Lady Gaga song: download the track, watch the video, draw conclusions. What is a poker face? Poker face

Poker Face - a facial expression without any emotions, facial expressions, to mislead the interlocutor.

Almost everyone is familiar with this phrase, let's consider Poker Face in our life and in poker. What can Poker Face mean? It’s clear that this name has roots in poker, but is used almost everywhere.

Poker Face in a broader sense refers to a poker face. In poker, this is a calm face when bluffing.

Real poker players win through skill, which is getting the maximum pot of the hand. Whether it's a very strong hand or a bluff on weak cards, you still have to keep a calm Poker Face. By studying your opponents' facial expressions, their behavior, and the play of their hands, you can understand the strength of your hand.

If you can read your opponents in poker, then they can do it too, but here you can turn on the poker face - Poker Face. A poker face doesn't express anything, making it difficult for your opponents to play, which is what a good poker face is all about.

Make the most of the strong poker combinations and minimize losses when weak. In fact, the face does not have to be “stony”; the main thing is to deceive your opponents, who will accept wrong decision. With more experienced players, this type of bluff may not be suitable, so you will have to adapt to each opponent.

Poker pros like Phil Ivey and Daniel Negranu think ahead of their opponent's every move, which is why they win. Don’t go too far, so as not to be figured out, calculate your every move and your opponent’s.

Combine studying your opponents at the table and using your acting skills, do not express emotions while making a Poker Face, and the winnings will definitely come.

Here are some pictures on the Poker Face theme:

This term was introduced, as the name suggests, by poker players. Initially, it denoted the stony, impassive face of the player. The same name was given to the technique when a poker participant bluffed - he rejoiced at a bad deal or looked excited at a good deal. Double bluffing, when others think that the player is bluffing, but he is actually happy with a positive distribution and is worried about a bad set of cards, is also classified as a poker face technique.

This technique helps players with bad ones lose as little money as possible, and lucky ones get big jackpot. In order for poker face to look more convincing, its participants need to constantly improve their playing technique. There are several methods they use.

First of all, you don't need to think about cards. The less a player is concerned about his hand, the more calm his face will be. Secondly, you should behave as usual. If a cheerful person in life becomes serious during a game, this makes one think about his bad state of affairs.

Poker face: Internet meme

Poker face on the World Wide Web has a broader meaning than in the game of poker, but the general meaning of this expression remains the same. The picture shows an indifferent face that should hide all emotions, be it shame, sadness or joy. Sometimes it is called "brick". Typically, such a meme appears at the end of a mini-comic consisting of four pictures.

According to one version, the poker face image first appeared on the English-language image board 4chan. Then an alternative version appeared, which is also widely used. The idea of ​​a poker face comic is that some unusual situation happens to a person, and he reacts to it with a stony expression on his face.

This meme gained additional popularity thanks to the song of the famous American pop diva Lady Gaga, who is also known as Poker face. The outrageous singer herself has nothing to do with the famous face, but her performance increases her rating.

Spread of Internet memes

In Russia, one of the main Internet pages for distributing faces and other memes is social network"In contact." But this is not the only location for such pictures; they are often born on forums and image boards, and only after that they become massively popular.

You've probably already heard the expression "Poker Face", even if you've never played poker. No one knows exactly when this phrase appeared in the card game. It is only known that its founders were the British. And now they are used everywhere in the colloquial lexicon.

What is Poker Face?

“Poker Face” is a face that does not express any emotions. The same term can be used to describe the face of a person who uses facial tricks to mislead opponents. It is better to adapt to each player separately.

For poker table“Poker Face” is an integral companion to bluffing, because the main goal of the game is to win as much as possible more money at the opponent's. Don’t forget that while you are reading the emotions of your opponents, they are trying to figure out you in the same way:

  1. Having collected a strong hand, you need to try to hide your emotions or portray subtle disappointment on your face and thereby provoke your opponents to play all-in.
  2. in poker they deftly take the pot even with a weak hand. And this is done with the help of bluff.
  3. But keeping a “Poker Face” all the time is not enough for a successful game. You need to learn to understand the facial expressions of your opponents and their habits: facial expressions and gestures, manner of behavior and intonation of speech. Pay attention to every little detail.

Origin of the PokerFace meme

It appeared thanks to poker players. The PokerFace meme is a character that is extremely simple and at the same time very meaningful. He was first drawn in May 2009 as a comic book image. Since then, with the help of this meme, users have reflected complete equanimity: by sending a sticker with its image, they try to hide their embarrassment in awkward situations or thus describe the complexity of the current situation.

In everyday life, the ability to hide valuable information from your opponents or competitors is a great advantage. Facial expression is a mask. Which one you wear depends on the situation. But in any case, it contains a combination of acting abilities with the ability to read the mood of her opponents. This helps you come out of any game as a winner.

Representatives of Poker Face

A clear example of a true “Poker Face” is film actor Chuck Norris. Emotions rarely show on his face. Victoria Beckham is another striking representative of a face without characteristic changes.

In some cases, it is appropriate to wear a “Poker Face” mask, but you should not get carried away with it. Living emotions of a person decorate, it’s not worth it

Many of us have heard the expression “poker face” quite often, but not everyone understands its meaning. This term takes its roots from the card game of poker. Let's not go deeper into detailed rules this game, but the only thing you should know is that it is the ability to put on the “poker face” mask on time and correctly that is a definite guarantee of winning.

Poker face (from English Poker face) is a stony, impassive face on which no emotions should be displayed. Why is this necessary for players? The game of poker is based on the fact that a person must show his opponents that everything is fine with his cards, and at the same time, identify those whose cards are not all right. A face that does not express any emotions helps to hide the real feelings that the player experiences after receiving certain cards.

In addition to this definition, “poker face” has some other additions. During the game, it is important for you not only to hide yourself, but also to “see through” others and confuse them. This is called bluffing, and it is also part of the concept we are considering.

If you are an inexperienced poker player, it is important for you to first learn how to bluff, and only then “read” others. You must understand that not only the face is important, but the whole body. For example, hands: if you suddenly come across good cards, and you need to make it clear to your opponents that they are not important to you, let the crayon tremble in your hands, good players They will immediately understand that something is wrong here, and you are probably afraid of losing. But if it’s the other way around, then don’t let real emotions overcome feigned ones. Make a barely noticeable grin and sit back contentedly: this way you will let your opponents know that you are confident in yourself and your victory.

Further, when you have advanced in the skill of this game, you yourself can observe the small movements of the participants, study their habits and figure out their bluff. The skill of “poker face” is quite complex, but it is quite possible to learn it. It is also interesting that this skill will help you not only in the game, but also in life. Yes, at least take raising a child: show him that you see right through him, after watching him a little, you can draw some conclusions for yourself and let him understand that you shouldn’t lie to you.

Nowadays, when young people hear the words “poker face,” they imagine a primitive picture of a man whose mouth is depicted as a straight line. This is an Internet meme. In general, Internet memes are images of various human emotions. From them comics are then created about typical life situations that everyone has had.

So, roughly speaking, now the concepts of equanimity and complete indifference are being replaced by a simple foreign “poker face”. Quite often, this facial expression saves you from many troubles. It is universal and suitable for any occasion. Remember that you cannot live your whole life hiding your true feelings. You should rejoice, grieve and not be shy to express yourself. Make sure your life is real, not theatrical. Don't let the game become your life.

Some borrowed foreign words and terms are so widespread that we are accustomed to consider them part of the Russian language. An excellent example is the concept of a “poker face” - what is it and how can you determine whether you are fully successful at it? This phrase has English roots and is largely based on British culture. Moreover, the term is so successful that it easily fits not only into the Russian language, but is already considered a unique international concept.

Poker face: what is it and what does it look like?

If you translate the expression poker face literally, you get a rather awkward construction “poker face”. What are we even talking about? If everything is clear with the face, then poker is card game, in which the probability of victory or defeat largely depends on the ability not to reveal to your partners what cards you really have. Experienced gamblers control their own facial expressions to such an extent that it is impossible to guess at what moment they seized the initiative and are playing the game in their favor.

The logical translation of “poker face” is “a calm face”, when emotions are completely unreadable. However, this does not mean that you need to feign indifference. On the contrary, the ideal poker face is calm and neutral politeness without ostentatious coldness. Serenity creates the feeling of a blank white sheet, and even a very discerning person is unlikely to guess what emotions are actually simmering under this veil.

Distribution of the term

Poker, as a universally known card game, has a long history and is considered the entertainment of aristocrats. Of course, now you don't need to show a pedigree to take part in the party, and connoisseurs have plenty of opportunities to have fun. The popularity of poker is growing at a deafening speed; international championships are already being held, gathering those who want to take part and just fans.

The popularity of the game has influenced the popularity of the expression poker face, which is now used wherever endurance is required. One of the signs of popularity was the “poker face” meme, illustrating a typical facial expression without pronounced facial expressions. It is often included in short four-frame mini-comics and can serve as an analogue to an emoji. High degree memeticity has made this image one of the most used on the Internet.

Useful skill

The talent of maintaining a straight face is now in demand in many professions, especially if you have to work with people. The human factor must be taken into account when it comes to customer-oriented business - not every employee will be able to maintain a polite smile if the guest of the establishment, to put it mildly, is not entirely right.

A kind of revolution also took place among businessmen. During the times of so-called wild capitalism, when a businessman could afford almost anything, no one was surprised by excessive emotions. Poker face - what is it for business? First of all, this is a way to preserve your reputation, and also a good way to insure yourself against emotional actions. In business negotiations, when concluding deals or when resolving conflicts, a truly business person will never mimic his true attitude to the situation. Business is becoming more and more like poker, and poker face allows you to hide the true state of affairs from competitors so as not to give them an advantage.

Keep yourself in control

If your facial expressions immediately reveal all your feelings to your interlocutor, this is only good if you have a very trusting relationship. In practice, you have to constantly control yourself. Sometimes a client, boss, or older relative is deeply wrong, and it is not always possible to allow yourself a dissatisfied grimace. Poker face - what is it, hypocrisy or self-control? The ability to keep a good face is, rather, a positive character trait.

This talent can be developed and honed through training. Control over the situation is primarily achieved by the ability to control one’s own facial expressions. To do this, you don’t need to suppress your emotions - psychologists unanimously say that this is harmful. But you reserve the right to experience emotions in a way that does not harm your business, under the guise of a poker face.
