Replacer of sunglasses with police officers from Fallout New Vegas. Dress with taste

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system is an abbreviation of the capital letters of the seven main character attributes (in English), Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck. . You can determine their values ​​in Vault 101 when your character is one year old. The choice occurs while reading the book "S.P.E.C.I.A.L." (You"re S.P.E.C.I.A.L.), quest First Steps (Baby Steps). By default, all seven attributes are assigned a value of 5 and you have another 5 free points to distribute, and you can lower the value of any attribute to 1 or increase it up to 10 A little later, when leaving Vault 101, you will have another opportunity to change attributes.

Each attribute has a base value and a current value. The base value of an attribute is its value without any active effects, bad habits and other temporary changes. The current value is the value of the attribute taking into account all the above actions. If the current value differs from the base value, then next to its value in Pipboy ("STAT" menu) there will be (+) for an increase or (-) for a decrease. Increasing an attribute above 10 is not taken into account and is not shown, however, if for some reason it turns out to be lowered, then this plus will play a role, for example, if your character’s agility is actually 11, then after dressing power armor(Strength +2, Agility -2, Radiation Resistance +10%), you will still get agility value of 9, not 8.

The impact of the main attributes of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. on derived attributes and skills:
  • Strength:
    • Carry Weight,
    • Melee Weapons.
  • Perception:
    • Time of appearance of red marks on the compass (Compass Markers),
    • Energy Weapons, Explosives, Lockpick.
  • Endurance:
    • Health, Resistances,
    • Heavy weapons (Big Guns), Without weapons (Unarmed).
  • Charisma:
    • Disposition
    • Barter, Speech.
  • Intelligence:
    • Number of skill points when reaching a new level (Skill Points per Level),
    • Medicine, Repair, Science.
  • Agility:
    • Number of action points (Action Points),
    • Small Guns, Sneak.
  • Luck:
    • Critical Chance,
    • All skills.
Impact of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Attribute Values to the values ​​of dependent skills:
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. value: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Increase to all skills due to luck: +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5
Increase in dependent skills: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20
Increasing S.P.E.C.I.A.L attributes.

In addition to the initial addition of 5 points to the main attributes, the game offers the following opportunities to increase them:

  • The "Intense Training" perk allows you to increase any attribute by 1 when switching to new level(10 times in total)
  • Complete the quest They! (Those!) and increase either the character's strength or perception by 1,
  • Find 10 bobbleheads that add +1 to each of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes. (where to find them),
  • While the character is equipping special items and armor, as well as having items in the inventory that increase attributes,
  • For the duration of the effects of alcoholic beverages and chemicals.

Basic Attributes


Affects the maximum amount of cargo a character can carry, the skill of melee weapons (Melee Weapons) and the damage they deal. Oddly enough, it has no effect on damage from fists (tested using the console). Strength also increases damage from brass knuckles.


Changes Energy Weapons, Explosives, and Lockpick skills. Also determines the timing of the appearance of red marks on the compass (i.e. how quickly you can sense the presence of an enemy).


Affects the character's health, his resistance to radiation and poisons, and also changes the skills of heavy weapons (Big Guns) and without weapons (Unarmed).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Initial health: 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Heavy weapon skill increase: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20
Unarmed skill bonus: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20
Radiation Resistance: 0 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%
Poison Resistance: 0 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Increases the disposition of all NPCs towards your character, which makes it more likely to be able to peacefully persuade someone to say something important. Charisma also provides advantages when using Barter and Speech skills.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Barter skill bonus: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20
Increase in eloquence skill: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20

Changes the number of skill points a character receives for distribution when reaching a new level, affects Medicine, Repair and Science skills. Obviously, to get more Intellect skill points need to be increased as early as possible.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of skill points: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Medicine skill bonus: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20
Repair skill bonus: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20
Science skill bonus: +2 +4 +6 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20

Determines your character's speed and agility. Affects the number of action points that are used for attacks in V.A.T.S. mode, as well as the light weapon and stealth skills.


Affects all skills, in addition, successful characters have a greater chance of a critical hit with all types of weapons.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critical hit chance: 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Increase to all skills: +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5

Note: You can raise and lower attributes using the console (attribute names in English are given above):

~player.modav strength 1
~player.modav perception -1

Derived attributes

Health reflects the amount of damage your character can take until he dies. Health increases with each new level obtained according to the formula:

Health Value = (90 + (Stamina x 20) + (Level x 10))

Action Points used only in V.A.T.S mode. in order to aim and hit selected parts of the enemy's body. The number of possible attacks in this mode is limited by the current value of AP, since each hit inflicted reduces their supply. For different types weapons require a certain number of APs (the smaller the weapon, the less AP needed). The total number of APs available depends on your character's Agility stat and can be temporarily increased by some food, drink, and other items.

Action Points = (65 + (2 x Dexterity))

Critical Chance- This is a chance to cause critical damage to the enemy’s health. It is equal to double normal damage, and the probability of its infliction depends on the character’s luck, as well as on the presence of the “Accuracy” and “Ninja” perks. A successful sneak attack (if the enemy did not notice you) automatically scores a critical hit.

Carry Weight- this is the total weight of items that the character can carry, it depends on the current strength value. If an overload occurs, the character will move extremely slowly. Equipped power armor also affects movement speed. The amount of weight carried can be increased after taking the “Strong Backbone” perk or temporarily due to some food, drink, and other things.

Radiation Resistance- shows how much your character can ignore the effects of radiation emanating from the surrounding world. Resistance depends on endurance, it can be temporarily increased with the help of Rad-X or protective suits, and the accumulated radiation can be removed from the body with anti-radin. Complete immunity to radiation cannot be obtained in the game (85% limit). A small amount of radiation will not harm the character, but as radiation accumulates in the body, radiation sickness will begin.

Effects of radiation sickness in Fallout 3:

  • 200 rad: -1 Stamina,
  • 400 rad: -2 Stamina, -1 Agility,
  • 600 rad: -3 Stamina, -2 Dexterity, -1 Strength,
  • 800 rad: -3 Stamina, -2 Dexterity, -2 Strength,
  • 1000 rad: Death.

Poison Resistance- reduces the effect of poison on the character. Since armor is ignored for poisonous injections of some enemies (radscorpions) and weapons, this resistance is the only protection against poison. Directly depends on endurance.

Damage Resistance- reduces damage dealt to the character (except for damage from poison). This resistance does not depend on any attributes, it can be increased by equipping armor, or temporarily with using Med-X. You cannot get complete immunity to damage in the game (85% limit).

"Fallout 3" is the third installment in the series of post-apocalyptic games - "Follaut" from Bethesda Game Studios, released in 2008.

"Fallout 3" - a hot RPG/ACTION game, created as a continuation of the general "Fallout" line, has become one of the masterpieces in history computer games, winning the love and respect of millions of gamers around the world.

The game takes place 36 years after the events of the second part of "Fallout", in 2277 new era, in a world making futile attempts to recover from the nuclear war of 2077, which destroyed almost all life on the planet.

The main character of "Fallout 3" is a teenager from shelter 101 for the first time in his life, by the will of fate, who finds himself in the capital wasteland in search of his father, who left the shelter earlier.

During his travels, our hero will have to cooperate or quarrel with many factions inhabiting the Capital Wasteland.

Fallout 3 factions:

  • Brotherhood of Steel;
  • Outcasts of the Brotherhood;
  • Enclave;
  • Project cleanliness;
  • Kogot Company;
  • Children of Atom;
  • Drevens;
  • Reilly's Rangers;
  • Railway;
  • Regulators;
  • Slavers;
  • Dungeon Ghouls;
  • Tunnel Snakes;
  • Remains of the Chinese army;
  • Raiders;
  • Family.

Cheats for the game "Fallout 3"

Cheats are console commands for "Fallout 3" called by pressing the "~" key.

Main parameters:

  • player.setlevel- set the player level;
  • tgm- immortality, endless ammo;
  • player.additem 0000000F - set required quantity Nuka Cola caps;
  • setspecialpoints- set special parameters;
  • settagskills - add skill points;
  • tmm1- open all markers on the map;
  • rewardKarma- set the required level of karma

Rare weapons in "Follaut 3"

"Eugene"(minigun with increased damage by 50%) - it can be obtained after successfully completing the quest "Reilly's Rangers".

Experimental Multiple Charge Nuclear Grenade Launcher - located in the arsenal, at the base national guard. It is necessary to first collect the entire Keller family archive, consisting of five records.

"Terrible" shotgun (increased damage) - located in the Evergreen Mills bazaar from the character Smile Jack.

Revolver "Blackhawk" - to get it, you need to bring notes to Agatha after completing the quest “Agatha’s Song”.

"Softener" (sledgehammer with 50% increased damage) - Anchorage Memorial, utility room. This weapon is associated with one of the unmarked quests in the game - "Cache at the Anchorage Memorial".

"Gunshot"(alien blaster capable of setting a target on fire) - can only be available randomly.

Tiny Killer Knife (knife) - becomes available only during the completion of the Tranquility Lane quest.

"Narcosis"(hunting rifle with increased damage) - it can be found in the Republic of Dave, in a locked safe. The safe can only be opened with Dave's special key.

"Bloodsucker" (combat knife with a 50% bonus to damage to limbs) - can be found from one of the raiders in the hut, which is located on the eastern side of the ruins of Bethesda.

"Bone Crusher " (sawed-off shotgun with increased damage) - it is located in Gerdershade with a character named Ronald Laren.

"Vampire Fang" (chinese sword with reduced weight and high attack speed) - located in Vance's office at the Meresti metro station.

"Blackboard" (board with nails, increased damage and durability) - can be found in an abandoned shack in the village of Clifftop.

Toothpick Butch (switchblade with double damage) - can be obtained from Butch during the quest "Trouble on the Home Front".

"The Hall"(cue with 4 times increased durability) - found in Paradise Falls on the billiard table.

"Ant's Sting" (knife, when hit, deals an additional 4 units of damage every 10 seconds) - can be obtained if you complete the quest “Inhuman Gambit” in favor of NeMirmiki.

"Trucker's Friend" (mount with high damage) - the weapon is located in the Canterberry community, in Dominic's garage and a machete.

"Plunkett's Argument" (studded brass knuckles with an increased chance of causing critical damage) - if you have the “lawyer” ability, it can be found in the Arlington house, in the cemetery of the same name.

"Jack"(improved version of the ripper) - after completing the quest "Water of Life", in the hideout of the death claws.

"Smuggler's Storm" (pre-war laser gun) - in the safe of Elder Lyons in the Citadel.

"Granato-Honey" (unique grenade launcher) - Fort Independence armory

"Protectron's Gaze" (laser pistol, shoots 5 beams instead of one) - one of the reward options for the quest "Inhuman Gambit". The Mechanist gives it in exchange for the NeMirmiki armor.

"Occam's Razor" (combat knife with increased durability and damage) - can be obtained by killing the leader of the Talon company mercenaries, Jabsko in Fort Bannister.

Rare clothing and armor in "Fallout 3"

Modified work overalls (adds 10 units to radiation resistance, 5 to repair and one unit to luck) - this jumpsuit is given by the caretaker of shelter 101 as a reward at the last stage of the quest “Problems on the Home Front”.

Dad's overalls (no different from work overalls, increases hacking and repair skills by 5 units, and weighs 20 times more than usual) - can be obtained during the quest "Water of Life", after the death of James, if his body lies near the door.

Tunnel Snake outfit (+4 units to damage resistance and another 5 units to the melee weapon skill) - it can be obtained from Butch as a reward for saving his mother during the “Escape” quest.

Asylum jumpsuit 77 - a jumpsuit that previously belonged to the only resident of shelter 77. You can find it in Paradise Falls in the barracks.

Surgeon lab coat (Essentially an ordinary robe. Medicine: +10 Science: +5, greatly increased cost) - can be obtained by killing a surgeon at the Red Racer factory.

Asylum armored overalls 101 (slightly modified shelter 101 jumpsuit. Energy weapons and light weapons +5). You can receive it as a gift from Moira, in the “Shop on the Crater”, by telling her about life in the shelter.

Maple power armor (Increases strength, heavy weapons, gives additional radiation resistance, but at the same time reduces agility) - can be obtained for completing the Oasis quest, accelerating Harold's growth.

Prototype medical power armor (Increases radiation resistance by 25 percent, but reduces agility by 1) - can be picked up from a dead novice in the Old Olney sewers.

Ornamented Power Armor (fundamentally different from the standard T-45d power armor, not only in appearance but also in characteristics) - can be obtained by collecting a hundred steel ingots in "Pete" for the quest "Steel for the Factory"

Ashura Power Armor (Decorated power armor. Adds luck, charisma, strength and radiation resistance, but reduces agility) - you can get it for the task through free labor, or from the corpse of Ashur himself.

T-51b Insulated Power Armor (adds 25 units to radiation resistance, plus it practically does not wear out) - to get this armor you need to complete the quest “Operation Anchorage”.

Insulated power helmet T-51b (except for the fact that it has increased wear resistance and almost does not need repairs, it is no different from the usual T-51-b power helmet) - only after completing “Operation Anchorage”, along with insulated power armor.

Screw Combat Armor (an improved version of the claw combat armor in all respects, plus adds 10 units each to heavy weapons and action points) - can only be obtained after receiving the unmarked quest “The Grieving Groom” by removing it from the Screw in the Maisons-Beauregard hotel.

Winter medical armor(increases medicine by 10 points) - during the quest “Among the Stars”, in the cryology laboratory.

"Kozhanka"(an improved version of the armor of raider-saboteurs, increases charisma) - obtained in exchange for seven dozen steel ingots in Pitt.

Bomber armor (has greater resistance to damage and an increased safety margin, adds ten units of heavy armor and explosives) - in Pitt for 60 steel ingots, quest “Steel for the Factory”.

Master's Metal Armor (a mixture of sadistic raider armor and metal armor, adds 10 points each to the skills: unarmed and energy weapons, reduces agility by 1 unit, but has increased damage resistance) - can be obtained during the quest "Steel for the Factory", in exchange for 40 steel ingots.

Traveler's Leather Armor (except for the additional 10 units to the light weapon skill, it is no different from the usual leather armor) - can be obtained by killing a raider named Traveler, who can be found in a small camp just east of Roosevelt Academy.

Composite Scout Armor (has increased price and wear resistance) - can only be obtained using a console command.

Chinese stealth armor (gives 15 units to stealth; if you switch to stealth mode, the stealth combat function is activated, that is, the hero becomes invisible while he is in it) - armor can only be taken after completing the mission “Operation: Anchorage”.

Samurai armor, samurai helmet (armor adds 10 points to the melee weapon skill and 10 points to melee weapon damage) - the armor and helmet belong to Toshiro Kago, a samurai who is on the alien ship. It can be taken if he is killed during the quest "This Galaxy Isn't That Big", you can kill him yourself.

Protective suit (adds five points to medicine and 30 points to radiation resistance) - it can be obtained from Moira during the quest “Wasteland Survival Guide”, after completing the chapter on injuries.

Lesko lab coat (radiation resistance increased by 20 units and ten points added to science) - can be obtained while completing the quest “They” from Dr. Lesko, but only if, before killing the guardian ants, the hero convinces the doctor that one hundred Without a serious incentive, he won't go anywhere.

Lab coat (increased resistance to damage and plus 5 units to science) - with the enclave doctor at Adams Air Force Base, located on the launch platform of the mobile base.

Redhead's overalls and bandana (overalls increase skill light weapons by 5 units, and the bandana increases perception by one) - through the equipment exchange menu at the first meeting, if you offer her a weapon exchange.

Linden Hoodie (adds one unit each to agility and perception. The “tree gaze” effect appears in the pip-boy) - can be obtained after completing the quest “Oasis”, if you pour juice on Harold’s heart, thereby slowing down its growth.

Pajamas "Night Vigil" (adds one point each to stamina and charisma) - during the quest “The Grieving Groom”, on Screw’s body you will find a key that unlocks the suitcase located on the billiard table, where these pajamas lie.

Undertaker Jones costume and hat (the hat adds one to charisma, the suit also increases charisma and plus two points to light weapons, they can only be repaired from merchants, since the suit and hat are one of a kind) - the suit belongs to the leader of the slave traders in Paradise Falls, it can only be obtained killing him.

Tenpenny costume (plus two points to light weapons and one to charisma, can only be repaired from merchants) - can be obtained by killing the owner of Tenpenny Tower, Alistair Tenpenny.

NeMirmiki costume and helmet (adds one point to Agility, but reduces Charisma) - during the quest "Inhuman Gambit", if you kill NeMirmika or convince her that she was wrong.

Mechanist Costume and Helmet (reduces charisma by one, but adds stamina) - by killing the Mechanist, persuading him or making a substitution during the quest "Inhuman Gambit".

Vance's Cloak(adds one to perception and charisma, plus 10 units to light weapons) - can be obtained by killing Vance or using reverse theft.

Sheriff Paulson's suit and hat (a hat gives plus one point to perception, a suit increases charisma and adds 5 units to eloquence and ten to light weapons) - from Paulson, one of the prisoners on spaceship, if he dies or through reverse theft.

Handyman Clothes (adds one unit each to strength, endurance and agility) - during the quest “Harmful Working Conditions” for ten steel ingots.

Lilac Hood (increases agility and adds ten units to stealth) - it is given by the seer Lilac if you complete the task “Oasis” on the side of Lipa’s mother.

Location of bobbleheads in "Fallout 3"

Baby dolls - additional bonuses to skills and basic characteristics - SPECIAL parameters hero in "Fallout 3".

Baby dolls responsible for SPECIAL parameters:

  • Bobblehead "Strength"- Megaton. Sheriff Lucas Simms' home. If Megaton is destroyed, it will be impossible to take it;
  • Bobblehead "Dexterity" - In the office at the Greener Pastures landfill;
  • Bobblehead "Luck"- In the basement of the Arlington house in Arlington Cemetery - north;
  • Bobblehead "Endurance" - In the hideout of the deathclaws;
  • Bobblehead "Intelligence" - Science laboratory Rivet - City;
  • Bobblehead "Charisma" - Cloning laboratory of shelter 108;
  • Bobblehead "Perception" - At the Dave Museum, in the Republic of Dave.

Bobbleheads responsible for skills:

  • Bobblehead "No weapons" - Rokopolis;
  • Baby doll "Barter" - At the Evergreen Mills Bazaar;
  • Bobblehead "Eloquence" - In Undertaker Jones' lair in Paradise Falls;
  • Bobblehead "Hacking"- Ruins of Bethesda, in the eastern office;
  • Bobblehead "Science"- in the living rooms of shelter 106;
  • Bobblehead "Stealth" - In the Yao-Gai tunnels in the lair;
  • Baby doll "Light weapons" - National Guard Base;
  • Bobblehead "Repair" - in the house of Evan King in Arefu;
  • Bobblehead "Cold weapon" - Poisoned Dungeons Dunwich - building;
  • Baby doll "Medicine" - shelter 101. It is not possible to get it after leaving the shelter;
  • Bobblehead "Explosives" - At the broadcast station WKML;
  • Bobblehead "Heavy weapons" - Fort Constantine - the residence of the command;
  • Bobblehead "Energy weapon" - Raven rock. After leaving this location, it will become impossible to pick it up.

Location of shelters in "Follaut 3"

Shelters- underground fortified complexes created by the Volt-Tech company to protect the population during a nuclear war and its consequences.

There are only 6 available shelters in "Follaut 3":

Vault 101- the birthplace of our hero.

A shelter created based on virtual reality.

Experiments on cloning people, or rather one single person - Harry.

A vault filled with hallucinogenic gas.

Experiments on humans to create super soldiers using low frequency noise.

Home of super mutants.

In Fallout 3, the character does not have the “Sniper” ability, familiar to fans of Fallout 2. But by combining basic characteristics and skills, we can create a very effective hero who will hit all the monsters of the Wasteland not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

  • What skills to train
  • Which abilities to choose
  • Where to invest and where to save experience points
  • What tactics to use in different conditions

Alone in the field? Warrior!

When we leave Vault 101, our life in the Wasteland is just beginning. We ourselves do not yet know how we will behave, who we will become - the “Last Hope” or the “Scourge of Humanity”, whether we will gather a large company or go alone; We will run to the attack shouting “Hurray!” or we’d prefer to stab you in the back, on the sly. Nevertheless, it is worth thinking about this already at the moment when our eyes first see the slanting rays of the sun breaking through the “gate” at the entrance to the shelter.

Please note that karma does not depend on your combat specialty - you can be equally effective in battle against evil or good characters. The choice of travel companions, weapons and style of behavior in battle is another matter. You can inflict critical damage on an enemy from the first shot with a second or third level character armed with a 10 mm pistol, if you sneak up unnoticed. Therefore, we will immediately decide that we are not taking travel companions. None, not even a dog.

There are at least three reasons to play through the game alone. The first is that companions are eager to fight, barely noticing the enemy, and completely cancel out attempts to be invisible, the result is that the chance to inflict critical damage is missed. Secondly, they have become of little use as “trucks”. With a home in Megaton or Tenpenny Tower, we may no longer carry all the trophies with us. Third - they are mortal, they are wounded. The absence of travel companions will save both steampacks and your nerves.

What are snipers made of?

Even the know-it-all Three Dog knows nothing about us until the minute when the multi-ton door closes behind us with a roar and a grinding sound. At this moment, it’s as if we will experience a “rebirth”; no matter what we are at home, a completely different person will come out. In other words, we can change basic characteristics character (S.P.E.C.I.A.L.) and choose new “prize” skills. What does our sniper need? In my opinion, the most important characteristics are: perception, luck and dexterity.

    The shooter must see the enemy from afar, so perception We won't save money. The initial level is six points, and during the game you can develop up to 10.

    The higher dexterity, the more action points there will be in V.A.T.S. mode; the higher the “light weapons” and “stealth” skills. In general, what we need. For the entry level you will need six points.

    The chance of killing an enemy with one shot depends greatly on luck character, so we start with six points, and later by all means we can increase it to ten. Two more characteristics will be useful in peaceful life: intelligence and charm.

    The law of meanness states that no matter how many experience points you get when moving to a level, there are always not enough of them. High intelligence- A smart way to increase your experience. The initial level of intelligence is seven, later we will definitely raise it to 9.

    Even in a post-nuclear desert, it is better to be charming and influential. So for charm Let's be generous by seven points.

    The last two characteristics, it seems to me, are not important for the future sniper.

    Strength. Despite the fact that our character will be his own “truck,” it is better to save on this characteristic. Four units is quite enough for a start, because already in Megaton you can add one by picking up an ownerless Vault-Tec doll. And if you later really want to carry more battle trophies, Buffout and Wine will come in handy.

    Endurance. Four points is enough to prevent your first steps in the Wasteland from becoming a torment.

Choosing skills

The damn dozen skills offered in Fallout 3 can be divided into three groups: key, useful and useless for the shooter. Key skills are those that influence the outcome of the battle. Useful ones will make a peaceful existence easier. Life in the Wasteland will be much more pleasant if we develop both harmoniously. Let's remember the ways in which you can increase your level of proficiency in a skill.

    The simplest one is to distribute experience points after increasing your level.

    You can choose three skills as “main” (Tag), this will give a one-time increase of 15 points to each.

    Starting from the second level, you can choose abilities that give from 5 to 15 points to one or more skills.

    "Workwear." While she is on you, some skills increase by 5-15 points.

    You can find books in the ruins, just like in Fallout 2, each book you read adds 1 point to one of your skills.

    Collecting Vault-Tec dolls. When you pick up another figurine, you will receive 10 points once.

This is important: It is pointless to raise even the most important skills to the 100 point cap by simply investing earned experience. It makes more sense to develop each of them to 75, and get the remaining 25 with bobbleheads, equipment, abilities and books.

According to the creators of Fallout 3, the accuracy and efficiency of shooting depend on the level of weapon proficiency, the degree of wear of the “barrel” and the ability to sneak up unnoticed. We already got acquainted with the character's skills in the guide. But which ones are the most useful for creating a sniper hero?

Stealth. The ideal position for us is a well-camouflaged shelter. Alas, we cannot prepare it in advance, so we will have to learn to blend in with our surroundings.

A good Chinese is a dead Chinese. Law of the Anchorage Cliffs.

Light weapons. The most common weapons in the Capital Wasteland are pistols, shotguns, rifles, and shotguns. You will always have plenty of ammunition and spare parts for repairs.

Energy weapon. It is superior to the light one in terms of lethality, but is too rare at the beginning of the game. It makes sense to develop it only after meeting with the Enclave in the hall of the “Purity” project.

Repair. An extremely important skill already in the first stages of the game. There are a lot of weapons in the Wasteland, but they are in terrible condition and after each battle they only get worse. After each skirmish, you can quickly run “to get it fixed,” but it’s much easier to repair it yourself.

If we are not going to implement a policy of genocide manually (for those who want to destroy the population of the Wasteland, President Eden will help), then three more well-developed skills will be useful to us.

Eloquence. Even after a nuclear war, a word can be more convincing than a gun, and information is more valuable than money. It will also be useful for successfully completing several quests.

Science And Hacking. Useful for guessing passwords to the terminal for disabling turrets, opening an ammunition box, or simply satisfying a burning curiosity.

Inclinations and abilities

Careful selection of Perks is the key to developing the right character! We include in the “must take” category Commando, Accuracy, Sniper, Critical Damage, Massive fire. These abilities increase damage dealt and increase chance critical hit. Death on takeoff, as a finishing touch, will make the battle in V.A.T.S. practically independent of the number of action points.

You can invest points in developing skills without directly spending experience. Abilities such as Thief, Gun fanatic And Silent running, will save whole 70 experience points. It's worth taking the ability Educated for the sake of additional 45 points. As you can see, what we compensated with abilities is more than enough to develop an entire skill.

Ability Roboticist It will also come in handy - this way we will reduce the consumption of ammunition and steam packs in battle with security robots.

The remaining four times are better to take Intense workout tightening the basic characteristics of perception and intelligence.

Dress with taste

What hats are people wearing this season?

In previous games in the series, costumes were difficult, and power armor seemed to be the height of perfection. IN world of Fallout 3 clothes are equipped with different effects, so now you have to keep a whole wardrobe. For example, work overalls increase the Repair skill. By wearing a white robe, the hero will feel smarter, and the Science skill will increase by 5-10 points. A business suit will add weight to your words, and even casual or casual clothes from the antebellum era are useful - they increase dexterity.

As a result best armor becomes not the one that protects better, but the one that combines high degree protection and beneficial effects. Alas, power armor that thunders at every step is of little use to a sniper. But it is worth paying attention to Vault 101 armored jumpsuit And Reilly Rangers combat armor.

And if you have an add-on Operation Anchorage, don’t forget to grab it from the shelf in the bunker Chinese stealth armor(defense 28, weight 20, effects: +15 stealth, stealth mode), it protects well, makes you invisible in stealth mode and can be repaired using regular reconnaissance armor. Well, at first you can get by with an armored jumpsuit (protection 12, weight 15, effects: +5 light weapons, +5 energy weapons), which Moira will give for her help in writing the first chapter of the “Survival Guide”. The best armor, in my opinion, is the Reilly Rangers' combat armor (defense 39, weight 27, effects: +1 luck, + 10 light weapons, + 5 action points in V.A.T.S.).

Home! Sweet Home!

The most important thing is comfort in the apartment.
dash. But the war will not escape...

When you're not killing super mutants, you might want to get your house in order. There are all possibilities for this - in the Wasteland there are many objects that will embellish the harsh life of the inhabitants of the post-nuclear world. To get started, you should buy home interiors from Moira or the Tenpenny Tower boutique. My choice is the pre-war style, it is the most comfortable. Then, armed with the “Z” key, you can start arranging trophies. Take out the trash: empty bottles, rusty cans, remove clutter from corners, place drinks on shelves, put dirty dishes in the sink, place teddy bears on the bed, place books on the work table. For complete immersion, you can even change into a casual suit at home, and into pre-war walking clothes for a visit to a merchant. There's no benefit, but it's a role-playing game or what?

The only pity is that not all items can be hidden in your inventory: a fan or telephone will have to be carried from room to room by hand, and you will not be able to take them outside the house.

This is a bug: Some items in the game change size. A small glass, laid out from inventory, at home can grow to the size of a beer mug, and a truck with Nuka Cola, on the contrary, can decrease in size.

It was a tough fight

It's time to move on to considering combat tactics. Even though Fallout 3 remains role-playing game and the most important factor is the correct development of the character, our success depends on at least two more - who we are fighting against and on what terrain.

Best view on the Wasteland - from a height of a sniper position.

Open space can only be called such only conditionally. The rich relief, lavishly decorated with the remains of pre-war civilization, evokes a strong desire to stand and admire the beauty of the surviving nature. True, the picturesque “skeletons” of mansions, flooded lowlands, and rocky gorges not only delight the eye, but also make it difficult to notice the enemy in time.

Enclosed spaces include surviving buildings, service tunnels, subways, and caves. Here you will find darkened corridors, narrow or wide, straight or winding. In the metro, the path is sometimes blocked by carriages or fortifications of local inhabitants, the narrow passages between which are literally crammed with traps.

Mixed type is spaces limited on several sides. A striking example is the streets, sandwiched between the walls of inaccessible high-rise buildings and cluttered with stationary nuclear vehicles.

In open areas there is freedom for a sniper. A high perception indicator allows you to notice an unsuspecting enemy from afar, then it’s a matter of technique - to sit down, take out a rifle and command yourself: “Fire!” Rocky hills scattered here and there are another great place to set up a firing point. When there are several enemies, for example an Enclave squad or a gang of raiders, a shot will give away your location. Then it’s enough to crawl behind the stones and wait until the commotion subsides.

Case from practice: One day before dawn I set out from Andale to the Nuka-Cola plant. Descending from the hill, I noticed movement below - it was a detachment of Enclave soldiers under the leadership of an officer doing morning exercises - 300 push-ups in full combat gear! In the optical sight of my Victoria, for a moment, I glimpsed the arrogantly raised visor of my cap. A second later the officer fell. I was ready to crawl behind the nearest stone, but it seemed that the physical trainers didn’t even notice the loss. Next was the private on the far right. His comrades continued to exercise as if nothing had happened. Maybe they thought the person was just tired? In any case, they didn't have long to think.

We hide and shoot - mean, but effective.

IN indoors, unless it is a long straight subway tunnel, it is better not to rely on “shooting from afar.” A location with a lot of hiding places, rooms and dark corners is more conducive to playing hide and seek. After all, it is usually full of opponents, and you don’t want them to get involved in a shootout with the whole company? First, let's turn off the radio and listen - the noise will tell us much more than the red marks on the compass. Having determined the location of the enemy, we carefully look out from behind the cover. If he's far enough away, we'll get his attention. Just remember to hide immediately after you shout “peek-a-boo.” Let's bring him closer and send him to the forefathers with a burst to the head.

This tactic is good against super mutants, raiders and Talon mercenaries. But it is completely ineffective against wild ghouls; these creatures, if they notice you once, will not lose sight of you. In battles against security robots and Mr. Brave models, it is better not to count on a short skirmish. Here, the “queue-hide-wait-sneak-queue” method will be effective, and so on until the bitter end.

Note: It seems that super mutants, robots and raiders also love the game of hide and seek, however, they have forgotten the rules a little. Instead of saying “whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault,” they mumble something like “come out, you coward, stop hiding.”

Unlike closed and open spaces, in mixed terrain it is difficult to use one tactic; you will have to combine them. Once you've dealt with the Talon Company mercenaries or the Regulators, take a breath, collect your loot, and look around. Are there any more enemies nearby? Is there a Pulovski Hideout nearby? Are there a lot of pre-war vehicles on the street? If there is a group of super mutants and a Pulovski nearby, then you have an excellent opportunity to play hide and seek - mutants do not know how to open the door of the shelter booth.

It is more pleasant to observe a nuclear mushroom from afar.

It is better to destroy the labyrinth of pre-war machines in advance, along with the enemy, who is probably hiding in its wilds. One of the most unpleasant situations in the game is when a well-aimed shot from a super mutant aiming at you hits a former masterpiece of the automotive industry. The explosion, of course, will be beautiful, but this will not compensate for the overexpenditure of stimpacks for your treatment.

The most common opponents in the ruins of the city are super mutants. Greenskins rarely travel alone, more often in pairs (a lightly armed infantryman and a thug with a board in his hands) or in threes (one giant with a machine gun or rocket launcher). If you encounter a heavily armed mutant, it is better not to mutilate his limbs, but to shoot at the weapon in V.A.T.S. mode. Mutants will not pick up broken weapons and will not be able to use them against you.

Note: The best radio in these parts is the one that is turned off. Only in complete silence can you hear how the Wasteland talks about itself: the whistle of the wind, the rustle of grass, the echo of explosions, the crackle of a Geiger counter and a scattering of machine gun fire. Idyll... If only super mutants' jokes were funny...

To summarize, I would like to note that the sniper’s path is not for those who prefer difficulties. After all, following these tips, you will raise an invincible hero, who will be very comfortable to play as. For those who like to complicate life in the Capital Wasteland, I would recommend installing several modifications. We will definitely talk about them in the next issues of the magazine. Stay tuned!

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is an acronym meaning seven Main Features(Primary Statistics) of your character: Strength(Strength), Perception(Perception), Endurance(Endurance) Charisma(Charisma) Intelligence(Intelligence), Dexterity(Agility) and Luck(Luck). These Basic Characteristics (also known as “Attributes”) serve as the foundation for all the characters in Fallout 3, starting with your avatar, and ending with other inhabitants of the Wasteland. The value of these characteristics can vary from 1 (negligible) to 10 (unbelievable). What depends on the Main Characteristics? In a nutshell - the higher they are developed, the more effectively you will be able to use the corresponding Skills. Below are the Secondary Characteristics and Skills, which depend on certain Primary Characteristics of your character.

Strength: Carry Weight/Carry Weight | Cold Weapon/Melee Weapons
Perception: Symbols on the Compass/Compass Markers | Energy weapons/Energy Weapons, Explosives/Explosives, Hacking/Lockpick
Endurance: Health/Health, Resistance/Resistances | Heavy Weapons/BigGuns, Without Weapons/Unarmed
Charisma: Location/Disposition | Barter/Barter, Eloquence/Speech
Intelligence: Skill Points(Skill Points) per level | Medicine/Medicine, Repair/Repair Science/Science
Dexterity: Action Points/Action Points | Light Weapons/Small Guns, Stealth/Sneak
Luck: Critical Hit Chance/Critical Chance | all Skills

In fact, any of the components of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. improves mastery of any of the Skills by adding a certain bonus to them (Luck is an exception, since it affects absolutely all Skills, but much less than all other Basic Characteristics). Below is a pattern of dependence of the additional development of the corresponding Skills on the parameters of Attributes (on the right is the bonus from Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence and Dexterity, and on the right – from Luck).

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 1: +2 | +1
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 2: +4 | +1
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 3: +6 | +2
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 4: +8 | +2
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 5: +10 | +3
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 6: +12 | +3
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 7: +14 | +4
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 8: +16 |+4
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 9: +18 | +5
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 10: +20 | +5

During the process of creating your character, the parameters of the components of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are automatically set depending on the decisions you made during the first three Main Quests: Baby Steps, Future Imperfect and Escape! A little later, you will have the opportunity to adjust the final picture in accordance with your own ideas about what kind of character you want to play. In total, you have 40 points available for distribution between the Main Characteristics. Seven of them are spent automatically (each of the Attributes must have a parameter of at least 1), and all the rest are spent at your discretion. Below you can learn more about each of the Main Characteristics.

Strength shows your physical capabilities. It determines how much load you can carry; it also determines the effectiveness of close combat.

Baseball player/Little Leaguer (4/2), Steel Fist/Iron Fist (4/4) and Strong Ridge/b Back (5/8).

Depending on the level of development of this characteristic, the above parameters change as follows (carrying load/Without Weapons/Melee Weapons):

Strength 1: 160/+0.5/+2
Strength 2: 170/+1/+4
Strength 3: 180/+1.5/+6
Strength 4: 190/+2/+8
Strength 5: 200/+2.5/+10
Strength 6: 210/+3/+12
Strength 7: 220/+3.5/+14
Strength 8: 230/+4/+16
Strength 9: 240/+4.5/+18
Strength 10: 250/+5/+20

A high perception value gives advantages when using Skills "Explosives"(Explosives), "Hacking"(Lockpick) and "Energy weapons"(Energy Weapons), and also determines the time when red marks appear on the compass (that is, when you notice the enemy).

Abilities related to this characteristic (the minimum characteristic parameter and the level of character development are indicated in parentheses): Thief/Thief (4/2), Sniper/Sniper (6/12), Easy Step/Light Step (6/14), Hitman/Contract Killer (6/14), Lawyer/Lawbringer (6/14), Critical Damage/Better Criticals (6/16) and Burglar/Infiltrator (7/18).

Depending on the level of development of this characteristic, the above parameters change as follows (Energy weapons/Explosives/Hacking):

Perception 1: +2/+2/+2
Perception 2: +4/+4/+4
Perception 3: +6/+6/+6
Perception 4: +8/+8/+8
Perception 5: +10/+10/+10
Perception 6: +12/+12/+12
Perception 7: +14/+14/+14
Perception 8: +16/+16/+16
Perception 9: +18/+18/+18
Perception 10: +20/+20/+20

Endurance is a measure of your physical fitness. High Stamina gives bonus health, resistance to the environment and an advantage when using Skills "Heavy Weapons"(Big Guns) and "No Weapons"(Unarmed). Endurance affects the amount Life Points(Hit Points) of your character, as well as his general physical condition ( Poison Resistance/Poison Resistance and Radiation Resistance/Radiation Resistance).

Abilities related to this characteristic (the minimum characteristic parameter and the level of character development are indicated in parentheses): Durability/Toughness (5/6), Lead Belly/Lead Belly (5/6), Strong Ridge/b Back (5/8), Rad-Resistance/Rad Resistance (5/8), Size Matters/Size Matters (5/8), Fountain of Life/Life Giver (6/12) and Solar battery/Solar Powered (7/20).

Depending on the level of development of this characteristic, the above parameters change as follows (Hit Points/Heavy Weapons/No Weapons):

Stamina 1: 120/+2/+2
Stamina 2: 140/+4/+4
Stamina 3: 160/+6/+6
Stamina 4: 180/+8/+8
Stamina 5: 200/+10/+10
Stamina 6: 220/+12/+12
Stamina 7: 240/+14/+14
Stamina 8: 260/+16/+16
Stamina 9: 280/+18/+18
Stamina 10: 300/+20/+20

A high level of this characteristic will improve the attitude of others towards you, although, be that as it may, Charisma cannot outweigh too high or low Karma. This parameter gives advantages when using Skills "Barter"(Barter) and "Eloquence"(Speech).

Abilities related to this characteristic (the minimum characteristic parameter and the level of character development are indicated in parentheses): Scoundrel/Scoundrel (4/4), Eternal Child/Child at Heart (4/4), Arbitrator/Impartial Mediation (5/8), Animal Friend/Animal Friend (6/10) and Great Merchant/Master Trader (6/14).

Depending on the level of development of this characteristic, the above parameters change as follows (Barter/Speech):

Charisma 1: +2/+2
Charisma 2: +4/+4
Charisma 3: +6/+6
Charisma 4: +8/+8
Charisma 5: +10/+10
Charisma 6: +12/+12
Charisma 7: +14/+14
Charisma 8: +16/+16
Charisma 9: +18/+18
Charisma 10: +20/+20

Intelligence determines your curiosity and ability to think in critical situations. Intelligence gives advantage to Skills "Science"(Science), "Repair"(Repair) and "Medicine"(Medicine). The higher your Intelligence, the more Skill Points(Skill Points) appear when you reach a new level.

Abilities related to this characteristic (the minimum parameter of the characteristic and the level of character development are indicated in parentheses): Diligent Student/Swift Learner (4/2), Gun Fanatic/Gun Nut (4/2), Daddy's Son/ Daddy's Boy (4/2), Educated/Educated (4/4), Entomologist/Entomologist (4/4), Understanding/Comprehension (4/6), Rabies Botanist/Nerd Rage! (5/10) and Hacker/Computer Whiz (7/18).

Depending on the level of development of this characteristic, the above parameters change as follows (Skill Points/Medicine/Repair/Science):

Intelligence 1: +11/+2/+2/+2
Intelligence 2: +12/+4/+4/+4
Intelligence 3: +13/+6/+6/+6
Intelligence 4: +14/+8/+8/+8
Intelligence 5: +15/+10/+10/+10
Intelligence 6: +16/+12/+12/+12
Intelligence 7: +17/+14/+14/+14
Intelligence 8: +18/+16/+16/+16
Intelligence 9: +19/+18/+18/+18
Intelligence 10: +20/+20/+20/+20

The use of Skills depends on Dexterity "Light Weapons"(Small Guns) and "Stealth"(Sneak) as well as quantity Action Points(Action Points) in V.A.T.S.

Abilities related to this characteristic (the minimum characteristic parameter and the level of character development are indicated in parentheses): Gun Fanatic/Gun Nut (4/2), Thief/Thief (4/2), Silent Running/Silent Running (6/12), Sniper/Sniper (6/12), Easy Step/Light Step (6/14) and Zinger/Action Boy (7/16).

Depending on the level of development of this characteristic, the above parameters change as follows (Action Points/Light Weapons/Stealth):

Agility 1: 67/+2/+2
Agility 2: 69/+4/+4
Agility 3: 71/+6/+6
Agility 4: 73/+8/+8
Agility 5: 75/+10/+10
Agility 6: 77/+12/+12
Agility 7: 79/+14/+14
Agility 8: 81/+16/+16
Agility 9: 83/+18/+18
Agility 10: 85/+20/+20

Luck is a specific characteristic that in a certain way increases the level of development of all Skills and affects the likelihood of inflicting critical damage on opponents.

Abilities related to this characteristic (the minimum characteristic parameter and the level of character development are indicated in parentheses): Treasure hunter/Fortune Finder (5/6), Freeloader/Scrounger (5/8), Accuracy/Finesse (6/10), MysteriousStranger/Mysterious Stranger (6/10) and Critical Damage/Better Criticals (6/16).

Depending on the level of development of this characteristic, the above parameters change as follows (Critical Damage/Skills):

Luck 1: +1%/+1
Luck 2: +2%/+1
Luck 3: +3%/+2
Luck 4: +4%/+2
Luck 5: +5%/+3
Luck 6: +6%/+3
Luck 7: +7%/+4
Luck 8: +8%/+4
Luck 9: +9%/+5
Luck 10: +10%/+5

Secondary Characteristics are derived from the Primary Characteristics and are also influenced by Skills(Skills) and Abilities(Perks) of your character. There are many different ways to increase (and decrease) the level of development of Secondary Characteristics.

Based on the name of this Secondary Attribute, the more Action Points your character has, the more different actions he/she can take before any other creature reacts. The total number of Action Points (AP) can be found in the corresponding menu of your Pip-Boy. They are also displayed in the lower right corner of the screen during the game. The AP indicator is in constant motion, decreasing when using weapons and viewing inventory, and recovering when free from these actions. You should only worry about the amount of AP during combat and especially while using V.A.T.S.

So why use V.A.T.S. when you can act in real time? The answer is simple: V.A.T.S. gives you an advantage in battle, makes it easier to deal with any enemy and deals more impressive damage. An enemy located at a great distance from you is a very difficult target when shooting offhand, but in V.A.T.S. mode, using the available number of Action Points, you can use your full potential.

In a nutshell, your accuracy will directly depend on the development of a particular Skill involved when using a particular type of weapon. On top of everything else, almost always when using V.A.T.S. you get +15% chance to critically hit your opponent, which is, for example, four times more than it would allow Luck(Luck) character with development level 5. The amount of AP directly depends on the parameter Dexterity(Agility).

Agility 1: 67 AP
Agility 2: 69 AP
Agility 3: 71 AP
Agility 4: 73 AP
Agility 5: 75 AP
Agility 6: 77 AP
Agility 7: 79 AP
Agility 8: 81 AP
Agility 9: 83 AP
Agility 10: 85 AP

Zinger(Action Boy/Girl), +25 AP.

Screw(Jet), + 30 AP; Fire Ant Nectar, +8 AP; NukaLurk Meat, +20 AP; Ultra Screw(UltraJet), +40 AP; Nuka-Cola Quantum, +20 AP.

Addictions that temporarily affect this Secondary Stat: Alcohol Addiction, -2 AP; Dependence on Screw, -2 AP; Dependence on Med-X(Med-X), -2 AP.

Effect of radiation on this Secondary Characteristic: 400 RAD, -2 AP; 600 RAD, -4 AP; 800 RAD, -4 AP.

The amount of weight you can carry without any negative consequences is displayed on your Pip-Boy. If you exceed the permissible limit, then you will not be able to move quickly and, in the end, not move at all. This Secondary Characteristic directly depends on Powers(Strength) of the character.

Strength 1: 160 lbs
Strength 2: 170 lbs.
Strength 3: 180 lbs.
Strength 4: 190 lbs.
Strength 5: 200 lbs.
Strength 6: 210 lbs.
Strength 7: 220 lbs.
Strength 8: 230 lbs.
Strength 9: 240 lbs.
Strength 10: 250 lbs.

Abilities that permanently affect this Secondary Attribute: Strong Ridge(b Back), +50; Solar battery(Solar Powered), +50.

Medicines that temporarily affect this Secondary Attribute: any alcoholic drink, +20; Buffout(Buffout), +20; Mississippi Quantum Pie, +20.

Dependencies that temporarily affect a given Secondary Trait: dependency on Nectar(Nectar), -40; dependence on Buffout, -20.

Effect of radiation on this Secondary Characteristic: 600 RAD, -20; 800 RAD, -40.

Every time you attack an enemy (or are attacked yourself), there is a chance of dealing (or receiving) Critical Damage. The exact amount of Critical Damage dealt depends on the weapon, stealth, and method of play (i.e. attacking an enemy in stealth mode or using V.A.T.S.). In most cases, Critical Damage is normal damage multiplied by two, and the chance of landing a critical attack depends directly on Good luck(Luck) character.

Luck 1: 1%
Luck 2: 2%
Luck 3: 3%
Luck 4: 4%
Luck 5: 5%
Luck 6: 6%
Luck 7: 7%
Luck 8: 8%
Luck 9: 9%
Luck 10: 10%

Abilities that permanently affect this Secondary Attribute: Accuracy(Finesse), +5%; Ninja(Ninja), +15% (only when using melee weapons, as well as melee attacks).

During the battle you will often get injured. The amount of damage received in this case depends on the protective equipment and certain Abilities of your character. The value of this Secondary Characteristic can range from 0 to 85%. And although the Damage Resistance meter can show more than 100, the actual maximum number is 85. If the Damage Resistance parameter is 30, then your character will receive 30% less damage dealt to him. The most common way to increase the parameter of this characteristic is to use armor. By the way, helmets also increase CS, so for maximum protection It is recommended to use both the first and second.

Abilities that permanently affect this Secondary Attribute: Durability(Toughness), +10; Cyborg(Cyborg), +10; Rabies Botanist(Nerd Rage), +50 (but only when the current health level is low).

Medications that temporarily affect this Secondary Characteristic: Med-X(Med-X), + 25.

Your well-being directly depends on your Health, the level of which can be seen in the Pip-Boy, as well as in the lower left corner of the screen during the game. If your Health drops to 0, then you are officially dead. Endurance(Endurance) of your character determines the initial number of your Health Points(Hit Points). It should also be noted that with each new level of development your character gains, he or she receives an additional 10 HP. If you follow the logic, the more Health Points you have, the higher your chance of survival in the desert. Do not forget that Health is an average indicator of the condition of your body (and not only yours).

Each part of your body has an approximate Health value, displayed as a percentage. For example, when shooting at the torso of a raider with a Health level of 100, you will need to wound him by 46 HP in order to cripple him (by the way, the armor he is wearing also protects him). Next, the health parameters of certain parts of the body will be indicated (the first indicator is responsible for the average NPC, and the second displays the player’s indicators).

Head: 20% | 75%
Torso: 60% | 255%
Left Hand: 25% | 100%
Right Hand: 25% | 100%
Left Leg: 25% | 150%
Right Leg: 25% | 150%

Thus, if you aim at the limbs, then the chance of neutralizing the enemy as quickly as possible is much higher. By the way, when shooting in the head, the damage most often doubles.

Also, do not forget that if you fall from a great height, you can damage your legs, and if your hands are severely damaged, you will not be able to use the weapon effectively. In order to cure a crippled limb, you will need a doctor or a certain amount of stimulants.

Abilities that permanently affect this Secondary Attribute: Fountain of Life(Life Giver), +30 HP.

Medications that temporarily affect this Secondary Characteristic: Buffout(Buffout), +60 HP.

These two types of “direct contact” damage can sometimes be quite difficult to separate, so use the following rule: if you deal Damage to an enemy with a Melee Weapon, then you use one or two hands to attack, and the weapon itself acts on the principle of direct hit. opponent, like Lead Pipe(Lead Pipe). Unarmed damage is a direct result of using your fists, as well as special weapons like Brass knuckles(Brass Knuckles). The amount of damage you deal is 100% dependent on your character's Unarmed Skill. Damage dealt without a weapon is 25% of the development parameter of this Skill. That is, for example, with a parameter of 60% the damage will be 15 HP + damage from the weapon you use in battle. Damage from Melee Weapons also directly depends on Powers(Strength) of your character.

Strength 1: +0.5
Strength 2: +1.0
Strength 3: +1.5
Strength 4: +2.0
Strength 5: +2.5
Strength 6: +3.0
Strength 7: +3.5
Strength 8: +4.0
Strength 9: +4.5
Strength 10: +5.0

Steel Fist(Iron Fist), +5; Rabies Botanist(Nerd Rage), +5.0 (but only when the current health level is low).

Medicines that temporarily affect data Secondary Characteristics: any alcoholic drink, +0.5; Buffout(Buffout), +0.5; Mississippi Quantum Pie, +0.5.

Dependencies that temporarily affect data Secondary Characteristics: Dependency on Nectar(Nectar), -1; dependence on Buffout, -0.5.

Effect of radiation on data Secondary Characteristics: 600 RAD, -0.5; 800 RAD, -0.5

Some of the creatures that are hostile to you can poison you with their poison (the same applies to some weapons). It is Poison Resistance that determines how susceptible you are to poisonous substances. If this Secondary Characteristic is 20%, then the amount of damage you receive due to poisoning will decrease by exactly this percentage. Since poison ignores any defensive ammo you are using, as well as your Damage Resistance, this characteristic, in fact, is your only defense in such a case.

As for radiation, do not forget that some areas of the Wasteland are susceptible to such contamination. These areas include all bodies of water (and water in general), as well as the sites of nuclear bombs dropped on US territory during the war. Radiation Resistance literally refers to your character's body's ability to ignore contamination.

Be that as it may, it is impossible to develop immunity to radiation - there are places in the Wasteland where you will not last even a couple of seconds, even if you take all precautions (special armor, Rad-X/Rad-X, Ability Rad-Resistance/Rad Resistance, etc.). By the way, Endurance(Endurance) is the main characteristic that will help you in difficult times (bonuses to Poison Resistance are shown on the left, and to Radiation on the right).

Stamina 1: 0% | 0%
Stamina 2: 5% | 2%
Stamina 3: 10% | 4%
Stamina 4: 15% | 6%
Stamina 5: 20% | 8%
Stamina 6: 25% | 10%
Stamina 7: 30% | 12%
Stamina 8: 35% | 14%
Stamina 9: 40% | 16%
Stamina 10: 45% | 18%

Radiation exposure is measured in “Radah”(Rads) displayed on your Pip-Boy. Depending on the dose received, your character's characteristics will change as follows:

0: no effect
200: Stamina -1
400: Stamina -2, Dexterity(Agility) -1
600: Stamina -3, Agility -2, Strength(Strength)-1
800: Stamina -3, Agility -2, Strength -2
1000: death

Abilities that permanently affect these Secondary Stats: Rad-Resistance(Rad Resistance), +25% to Radiation Resistance; Cyborg(Cyborg), + 10% to Poison and Radiation Resistance.

The speed at which you move through the Wasteland depends on three things:

The amount of cargo you carry in your inventory: if the total weight of the items you carry exceeds the limit set by the Secondary Characteristic "Carryable Weight"(Carry Weight), this means that your character is overloaded and will not be able to move at the same speed as before. To overcome this problem, you need to either part with unnecessary things or accept the consequences.

Armor you use: Power Armor (Power Armor) slows down your movement speed, but at the same time makes you more protected. Ordinary civilian clothing provides high mobility, but does not provide you with absolutely any protection. In a nutshell - be guided by the situation and change your uniform if necessary. You can carry as many different types of clothing as you like, but their total weight must not exceed the maximum Carry Weight.

The weapon that is in your hands. Try to take out a gun, walk around with it, and then put it back in your inventory, and you will feel the difference in the speed of your character’s movement.


Perhaps, no special explanation is needed here - this replayer replaces the eccentric standard sunglasses in Fallout 3 with a more beautiful and pretentious option - police glasses from Fallout New Vegas. The latter look very cool and pretentious on almost any character, while the standard ones create the image of some kind of revelry clerk from a dull office, and not a stern Warrior/Warrior of the Wasteland.
Yes, Washington is certainly not Arizona, the Mojave Wasteland or Zion Canyon, where the sun shines hot, but in the vastness of the Capital Wasteland, these glasses do not spoil the atmosphere, and as a bonus they also provide some zest to the appearance characters.


1. Snowball and Sam Warrick wear glasses like these.
2. Roosevelt Academy Arts Hall - on top of the hand dryer in the women's restroom (to the left of the entrance).
3. Radiated subway, western side tunnel - on a table with a large clock.
4. Personal home in Megaton or Tenpenny Tower if you choose the Love Machine style.
5. Two couples on mannequins standing indoors as they exit Lower City in Verkhny (with “Iroquois” made of pencils), and on a mannequin in the Pittsburgh dungeon, near the entrance from the square in front of the fortress (wearing a baseball cap). (Needs the addition "Pitt").

- Aesthetically more beautiful.
- Complete porting from New Vegas without loss of model quality and textures.
- Glasses may look different on your characters’ faces (the edges may “go” up, and the glasses may become narrower).

- There may be conflicts with non-standard face types, hats or clothing styles affecting the points slot.

0. If you have installed old version- disable it and delete it.
1. Copy the contents of the Data folder in the archive to the Data folder, which is in the root directory of the game (for example D:\Games\Fallout 3)
2. Mark the esp-file "ShadesRemade" in the launcher or FOMM,
3. Activate ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! in the launcher or FOMM.
4. Done, you can play!

1. Mark "ShadesRemade" esp files in the launcher or FOMM;
2. Delete the "ShadesRemade" file (BSA and ESP) from the Data folder, which is in the root directory of the game (eg D:\Games\Fallout 3);
3. Done, you can play!

That's all, I wish you a pleasant game!
