Complete walkthrough of the fallout 4 plot. A new look for humanity

Quest #2 “Time is running out”

The quest starts with: main character wakes up again, he realizes that his wife was killed and his child was kidnapped and he, as the head of the family, must find his child and punish the bandits for the death of his wife. Our character leaves shelter 111 and understands that the world has survived a nuclear war, but he moves forward, he is looking for his son.

Quest #3 “Call of Freedom”

In his search, the main character reaches the neighboring town of Concord, where he is asked for help by a group of people calling themselves the Minutemen. To help them, your character must first get to them, because they are holed up on the very top floor of the Concord Museum, and the museum building is full of raiders. Also in this quest, the main character gets acquainted with Power Armor and meets one of the most powerful mutants of the Commonwealth - Death Claw. After assistance is provided, the head of the Minutemen, Preston Garvey, tells the main character that he needs to continue looking for his son in Diamond City, so let's go there.

Quest #4 “Pearl of the Commonwealth”

In the previous quest, Preston Garvey suggested that the search for his son should be continued in the capital of the Commonwealth - the Diamond City location. So you need to go there, the path is not close, and along the way the main character will encounter ordinary mutants, raiders and super mutants. Having reached the walls of Diamond City, you will meet local journalist Piper Wright, by the way, Piper can become a companion of the main character, a companion in every sense of the word.

Once in Diamond City, the main character will go to Nick Valentine's detective agency to ask him for help in finding his son, but when he enters the office he will only see a lonely secretary who will tell him that Nick could and could help, that's just the problem , he himself disappeared.

Quest #5 “Valentine’s Day”

In the previous quest, the main character was told that detective Nick Valentine could help in his search for his son, but the trouble is, he disappeared. so you’ll have to take a break from searching for your son and find this detective. This search will lead your character to Vault 114, from which you need to free Nick, solving his problems with the bandits along the way.

Quest #6 “Revelation”

In this quest, Nick Valentine will begin, together with the main character, to investigate the kidnapping of his son Sean. They'll start by searching Kellogg's house, but to search the house, they first need to get there. These are not easy tasks and will be completed in this quest.

Quest #7 “Reunion”

Having found Kellogg's house, the main character takes his thing so that Dogmeat can take the trail, to the delight of the main character and Nick Valentine, this happens and now you need to follow Dogmeat to find Kellogg. The dog will take your character to Fort Hagen, where Kellogg is hiding. This Fort is very large, it will take a long time until the main character can reach his goal. And finally he sees the face of his opponent, but first he tries to resolve the matter peacefully, but nothing works out and the main character will have to kill Kellogg, which is not easy to do, because he is a serious rival. But after Kellogg is killed, an implant with a piece of brain can be taken from his body, which will be useful in the future.

After leaving Fort Hagen, the main character will be able to observe the arrival of the main combat unit of the Brotherhood of Steel - their airship.

Quest #8 “Dangerous thoughts”

And so Kellogg is killed, and there is still little information about his son, but the main character has a piece of Kellogg’s brain, and Nick Valentine once told your character that in Goodneighbor there is a doctor named Amari who can extract memories from this brain, Therefore, we go to Goodneighbor and, using the services of Dr. Amari, examine Kellogg’s memories.

I travel through his memories, the main character will look from the side at the moment of the murder of his wife and the kidnapping of his son, and also learns that this all happened on order. He also learns about the disgraced scientist Virgil, who escaped from the Institute.

Quest #9 “The Glowing Sea”

From the previous quest, the main character learned that his son is in the Institute, that you can only get to the Institute through a teleport, and also that a disgraced scientist named Virgil escaped from the Institute at one time and that he is hiding somewhere in the Glowing Sea location " This is very important information, because you can learn a lot from a disgraced scientist useful information, the main one of which is how to get to the Institute. Therefore, the main character is going to go in search of Virgil.

But it’s not so simple, because the location in which he is hiding is known for its high level of radiation and very evil mutants. Therefore, you need to be well prepared for this trip, purchase ammunition and a good protective suit, only after that you can hit the road.

Virgil will be found by the main character in one of the caves of the location, after talking with the scientist, your character will agree with him that he will help him with the teleport, and the main character, in turn, will carry out a small assignment for the scientist.

Together with the dog and Nick Valentine (depending on the choice made), you will try to find the person who took Sean. His name is Kellogg. This mission can be quite long, but along the way you can collect a lot of useful loot.

Follow the dog

In the first part of the task, players must simply follow the dog. Be careful and kill your enemies. Save as often as possible. If there is no marker on the dog, then you should pause and look for evidence somewhere nearby.

Searching for clues about Kellogg

The "follow the dog" goal will be interrupted several times. And every time he will stand in front of you new task– Gather evidence about Kellogg that indicates he was here and your dog is heading in the right direction. After you find the clue, you will again need to follow the dog. If she stops moving, then you will again need to find a new clue. Here are all the tips:

bloody bandage,
bloody bandage.

Remember that the dog will stop every time.

Find a dog

Ultimately, the dog will lead you to Fort Hagen. You will need to find an alternative route inside. The complex is surrounded by turrets. Acting secretly, destroy (disable) them.

Find a way inside Fort Hagen

While facing the buildings, move along them to the left and then go down the set of stairs. You will see an underground parking lot with two burnt out cars. After going down the stairs, you will find a room with a corpse in a chair. Move through the door into the next room and you will find yourself in Fort Hagen.

Find Hagen

When you enter Fort Hagen, you will find yourself in an entrance with several floors above you. You must clear all floors. In total there will be about one and a half dozen synthetics. Nick Valentine will definitely help. It is also necessary to disarm the turrets. Remember that the shots will definitely attract other synthetics from the floors above. Place mines in doorways or on stairs before firing your weapons. Synthetics will run and explode on them.

It's quite aggressive opponents, so it’s best to stay on the move all the time. When everyone is dead, examine the floors and collect the loot. By the way, all the terminals that you cannot hack, Nick Valentine can hack. Just ask him about it.

When you're ready to move on, enter the elevator and go down several floors. You will find yourself in the basement of the bunker. In front of you will be a turret and several synthetics. Deal with everyone, go into the room where the turret was, and go down the stairs. A few more rooms with synthetics and you will find yourself in the command center of Fort Hagen.

The path is long. There will be turrets, synthetics and even Kellogg throughout. Step by step guide It's pointless here. In the boiler room you can find the password to the Fort Hagen armory. After you pass the wheelchair in the hallway, look for the stairs and the room on the side (the boiler room). Get your password. Go through the door, there will be an armory on the left side.

Fight Kellogg

When you find yourself in the oval office, Kellogg will tell you that synthetics are behind it. If you haven't visited the armory, do so now and then go through the next door.

Kill Kellogg

Talk to Kellogg. Molotov cocktails will help you in battle with him. Kellogg will be hiding behind tables, and throwing cocktails or grenades will best way lure him out of there. Remember that when Kellogg applies critical hit, then replenishes your health. Focus on the synthetics first, and then kill Kellogg and take his legendary gun. There are no other tricks here.

Find more information

Don't forget to take out the cybernetic brain amplifier from Kellogg. Pick up Kellogg's pistol. Step forward and take the password for the Kellogg terminal and the cybernetic brain amplifier. All this you can find on his corpse. Then go to Kellogg's terminal and read the notes. This way you will complete the task.

Discuss your findings with Nick

Just talk to Nick Valentine.

Discuss your findings with Piper

You need to return to Diamond City. Simply get out of Fort Hagen by entering the elevator marked as your target. You will find yourself on the roof and from there you can quickly move to the office. Piper will be inside him.

Dangerous thoughts

This dangerous mission will challenge players to study Kellogg's mind in order to find the entrance to the Institute. Dr. Amari will help with this.

Get part of Kellogg's brain

You have already completed this at the end of the previous quest. After Kellogg was killed, you searched the body and found part of his brain. Dr. Amari will need this device to begin his trials.

Talk to Dr. Amari

Talk to Dr. Amari and have Nick Valentine sit in the chair and try to access Kellogg's memories. This won't work. You will have to act together. Sit in the chair and Dr. Amari will automatically start the procedure.

Explore Kellogg's memories

This part of the mission may seem long, but not entirely difficult. You have to go from one memory to another, listening to what happens. You can study any subject in memory. Do this to explore Kellogg's personality. The last two memories are very important! In one of them, you will see Vault 111 opening. In the second flashback, Kellogg's apartment in Diamond City is shown, with Shawn sitting inside. Here you will find out how to get to the Institute. You can return to reality.

In the apartment, interact with the TV and return back to the office with Nick Valentine and Dr. Amari.

Dr. Amari

You should talk with Dr. Amari again, discussing everything that happened. This is how it begins next task. You can also talk to Nick Valentine if you wish.

Glowing Sea

In this mission, players will have to track down Virgil, who managed to escape from the Institute. This is not a long mission, but full of problems.

Find Virgil on the Glowing Sea

Open your Pip-Boy and select the quest. The next place to visit is in the lower left corner of the map. If you have a place where you store your accumulated loot, then visit it. Gather all the medications you have. You must be well prepared to deal with radiation. You need about 10 each of Rad-X and RadAway. Take purified water and cooked meat with you.

When you're ready, move across the map to the location closest to the next checkpoint. Move to the indicated marker; Use medications as needed to reduce radiation levels. By the way, you will need to wear a suit with protection from it. When there is no radiation, use the first aid kit to restore your health.

Advice: Be sure to bring a shotgun and Molotov cocktails.

Move on, kill the radioactive scorpions, the legendary Deathclaw and several other opponents. Save as often as possible, using “quick save” using the F5 key. If you just fought, save. If 60 seconds have passed since the last save, then save again. Believe me, dying and going through all the stages again will not be fun.

Try to avoid all the creatures you notice. When you reach the indicated location, you will find several buildings. Soon you will come to a woman. Talk to her to get a new checkpoint. Using the pip-boy, open the map and find the control point you just received. Move towards it through the mountains. Run further without stopping. The legendary Death Claw awaits you ahead. And this monster is unrealistically strong and dangerous.

How to destroy the legendary Deathclaw

If you took Kate with you, then you are in luck, because she has a gun and loves to kill everything around her. Use a shotgun against the monster. Throw Molotov cocktails at him to deal enough damage from a distance. In battle, you will have to spend about ten stimulants and the same number of Molotov cocktails.

Advice: try to climb to the top of the cliff. The legendary Deathclaw is unlikely to be able to get there. This will allow you to attack him while remaining in a safe place.

When the battle is over, search the monster. Follow the marker into the cave. Disable the traps, destroy the turrets, and then move forward until you meet with Virgil. Talk to him and agree on mutual assistance. He will give you the next task, which must be completed.

Hunter and prey

You must tune into the radio frequency, kill the target and take the chip.

Go to C.I.T.

Use the pip-boy and move towards the goal. Fast travel will allow you to move to a location as close as possible. When you find yourself where you need to be, the task will be updated.

Use radio frequency to track target

Tune the radio on your Pip-Boy to pick up the target's signal. You must move around the map trying to track down your target. The stronger the signal, the closer the target. You must go to the genetic research building. Just enter the Greentech Genetics building.

Kill target

Here you can turn off the radio to get rid of the annoying signal. The fact is that the signal is no longer needed here, since the further segment is absolutely linear. Climb to the top of the building after going inside it. It's not that hard to find. Avoid traps, destroy turrets. The best way to go on a trip is with good companion. Let it be the same Kate. Continue to the top, collecting useful items in the rooms and from the corpses of opponents.

Boss fight

Without the right formula, killing your opponent is not that easy. Take as many cryogenic grenades with you as you can. They will freeze your target, allowing you to use missiles or any other explosive items. You can also try cryogenic mines if you have them. Molotov cocktails and exploding grenades are not particularly effective. Use V.A.T.S. if possible.

Restore chip

Simply search the body of the defeated enemy, which must be done to complete the mission. Search the area. If you see a synthetic called K1-98, then talk to him.

Molecular level

This mission is not difficult in terms of battles. On the other hand, you will have to face problems, since crafting items will be needed.

Analyze chip

The first thing to do is go back and talk to Dr. Amari. Since you have already seen her, you should be able to quickly move to her office. Chat with Amari to complete the first task of the mission. She will advise you to find the Underground faction.

Find the Underground headquarters

If you have completed the quest called “The Path to Freedom”, you have already encountered the “Underground” before. If so, then use fast travel and talk to Tom Tinker. If the quest has not been completed, you can use the walkthrough guide above.

Examine the chip

When you complete the Path to Freedom quest, immediately go to the Underground headquarters. Talk to Tom Tinker. He will be able to analyze the chip that you worked so hard to obtain.

Return to Virgil

Leave the Underground headquarters through the church. When you find yourself on the street again, immediately go to Virgil in his stone cave. Use radiation protection equipment. Go into the cave and talk to him.

Get help building an interceptor signal

By choice. Talk to the Minutemen, Underground, or Brotherhood of Steel.

After talking to Virgil, leave his cave and use the Pip-Boy to move to the next objective. Next, you must decide who you want to get help from - the Underground, the Minutemen or the Brotherhood of Steel. In our walkthrough of the game "Fallout 4" the choice is oriented towards the Minutemen. Return to Preston Garvey and talk to him. Next you will need to talk with Sturges.

The scientist you should talk to depends on the faction you choose. In our case it was Sturges. If you chose the Minutemen, then our goals coincide. The rest of the guide describes how to construct an Interceptor in Sanctuary. The way you will do it is won't change, even if you choose a different faction.

Build a reflector platform

After the conversation with Sturges, you will need to begin construction of the reflecting platform. It is important to do everything as described below, otherwise glitches may occur that will prevent the completion of the quest. When you're ready, create and place a reflective platform in the middle of Sanctuary's open space. Remember that you will need a lot of space.

In addition, problems may arise with finding the items necessary to create the platform. Either find the items or use up the caps to buy them from the merchants.

Build an emitter

Find a printed circuit board at the military base.

After installing the reflective platform, build the emitter and make sure it fits onto the platform. They have to fit together like LEGO pieces, otherwise nothing will work. If you do not have a circuit board, then go to the location indicated in additional task your Pip-Boy.

Build a relay

Search telecommunications to find a sensor module.

The relay should be installed as close as possible to the reflector and emitter, but there should be no connections between them. If you don't have a sensor module, use a pip-boy to find one.

Build console

Search the hospital and find the biometric scanner.

This is the fourth and final part of your interceptor. Install it next to the relay, but again do not connect it to anything. If you do not have a biometric scanner, then open your pip-boy and move along the map to the indicated location where the hospital is located.

Launch Interceptor

Three large generators should be enough to run the interceptor. You must have enough materials. This is where you might just get stuck. Therefore, further actions will be described in more detail.

Install a reflective platform.
Attach an emitter to it.
Install a relay nearby.
Create and install a console nearby.

Once everything is connected, it is time to apply power to the device. You need 27 units of energy, which can be provided by three large generators. Place three large generators next to each other. Follow the recommendations below exactly!

Use the wire to connect two of the three large generators together.
Place a large power pylon near the large generators.
Take the wire from one of the two large generators connected to each other and connect it to the pylon.
Connect the large pylon to the emitter using one wire.
Place the second large pylon next to the third large generator.
Run the wire from the third large generator to the second large pylon.
Connect the second large pylon and the console with a wire.
Connect the second large pylon and the relay with a wire.
Run the wire from the console to the emitter.
Finally, run another wire from the relay to the emitter.

Of course, there are other ways to connect generators to the interceptor. But a proven method is described above. If you are sure that all the wires are connected correctly, but nothing works, then start over.

Talk to (scientist of the selected faction)

After this, talk to Sturges (or another scientist, depending on the chosen faction).

Use signal interceptor

Let the scientist of your chosen faction know that you are ready to go to the institute, then stand on the reflective platform and just wait. Ultimately, you will find yourself at the Institute.

Closed institution

This quest will allow you to complete the final quest of the main story. Fallout lines 4. You will find out what happened to Sean, and also how the main story ended. You will have to meet with the division leaders, which is difficult only from a navigation and search point of view.

Enter the elevator

This goal will appear as soon as you complete the task " Molecular level" When you move to the Institute, collect everything you see. When you are ready, go forward and go inside the elevator. Be sure to make sure that the pip-boy is tracking this particular quest. Otherwise, the marker on the radar will not indicate what you need.

After taking the elevator, move along the corridor until you see another elevator. Go inside and press the button to go higher until you find yourself in a room with a small boy locked from the inside. Talk to him, after which you will be interrupted by the leader of the Institute, Father. You can fight him right away, but before you fight, it’s better to find out the truth. Perhaps he cannot be killed at all at this moment. So just talk about everything. Ask him what he wants.

Meet with Division leaders

This is a problem if you don't know where to look for them. Below is a list of people and places where they are located. Go to the location where you spoke with your father and find the spiral staircase. Go down the stairs to the lower tier, where the elevator is.

Ellie Fillmore. You can meet the Chief Engineer in this open area, who can move from place to place. Just stay in the middle and wait for Fillmore to show up. If this quest is being tracked, there should be a marker on the radar overhead. Talk to her about everything.

Dr. Clayton Holdren. As you wander around the main square, you will be able to see signs for the various departments of the Institute. When you notice the sign for the Biological Research Department, go through the door and talk to Dr. Clayton Holdren. When you're done, return to the main square.

Justin Ayu. You can find this person in a place where synthetics are kept. Talk to him. When you're done, return to the main location with the elevator in the center.

Use the device

Find any terminal that you can access and then click on the button given at the bottom of the screen to download the hologram. Select a network scanner. By doing this, you will complete the final quest of the main storyline.

But that's not the end of the story. Now you must choose which faction you sympathize with and complete their quests. Ultimately, choosing one of the four factions will lead to the destruction of the others. We have prepared for you a list of all the quests that are necessary to achieve a certain ending.

"Walkthrough of Fallout 4"

The release of Bethesda's Fallout 4 marked the end of countless meetings and interactions with friends, as the vast, open-ended, gorgeous role-playing adventure kept many people captivated for hundreds of hours.

It's the first game from Bethesda Game Studios since the release of Skyrim in 2011, and the follow-up to the much-loved Fallout 3 from 2008. Fallout 4 offers a huge post-apocalyptic city of Boston where you will create your own story.

The future ruined Boston is imbued with stories of America's grander past, and somewhere here Fallout 4 shifts the focus to creating your own settlements and communities. There's so much to take in that you'll likely need support and help to get through the Wasteland and the various quest lines to the end of the story. That's where ours is complete guide will no doubt come in handy.

This complete walkthrough Fallout 4, including detailed description completing the game's storyline and completing main quests. The guide is divided into several parts and is published as it is written, we will update it over the coming weeks until we complete the post-apocalyptic story (playing on the actual high level difficulty - “Survival”).

Guide to walkthrough of Fallout 4

Our quick guide will quickly get you through the game's prologue.

2. Time is running out

Here you will learn how to easily complete the Time Is Running Out quest, from talking with your old friend Codsworth to arriving in Concord.

3. Call of Freedom

How to complete the quest "Call of Freedom": from searching for settlers to clearing Concord in the new power armor and returning to Sanctuary Hills.

4. First step

How to complete the quest "The First Step": from finding Teynaps Bluff to clearing out enemies in the Corvega car assembly shop. Talk to the settlers in Tenpines Bluff.

5. Pearl of the Commonwealth

How to complete the Jewel of the Commonwealth quest: from arriving in Diamond City to learning about Nick Valentine.

6. Valentine's Day

How to complete the Valentine's Day quest: from the search for Nick Valentine to the unexpected discovery of Vault 114.

7. Revelation

How to complete the Revelation quest: the first clue in finding Sean, getting the key and searching Kellogg's home.

8. Reunion

How to complete the Reunion quest, from killing the dwarf yao-gui to tracking down Kellog with Dogmeat.

9. Dangerous thoughts

Description of the quest “Dangerous Thoughts”: from meeting with Dr. Amari to exploring the dark past in Kellogg’s memory.

10. Glowing Sea

Let's pass story quest"The Glowing Sea": From finding a protective suit to tracking down Virgil in the Crater of the Atom.

11. Hunter/prey

Everything you need to know to complete the Hunter/Hunted quest, including tips for fighting the Hunter Synth Z2-47.

12. Molecular level

How to complete the quest “Molecular Level”, which we started in the previous part of our walkthrough.

13. Undercover work

How to complete the quest “Agent Work”: from talking with the Deacon to building a teleport to the Institute.

14. Closed institution

How to complete the quest "Establishment" closed type" - This last quest from the main story.

15. All four possible endings of Fallout 4

Description of game endings for the Institute, Brotherhood of Steel, Minutemen and Underground.

The walkthrough will be compiled as I progress through the game. I will try to update it as often as possible. In addition, I will make every effort to discover all sorts of secrets and Easter eggs. If you want to take part in writing the material, please contact us.

"War. War never changes" (Fallout)

After the cinematic introduction, we will be given the opportunity to choose the appearance and gender of the main character. Here we act at our own peril and risk. I chose a woman, whether this will somehow affect the passage as a whole will be seen in the process.

After creating your avatar, go to the kitchen, it's to the right. We interact with the robot and wait for the trigger. The robot will go to the child, the doorbell will ring. We speak with a Vault-Tec employee. No matter what you tell him, in the end we will need to distribute S.P.E.C.I.A.L points and come up with a name for ourselves. Now we visit the child and find out bad news. We run towards the shelter. The path to it is scripted and is a corridor; it is impossible to get lost. When we stand on the platform, we will see a nuclear explosion. Inside the shelter, we go forward and take the uniform of shelter 111 from the employee. Then we follow the doctor and interact with the cryochamber on the left.


Time is running out

Leave the shelter

After the cutscene, the first story quest "" appears. We take control into our own hands. We open the spouse's camera. And we take it off wedding ring. You can read information at the terminal. And learn about shelter plans. The remaining terminals here will expand the story of Vault 111. Go right through the door, straight to the end and right again. We pick from boxes SECURITY ROD- the first melee weapon. To the right of the door there will be a room with another terminal. Along the way, you can collect all possible belongings, which will later be useful for crafting. Continue through the door and meet the first enemy. First we go to the dining room. There we read the terminal and select HOLOTAPING: RED MENCE(a parody of Donkey Kong). Now through the door. In the room with electricity, we kill three Radtarakons and move on until we reach a semicircular table. We select STIMULANTS. We read the terminal and open the “evacuation tunnel”. To the right of the table is a room where CRYOLATOR, but we can’t get it yet (a very complex lock). Take it from the shelf nearby 10MM PISTOL and cartridges. We go into the opened doorway. Along the way we clear the place of Rodroaches. Once at the exit, we find a skeleton in a robe and pick up PIP-BOY. We study it, minimize it and immediately use it on the panel next to it. We wait and move towards the exit to the surface.

Return home

Two radio signals are immediately detected. We return along the familiar road home. Our robot butler will meet us there.

Talk to Codsworth

Ask him about everything and more. As a result, the robot will call us to check the neighbors' house for Sean if we agree. If we mention husband/wife, we get GLOGRAPHIC NOTE. You can also trick the robot into revelations if you have a sufficient level of charisma, for which you will get some experience.

Search the area with Codsworth

After talking with the robot, first go home and read the comic GROGNAK-BARBARIAN(crit strikes without weapons and cold weapons do 5% more damage). Don't forget to take hairpins in the bathroom to pick locks. If you approach the crib and click on it, the hero will make a comment. We follow the marker to Codsworth. Inside the house, the robot will make a few comments. We talk to him. We ask where else to look for Sean and find out about the city itself. In the house, in the far left room there will be a safe with an easy lock. We leave the house and behind it we see a bridge.

Explore Concord

Having crossed the bridge, we move forward until we find a Red Rocket truck stop on the way. We'll meet the dog there. After petting the dog, we “take” him as a partner. The red gas station will become our home for a while. There will be a weapons workbench, a service station power armor, a place to prepare food and a workshop to build your own base. On the speaker there is an amateur radio station and a bunch of things for crafting. In the back room there is a terminal with records and several caps nearby. We move further towards Concord. In the city we will hear shots fired at them and run. We deal with a bunch of raiders from behind, thereby completing the quest “Time is Running Out.” We collect supplies from the corpses.

Call of freedom

Enter the museum * (optional) Take the laser musket

I think it’s not difficult to guess that we need to go to the museum from the roof of which they shot. We go to the right corridor and kill the raider in the last room. Up the stairs there is another raider. There will be one even higher. We move to the right side and there are two more raiders in a nook. We pass further and rise even higher. We kill the last raiders and go right to the man who was defending himself from the attackers.

We present to you Preston Garvey- Minuteman. Let's find out from him what this means. During the conversation, we will be asked for help. We agree and Sturges, the guy next to us, talks about power armor and a universal nuclear unit that we need to get.

Open the door

To get the block, you need to hack the terminal nearby. First we read the comic on the table FUN WITH ROBCO(Contains a holotape of the game "Atomic Command"). Across the room on the table PUPS "PERCEPTION"(Perception parameter + 1 point). Now let's hack the terminal. You need to find the right word. You are given four attempts, then you will have to wait 10 seconds if the hack is unsuccessful. After a successful hack, we read the entries in the journal and open the door to the basement.

Get a nuclear block

We go down to the very bottom and there we will find a door. Near the terminal. If you hack it, then there will be an opportunity to open the door that we already opened from above. We go upstairs with the block, pass by the survivors and go through the far door that leads to the roof.

There will be standing power armor. Click on more details and move the nuclear block into it. After this, it is possible to fit into the armor. We pick up a minigun from the helicopter and boldly jump from the roof. We begin to shoot the raiders. At some point, a DEATH CLAW will appear. It's kind of like a miniboss. It’s easy to kill him, just hide behind the counter in the store. Having killed the creature, we clear the territory of the remaining raiders. You can walk around the city, but the main task is to return to the Minuteman in the museum. Everyone will be on the first floor. We talk first with Preston Garvey, then the dialogue will switch to Mother Murphy. She will tell us about her visions and our fate. We can try to find out something about Sean from her. The conversation will lead to the point that the old woman will send us to Diamond City, and for the details of her visions she will ask for “a little chemistry.” This whole team goes to Sanctuary, and at this time we can go to our gas station and repair the armor. I took off my armor until better times, and went to Sanctuary myself. There we simply start a conversation with the Minuteman. You can tell us that we lived here before the war, you can get straight to the point. In the end, we may receive a quest to restore the honor of the Minutemen - which means killing the raiders. Whether you agree or not is your business. I answered sarcastically, but the quest began anyway. After this, Preston Garvey will invite us to talk with Sturges and this will complete the quest CALL OF FREEDOM.

Pearl of the Commonwealth

First we need to get to Diamond City. At the gates of the city there will be a woman who is not allowed in. We talk to her and find out that she is a journalist and her name is Piper. We speak with the mayor. With good skill charisma he will give information about Sean. Otherwise, we talk with the guard who let us in.

Now our path lies to the agency Nick Valentine. His secretary will be in the office, who will give us a find the detective. We agree and receive the quest...

Valentine's day

The detective's secretary will give us rough tips on where to look for her boss. We follow the marker to the park. To the right of the entrance is the entrance to the metro. There is a chance of running into a mutant named Swan. A slow monster that is easy, but takes a long time to kill. As a reward we will receive " Vicious Power Knuckles«.

There will be a huge number of gangsters inside the subway. Since I upgraded my stealth skills and silenced weapons, I went through it alone. In other cases, I advise you to go with a stronger partner. It is difficult to lose your way, since there will be no branches. Eventually we will reach the door to Vault 114. By the way, read the terminals and notes along the way, with the help of them you can find out which experiments were going to be carried out in this shelter.


The poor and deprived were swapped with the rich and sated with life. More precisely, there was only one poor man and he was in charge over the rich.

Gangsters again. As a result, we will find ourselves in a three-story room. You can quietly clear the area and go up to the very top, where the bandit and Nick were talking. We meet Nick and find out that Detective Synth. We take all the information from the table and Bobblehead for Eloquence. Having reached the exit from the shelter, we will be met by the head of the gangsters. There are three options.

  • With a good Speech skill, you can negotiate to just leave without dying.
  • With the normal Speech skill you can negotiate to leave, but you will have 10 seconds to do so or the bandits will start shooting
  • You can color them right away.

At first I agreed to just leave, and then I killed the gangsters in the back. Such things. Once you are at the top, talk to Nick and go to Diamond City to his office.


At the agency, we take the award from secretary Ellie and sit on the chair opposite Nick. We reveal all the details to the detective and he tells us the name of the alleged villain - Kellogg. After the conversation, you and the detective will go to his home. I already had the key, so I’ll tell you how to get it.

As soon as we get into the city, we don’t go down and immediately turn right. We go up a little and reach the platform that leads to the mayor. There, in a conversation with the mayor's secretary, you can ask for the key to the house you recently left. You can also steal the key from the safe. I did just that before, hacking into the terminal nearby. We open the door of Kellogg’s home and look for evidence.

There will be a button under the table. Use there cigar, by the smell of which we will search for Kellogg. Leaving the house we will find our dog, which will take the trail.


Once you start the journey, make sure you have enough space in your inventory and large number ammo for the most powerful gun you have. Dog will find four places before he gets to Kellogg.

  • Another cigar by the lake
  • Rags covered in blood at the exit from the railway tracks
  • Kellogg's mannequin in the basement
  • A broken stormtrooper you need to talk to.

In the end we will end up at Fort Hagen. I climbed up the roof, having eliminated all the turrets in advance. There are eight of them there. There is another path, it leads through the underground parking on the left.

There will be synths inside and there will be a lot of them. They will fall from the ceiling and rise from the floor unexpectedly. Although there are many corridors, all the paths lead in one direction, the rest are dead ends. We take the elevator up. We reach the door, where there will be a room with computers on the left, a nook on the right. You can’t just get through, you’ll have to go into a nook. In the end, we will still reach that room with the computers. Before entering, heal properly and pump up buffs. In the dialogue we learn about Sean's fate and much about the Institute. We still need to finish off the mercenary. It took me three shotgun blasts to the head. If you don’t have such joys (leveling up your character), then I advise you to use grenades and first eliminate the robots, and then take care of Kellogg. Before leaving, do not forget to remove everything the enemy has on him - it will come in handy. Let's return to Nick.

Dangerous thoughts

In the detective's office you will meet Piper, a journalist, and Nick. They will conduct a dialogue, you also connect and decide to go to Good Neighbor to the “House of Memories”. There you can scan Kellogg's brain, which we took earlier.

I took a journalist as my partner. There will be a small scene in the city with the mayor and the extortionist. As a result, we go forward, to the left and straight ahead to the desired building. Everyone will be waiting inside. We sit in the capsule and dive into memories.


I was here before the main quest and was able to once again view the scene of Sean’s abduction from the outside, but with some new details.

This time we will see a series of flashbacks. We reach information about the Institute and leave the memory using the TV. Now our goal is Virgil. The scientist who finds in the location " Glowing Sea". We'll need power armor and a bunch of antiradin. True, I had previously found a protective suit that didn’t care about radiation at all. In combination with power armor - a great thing.

Glowing Sea

We go west from Daimon City along the road. We cross the river, then at a large intersection straight down. Almost to the very bottom of the map. To set out on a journey, I advise you to be properly pumped up, otherwise it will not be sweet. A bunch of Death Claws, Radscorpions and other living creatures will be on the way, eager for our death. The radiation there fluctuates greatly and if you don’t hurry, death will overtake you. If you are in chemical protection, then there will be no problems. We follow the marker and find ourselves in the settlement of Crater of the Atom. In one of the houses you will find Isolde. We talk to her and without threats you can find out where to find Virgil. Otherwise, you will have to look for the letter on her corpse. Target - rocky cave.

There is a Deathclaw there, so be careful. Do not attack the turrets and robots and you will calmly reach Virgil. After a short conversation, he will agree to help in exchange for the serum. Refusal is not possible.



First Step

Tenpines Bluff: Talk to residents. The path is not close. To shorten the distance you can do fast travel to Concord and from there move towards the settlement.


If you went on foot, you can find many interesting spots along the shore as soon as we cross the bridge. Among other things, you can run into such places as: CEMETERY OF OLD ROBOTS, where you can activate a security robot, find a HOT-ROD magazine, and behind the combat robot itself in a landfill find a FAT MAN - a launcher with a nuclear charge. There will also be a workbench for upgrading weapons. The robot can be sent to clear several points from raiders, which will partly make our task easier. There, next to the landfill, there is abandoned power armor, and even further away is the US AIR FORCE SATELLITE STATION “OLIVIA”. You can just send a found robot to it for cleaning. On the most satellite station at the very end, in the far room, look carefully at the floor, as there is a medallion there. When you take it, you can run from the RED ROCKET gas station to the west, there will be a farm there. At the farm we give the medallion to the man. We listen to his story and gain experience and loot.

Let's continue

At Tenpines Bluff we will be greeted with a gun pointed at us. In a conversation, you can pay more attention to the Minutemen, or you can be daring. As a result, the settler will ask us for help - to clear the Koverga machine assembly shop and kill the raiders. You can just go kick their asses, or you can try to recruit a settler into the Minutemen. In the end, we will still have to go and deal with the raiders first.

At the very bottom is the goal of the task. To our left is the US satellite and even further to the left is a robot junkyard.

Let's go to the Workshop. From this place to the right we are looking for a destroyed brick building. There we kill the radroaches, pick up the earflap hat (+1 INT) and encounter the LEGENDARY RADOROACHAN. From his corpse we select IMPROVED VATS RAIDER ARMOR FOR THE LEFT HAND (AP spend is 10% less). Now the workshop itself.

So I took down the turret

First, you can remove the security on the roof of the building. There will be about 6 people there. From around the right corner, try to destroy the turret. I entered through the top, there is more room for an unexpected attack. In addition, I strongly recommend going on a mission in power armor, unless you are a super master of stealth. With the help of armor and a minigun, I successfully cleared the room on the left and right. We shoot everyone at the top, then go to the right and throw grenades and molotovs at everyone below, and do the same with those at the bottom left. We finish off the survivors. Looks like 11 raiders and one turret. There will be a terminal where the turret is, where you can read the story of one of the leaders of this gang. Now we go up to the right, there is a passage further. There is nothing interesting in the kitchen, in the hallway you can find anti-radin and all sorts of drugs. When we find the blue door, we prepare for the fact that there will be three raiders and several ghouls behind it. Having cleared it, we go to the right and, once in the hall, look for the elevator ahead. We'll take the elevator up to the boss of this workshop. He will stand on the balcony, there are also two turrets. I threw a molotov at it, the turrets are demolished quickly. As soon as we kill Jared, the quest will be updated and all we have to do is clear the Workshop, loot it and return to report the death of the raiders. The most important thing we can find is the key to Jared's safe, comic GROGNAK-BARBARIAN, Raider terminals with their stories (all of them mention our grandmother the fortuneteller!), On the street, if we leave from the side where Jared was killed and go immediately to the right into a small building, we will run into army frequency AF95(this will start the quest FIRE SUPPORT), PUPS "REMONT"(+10% to the operation of nuclear units), which will be on the territory of the workshop on the street, at the very top, where there is a round sign. We return to Tenpines Bluff. After the news, the guy will be happy to join the Minutemen, we return to Preston Garvey and report on success. Minuteman hands us a rocket launcher to call for reinforcements and talks about the Minutemen again, inviting us to become one of them. QUEST FIRST STEP COMPLETE (+250 XP). I agreed and became a general in the Minutemen camp. You can immediately exchange clothes with Preston, which is what I did. Once appointed, we will receive various assignments from Preston Garvey to spread the influence of the Minutemen. The tasks are as follows:

Expansion – Starlight Restaurant

It's simple - we come, clear out the mole rats and build a radio tower in the workshop. It’s better to immediately take Preston Garvey with you as a partner so that you can instantly turn in quests to him. When shooting with rats, it is better to stand on a car, because these bastards jump from underground.

Oberland station, the settlement is threatened by raiders

We talk to the settler and he shows us the coordinates of the raiders. They are located at Back Street Ramp.

We approach the place carefully, it is advisable to sneak. There will be two raiders at the door. And a turret above the entrance. Let's go inside. First, we look at our feet - we neutralize the homemade trap a little ahead. There are two more raiders at the end of the room and a turret on the left around the corner.

We sneak behind the door in the corridor. On the right in the room there will be a raider and Clutch. As soon as we kill him, we return and turn in the quest. We are given 93 caps and access to the workshop. Now to complete you need to talk to Preston Garvey. We get 254 experience.

You can also dig around in this territory. Hacking the terminal will give access to the lock, which is already activated. There are three raiders on the second floor.

We connect to Trinity Tower (will appear when it fulfills an order for raiders) and listen, the quest “ will appear soon Coming out to bow«.

Coming out to bow

Assault on Fort Independence


Setting up a den is a chore, but useful in terms of free experience. We speak with Surges when everyone is in Sankchauri and receive the task of building five beds. The tasks “Build for the inhabitants of Sanctuary...” will begin. Afterwards he will ask us to stir up a constant source of water. We build a water pumping station, put it in the river, then we build a generator nearby so that this thing works, and next to the house where everyone lives we put a water pump. Vaula. Now we need to plant the garden with vegetables. To do this, we can run to the farm where the medallion was given. All that remains is to build a couple of turrets and the settlement is protected, Sturges will tell us about this. All stages are shown as percentages, so you need to score 100% to move on to the next point.

Fire support

We set out to find those who need help. As a result, we find a police station where a man in armor is fighting off crowds of ghouls. We take a gun with a larger cartridge and start shooting. These bastards will come out in droves. After clearing, we talk to paladin Dans. It turns out to be a guy from Brotherhood of Steel, who will thank us for our help and begin to hint that our participation in his affairs will be desirable. There is nothing left to do but agree. And proceed to the house. After this, the quest will be completed and we will receive 381 experience. And let's start the next connected quest " Call to Arms«.

Call to Arms

Already in the room we speak again with the paladin Dance. Before that, you can read the history of the Brotherhood of Steel in the Commonwealth, where we will find a holotape. As a result, we agree to hit the road and follow the paladin on his heels.

On the way to the goal, we may encounter raiders under the bridge, dutni, mongrels. We will find ourselves at the Arcjet Systems building. Get ready to fight the synths.

We just follow the paladin, talk to him when needed and read the information from the terminals. It doesn't seem complicated. And when Dance asks you to open the door, then you should pick up a cannon and buff pills.

(The walkthrough will be updated as soon as possible. If you want to add a walkthrough of a quest or secret, you can send me your material or register on the site and create a post yourself)

Video walkthrough:

The first attempt was a bit unsuccessful. The recording is messed up, so only at your own risk

Many people mentioned that Fallout4 is happening during the holidays. We give these people a simple and understandable passage - suddenly the amount of fermented juice in the blood does not make it clear which door needs to be broken down.

Fans have been waiting for this game for almost 6 years - since its release in 2010. New part blockbuster from Todd Howard tells about the everyday life of post-apocalyptic Boston. Unlike the previous two Fallouts, Four offers a ton of new features and lets you see how it all began.

The game world cannot be called huge, but there is no doubt that every square meter here will offer something interesting. An abundance of additional quests, the ability to build your own housing, communication with partners and partners (not without love lines) - all this makes Fallout 4 the most alive in the series.

Below we will tell you how to get through the main storyline games, but let's start with tips that will help you not get lost in the vastness of “nuclear” Boston.

    Always have a lot of Stimpaks in stock. Enemies hit hard!

    From unnecessary things you can get useful resources on the workbench

    Ammo weighs nothing - collect them all

    Your companions are immortal, you can safely throw them to the front line to understand the strength of the enemy

    A dog can also carry objects, and besides, it knows how to look for them.

    Your partner's base weapon always has infinite ammo

    Don't forget the seeds

    Without a weapon in his hands, the hero runs faster

    Good sleep replenishes energy, sleeping places are generously scattered throughout Boston

    If you sleep next to a character the hero has a crush on, you get additional bonuses.

    High intelligence is the key to more experience

    Don't forget to connect settlements with trade routes

    Traders should be invited to their settlements

    The drunk hero has different dialogue lines

    Monsters with a star next to their name are legendary - much stronger than normal ones, but give more experience and legendary loot

So, the brief briefing has been completed, let's begin our dangerous and exciting adventure.


Bright future 2077. Let's look in the mirror. We choose the gender and create the appearance to suit your taste. When you're ready, you can explore your home. There is a lot of interesting things here - your wife and child, a helpful robot and a TV with disturbing news. Alas, the idyll will be short-lived.

When you hear the doorbell ring, open it and speak with a Vault-Tec employee. Having received the news that places have been reserved for you in Vault 111 in case of nuclear war, fill out the form - here we see the good old S.P.E.C.I.A.L system. Please take this matter seriously.

Afterwards you need to go to the child, then exchange a few words with your wife. Suddenly, terrible news is broadcast on TV - the war has begun. Hurry to the shelter! We follow my wife into the forest, cross the bridge, and climb the hill.

We meet with the soldier, go through the gate, then stand on the round platform and look at the nuclear explosion. Once underground, we find ourselves in a cryogenic chamber and “fall asleep.” Sleep, alas, will not be restful.

Time is running out

The screensaver ended, you woke up. It is possible to look into your wife's cell and take the wedding ring. All other cameras are closed. Walk around the Vault, collect items. You can also examine the terminal where the security log entries are located. Along the way there will be a battle with a large cockroach. Kill the insect, learning the combat system along the way, and take its meat. If a cockroach has injured you, drink water from the tap - it is radiation-free and will restore your health.

By the way, if you look into the dining room, you can play the simple arcade game Red Menace on the machine. In the room with discharges, go along the left side and, after going up the stairs, open the door through the computer. So, we found our first pistol with cartridges. There is another one in the corner. There is also more powerful weapon, but you'll have to come back for it later.

Once you find a Pip-Boy, learn how it works. Then leave the shelter. On the lift you will be given the opportunity to correct the hero’s appearance and change the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. parameters if you suddenly forgot something.

We head to the sign on the map. Once at the ruins of your home, you will find your robot Codsworth. It still works! There is a book and a comic in the house, they improve the characteristics. We explore houses nearby, collect objects, crack safes. Realizing that our home village is empty, we ask the robot for information about the city of Concord. It appears on the map - that’s where we need to go.

Wandering around open world, beware of radiation storms. It is better to hide from them, otherwise you will have to swallow anti-radiation pills. Along the way, you'll end up at a Red Rocket truck stop, where you'll meet a dog who can join your hero as a companion. Several enemies will appear, and then you will see a workbench. There is also a reservation service station in this parking lot. Red Rocket is a pretty convenient place for your potential "base".

Explore the parking lot and find a note about a cave under the garage. It's a good idea to go there - you'll find a safe with useful things. By the play area, under the porch, another box can be found, and in the house there is a safe, first aid kit and caps (local currency).

We return to the road to Concord. Once there, we find the Museum of Freedom. Near the museum, the first story quest ends.

Call of Freedom

Before going to the man on the balcony, pick up the gun and examine the corpses for other items. Inside you will find a battle with enemies. They may not be too strong, but there are quite a lot of them. You can also get some good loot along the way.

As you make your way through the house, you will encounter armed resistance and ambushes over and over again. Some enemies can be bypassed secretly and killed secretly. You need to reach the door marked Exit. That's where the settlers are sitting, to whom we fought our way.

We meet Preston Garvey, he talks about the nuclear unit in the basement and describes what power armor is. We go to the basement through the floor near the main staircase. Below we come across a closed gate - we crack the code on the terminal and we have a nuclear unit. Let's go to Harvey. From the balcony we get to the roof and insert the nuclear unit into the power armor.

We take everything we find, put on armor and shoot the raiders right from the roof with a minigun picked up on it. Afterwards we go down, go out into the street and move northwest from the museum. There will be a battle with a very serious opponent, the Death Claw (the famous Deathclaw). After killing him, we go to the Museum again and receive a reward. We agree to go with Preston to Sanсtuary, where the rescued settlers want to settle.

Talk to Mother Murphy, she will tell you something about your child, and also advise you to start searching in Diamond City. This is the quest “Pearl of the Commonwealth”.

We go to Sanctuary, communicate with Harvey and Sturges. We receive the task “The First Step”. We now have access to a workshop, a weapons workbench and an armor repair station.

First Step

The marker leads us to Tenpines Bluff. You can walk through the forest or along the main road. It’s more interesting through the forest - you can look at the Cemetery of Old Robots: there is a useful magazine, a terminal, a workbench, and so on. You can also activate a security robot here.

Further along the way we will come across discharged power armor. Nearby, on a derailed train, there is broken power armor, but it has a “full tank.” The nuclear block from this armor can be inserted into the one you just found or left in reserve if you have not removed the previous armor.

Tenpines Bluff is a farm with settlers. The woman will give you the task of killing the raiders who have settled nearby. We go to the Corvega car assembly workshop to the south of the location. The workshop is located in the town of Lexington, which must be cleared of enemies. The resistance will be serious, without power armor it will be difficult - automatic turrets are quite powerful.

Having cleared the location, we again go to Tenpines Bluff, where we receive a reward. The settlers will agree to join and will be given access to a workshop in the region.

Go to Sechnuary and talk to Garvey. Upon learning that the settlers are ready to join the Minutemen, he will give you a signal pistol, which will allow you to call for reinforcements in the future. Now you can create a settlement in the area of ​​the Starlight restaurant or go in search of your son in Diamond City.

Pearl of the Commonwealth

The path lies to the southeast. You'll have to go through a dangerous part of the Wasteland, meeting evil enemies and getting additional quests(don’t refuse, there are some pretty interesting ones). Sooner or later you will find yourself at Diamond City. Moving along the huge wall, you will reach the gates of the city.

Here you will meet a girl, Piper, a resident of Diamond City, who is not allowed inside. However, the girl will find a way to trick both you and herself. There you will meet the mayor and receive the quest “Plot of the Century” (we recommend completing it).

For information about your son, you should go to the Valentine detective agency. Inside we communicate with a secretary named Ellie and learn that the detective has disappeared and that he was last seen at Park Street station. We offer Ellie help in finding Nick Valentine.

Valentine's Day

As you already understood, you should go to Park Street station. It is located in the east. Along the way, you can practice shooting well and gain experience by killing super mutants and the ubiquitous raiders. You will also find useful items. In the library there is a bobblehead that improves Intelligence.

When you find yourself at the entrance to the subway, turn on stealth mode and go down. Enemies must be killed. Next, we collect lids and useful items. Be careful, there is a mine on one of the walls!

Opponents are waiting for us on the platform again. Having finished with them, we go forward, reach the unfinished tunnel and climb the stairs, where we activate the entrance system to Vault 114. Here you can read about what experiments were carried out here, and also get hold of first aid kits.

There are bandits ahead of you again and an open hatch in the floor that you need to climb into. Below you will find yourself face to face with the boss Dino, guarding Valentine. After victory (you can just throw a Molotov cocktail at him), we take the password from the terminal and free the detective, who, as it turns out, is not entirely human. Chat with the rescued synth about the offspring and follow him. He will give advice on how to act. Another boss awaits ahead, bandit leader Skinny Malone. The girl Darla will also meet here; she can be convinced to leave the gang if the hero has high charisma. The ability to communicate can save you from a bloody meat grinder. It turned out well. No, you'll have to fight everyone.


Upon returning to Diamond City, you will find many interesting dialogues. Valentine will make a guess about your child's fate. Ellie will tell you that the theft suspect recently visited Diamond City. Follow the detective. To get into a suspect's house you need a key or a well-developed lockpicking skill. For help in obtaining the key, you need to contact the mayor of the city, who is sitting in his office. With high charisma, the secretary of the mayor or the mayor himself can be convinced to give up the key just like that. There is also the possibility of bribing both.

Once you have the key, you will be able to enter the house. In the room on the first floor you need to search the table. There is a button that opens a door in the wall where there are ammo, weapons, batteries, food, etc. There is also a cigar, take that too, it is important for the task. Talk to Valentine, leave the house and give the dog the command to take the trail by sniffing the cigar. Follow your pet.


When the dog stops, examine the objects nearby, they have the scent of the desired enemy on them. There will also be battles with different opponents and many useful items - new armor and weapons. Along the way, feel free to look into the buildings - you may meet a robot with interesting story or run into a battle with a particularly powerful super mutant.

Sooner or later the dog will lead you to Fort Hagen, which can be entered through the basement or through the roofs. You should stay close to the walls so as not to be in the range of the turrets. Once inside, you will see many synths with laser weapons - armor with energy protection will help. When you are done with the enemies, collect loot - there are plenty of useful things in the fort. True, there are a lot of turrets here. They can be destroyed or disabled in one of the terminals if you have developed hacking skills.

After walking around the upper floors, go downstairs and listen to what Kellogg says over the speakerphone. There will be battles with synths. As a result, you will reach a door behind which Kellogg himself is located with personal security. The villain will report the child's whereabouts, and then try to finish you off. Fighting this boss will not be easy, because Kellogg can become invisible. Use first aid kits, throw grenades. Alternatively, after the end of the dialogue, immediately run into the corridor from where you came and lure out the enemies one by one. After dealing with the villain, do not forget to take all the things from the corpse (the implant and password are important).

After searching the neighboring rooms, enter the password from Kellogg’s corpse into the terminal, study the data. Then talk to Valentine and head out. In the fresh air, you will see the Brotherhood of Steel airship and receive an additional quest. Upon returning to Diamond City, you need to chat with Piper. From her we learn that we need to look for Doctor Amari in the “House of Memories”, located in Good Neighborhood. Let's go there.

Dangerous Thoughts

The quickest way to get to Good Neighbor is from Park Street Station. There will be battles and a lot of loot along the way. Once there, find the “House of Memories”. Valentine is waiting for you there (if you didn't come there together). The doctor is in the basement - Amari is studying the subconscious. She needs to show Kellogg's implant, after which the chip will be connected to Valentine's memory. There you will find a joint connection and a series of memories about events that happened to Kellogg in the past. For us, the most important episode is with the scientist Brian Virgil, who escaped from the Institute.

After you are disconnected, tell Amari about what you saw, who will give advice on the next task.

Glowing Sea

The longest and most difficult journey across the expanses Fallout world 4. Before leaving, rummage through Irma's computer. Don’t forget to take radiation protection with you - stock up on Antirad and blocks for power armor. A good protection kit is also sold at Fallon's store (Diamond City).

The route is easier to start from Fort Hagen. On the border of the Glowing Sea, near the destroyed road, a radiation exposure zone will begin. You need to go southwest. There are a lot of strong monsters here - especially large ones are easier to get around. We need to go to the Atom crater, inside of which there is a settlement. After talking with a woman in one of the houses, you will receive information about where Virgil lives. Visibility will be poor, but the marker will help us. You must walk carefully, avoiding stepping into the radioactive mud and being afraid of mutants.

In the cave you will find the scary Virgil, with whom you will have a long conversation about your child, the murder of Kellogg, and so on. Virgil will eventually agree to help, but in return he will ask for an anti-mutation serum.

Now we know that we need a teleportation chip from a synth hunter. The element is necessary to penetrate the Institute. The scientist sends us to search for him.


We move to Diamond City, go north from there, exit through the stadium and turn right. We see a dilapidated bridge. We take the stairs to the other side, fighting the raiders along the way. Remember to have good armor and powerful weapons, the battles in this mission are not easy.

On the other bank we go to the site near the ruins of the Institute. Turn on the radio and tune in to the target frequency. The stronger the signal, the closer the hunter. There are a lot of enemies here, you'll have to shoot. As a result, we will reach the Greentech Genetics building, which contains many useful items. Up we go.

Inside, it turns out that mercenaries also came for the hunter. On one of the floors you will see laser traps, you should be wary of them. Also, if you can hack a door nearby, you can disable the turrets in the next important room. On the same floor there are terminals that allow you to control laser weapons, turrets and searchlights.

When all the enemies are defeated, take the elevator to the room where there is a computer that opens the entrance to the storage room with nuclear units for reservation. We rise even higher and find hunter Z2-47. There will be a dialogue with him in which, by selecting the “Reset Code” answer from Murphy’s visions, you can turn off the synth and avoid the fight with dangerous adversary. We have the chip! We take powerful weapons from the building, free the K1-98 synth named Jenny and go to Good Neighborhood.

Molecular level

Now you know how to get inside the Institute and have the necessary chip. Let's go to Dr. Amari. She will send us to look for members of the Underground organization with the words “Follow the Path of Freedom.” Select the quest “Road to Freedom” and go to Park Street station. There we find Protectron in the park by the lake. An experienced guide will tell you that the Freedom Path is marked with a red line and ends at Old Church. Along the way we look at the numbers and letters, from them we get the password to get into the Underground. Also along the way you will find battles with enemies.

We go into the Old Northern Church, deal with the ghouls, then go to the basement, where we find a metal disk in the wall, which must be turned, making up a code word. There were eight letters and numbers, but the numbers are the same letters (in alphabetical order), so we get the word RAILROAD. Behind the secret door you will meet members of the Underground group, including leader Desdemona. We will tell her our whole story.

One of the group members will analyze the synth chip and tell you the access code. We go with him to an old friend Virgil. He will provide instructions and drawings for the creation of an Institute signal interceptor. For help, you can turn to the Underground, the Brotherhood of Steel or the Minutemen. To do this, you need to be in good standing with the relevant faction, having completed several tasks for them.

As an example, let’s choose “Underground” and the quest “ Agent Work" We need to go with Deacon to the old base. We follow him, kill the synths, get to Carrington’s prototype, collect useful items and get the opportunity to later take the Deacon with us on trips across the Wasteland. That’s it, “Underground” is ready to help us!

Building a teleporter in the workshop is a fun activity. Power the components with energy by building a generator of the required power, and then connect the generator and interceptor with wires. We install a stabilization platform in one of our settlements.

Closed institution

This is the last story quest, after which you have to choose the ending of the game. At the Institute you will hear a voice that speaks to the hero. He will tell you where to go and bring you up to date along the way.

In one of the rooms you will meet a child with whom you will start a conversation. When it comes to his parents, the director of the Institute will appear and turn the guy off. It was a synth. The head of the Institute calls himself “Father” and turns out to be our kidnapped son. He will talk about his life, about his research, about the Institute and offer to become a member of the Institute.

After the conversation, we go to the scientists, collecting useful items along the way. You can also take on additional quests here. Don’t forget to scan the network of this establishment, uploading the holotape to your computer and downloading the files. They can later be transferred to one of the factions.

Also at the Institute is the anti-mutation serum promised to Virgil. It can be found in one of the branches. You need to crack a complex code or get through warehouses.

At the lower level we communicate with Dr. Ellie Fillmore and go to Dr. Holden. Here you can study the computer data. Finally, Dr. Lee will configure your Pip-Boy so that you can teleport to the Institute at any time and from any place. There is also another person in the robot department you should talk to. At the end we talk to our son. We are asked to return the synth - the leader of the Libertalia raiders, Gabriel.


Behind the beautiful name Libertalia lies an ordinary ship graveyard. Gabriel's memory was erased and his personality was changed, he thinks that he is a man, the head of the raiders. The path to the overturned ship where it is located lies along numerous bridges.

You will also learn a passphrase that disables B5-92, although you can kill him - the choice is yours. Don't forget to explore Gabriel's ship and return to the Institute.

Next, we need to finally choose a faction - now, if you help one, relations with others will deteriorate. Choose those who you like the most, fortunately they are all very different: the Brotherhood of Steel, the Underground, the Institute and the Minutemen.

Ending for the Institute

The most logical option seems to be the choice of the Institute, because our son, whom we have been looking for for so long, is in charge there, and the scientists believe that they can save the world and restore balance.

Mission "Battle for Bunker Hill": The task is to capture 4 synths. We go to Bunker Hill, where representatives of the Institute, the Underground and the Brotherhood of Steel are fighting. We need to get to the room with the running synths and chat with them. They need to be turned off. The son will be pleased.

Quest “The New Face of Humanity”: Just sit down and listen to the Father who is the son.

Mission "Mass Fusion": We need to find a beryllium impeller in an old reactor. Talk to Ellie and go to the goal. Completing this mission will make you an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Mass Fusion is a nuclear waste warehouse, so you need a suit with good radiation protection. There are also many enemies here. In one of the rooms we find the password necessary for further advancement. You will have to fight with the soldiers of the Brotherhood of Steel, there is no turning back. We turn on the switch to take the elevator even lower. Finally we reach the nuclear reactor, find the required item and take it. There will be a battle with synths and again with the Brotherhood of Steel. At the Institute we meet with Ellie.

Quest "Trapped": We need to deal with the enemies of the Institute who want to find the scientist in the Commonwealth. Kill enemies on the spot and chat with the synth Enrico. He will help with the search for the scientist.

Mission "Launch": This task will be given by the Father. You need to record a message to the Commonwealth, and then go to Diamond City station. There you will repair the transmitter and return back to the Father. You are given the honorable mission to launch the reactor! The Institute decided to begin mass production of synths and destroy the Brotherhood of Steel and the Underground.

Task "At Last Feature» : We must kill all members of the Underground. Sad, but necessary. However, if you want, you can switch to her side simply by talking with Desdemona.

Quest "Shipwreck": Showdown with the Brotherhood of Steel. Dr. Lee will tell you that you need to destroy the reactors, and also help the synth hack the Liberty Prime robot. At the end there will be a powerful explosion.

Quest "Family Split": Someone is dying. Captions. Curtain!
