New towers in Dota 2. Detailed review of TI7 Battle Pass: is it profitable? Old New Features

Valve offers two different options for purchasing the Battle Pass - the standard bundle for 610 rubles or improved level 75 pack for 2200 rubles. The second option immediately offers you a bunch of new bonuses for levels, including several effects, 4 additional treasures and a style for the courier.

You need to understand that in three months you can manually earn most of these rewards - bets on the outcome of a match can bring more than one level per week, quests now do not give 200/300/400 points, and 400/600/800 . Add to this the rewards for predictions, trophies, etc. and we get approximately the same result.

Another thing is that the same number of levels can be raised by someone who started at 75, and not at 1. Then he will again receive additional bonuses - and if extra chests and a chat wheel motivate few, then the landscape Reef's Edge(level 150) is what most players want to get.

Let us remind you that users can always purchase additional levels. 24 levels will cost 610 rubles.

But let's start from the beginning. Starter pack from the last one Battle Pass hasn't changed at all. For $10 you can get three different chests, a music theme, a courier, a ward and a ticket to the Battle Cup, a taunt and cursors. The only innovation is a double rating token - using it before the game, you can double your bet and get +50 instead of +25. However, be careful: if you lose, you will also lose 50 points immediately.

Most of the gifts for levels have also been known for a long time. Additional votes for arcana, player cards, effects. Less often - bonus treasures and taunts. And yet Valve We added several new features - think for yourself how interesting they are.

Phrase Redeye players will be able to add to their arsenal at level 307

Now a little more about the awards themselves. Currently, only the first chest is available (5 copies for level 75 holders). Here is a list of what you can get:

Valve We also prepared some funny taunts for Battle Pass owners. You can get them in the following order:

The most discussed and large-scale innovation is a campaign for owners TI7 Battle Pass. You can go through it both with friends and with random allies. A total of four people are needed. So far the developers have not provided detailed information about the missions themselves, however, they reported that the first part of the event will be available at the end of May, while the second will be available in July. So far we only have a few screenshots.

Other activities remained generally the same. So, three lines of quests will allow you to get points for your compendium and sets for Luna, Ogre Mage And . The last branch, by the way, is slightly different from the previous quests - these are team tasks that you will have to complete together. Looks pretty interesting.

Finally, a few more interesting features for compendium owners. Remember the quiz from the merchant in old version Dota 2? Now, while searching, you will have something to occupy yourself with - you will not only kill time, but also get bonus points for Battle Pass for the correct answers.

Throughout the season, at the start of each game, players' Pass levels will be added up, allowing them to create special Prestige Towers. The possible type of future tower will depend on the overall level of prestige of the team.

And one more thing - Valve return teleports of your favorite team. When all participants The International will become known, you will be able to open player packs, collect all the members of the best five in the world and show everyone who you will root for at the world championship.

We are ready to supplement the review and answer your questions about Battle Pass in the comments. We hope our material will help you decide on a purchase - and finally, we present you with several video demonstrations of new bonuses from Valve.

Valve has announced a co-op campaign for Dota 2, which will be available to all Battle Pass buyers. Story mode will be divided into two parts, the first of which will be released at the end of May, and the second in July. The campaign can be played alone or in the company of up to four players - friends or random teammates. The developers promise "a cooperative adventure into the darkest depths of the Dark Reef."

You can purchase the Battle Pass for Dota 2 on the project’s official website. It is worth noting that 25% of the proceeds from the sale of the Battle Pass will go to the prize fund of The International 2017 tournament. In addition story campaign Pass holders will have access to a ton of content, including team quests, the ability to double your MMR once a week, sound effects for the chat wheel, prestigious towers and much more.

We remind you that not long ago Valve introduced a new requirement for Dota 2 players. Anyone wishing to take part in ranked matches is now required to link their phone number to their Steam account. Thus, the company plans to reduce the number of so-called smurf accounts - additional accounts created for the purpose fast pumping and their subsequent sale.

From the blog owner: The article is not mine, I just decided to copy it to hgm so that locals could familiarize themselves with it.
Author of the translation: ExotiC
English version of the article

Towers under construction, displaying building area and blocking buildings on top of each other

So, to create a tower we need a few things:

Changed hero to create the ability "Build"
Changed ability that our hero will have
.lua script in which we describe the logic of the ability
Custom building to build
I will analyze the code in detail, what is needed for what, and will write a comment on each line.

Custom hero

In npc_heroes_custom.txt:

"npc_dota_hero_storm_bro" ( "override_hero" "npc_dota_hero_storm_spirit" "Ability1" "place_tower" )

Custom ability

In npc_abilities_custom.txt:

"place_tower" ( // All control abilities require a base class, and since this class doesn't just modify the old ability, it must be "data_driven" "BaseClass" "ability_datadriven" // We ask for blah_POINT to get the "Target" parameter for Lua functions, and blah_AOE to display AOE when placing a tower "AbilityBehavior" "DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_POINT | DOTA_ABILITY_BEHAVIOR_AOE" // This piece is not very important, but makes tests a little easier "AbilityTextureName" "axe_battle_hunger" "Ability Cast Range" "0" "Ability Cast Point " "0" // But this one is important. We use it to set the radius of the AOE. This radius will be displayed in the game. You should name it the same as PLACED_BUILDING_RADIUS in the Lua script to match. "AOERadius" "45" // When we start spell (i.e. after we clicked the location where we want to build) "OnSpellStart" ( // We want to run the Lua script "RunScript" ( // The script file that we call "ScriptFile" "scripts/vscripts/custom_abilities.lua " // Specific function we need "Function" "placeBuilding" // Additional information which we send to the Lua file "Target" "POINT" ) ) )

This ability is done!

Lua script

-- We write the constant here so that it is visible PLACED_BUILDING_RADIUS = 45.0; function placeBuilding(keys) -- We will need several variables, they should be clear blocking_counter = 0 attempt_place_location = keys.target_points -- How difficult! Basically this line finds all the objects inside PLACED_BUILDING_RADIUS from where we want to place the tower -- Loop to count for _,thing in pairs(Entities:FindAllInSphere(GetGroundPosition(attempt_place_location, nil), PLACED_BUILDING_RADIUS)) do blocking_counter = blocking_counter + 1 end print(blocking_counter .. "blockers") -- If there are objects that interfere with the placement of the tower, then we do not build here, otherwise we place it if(blocking_counter< 1) then tower = CreateUnitByName("npc_dota_building_homebase", keys.target_points, false, nil, nil,keys.caster:GetPlayerOwner():GetTeam()) end end

Custom tower

In npc_units_custom.txt

"npc_dota_building_homebase" ( // What we go to see - model "Model" "models/buildings/building_plain_reference.vmdl" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creature" // How large is the scale. Refers to PLACED_BUILDING_RADIUS "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE" )

Now you have placed a custom tower in the ability, and the radius of the ability will tell you where to place the building, whether something will be in the way when you place it.
The sad thing is that it's impossible to do more than just tower placement as far as I know. We don't have access to the mouse cursor at any point or when we're learning an ability, so we can't specify allowed positions or a grid or anything like that.

Dota 2 (May 5, 2017) the developers have added a new Battle Pass to the game client ( Battle Pass), which was timed to coincide with the main game event this year - The International 2017. You can buy it now in the official dota2 store. As is already customary, the Battle Pass provides holders with exclusive opportunities, many rewards and, of course, treasuries.

Owners of the Battle Pass will have the opportunity to take part in a special game event. divided into two Acts. First act - The Sands of Fate- which will begin later this month. Act two - A Vault in the Deep — scheduled for the month of July.

This event can be played with 3 friends or random allies, but given the reputation of the previous event - Dark Reef ( Dark Reef), you will have to work together to survive.

You can see some types of landscapes from the first act below

As a very rare reward for completing the test, you can receive Desert Baby Roshan.

Battle Point Tribute

To increase your Battle Pass level, you can use special tokens that work for your entire team. You can place bets in 250 , 500 And 1000 tokens, and all you have to do is just win!

Team Tasks

This year, the tasks are complemented by a new, team-oriented branch of tasks. Play together with your allies (friends or search for allies) to complete both single and team objectives. In addition to the standard Battle Pass points, you will receive a special reward for completing the team branch.

Prestige Towers

As your Battle Pass level increases, your respect also increases. Throughout the season, at the start of each game, players' Pass levels will be added up, allowing them to create special Prestige Towers. The possible type of future tower will depend on the overall level of prestige of the team.


Do you want to test yourself on your knowledge of all the intricacies of Dota 2 even before the creeps are released? Good old Shopkeer's Quiz returns, albeit in a new form and format. Now, while the game is being searched, you can answer the quiz questions. If you answer questions correctly, you get points for it. If most players answer incorrectly, but you answer correctly, then you receive a double bonus. This way, you can simultaneously learn the intricacies of the game and level up your Pass using the quiz points you earn.

Favorite Team

Collect a full set of fantasy team cards to unlock the teleportation effect, profile icon and statue. If you collect a full set of silver or gold cards, you will receive upgraded versions of the rewards.

Rank Va-Bank

Owners of the Battle Pass will have the opportunity to take a chance and play for MMR points at double rate. Level Pass Players 1-254 will be able to double what they receive or what they lose MMR once a week, with level 255-394 - 2 times, and from above 395 - 3 once a week.


Stand out from the crowd with the Relic ( new item), which gives your heroes a special effect. Every week 10 random owners of Battle Passes will receive a relic that can be used on any hero. Simply play three matches to enter the draw Slark's Riptide Rumble. Even if you don't win the coveted relic, you will receive points for Battle Pass. This item can be immediately sold or exchanged. Relics will be available until next time The International.

Old New Features

Traditionally, owners of the Battle Pass will be able to place bets on matches, vote for the Arcana, recalibrate MMR in seasonal matchmaking, take part in Battle Cups, try to guess the prize pool TI7 and, of course, receive the Compendium The International 2017.

Rewards for Battle Pass levels

When you reach certain levels of the Battle Pass, you will be able to receive additional Immortal Treasures, new terrain, evolving courier, taunts and much more. To increase your level, you can complete tasks or simply buy Battle Level Bundles

Seasonal audio message wheel

The right battle cry can describe the situation in a game better than any text message or emotion. And now, with the addition of sound effects to the in-game chat wheel, players will be able to properly express their feelings and emotions. You can play an intra-team audio message twice per 30 seconds; message that all players will hear - once every 5 minutes. Special rewards corresponding to reaching a certain level are shown in the figure below.

Reef's Edge

All owners of the Battle Pass with the achievement 150 level will receive a special landscape - Reef's Edge. The map will look like the bottom of the sea, where you can see the remains of sunken ships, deep-sea mines, etc. It looks very beautiful and very unusual.

Saltworn Sailor's Award

On 225 Pass level will unlock a special item for and a special branch of quests. When you complete this branch, you receive a special style of item. The ultimate ability will replace the ship with a huge ghostly predator.

Trust of the Benefactor

On 85 and every subsequent one +50 level the player will receive Trust of the Benefactor. This artifact contains one of three Immortal Treasure and an ultra-rare opportunity to receive an additional treasure trove of limited edition items.


We are expected, at a minimum, 8 ridicule of heroes Jakiro, Techies, Winter Wyvern, Storm Spirit, And Crystal Maiden. There are no animations at this time.

Hermes the Hermit Crab

Upon purchase Battle Pass you will immediately receive a courier who will evolve to 40 , 116 , 188 , 287 , 362 , 515 , 667 And 1905 levels. You can watch the evolution effect in the video below. You can watch it on our YouTube channel

River Vials

Starting from level 68 (hereinafter 122, 315, 465, 575, 805 and 1905) you will receive mystical bottles that will allow your hero to change the color and composition of the water in the river. The duration of this effect will be 3 minutes, and all players will be able to see the changes. Each type of bottle can only be used once per match, however, there is no limit to the number of games in which these bottles can be used.

With 1000 Battle Pass, you'll be able to remember this season forever by getting your very own Aegis of Champions. Those who reach this level will have a special glowing Aegis on the fountain in the game. Moreover, they will receive a collectible The International 2017 Aegis, which is reduced in 5 once a copy of the glorious champions award.

After the winter period, the long-awaited spring has arrived, which means it’s time to wake up from hibernation and bring new trends in balance and development to the world of Dota. This very engine of progress was a huge stone in the form of a large patch that rolled through the game and introduced global changes, both in the game and in the minds of the players. What's new in Dota 2 today?

Nerfing, nerfing and more nerfing

Players are probably already tired of seeing such a picture, when some heroes tear and rush, while others quietly sit on the sidelines, not wanting to fall under the hot hand. In the new update, particularly powerful heroes such as Invoker, Beastmaster, etc. have had their agility reduced in the form of a decrease in the characteristics of the character himself and his skills. On the contrary, the weak and unpopular were encouraged, for example Magnus and Oracle.

If you want to see more, get a new scanner.

Now each hero is able to scan an area of ​​the map within a radius of 900 AOE for 8 seconds. If there is an enemy there, you will know about it, even when he is under invisibility. It’s a shame, but you will never know the number of opponents, only their presence, and you won’t be able to scan Roshan. You can reuse a new chip every 4.5 minutes.

Wards also received additional bonuses: they became cheaper and their reload time was reduced. The plus was the increase in experience for its destruction, and the minus was the reduction in the action time from eight to seven minutes.

More items means more upgrade options.

Seven new items have appeared in the game. Based on their properties and capabilities, you can already understand which heroes will have them in their pockets. At the same time, some long-familiar items were balanced, such as Heart of Tarrasque, which received added strength but decreased health, and Butterfly, whose Flutter cooldown was reduced by 10 seconds.

Balancing between light and darkness.

The new change also affected locations. Now the warriors of light and darkness are in approximately equal conditions: the dark ones have an advantage in location, and the light ones have more visibility. It's pretty important point, because until today, the dark team had some advantages.

Towers become fortresses.

The characteristics of fortifications have been reworked. Now pushing the tower is not as easy as before, since it gives an aura of armor, and its damage has also been increased. In addition, on the high ground the towers are shifted towards the base, which does not make it possible to easily and naturally demolish one after another.

New game - new rules.

The changes also affected the regime Ranked All Pick. Now you have to choose heroes to ban, and only half of them will be removed. The selection of the lucky ones is purely random. Now it will become a little more difficult to play exactly the hero you would like to see on the map. You will not be able to make your choice for a specific hero more than once.

List of some changes:

  • Heroes receive +20 health to their starting capital;
  • Roshan has become stronger, but more susceptible to magic and creeps;
  • Mana on entry level is 50 units;
  • For each unit of strength there is 20 health, and for each unit of intelligence 13 mana;
  • Experience for killing nearby creeps has been reduced, and long-range creeps have been increased;
  • Gold for killing nearby creeps has been reduced, but increases by 2 every seven and a half minutes (this also applies to long-range creeps).

Course for battle.

Summing up the April global update, I would like to say that the developers decided to shift the farm and confrontation balance slider towards the latter. This is understandable, it is much more interesting to attack and fight than to run through the forest in search of lost units. Naturally, everyone really needs the notorious balance of heroes, their skills and items that they can collect, and it will be all the more interesting to see how things change gameplay from this.

Video review of the changes in patch version 6.87:
