Walkthrough of Fallout New Vegas. Fallout: New Vegas, Side quests Goodsprings quests

Let's go to Trudy to the salon "Prospector". We watch how she quarrels with Joe Cobb, who demands to give up the location of the dealer Ringo. When Cobb leaves, we ask her about those who hit the hero on the head. She confirms that she saw these people, and they even left traces of their appearance - they swept the radio off the shelf and broke it.

If you have the skill Repair 20 or higher, offer to repair the radio. If not, agree anyway. Near the billiards there is a magazine called “We Fix It Yourself.” Also in Goodsprings, this useful printed publication can be found in mailboxes or at merchants if you're lucky. We read and calmly repair the receiver.

After fixing the radio, show off to Trudy. For this she will give you 50 caps and 10 XP. If you have invested 20 skill points in Barter, you will receive 75 caps and 35 experience.

You can find out about Benny and Ringo from Trudy. She will say that Benny went around the Quarry because there were Deathclaws there, and she will tell you where Ringo can be found.

Leaving the saloon, we can take one of two paths: either help the Demolitionists capture Goodsprings (we are looking for Joe Cobb), or help the residents deal with the Demolitionists (we are heading to Ringo).

Streams flowed... (Run Goodsprings Run)

After leaving the saloon, turn left and go to the edge of town. Around the corner from the last house you will find Joe Cobb. We offer him to capture the city. He doesn’t seem to mind, but Ringo confuses him... We are asked to deal with Ringo, and the Demolitionists will do the rest, so be it.

Ringo meets us with guns drawn, but despite this, he is an easy target. He doesn’t expect a trick if the hero is not dressed in the uniform of a group hostile to the NKR and is not declared a terrorist, so he can calmly go to bed in front of us.

Before you deal with a gullible target, you can ask him about card game“Caravan”, and he will give us a deck and a disk with the rules of the game. If you've already admitted that you talked to Cobb about him, he won't have time to play, in which case the deck will have to be removed from his body. You can even offer him help in the fight against bombers. He will refuse.

Having killed the gullible caravan driver, we return to Joe. He managed to gather his entire gang, so we don’t waste time. We kill everyone who resists.

After capturing a city, you completely lose your reputation with the townspeople, but you receive a discount on goods from the merchant Chad. Joe will also provide you with access to the nearby NCR Correctional Facility.

Ghost Town Gunfight

Ringo, a caravan driver hiding from the Demolitionists, hangs out at the gas station. He will give you the quest to expel the Demolitionists only if you do not have the notoriety of Goodsprings. To begin with, we are invited to go around some local residents and enlist their support. Let's start with Sunny Smiles, who will readily agree and tell you who else you should contact.

Walking around residents is a complete test of skill, so stock up on magazines. Search the mailboxes of Goodsprings and the nearby town of Primm, visit the merchants.

Merchant Chet will ask for 1000 caps for his help, but if he has the skill Barter 25 will give us leather armor, will promise to provide armor to all residents and will even come out with a rifle.

Hammer-Pete will share the dynamite if we prove that we won’t blow ourselves up and the entire neighborhood. This requires skill Explosives 25. He will transfer the dynamite through Sunny.

If the hero has a skill Eloquence or Stealth at least 25, Trudy can be convinced to oppose the Demolitionists.

Dr. Mitchell will give you three Stimpaks. If you have the skill Medicine 30 he will add three more doctor's bags.

You can visit Joe Cobb on the way and shoot him in advance. This will not cancel the fight. You can talk to the robot Victor, this will give a skill check after finishing the quest Science.

Returning to Ringo, report your readiness. At this point, Sunny Smiles will appear and say that the battle has already begun. Follow them. You have to deal with six bandits and their leader Cobb (if you didn't kill him first).

In Goodsprings, a dangerous situation has arisen - prisoners escaping from the NCR Correctional Facility attacked Red Caravan merchants passing nearby (the location of the attack can be found east of the village) and the only survivor of them, Ringo, found shelter at the Goodsprings gas station. Since Ringo managed to shoot several Powder Gangers before escaping, their leader Joe Cobb wants to get even. However, Cobb does not dare to attack openly, given the obvious reluctance of the townspeople to hand over the merchant, and simply guards Ringo, who also does not risk leaving his hideout. You can intervene and side with the townspeople or the demolitions and thereby change everything.

The quest begins after a conversation between Trudy and Joe Cobb in the Prospector Saloon - you can slow down Cobb and arrange a meeting (he will be standing at the house farthest to the road south of the saloon), and also ask Trudy about Cobb and Ringo . From her you will learn that Ringo is hiding at the Goodsprings gas station, and if you decide to speak out for the residents of Goodsprings, then go to him and offer help (note, after this you will no longer be able to go over to the demolitions). Ringo will ask you to try to get the townspeople, at least Sunny Smiles, to participate in the fighting. Sunny will agree without persuasion and will even offer some practical advice (implementation is optional):

You can also convince the securitron Victor to help the townspeople if the science skill is over 25, but he will not appear at the showdown, because someone unknown will forbid him...

If the above skills are not sufficiently developed in your character, you can try looking for skill magazines ("Therapist Today", "Patriot's Cookbook", "Trade. Weekly", "People and Communication", "Phantom", "Programmer's Digest") in mailboxes , premises, etc. When you feel ready for battle, go to Ringo's gas station, during your conversation Sunny will come running there with the news of the attack of the bombers and you will only have to deal with six bombers on the road near the saloon.

Rewards and Consequences: 100 caps from Ringo after the shootout and another 150 upon arrival at the Red Caravan company, 50 XP, various loot, good fame in Goodsprings and an extremely negative attitude from demolitionists throughout the Mojave Wasteland.

Streams flowed... (Run Goodsprings Run)

Quest ID: VMS16b

This quest is a different version of the development of events in Goodsprings (see above), in the event that you suddenly decide to take the side of the demolitions. Listen to the conversation between Trudy and Joe Cobb in the Prospector Saloon and learn from the barmaid that the wounded merchant is hiding at a gas station, then find Cobb near the house farthest south of the saloon to the road and talk to him about the looting of the city (after which you will you will not be able to go over to the side of the townspeople). Cobb will say that he needs to deal with Ringo first, and he himself will not do this, because... he's afraid of getting shot in the forehead before he sees the merchant. So you will have to go to the gas station and eliminate Ringo, after which Cobb will offer to get hold of medicine and equipment before attacking the city (doing this is optional):

If the above skills are not sufficiently developed in your character, you can try to find skill magazines ("Therapist Today", "Trade. Weekly", "People and Communication") in mailboxes, rooms, etc. When you feel ready for battle, go to Joe Cobb and speak, the decisive battle will take place in the same way at the saloon.

Rewards and Consequences: 50 XP, various loot, good reputation among demolitionists and extremely negative in Goodsprings (although this does not have far-reaching consequences, but still, in my opinion, it is not worth devastating the city for the sake of the gratitude of demolitionists).

Note: Not all Demomen will welcome you with open arms after what they did at Goodsprings, for example the ones who captured Primm will still try to kill you (Cobb mentions that these are rare scumbags).

The Path to Correction (I Fought the Law)

The quest can be obtained from the leader of the bombers named Eddie, sitting at a table on the top floor of the NCR Correctional Facility administration building, surrounded by his bodyguards. Of course, you can approach him peacefully only if your relationship with the demolitions is not spoiled (if the character’s reputation among this group leaves much to be desired, disguise yourself and wear the armor of the demolitionists). To enter the prison, you will most likely have to give the guard Doz a hundred caps.

Eddie's first task: settle the problem with Chavez (Chavez), who has formed his own gang and does not recognize Eddie’s supremacy. To do this, you should go to the location of the demolition camp - south. The following options arise locally:

  • kill Chavez and his partners (the character’s reputation with the demolitionists will not decrease),
  • persuade Chavez to leave this place (eloquence of 30 is required).

Upon your return, you will receive a new task from Eddie: get rid of a suspicious dealer hanging around Jean Sky Diving School. With a character's intelligence of 6 or more, the merchant can be exposed (in fact, he is a bounty hunter) and persuaded to get away, the same is available with eloquence of at least 30. As is customary, there is another option - to kill the false merchant (without lowering karma) .

After dealing with the merchant, go to Eddie for the following assignment: find out from Primm what the NKR is going to do in connection with the situation in the prison. Information in Primm can be obtained from either Lieutenant Hayes or old man Johnson Nash. The latter can be talked into conversation for 100 caps, with a barter of 30 or more, the amount requested by him can be halved, and with eloquence of at least 30, he can generally find out everything for nothing. The lieutenant will not say anything to a civilian; you can only try to quietly fish out papers with orders from his pockets. One way or another, you learn that the NKR is soon planning to recapture the prison and you have a choice:

Report to Eddie about the NCR's planned assault on the prison. Return to Eddie and talk to him, the battle will begin immediately. Eddie will thank you and offer you not to participate in the battle, except to shoot a few fighters on the way out. When you go out into the courtyard, you will see how NKR fighters who are hostile to you will break through the fence and burst into the prison territory (you can put on NKR armor before going out into the courtyard, but demolitionists will not appreciate this). For shooting the soldiers of this landing party, the character’s reputation with the NKR does not fall, but after the death of the last NKR soldier in the administration building, it will still decrease slightly. Eddie and his bodyguards can survive or die heroically.

Betray Eddie and help the NKR troops recapture the correctional facility. Tell Lieutenant Hayes that you are aware of the NCR's plans and are eager to help. He will direct you to Sergeant Lee, who is waiting at the top of the hill near the southern demolition camp. As soon as you tell the sergeant that you are ready, the assault will begin, eventually you will have to go into the administration building and kill Eddie.

Awards: property of those killed during the assault, in addition:

  • for demolitionists: buffout, psycho, mentats, 100 caps, 200 XP, slight increase in reputation for demolitions and decrease in NKR,
  • for NKR: 300 XP, a slight increase in reputation with the NKR (after talking with Sergeant Lee, if he survives the assault) and a decrease in demolition.

Note: if your reputation among the demolitions is so terrible that Eddie does not want to talk even with a character in disguise, then try to improve their attitude towards you by completing the Marathon quest.

I express my gratitude for the assistance provided in compiling this quest comrade. G00man(Vespa)

The city that I like (My Kind Of Town)

Quest ID: nVPrimmDeputyConv

In Primm, prisoners who escaped from the NCR Correctional Facility killed the sheriff, caught his assistant and captured almost the entire city, the surviving residents locked themselves in the Vikki and Vance Casino, and the commander of the NCR detachment sent to deal with the situation in prison, due to the small number of people, he is not going to interfere in anything. The quest is given by Johnson Nash at the Vicky and Vance Casino or by Deputy Beagle, who can be found tied up in the kitchen of the Bison Steve Hotel (if you look there first). You can help the townspeople restore order - free Beagle, clear the city of bombers and find a good sheriff. So, make your way at the Bison Steve hotel to the captured Deputy Beagle and free him so that he can go to all four directions or help you clear the hotel, as well as:

  • try to get him to tell everything he knows about Benny and company, about where they went from Primm (Speech 40),
  • try to fish out of his pockets the audio recording of the conversation between Benny and the Great Khans in Primm.

If it doesn’t work out, you can shoot him and remove the recording from his body ( bad karma), and if you take Beagle as your assistant, you will have the opportunity to get into his inventory and quite honestly take the recording, but he will probably die in the shootout on the second floor of the hotel, so perhaps the easiest way is to let the idiot go and question him later, in the casino. When you deal with the bombers in the hotel, return to the casino to Nash (or Beagle), he will say that the city needs a firm hand. The following options arise:

  • transfer Primm to the jurisdiction of New California Republic,
  • invite one of the prisoners, Meyers, to fill the vacant position, former sheriff,
  • reprogram Protectron Primm Slim to perform sheriff's duties.

Lieutenant Hayes from the NKR camp near Primm will say that he is extremely short of strength and will only send a detachment to maintain order in the city if reinforcements are sent to him. You will have to get to the Mojave Outpost and persuade Major Knight to give reinforcements to Heyes (you will need a barter of 20 or a good reputation with the NKR, to increase it you can complete several other quests at the outpost). As a result, prices at Primm's store will increase due to taxes, you will hear negative comments from individual citizens, and Beagle will be fired.

If you decide to invite Sheriff Myers to the post, then go to the NKR correctional facility, where for entry you have to pay a hundred caps to the guard Doze (Dawes) or nothing if you are one of the demolition people (in case of a bad reputation among the demolitionists, disguise yourself - change clothes). Myers is sitting at a table in the information center, he will agree to become the sheriff of Primm, but on the condition of receiving a pardon from the NCR. So you will have to go to the Mojave outpost to the same Major Knight. To obtain a pardon, you will need 200 caps or at least 30 eloquence, then go to Primm, where Myers will be waiting for you. Completing the quest this way will result in discounts on store prices and favorable opinions from the citizens of Primm, and Beagle will also be fired.

The Primm-Slimm reprogramming option is the fastest - this requires a science skill of 35 or 3 nuclear batteries and 4 conductors (in this situation, Beagle will remain a deputy sheriff).

Reward: 300 XP.

Marathon (Booted)

Quest ID: VNipton

The quest is given by Boxcars, who took second prize in a lottery organized in Nipton by representatives of Caesar's Legion. According to the terms of the lottery, the freight train got away with broken legs and is sitting motionless in the General Store of Nipton. You can help the poor fellow by giving him some med-X (plus karma) and learn from him about the townspeople who were taken into slavery. If you care about their fate, go northeast of Nipton to the Legion Raid Camp and free the two captured demolitions.

Everything is quite simple - you need to somehow eliminate the legionnaires and untie the prisoners. It is better to do this at night, because... at this time all the legionnaires are sleeping, except for the two on duty. The liberation process can be problematic for those players who do not want to spoil relations with the Legion, for which there are the following options:

  • use stealth boy,
  • take out two legionnaires quietly, using a varmint rifle with a silencer (according to the rule: one shot - one corpse),
  • patiently wait for the moment when the legionnaires turn away.

Reward: 100 XP, good reputation among demolitionists.

Note: Killing the Freight Train or the prisoners will cause the quest to fail.

Let's Fly (Come Fly With Me)

Manny Vargas, Novac's daytime sniper, in exchange for information on the quest Investigation (They Went That-a-Way), gives the courier an assignment: find out where the ghouls came from at the REPCONN test site, and evict them from there, so that the residents of Novak could freely drag all sorts of rubbish from there for sale.

On the way to the training ground, you will destroy wild ghouls and stumble upon the bodies of Bright's followers and super mutant shadows lying around. Upon entering the building, a voice similar to that of a ghoul will tell you over the intercom to climb the metal stairs to the second floor. After making your way through the crowds of wild ghouls, you will meet a man at the top, Chris Haversam, who is firmly convinced that he is a ghoul.

Chris will direct you to Jason Bright, the leader of the ghouls, who will tell you about his intentions to make the Great Journey to the Beautiful Distances he saw in his dreams. It turns out that Bright’s ghoul followers, under the leadership of technician Heversem, were preparing missiles for flight at the test site, when suddenly they were attacked by invisible “demons” and locked on the top floor, while releasing wild ghouls from the first floor. Now the basement is occupied by super mutant shadows, and you are entrusted with the task of clearing it in order to free the way to space for Bright and Co.

You can clear the basement either by force, by killing all the shadows, or peacefully, by fulfilling the requests of the leader of the shadows, Davison, and the ghoul, Harland.

Additionally: Talk to Davison in his closet (but don't get too close to or stare at his idolized Brahmin skull, the Goddess). Davison will tell you that he brought his shadows here in order to find a large shipment of stealth battles, which should be stored somewhere here, according to pre-war invoices. However, among the ghouls there was a daredevil who barricaded himself in the warehouse and prevented its inspection, so the shadows locked him there. Davison will give you the key to the warehouse, go there and talk to Harland. It turns out that during the attack of the shadows, Harland was here with his ghoul girlfriend, she got scared and ran away somewhere downstairs, so he remained waiting for her, defending the warehouse, at the same time setting various traps. After this conversation you can:

  • sneak past Harland upstairs (a stealth boy or a pumped up sneak), to the shipment terminal, read the information that the same cargo of three hundred stealth battles got to the training ground by mistake and was sent back, then return to Davison,
  • shoot Harland, find out information and tell Davison,
  • fulfill Harland's request - agree to find his girlfriend who ran downstairs.

To fulfill the ghoul's request, you will have to go down to the prison, passing or killing super mutant shadows along the way. The prison is guarded by an invisible Shadow-jailer with an incinerator; keep in mind that if you kill him, then it will no longer be possible to agree on the peaceful departure of the shadows with Davison. The jailer has the key to the lower cells; a duplicate lies in the table in the upper right room. In any case - quietly sneaking or going straight through - you will find Harland's dead girlfriend in the cells, after which you can return and upset the ghoul. Harland will leave his position after learning about the fate of his girlfriend. Then you can go to the shipping terminal (be careful, the warehouse is full of traps!) and upset Davison with the news that there are no stealth battles. If you didn't attack the shadows, they will leave the basement (it looks like you can kill everyone except the Jailer), otherwise prepare for a fight with Davison.

Having solved the problem with the shadows one way or another, you can go up to Jason with the good news. All the ghouls will put on spacesuits and rush to the basement, you should go there too (don’t pass by the spacesuit with a helmet on the shelf in the basement, amazing appearance and +40 to radiation resistance). There you should talk to Bright, you will hear that the ghouls will not take Chris with them, because... he is still human and will most likely die from lethal levels of radiation. Bright and the ghouls will go to the missile site, and you will talk with Chris about what remains to be obtained to launch the missiles.

With eloquence of 50 or more, you can convince Heversem that he is human. If you want, you can also persuade him to take revenge on Bright for deceiving him - for which you will need 3 packs of sugar bombs, which he will mix into the fuel. If your character is a girl with the Black Widow perk, then you can encourage Chris to sabotage, regardless of whether he feels like a human or a ghoul. Please note that after persuading Heversem to take revenge, there will be no turning back. Finally, you will have to find traction control modules and nuclear fuel.

Old Lady Gibson, who lives in the Gibson Scrap Yard, has traction control modules. Modules can be bought for 500 caps, persuaded by a lady to give them for half price (barter 50 or eloquence 50), steal them, or pick at the lock of the drawer by the bed (hacking 50). If your character is a man with the Wife Killer perk, then he will get the modules for complimenting the old lady.

Lady Gibson does not have nuclear fuel, but she will tell you how someone, very proud of his anti-radiation suit, recently bought the last glowing jar from her and went to Clark Field. On the road near this place contaminated with radiation and golden geckos, you will see the body of a would-be tester, with him there will be a jar with a flammable substance, isotope-239, a suit and a diary. As an alternative, you can take the five souvenir rockets that Cliff Briscoe sells at Dinosaur's, the liquid in the souvenirs is fine. From Cliff you can literally buy a key to a slightly smelly storage room with rockets for next to nothing (14 lids with a barter of 30) or break into its door. There are a total of 160 missiles in the closet, in addition, on the third shelf there is a unique revolver "Rifle" (if you don't want to buy it).

Having obtained spare parts, go to the test site and talk to Chris about launching rockets. Now everything is done and all you have to do is go upstairs to the control panel to press the button. If the character’s science skill is more than 55, it is possible to adjust the trajectory of the missiles’ flight: from a significant approach to the target (positive karma) to their collision at the start (negative karma), and with an intelligence of less than 4, you can try to press the buttons on the panel randomly. Having chosen something, press the button and admire the scene of a successful flight or a spectacular explosion.

Awards: 800 XP + 200 XP (for adjusting the flight path), good fame in Novak, spacesuit and helmet.

Character creation.

For safe crossing of the Quarry, any character you create will be suitable, but here I will give an example of my build, which is one of the simplest and most playable classes in the game. Since we are going to use energy weapons and leave all the casinos empty, we select the following stats in S.P.E.C.I.A.L.:
-Strength = 5
-Perception = 6
-Stamina = 5
-Charisma = 5
-Intelligence = 6
-Dexterity = 7
-Luck = 7
I think everyone already understands why luck is so high, but why exactly seven, is that enough? Yes, that's enough, to win in the casino, luck equal to 9 is enough, and implantation, Lucky glasses and Frank pajamas will help us raise our luck to 10. But more on that later.

First steps on the path to success.

To safely overcome Highway 15, two stealth battles will be required (with proper skill, one is enough). But in Mojave, stealth battles are a pretty rare find, so how do you get them early in the game? I'll tell you now.

The next stealth battle we will remove from the corpse of Jo-Cobb. A small problem arises here (not for me), because you will have to spend time completing the quest to help Ringo, or do as I did, just shoot Joe, but in this case the quest “Flowing Streams” will fail, which is not so bad.

So, we have two stealth battles, let's go to Sloan.

Death claws.

So we arrived in Sloane. We wait for night and set off. We secretly sneak up to the tower crane (see screenshot) and only here we use our first stealth battle.

We carefully sneak along the highway, keeping to the right.

Before reaching the secret apartment of the NKR and moving away from the claws to a safe distance, we jump off the cliffs and move in the direction of the Strip.

It’s that simple, Vegas is already in front of us.

Quickly earn caps and high-level gear.

Let's summarize.

As a result, at the fifth level we have a top gun, excellent armor and a bunch of caps in our pocket.
In conclusion I will say the following. Your build can be absolutely anything you prefer firearms or cold, with enough lids you can afford everything.
To perform these maneuvers you will need approximately an hour or an hour and a half of real time, and this is not that long. And then you can safely return to Goodsprings, alternately completing story and side quests, or start helping Freeside and Strip. Good luck in the game!

P.S. Don't forget that you can get to the Strip for free via the monorail from McCarran while wearing the uniform of an NKR fighter.

Game Fallout New Vegas starts at Dr. Mitchell's house. It is to him that you owe your life. Doc will ask you what your name is - so you can choose a name for your character. Then you can choose the appearance of the character: there are both ready-made samples and the opportunity to create your own virtual copy using very precise settings. The good doctor will invite you to an energy tester, where you can select your character's characteristics. The description of the characteristics and what they affect is very accurate, so there should be no problems with the choice.

In the next room, Doc will run some tests to determine what skills you would like to develop in the game. Surprisingly, in my case the tests showed an absolutely accurate result. In any case, you can correct the test results. You can also choose two optional abilities that will adjust your character to your style of playing Fallout New Vegas. After this, the doctor will lead you to the door and give you your ammunition, Pip-Boy and Vault 112 suit. You can talk to the doctor, having learned a lot useful information.

Before you leave the doctor's house, walk around the house looking for stimulants, weapons, food. I know that it is rude to steal from the person who saved you, but there will be no reduction in karma. On the shelf you can find 2 first aid kits with stimulants and some food. In the operating room in an iron box there may be laser gun. When the search is over, go outside to meet the Fallout New Vegas walkthrough in the Mojave Desert.

You currently have 2 active tasks:

  • BACK IN THE SADDLE - this mission will teach you how to use weapons and how to survive in the desert
  • INVESTIGATION - story quest walkthroughs of Fallout New Vegas. You need to find the scoundrel who wanted to kill you. Doc said that he went to Primm, which means you should go there too, but first you can talk to Victor - that’s the name of the robot who saved your life.


To get back in the saddle again, or rather learn to survive in the desert, you need to find Sunny Smiles. She is located in the Prospector saloon, which will not be a problem to find. Sunny will be a nice girl who will invite you outside. The brain was already drawing pictures of passionate intercourse, but instead Sunny gives him a rifle and makes him shoot at bottles. To make it easier, sit down and hold down the right mouse button. After knocking down several bottles, Sunny will invite you to hunt geckos. Your job is simply to follow her, then when she says, sneak up on the geckos and kill them.

The beautiful warrior will ask you to help her clear two more sources, for this, in addition to her pleasant company, Sunny will promise a cash reward. At the third source (if you count from the very beginning), it is better to run as quickly as possible towards the geckos: the fact is that there is a girl there who was attacked by these small monsters and if she does not die, then you will receive good treatment in Goodsprings, and it's worth something. Walkthrough of Fallout New Vegas will from time to time provide you with opportunities to improve the attitude of the group, in most cases you should not ignore this opportunity.
REWARD: As a reward for your help, Sunny will give you.... 50 caps. In addition, she offers to teach you the skills of cooking in the wasteland - the quest "By the Fire".


Charming Sunny asks you to find zander root and brock flower. Zander root can be found near Goodsprings School, and brock flower can be found at Goodsprings Cemetery, she said. The fastest way to get there is to use the quick transition between locations in Pip-boy

**** Transition between locations: press the Tab button “Info” - World Map, select the desired point and agree to the transition. To scroll the map, move the mouse over an empty space, hold down LMB and use the mouse to scroll the map. Effective use of fast travel will greatly simplify the passage of Fallout New Vegas.

Goodsprings School is on the outskirts of town. It will be easy to find if you look at the mark on the compass or open a map of the area in Pip-boy. In the school yard you will be harassed by baby giant mantises - if you see something biting you, look at your feet and look for something small and green. Don't forget to search them - the legs and eggs can be sold, albeit for a pittance, in a nearby store. Use the compass to find a large stump in the school yard, look down near it and look for something that resembles a fodder beet - green leaves and a white fruit. When you finish harvesting, be sure to stop by the school building. Here you will find a small fight with the same baby mantises and a lot of useful things. First of all, go through the shelves and tables: you can find tools, a sledgehammer, several magazines. Next, look for a safe, and next to it is a computer. Next to the computer there will be a magazine on hacking.

**** As you progress through Fallout New Vegas, you'll find magazines on certain topics more than once. After reading it, you will TEMPORARILY increase a certain skill by 10 units. This can seriously help in a difficult situation, for example, when you desperately need to open a safe or hack a computer, or there is not enough eloquence to convince the character. IN Fallout game New Vegas has 2 abilities that are related to magazines. One of them - "Comprehension" allows you to double the effect of reading magazines (+20 to this skill), the second - " Good memory" triples the time during which the effect of the magazine lasts. As you progress, you will find magazines, but you can also buy them from merchants, which I recommend you do at every opportunity.

The safe can be opened in two ways:

  • hack a computer and use it to give a command to open the safe;
  • open the safe lock using a hairpin.

Having collected the contents of the safe, you can go outside and continue playing Fallout New Vegas.

Goodsprings Cemetery. Located near the city itself. Finding the cemetery is not difficult. The local inhabitants, the Dutni, will not be too happy about your appearance, but no one is interested in their opinion. After killing the puffballs, look for the brock flower. He is near the tree.

Now you can go to Goodsprings. Here you will find Sunny, who will tell you how to cook food and other useful things in the game Fallout New Vegas. In our case, it will be a healing powder that will allow you to heal a little if you are injured. This is where your learning of the game will end, Sunny asks you to look into the Prospector saloon and find its owner, Trudy, who is eager to communicate. I recommend taking her advice. When you enter the saloon, you will witness a verbal altercation between Trudy and an unknown subject. When their conversation is over, talk to Trudy - she can give you a lot of useful information and additional tasks: "Ghost Town Shooting" and "Broken Radio"
REWARD: Experience 50


Find the radio on the bar counter. To repair it, you need a repair skill above 20. If you have less, you can return to this task when you have leveled up to the desired level or use the repair magazine. One of these magazines is nearby - on the table in the room with the pool tables, but you will have to STEAL it.

REWARD: Experience 50 + good attitude of Goodsprings residents


Rudy tells you that a certain dealer, Ringo, is hiding at the Goodsprings gas station. The Demolitionists group - escaped prisoners demand that the residents of Goodsprings hand over Ringo to them. You can resolve this dilemma. You have 2 main options:

  • tell the Demolitionists where Ringo is (good attitude of the Demolitionists, bad attitude of the residents of Goodsprings);
  • help Ringo fight the demolitions (good attitude of the residents, bad attitude of the “Demolitionists” + positive karma).

I will describe an option to help Ringo - it will be more correct, or something. You need to go to the gas station - that's where Ringo is. He will tell you about the current situation and ask for help. Also, Ringo will give you a deck of cards and teach you how to play the game Caravan. It is from the moment of your consent that the Fallout New Vegas quest “Shooting in a Phantom City” begins. Carefully search the bus station building, including the floor safe behind the counter. As Ringo says, your strength and his strength will not be enough to cope with the bombers - you will need the help of the townspeople. But first of all, you should talk to Sunny - it is to her that your path lies.

Sunny is one of the nicest characters in the game: a brave girl will agree to help without talking. In addition, she will appropriately state that it would be a good idea to convince the city residents to help you (the additional part of the task is OPTIONAL):

  • convince Trudy to help you. This can be done in two ways - using eloquence (25 units required) or stealth (25 units required). As you can imagine, these skills can easily be increased with the help of a journal. If Trudy agrees to help, then other residents will also participate in the shootout;
  • -convince Doctor Mitchell to give you stimulants. Just go to Doc - he won’t refuse you this;
  • convince Hammer-Pitt (sitting in front of the saloon) to give you dynamite - you need the Explosives skill - 25 units.
  • convince Chet, the owner of the only store in Goodsprings (the store is located next to the saloon), to give you and the townspeople free leather armor - barter skill required - 25 units.

When you think it's time to give the bandits a hard time, go to Ringo. Talk to Sunny and run to the Prospector Saloon. The bandits will come from the southeast, past a large water tank. Ringo may rush into the fray, so keep an eye on him. When the bombers are destroyed, and I have no doubt that you can handle it, search the corpses and talk to Ringo, or search his corpse too if you were unable to protect him.
REWARD: Experience 50 + 100 caps from Ringo + good fame in Goodsprings.

Do you miss the quiet village life and can’t imagine how to fit it into the radioactive desert and crowds of aggressive enemies? Then the Goodsprings Farmhouse mod is for you.

Goodsprings Farmhouse Review

This modification adds a wonderful house to the game, not entirely new, but very cozy and fully functional. More importantly, it's surrounded by a small farm, so you can finally live off your farm in the game. Plus, if you need somewhere to put your belongings, there is a huge basement at your disposal, you can even wait out the next atomic war here if it starts.

The author hopes that you will like the mod. He specifically noted that he prefers realism in everything, so he tried to make the house as realistic as possible without losing the overall atmosphere of the Goodsprings location. The house contains all the necessary details, but no luxury is provided in it - it is just a farmhouse for a person who can do everything himself.

Items and premises on the farm:

  • bedroom + king-size bed (the status “well-rested” is added)
  • office + fireplace, lockable safe, radio (New Vegas Radio)
  • kitchen + oven in which you can cook
  • bathroom + source of clean water
  • living room + fireplace, player (Mojave Radio)
  • small pantry + containers and shelves, hatch to the basement
  • main hall - turning on lights and lighting fireplaces
    Mojave Express Delivery Service - You can use it to order new furniture for your home
  • Sorting items: clothes, food, fruits and vegetables, books and magazines

Farm Features:

  • Actually, the farm system - now you can grow your own food!
  • Vegetables and fruits can be harvested (they will grow back over time)
  • Source of clean water
  • Bonfire on the street
  • Front porch with table, chair and radio where you can just sit and enjoy the sunset
  • Full fence around the farm - no one will pass without your knowledge
  • Fast travel marker
  • Switchable external lights


*1 level*

  • A number of tables (for weapons, tools, armor and medical packs), packages, metal and weapon boxes
  • Metal shelves and lockable safes
  • Working bench and recharging bench
  • Chemical plant
  • Various items (food, ammo, but not much)
  • Two entrances - one from the house, the second from the backyard
  • Sorting items: clothing, armor, ammo, weapons, medical packs and medicines, tools and the "miscellaneous" category

*level 2*

  • this is a key location for both quests related to this place

*level 3*

  • this is a shelter - it will open after completing the quests
  • Containers
  • Bed (the status “well-rested” is added)
  • Source of clean water
  • Computer terminal (at the same time you will learn something new about the former owner of the house)
  • Radio
  • Working medical unit
  • Ultraviolet lamps