Complete collection of Marvel and DC comics. Ashetov collection DC Comics

World-famous stories about popular Marvel heroes in a new, unique series "". Publishing house Ashet Collection(Hachette).

Discover the best of Marvel comics in a select collection of graphic novels that have taken the world by storm.

Comics collection

A graphic novel is one of the modern types of comics, designed for an adult readership and widely distributed throughout the world.

  • The amazing style of Marvel comics was born thanks to the incredible talents of the best illustrators!
  • Each issue of the collection includes a colorful hardcover book and a meeting with your favorite heroes: Wolverine, Hulk, Captain America, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the Avengers.
  • Each book has been handpicked by experts for a truly immersive Marvel experience!

  • The best stories from the world's most respected authors including Chris Claremont, Frank Miller, Brian Michael Bandis, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison and more.
  • Colorful drawings of exceptional quality and full version a comic book about the exciting adventures of the most famous superheroes in the Marvel world.

  • IN additional materials set out key points stories. As well as exclusive interviews with comic book authors and illustrators, the history of character creation, sketches and sketches of artists, interesting facts and recommendations for further reading.

  • Build a wall mural: the spines of hardcover books are arranged into a fantasy landscape of the Marvel world created by Gabriel Dell'Otto.

First books in the collection

The Amazing Spider-Man – Homecoming (2001)
A student named Peter Parker was bitten by an irradiated spider, which gave Peter extraordinary arachnid abilities. Now, after his wife Mary Jane leaves, Peter begins a new life...

X-Men – Gifted (2004)
A new drug can destroy the mutant gene and turn mutants into normal people. How will the X-Men react?

Iron Man – Extremis (2005)
A new era in the life of Iron Man. What is Extremis, who created it and what does its appearance portend to the world?

Avengers - Disintegration (2004)
The Avengers are on the brink of death! A chain of tragic events brought the team to its knees. Who can destroy the Avengers?

Release schedule

№1 – Spider-Man. Return + Poster with Marvel heroes – 09.01.2014
№2 – X-Men. Gifted – 23.01.2014
№3 – Iron Man. Extremis – 06.02.2014
№4 – Avengers. Decay – 20.02.2014

How many issues

Total planned: 60 issues.

Promotional video


The Italian publishing house "DeAgostini" has made your dream come true! In April 2018, meet the unique publication “ Star wars. Official Comics Collection.

Five important facts about the Star Wars series. Official Comics Collection"

This is the most complete collection comics about "Star Wars". Having collected all the books, you will know absolutely everything about the Universe created by George Lucas, even what people who claim to have been fans of the Saga since childhood do not know.

1. In the first issues you will find original comics that were published back in 1977, that is, simultaneously with the showing of the first film in cinemas.
2. Graphic novels are combined into series - Empire, Clone Wars, Rebellion, Dark Times, Legacy and other parts of the epic that will not leave anyone indifferent. After reading everything, you will become a full citizen of the Universe.
3. All comics are designed in different styles. Legendary creative teams worked on the releases. From book to book, you will follow the evolution of the art of creating a graphic novel over the past forty years.
4. The collection consists of 70 books, each hardcover and containing 200 pages, printed on excellent quality paper. But that's not all!
5. In each issue you will find reprints of original magazine covers from many years ago.

When you collect the entire collection and put the books in the order they were published, you will see beautiful drawing with the main characters of the saga. This series will become the main decoration of your home library.

Where to buy books?

Buy issues of the Star Wars series. Official comics collection" is available on our website. New book will be published every two weeks. The recommended price of the first issue is 149 rubles, the second - 299 rubles, the third and subsequent ones - 499 rubles. If you do not want to depend on the markups of intermediaries, we recommend subscribing to the collection.

From the publisher Ashet, then this news will probably seem interesting to you. A week ago, a similar line began to appear in England, but only based on DC comics.

It is not known whether such a release will ever be published in Russia (judging by the circulation of the latest volumes, this is not a fact), but there is a certain intrigue in what was nevertheless included in the British collection.

I admit, even I have been buying new comics for the last year with an eye on “what if this will someday come out in a disish collection.” And now a list of 60 titles has appeared on Wikipedia.

The first thing that catches your eye is that there is no Batman: Year One, nor Killing Joke, nor Dark Knight . This is a little strange, but now you can safely go and buy Russian publications.

Let's sort the whole list better.

So, about Batman, the collection will include:

Death of Family (1989) / Batman: Under The Hood / Arkham Asylum and Man Who Laughs / Hush Part 1 / Hush Part II / Long Halloween Part 1 / Long Halloween Part 2 / Batman: Strange Apparitions / Batman: Birth of the Demon Part 1 / Batman: Birth of the Demon Part 1 / Son of Batman / Batgirl: Year One / Robin: Year One / Catwoman: Selina’s Big Score / Catwoman: Trail of the Catwoman / Harley Queen: Preludes and Knock Knock Jokes

About Superman.

Death of Superman / Last Son of Crypton / Man of Steel / Superman: he Nail / Superman: The Brainiac / Superman: Birthright Part 1 / Superman For Tomorrow / Superman: Birthright Part 2 / Superman: Secret Origin / Lex Luthor: Man of Steel

About the League:

Superman-Batman: Public Enemies / Superman-Batman: Supergirl / Trinity / Tower of Babel / Paradise Lost / New Frontier Part 1 / New Frontier Part 2 / JLA Year One Part 1 / JLA Year One Part I1 / JLA: New World Order / Justice League: Cry of Justice / Justice League: Another Nail / Young Justice: A League of Their Own / The Teen Titans: The Judas Contract / Earth 2 / Brave and Bold: Lords of Luck / Flashpoint

About everyone else.

Flash: Born to Run / Flash: Rogue War / The Return of Barry Allen / Green Arrow: Year One / Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters / Quiver Part 1 / Quiver Part 2 / Green Arrow and Green Lantern / Green Lanterns Secret Origins / Wonder Woman: Eyes of the Gorgon / Wonder Woman: Gods and Monsters / Lobo Unbound / Plastic Man: On The Lam

Is there an easy one on this list? disappointment factor, but it would have appeared in any scenario - just either less or more. At the moment, the problem is completely different - the author of these lines is seriously considering whether he should get involved in this collection.

The first volume costs three pounds, the second - six, the rest - ten, which in our times does not look so optimistic, but tolerable. Plus, when you subscribe, you get all sorts of goodies, which are described in detail on the official website - from a metal riser to collectible reprints of the first comics about Super and Batman. With an “enhanced” subscription, there will be four additional thick volumes.

In a word, let's think. We'll watch.
