Summary of nodes in a plot-game form in the senior group "children's cafe". Notes on the development of speech, role-playing games and activities in the senior group. Notes on the subjects of role-playing games according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Summary of the plot-role-playing game in the senior group

Summary of the role-playing game “Family”; plot "Visiting Grandma"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description of material: The lesson notes have been developed for children of senior preschool age. In the process of collective activity, children learn to take on the role of a caring parent.
This material will be useful to teachers working in the senior group.
Target: Developing children's interest in role-playing games.
- teach children to plan a game, select attributes;
- continue learning to be able to distribute roles; independently develop the plot of the game;
- expand your vocabulary; develop children's dialogical speech;
- promote the establishment of friendly relationships between players.
Game material:"Family";
- attributes for room equipment;
- dishes;
- furniture;
- bag;
- wallet;
- money.
"Granny's House"
- dishes;
- samovar;
- money;
- substitute items.
- seller’s clothing;
- cash register;
- vegetables, fruits, sweets, etc.
- steering wheel;
- tickets.
Preliminary work:
- looking at pictures about the family;
- reading poems about mom, lullabies, talking about mom;
- board game “Family”;
- conversations about people’s professions;
- didactic game “Who works where? ";
- production of attributes for the game;
- conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;
- role-playing games with children “Family”, “Shop”.
Progress of the game:
Children sit on chairs, the teacher walks around in a circle and says:
Educator: Guys, I’m so sad and lonely, I want to go somewhere for a visit. But where should I go, maybe you can tell me or suggest, and we’ll all go together.
Children's answers: They suggest going to visit grandma.
Educator: What do we need to do to start the game.
(Children's reasoning)
Educator: Right! We need to assign roles, choose children to play. For our game we need: mother, father, two daughters, son, grandmother, grandfather.
(Children choose mom, dad, children, grandparents and justify their choice)
Educator: Well done, the roles have been distributed. Now, we need to decide how and what we will use to get to grandma?
The children suggest going by bus.
Educator: Okay, let's go by bus. But then we need another driver.
Children choose a driver.
Before leaving the house, mother reminds children of the rules of behavior. Reminds them that they will get off the bus at the stop: “Babushkino.” And they go on a visit, or rather, first they go to the bus stop.
An improvised bus arrives.
Mother: We carefully board the bus.
Driver: Be careful, the doors are closing, the next station is “Kindergarten”. The bus circles around and stops.
Driver: Be careful, the doors are opening, the Babushkino stop.
Mother: We get off the bus carefully, without jostling, and help each other. We got off the makeshift bus.
Dad suggests going to the store and buying gifts for grandma.
Mother: Children, hold hands, let's go to the store, but there is a road ahead. What do we need to do in order to cross the road?
Children: First, you need to look in one direction to see if there are cars, then in the other, and only after that we cross the road.
Mother: Well done, right.
We go to the store. The children greeted the seller.
- Hello. We need gifts for grandma.
Salesman: Hello, please choose.
Children and parents choose a box of Choco Pie, a pack of tea and a box of Raffaello. They approach the cash register.
Mom turns to the seller: Please count how much we owe you.
Salesman: Thank you for your purchase, yours is 236 rubles.
Mom pays the seller and they leave the store.
They go to grandma. They approach the house. The doorbell rings.
Grandfather opens the door.
- Hello, my dears, come in. Grandfather and dad shake hands.
Everyone enters the house and is greeted by their grandmother. Hugging with grandchildren, with mother.
Grandmother: Come on in, come on in. You are probably tired from the road. Have a seat. I’ll put the samovar on now (grandmother, it’s supposed to be put on the samovar). Returning. Well, tell me how you are doing, how are you doing at school, in kindergarten?
Grandchildren: Grandma, please take it, we brought you some gifts for tea.
Grandmother: Thanks a lot.
While the samovar is boiling, they talk. Then they all drink tea with sushi and cakes together.
Grandchildren: grandma, how is your health?
Grandmother: everything is fine, nothing seems to hurt yet.
Grandchildren: grandma, maybe you need help?
Grandmother: no, drink tea and you can go play with the neighbor kids, while mom and I prepare dinner. And grandpa and dad will go to the store for groceries, I’ll write them a list now.
Grandfather: I can't because I already have to go to work. Says goodbye to everyone and leaves. If I have time, maybe we'll meet for lunch.
Grandmother: Then dad goes to the store.
Dad: Okay, I'll go. Write a list.
Mother: Kids, what do you want for lunch?
Children: I want pies; and I want a sausage.
Mother: Okay, if you've had some tea, then go play.
Children leave the table and invite all the other children to play.
And mom and grandma start preparing dinner.
Children independently come up with a further turn of events.

Olga Ignatovich

Target: Consolidate knowledge about library.

Tasks: Expand children’s understanding of the profession librarian. Content and significance of work librarian. To foster responsiveness and respect for work in children librarian. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to library.

Situational conversations: “What should you do if you tear a book?”.

Looking at illustrations.

Preparing for the game: Registration book corner play area.

Exhibition of books.


Glue, oilcloth, scissors.

Methodical techniques:

Distribution of roles.


Manager: (educator)

Librarians - 2 people.

Readers: 5-6 people

Move: Guys, guests have come to us, let’s say "Hello". Well done.

We sit down at the table. Guys, tell me, do you want to know what game we will play today?

Children: answer

Educator: Then listen to the riddle.

Not a bush, but with leaves

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but a storyteller (book)

Children: answer

Educator: Do you like having books read to you?

Children: answer

Educator: Where do you think I can get books?

Children: answer

Educator: And where else?

Children: answer

Educator: Well done. Where is the best place to get books?

Children: answer

Educator: Listen again riddle:

1. Tablets and medicine.

The pharmacist sells it to you.

Textbooks and books.

Will find us... (librarian)

Children: answer

Educator: Where does he work? librarian?

Children: answer

Educator: Well done! Do you know how many halls are in library?

Children: answer.

Educator: Tell me, please, what are they doing in the reading room? In the subscription?

Children: answer.

Educator: Without whom it cannot exist library?

Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you’ll find out who it’s impossible to live without. library.

2. If you wrote a book

So you are a writer

If you read the book.

So you... (reader)

Children: answer

Educator: Well done! Certainly, library cannot exist without readers.

Do you think everyone can be a reader?

Children: answer

Educator: Well done! Now we'll play game: “It is possible and it is not possible”.

Target games: When you can, you say yes and clap your hands, and when you can’t say no, stomp your feet.

1. A book is your best friend

Everyone around knows this. (Yes)

Flip through with dirty hands. (No)

3. Hold the book carefully

Place a bookmark in it. (Yes)

4. If you like the picture

Tear it from the middle. (No)

5. Don’t throw a book into the water

Take care and respect. (Yes)

6. Take the pen in your hand

Write on the pages. (No)

7. Ride a book down the slide

And then offer it to the bear. (No)

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task. Remember the rules for handling books.

Do you remember we went on an excursion to the nursery? library. Let's watch the video and remember who we met and what they do there.

Watch video.

Educator: Now let's play game: « Library» .

Here you and I library, don't forget when we go to library, what are we saying? - Hello. Please tell me who works in library?

Children: answer

Educator: What does the manager do? librarians?

Children: answer.

Educator: So I’ll be your manager, and librarians we will have a boy and a girl.

The boy will be in the reading room, and the girl in the circulation room. And so, and the rest will be our readers. Librarians and the manager take their places.

Readers come to they are greeted at the library by the librarian of the reading room.

Children: Hello.

Librarian: Hello, my name is Viktor Viktorovich. I invite you to the reading room, look in this room at a lot of new and old books, magazines, newspapers. You can come up, take it for yourself and sit at the table and look. Guys, do you know how to behave in the reading room?

Children: answer

Manager: Guys in our library There is a book workshop, we have a request for you to help repair books. Please come into the workshop.

(book repair)

Manager: Well done guys, now go to the subscription hall.

Librarian: Hello, welcome to us, we are glad to see you. We have a lot of new books today. Please come to the shelf. (librarian offers books) :

When you choose a book, come to me and I’ll write it down for you on a card.

(Children come up and write books on cards).

Manager: Guys, who took the book, sit down at the table. (when everyone has written down their books, he comes to visit us librarian-Marina Boleslavovna)

Manager: Let's say a big thank you and read some poetry as a gift to our guest.

(alarm clock rang)

So, the alarm clock rang and it was lunch time, but after lunch we will play the game again.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities on social and communicative development within the framework of the role-playing game “Our Katya got sick” Goal: Continue to educate children about the value of health Objectives: 1. To develop in children the ability to take on a role and perform.

Summary of the role-playing game “Library” Age group: senior group (5 – 6 years). Goal: forming the social experience of children by means.

Summary of the role-playing game "Library" in the preparatory group Abstract of the plot-role-playing game “Library” in the preparatory group Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the world around us, to build the plot of the game on the basis.

Summary of the role-playing game "Circus" Goal: to develop children's gaming skills. Objectives: Educational. 1. To reinforce children’s ideas about the circus; about circus professions.

Abstract of GED according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the form of a role-playing game “Cafe”.


Expand children's understanding of culinary professions; consolidate the profession of a cook, waiter, bartender, introduce the profession of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work; develop a desire to work together with an adult; introduce children to the process of making pizza and the ability to decorate sponge cakes. To form the basis for the safety of one’s own life in the process of work.

Integration of areas:

1. “Speech”: Fix the names of various professions. Improve your vocabulary with new words (pastry chef, pizza, pizza maker, administrator, assortment, bartender). Engage children in conversation while cooking.

2. “Social-communicative”: Creating conditions for the formation of a positive sense of self in a child - confidence in their abilities, introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, planning teamwork, subordination and control of their desires, teaching them to take turns, establishing new contacts.

3. “Educational”: Introduce the professions of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work.

4. “Physical”: Formation of the foundations of the safety of one’s own life in the process of work. To develop in children knowledge about healthy food and its importance for humans

5. “Artistic and aesthetic”: Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of people of different professions and its results. Encourage children to independently prepare a variety of dishes. Foster a desire to take part in collective work. Develop aesthetic and artistic taste when decorating dishes.

Equipment and materials:

Decoration of cafe premises, kitchens, confectionery shop, bartender's workplace, administrator's office, set for making confectionery, juice in cups, notepads, musical arrangement, spoons, plates, cups, fruits, vegetables, salted dough for modeling confectionery, meat grinder, blender, mixer.

Methods and techniques:

Visual methods and techniques (games, looking at pictures, using ICT - presentation); verbal methods and techniques (the use of literary words, the teacher’s story, conversation, instructions and explanations in the educational process of educational activities, summarizing the assessment of children’s activity).



MKU Department of Education Administration

urban district city of Neftekamsk

Municipal preschool

educational budgetary institution

kindergarten No. 32

Abstract of GCD

according to Federal State Educational Standards

in the form of a role-playing game


in the preparatory group


Conducted by the teacher:

Zaydullina E.M.


Expand children's understanding of culinary professions; consolidate the profession of a cook, waiter, bartender, introduce the profession of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work; develop a desire to work together with an adult; introduce children to the process of making pizza and the ability to decorate sponge cakes. To form the basis for the safety of one’s own life in the process of work.

Integration of areas:

1. “Speech”: Fix the names of various professions. Improve your vocabulary with new words (pastry chef, pizza, pizza maker, administrator, assortment, bartender). Engage children in conversation while cooking.

2. “Social-communicative”: Creating conditions for the formation of a positive sense of self in a child - confidence in their abilities, introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, planning teamwork, subordination and control of their desires, teaching them to take turns, establishing new contacts.

3. “Educational”: Introduce the professions of a pastry chef, pizza maker, and the specifics of their work.

4. “Physical”: Formation of the foundations of the safety of one’s own life in the process of work. To develop in children knowledge about healthy food and its importance for humans

5. “Artistic-aesthetic”: Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of people of different professions and its results. Encourage children to independently prepare a variety of dishes. Foster a desire to take part in collective work. Develop aesthetic and artistic taste when decorating dishes.

Equipment and materials:

Decoration of cafe premises, kitchens, confectionery shop, bartender's workplace, administrator's office, set for making confectionery, juice in cups, notepads, musical arrangement, spoons, plates, cups, fruits, vegetables, salted dough for modeling confectionery, meat grinder, blender, mixer.

Methods and techniques:

Visual methods and techniques (games, looking at pictures, using ICT - presentation); verbal methods and techniques (the use of literary words, the teacher’s story, conversation, instructions and explanations in the educational process of educational activities, summarizing the assessment of children’s activity).

Progress of activities:

1. Introductory part. Organizational moment.

Relaxation exercise"Let's rejoice"

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds,

(children raise their hands up)

And we will also rejoice in smiling faces,

(smile at each other)

To all those who live on our planet,

(spread arms to the sides)

"Good morning! " - we will tell the guests and children.

(hug each other)

2. Introduction to the topic. Posing a question for discussion.

The teacher draws the attention of the guests present:

Guys, how many guests we have today!

Do you have guests coming to your home?

How do you meet them?

Do you go to visit yourself?

How do you behave when visiting?

On what occasions do we go to visit?

Well, if there are a lot of guests, then you can invite them to the cafe. Here is my proposal: since we have guests today, we will open our own cafe and invite them there.

But before we remember what professions people work in cafes, let's say

What is this profession? (profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life)

What professions do people work in the cafe? (cook, pastry chef, waiters, bartenders...).

And I also know such a profession as a pizza maker.

Have any of you heard of her? (Pizzmetsker is a pizza maker).

Where are people of this profession needed? (at the pizzeria). (SLIDE 1)

Teacher's story:

This profession appeared in Italy, like pizza itself. (SLIDE 2)

Pizza, an Italian dish, is so popular among Italians that a special holiday is dedicated to it, held in Italy every year. Now let's see how and what pizza is made from. (SLIDE 3)

Well, now let's take guests on a tour of our cafe.

Cafe tour:

  1. Kitchen.

Look how many items there are here!

What is this? (meat grinder)

What do you do with a meat grinder?

What is this? (grater, pan, stove...)

What profession do these items belong to? (To the cook)

(The cook has special clothing - this is an apron, cap or scarf. He wears this in order not to stain his clothes and so that lint and hair do not get into the food. And in general, such clothes are worn not only by cooks, but also by confectioners and salespeople , waiters).

What should a chef be like? (neat, healthy, fast...)

Physical exercise "Cooks"

  1. Confectionery shop.

What do you know about the work of a pastry chef?

What confectionery products do you know?

What tools does the pastry chef use?

3. Bar table.

There is a wide range of cocktails here. Who cooks them? (Bartender)

What do you know about being a bartender?

4. Administrator's office.

What job does an administrator do? (Keeps order in the hall, orders food).

5. Cafe hall.

Who works in the cafe hall? (waiters)

What kind of work do waiters do? (Introduces visitors to the menu, takes orders and fulfills them).

Now we have become acquainted with the cafe premises, let's assign roles and invite willing guests to the cafe. (Cooks prepare salads, prepare soup, porridge, French fries; pastry chefs cut out cookies from salt dough and make cakes; bartenders stir cocktails; waiters turn on calm music, prepare notepads with pens; the administrator calls clients).

Reception of guests.


We played very interestingly. You played your roles wonderfully. Let's close our cafe today, and tomorrow, if the desire arises, we will continue the game.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Kindergarten"

for older group

Compiled by: teacher Rezaeva I.A.

Target: Contribute to enriching children's gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline. Promote joint play between children and parents at home.


1.Give basic knowledge about the work of kindergarten employees.

2. Teach children to invent and depict various actions in a game situation.

3.Develop a sense of community and interest during the game.

4.Expand children's knowledge.

5. Cultivate friendly relations and respect for the work of adults.

Previous work. Daily routine moments in kindergarten, didactic games with a doll. Supervising the work of a teacher and assistant teacher. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. manager (physical supervisor). Excursion-inspection of medical. office, observation of the doctor’s work, conversations from the personal experiences of children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that makes the work of kitchen workers easier.

Game material: dolls, toy dishes, furniture, substitute items, nurse's kit (thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, vitamins).

Game roles: cook, nurse, teacher, music worker.

Progress of the game:

Look how many groups there are in our kindergarten, there are a lot of children in them. Who makes sure that children have a good and fun life in the home? (children's answers).

After the excursion, the teacher offers to play in the kindergarten.

First, the teacher himself demonstrates actions with objects.

For example, playing the role of a nurse, the teacher prepares the necessary items: a thermometer, a syringe, cotton wool, vitamins, while using substitute items. After this, he invites one of the children to show what work the nurse does (does vaccinations, massages, takes temperatures...) so the teacher can play several roles.

Children distribute roles among themselves.

Alina: I will be a musician, I will teach dolls to sing songs and dance.

Educator: Who will Vika work as?

Vika: I'll be a nurse! (chooses attributes for himself).

Children begin actions with dolls, each performing their own role. The teacher tells the children that after class it’s time for the dolls to get ready for a walk, and for the doll Ole to go to the nurse for a massage, etc.

Throughout the game, the teacher reminds about the routine moments of kindergarten and helps to combine individual actions into a single storyline.

Game result:

Guys, what game did we play?

What professions of people working in kindergartens do you know?

Who were you today?

You now know that all work is very important.

Did you enjoy playing?

Let's switch roles and play again.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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