The best level 10 TT. Historical facts Kranvagn Emil

Hello, dear tankers. Probably each of you wondered: what kind of heavy tank?

Hello, dear tankers. Probably each of you wondered: which heavy tank is the best at its level. And in this article we will talk about this and even help you make a choice. Let's start, of course, with level 5, since at low levels we do not see heavy tanks (with the exception of DW2, Pz.B2 and B1).

Everyone's favorite. Excellent armor at our level and an acceptable weapon make us a worthy opponent for our enemies. The KV-1 was and most likely will be the best Tier 5 TT, at least until someone picks up a file.

● excellent all-round armor at level 5;
● excellent 122 mm howitzer;
● alternative 85 mm gun;
● good location of tank modules.

● low mobility;
● poor armor penetration among classmates.

Quite an unexpected choice by the editors, but so it is. This tank is quite playable and has a lot of advantages. The tank won't deliver big problems when pumping it.

● large margin of safety;
● good forehead reservation;
● excellent maximum speed;
● variety of weapons;
● good review.

● low maneuverability;
● armor without angles of inclination.

Universal soldier. Few doubted that this particular tank would turn out to be the best Tier 7 TT, since the advantages of the tank are simply off the charts.

● excellent turret armor;
● excellent armor penetration;
● acceptable indicators of accuracy and speed of mixing;
● good maneuverability and power density;
● excellent gun depression angles.

● large sizes, high silhouette;

Without a doubt, this tank will win the honorary title of the best tier 8 tank. The combination of armor, maneuverability and guns makes us an excellent breakthrough and defense tank. It’s not for nothing that this tank is used in team battles as the main unit.

● a wonderful weapon;
● very good maneuverability;
● excellent all-round armor of the tower;
● low tank profile;
● screen sides;
● rational angles of inclination of the hull armor.

● small UGN;
● vulnerable ammunition rack;
● poor visibility.

A steel giant with an implacable and lethal weapon. They are afraid of him in the random house, many want to pump him out. Playing on the E 75 you begin to feel a hellish thirst to shoot the entire enemy team.

● decent dynamics;
● durable armor;
● excellent overview;
● an excellent weapon;
● high strength (1920 HP);
● 88 tons provide an inexhaustible opportunity to ram everything in its path.

● high silhouette;
● the presence of a commander's turret, which in a clinch increases the likelihood of receiving damage there.

Level 10, for a long time we thought about what kind of heavy tank we should choose for this place... But a winner was still found - . An excellent tank, completely universal and playable on any map in any scenario.

● DPM of 3000 (with combat brotherhood, rammer and ventilation);
● fast (8 seconds) reload;
● excellent maneuverability and dynamics;
● acceptable booking rates;
● excellent gun accuracy;
● good stabilization;
● compact dimensions.

● huge commander's turret;
● extremely weak armor on the sides and stern.

In the end, I would like to say that the TOP tanks were chosen by the author of the article, that is, this is purely his opinion. Good luck on the battlefields!

16-10-2017, 11:51

Hello, tankers and welcome to the site! Friends, today in the guide we will talk about a completely new heavy tank of the tenth level, which appeared in WoT with the release of update Here is a guide to the British heavy tank of the tenth level Super Conqueror.

This tank is a replacement in the game and was introduced with update The FV215b was transferred to the category of promotional vehicles and removed from the UK development branch.

TTX Super Conqueror

We will begin our acquaintance with this English gentleman with the fact that he has an excellent safety margin, even by TT 10 standards, as well as an excellent basic viewing range of 400 meters.

Now let's take a look at the armor characteristics of the Super Conqueror; the difference with its predecessor, which it replaced, lies in several things. Namely, in the layout, in the Super Conqueror it is located in the front part of the body. Our tank also has a stronger turret, which is also equipped with screens and these screens are also located on the hull, which will give good additional protection to this heavy tank.

The sides of the hull have exactly the same armor as those of level 9().

Super Conqueror gun

As you may have noticed, our Briton, even in general performance characteristics, has many strengths, but his main pride is his excellent weapons, now you will see for yourself.

So, have Super Conqueror gun Compared to its classmates, it does not stand out for its high alpha strike, but we have an excellent rate of fire, due to which we are able to inflict about 2870 units of damage per minute, this is one of the highest indicators among the TT-10.

To armor penetration of guns Super Conqueror in WoT, also there are no complaints. For dealing with most opponents and targeting vulnerable areas Even in the frontal armor of top heavy armor, there is enough penetration of armor-piercing shells. And if you have any difficulties, it is enough to load excellent sub-caliber shells, which are worth carrying with you in at least 10 pieces. Another thing worth noting is the increase in BC on the Super Conqueror compared to the FV215b. 40 shells versus 35 - this can reduce the number of battles in random, when the battle was lost due to empty ammunition.

Accuracy Super Conqueror tank also has excellent properties and, above all, this is expressed in a very compact dispersion circle and better stabilization indicators. But the mixing of our Briton has become slightly worse than that of the FV215b and is 2 seconds, versus 1.7 seconds.

It is also worth noting that our Briton has very good UVL, they are as much as -10 degrees. These are truly good numbers that will allow us to play with very high degree comfort on different terrain folds.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Super Conqueror

So we looked at the main tactical and technical characteristics of the top British heavy tank, we talked about its weapons and it is already clear that the number of pros clearly outweighs the cons. But for clarity, we will still highlight the main strengths and weaknesses Super Conqueror in WoT.
Excellent basic overview;
Strong armor of the turret forehead;
Decent mobility;
High DPM among classmates;
Excellent accuracy among TT-10;
High penetration rates.

Very vulnerable NLD;
Low one-time damage;
Still, the BC size is not high for such a DPM.

Equipment for Super Conqueror

This tank in World of Tanks has very large number strengths and all of them are very, very significant. For this reason, by installing additional modules we will only improve existing advantages, that is, by tank Super Conqueror equipment It's better to put the following:
1. – with this module, our already good DPM will turn into an excellent one, which will allow us to shoot enemies more effectively.
2. – it doesn’t hurt to slightly adjust the accuracy of the gun so that even on the move you can easily hit the target.
3. – will give a comprehensive boost to characteristics, that is, it will make all our advantages even stronger.

Super Conqueror Crew Training

We continue to work on improving the strengths of the tank, and at the same time we draw attention to the fact that by studying skills you can increase the survivability, general characteristics of the vehicle and several other extremely important parameters. Thus, for Super Conqueror perks should be downloaded in the following order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver - , , , .
Loader (radio operator) – , , , .

Equipment for Super Conqueror

Buying consumables is often a standard matter, in which, if the supply of silver is not large enough, you can compromise and put , , . However, such a set will not allow you to get out of really difficult troubles and therefore it is better to carry it on FV215b equipment from , , . In addition, this tank is worth buying, since the classic layout saves us from a number of fire-hazardous situations in the game.

Tactics for playing Super Conqueror

To say that we have a strong machine in our hands is the same as saying nothing. The classic layout, like, say, the one, makes life very easy for us, because we have a tank with the classic gameplay of a mobile heavy tank.

The Briton turned out to be a very versatile vehicle, as it can adapt to almost any combat situation in WoT. Of course, at the beginning of the battle heavy tank Super Conqueror must go to hot spots, that is, to the first line of conflict, in order to restrain the enemy with his armor and punish every enemy, using his powerful weapons.

For effective tanking on Super Conqueror in World of Tanks, you must position yourself so that artillery cannot attack you and enemies cannot target the vulnerable NLD. What’s most important is that our TT feels comfortable not only on city maps, but also in open spaces, thanks to its excellent UVN and strong shielded turret.

Bottom line

We are getting a very interesting replacement for the top in the British branch, still with a large set of advantages and, now, the classic gameplay of a mobile TT.

It’s also worth saying that our versatility lies not only in strong armor and a comfortable gun, Super Conqueror tank has high enough mobility to change attack directions and flanks, return to base defense and resist mobile equipment that is trying to “carousel” you. The main thing is to always try to use the maximum advantages of the tank, keep an eye on the mini-map and try to sensibly assess your capabilities.

Heavy Swedish tank Level 10 - Kranvagn. Not long ago it became known about the appearance in WoT updates 9.17 Swedish line. We can already talk about preliminary pumping and equipment of tanks. Next, we’ll look at what modules should be installed and what perks the crew should upgrade to reach the top of the Swedish branch of the TT Kranvagn.

Historical facts Kranvagn Emil

The top 10 tier of heavy tanks ends with Kranvagn. So to speak, the predecessor of the heavy tank of the 9th level of the Swedish branch.

Tactical and technical characteristics of Kranvagn from the WOT SuperTest

As a result, we have a top-end Swedish heavy tank of level 10 with a weak gun, both in terms of penetration and other characteristics, excellent UVN, excellent armor, and if you tank with a turret from behind cover, then very good angles of reduced armor, as well as smaller dimensions of the French heavy tanks.

More detailed characteristics of the Swedish Kranvagn are presented below:

Equipment for Kranvagn

The Kranvagn TT is not a very well armored drum. Already based on these data, one can notice a great similarity with the French TT level 10 AMX 50 B. Therefore, when approaching the choice of equipment, one should do much the same. You should not try to install an anti-fragmentation lining module on such equipment; this step will simply not be effective. We need to try to maximize the Kranvag's combat effectiveness.

For this purpose it is perfect to use improved ventilation class 3, vertical stabilizer MK2 and it's better to add reinforced drives tips Swedish heavy tank. For example, improved ventilation will add a plus to all crew skills, the tank will respond faster to commands, the gun will be more obedient with an increase in all characteristics by 5%. Of course, five percent is not 20% and only experienced players can notice the overall increase in efficiency, but together with the skill of the crew, the combat brotherhood will increase the value of the characteristics by 10%, which will have a very good effect on the comfort of the game. A vertical stabilizer and reinforced drives will help you make the most of the tank's gun in order to realize full damage from all shells of the drum gun. Those who want can go along a non-standard path and replace the aiming drives with coated optics, to increase the visibility of the tank and the game from the UVN with the excellent reduced armor of the Kranvag turret.

Kranvagn Crew Skills

I’m researching the perks of the level 10 Swedish heavy tank, I should again think about maximizing combat effectiveness and survivability. The tank is not durable, so the commander immediately needs the first skill of the military brotherhood, then a light bulb ( sixth sense) since Kranvagn needs to know when the enemy detects us. The remaining two crew members should first upgrade their skill military brotherhood to improve all characteristics of the tank. The great random has more than once shown the advantages of technology with brotherhood over a similar machine without it. Next skill repair, it will help perfectly if they knock down the caterpillar in order to hide from under fire as quickly as possible.

You can, of course, choose camouflage, but it’s not very useful on TT. Next, specialized skills are upgraded. It is highly advisable to learn sniper, this skill is suitable for all vehicles with a drum loading system. The perk will be even more useful smooth rotation of the turret And smooth running, this will allow you to effectively fire both from behind cover and on the move. Moreover, they will perfectly complement the vertical stabilizer. You shouldn't upgrade your ram master, it's better to focus on strengths Kranvagn and learn the skill off-road king. Also, it wouldn’t hurt for the tank to increase its visibility a little, for which it’s worth learning radio interception And eagle eye. In view of the drum, it would not hurt the tank to non-contact ammunition rack.

How to play on Kranvagn

Kranvagn will appeal to drum fans French branch TT, hence the similar manner of playing it. You should not play from the attack; for the Swedish TT the priority is defense and support of allies. Those who choose Kranvagn need to stay close to the team. You need to look for cover, shoot carefully and hide, especially since good aiming angles of the tank allow you to shoot from behind cover and take advantage of the terrain. On Kranvagn you need to support the team from the rear, the first ranks are left to the more durable German and Soviet armored heavy tanks. Kranvagn's main strength is his drum, so you need to try to survive to the end and shoot to the maximum.

Brief summary of the Kranvagn tank

The appearance, like that of the other three heavy tanks of a lower level, is similar to the AMX 50 B, only slightly smaller in size and with increased gun depression angles. On the one hand, the drum loading system of the Swedish heavy tank is not encouraging, since it has 2.75 seconds reload between shells, and the cat's total reload is less 28 seconds, which is faster than reloading a full drum with the AMX 50 B, but longer than with the T57 Heavy. For comparison, the American TT level 10 with a drum loading system has a reload time of 2 seconds between projectiles, while the AMX 50 B has a reload time of 2.5 seconds.

There are a huge variety of heavy tanks: from slow, heavily armored mastodons that can tank enemy shells for a long time, to fast drummers that deal high concentrated damage in a short period of time. But they are all united by a large margin of safety and an impressive caliber of guns.

When playing heavy tanks, don't think that you are invulnerable. Like any fighting machine Heavy tanks have their weaknesses. Going to the center of the map with the confidence that your armor, no matter how thick it is, will withstand any projectile is stupid. Soberly assess your strengths and the capabilities of your tank.

We have studied absolutely all the heavy tanks currently presented (beginning of May 2016) in World of Tanks and are now ready to tell you which of them are the best.

Level V - KV-1 (USSR)

"Klim Voroshilov" on the 5th level. If you are a beginner, a fan of “sand bending”, or just want to “farm” (yes, despite the low level, the KV-1 is capable of generating income without any problems), then this tank is for you. 75 mm all-round armor allows you to “tank” classmates’ shells, and a decent F-30 gun can inflict stable damage of 160 units every 4 seconds. It is also possible to install a U-11 howitzer. With this weapon and a full load of cumulative ammunition (one-time damage of which is 370 and penetration is 160 mm), the KV-1 turns into an annihilator, capable of ruining the lives of even the 6th and 7th levels. But in this case you will have to forget about “farming” silver.


  • excellent booking among classmates,
  • good selection of weapons,
  • easy to learn.


  • insufficient dynamics,
  • ineffective in stock configuration.

Level VI - KV-2 (USSR)

S - “stability”. One word can fully describe the KV-2. In fact, we have a hull from the KV-1, a level 5 tank, with a “birdhouse” instead of the turret we are used to. But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the M-10 howitzer. 152 mm at level 6! With this caliber there is not much need to think about the choice of ammunition. Landmines are our everything. The damage of each projectile is 910 units upon penetration (hello “Borschts”!). But even if we don’t penetrate the enemy vehicle, we will inflict damage on it in the region of 390 units, which is a serious argument even at levels 7-8. True, we pay for this with a reload of 24 seconds, which, to put it mildly, is long.


  • large one-time damage,
  • a good alternative 107 mm gun,
  • stable “damage” when playing on M-10,
  • Teaches calm and reasonable play.


  • dynamics are even worse than those of the KV-1;
  • very long recharge;
  • insufficient armor at level 6.

Level VII - T29 (USA)

One of the most popular tanks at level 7 is the American Herald of Democracy T29. “Cheburashka”, as the players dubbed it, having an almost impenetrable turret (279 mm in the frontal projection), received a rather loose hull with 102 mm armor in the forehead without any special slopes. And at level 7 such reservations are no longer enough. It immediately becomes clear that you need to try to hide the hull, showing off your strong turret, which, by the way, houses an incredibly powerful weapon. With 189mm penetration and 320 damage, you won't feel underpowered when playing on T29.


  • beautiful tower armor,
  • high armor penetration,
  • good accuracy and convergence,
  • wide vertical gun aiming angles.


  • large dimensions and high silhouette of the car,
  • low mobility.

Level VIII - IS-3 (USSR)

The tank that marched at the victory parade in Berlin, frightening the “allies” countries - IS-3. He has it all: dynamics that allow him to be at the forefront of the battle; the top BL-9 cannon with the usual damage for Soviet heavy weapons of 390 units and with increased armor penetration to 225 mm, which can slap even vehicles at a higher level; There is armor both in the turret (249 mm from the front) and in the hull with the famous “pike nose” and “cheeto screens”. The only disappointments are the frequent “crits” and explosions of the ammunition rack, since it is located in the forehead of the IS-3.


  • the strongest weapon BL-9,
  • maneuverability,
  • low silhouette of a tank,
  • shielded sides,
  • "pike nose"


  • narrow horizontal aiming angles,
  • frequently criticized ammunition rack,
  • small review at level 8.

Level IX - E 75 (Germany)

At level 7, an improved version of the "Royal Tiger" E75. As is typical for many German heavy tanks, the E 75 is quite well armored and has a powerful gun. But, in addition to this, it is more dynamic than its predecessors. This Teutonic knight, with a decent mass of 88 tons and good speed for a heavy tank, is capable of successfully ramming most of its enemies. "Eshka" is one of the most versatile heavy tanks.


  • decent dynamics for a heavy tank,
  • strong armor,
  • powerful and penetrating weapon,
  • one of best tanks for ramming.


  • quite a big silhouette
  • not the smallest commander's cupola (bad for point-blank combat).

Level X - IS-7 (USSR)

And at level 10 the Soviet IS-7. No matter how many years have passed, no matter how many tanks with “uber laser guns” have been introduced, the IS-7 has always stood apart and has not lost its relevance. He has practically no weak points in armor: the monolithic turret has 240 mm in the forehead, the “pike nose” consists of 150 mm plates at a good angle... Only the LLD (lower frontal part) is a weakness, but if you hide it behind a small stone you can hold back even the most powerful projectiles. The 130 mm gun, although it has very mediocre aim and dispersion, can inflict quite good damage of 490 units. But the IS-7 pays for such armor and guns with mobility. Having maximum speed at 59 km/h, a tank can reach it only from a hill. But despite this, the IS-7 remains loved by many players.


  • almost ultimate booking,
  • high one-time damage,
  • sides with screens,
  • does not require special skills to master.


  • rather weak dynamics,
  • not the best penetration of armor-piercing shells.