Printed board games in kindergarten. Printed board games and lotto Printed board games for children 4 5

What does a border guard need?

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of border guard, defender of the Motherland. Development fine motor skills and memory. Exercise children in correctly naming objects and clarify their purpose.

Game rules: Proceed with actions with cut pictures only after the signal. Whoever collects the picture the fastest begins to talk about it.

Game action: Finding parts and putting together the whole picture. Description of the composed item.

Didactic material: cut pictures depicting objects: helmet, gun, machine gun, pistol, binoculars, bowler hat, mug, etc.

Progress of the game

There are cut-out pictures on the table, children must collect them and explain why the border guard needs this item (helmet, gun, machine gun, pistol, binoculars, bowler hat, mug, etc.)

What is shown in your picture? (binoculars)

Why does the border guard need this item? (keep an eye on the border), etc.

The city is...

Didactic task: Systematize children’s knowledge about the city, how locality with roads, houses, social buildings, etc.

Game rules: Take only one silhouette. Act on a signal. Listen to the children's answers and help them if necessary.

Game action: Choosing a silhouette. Dialogue between teacher and children.

Didactic material: magnetic board, silhouettes of roads, houses, cars, etc.

Progress of the game

Children choose silhouettes on the table, lay them out on a magnetic board and answer questions.

The city is... (roads)

And Matryoshka asks the children questions:

Why do we need roads in a city? (people and cars move along the roads)

The city is... (at home)

Why are houses needed in the city? (people live in houses)

The city is... (shops)

Why are shops needed in the city? (people buy food and things in stores)

The city is... (hospitals and clinics)

Why do cities need hospitals? (people are treated in hospitals and clinics), etc.

Matryoshka looks at houses:

Which different houses, and who lives in these houses? (children’s answers are discussed and lead to the fact that children and their families live in houses)

Collect a picture

Didactic task: Systematize children's knowledge about the profession of people working in transport.

Game rules

Game action: Finding parts, putting together the whole picture. Comparing identical images in pictures.

Didactic material: envelopes with cut pictures. Types of transport: plane, helicopter, train, car, bus. Professions: pilot, machinist, driver, captain, etc.

Progress of the game

The children and the teacher each take one envelope, sit at the table and collect pictures.

Andryusha, what is shown in your picture? (airplane)

Which child has the same picture? (children show pictures and explain)

What do you call someone who flies an airplane? (pilot)

Natasha, who is in your picture? (pilot)

How did you guess? (children's answers are discussed: pilots have a helmet, goggles, etc.)

Guys, who also has a pilot in the picture? (children show pictures and explain)

Marina, what is shown in your picture? (helicopter)

Which child has the same pictures? (children show pictures and explain)

Collect the picture and guess

Didactic task: Systematize children’s knowledge about the heroes of N. Nosov’s story “Dunno and His Friends!”

Game rules: Take only one envelope and collect the picture at the teacher’s signal. Whoever collects the picture first names it.

Game action: Finding parts, putting together a whole picture, guessing.

Didactic material: envelopes with cut pictures. The hero of N. Nosov’s story “Dunno and His Friends!”

Progress of the game

Children collect cut-out pictures and name the resident of the Flower City: Dunno.

Who sent the letter?

Didactic task: Activation of preschooler’s speech, development of fine motor skills. Foster a culture of behavior and mutual assistance.

Game rules: Express your opinions without interrupting each other. Maintain the order. Act only on a signal from the teacher.

Game action: Finding the right parts, putting the whole picture together.

Didactic material: an envelope with a cut picture depicting Dunno.

Progress of the game

Children collect cut-out pictures and make a portrait of Dunno.

There is a knock on the door and the postman enters.

There is a letter for you... (hands the letter to the teacher and he reads it)

“Dear children! I beg you very much, help me. I went into the forest alone and got into trouble!”

Guys, who could have sent us this letter?

Who is in trouble?

Who needs our help? (children's answers are discussed) The teacher takes out the cut parts from the envelope.

Guys, let's put these parts together. Maybe then we will find out who is waiting for our help? Children begin to collect the picture and recognize Dunno.

Put it in order

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

Game rules: Select cards with signs of the seasons in accordance with the poetic text.

Game action: Finding the cards you need and laying them out on a magnetic board.

Didactic material: cards depicting different seasons according to the number of children. Poems about the seasons. Magnetic board.

Progress of the game

Children listen to the text and choose a card that matches the color and then, at the request of the teacher, lay out a color image of the seasons in order on a magnetic board.

She comes in December

When the trees stand in silver?

(winter - blue card)

She put on a green dress

And everything around suddenly turned green?

(spring - green card)

In a wreath of sunlight

After Spring comes...?

(summer - red card)

Throwing on a yellow dress,

Quietly comes to us...?

(autumn - yellow card)

The sun is walking across the sky!

Determine when this happens?

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature: parts of the day.

Game rules: Select colors according to the content of the text.

Game action: Search for a card of a specific color based on the text content.

Didactic material: colored cards. Model of a clock (a circle divided into four parts). Poetic texts about parts of the day.

Progress of the game

As the teacher's story progresses, the children place the corresponding cards on the watch model.

The sky suddenly turned pink

Quietly and timidly

The sun is a gentle ray

What opened it like a key? (morning - pink card)

The sun shone brightly,

The whole earth was gilded.

It shines and shines

Doesn't he tell us to be lazy? (day - yellow card)

The sun went to bed, and as if

Light blue blanket

He covers the whole earth.

The gnome will read a fairy tale

And quietly falls asleep? (evening - blue card)

When with darkness

The earth suddenly came together

And the moon is in the sky

Did you light up with a star?

And the Gnome has long been

Did you sleep quietly? (at night - black card)

When does this happen?

Didactic task: Strengthen children's knowledge about the parts of the day. Cultivate attention and patience.

Game rules: Correlate subject pictures with the text of the poem. Answer only after the teacher reads the poem. Maintain the order.

Game action: The teacher lays out a picture on a magnetic board. Dialogue between teacher and children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Magnetic figures: sun, rays, clouds, month. Subject pictures depicting parts of the day.

Progress of the game

The teacher accompanies the poetic text by laying out the picture on a magnetic board according to the content.

There is a sun on the magnetic board on the right.

Our Olya got up early,

I combed my dolls' hair,

I washed all the cubs

And she came to our kindergarten.

When does this happen? (in the morning)

Lunch hour has come

The children all sat down at the table.

Hold all the spoons correctly -

Don't drop crumbs on the floor

(The sun moves to the top of the magnetic board and the corresponding picture is displayed)

When does this happen? (in the afternoon)

The day is over, here and there

People are all going home

Mothers rush to kindergarten

Pick up your guys.

(The sun moves to the right and the corresponding picture is displayed)

When does this happen? (In the evening)

The shutters are closing,

The children undress.

- Hush, hush, birds.

Don't sing under the window!

The boys are sleeping soundly.

(The sun moves down the magnetic board and the corresponding picture is displayed)

When does this happen? (at night)

Night fell directly on the roofs;

There is no noise in the whole house,

Dad is sleeping, mom is asleep,

And the lights are off everywhere.

When does this happen? (at night)

When does this happen?

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of the day. Cultivate attention and patience.

Game rules: Maintain the order. Children talk only about that part of the day, the plot of which is depicted in the picture. Game action: Dialogue between the teacher and the children.

Didactic material: subject pictures depicting parts of the day for each child.

Progress of the game

The teacher hands out cards to the children that depict stories. Children must name the part of the day that corresponds to a certain plot.

This part of the day is morning. Because we do exercises in the morning.

This part of the day is evening. Because in the evening we are going to go to bed.

This part of the day is day. Because during the day we walk, play, work.

This part of the day is night. Because at night we sleep.

Draw Autumn

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons and signs of autumn. Cultivate attention, curiosity, patience. Conduct basic comparative analysis, identify similarities and differences.

Game rules

Game action: Children change the silhouettes of objects in the picture as the story progresses. Dialogue between teacher and children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Magnetic figures: sun, rays, clouds, insects, birds, etc.

Progress of the game

Before the game, a ready-made picture is displayed: a forest clearing with flowers, butterflies, birds, bees, a bright sun with rays.

The teacher begins the story, and as the story progresses, the children change the silhouettes of the objects in the picture.

Autumn has come, and the sun is not as bright as in summer. What was the sun like? (the sun has become dim, it shines, but does not warm - the sun is displayed without rays)

The bright rays of the sun hid from the cold wind in the leaves. And what did the green leaves look like? (yellow - yellow leaves are displayed in the picture)

The cold wind made our mosquitoes and bees chilly, and they hid where? (in the bark of a tree and stump - insects are hidden behind the tree and stump)

And the butterflies have turned into pupae and will sleep until next spring.

Birds fly through the forest, looking for food and not finding it. Why? (no insects)

What should the birds do? (fly to warm regions where there is a lot of food - the birds line up in a caravan)

But not all the birds flew to warmer climes. What birds remain to spend the winter in our area? (crow, sparrow, pigeons)

These birds moved from the forest closer to the person’s house. Why? (a person will feed these birds in winter)

The birds flew away, the insects hid, and the forest became very quiet.

Draw Spring!

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons and signs of spring. Cultivate attention, curiosity, patience. Conduct basic comparative analysis, identify similarities and differences.

Game rules: Act only on a signal from the teacher. Answer only after the teacher asks a question. Maintain the order.

Game action: Children, along the course of the poetic text, lay out the signs of the season - spring. Dialogue between teacher and children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Magnetic figures: sun, rays, clouds, insects, birds, etc.

Progress of the game

Children take turns choosing signs of spring on the table that correspond to the poetic text.

Spring is when the sun shines brightly.

Spring is when flowers bloom and grass turns green.

Spring is when the birds chirp.

Spring is when warm rain pours and streams flow.

When does this happen?

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about parts of the day, seasons. Cultivate attention, observation, partnerships.

Game rules

Game action: Guessing the season based on the plot of the picture and showing this time of year on the “Seasons” clock. Dialogue between teacher and children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Pictures depicting scenes of the seasons. Clock "Seasons" - Lull circles for determining the seasons.

Progress of the game

Pictures depicting the signs of autumn, spring, winter, and summer are displayed on a magnetic board. Children must guess the season, name the signs and show it on the “Seasons” clock. For this didactic game you can use Lull circles:

- The first, smallest circle, is divided into four parts and shaded in green, blue, yellow and red - the seasons;

— The second circle is divided into segments depicting the sun, snow, rain, clouds, etc.

The third circle is divided into segments depicting changes in vegetation according to the seasons;

The fourth circle is divided into segments depicting the adaptation of animals to weather changes according to the seasons.

When does this happen?

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons. Cultivate attention, observation, partnerships.

Game rules: Act on the teacher’s signal. Maintain the order.

Game action: Compiling the seasons according to signs on the circles of Lull. Compiling a short story about the time of year based on signs.

Didactic material: Lull circles for each child with story cards will be accepted.

Progress of the game

Children are given Llull circles with story cards for the seasons. Children should pick up story cards for the seasons in all circles and tell:

On the smallest circle, the state of the sun: the sun with rays, behind a cloud, without rays, etc.

On the second circle there are trees and plants according to the seasons: with leaves, with yellow leaves, snow-covered trees, etc.

In the third circle, activities for adults and children at different times of the year: swimming in the river, sledding, picking vegetables in the garden, etc.

This time of year is summer. Because the sun is shining brightly. There are green leaves on the trees and flowers are blooming. People sunbathe and swim in the river.

This time of year is spring. Green leaves appear on the trees. Streams run along the paths. The sun is shining, but the rays are still small. People took off their warm clothes and put on jackets and rubber boots. Etc.

What wind?

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature: the properties of wind.

Game rules: Determine the positive or negative properties of the wind.

Game action: They look at the plot picture and determine whether the wind is good or bad.

Didactic material: plot pictures about the wind.

Progress of the game

The teacher displays a picture on a magnetic board. Children must determine which wind is good or bad?

A window open from the wind, a broken vase on the floor.

A girl uses a vacuum cleaner to clean the room.

Children fly a kite.

A girl calms a crying child and hands him balloon.

A boy launches a boat on the water.

Strong wind in the forest and broken trees.

There is a strong wind outside, and children are walking in the yard.

Pick up the key

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature: the sun, the moon, clouds.

Game rules: Children select pictures of the corresponding color, assemble the picture and find the corresponding object from the picture. They guess riddles at the teacher’s signal.

Game action: Collect cut-out pictures, find the corresponding object, guess the riddles. Dialogue between teacher and children.

Didactic material: cut-out pictures with the image of a key - colored, according to the number of children. Volumetric objects - keys of different shapes. A chest with riddles.

Progress of the game

Children must choose cut pictures of the corresponding color, add up all the pictures, and select a key based on the pattern in the picture.

The teacher takes out riddles from the chest. If you guess correctly, guests appear on the magnetic board: the sun, the moon, a cloud.

It warms the whole world!

And he doesn’t know fatigue.

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls him... (sun)

I walk across the sky at night,

I dimly illuminate the earth.

I'm bored without the stars alone,

And my name is... (moon)

A bag floats across the sky

And the sun closes.

And it happens - sometimes

That water is flowing from the bag.

Let's hide better!

From the holey... (cloud)

Review and post

Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons and signs of winter. Cultivate attention, curiosity, patience. Conduct basic comparative analysis, identify similarities and differences.

Game rules: Act only on a signal from the teacher. Answer only after the teacher asks a question. Maintain the order.

Game action: Children, at the teacher’s suggestion, lay out a color board on the “Seasons” clock. They lay out the main signs of winter. Dialogue between teacher and children.

Didactic material: “Seasons” clock, story cards with signs of winter according to the number of children.

Progress of the game

Children must identify and lay out the main signs of the season on the table.

What season should I set on our “Seasons” clock? (on the clock you need to set the hand to the season - winter, blue part of the clock).

Andrey, what time of year do the signs outside the window indicate to us? (signs outside the window indicate to us that the season is winter)

Marina, what signs of winter have you posted on your table? (The sun is not in the sky, it is hidden behind a cloud. Heavy snow is coming from the cloud. There is snow on the trees and the ground. There is a strong wind outside. People put on fur coats, hats, scarves and mittens.)

Tatiana Makrushina
Desktop printed games part2

When does this happen?

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features, to develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, and endurance.

Move games: The children are sitting around the table. The teacher has in his hands several pictures depicting the seasons, for each season 2-3 pictures (winter landscape, winter fun, people's labor in winter). They clear the paths and feed the birds. The teacher explains the rules. Children today we will play So: Look, I have a lot of pictures. I won’t show them to you yet and you don’t show them to each other. We will guess what is drawn. The teacher hands out pictures and names the child. He examines his picture carefully, then talks about its contents. Then another child guesses what time of year was told about. After the child shows his picture, the children are convinced that the answer is correct. The game continues until the children talk about all the pictures.

Seek and you will find

Target: practice distinguishing the characteristic features of individual seasons.

Move games: Children classify pictures and put them next to each other depending on whether they belong to spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Who needs what for work?

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge that different things and tools help people in their work; foster interest in the work of adults. The desire to work ourselves.

Move games: the game is played according to the “LOTO” type on large maps depicted are a cook, a doctor, a driver, a janitor, etc. On the small ones are objects necessary for work. The teacher clarifies the children’s knowledge about professions and tools. Then reminds the rules games. Children sort out the pictures and match them to big map the corresponding pictures are sent; for the cook - a saucepan, a ladle, a kettle, a meat grinder.

What does a doctor need? How does it measure temperature? What does he bandage his hand with? Look more carefully for all the items that the driver needs. This game is played after observing the work of people of different professions, paying attention to the tools of their work. As children become familiar with the work of adults, they add pictures depicting (builder. Postman, seller, milkmaid, pig farmer and the tools of their labor.)

Target: to train children in the ability to combine objects according to their place growth: where does it grow? consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and flowers.

Move games: In the teacher’s box there are large cards depicting a vegetable garden and a flower garden and small cards depicting vegetables, fruits and flowers. Children look at small cards

Where do cherries grow? The teacher asks the child who is holding a picture of a cherry in his hands.

On a tree.

Where does the cherry tree grow?

In the garden. Children answer.

Where do flowers grow? (in the forest, in a flowerbed in a meadow).

Where does the cucumber grow? In a garden bed.

Look at these cards, kids. What do you see here?

And on this card? Flowerbed.

Now you will play so that everything that grows in the garden appears in the garden, that in the flower garden ends up in the flower garden, that in the garden goes into the garden, and everyone falls into their own squares on the map. Whoever closes all the squares first is the one wins. Children exchange cards and the game continues. This game is used when the task is to systematize the consolidation of knowledge about other objects, such as dishes, furniture, clothing, shoes, work equipment, and activities.

Paired pictures

Target: Exercise children in comparing objects depicted in pictures, in finding similarities and in selecting identical images; develop the ability to follow rules games.

Move games: The teacher has a set of paired pictures. The pictures show items: toys, dishes, clothes, etc. The teacher looks at the pictures together with the children, the children name them. Then the teacher takes two identical pictures and, showing one of them, asks:

Cup - the children answer.

And in this picture there is the same cup. What can you say about them? The teacher is in no hurry to answer the question himself. Children guess and They say:

They are the same.

Yes, they are the same, paired. Two cups are a pair, that means paired. Today we will play paired pictures (Holds both pictures of cups in his hand.) Listen to how we will play. I will put pictures on this table, and I will give you one picture at a time. Whoever I call will go and find the same picture on the table and find a match for it. The winner is the one who makes no mistake and names the item loudly. I offer a more complex option, hand out pictures, ask them to be attentive and answer who has the same picture. I don’t show it myself, but I talk about the depicted object so that someone who has the same thing can guess and show it.

I have a picture of a long-eared gray one eating a carrot. Who has the same picture? Children are looking. The one who is depicted is a bunny, speaks: I also have such a bunny. And he shows.

What grows in the forest?

Target: To consolidate knowledge about forest and garden plants.

Move games: The teacher selects three children and asks them to name what grows in the forest. For example one speaks:" mushrooms, second: raspberry, third: spruce." And then it continues again. The teacher warns that you can’t think for long. When the players break a rule, they sit down and choose a replacement. The new troika receives another task, for example, to list what grows in the garden or who lives in the forest, in the yard, etc.

Shuffled pictures

Target: To consolidate and test cultural and hygienic skills.

Move games: The teacher hangs a large picture on the board. The painting shows an unkempt child. And he gives the children small pictures with toiletries on them. Children are looking for an object among their pictures that needs to be complemented by a large picture and explained.

What do they plant in the garden?

Target: teach children to classify objects according to a certain criterion, develop quick thinking and auditory attention.

Move games: Educator asks:

Children, do you know what grows in the garden? Let's play a game. I will name different objects, and you listen carefully. If I tell you what they plant in the garden, you will answer "YES", if there is something that doesn’t grow in the garden, tell me "NO". Whoever makes a mistake is loses. Educator starts:

Carrot. (Yes); tomatoes (Yes)

Cucumbers. Yes.

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about different machines that help people, name them correctly and select pairs images: passenger car, truck, combine harvester, crane, etc.

Move games: The teacher shows the cards to the children, names the cars and draws attention to the fact that the card shows two cars separated by a vertical stripe. Then he distributes 4-6 cards to the children. So I put my card, what cars are drawn here. Tractor and crane. If you have the same ones, put your pictures next to the cars.

Now what are the pictures here? Who has these? Place them in one row. Children find identical pictures and place them at the end of the resulting row. The game continues until the children have no pictures left. Then a new rule is introduced, the children are again given the mixed pictures and the order is established, the pictures are laid out one after another. Those who do not have a suitable one miss a turn, he wins Who will be the first to put all the pictures.

What grows where?

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial connections between objects; group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independent thinking.

Move games: Players receive a large map with different landscapes; small cards are in a box. At the driver’s signal, the children select small cards in accordance with the pictures on the large card. he wins who will quickly cover all the empty cells and name the plants correctly (on large maps a forest, a field, a garden, a vegetable garden are drawn.) The names of cereals and mushrooms will be difficult. The guys exchange cards, small cards are shuffled, the game continues.

Let's plant a flower

Target: Navigate in space, distinguish concepts "edge" And "middle".

Move games: 5-6 children sit at the table. On each table there is a tray filled with sand and a box containing many colorful paper flowers. “Children, now we will plant flowers,” says the teacher. -You have a lot of flowers in the box, you need to plant them beautifully, in a row, and not haphazardly. The teacher monitors the work of all the children, and each child says where he will plant the flower in the middle or on the edge.

A series of story paintings designed for children to independently compose stories.

Goal: to develop coherent monologue speech in children.

1. exercise children in examining and describing individual plot pictures with sequential action, and then compiling a complete story based on them under the guidance of the teacher;
2. strengthen children’s ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives and verbs.
3. teach children to guess what happened before and what will happen after regarding a given plot;
4. cultivate the ability to listen to others and complement the story heard; help you learn some rules of behavior.


The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers and compose a story independently

1. Answer the questions:
Who lost the balloon and where?
Who found the ball on the field?
What kind of mouse was he and what was his name?
What was the mouse doing on the field?
What did the mouse do with the ball?
How did the ball game end?
Come up with a continuation of this story.
2. Write a story.

Sample story "Balloon".

The story is not read to the child, but can be used as an aid in case of difficulties in composing a children's original story.

The girls picked cornflowers in the field and lost a balloon. The little mouse Mitka was running around the field. He was looking for sweet grains of oats, but instead of them he found a balloon in the grass. Mitka began to inflate the balloon. He blew and blew, and the ball became bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge red ball. A breeze blew, picked up Mitka with the ball and carried him over the field.

The use of this part of the subject-development environment is aimed at:

  • development of discipline and the ability to complete what is started;
  • improving attention, thought processes, imagination and speech skills;
  • recording acquired knowledge and skills;
  • developing the ability to work in a team, friendliness and cooperation.

The use of games allows us to identify children’s areas of interest, determining their preferences during play. A variety of material teaches preschoolers to generalize objects according to a certain characteristic, to distinguish them from each other depending on their use and purpose. Also, during the game, the child notices the relationships between objects and learns to form a whole from the resulting parts.

An important point in the game is the need to choose a partner for interaction and find your place in the group. Children are divided into pairs or triplets, and a large number of students in the group significantly complicates the task.

The teacher plays the role of a guide in the game; he pushes the children to take the right actions, rather than directing the process. Also, do not forget about praising and encouraging the success of preschoolers.

The card file of printed board games for children aged 5-6 years old, used in kindergarten, includes the following materials:

  • domino;
  • checkers;
  • puzzles with different amounts details;
  • pictures made up of cubes, the pattern on the edges of which relates to a specific image;
  • mosaics;
  • didactic games in pictures.

The use of games affects visual perception, which is an important element of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. To include printed pedagogical material in children’s activities, it is necessary to remember that the principle of visualization implies the presence of a visual example. That is, in order to assemble the puzzle, the child will need the original whole picture as an example.

Visual perception is developed by games such as mosaics, cards with images of animals and plants, and plot pictures. For the same purpose they join in the work didactic materials in the form of a field card with a set of chips and cubes.

Choosing a game taking into account the characteristics of the child’s age development

The choice of game material is determined by age group children. At the age of 5-6 years, board and printed games take into account such developmental features as:

  • the need to work in small groups (2-4 people). Lotto and dominoes with pictures, cubes, puzzles (for example, “Fold the pattern”) are suitable for this.
  • awareness teamwork. The games from the previous paragraph and others, for example, games with a field card, correspond to this feature. Materials are actively used to consolidate knowledge about types of transport and the use of objects;
  • At this age, it is possible to show intolerance towards the help of a teacher or other adult, which requires independence in the game process. The eldest retains the role of leader. A lesson with the designation of opposing concepts, tasks for mastering professions, is suitable.

When working with children, make sure that everyone has enough props. Each child should have their own set of cards, chips or puzzle pieces. When first introduced to the material, students will need time to study what is proposed before the game begins. IN senior group children are offered different puzzle plots, since the process of combining elements is already fading into the background. If they have free time, children can exchange sets of mosaic elements.

Examples of printed board games for children aged 5-6 years

A ready-made card index of printed board games for children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten should meet the characteristics of their age and include materials on various topics. The following can be added to the game catalogue:

Game "Visiting a fairy tale"

This game is aimed at the social-emotional development of students. In the process, the preschooler learns to resolve problem situations and interact with other children through discussion and search for solutions. The set of materials includes:

  • 8 or more playing fields;
  • cards with a story containing a problematic situation;
  • figurines of fairy-tale characters.

The game is especially effective in a small group. Playing fields and the heroes are placed on the table, with each field numbered. Cards with numbers are placed on the table front side down. When the student takes a card and calls the number, the presenter describes the essence of the problem situation that the preschooler must solve.

Example of a game situation:

  • Pinocchio and Malvina played together in the sandbox. The girl couldn't make her Easter cakes and she started crying, and Pinocchio started laughing at her. What would be the best thing to do in Buratino's place?

Solution option: playing together is much more interesting; Pinocchio should have helped Malvina, and not teased her.

  • A mouse, a bunny and a frog were playing in a clearing near the tower. A mosquito flew up to them, he wanted to join the game, but he was shy. How to deal with this situation?

Solution option: the mosquito should have greeted him warmly and asked if he could join the game.

Game "Choose the words"

A game that promotes the development of coherent speech in children. It also allows you to expand your vocabulary. The set includes 12 cards with pictures and 96 with words written on them. Each child should receive a picture. If there are more children, additional material should be prepared.

The presenter shows a card with words, the children read them. The card is taken by the student whose picture matches the words in meaning. The card index of printed board games for children 5-6 years old is replenished with such a game and for the purpose.

Example of word cards:

  • store: money, scales, counter, seller, showcase, buyer, cash register, check;
  • sea: fish, ship, jellyfish, sailor, wave, island;
  • circus: clown, trainer, arena, magician, juggler;
  • forest: pine cone, squirrel, path, pine, mushroom, hedgehog.

Game "Labyrinth"

Children are given sheets of paper with a labyrinth printed on it. The ends of the maze are a cat and a kitten, a hen and a chick, etc. The preschooler must draw a path from one character to another with a pencil. This strengthens logical connections and allows you to train your hand for writing.

Game "Snow Queen"

Gameplay based on the plot of a famous fairy tale. Pupils move figures around the field, finding themselves in various situations. In the process, logic, memory and visual perception develop.

Game "Zoological Lotto"

Cards with images of animals and birds are used to help learn the names of animals, develop attention and memory.

When working with game material, do not forget about the timing of the lesson, which helps to more effectively perceive information and maintain discipline during the game. The following order is recommended:

  • introduction - 1-2 minutes. The teacher tells the children about the purpose of the laid out materials, reminds or explains the rules of the game;
  • The actual action takes 3-8 minutes, during which the presenter guides the participants;
  • summing up - 1-2 minutes. The teacher must praise each child, regardless of who completed the task better than the rest.

Depending on the chosen game, preschoolers have speech skills, cognitive processes,... In addition, the ability to follow rules and interact with the team is developed.

Board-printed games for preschool educational institutions, included in the card index, are indispensable both in training sessions and during children’s independent activities. They provide an opportunity to engage students while explaining various concepts in a game form. Preschoolers aged 5-6 years react positively to an adult’s initiative, joining in with pleasure. gameplay. The variety of classes provided allows for an individual approach to each child and the group of children as a whole.

Elena Astakhova



Printed board game for children 4-5 years old


Didactic game« We are friends with Nature:

Ecological orientation;

Desktop - printed.



The desire to protect and protect nature;

Caring attitude and love for nature, to all living things;

Ability to independently formulate rules of human behavior Nature;

Value orientations that determine a caring attitude towards natural world.


Beliefs about what actions are harmful nature;

Interest and love for all living things;

Ability to work in a team;

Fine hand motor skills;

Memory, thinking, attention, imagination.


Knowledge children about the Rules of Conduct in Nature;


Vocabulary words.

Progress of the GAME:

Option I:

The teacher hands out cards to the children that show a sign of the rules of conduct in nature. The card is cut into 2 even parts.

The teacher offers to collect the rules. The child needs to select 2 halves so that they get a whole, explain their choice, and tell about which the rule goes speech.

For correctly completed task the participant didactic game"Love Nature gets a chip.

Game is carried out several times.

The one who has greatest number chips

Option II:

The second version of the game is played by children independently.

After acquiring the skill of playing, children can play without the help of an adult.

Chips are not used in this version.


Option I:

Game carried out together with the teacher (with the help of an adult).

Option II:

Children play independently.


Game« We are friends with Nature

promotes the development of a caring and caring attitude towards all living things.

Forms environmental culture and environmental consciousness children.


During independent activities children;

While conducting preschool activities with children age GCD for formation ecological ideas for protection and security nature.


During use didactic game« We are friends with Nature activities can be organized children:

individual character;

with a subgroup children.
