Walkthrough of the game detective's diary. Detective Gallo

Detective agency "Nimble Bug" 3. Murder case in the snow
Detective Agency "Shustry zhuchok" 3: The Case of the murder in the snow

1) I immediately begin searching for the killer.
2) Who could have killed him?

Collect evidence!

1) So you see your whole life as a script. Well, well...
2) Oh, why?
3) I am a director at heart. Shall we make a film?
4) This is probably terribly romantic? Cameras... Cameramen... Director...

1) I don’t understand why everyone dislikes journalists so much? They are very beautiful!
2) Yes! In order to be with them more often, I am ready to change my profession.
3) I read a lot of books!
4) Test me, I'm very capable.

1) Mu-mu
2) Vyazov
3) Ax
4) Count
5) Rape
6) Husbands
7) Bonnie and Clyde
8) France
9) Whores
10) Gold Pen

Living room
1) Not yet, how are you doing?
2) Naked! So maybe he can fix the bathhouse? What's broken there?
3) I’ll understand this in a moment, you can be sure of it.

Let's sign up, otherwise we'll have to return to the living room a second time.

We assemble a puzzle from pipes (4 times).

1) I always knew that boo...
2) What doesn’t suit you about your employees?...
3) Who would you be? Queen?
4) Well, tell me more!
5) And I see you! You're completely naked...
Let's go out.

We take an umbrella.

We shove an umbrella at the accountant.
1) Lie naked under a fan...

Well, now let's go with the items. I’ll say in advance that all 4 chicks must try on the bra, otherwise you won’t move forward.

Give him the flask and leave.

1) You shove a bra on her.
2) If you don’t wear it, you will fall under suspicion!...
3) My source says...
4) I will believe you only in one case...
5) Okay, get started!

Living room
1) We push the bra.
2) It seems to me that this thing belongs to you!
3) An investigative experiment is needed!...
4) While I’m trying to persuade you...
5) Don’t think of anything like that. I only need this for work!

1) I found a bra in the dead man’s room...
2) Nevertheless, you will have to try it on.
3) And you will immediately have an alibi.

1) We push her bra, so it’s 2 sentences faster.
2) I can turn away. But still...
3) This is just a small sacrifice!
4) Do you think I'm joking with you?!
5) Of course I promise!

1) Don’t you know... Bra? (no need to shove it, it won’t work)
2) Could you try on your bra?
3) I don't believe you.
4) Everything fits!...
5) I wonder how you will prove this.
Let's take the newspaper!

1) Are you talking about a journalist? Never seen it?...
2) Continue, I am listening to you carefully.
3) What happened next.

1) Maybe my...
2) Sorry dear. Let's...
3) Don't attack me like that...
4) Massage will help with migraines!
5) Excellent, I have strong, skillful hands.
6) Okay, no problem, I’ll find him...

1) No, do you have massage cream?
2) Cream on the table! Fast!
3) Here is a credit card.

Give me some cream!

Living room
1) Maybe you will tense up and remember...

Take the handcuffs!

Give me handcuffs.
1) Yes? what do you want to confess?
2) Who are you?
3) You're kidding. Haha.
4) I understand everything...
Come out.


1) And now, you finally...
2) Tell me more
3) Leave.

1) My camera doesn't work.
2) Well, take out the batteries, and I’ll give you a pen.
3) This will be sponsorship...

1) A smart girl like you...
2) Choose any 4 options
3) Yeah. And another hero killed.
4) Let's leave.

Living room
1) It seems to me that that night you too...
2) What are you getting at?
3) And what happened next?
4) Continue the story! I can actually see...

1) Would you like to watch an interesting video?
2) You say strange things...
3) Nerves....
4) So that’s who gave me this newspaper.
5) Wedding. With dresses and kisses?

And you are killed))) (I won’t say who the killer is!) It’s more interesting to play.

You could learn about this adventure from one of my last posts. The adventure game Detective Gallo can attract with its visual style, reminiscent of the drawing style of such adventure games as,. The gameplay is the same as in most 2D adventure games. The plot is simple. The hero is a typical wannabe detective, a boor and a slob.

Text walkthrough

Point the barrel of the revolver at Phil Chlore (at the beginning of the game, our protagonist will consider him dangerous). Talk to Phil and agree to find the culprit who is destroying the plants. In Gallo's office, take the hockey stick and the empty envelope. Move the cardboard cutout and pick up the office key. Pull out the desk drawer and take a pencil from there. Leave the office. At Phil's house, take the bonsai pot. Touch the leafy pillow - there will be evidence under it, a shell casing. Try to pick it up from the floor - the shell will roll under the sofa. Borrow Phil's trimmer. Use the trimmer to crawl under the sofa and try again to lift the sleeve, which will roll out from under it. Return to the knife district, to the office. You will need a bucket of paint near the mailbox - take it. Enter the office, close the office door. Go to the safe and try to open it - to do this you will need a code written on paper sheets scattered throughout the office. Remove the paper from the door. Take a “blank” sheet that is located among a handful of others. Bend over and take a bookmark from the book. Use a chewed pencil to scribble on a blank sheet of paper - voila! “Gallo will find out the code and open the safe. Place the sleeve under the microscope. Leave the office.

Smelly Streets Smuggler Card

In order to get a smugglers' membership card, you need to get your photo from the childish Candy saleswoman. Try taking your portrait from the counter. Walk towards the shopping area. Take the empty glass from the bench. Enter the trading house. Take a spoon, fork, and knife that are located next to the grill. And grab a wig from the wholesaler's sales area. Before you go out, take the aerosol with you. Talk to the juvenile delinquent. Let him promise you to draw a portrait of Gallo next to your office in exchange for toys from the machine. Shoot at slot machine. Pick up the left pink wooden pirate leg from the compartment. Ask the boy to repay the debt. Dip the wig into the dye. Place the wig on the trimmer. Give something like a brush to the kid. Return to the Knife District. Spray some spray paint on the wall, turning the portrait pink. Take the photo from Sweetie. Climb your wing into the rat hole next to the counter. Melt the candle you found in the hole on the grill at the wholesaler. Use a spoon to scrape off the wax. Insert the photo into the envelope. Seal the envelope with wax. Place the envelope in the mailbox, which is located in the knife area. Return to the office.

Dark dealings and the first attack

Take the smugglers' membership card from the table. Call the power company. Attach the gum to the tripod. Attach the tripod to the spotlight. Place the spotlight on a tripod near the spilled water. Place the broken end of the cable near the liquid. The light will go out. Shoot the spotlight with a revolver. Call the power company and they will return the power to your office. Replace the gardening manual with a pirate's leg, otherwise the table won't hold up. Go to the block where Phil lives. Show your card to the sleeping taxi driver. When the smuggler begins to attack you, right-click on the purple van in the distance that stands in front of the red light. The taxi driver will be distracted by looking towards the road. At this point, take out your revolver. The criminal is ejected.

Making a glucoctail

At Phil's house, pick up fertilizer using the bonsai pot. Present the fertilizer to the wholesaler in the shopping area. Call the scammer. To create a truth serum, you need to create an ultra-sweet cocktail. Sweets can be obtained from Sweetie. After many compliments to Sweetie, admit that you are capable of insulting honest people just to get what you want. The candy will melt and give you a hallucinogen. The wholesaler loves the Diridango cocktail, this can only be found out after a dialogue with him. Open the gas tank of the taxi that is parked near Phil's house with a knife. Fill a glass with dark fuel that has spilled on the lawn. Visit Phil and check your gardener's manual, identifying the unfamiliar leaf as a eucalyptus leaf. Pick up the sheet from the floor and place it in the glass. Place the hallucinogenic candy in the same glass. At the mall, share the alcoholic beverage of truth with the wholesaler. In the Dimension of Truth, go to the strange door (on the right). The role of teleporters is played by cocktails. The green smoothie will lead you to the door behind which the merchant is hiding. The merchant will agree to tell you the truth after all your threats and only after you kill someone in this dimension. Go to the office door and open it, kill your double with a revolver. Return to the merchant's door.

Rooster in the chest

New locations will open. Gallo will be on one of them. Pick up the hammer lying near the warning signs. Using a hammer, break off a pebble from a boulder among a pile of similar boulders (it is impossible not to notice it). Pick up a broken stone. Shoot the pile of dirt with the baobab gun. Apply fertilizer to a pile of soil. Cross the organic bridge. Take the rope, catch the worm. Connect the ball to the club. Hit the security camera with the ball. There is a gap in the metal door, try calling out to someone or something to get inside the dump. The AI ​​controlling the door will tell you the conditions for getting inside the landfill. You need to get to Phil's house and talk to him about the ceramic chest, thanks to which you will get inside the landfill. Call the scammer and find out how to make the chest useless for the owner. Return to the worker near the landfill. When the worker with the shovel comes into view, attract his attention by throwing a pebble at him. Give him the worm, he will return it to you. Dip the stained worm into a bucket of paint. Return to Chloro and pour the bucket of mush onto the chest. Return to the junkyard, go to the platform next to the guarded door. Place the chest on the platform and yourself in the chest. You will find yourself in a tower.

The walkthrough is relevant for any version of the game

About the game

« Detective Gallo» – this is 2D detective adventure, in which we need to investigate the murder of several specimens of exotic plants in the garden of a multimillionaire. The feathered detective Gallo had a chance in his gray life in a disgusting city to use his talent as a detective and solve this crime. With our help, of course. The mechanics of the game are to explore locations in order to collect the necessary information and find objects with which you can solve opening problems.

Control in the game classic - point-&- click. During the game, interactive control training takes place.

Menu opens by pressing a key Esc.

Inventory is located in the upper area of ​​the screen and opens by hovering the cursor over it.

Saving the current state of the game is performed manually by selecting the appropriate option in the menu. The folder with saves is located at different addresses for each version of the game and computer OS.

Note. To enlarge the screenshot, click on it in the text of the walkthrough. To view additional pop-up screenshots, click on the active links highlighted in the text of the walkthrough in dark red.


One evening, thrown out of the bar, but caressed by the GUM candy saleswoman, being in a depressed state, hating everything and everyone in this city, and first of all, the city itself, the feathered detective Gallo returns to his office, where he discovers a strange client.


Gallo's office

We aim the PISTOL in our inventory at the “dangerous stranger”. To do this, move the cursor over the top area of ​​the screen, left-click (LMB) on the gun and drag it onto the client.

Phil Chloro, the client's name, talks about killing his "gorgeous plants."

Select answer options from the list provided.

Gallo agrees to investigate.

Move the cardboard cactus aside and pick it up KEY, we go outside.

Gallo receives a call from his informer and goes to Chloro's house at 8 Rhododendron Road.

Chloro's House

After talking with the owner, the detective begins to search for evidence.

Goal 1: Find evidence

We examine the room in search of evidence.

We move aside the “leaf cushion” and find a sleeve underneath it. We try to take it, but the cartridge case rolls under the sofa. We examine broken window. We contact Chloro and talk about all the proposed topics. We take it away SLIDING TRIMMER and with its help we remove the CASE from under the “root” sofa.

Gallo discovers an inscription on the cartridge case, but he cannot make it out. The detective leaves the crime scene.

Target achieved.

Goal 2: Find out what is written on the cartridge case

Rhododendron Street

Gallo calls his informer. He reminds the detective that the microscope Gallo needs is in his office.

Let's go down the screen. We follow to the left, go into Gallo's office.

Gallo's office

We look at the safe.

Gallo recalls writing down each digit of the code on a separate piece of paper and hiding it in his office.

Take an EMPTY SHEET from the stack at the bottom of the screen. We take the BOOKMARK from the book under the table and get the first digit of the code. We close the door, remove the sheet with the second digit of the code from its inner surface. Open the desk drawer and take out the CHEWED PENCIL. We apply it to the EMPTY SHEET in the inventory, and we get the code.

Gallo opens the safe.

Note. To be able to take items, you first need to look at the safe.

We place the CASE under the microscope in the safe and read inscription on the sleeve.

Target achieved.

Gallo calls his informer, who suggests asking about the cartridge case of the Unusual Weapons Smuggler. To do this, Gallo must obtain a P.L.A.T.O. membership card, which will contain a code phrase.

Goal 3: Show everyone your membership card

We take the ENVELOPE and leave the office.

Street of Knives

We go to the Konfetka candy store and try to pick up our photo.

Sweetie does not allow you to do this, because... photography is the only thing that connects her and Gallo.

We pass to the left and move deeper into the screen.

Money Street

We turn to a rude kid trying to rob a vending machine. We say: “You’re not good for words, you scoundrel.” After listening to the answer, we ask the open question: “Can you draw my face on the wall near my office?”

In return, Malet asks to help him rob a machine gun.

We use the PISTOL on the machine gun. Once again we ask you to paint your face on the wall.

The guy says he needs a long brush.

We go to the shopping center, deep into the screen.

Shopping mall

After talking with the Wholesaler, go to the right and pick up WIG. In the inventory we combine it with the SLIDING TRIMMER, we get a LONG BRUSH. We approach the rude boy.

Money Street

Show the guy the BRUSH. The kid hints that paint is also needed. Let's go right.

Street of Knives

We take the BUCKET OF PAINT standing in front of the entrance to the bar. We head to the street of banknotes.

Money Street

Dip the BRUSH into the PAINT and give it to the kid.

The boy quickly fulfills the request.

We follow to the right.

Street of Knives

We are trying to take our photo from Sweetie.

Sweetie refuses to give it back because... the portrait of Gallo on the wall is not very romantic.

We go to the shopping center.

Shopping mall

We take it away spray can with pink AEROSOL, we return to the street of knives.

Street of Knives

We paint Gallo's portrait with pink AEROSOL. We take Gallo's PHOTO from Candy. We put it in the ENVELOPE.

Gallo notices that the envelope needs to be sealed.

We search the rat hole and take out a CANDLE for cakes. Let's hurry to the shopping center.

Shopping mall

Place the CANDLE on the grill. We take the SPOON lying nearby and pick up the MELTED WAX with it. We seal the ENVELOPE with it. We're heading to the street of knives.

Street of Knives

We drop the ENVELOPE into the mailbox. Let's go to the office.

Gallo's office

Pick up from fax MEMBERSHIP CARD. We are trying to turn off the table lamp.

Gallo decides to call the power company.

We use PHONE.

The power company dispatcher reports that a power outage is possible only after a power surge. To make up for the inconvenience, the company sends as a gift a spotlight, the brightest one in existence.

The instant delivery service brings to your home a SPOTLIGHT, a CABLE WITH PLUG and, as a gift, a RUBBER BALL. We leave the office and hurry to the street of banknotes.

Money Street

We take the WOODEN LEG from the vending machine. We return to the office.

Gallo's office

Place the WOODEN LEG in place of the GARDENING BOOK used as a support (it is moved to inventory). In the inventory we use the GUM on the TRIPOD. We attach a SPOTLIGHT to the TRIPOD and use it on the slurry on the floor left after watering the cardboard cactus. Apply the CABLE WITH PLUG to the slurry.

Gallo plugs the plug into the socket and the power surge causes the lights in the room to go out. Gallo reads the passphrase.

We're trying to pull it out fork, but she got stuck in the socket. We shoot from a PISTOL at spotlight. We call the company and restore the lighting. We take the GOLF CLUB from the case and go to the street of banknotes.

Money Street

We show the rude boy the MEMBERSHIP CARD.

Gallo says a code phrase, but the kid says he knows nothing about the smugglers.

Let's hurry to the shopping center.

Shopping mall

We show the MEMBERSHIP CARD to the Wholesaler, but to no avail. We're heading to the street of knives.

Street of Knives

Show the MAP to Sweetie.

Gallo crosses Sweetie off the list of potential smugglers.

We go to Rhododendron Street.

Rhododendron Street

We call Phil Chloro on the intercom.

Having received permission, Gallo enters the house.

Chloro's House

Show your Chloro MEMBERSHIP CARD. Having made sure that he is not a smuggler, we go out into the street.

Rhododendron Street

Show the MEMBERSHIP CARD to the taxi driver. We select any replica from the proposed options.

Gallo learns of a strange stain that a smuggler saw in Chloro's house.

We choose any replica option.

The smuggler points a baobab pistol at the detective.

We point him to an armored van stopped at a traffic light at the back of the screen.

We take advantage of the moment when the smuggler looks at the van and point our PISTOL at him.

Gallo releases the smuggler, and we pick up his BAOBAB PISTOL.

Target achieved.

Gallo heads into the house Chloro shows him fertilizer spot, which the smuggler spoke about.
