Wasteland Survival Guide. Features of the current SFW version

Goals and passage

Each chapter of the Guide is a separate quest, but all quests have common points. All items received as rewards are issued in quantities proportional to the player’s current level, that is, a player with more high level will receive more items. The Lone Wanderer is also given different dialogue options depending on his basic S.P.E.C.I.A.L. which are higher or equal to 7 - more parameters with a value of 7 and higher - more dialogue options. Your dialogue choices will affect both the style of the book and the rewards you receive.

  • Standard answer types are always available (the very first answer option) and result in the normal appearance of the book.
  • False answer options are also always available (the most recent answer option) and lead to a cynical book.
  • To give intelligent answers, the Wanderer's "Intelligence" or "Perception" (different parameters at different stages) must be at least 7. The "Intellectual" book is wise and comprehensive.
  • To give "power" answers, "Strength" or "Endurance" (different parameters at different stages) must be at least 7. The "Strength" book is dry, straightforward and based on facts.
  • To give “ironic” answers, “Charisma” and “Dexterity” (different parameters at different stages) must be at least 7. An “ironic” book is stylish and witty.
  • The player can also lie to Moira in order to skip some parts of the quest, which, of course, worsens the end result.
  • Each section can be completed in any order. This does not affect the result.
The decision to destroy Megaton during execution of this quest will not affect the continuation of the quest, as Moira will survive the transformation into a ghoul and will continue to update quests as usual. Initially, she can be found in the ruins of Megaton, then she will move to the Dungeon - after a conversation or after a certain time - on her own. If Moira dies, the player will receive the message "Moira Brown has been killed and the Wasteland Survival Guide will never be written" upon approaching Megaton. You will also receive a message indicating that the quest failed.

Chapter 1 covers the basics: search for food and medicine, combating radiation and mine clearance.

Search for products in Supermart

"Main Goal": Find products in Supermart
"Additionally": Find medicines at Supermart.

Moira will ask you to look for food and medicine at the nearest Supermart. She will mark his location on the map.

The store is full of raiders. There are two refrigerators in the building: the first is at the end of the isolated room to the right of the northern entrance (it can be reached without a firefight); the second one in the center of the hall behind the shelves reclines inside the refrigeration unit (but you can’t get to it without a shootout). By opening any refrigerator, you can immediately complete the first part of the quest by finding food. After this, you can risk entering the warehouse in order to complete an additional task. The only first aid kit is in the back room (next to the nuclear shot) and the Protectron in the left corner of the room. The door to the pharmacy is locked (Hack 50) and/or activated through the terminal (25), the key can be taken from one of the drawers in the next room. As soon as the pharmacy is empty, an additional task will be completed, and new raiders will also come running - their approach will be warned by conversations that can be heard over the intercom.

All the raiders arrive through the door leading to the restroom.

Moira will thank the Traveler with an iguana kebab and food disinfectant if you completed the optional task. If you only completed the main task or successfully lied about the additional task, the disinfectant will not be given.

Iguana kebab from level:

After completing the quest and additional tasks, if “Stamina”, “Intelligence” or “Charisma” is more than 7, you can get additional dialogue options. Otherwise, high Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity parameters can be used.

Get radiation sickness

"Main task": Earn 200 Rad
"Additionally": Earn 600 Rad

Moira wants you to get radiation sickness in order to study the effects of radiation poisoning on humans and to test remedies for radiation sickness on you. 200 rad is an acceptable minimum, while to complete the additional goal you need to get 600. Rest assured, at the end of the quest Moira will completely heal you.

Considering that you will still get radiation sooner or later, and they will cure you for free, it makes sense to complete this quest last in the chapter.

There are many places with high levels of radioactive contamination in which it is easy to complete the task. The closest is an atomic bomb in the middle of the city. If you stand in a puddle with a bomb in it, you can get 1-3 Rad/sec. If you drink from a puddle, you will receive 20 Rad at a time (it may not work if you completed the Pitt add-on before, since after it you have several abilities that reduce radiation in your body). Another very quick way- use radioactive traps in the Monastery of Eternal Light (Broken Steel). After you receive the desired dose of radiation, return to Moira Brown to complete the mission.

Once you complete the quest, your radiation counter will be reset to zero. Moira will give you some Rad-X and Rad Radin, and will also start trading them. If you complete the optional quest, Moira will notice after healing that you now have a "small, tiny... uh... mutation", which will manifest itself in the form of the Rad Regeneration ability. If your science level is high enough (at least 50), you can simply explain the essence of radiation damage. However, in this case you will not receive the ability. The additional goal will, however, be counted as completed towards the final reward.

After completing the quest and additional tasks, if your Stamina, Perception or Charisma is greater than 7, you will receive additional dialogue options. For high Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity, there are no additional dialogue options. Be aware that if you suffer from Critical Rad Poison (-3 VNS, -2 DEX, -1 STR), this may affect your ability to use Endurance options.

Chapter 2 of the guide covers how to deal with some of the many dangerous creatures known to inhabit the Wasteland, as well as how to treat wounds.

Test the repellent on mole rats

"Main Quest": Test the repellent on 3 mole rats
"Additionally": Test the repellent on 7 more mole rats (10 in total, including the first 3)

Moira wants you to try out her new repellent, which she placed on the end of a stick, on a few mole rats. Three mole rats are enough to complete the task, but testing on ten mole rats is preferable for conducting a more in-depth study. Contrary to its name, the repellent does not repel mole rats - its use results in the heads of mole rats being torn to pieces. One hit kills with a short delay, two hits kill instantly. Moira will not be happy with the result.

Moira will direct you to a warm sewer located near the Anchorage Memorial, which will contain enough Mole Rats to complete both the main and secondary objectives (although you will encounter raiders, turrets, and perhaps a few anti-personnel mines during your search for enough Mole Rats). . In this case, killing any of the mole rats, which inhabit the wasteland in huge numbers, will count towards the completion of the quest.

The closest location of mole rats is, in fact, the outskirts of Megaton. 4-5 individuals usually appear next to her.

The reward for the quest is several doses of Screw and Psycho. If you complete the additional task, you will also receive a Repellent on a stick. If you don’t, Moira will take it back, but the Repellent can be purchased from her later if you want to continue using it.

Screw and Psycho from Level

After completing the main and additional tasks, you will receive additional dialogue lines if your Stamina, Intelligence or Charisma is at least 7. There are no additional options for high Strength, Perception or Dexterity.

Chapter 3: Mastering Pre-War Technologies

Chapter 3 is devoted to the formation of cities after the Great War and the mastery of pre-war technologies.

Explore the history of Rivet City

"Main task": Find out the history of Rivet City.
"Additionally": Find out the true history of Rivet City.

Moira wants to know the history of Rivet City, and as accurately as possible.
Almost all residents of Rivet City are new to the city's history. But, nevertheless, most of them will point in the right direction for your search. The first will be Bannon, who will claim that he was involved in the founding of the city. Keep in mind - when you start the quest, there will be no additional task. It will only appear after you talk to the residents of Rivet City. As soon as you talk to any townsman, the main mission objective will be completed and an additional one will appear. You can return to Moira and turn in the quest, or trust the accuracy of the information received to complete an additional task.

To check the authenticity of the story, you will need to meet Pinkerton. Beauty Bonnie in the bar “At the Helm” will tell you about his house in the broken off bow of the ship. Information can also be obtained from Vera Witherly. In the conversation, she will mention that Seagrave Holmes has lived on the ship since childhood. He will tell you that information about Pinkerton may be on the broken nose. The security officer can also very subtly hint at his location, although he will make him appear dead.

To find Pinkerton, you will have to leave Rivet City through the main entrance and head to another "uninhabited" part of the ship, where the platform leads to the door. The lock on the door requires Lockpicking level 100 and if you fail to open it, you will have to jump into the water to the left of the door and swim along the side of the ship to the corner, and behind it there is a door under the water. The underwater swim will be long, but without adventures in the form of underwater fights. Instead of swimming around the ship, you can jump into the water right from the entrance to the market and swim directly to the underwater door. It will be faster, and accordingly, you will receive a lower dose of radiation. Two swampmen (their level depends on yours, in the worst case they will be swamp kings) live in the half-submerged part of the broken bow. Pinkerton's residence is located on the upper deck, which can be reached by the stairs that are located behind the swampers. If you made your way to Pinkerton underwater, you can exit through the locked door by opening it from the inside with the switch located to the right of it. The corridor to the laboratory is filled with exploding gas, and also contains a couple of stupid traps set by Pinkerton. At the end of the corridor is a locked door with a sign directing the player to the terminal. The nearest terminal is actually a trap, and the switch that opens the door is on the opposite side.

If you talk to Pinkerton about the history of Rivet City before talking to Pretty Bonnie, he will state that he was one of the founders, but you will not complete the additional task, since he will not even think of giving you anything to confirm his words. However, it will give you access to a terminal, which contains the required additional task information. In order for him to give you confirmation right away, the dialogue item “Bannon said that he founded the city” is required. If you haven't talked to Bannon, all that remains is to use the terminal, taking the password from Pinkerton.

For completing the quest, Moira will reward you with mentats and a permanent 10% discount from merchants in Rivet City (if, of course, you have fulfilled the necessary conditions). You can also make fun of Moira by saying that Rivet City comes from an underwater city. She will say that he could be part of Atlantis. You will receive Mentats, bad karma, but not the 10% discount. This will also degrade the book and eliminate the possibility of getting a Guru level ability.

Chapter 3: Arlington Public Library

"Main task": Access the Arlington Library's filing cabinet.
"Additionally": Get the complete library archive.

Moira will want you to retrieve data from the Arlington Library. It is enough to bring a library card index, but you will receive a bonus for finding the complete library archive.
The library is guarded by the Brotherhood of Steel, so you will either have to kindly talk to the scribe Yerling to be allowed inside, or sneak past her. The library catalog can be downloaded from the terminal at the reception - Yerling will give you the key if you ask, or you will have to hack the terminal. To complete the additional task you need to get to the terminal with the archive. On the way you will meet raiders and radroaches in abundance, but two Brotherhood of Steel fighters will help you in clearing the levels. The terminal from which you can download the archives is located on the third floor of the library in a room that is located at the far end of a short corridor that can be accessed from the room with the turrets on the ceiling.
Moira will pay you with caps for completing the quest and will also give you "Lies: A Primer for a Congressman" for completing an additional task. The final reward

Completing the third chapter marks the end of the entire quest. You'll receive 100 XP, a Nuke Shot (Moira will say she was going to use it to dig a well, but she's creepy), a copy of the Wasteland Survival Guide, and the Scout ability. The ability is highly dependent on your dialogues with Moira.
The number of additional tasks completed does not affect the final reward, but the usefulness of the entire guide depends on it. In fact, the description depends both on the completion of additional tasks and on the answers given to Moira when submitting the quest. The book can turn out to be anything - from a collection of bullying to the most necessary thing. IN the best option, Moira may list you as the main author.

Special meetings as a result

After completing the quest, we may accidentally meet a wasteland dweller who has read the book. Depending on the ability you gain, the following encounters may occur:

  • Novice Scout: You will encounter a poorly armed wastelander fighting a mole rat. If the wastelander survives, he will give you the book and say that "you can laugh at this."
  • Scout Expert: You will encounter a wastelander fighting a mole rat. He must survive and ask if you are the author. If you answer “yes,” he will express gratitude.
  • Scout Guru: You'll encounter a well-equipped wastelander finishing off a wounded Swamper or Radscorpion. When he finishes, he will ask if you wrote the book. If you answer yes, you will receive words of gratitude and 1-25 caps, depending on your Barter skill.

Another side quest, which can be obtained in Megaton. The most time consuming, but very useful. Full length spoiler.
You can get it at Moira Brown's store from the owner. She decided to write a book on survival in the wasteland, but there was nowhere to get material from. There are not enough heroes running around, and especially those who are ready to help. For the early stage of the game, the quest is extremely useful in terms of learning about life outside the shelter, acquiring junk and gaining experience, not to mention some useful acquisitions received in the process.

The passage itself couldn’t be simpler - you listen to what they say and do what is required. No special skills or features are required. if only you use some ingenuity somewhere. Although, no. You can use the “eloquence” skill and talk Moira into not writing a book. Then you get the “Critician” perk and get a good discount in her store. Or lie while submitting assignments, but this will make the book worse than ever. I recommend that you complete all tasks in full and honestly report your results.

The book consists of three chapters with three tasks in each. Within a chapter, tasks can be taken in any order.

Chapter 1

  1. Where to find food in the wasteland? Bring pre-war food from Supermart (it’s nothing like that, it’s been there for 200 years, but it’s good for something else) and additionally find pre-war medicines there (yeah, they have good shelf life). Food in the Supermart is located in the room in the right corner near the right entrance. You can't take it by sneaking past the raiders in the Supermart. big problem. Medicines utility room in the left rear corner. There is also a terminal that releases the robot and the robot itself. here you will have to shoot to get to the medicines and shoot to get out of the Supermart. The robot can help with the exit if there is a clerk's card. if not, then you will have to lay down the robot as well. Moira gives food disinfectant for food delivery. As a result, food found in the wasteland becomes slightly less radioactive.
  2. Why is radiation so dangerous? Catch radiation sickness, snatching 200 rem, under Moira's oath promise to cleanse the hero from radiation absolutely for free. And additionally receive irradiation of 600 rem. Here you don’t have to go far - just stand for a while near the bomb in the middle of Megaton, I usually took this task first. After listening to the impressions, Moira removes the radiation, gives several Rad-Xs and Radaways (here they are called antiradins) and reports that exposure to radiation caused a positive mutation - in case of severe radioactive contamination, the body self-heals. (this is something I've never used)
  3. Why are mines dangerous? Even in the first chapter, Moira is interested in mines, saying she has never come across anything like this. And asks to bring one. From a dead town called Minefield. Additional task will walk to the playground in this town. The place is not sunny - there are mines all around and a man named Arkansas with a sniper rifle, who has been hit all over his head, shooting at everything that moves. So we move around the town in stealth mode and carefully watch as we go. We hide from the sniper behind the folds of the terrain and the remains of buildings. We press the action button on the mines. The first time it is de-armed (this is when it flashes red and beeps), and the second time it moves to your pocket. What’s interesting is that Moira agrees to take the mine only after the protagonist’s visit to the Minefield, and before that, without blinking an eye, she calmly buys these mines like other junk. Yes, in the first house from the south in the Minefield there is a bed on which you can sleep and recover from injuries and wounds. Moira's reward will be stimulants, fragmentation grenades, and a mine cover circuit.

Chapter 2

  1. Receiving a serious wound. You have to get injured. So optimistic. There should be less than 50% health left. And in addition, get injured. What is needed here is not just a decrease in health, but a critical injury to a limb. Treatment at the expense of the employer. In order not to run for a long time, you can, without walking far, jump from a height or throw a grenade at your feet... For this, Moira gives out ammunition, med-X and a protective suit.
  2. Protection against mole rats. Moira asks to test a repellent that should repel mole rats on three individuals, and an additional seven. With which they will be sent to a place called Warm Collectors. There are a lot of mole rats there, but besides them there are raiders and traps. The mole rat is put down forever with two hits of repellent. Moira will be slightly surprised by this effect, but will reward her with chemicals and leave the repellent as a lasting memory.
  3. Studying the swampers. In the depths of the Anchorage Memorial. The main task is to put the observation module into the masonry, the additional task is not to kill any of the swampers. I usually entered through the service entrance door at the rear of the memorial from the entrance. The door is at the bottom right next to the water and requires a hacking skill of 25. Then he quickly ran along the corridor, straight and to the right, stuck the module into the masonry and rushed back past the swampers, who were dumbfounded by such impudence. There is an option to use a stealth battle and enter through the main entrance or through the service premises, but there you need a hacking skill of 50. Or through an underwater tunnel (far right corner from the entrance), swimming in radioactive water. Yes, there are mines at the entrance. No one is stopping you from committing the genocide of swamp dwellers before accepting the quest. For successful completion, Moira will be generous with stealth battles and a brimmed hat.
  1. Get to the Arlington Library filing cabinet. Additionally, get the entire archive. Nothing complicated. We get to the library, in the lobby of which we meet a scribe from the Brotherhood of Steel named Yerling. If you negotiate with her, she will give you the password for the computer with the filing cabinet located right there. She also buys pre-war books for 100 coins apiece. The archive you are looking for lies in the farthest and dustiest corner of the library. On the way you will have to shoot a bunch of raiders, but with the support of two brothers, they became. The fighters among them are so-so and as a result, my list of trophies was replenished with a couple of brotherly tokens, a pair of brotherhood armor and heavy weapons. The reward is money.
  2. Insert the processor module into the supercomputer of the Robko plant. Moira is interested in old computer technology. Additionally, she asks to reprogram this same supercomputer. It’s highly recommended to reprogram, because in the factory building a bunch of very aggressive robots come to life, but for this you need at least 50 science. The reward is pulse grenades and the book “Science for Everyone.”
  3. Learn the history of Rivert City. Additionally, check the history of Rivert City from other sources. If you start following the “guide”, then having received a tip on Rivert City, you can “cut” the corner by visiting the “Galactic News” radio station. Sources of information are focused on the River City market. I recommend talking to everyone, especially the members of the city council, for one you will get a bunch more quests. to check the information you will have to go to the broken off nose of the aircraft carrier. The easiest way to enter there is through the underwater entrance. You need to dive between the broken bow and the rest of the ship approximately in the middle (widthwise). For further visits it is better to open the door on board. It opens from the inside with a button on the wall. Mr. Pinkerton lives in the nose (he is also a valuable source of information about the artificial man). He will tell you about what the rest of the city’s residents don’t remember or are hiding. He will give material evidence that he is right. the reward will be mentats and a small discount from Rivert City merchants.

Moira will refuse to assist in the publication and distribution of the book. :) For assistance provided, a Scout perk is issued (the level of the perk depends on the quality collected material and the veracity of the reports) and a copy of Moira's book. You can find out what kind of book this is by clicking on it in your inventory.

After writing a good book, I would come across wastelanders who would tell me that the book was amazing and that “my family is now eating twice a day again.”

March 15, 2009 22:27

The quest can be taken from Moira Brown from " Store on the crater" In this quest Moira with your help will write a book "". The book consists of three chapters. In the first chapter you need to get food from " Supermarta», expose yourself to radiation And walk through a minefield .

Choose " Supermart" IN " Supermart“In addition to food, it is advisable to additionally find medications. There will be raiders, but there is a robot guard there. Kill everyone, find food, medicine if desired, and go to Moira.

What remains next is a minefield. As you understand, there are a lot of mines in the minefield. But they are easy to discharge, just run up to her, look down and press the key E. You need to go to the playground and bring one mine if you wish.

Don't kill the old man who is shooting at you with sniper rifle. You will need it for the task "Just business " . You've done everything, come back to Moira. The first chapter is finished. We are writing the second chapter. In this chapter we need to learn about mole rats , study the swampers And get injured .

Choose mole rats . On mole rats you need to test a special weapon - repellent which I came up with Moira, scaring them away. You need to test it on three mole rats , but additionally it is possible for seven more. IN " Warm collectors“There are mole rats. We go there and test it and find out that it simply kills them with incredible power, and does not scare them away. " We scare away» 10 animals and run back to Moira.

Next, select swampers . We need to install a beacon in swamp masonry , while not killing one of them (optional). The bogmen's lair is located Anchorage Memorial. If we go through the main entrance, we will come across large number swampers, or you can go around the building and find " black" entrance. We go into it, set up a beacon and leave without killing anyone.

The last part of the chapter will be getting hurt. You just need to be healthy below 50% and additionally be injured. It's easy to do. Just find a place in Megaton, where higher and jump. I guarantee damage and injury. Now run, if possible, to Moira. The second chapter is all over. Let's move on to the third.

In the third chapter you need to find out history of Rivet City , study old technologies in the Robko laboratory And go to the library . Choose history of Rivet City. In the city, almost everyone can tell a story, but it is not true. You can go back to Moira, and you can find out the true history of Rivet City.

After successful suggestion, we learn from Beauties Bonnie that there lives a certain person named Pinkerton at the bow of the ship, and he can tell us the story. The ship is divided into two parts: the main and bow. The bow can only be accessed by water. Leave the city and swim to the bow. Dive and enter the door. In this room find Pinkerton.

After talking with him you will find out the true history of Rivet City. Back to Moira. Now choose Robko plant . There you need to install the processor module in supercomputer of the Robko plant . You do this and if your science value is equal to 50 and more, you can also, if desired, reprogram the robots, and they will not be hostile. Back to Moira for last task. Choose library and we go there. We are greeted at the entrance Scribe Yerling. She gives us the password to the computer where partial records of antiquity are stored, but the complete archive can be found in the depths of the library. Having found the archive, you can return to Moira and finally finish this quest.

That's it! We finished the book, and Moira is very grateful for your work and gives you the first copy of the book " Wasteland Survival Guide».

-1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this material!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for your rating !","You've done your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 7

With RobCo certification, you can turn junk into an almost-as-new robot, so get certified today!

This is an SFW version of the famous plugin, which will be gradually updated, returning the functionality of a similar modification for F3.

Features of the current SFW version:

Enclave spy robots have been fixed. They no longer broadcast Enclave radio after repairs.

Spare parts for robots have been added to traders: Moira, Singrave and the Citadel laboratory.

A starter kit has been added to the Springvale gas station, similar to the Goodsprings gas station.

A RobCo station has been added to the plant of the same name.

Resources are packed in BSA, without compression.


"RobCo Certificate" adds a three-level ability with the same name. With this ability, if you have nuclear battery and robot parts, you'll have the option to repair any robot you break, allowing you to gain a new ally to follow you everywhere - or you can use your training to create robots in the Cerulian Robotics building. Each rank allows you to repair better and more useful robots, as well as improve those robots that you already have - their attack power, replacing their parts, improving and adding new abilities (for example, attaching rippers to the Protectron or the ability to carry weapons for Mister Brave)

This mod also adds the "Crazy Inventor" ability and its levels, which allows you to create robots from garbage - for example, safebots to carry your things, a robotic oven to fry your enemies, or floating brains to humiliate your enemies.

Plus you can create cyborgs from dead dogs, death claws, people, and even radroach meat and robot parts.

The mod also adds some tools for repairing robots or customizing their capabilities.

RobCo Certificate: Allows you to repair Protectrons, Mister Helpers and homemade Securitrons
RobCo Pro Certificate: Allows you to repair robot brains, Mr. Braves, securitrons up to Mark I level
RobCo Gold Certificate: Allows you to repair security robots, Securitrons, and also upgrade Securitrons to Mark II level
Crazy inventor: Allows you to create robots from scraps and/or human brains
Mad Inventor: Allows you to create more robots from scrap scraps and/or even more human brains
Mad Scientist (OWB): Allows you to create lobotomites, cyberdogs, and cybercockroaches from bodies.
Mad Scientist, PhD(OWB): Allows you to create improved Lobotovites, Cyberdogs and Cyberclaws
Central server: Increases the number of robots under your command
Combat Engineer: Gives you a bonus to PU when using RobCo tools or clothing

Robots (by ability rank)
1. Robot spy
1. Floating Eye: Short Range Bot
1. Mister Helper: Can be upgraded to fire weapons
1. Protectron: widely modifiable for close combat
2. Robolet: rocket battle.
2. Shagoglaz: (OWB) plasma mortar.
2. Mister Brave: All in one.
2. Robo Brain: Can be upgraded to fire weapons
3. Security Robot: Killing Machine!
1, 2, 3. Securitron: Can be upgraded at every rank.

Garbage bins
Baseboat: Launches baseballs.
Coffeebot: Pours boiling coffee.
Electrobot: Emits a protective Tesla field at allied bots
Robofish: Shoots bolts of energy.
Holobot: Shoots holo-beams.
Hydrobot: Water cannon.
Robo-Oven: Roasts the enemy.
Projectorbot: Shoots lasers.
IVipre: Shoots bolts of energy.
Robo player: Accelerates the player's AP regeneration
Safebot: Carry stuff and is damn durable
Serverbot: Creates a fleet of hovering drones
Roboshield: Emits a shield
Think Tank: Can repair other robots
Transformet: Disguises your robots
Brainlet: Can carry one-handed pistols
Skorporob: Can carry a one-handed melee weapon.

Cyborgs ( Old World Blues)
1. Lobotomites: Simple idiots, melee only.
1. Cyberdogs: Friendly Canine Companions
1. Cyber ​​cockroaches: Numerous cannon fodder
2. Mech-lobotomites: Tough, can carry weapons
2. Military cyberdogs: Strong, sonic boom bark
2. Cyber ​​cockroaches servants: Cyber ​​cockroaches in endless quantities!
2. Cyber ​​Claws: Death Claws.
2. Cyberus, a unique cyberdog: only the brain of Rex, a deadly and tough three-legged cyberdog
2. Unique lobotomites: There are 2 in total, one can be built per playthrough. Who they might come from is a mystery.

Interperk robots
Sborotron: Can use almost all weapons
Rekrsobot: Portable robot factory
Multibot: (OWB) Widely upgradeable heavy combat robot


Unpack the contents of the archive into the Data folder of your game, connect the plugins to FOMM.


Talkie Toaster- for an excellent modification for Fallout 3 and its reincarnation for Fallout New Vegas.

Centerpat- for a patch for TTW, and kind permission to use your work on our website.

Exotic- for permission to use the translated version as the basis for this publication.

Huge thanks to CuteUnit for Assemblo, the robot control antennae, the Remote and the Glue-gun, Assemblo and the Highwayman, as well as extensively testing the Fallout 3 version.

Thanks to Safety Hammer for the Floating Eye and Hoverbot.

Thanks to The3rdType for the multitude of icons.

Thanks to DekoMan91 for the Robot Spare Parts icon.

Thanks to TumbaJamba for the Multibot, Turret and Miniturret Junkbots, and Lobotomite bits.

Thanks to BrokenSwords for the Cyberroach.

What's new in version 1.24 U1

  • Enclave spy robots have been fixed. They no longer broadcast Enclave radio after repairs.
  • Spare parts for robots have been added to traders: Moira, Singrave and the Citadel laboratory.
  • A starter kit has been added to the Springvale gas station, similar to the Goodsprings gas station.
  • A RobCo station has been added to the plant of the same name.