The best online games. The best online games Games 27 ways to kill a thief

Have you ever been alone at home? Our hero decided to play the console in his free time. Nothing unusual happened until the villain came through the window. The robe of a criminal does not give a chance to confuse this negative character with any other. The criminal initially underestimated the baby and did not neutralize the witness. Our hero heard the question; he had to show the villain a place with jewelry and money. Instead, completely different actions must be taken. What they will be depends only on you.

The game 10 ways to kill a thief is not for children

Original horror. You will not need any skills, dexterity or knowledge. You need to select an item from the boy's room, this item will become the murder weapon. Instead of answering the question, the robber may get hit on the head! Watch all the videos with various items.

A robber could hit him on the head with a dumbbell; it lies next to the sofa. While waiting for an answer, the villain will lose his vigilance and you can do whatever you want. Watch the bloody scene of the massacre; dumbbells will be used to deliver control blows. Be smart, make the robber put his hands into the aquarium, he will do this because of the button to open the safe that is in it. When the poor fellow's limbs are immersed in the liquid, begin to act, the boy will throw the switched-on hair dryer into the aquarium. You can suffer very seriously from an electric shock! Throwing knives and various household utensils is common! The bloody horror will show more than one way to destroy the villain who has entered your house. Be careful and find all the items that need to be used, this is the only way you can see all the endings.

Games 10 ways to kill a thief are not suitable for younger age groups

The heroes are very bloody! You shouldn't lead by example! Do not repeat what you see on the screen in real life. This will lead to irreparable consequences. Everything seen on the screen is only positive and is presented purely for informational purposes. The artists and animators did a great job creating each episode. Enjoy exceptional pictures and dynamics that will be the envy of more than one game. While away an hour of fun, you will have a lot of memories!

All homework has been completed (even in physics and Russian), homework has been learned, things are packed for tomorrow, evil parents have sent you to bed, you don’t want to sleep at all, there’s nothing to do on your cell phone, and your friends on social networks aren’t responding?

I'm tired of sadly sitting through yet another - extremely boring, and even with an unloved teacher - meaningless couple at the university, I can't add a single word to my notes, I just dream about the time in the evening when I'll go with my friend to sit in my favorite place, but attending lectures is mandatory and Is there very little left before the test?

You are terribly tired of the standard monthly emergency rush, your bosses have been grumbling with displeasure since the very morning, the coffee machine broke down just today, as luck would have it, a colleague just accidentally spilled tea on you, there are still 4 hours until the end of the working day, and your brain already seems to be completely melting and it seems that you're about to explode?

It’s completely boring at the airport, everyone has just had a snack and had a good look at duty-free goods, the flight has been postponed for an unknown period, you don’t feel like reading a book, the news is only disturbing, but before your vacation you really want to finally relax and start doing nothing?

How to relieve stress in just 15 minutes, take a break from intense work, recover from a stressful situation, and simply cheer yourself up with completely free entertainment?

Regardless of gender, age, social status, professional or educational affiliation, habits and life experience, all people have one thing in common - we are living organisms, we ever get tired and we need to fully rest.

The so-called voluntary, that is, consciously held attention in an adult begins to dissipate after about an hour. Until each of us acquires a bunch of biomechanical implants and computer chips that allow us to control our brain processes like in the most cyberpunk sci-fi films, we need to look for some other way to overcome the limit of the body’s physical and mental capabilities.

Flash games are a great way to have fun in any situation! Our website contains only carefully selected, highest quality and diverse flash games: both the latest hot new products and selections from time-tested toys. Do you have a favorite character or genre that you can play for hours? One has only to open the Igrulez page in the “Flash Games” section, select a category – flash games for boys or girls, games based on characters or the top popular games, – and even the most inconvenient, unpleasant or painful moments faded into the background, and life again acquired emotional fullness and was full of bright colors!

But the main advantage is that our games can be played from any device - from a computer, from a tablet, and from a smartphone. Online games: that option for entertainment and relaxation that is available to everyone and is always with you - if only there was the Internet!

The game 10 Ways to Kill a Thief is a tough version of the Christmas story “home alone”. It is replete with bloodthirsty scenes of violence.

Game description

At exactly 10 pm, the main character should have gotten ready for bed, and not played with the video console. Apparently the guy’s day wasn’t going well or the toy he got was complicated—his mood was clearly at zero.

Then, unfortunately, a robber sneaked into the house unnoticed. Judging by the subsequent events of the flash game, the thief had a chance to profit from the apartment, but it turned out the other way around.

Play for free 10 Ways to Kill a Thief - real tough.

Unusual weapon

Sharing kindness was not part of the plans of the boy, hardened by brutal video battles. The room is littered with various objects and choosing a self-defense weapon is easy:

  1. badminton racket;
  2. box with knives;
  3. a bottle of wine;
  4. bag with snake;
  5. dumbbell;
  6. aquarium with fish;
  7. combat sabers;
  8. automobile;
  9. mop.

The listed things pose a mortal danger to the unfortunate criminal. Select an object with the mouse cursor and watch the development of events - the black and white animation is periodically colored in red. Absolutely any means are used.

Help your child defend his property and catch the bandit!


Description of flash game

10 Ways to Kill a Thief

10 Sposobov Ubitx Vora

"10 Ways to Kill a Thief" is a game with black humor, made in a rather harsh and wild genre. Therefore, players will find ten bloody scenes where they show how to kill a thief. Storyline is based on the fact that the thief gets into the apartment where the boy is left alone. The thief thinks that he is not in danger, but that’s not the case, he will soon feel the boy’s rage. The boy will use the household items you see in the room to kill the thief. The player will have to make a choice with which tool to attack the thief. Despite his young age, the boy is not afraid of anything and has no pity.

Each level of the game will show new scenes with the staging of a murder. They can be the most unusual, absurd and perhaps partly seem original to someone. A boy can bite off a thief's ear, drop a weight on him, outwit him and set a snake on him. In general, horror, cruelty and blood in one bottle. If you like games with a strange style, then "10 Ways to Kill a Thief" is what you need.
