We increase efficiency. How to increase your efficiency

Hello, today I will tell you about how to WOT game increase your efficiency. First you need to understand what efficiency is? Efficiency – efficiency factor. This coefficient includes all the player’s combat effectiveness from the very first battle. Many people have this problem: there are a lot of battles and top technology, but the efficiency is poor. Because of this, such players cannot join a cool clan. Today I will help you with this problem.

First way: create new account aunt in World of Tanks. Having played about 10-20k battles on your old account, you learned to play correctly and competently, but the first 5-10k battles were training. That’s why half of these fights are “noobish”). By creating a new account, you will immediately play like a professional from the first battle. Your efficiency on this account should be at least 1200-1400. With such efficiency, you can enter into good clans with estates. You just need to upgrade yourself to top technology.

Second way- bend over in the sandbox. If you value your original account or are too lazy to create and start a new account from scratch, then consider this method. All players have a favorite tank from the sandbox, mainly the MS-1. But I would not advise you to try to raise the stat on a level 1 tank, because... A large number of players play at the first levels and you will not be happy with them. The most optimal option is levels 2-3. If you know how to play well, you can easily raise the stats on the same BT-2, Pz.1c. After all, at levels 2-3, a huge number of players are noobs and are poorly able to use tactics and tank well. You need to use this, drag out battles, score medals and frags, which is very valuable for efficiency.

Third way– improve individual parameters. This method is the most optimal for me and I hope that it will work for you too. First you need to figure out which parameter you have low. Take, for example, damage per battle. Suppose you have it 550-650 with an average level of 5.5-6. In order to have an efficiency of about 1200-1400 average damage should be 900-1100. How to raise it? It’s very simple, it just takes time and a damage tank! Choose the tank with the highest average damage. Top PTs are best. But if you don’t have these, then the same KVAS, IS-3, ISU-152, KV-2 will do. And this can be done with each parameter: win percentage, average killed per battle, average experience, etc.

I would also like to recommend you a station wagon vehicle that raises every parameter quite quickly: Hellcat, Bat Chat (ST), T-54, SU-152 (Shaitanka), AMX 50-100, IS-3, KV-2 (Shaitanka) , Hetzer (strongly affects frags), Marder, Foch 155, T57 Heavy (damage increases instantly). Well that's probably it best tanks to increase efficiency.

This concludes my material, good luck on the battlefields!

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How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

The World of tanks game is extremely popular around the world, especially among the Russian-speaking gamer community. The game about tank battles has captivated many minds. However, among gamers there are both ordinary casual players and professionals for whom the statistics of victories and defeats, account efficiency and the opportunity to participate in competitions are important. It is these players who are often looking for a way to increase their efficiency in the game.

We will talk in detail about how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks.

You can also read about efficiency in our article.

How to increase efficiency in tanks

First of all, you need to choose from two options:

  1. Increase efficiency on a newly created account.
  2. Or increase efficiency on the old account.

It all depends on your attachment to your account and the number of battles played. Naturally, on an old account where more than thirty thousand battles have been played, it will be almost impossible to increase the efficiency. Therefore, if you are not afraid to start all over again, then you should create a new account and begin this difficult task.

Below will be given useful tips, how to increase efficiency in wot.

Purchasing premium equipment from WOT

The first thing you need to do is buy excellent equipment in order to quickly gain experience and efficiency. A premium tank of the eighth level, in which you have already had experience playing, is suitable for purchase.

This technique will help in pumping and further development in the field of powerful technology. Such a tank will save you from problems with silver and free experience, which will allow you to skip level 3-4 trifles, because you will have a powerful level of damage and protection. By killing small things, you can get a lot of silver from the equipment on them.

Installing mods on WOT

Before the start of the battle, it is necessary to install skins on the penetration zones, which will allow you to find the enemy weak points. The skin will also show your weak points, which will give you the opportunity to hide them behind obstacles in battles.

Over time, thanks to such skins, you will be able to learn to shoot accurately at weak spots various tanks, which will speed up progress and allow you to play more professionally.

You can also install various mods to make the game easier, like the Olenometer, which will allow you to find out who is playing how and adjust battles. You should not install mods that will load your computer too much. Usually these are mods like minimap and UGN.

You can see more about mods.

Don't think that mods are installed by players who don't know how to play. Most professionals have almost a full range of different mods for a successful game.

It is also worth remembering that even if you lose, good efficiency will be awarded if you capture the flags correctly and deal damage. Mods will help significantly in this case.

Game settings to increase efficiency

Regardless of how powerful your computer is, you need to set the game settings so that there are no lags, slowdowns and other unpleasant things that will prevent you from playing and gaining efficiency.

You can also use programs that give a good increase in FPS. For example, the Auslogics program.

It is also worth removing the Assault, Encounter and Confrontation game modes. They are too unpredictable. Play in Standard mode and disable boost in Sniper mode.

World of Tanks - world game, which won the hearts of millions of players. Only in it will we be able not only to see how tanks of the 1930s-1950s behave, but also to feel their power for ourselves! The game brought together a huge number of players around the world, united them into teams and set the task - to prove to everyone that you best tanker in history!


But let's move away from all the big words and move on to real life. WoT is a multiplayer game built on a competitive (e-sports) system. This means that each player will have their own semblance of a rating, which demonstrates their level of professionalism. In this game, this is a complex characteristic, and a dynamic one, so in order to calculate it, special services are used. But we will talk about how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks. To do this, we will first need to disassemble it into its components.

Composition of the rating

In order to earn a good reputation in the game, you need to know how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks. Accordingly, you need to know what it consists of (what characteristics need to be worked on). First of all, the number of battles is taken into account. The more there are, the less sensitive your efficiency percentage to changes (the more fights, the harder it is for us to change its value in any direction). We don’t focus much attention here, because the number of battles is not the most important factor.

Average experience

If you don’t know how to raise it, then such a characteristic as average experience per battle is one of the most important. The larger it is, the better. Everyone knows how to lower this value, but how many know how to increase it? Efficiency in WoT almost most of all depends on the average experience per battle. To raise the value, you need to pay attention to every detail, but most of all, to fulfilling your role. After all, tanks are very different: some perfectly withstand enemy shots and push through the defense, while others are very weak in attack, but defend well due to their powerful and accurate guns. Understanding your role is one of the keys to increasing your average experience per battle. Try not to blend in so that this characteristic don’t spoil or pretend to be a hero (they don’t live here much, as a rule).


Win percentage is the second characteristic in the game that should be taken into account if you are thinking about how to increase efficiency in WoT. The story is the same as with average experience per battle - the more, the better. And here it is worth showing the connection with the number of fights. For example, if you played 20 battles, then the outcome of each of them will seriously affect the changes in this percentage, and if you, say, played 2000 battles, then 1 battle will decide little (but this does not mean that it has become less important! ). Many players are judged by this characteristic alone. There are two options to increase the value: battle on level 2-4 tanks and persistent play. The fact is that it’s easier to play on low-level tanks (and there are also a lot of beginners there), so you have a much greater chance of winning here.

Destructions/Damage (average per battle)

Next, the average number of tanks you destroy per battle is taken into account, as well as the damage you deal. It's good if this value is more than two. Do you want to stuff it? Three options: take artillery (it’s quite easy and safe to do this) and try to finish it off, take a tank destroyer (huge damage will help you) or take those tanks that were recognized as the best in this matter by Lowe, etc.). The goal is simple - either finish off or play a defensive strategy, which means we take tanks that are good in defense. As a rule, these tanks also have the best guns, so there will be no problems with damage either. It is strictly forbidden for you to attack (it risks the rapid destruction of our tank)!

Detected per battle (average per battle)

Only suitable active lung tanks. Take a quick LT a couple of times and shine a lot of light on your team. Are more than 5 tanks exposed? Well done, consider that the value has been raised very well!

Base Capture/Defense (average per battle)

Where would we be without capture and base defense points in the question of how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks? It’s worth noting right away: it won’t be possible to increase both values ​​at once. Either take a heavy tank and aim to capture the enemy base, or play as a tank or artillery to defend yours.

Average tank level

This value only has an effect on the final efficiency percentage (smoothes out all previous values ​​depending on the tank levels), so it is not particularly worth considering. So and so it will be close to 10 with a long game.


For increasing efficiency the most important values ​​are the percentage of victories, tanks destroyed and damage inflicted. Basically they will play a key role. If you want to increase them (as well as your efficiency) - play your role. Two simple options: take low-level tanks and increase the victory percentage (irrelevant if you have a lot of level 10 tanks, because otherwise the damage value will drop significantly) or constantly take Art-SPG (artillery) or Tank Destroyer to deal huge the amount of damage and destruction of enemy tanks. We hope that the article answered the question of how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks.

Many World of Tanks newcomers are not even aware of the existence of efficiency ratings, efficiency ratings, or bending. They play for their own pleasure and have the right to do so. But it is by efficiency that a player’s skills are judged. And if your efficiency is much lower than that of your allies, then you will often hear in battle: “What are you, %username%, cancer/crab!” Don't want to have a low stat? Don't know how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

Before you start downloading your statistics, you need to take a look at your account. If less than 1000 battles have been played on it, and the efficiency is low, then it is better to get yourself a new account. You will move from the category of beginners to the class of twinker players, but you will already know how to play correctly and what technique to improve.

But if a lot of money has been invested in the account and several tops have been upgraded, it will be very difficult to part with it. Therefore, decide for yourself what is more important: statistics or pumped up tanks. Improving the efficiency of an account with a small number of battles is much easier than raising the stat game account with 20 thousand fights.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that efficiency is influenced by several factors: average damage, the number of frags and battles, as well as points for capturing and shooting down a base. But the main parameter is the winning percentage, which, along with the average damage, should be increased.

The first step, regardless of whether you have created a new account or not, is to buy a top-end premium car. Firstly, a premium tank will help you get rid of the lack of silver in your hangar. Thus, you will be able to purchase top-end equipment, modules and equipment, as well as shoot gold, which is vital for tanks with weak armor-piercing guns.

Secondly, premium tanks are good because when playing on them, you don’t spend money on expensive repairs and shells, and the average damage is always good level, since top premium tanks have good damage guns.

Thirdly, free experience from fighting on premium vehicles will allow you to explore low-level vehicles without riding them.

It is extremely important to avoid battles with tanks of levels 1-4 and, if possible, you need to explore them for free experience. In low-level battles, the probability of a team kill is high, and the average damage is always low, since the guns are rather weak. In battle you can be killed with one shot, and kills at levels 1-4 of battles are very common.

How to increase efficiency in WoT? Many people are interested in this issue, but not everyone knows that mods can help improve statistics. Before going into battle, be sure to install the following modifications (mods):

  • “Deer Measuring” will allow you to determine directly in battle dangerous opponents. It is especially important for artillery, which must destroy extras first.
  • Skins with penetration zones will be useful to all beginners, since they mark, in addition to the location of the crew, ammunition stowage zones, engine transmissions and critical places that, if hit, can easily penetrate the tank. Typically, the “vulnerable” places of any tank are the commander’s and driver’s hatches, machine gun nests and front rollers.
  • Special assemblies of mods that will only improve the game client.

Remember that the quality of the game is directly affected by FPS and ping. FPS indicators should always be above 30, and the ping for a normal game should “jump” in the region of 30-150 ms. At high ping It's simply impossible to play normally.

But most importantly, the player must be able to play well. Otherwise, you will have to create a new account every time, buy a top-end premium tank and try to download new statistics again.

An interesting video on the topic of how to improve efficiency in solo random games:

Good day, tank men and women, the portal site is with you! Today's topic of conversation has been raised quite often by players lately. Therefore, we decided to help them with this. So, how can you quickly increase your statistics? game World of Tanks? There are several ways.

The first way to raise statistics. Platoon game

We think many people have noticed that players with excellent gaming statistics do not often play alone. Their platoon partners always play with them. This factor is very important for increasing statistics and win rate, because the better you know your allies, the more you will achieve. Platoon play is a powerful argument for victory for your team.

The second way to raise statistics. Selection of technology.

It's no secret that World of Tanks contains tanks that are comfortable to play on. They can be found at all levels: from first to “ten”. They are the ones chosen by tankers, whose task is to raise their statistics. Such tanks, to a greater extent, include medium tanks and light ones. After all, these two classes of equipment can do quite a lot on the battlefield when competent game, and therefore your statistics. Let's look at which tanks can help you effectively increase your statistics and, at the same time, enjoy the game. At level 10, as of patch 0.9.17, it is best to take: heavy tanks Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, medium tanks T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We don’t take tank destroyers into account due to our strong dependence on the team, but artillery... Well, that’s clear.

The third way to increase statistics. We use premium shells and consumables.

We in no way encourage tankers to use gold shells as their main ones. Well, what can you do if they are 70% of the time better than their “silver” prototypes. Therefore, extras, which is what tankers with very good game statistics are called, are chosen.

To summarize, we can say that if you use all three tips at the same time, you will achieve good results and will be able to quickly increase your game statistics in World of Tanks.

All three of the above methods in themselves are a very good help for increasing efficiency and are almost mandatory for use. But, there is one more. There are a lot of different vehicles in WoT, and, unfortunately, you can’t play with them all. There are many reasons: there is not enough silver to buy, reluctance to download this or that branch of tank development, etc. Therefore, there are units on which the least number of battles take place compared to others. It is with this technique that it is best to increase statistics. After all, there is no competition, which means there are more chances to achieve high efficiency per battle. To select a tank, we use the site wot-news.com. There we look for the “Ru server” tab, select Server statistics. The next step is to click on the All equipment button on the table and select the time For the last 4 weeks. We hasten to add that you need to look for equipment from levels 4 to 8 inclusive, because the main battles on the server are usually played at levels 10, which means that it will be more difficult to achieve a rating on such devices. But there are exceptions...

Let's look together at what kind of tanks you will find using the method described above.

Level 5.
Putting aside all the premium equipment, we came across the French tank destroyer S35 CA. This device is not, as they say in common people, a cactus, which means it is quite playable. Good review, stealth, a powerful weapon - all this will help you gain a high amount of efficiency per battle.

Level 6.
Here things are even better. From the statistics on the minimum number of battles played, the following good vehicles lag behind: ARL V39, M36 Jackson, T21 and Churchill VII. They are all easy to learn and do a great job at their level.

Level 7.
So, as the technique of this balanced weight gets to the 9s, you need to look for penetrating tanks. The first one you will find on the list will be the T25AT - US tank destroyer. Not a bad choice. It penetrates, hits, and often hurts by more than 300 units. damage per shot.

Level 8.
At this level the choice is large and quite obvious. Indien-Panzer, M26 Pershing, Charioteer, 110, Panther II - these are the forgotten heroes who are capable of single-handedly carrying difficult battles, produce good damage both in battles with “classmates” and with 10 levels.

Level 9.
There are also enough good “nines”. New Mäuschen, Type 61, Centurion Mk. 7/1, Conqueror. And of course, the public’s favorites, the M46 Patton and E 50. They were both relevant and are now capable of creating something unreal on the battlefield.

Level 10.
Gaining WN8 and Efficiency Rating at 10 levels is the job of skilled tankers. But if you are confident in your abilities, then why not. The list of good “farmers” of the rating includes the same tanks mentioned above: Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We will add to them the AMX 50 Foch (155), STB-1 and FV215b.

And the main thing.

In order to successfully and consistently gain a lot of Efficiency Rating and WN8 points in each battle, you just need to do a lot of effective actions in battle: deal damage, highlight enemy tanks, “put” them on the tracks, break the capture and capture yourself. In total, this will give quite a lot of what you are striving for - high values ​​​​in the Efficiency Rating column and beautiful WN8 numbers
