size is 42 cm by 29.7 cm.
The photo shows half of the chessboard. For easy storage of the manual, prepare two such parts. They were glued from the wrong side with a strip of wide adhesive tape.
Also, you can make a chessboard from a single piece of whatman paper. After pencil marking on the base of the squares, prepare figures from black or gray colors. Make sure that the black square matches the markings on the white sheet of paper.

The color of the chessboard is not fundamentally important. You can combine yellow and brown or yellow and green.
2. A thick white strip of paper was glued to each half of the chessboard. We will place letters and numbers on it to determine the location of the chess pieces.

3. You can print on a printer, you can write beautifully with a felt-tip pen or marker on a white strip of a chessboard.

4. Placed and carefully glued, in the appropriate place, numbers and letters.

5. For greater aesthetics, the chess fields were bordered with a thin strip of corrugated cardboard.

Here, closer you can see the corner of the chess half.

In the same sequence, we make the second half of the chessboard. We connect the halves from the wrong side with tape.
Now, you can fix it on a metal board with magnets.

6. Let's start making chess pieces.
Pre-print on the printer pieces used in chess.
Chess pieces templates:

Figures can be of different colors and shapes, for example:

We liked the streamlined shape of gray-yellow shades more.
Glue the printed thin sheet of paper onto thick cardboard.
It is advisable to "laminate" each figure with a wide adhesive tape. This will give strength and longevity in use. didactic material.
Important advice! If you decide to use adhesive tape, then first you need to glue it directly onto the figure, and only then cut it out. So, the outline of the figures will turn out to be smooth and durable, and the details themselves will look neat.

7. Glue a piece of magnet on the wrong side of each figure. You can use Moment glue.

8. Our pieces are ready to take the initial position of the chess game.

Closer view of the chess troops.

We use this demo material in every lesson.

You can call moves, rearrange pieces, solve any logical tasks. Explain and find ways to solve winning moves.
Thank you all for your attention! I will be glad the usefulness of the material provided.

Chess is one of the oldest and most majestic games. They are loved by people of all ages and social statuses. This game was invented in India and quickly spread it across all continents and countries. Entire generations of people fell in love with chess because of its unpredictability and variability. Nowadays, many international competitions are held on this game. Thousands of people from all over the world are fighting for the chess crown.

This game helps to develop logical thinking and the ability to calculate their actions in advance. Chess is made from a wide variety of materials. There are figurines made of gold and other precious metals, precious woods, crystal, ivory and other expensive materials. Since most of these chess can not afford, you can buy made from the most simple materials or do it yourself.

Paper chessboard

For its manufacture you will need the following materials:

  • two white sheets of A3 paper;
  • scotch;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.


Such a board is best placed on a table or attached with magnets to a metal board.

DIY chess

Any variation of the game provides for the presence of 16 white and the same number of black figures. They play on a board drawn into 64 equal squares.

Figures can be made from the following materials:

  • wood;
  • clay;
  • paper;
  • plywood, etc.

Before you start manufacturing, you need to understand how to make a chessboard out of paper.

From plywood

One of the simplest and most popular options for creating chess is cutting plywood figures.

The process is as follows:

Instead of classic figures, you can cut out chess with your own hands for children. As objects can be characters from cartoons, fairy tales, games.

Figurines made of polymer clay

Polymer clay is ideal for making durable and vibrant objects. Crafts on the theme of chess created with its help will look beautiful and original and will serve you for many years.

To make chess, you need to follow these steps:

Plasticine can also be used as a material for chess.

wooden chess

To create wooden figures, you will need the skills of a carver or carpenter. A beginner can take a simple branch as a blank and make cylinders out of it. Then carve simple insignia on them. This work can be done with a chisel or a sharp knife.

If you are a professional carver, then all that limits you is your imagination. Wood carvings can create amazingly beautiful and bizarrely shaped figurines. Chess made by masters of the highest class are often sold at auctions for a lot of money.

In addition to chess, wooden checkers also look beautiful. They are made according to pre-designed and selected sizes. You will always want to play several games with such figures. It is also possible from wood, the drawings and dimensions of which will not differ much from checkers.

paper figures

This option for making figurines is the simplest and cheapest. To implement it, you will need to do the following:

If you use a flat board to play on the table, then you can not glue the magnets to the figures. Having learned how to make chess, it's easy to guess how to make checkers with your own hands from paper. To do this, you need to repeat all the same steps, only with checkerboard patterns.

Products from strips of paper

Every day, the production of figurines using the quilling technique is gaining popularity. Chess is no exception. In order to twist them from paper strips, you need to do the following steps:

Making chess with your own hands is quite simple and interesting. It doesn't matter which method you choose, the main thing is that it will help you join the great game.

Attention, only TODAY!

Chess is one of the most mysterious and the greatest games all times and peoples. Shrouded in ancient mystery, black and white figurines continue to excite the minds of a huge number of people around the planet. The favorite occupation of sultans, kings, shahs, emirs and other powerful people of this world has not lost its relevance in our days.

great game

Chess helps to learn to think logically, carefully, to calculate one's actions and deeds many steps ahead. There are various variations of materials for the figurines and the board: they could be made of gold and other precious metals, black, mahogany or ebony, ivory, crystal, inlaid or decorated precious stones, mother-of-pearl and gems. In the same way, many variants of execution are known: in the form of fighting armies belonging to a particular historical era, in the form famous people, various animals, favorite movie characters, etc.

However, the chess order remains the same - 32 pieces (16 white / light and 16 black / dark) on the field with a corresponding 64-square cell layout.

It is not at all necessary to save up for golden chess, because today they can be made from literally anything. If you know how to carve wood, then it is quite easy to carve wooden figures with your own hands. It is even easier to cut them out of plywood or glue them from thick paper using a stencil.

Special craftsmen make chess sets from the insides of a computer (a motherboard for a board and chips in the form of figures), from electronic vacuum tubes, from plastic, glass, on LEDs or neomagnets, etc. Turn on your imagination - and go ahead.

How to make chess with your own hands: manufacturing options

One of the most popular homemade chess technology options is sawing them out of plywood.

  • Take the sketches of the figures, a ruler, a pencil, a rail, plywood and carbon paper. You will need to transfer the images to plywood first. To do this, place carbon paper under the sketch and carefully circle all the figures in full with a pencil.

  • The next step will be sawing with a jigsaw flat figures that you drew. The holes will also have to be cut out, having previously marked them: their thickness must correspond to the thickness of the plywood, and in length they must match the length of another product. The hole can be made with a drill or an awl. At the joints, it is better to leave a margin of 1 mm so that the figures sit tighter.

  • You should get 32 ​​figures and stands with holes - in the same amount, and another 30 round blanks for future checkers. All of them will need to be sanded with sandpaper.

  • Next, start assembling. Attach the figurines to the stands using glue.
  • Then separate half of the elements and paint them with black acrylic paint. Leave them for a while for the paint to dry.

  • A chessboard can be made from a piece of plywood (4 mm thick will do). You will also need rails. Cut out two blanks (400 * 200), and make frames from the rails - in the same quantity and in the same dimensions. Glue plywood blanks to them, and place hinges between the halves so that the board opens and closes well. Using a stencil, put numbers, letters on the surface of the board, make a “cell” marking. And inside the board you can draw markings for playing backgammon. Paint the sides with red acrylic paint.

For figures, take plywood, 3 mm thick. Make sure that there are no cracks or knots on it. Apply the varnish in two layers so that the color at the output is more presentable.

In order for chess to be voluminous, more skills and abilities will be needed, since wood carving is indispensable here. For bright side you can pick up such breeds: boxwood, birch, ash, maple, hornbeam, and for dark - walnut, ebony, apple tree and others are well suited. If it is not possible, then it is easier to make all the figures from linden, for example, and then burn or varnish.

Using the "Dutch" thread, you can do without a lathe. To do this, you will need square bars of various sizes: blanks for future figures:

  • cut out stencils of chess from cardboard and transfer them to the edges of the blanks (for the horse you will need two views - from the side and from the front);

  • to get the profile of the leg of the figure, drill it by holding the workpiece in a vice (for different figures you will need drills of different sizes);

  • cut out the figures along the marked lines using a jigsaw (follow the profile of adjacent faces and leave bridges on them);

  • carefully cutting out all the figures, remove excess wood and file the surface (you can sand it with a sandpaper);
  • finished chess must be soaked in hot drying oil and coated with the appropriate varnish (black figures will first need to be tinted with stain). To make them stand better on the board, you can glue pieces of felt, plush or thin suede on the legs.

With desire and imagination, chess is easy to make from paper using the origami technique, and from wine peels or bottle caps, and even molded from plasticine.

Some nuances

A chess set can be very large: such pieces are considered outdoor or garden. That is, they can be placed as an element of landscape design to play a party or two in the fresh air. There are also mini-sets that are easy to take with you on the road or travel.

But the most common size of figurines is considered to be the classical measure: the king has a height of about 7-10 cm, and other figures decrease in size, depending on what rank they are. Consider the height of the base when working.

As you can see, making chess with your own hands is quite simple. It doesn’t matter what material or theme you choose for your set, the main thing is that it will be created with love and soul, which means “ royal game"will reveal to you a little its innermost secrets ...

Chess made of wood, what could be better game on a beautiful wooden chess field. Chess can be made from wood with your own hands. Today we will talk about how to make wood chess with your own hands, so that someone will get more satisfaction from this wonderful game. There are many options for how to make a chessboard yourself with interesting figures. chess boards self made are expensive, of course, everything determines the quality of work and ability.

How to make chess from wood?

Making a chessboard with your own hands can be a good business, especially for those people who know how to handle wood. The demand for such products will always be high, especially if you list lacquered chessboards on Ebay, you can charge a very good price for them.
First you need to decide what form will be chess pieces, then with the method of their manufacture. Easiest to cut chessmen from pine, but, of course, it will turn out more expensive if you work with oak. Then you should consider the design of the board.
Watch the video for more details on how to make a chessboard, cut out figures and get the finished product. It can be given as a gift, it will be the best gift for people who love to play chess.

chess making video

Making chess from wood, we think over the design

Making a chessboard video

We continue ...

Finishing the production of a chessboard

We draw a pattern on a chessboard

Chess is one of the most mysterious and greatest games of all time. Shrouded in ancient mystery, black and white figurines continue to excite the minds of a huge number of people around the planet. The favorite occupation of sultans, kings, shahs, emirs and other powerful people of this world has not lost its relevance in our days.

great game

Chess helps to learn to think logically, carefully, to calculate one's actions and deeds many steps ahead. There are various variations of the materials for the figurines and the board: they could be made of gold and other precious metals, black, mahogany or ebony, ivory, crystal, inlaid or decorated with precious stones, mother of pearl and gems. In the same way, many versions are known: in the form of fighting armies belonging to a particular historical era, in the form of famous people, various animals, characters from favorite films, etc.

However, the chess order remains the same - 32 pieces (16 white / light and 16 black / dark) on the field with a corresponding 64-square cell layout.

It is not at all necessary to save up for golden chess, because today they can be made from literally anything. If you know how to carve wood, then it is quite easy to carve wooden figures with your own hands. It is even easier to cut them out of plywood or glue them from thick paper using a stencil.

Special craftsmen make chess sets from the insides of a computer (a motherboard for a board and chips in the form of figures), from electronic vacuum tubes, from plastic, glass, on LEDs or neomagnets, etc. Turn on your imagination - and go ahead.

How to make chess with your own hands: manufacturing options

One of the most popular homemade chess technology options is sawing them out of plywood.

  • Take the sketches of the figures, a ruler, a pencil, a rail, plywood and carbon paper. You will need to transfer the images to plywood first. To do this, place carbon paper under the sketch and carefully circle all the figures in full with a pencil.

  • The next step is to cut out the flat figures that you have drawn with a jigsaw. The holes will also have to be cut out, having previously marked them: their thickness must correspond to the thickness of the plywood, and in length they must match the length of another product. The hole can be made with a drill or an awl. At the joints, it is better to leave a margin of 1 mm so that the figures sit tighter.

  • You should get 32 ​​figures and stands with holes - in the same amount, and another 30 round blanks for future checkers. All of them will need to be sanded with sandpaper.

  • Next, start assembling. Attach the figurines to the stands using glue.
  • Then separate half of the elements and paint them with black acrylic paint. Leave them for a while for the paint to dry.

  • A chessboard can be made from a piece of plywood (4 mm thick will do). You will also need rails. Cut out two blanks (400 * 200), and make frames from the rails - in the same quantity and in the same dimensions. Glue plywood blanks to them, and place hinges between the halves so that the board opens and closes well. Using a stencil, put numbers, letters on the surface of the board, make a “cell” marking. And inside the board you can draw markings for playing backgammon. Paint the sides with red acrylic paint.

For figures, take plywood, 3 mm thick. Make sure that there are no cracks or knots on it. Apply the varnish in two layers so that the color at the output is more presentable.

In order for chess to be voluminous, more skills and abilities will be needed, since wood carving is indispensable here. For the light side, you can pick up the following species: boxwood, birch, ash, maple, hornbeam, and for the dark side, walnut, ebony, apple and others are well suited. If it is not possible, then it is easier to make all the figures from linden, for example, and then burn or varnish.

  • cut out the figures along the marked lines using a jigsaw (follow the profile of adjacent faces and leave bridges on them);
  • carefully cutting out all the figures, remove excess wood and file the surface (you can sand it with a sandpaper);
  • finished chess must be soaked in hot drying oil and coated with the appropriate varnish (black figures will first need to be tinted with stain). To make them stand better on the board, you can glue pieces of felt, plush or thin suede on the legs.

With desire and imagination, chess is easy to make from paper using the origami technique, and from wine peels or bottle caps, and even molded from plasticine.

Some nuances

A chess set can be very large: such pieces are considered outdoor or garden. That is, they can be placed as an element of landscape design to play a party or two in the fresh air. There are also mini-sets that are easy to take with you on the road or travel.

But the most common size of figurines is considered to be the classical measure: the king has a height of about 7-10 cm, and other figures decrease in size, depending on what rank they are. Consider the height of the base when working.

As you can see, making chess with your own hands is quite simple. It doesn’t matter what material or theme you choose for your set, the main thing is that it will be created with love and soul, which means that the “royal game” will reveal its innermost secrets to you a little…
