Secrets of the game Saints Row: The Third. Cheats, codes and console commands Saints Row: The Third Secrets of the Science Moat

There are very few online sandbox games coming out. The rarer among them are successful ones. However, Saints row: the third is one of the successful and interesting games with an open game world. Co-op isn't too different from single-player. The main difference is that now there will always be another player nearby, which entails twice as many explosions (according to the most conservative estimates). Neither the assortment in the store nor the missions change from the second player. The videos will be shown differently for everyone, and apart from the plot characters, there will be no one around.

There are 5 levels of “celebrity” among hostile clans. The first is that gangs equip one car. The second is to put barriers on the roads and increase the number of cars. Third – light helicopters, thugs and specialists begin to appear. The police have special forces arriving at the scene of the massacre. Fourth, light helicopters are replaced by heavy ones, and ordinary cars are replaced by massive trucks. On the fifth stage, survival becomes much more difficult - there are a lot of armored vehicles from the city's reserves, fighters from BOAR fly to the party, and the gangs continuously deliver new reinforcements...

Read more about those who have the courage to stand in your way and lack the brains to leave it:


Headache of the first act. They love red, raincoats and long distances, which is why they are specialist snipers. Because of the passion for scale, they occupy two large areas: in the center and on the right. They are not anything complicated, and due to the game mechanics, snipers are easily killed with pistols.


Teenagers are obsessed with cyborgs, anime and electronics, which is why they wear neon blue suits with swords. They cause trouble in the plot in the second act, living in the north-west of the city. Specialists are more annoying than annoying. They roller skate at great speed, trying to strike hand-to-hand.


Huge wrestlers in masks. That says more than anything. The only tactic is a frontal attack with green color and explosions. They prefer humvees among cars, grenade throwers among specialists, and flamethrowers among thugs. They interfere mainly in the third act and in the southwest.


True masochists. They start being harassed because of little things, like shooting or rolling on the sidewalk. They pose even less danger than Morgensterns. They use specialists with shields, bringing them at once in a pack of 4 individuals. In the later stages, the National Guard is called in. They live all over the city.

A military organization that does not appear immediately. They use the latest weapons: laser rifles, vertical take-off fighters, heat-ray tanks. They are quite dangerous and it is better not to make them angry again, but by the time they appear the player has time to level up. They use beams instead of rocket launchers, which is why they hit more often. Specialists also use shields.

No matter how close the connected comrade is, he cannot always be there. But the weapon will never let you down (especially after being upgraded to have infinite ammunition).

It's described here all weapons Saints Row: The Third, except for fists, pick-up and stationary samples:

Melee Weapons

Baseball bat. Nothing special. Average damage, average attack speed, average damage radius. You can attach spikes to increase damage. Such an average weapon that it gets third place. The rest is even worse.

Lumberjack. An even more common weapon. Damage increased due to attack speed. While the swing is in progress, the enemies will have time to turn the hero into a sieve. Cannot be improved.

Nocturne. Decker Sword. Now the attack speed has been sacrificed to increase the attack radius. A beautiful trinket that cannot be improved upon.

Penetrator. It differs from a baseball bat only in appearance. The properties are exactly the same, but you can’t attach spikes. But the style is more suitable for the pretentiousness of the game. The best weapon.

Fist of the Apocalypse. Appears quite late in the plot, and even then if the feeling of revenge is not too strong. The most powerful melee weapon. Larger cars are thrown back, smaller ones explode, and passers-by are turned into a wet place. Second place, no improvement.

Stun gun. But this is the most meaningless weapon. It takes a long time to recharge, does not kill anyone, and cannot be improved. Throw tomatoes and remember only in a whisper.


45 "Shepherd". Will last until the end of the game. The reserve of power and accuracy is enough to kill snipers and blow up cars. After the 4th upgrade, it fires explosive bullets that effectively knock back opponents. After upgrading the player to carry two pistols, it also looks stylish.

Ka-1 "Cobra". It was introduced into the game to arm enemies so that they wouldn’t hurt them at first. Weaker than the Shepherd, but you can install a muffler. The meaning of this is still being sought. There is not a single mission in the game with a hidden passage.

Slot machines

TEK Z-10. The first machine gun. Cheap and weak. After improvement, he gets a second chance and second place, along with incendiary bullets. For the budget conscious.

Flower of Death. More expensive, more accurate and stronger. True, the improvement let us down. Armor-piercing ability is worse than the ability to set fire. It’s hard to justify the money for pumping, but it’s in first place.

Cyberblaster. Does not require recharging. This is where the good sides end and begin: rapid overheating, inability to improve and low accuracy.


Gravedigger. Standard shotgun. More improvements - more barrels. Pointless. A long reload and close distance will not allow you to use it normally.

A53 "Ultimax". The best among shotguns. And it is also not used. Although, with improvement and pumping, it begins to help at least somehow.

S3X "Hammer". The same Grave Digger, but energetic. Instead of recharging - overheating. Let the BOAR carry this slag.

Akulomat. Only available with DLC. The best weapon for this slot, but not a shotgun. Shoots cans of blood. Those whom it hits face an unenviable fate: after a couple of seconds, the doomed person is eaten by a shark (Yes, in the city. Yes, from under the asphalt)

Dude Shotgun. Similar to the Akulomat, it is only available with DLC. Before us is the Gravedigger again, but without the possibility of improvement. Each kill brings a little authority. Use only as a last resort.


K-8 Kryukov. Again the standard for the first time. Good, but only in comparison with automatic machines. Improvements prolong her life, but the fuse will eventually end. Second place, after all, there is...

AR-55. Late stage rescue. More than once it will save lives and help in battle. True, it hits the wallet just as well as it hits the enemies. She's still the best. Except for "Shepherd". Over time, it receives a sight, which divides the coverage area.

Laser rifle "Viper". Another perversion of BOAR. It's worse than the AR-55 in every way, and it overheats. If you should take it for yourself, then only to take it to the trash heap.


Annihilator. A good weapon that shoots small flying explosions. After receiving it, the equipment hides in the corners in fear of peeking out. The only downside is the small number of cartridges. After improvement, it learns to aim at a target, pursuing it. Place it at will, because it will not be possible to fire 2 missiles.

Backpack charge. Sticky bombs. The explosion is weak and needed to have fun. You can use it once, and then return to the rocket launcher.

Clam Launcher. Another weapon that is not available to everyone. A singing octopus who can explode, turn enemies into friends and shoot stars. When it hits an enemy, it makes him friendlier, and when pressed, the grenade explodes, albeit poorly.

M2 grenade launcher. Almost a copy of the Mollusk Thrower in properties. It also sticks to surfaces (after improvement), it also explodes one at a time, and is also available with the purchase of DLC. The force of the explosion is close to the Annihilator. Use as you wish, but the stuff is good.

Special Weapon

SA-3 airstrike. If you play alone, then the best weapon for the slot. He places a mark, and the fighter generously sprinkles the area with bombs. True, people can run away.

Cybercannon. Infinite charge, low damage. Trash.

Reaper drone. Death from Heaven #2. Suitable only for co-op, since when used the character cannot move and needs cover. You can launch a rocket to any point that is not covered from above.

Overlord RC-V. Weapons for the second player. Allows you to intercept control of someone else's car. I highly recommend it.

McManus 2015. The only sniper rifle. Due to the game engine and the console nature of the game, it is useless. At such distances, cars are not drawn. Expensive and stupid.

Sonic boom. And one more piece of trash. Only needed for story missions. It pushes cars away and vaporizes people. But this also depends on the accumulation of charge.


Grenades. The third main weapon in the entire game. The explosions are strong and the damage is decent. If you learn to throw, then you don’t need a rocket launcher. Worth every dollar.

Molotov cocktail. In terms of usefulness, it comes on the heels of a grenade. The explosion is smaller, but the area burns for a while and explodes immediately upon contact. Once you get the hang of it, you can shoot down helicopters with one hit. Take it as soon as you get the chance.

Blinding Grenade. A little more useful than nothing. Just a little bit. Use only in the corner without ammo or other grenades.

Electric grenades. Concludes a huge list of “To the Trash.” Briefly disables a group of enemies. Only suitable for learning to throw normal grenades.

Brief summary: For two players, the ideal combination would be to use the REAPER Drone with the 45 Shepherd for one player, and the RC-V Overlord with the AR-55 for the second player. Of course, tactics depend on the situation. In a closed and cramped room, the rifle does not reveal its full potential. In general, go for it and don’t forget to experiment!

In the next review, we will look at additional missions of Saints Row: The Third and their passage. We’ll also look into the store on your phone: the assortment and return on purchases. Until next time!

Game: Platform: PC, PS3, X360 Genre: action, racing Release date: November 15, 2011 In Russia: November 15, 2011 Developer: Volition, Inc. Publisher: THQ Publisher in Russia: Akella / Track down When great steals don't work out.

We watch the introductory video, and then, as part of the “Saints” gang, we begin the robbery. We kill the guards and go into the next room. We turn the mouse wheel to change the weapon. We run up by holding “Shift” and approaching the enemy, press the left mouse button. In this way, we will perform a signature trick and earn authority. We go upstairs and continue to deal with the enemies. Along the marked stairs we will get to the storage door. We can’t just open it, so we’ll plant explosives on the floor above. We watch a video in which one of the squad members activates the alarm. Now the fun begins. We hold the defense until the helicopter arrives, destroying dozens of angry special forces descending from the roof. There is nothing to worry about, because we have virtually undiminished health and endless ammunition. Having had plenty of fun, we shoot the special forces helicopter that appears.

We hook the safe to the arriving friendly helicopter and rush upstairs. Two partners remain below to cover us. We continue to kill enemies and destroy helicopters. Helicopters must be blown up as early as possible, before the special forces have time to get out of them. We finish off the main helicopter and complete the goal with the fact that we were caught after all.

I'm free - free falling.

Let's edit our character and proceed to the next task. Finding ourselves in jail together with other members of the team, we are soon pulled out of there. While on board the plane, the president of the bank that we tried to rob in the previous mission offers us a deal. He takes off his shoes, we do not agree, and therefore a brutal shootout ensues. We run away together with Shaundi, dealing with the enemies hand-to-hand. We select the pistol and break through to the cargo compartment. We jump down after talking with Johnny, and later he seems to have been destroyed...

During the flight we shoot the pursuers. We move using the “W, A, S, D” buttons. To switch the view from top to bottom, press “Space”. We rush down to catch Shaundi. Having done this, we see a plane flying straight at us. We throw the girlfriend down and shoot through the windshield of a rapidly approaching plane. We perform the same acts of execution on the persecutors again. We catch Shaundi for the last time and never part with her again.

We'll need guns.

We run along the alley to the car. We get into it and go to the weapons store. Press “TAB” and select a card. We get to the marked point on the map. For now, we can only purchase cartridges for existing weapons. This will be enough for the first time.

We are going to the Gun Arsenal, an illegal zone guarded by the military. Having arrived at the place, we drive as far as possible and begin clearing the area. You can climb into one of the armored personnel carriers and shoot everyone and everything from a stationary machine gun. We go inside and find a weapons cache. More enemies appear outside. We destroy them from an armored personnel carrier and watch the video. Inside the hangar we select the Reaper drone. The left mouse button is for firing ordinary shells, the right mouse button is for manual aiming at the target. Moreover, with manual aiming, we can accelerate the speed of the projectile by holding the left mouse button. Having destroyed all the tanks, we leave the hangar and run to Pierce’s helicopter. We protect the bomb by shooting enemy helicopters with a machine gun.

Steelport, here I come.

We meet with Pierce in the park. We get into his little white car and go to the mechanic. We go into the garage and change something to our own taste. Now let's go to the saints' store and buy some clothes. The more expensive the thing, the more authority.

We leave the store and here we are attacked by enemies led by a thug. To destroy it, you will have to try. When he sits down, we run up to him and finishes him off. We get into any car and, together with Pierce, return to the non-dangerous zone, that is, to our apartment.

Time to celebrate.

We call Pierce and go to the airport. After the video, we jump down and, opening the parachute, land in the penthouse. Let's grab the lieutenant to find out the code. We deal with all opponents and enter the building. We find the way to the basement and go down. We grab grenades and throw them into barrels to clear the way, also at enemies. We launch the “Saints” by activating the elevator button. All that remains is to clear the penthouse from the Morgenstern gang.

The lieutenant flies over us. We can't let him see us. If the bar fills up or, on the contrary, runs out, the mission will fail. We get to the helicopter on the site and pursue the lieutenant. When he lands at the docks, a timer appears on the display for three minutes. We can’t waste time, we also land the helicopter and run after the lieutenant. We kill the opponents and capture the poor guy pinned in the corner. According to him, it is necessary to cut the reddish wire. We report this information to Shaundi.

Guardian angel.

We talk with Pierce and go to the Saints headquarters. Now we have a new refuge - a penthouse. Being on board the helicopter we fly to the starting point of the mission. Our targets are enemy cars trying to interfere with the brothers riding in the greenish car. We shoot from a grenade launcher at approaching vehicles as early as possible. A mini map will help you navigate.

After destroying several checkpoints, we land on the roof and use a sniper rifle. We kill opponents, and the best thing is to blow up cars even before opponents get out of them. Let's recharge just in time and don't forget to zoom in and out using the mouse wheel.

Drug trafficking.

We call Pierce and meet him at the designated place. Now we will work as a bodyguard for a drug dealer. We protect a drug dealer from attacks by an enemy gang and police. We get to the location of the first transaction. The client refuses to pay, so we simply kill him. We return to the car.

As they say, “The first pancake is lumpy,” let’s go to the place of the 2nd transaction. We similarly protect the dealer and the buyer. After successful implementation, we take the dealer home.

Control over the city.

We meet with Pierce near the “Jolly Bullet” and get it for only 100 bucks. We drive into an alley nearby and pick up a sex doll. We get to the estate and get it for the same 100 bucks. We set off on the mission “Gang Operation”. Its essence lies in the following: we get to the place where dozens of opponents from a warring gang are crowded together. We destroy all those marked and go to the next place. Fundamentally: it is absolutely not necessary to attack openly; you can launch a drone and crush all the opponents while they are in a heap. Also, before going to a new place, it is better to get rid of the pursuit stars, or at least reach the level of one or two pieces. The most important thing is that we cannot run away after we have attacked and the necessary targets have been marked. This action will result in mission failure. After successfully eliminating the opponents, we return to the “Laughing Bullet” to get rid of the bad reputation.

Tank destruction.

We talk with Pierce and go to the starting point of the task. We are in a tank and our task is to kill property worth 100 20 5 thousand dollars in two minutes. Nobody and nothing is stopping us, we move forward, shooting marked buildings and expensive sports cars.

S.E.K.R. Dr. Jenki. We get to the place where the task started, i.e. to the Dr. Jenka show! Let's watch the introductory video. We are going to the first tests, there will be three in total. Selecting the moment, we run through fiery and electronic traps. We destroy opponents in suits. We shoot cardboard cat figures to replenish health, since here it is not restored, but we do not shoot pandas - this leads to a loss of funds in the account. We try not to rush forward, but to plan attacks well. We use cover and go around the flank.

Ladies' room.

We go to the Straw Club to talk with Pierce. We select a new task from the list of missions and go to “Gunpowder”. Shandi and Pierce are already waiting for us there. We go to the “back door” and deal with the guards. We enter the warehouse and look for the way up. We are afraid of snipers, quickly run to the door and, having passed through the back room, we encounter a thug. He fires a machine gun and is very strong. We hide behind the boxes when our health runs out. The allies are quite good in battle and will even be able to cope with the hero themselves; all we have to do is finish him off by running up and pressing “E”. We select the machine gun and go up along the opened path. We get to the manager's office and wait for Shaundi to hack the computer.

Belgian problem.

We go to the Saints headquarters. Armed to the teeth, we go to the syndicate tower. We drive into the docks and, while in the car, kill the guards. When the wreck appears, it is better to leave the vehicle. We deal with the remaining opponents and plant a bomb in the truck. We go to the elevator and take it to the plant.

We continue to move forward, another wrecker will appear. Let's make him get carried away by our allies, and shoot his backpack on his back. We move up the stairs until we meet another peace-loving thug. In fact, he was the model for all the destroyers we met, in other words, cloning Oleg. Now he wants revenge.

We call the elevator and arrive at the offices. We follow Oleg to Philip. We don't have time to catch him. We jump onto the chandelier and fight off the enemies. We fall down, and during the flight we shoot the big guy approaching us. After the video, we select “Defuse the bomb,” which will give us a new shelter and a constant flow of funds.

Return to Tilport.

We are watching a video in which we are standing relaxed on a bridge, when suddenly we are attacked, apparently by an enemy gang. Trying to escape will yield nothing, we are hit with a grenade launcher, and we find ourselves in the river.

We go to the pier and jump into the boat. We swim to the barge and fly straight into it at speed. We deal with the oncoming opponents. We get to the cabin and save Kinzie by untying her.

Let's go to the BDSM club. We go inside through the main entrance and ask a couple of guests. Now let's actually go to the owner of the club himself. We break into the room and kill the guards. We will interrogate the owner and also deal with him, having learned the necessary information. The door leading down will open. We kill several guards and find Zaimos. We run away from the Morgensterns, shooting at our pursuers.

Together with Zaimos we set off to rescue Angel. Approaching the building where Angel is located, the Luchadores appear. We deal with them and go inside. We hold the defense with all our might. Don't forget to resurrect your brothers when required. We shoot the thug with a machine gun in the soft parts of his body. Shooting at an armored shoulder is useless. We aim for the head or legs. As soon as we deal with him, two more appear. Now with flamethrowers. Let's go up to the 2nd floor, from there it will be easier to kill them, especially when they go up the stairs.


We call Zaimos and go to his apartment. We get into the car and go to rescue whores from malicious pimps. In total, you need to save 4 girls, which means visiting at least two points. Having arrived at them, we kill the opponents and get back into the car. Press “Z” to stir up the frightened group. We deliver them to their accommodation and drive to the next point. And so we continue until the required number of whores are saved.

Drug trafficking.

We get to the starting point of the task. We select Zaimos and get into the car. We don't even have to drive the car, we're just protecting the dealer from attacks. The first deal ends with a setup and a raid by the cops. We deal with the pursuing police car.

The 2nd and 3rd transactions go more or less successfully, not counting 10 opponents from an aggressive group and police officers. We return to housing.


We go to the place where the task started and pick up the stripper from there. Then we go to the client and select him. Now we are waiting for the pleasure scale to fill up, we are also hiding from the paparazzi and making sure that the “Footage Material” scale does not fill up. The client's wishes will be generated by chance, but these are the most ordinary tasks. Such as, arrange a double millimeter, destroy someone, drift, etc. When the scale is filled, we take the client to the place indicated on the map.

We select Zaimos from the list of missions and get to his hideout.

Trojan whores.

We talk to Shaundi and go to the party. We watch a video in which Pierce is almost killed by one of the whores. These whores, as it turns out, are not whores at all. We clear the penthouse of opponents and navigate using the mini-map. Having dealt with the first wave, we proceed to protect Pierce, then we go into the room and take away the sniper rifle. We get out onto the balcony and kill the snipers. Because there are many of them, it is best to do this with breaks: if we destroy one or two, we go into the buildings to restore health. We go up to the roof and kill 1 more. Then we go to the maintenance room. We restore power supply and go upstairs. We select the rocket launcher, go out onto the balcony, and destroy three helicopters.

Pimps and whores.

We meet with Zaimos at the designated place. He wants us to play the role of a sex slave. We climb into the car and, unfortunately, from now on we don’t see anything, because pictures from the loading screen appear.

Waking up completely naked, we see Zaimos. We go to the collection room. We deal with the guards and disable the security system. We are still not in very good condition, as evidenced by the urge to vomit and the shaky camera. We go into the next room, first go up to the 2nd floor and deal with the snipers.

Next, we go to the security center. We go down and move forward. We free whores from cages so that they can help us. We disable the security system and kill the marked targets. We go into the garage and deal with the thug. It's enough to throw a couple of grenades when he's near the cars.

Achievements, Secret, Codes for Saints Row: The Third. To activate Cheat mode, press back to use your phone and select "Advanced", then select the "Cheats" selection. Note: Achievements and automatic saves are disabled when cheats are activated. However, you can manually save with cheats enabled.

Cheats for Saints Row: The Third

Opportunities for the player:
Result - Code
Money ($100,000) - cheese
Weapons - letsrock
Golden gun (kills with one shot) - goldengun
Endless sprint - runfast
There is no damage to the car - vroom
Workshop car - repaircar
Add respect - whatitmeanstome
Add fame to the police - pissoffpigs
Not known to the police - goodygoody
Add gang fame - lolz
The gang has no fame - oops

Call an ambulance - giveembulance
Summon Anchor - giveanchor
Summon Attrazione - giveattrazione
Call a bootlegger - givebootlegger
Call Challenger - givechallenger
Summon Commander - givecommander
Summon Condor - givecondor
Summon Eagle - giveeagle
Call Estrada - giveestrada
Call F69 VTOL - givevtol
Call Gatmobile - givegatmobile
Call Canada - givekanada
Summon Kenshin - givekenshin
Give Knoxville - giveknoxville
Summon Hooks - givekrukov
Call Miami - givemiami
Call municipal transport - givemunicipal
Call Nforcer - givenforcer
Summon Peacemaker - givepeacemaker
Summon Phoenix - givephoenix
Summon Quasar - givequasar
Summon the reaper - givereaper
Summon Sandstorm - givesandstorm
Summon Shark - givesshark
Summon Specter - givespecter
Summon Squasar - givesquasar
Call Status Quo - givestatusquo
Call a taxi - givetaxi
Summon Titan - givetitan
Summon Toad - givetoad
Summon Tornado - givetornado
Summon Vortex - givevortex
Call for vertical takeoff and landing - givevtol
Summon Vulture - givevulture
Summon Widowmaker - givewidowmaker
Summon Woodpecker - givewoodpecker

Get 45 Shepherd - givesheperd
Get Apocafists - giveapoca
Get AR 55 - givear55
Get AS3 Ultimax - giveultimax
Get Baseball Bat - givebaseball
Get a chainsaw - givechainsaw
Get a Cyber ​​Blaster - givecybersmg
Get Cyber ​​Orestes - givecyber
Get D4TH color - giveblossom
Get an Electric Grenade - giveelectric
Get a Flamethrower - giveflamethrower
Get a flash bang - giveflashbang
Get Grave Miner - givedigger
Get a grenade - givegrenade
Get K-8 Hook - givekrukov
Get KA-1 Cobra - givekobra
Get M2 grenade launcher - givelauncher
Get McManus 2015 - givesniper
Get Mini Gun - giveminigun
Get Molotov - givemolotov
Get Nocturne - givesword
Get RC Possessor - givecgun
Get Reaper Drone - givedrone
Get a shield - giveshield
Get RPG Rocket Launcher - giverpg
Get S3X Hammer - givehammer
Get an SA-3 jump strike - giveairstrike
Get a charging bag - givesatchel
Get an impact hammer - giverocket
Get Sonic Boom - givesonic
Get a stun gun - givestungun
Get TEK Z-10 - givetek
Get Penetrated - givedildo
Get the Viper Laser Rifle - giveslm8

Sunny weather - clearskies
Cloudy weather - overcast
Rainy weather - lightrain
Very rainy weather - heavyrain

Preliminary time - ticktock
Fucking Mess - notrated
Score in Sky (corpses rise into the air) - fryhole
Car Smash - isquishyou
Drunk (drunk pedestrians) - dui
Mascots (pedestrian mascot) - mascot
Pimps and Os (pedestrian pimps and prostitutes) - hohoho
Zombies (zombie pedestrians) - brains

Saints Row: The Third Trophies

Bonus cars.
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding vehicle:
X2 Phantom motorcycle: excellent Decker pass about innovative activities.

Bonus costumes.
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding costume:
Cops/SWAT: Successfully complete all of Kenzi's Snatch activities.
Deckers: Successfully complete Assassination (Mission 37) from Kinzie.
OS: Successfully complete all Zimos Snatch activities.
Luchadores: Successfully complete mission 43.
Talismans: Successfully complete all SERC activities of Professor Genki.
Morningstar: Complete mission 29.
National Guard: Successfully complete all Mayhem Tank activities.
Cosmic Saints: Complete mission 47.
Show: Successfully complete all Zimos Escort activities.
Fighters: Successfully complete the accompanying activities of the Tiger.

Secrets of Saints Row: The Third

Customization of any vehicle.
To customize any non-customizable vehicle, take any customizable vehicle into the rim vacancy and press Y. In the "Garage" menu, and highlight the vehicle that is not customizable from the list, but do not press the button to get it. Instead, press B to exit the menu and then select "Accept" to confirm exit. It will now take you straight to the setup menu.

Easy money
There are at least four barnstorming areas at the airport, one at the end of each runway, where you must stay in between the runway towers. You will receive $5108 for each pass with the longest being 446 meters. Each pass takes about 5 seconds on the helicopter, and another 10 to 20 seconds on the starting line. You can easily get $100,000 in 20 minutes. Repeat this as many times as necessary.

Search Eagle (Attack version)
To find a special Eagle helicopter model with mini guns and missile pods. It can only be found on the weapons island, in the southeast of the helipad (on the roof).

Easter Bunny
In Luchadores territory, go to the lower left side of the map to find the boats. Enter the second boat to find a gang of employers with a giant rabbit caught in fishing nets.

Professor Genki
An NPC dressed as Professor Genki will appear at random in Steelport as an enemy on the radar. If you kill him, you will receive about $300,000. Note: He has a very high amount of health, and is armed with a regular pistol.

Shaundi in the magazine
Unlock Burns Hill reactor like barn to go upstairs to the bathroom. A magazine on the edge of the hot tub called "Boy Toy". Shaundi Feature Log Covers.

Punisher links
Once the Kinzie Kensington shelter is unlocked, go upstairs and enter the numbers of all computers in it. Then, look at the ceiling through the sniper rifle's magnifier to see a cluster of newspapers. They are all newspaper clippings from Volition in the Punisher game.

Saints Row Links
Come to the Kinzie Kensington crib and then go upstairs. Go to the very end to find a room with newspaper clippings all over the wall. Look at the titles to see references to Saints Row and Saints Row 2. With a headline about zombie attacks, with a map of Stillwater filled with red dots marking the spread of the epidemic.

Avatar reward
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award:
Oversized Gas Mask: Successfully complete the mission "When Good Heists...".
Saint Logo Shirt: Get the "Flash Pan" achievement.
SR: TT Logo Shirt: Create and upload your first character for the site community.

Radio stations and tracks
Listen to the following stations to hear related songs:
Gen X
"Volcanology" by Brooklyn
"Diamond Eyes" by Deftones
"Clarion Call" in Delphic
"Silly Green" by Dragonette
"Renegades" from filing
"Sha La La La La" heavy Young Pagans
"Too Fake" in hockey
"Torture" by King Khan and shrines
"Lost Desire" by J.R.
"Animal" by Miike snow
"Riot Rhythm" by Bells
"Next Girl" by The Black Keys
"The Equine Venemum" by Dear Hunter
"Queen of Dot Kong" by U
"El Matador" on the line
"Born Free" by Russle
"Stop looking for aka sweatpants" from Valencia
"Paint Yourself" on White Denim

"Buggy Boys Bottom" by Joker from scenes
"Ghetto State Jackin feat. DJ Nasty" by Baobinga
"Satisfaction" door Benny Benassi
"Town in Florida" by Deadmau5
"Idealistic" by Digitalism
"Ruthless" by Dilemn
"Heartbeat" by Groom
"Double Bubble" Jessie No
"Oh no U NOT" Jesse No
"Angry Elephants" by Junkie XL
"Wallflower" Kevin and Carrick
"Scrub Down" Kevin Seaton
"Neckbrace" by Ratatat
"Woo Boost" by Rusko
"31 Seconds To Die" by Bloody Beet
"Don't Break It" by Tug

"Gimme What You Got" by Amanda Empty
"Done Did It (feat. Nicole Wray & NOE)" by Blakroc
"Throw Your Hands Up" on the Highway
"My Party Life" by G-Eazy
"Power" by Kanye West
"Get It In feat cartridges and K. Madison." On K:B
"Tired" on Kurupt
"Don't Panik" by Medina
"Paradise" Mickey Factz
"Silent Dog" by Mos Def
"In The Zone" by Pharoahe Monch
"Fur in the Hat" Rob Roy
"Boom Bye Yeah" by Sean Price
"Push Play" by Sixx John
"Impossible Stop Now" by Lefty Swagger
"Countdown" by Kid's total
"93 Hardcore" on tandem
"Yonkers" Tyler, the Creator
"Mirrors feat. Bun B" by Wale
"Good To Go Feat Bun B" by Yelawolf

"Berzerker" on the way after the funeral
"Runes To My Memory" by Amon Amarth
"Entanglement" period with Buried and I
"Perfect Weapon" on Black Veil Bride
"Jag Suicide" by Chemlab
"Feel Like I Do" by Drowning Pool
"Apocalyptic Havoc" by Goatwhore
"Disinformation spat out" by Work for Cowboy
"Arma damn motherfuckin geddon" by Marilyn Manson
"Fortune telling" by Mastodon
"Apologies are for the weak" Miss May I
"Lotus Eater" by Opeth
"Rise, Rebel, Resist" by Otep
"Pure Misanthropy" by Shai Hulud
"Love"? by Strapping Young Lad
"Necropolis" on the Black Dahlia Murder
"Goodbye Mona Lisa" according to the Dillinger Escape plan
"Slow Revolution" Tug
"Engine pest" on you love her Coz she's dead
"Stand and Delivery" by Adam Ant
"Fantasy" Aldo Nova
"Hold On For The Hero" by Bonnie Tyler
"Machinehead" van Bush
"Pepper" by Butthole Surfers
"Epic" by Faith No More
"Relax" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood
"You're the Best Around" by Joe Esposito
"Return of the Mac" Mark Morrison
"Live Wire" by Mötley Crüe
"Shout at the Devil" by Mötley Crüe
"No Easy Way Out" Robert Tepper
"My Adidas" by Run DMC
"Arms and Legs" by Social Distortion
"What I Got" by Sublime
"This is my life" Talk Talk
"Birds Fly (Whisper To Scream)" by Icicle works
"Funky Cold Medina" on Tone-Loc

Achievements for Saints Row: The Third

Complete the following achievements to receive the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Dead Presidents (10 points): Complete "When the Good Steal...".
Welcome Wagon (15 points): Complete "I'm Free Falling."
We're Takin' Over (20 points): Complete "We've Just Begun."
Tower Defense (20 points): Complete Act 1 one way.
Kuh, Boom. (20 points): Complete Act 1 differently.
Must Break Em In (25 points): Complete "Boat Ho."
I Heart Nyte Blayde (25 points): Complete the Bachelor Party.
kill-deckers.exe (25 points): Go to "http://deckers.die."
Titanic Endeavor (40 points): Complete Act 2.
After Bitten... Braaaaaaains (25 points): Complete "Zombie Attack".
Murderbrawl 31 (25 points): Complete Murderbrawl XXXI.
Mr. Fury Would Be Proud (30 points): Complete Act 3 one way.
Gangstas...In Space! (30 points): Complete Act 3 differently.
Hanging With Mr. Pierce (25 points): Complete all City of Absorption gameplay in the center area.
Mourning Star (25 points): Complete all City of Absorption gameplay in the New Colvin District.
Hack Planet (25 points): Complete all City of Absorption gameplay in the Stanfield area.
You're the best... (25 points): Complete all City of Absorption gameplay in the Carver Island area.
Bright Lights, Big City (80 points): Complete all City Takeover gameplay throughout the city of Steelport.
Oh. (20 points): Complete all insurance fraud cases.
Tune In, Drop Off (20 points): Complete all human trafficking cases.
And Boom Goes Dynamite (20 points): Complete all instances of Heli Assault.
Fence Killa 2011 (20 points): Complete all instances of Mayhem.
Your Backseat Smells Funny (20 points): Complete all instances of Escort.
Double Dose (20 points): Complete all instances of Snatch.
Porkchop Sandwiches (20 points): Complete all instances of Trail Blazing.
Walk into the Light (20 points): Complete all instances of Guardian Angel.
Tank you big (20 points): Complete all instances of Tank Mayhem.
There is a reality Climax (20 points): Complete all instances of Super Ethical Climax reality Professor Genki it.
Anything goes (10 points): Kill all of the hitman's Assassination targets.
Hi-Jack It (10 points): Steal and deliver all vehicle theft targets.
Getting Goods (10 points): Find 25% of all collectibles.
Life of the Party (20 points): Find 100% of all collectibles.
Shake and Bake (10 points): Finish your first challenge.
You are my hero! (30 points): Complete all challenges.
Oh my balls! (10 points): Your first nutshot AND testicle attack.
Gender Equality (10 points): Play for 2 hours as a male character and 2 hours as a female character.
Bo-Duke-En (10 points): Hijack 50 vehicles - Dukes style.
Love/Hate Relationship (10 points): Taunt AND/OR compliment 50 gang members.
Gellin "Like Magellan (20 points): Explore every hood in Steelport.
Who Loves Ya Baby (10 points): Kill 50 animals.
Better Face (15 points): Buy your first Store Update.
Haters Gonna Hate (15 points): Kill 1000 gang members.
Cowboy Up (10 points): Fully upgrade one weapon in each slot.
Pimped Out Pad (10 points): Upgrade One Fortress to full glory.
Flash Pan (10 points): Destroy all Gang operations in Steelport.
Third and 30 (40 points): Spend more than 30 hours in Steelport.
Jumped in (10 points): Creating and sharing character online.
Wealth, You Has It (20 points): Complete "Party Time".
Stay Posh Steelport (10 points): Kill 25 gang members with "Penetrator" and Fart in the Jar.
American Dream (10 points): Customize 10 cars.

Saints Row: The Third is a frantic open-world action game based on the same game mechanics as the Grand Theft Auto series, but offering crazier gameplay. Even though it came out several years ago, it is still quite popular among players.

Of course, this project is most fun to play with an infinite amount of money, any vehicle at hand and endless ammo. Fortunately, the developers took care of this by adding cheats and codes to Saints Row 3, with which you can easily throw a grandiose virtual party or real hell. Below is a list of all console commands in the game.

How to enter cheats in Saints Row: The Third

Entering cheats in Saints Row 3, as in the latest parts of GTA, is carried out using a gaming gadget. You must first take out your smartphone by pressing the “Tab” key, and then go to the “Extras” window. Then open the “Cheats” section and click on the “Add cheat” button. After that, simply enter the required console command.

Note: After you use cheats, the automatic saving system will stop working. In addition, access to receiving trophies (achievements) on Steam will be blocked.

Basic cheat codes

  • pissoffpigs – increases the wanted level by law enforcement agencies, that is, increases notoriety
  • lolz – increases the wanted level of criminal gangs
  • cheese – increases your game account by 100 thousand dollars
  • fryhole - all the dead literally ascend to heaven
  • goodygoody – removes all wanted levels by law enforcement agencies
  • oops – removes all wanted levels by criminal gangs
  • whatitmeanstome – increases authority by 100 thousand units
  • runfast – allows you to run for an infinitely long time
  • dlc_never_die – grants invulnerability (works only if all add-ons are available)
  • dlc_player_pratfalls – activates the fall system as in one of the side jobs (works only if all add-ons are available)
  • dlc_unlimited_ammo – gives endless ammo (works only if you have all add-ons)
  • dlc_unlimited_clip – no need to reload weapons (only works if all add-ons are available)
  • dlc_car_mass – gives the car enormous weight, which is why it starts to knock down everything on the road (works only if all add-ons are available)
  • repaircar – completely repairs your car
  • vroom – makes the car invulnerable to damage
  • isquishyou – gives the car the ability to destroy any vehicles on the road
  • dui – adds pedestrians under the influence of alcohol
  • brains – turns all the people on the streets into the living dead
  • turkeyburgers - another code for invulnerability
  • goldengun – allows you to kill with one hit (shot)
  • dlc_low_gravity – reduces gravity (only works if all add-ons are available)
  • mascot – turns all the people on the streets into sports “mascots”
  • dlc_super_explosions – increases the power of explosions by 4 times (only works if all add-ons are available)
  • nohud - UI disappears
  • hohoho – turns all people on the street into pimps and girls with weak social responsibility
  • notrated – explodes all killed characters
  • dlc_super_saints – significantly enhances all Saints (only works if all add-ons are available)

Air vehicles

  • givecondor – a transport worker (Condor) appears next to the hero
  • giveeagle – a transport helicopter (Eagle) appears next to the hero
  • givespecter – a flying Boar scooter (Specter) appears next to the hero
  • givetornado – a combat helicopter appears next to the hero (Tornado)
  • givevtol – a fighter (F-69 VTOL) appears next to the hero
  • givevulture – a military helicopter appears next to the hero (Vulture)
  • givewoodpecker – a light aircraft appears next to the hero


  • giveestrada – a classic motorcycle appears next to the hero
  • givekaneda – a futuristic motorcycle appears next to the hero
  • givekenshin – a sports motorcycle appears next to the hero
  • givesandstorm – a mountain bike appears next to the hero
  • givewidowmaker – a scooter appears next to the hero

Boats and boats

  • givecommander – a patrol boat appears next to the hero
  • givemiami – a fast boat appears next to the hero
  • givesshark – a jet ski appears next to the hero


  • giveambulance – an ambulance appears next to the hero
  • giveanchor – a TV minibus appears next to the hero
  • giveattrazione – a sports car appears next to the hero (Attrazione)
  • givebootlegger – a muscle car appears next to the hero
  • givejustice – a luxury car appears next to the hero (Justice)
  • givenforcer – the Kabana BRDM appears next to the hero
  • givepeacemaker – a police car appears next to the hero
  • givephoenix – a sports car appears next to the hero (Phoenix)
  • givequasar – an SUV appears next to the hero
  • givemunicipal – a garbage truck appears next to the hero
  • givetaxi – a taxi appears next to the hero
  • givetitan – a cash-in-transit vehicle appears next to the hero
  • givevortex – a racing car appears next to the hero (Vortex)

Special transport

  • givechallenger – a tank appears next to the hero
  • givegatmobile – a minibus with a giant head appears next to the hero
  • giveknoxville – a small electric car appears next to the hero
  • givereaper – a hearse appears next to the hero
  • givesphere – a huge ball appears next to the hero
  • givestatusquo – a luxury limousine appears next to the hero
  • givetoad – an ATV from one of the part-time jobs appears next to the hero


  • letsrock – the hero gets all the weapons in the game
  • giveapoca – the hero receives the fist of the Apocalypse
  • givebaseball – the hero receives a baseball bat
  • givechainsaw – the hero receives a chainsaw
  • givesword – the hero receives the Dekker Nocturne sword
  • givedildo – the hero receives a dildo
  • givestungun – the hero receives a stun gun
  • givesheperd – the hero receives a Shepherd pistol
  • givekobra – the hero receives a police pistol
  • givekrukov – the hero receives the K-8 Kryukov assault rifle
  • givear55 – the hero receives an AR-55 assault rifle
  • giveslm8 – the hero receives a laser rifle
  • givedigger – the hero receives the Grave Digger shotgun
  • giveultimax – the hero receives the “AS3 Ultimax” shotgun
  • givehammer – the hero receives a laser shotgun
  • givecybersmg – the hero receives a Cyberblaster submachine gun
  • givetek – the hero receives a TEK Z-10 submachine gun
  • giveblossom – the hero receives a “Flower of Death” submachine gun
  • giveairstrike – the hero receives an airstrike
  • givecyber – the hero receives a cybercannon
  • givedrone – the hero receives an unmanned aerial vehicle
  • givercgun – the hero receives the master of the RC-V
  • givesniper – the hero receives a sniper rifle
  • givesonic – the hero receives a sonic blow
  • giverpg – the hero receives a grenade launcher
  • givesatchel – the hero receives backpack charges
  • giveelectric – the hero receives electric grenades
  • giveflashbang – the hero receives a flashbang
  • givegrenade – the hero receives fragmentation grenades
  • givemolotov – the hero receives Molotov cocktails
  • giveflamethrower – the hero receives a flamethrower
  • givelauncher – the hero receives a G20 grenade launcher
  • giveminigun – the hero receives a minigun
  • giveshield – the hero receives a police shield
  • giverocket – the hero receives a shock hammer

Weather conditions

  • ticktock – allows you to change day to night and vice versa
  • clearskies – makes the sky clear and the weather sunny
  • heavyrain – activates heavy rain
  • lightrain – activates normal rain
  • Overcast – creates cloudy weather

We hope that these cheats, codes and console commands for Saints Row 3 will help you make your gameplay even more crazy and crazy.
