Classes of the game WOW. Old acquaintances parade

Developer and Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment.
Genre: online RPG.
Similar games: Neverwinter.
Platforms: Windows, Mac.
Minimum system requirements: Win 7 32, Core 2 Duo E8500 or AMD Phenom II X3 720, 2 GB RAM, GeForce GT 440 or Radeon HD 5670, or Intel HD Graphics 5000, 45 GB hard disk space, Internet access.
Recommended: Win 10 64, Core i5-3330 or FX-6300, 4GB RAM, GeForce GTX 750 Ti or
Radeon R7 260X.
Age rating: 13+.

The benefits of sleep and the elves' response to awakening

No, don't expect to see here "The Witcher 3" or even Pillars of eternity... Everything is simpler: from now on, completing quest chains is an important indicator of your success in the game, along with your character's level or gold and currency reserves. If you want to buy armor from the last season, go through the campaign of your class. If you want to hire more companions - go through quests. You need resources to upgrade the base - complete the tasks. And it is better to immediately say goodbye to the stereotype that you will go through all the chains in a couple of evenings. Sessionality is great, but in some quests you will have to wait for 8 hours of real time - and this is not the limit.

But there are really a lot of tasks, they add up to long stories where everything we love in RPGs is there: epic, dynamics, unexpected turns, a sense of involvement in the fate of the universe. It all began with a new invasion of the Burning Legion into Azeroth and Gul'dan's attempt to infiltrate the tomb of Sargeras, once the head of this very Legion. The best heroes in the world rushed to prevent the orc-sorcerer, but a complete defeat awaited them. Then, foreseeing the catastrophe, the bitchy guard Maiev "unleashed" the demon hunters - and this gave a temporary respite.

Next, Azeroth's last hope is to appoint you personally and entrust you with collecting all sorts of legendary artifacts - the Pillars of Creation. And at the same time, the solution to the mystery of the Brick, which fell from heaven and carries a message from Space: "Revive Illidan, he is so cool!" And you ask: how is it that all the most interesting is entrusted to you alone, if in Wow thousands of people are playing at the same time? And like this: all these epic tasks you will go through alone with the support of only bots. Multiplayer in Legion- entertainment is strictly optional, not for everybody.

Despite the well-thought-out plot, the solo play proceeds in half-sleep. Formally, auto-balance adjustments make sure that the strength of the monsters matches the player's level. In fact, in battle, you do not even lose health, and I took the maximum 110 level, without even pulling all the skills to the interface panel. The tasks have not changed either: still run to the marked area and do something according to the diary's instructions. They will tell me: nothing new on the engine Wow you can't imagine, everything has been tried for a long time. Three times "ha"! See what the designers are doing on the strategy engine, and what a fine balance there is. Just to creators Legion it was forbidden for the players to even have a shadow of thought that difficulties might arise with some task. And even missions like the liberation of Exodar, where there is no difficulty, there is simply freedom of maneuver - these are rare exceptions that only confirm the guess that they could, but did not want to.

Of course, missions are not of the same type and are fascinating. It can be beautiful flights in the form of a firefly through the elven forest, an escape from hell in the spirit Dark souls or lessons in runespeaking at the time-lost elven academy. The problem is different: there is no game here. Because a game, not only a computer game, but any game, is when you make an effort and get a reward. The first necessarily determines the second. Ripping the dragon's mouth, doing something incredibly difficult and getting a beautiful ribbon for it is normal for the game. But all kinds of 'talk to Khadgar to become LI-GIN-DAR-NIM !! hero ”only jarring, and I want to forget such a falsehood as soon as possible. Quests Legion Is an amazingly balanced gum for the brain. They are not interesting enough to leave pleasant memories for a long time, but they are not boring enough for another piece of the plot to be perceived as a reward for completing them. There are quite a few videos in the new add-on, but the effect did not work - you already feel like a spectator of the performance.

Finally, the age rating was again confused with the target audience, and the battle-worn heroes behave like 13-year-olds. During an hour of the game, I twice participated in the attacks of the "invincible" armada of the Horde, and twice it ended in failure, but the Horde somehow managed to quarrel with the Alliance. Elsewhere, I watched as the heroes of the dark elves, who had fought off the Legion more than once over the past 10,000 years, became lazy, insolent and, in a fit of hysteria, gave themselves up one by one to some third-rate demonic minion. And the endless "Wa-ha-ha!" I'll kill you all! " and "You are late, Azeroth will fall!" And what? It has always been so in Wow... It's just that before the plot was not given a central role.

About serial production and trade unions

Still, the trump cards Wow is, and therefore the game is still alive. Difficulty auto-tuning has a chance for the future - all Blizzard has to do is introduce difficulty levels similar to Heroic Dungeon Mode. And if she gathers her strength and screws auto-tuning to all locations, dungeons and raids of the world Warcraft? It will be just a bomb!

It is difficult to avoid irony further, because in Legion all heroes of the same class use the same “unique” weapon. That is, you are constantly told that your dagger (staff, bow) is just legendary through and through - and immediately forced to spin in the company of other players with exactly the same weapon - well, isn't it insanity? These two innovations - the mainstay of the class and the class weapon - are by definition incompatible, did no one notice this during the alpha test?

In essence, class weapons are just another amputation of old mechanics. Previously, everything was built according to the proven laws of the genre: you went into a dungeon, killed a boss, got a new powerful "gun" - and this gave that feeling "I" ve got a power! "For which we love all types of RPGs. We start with quests, after a couple of dozen of them we get a relic, which gives the "experience" of the artifact. We also collect relics - and, finally, we are allowed to choose the "feature" of the weapon. We open a beautiful window, as if we see even a pumping tree. the proposed bonuses - and there are only modest numerical increases: + 6% damage with such and such a skill, + 5% healing with another Seriously: is this all that we can improve after several hours of playing? so you need ten times more "features" for a 5% increase in DPS or HPS. Are you kidding me?

And it's not about numbers, but the fact that pumping is not felt in battle in any way: it does not affect tactics, does not add individuality to your playing style, does not create a feeling of the increased power of the hero, does not even give any visual effect. A sacrifice for balance? But in earlier versions Wow there were talents that accelerate the casting of magic, reduce the cost or cooldown of skills, increase the crit power by 10% at once, or even give new effects to the old skills - and everything was in order with the balance. Why such a balance at all? Better Diablo 3 with its fireworks effects, it's at least fun.

But Legion goes further and removes the "characters" entered in the addon Wrath of the lich king... What for? They were almost decorative. But at least some flexibility was given. There is no explanation. Here's an addition for your money: one mechanic was introduced - two were killed. Don't ask what the scribes are doing now - it's not a problem to introduce a stub in the form of regular "runes" that give numerical bonuses in the raid.

And since we're talking about numbers. In the hero's window, I counted only nine of them. In fact, only one thing matters - the level of objects. You can just say so: "The power of my hero is 795". Does this generally happen in MMORPGs? Can you imagine it even in an action RPG or MOBA? And suddenly you find objects with interesting bonuses, like "+ N to the speed of movement", but where it is displayed and what the real bonus is, it is impossible to find out in any way. Is it any wonder that hundreds of thousands of players dream of opening early version servers? Wow? Take a look at the talent calculator Burning crusade- Yes, this is just a divine revelation against the background of the current sham rules.

Yes, regarding the one-day rules - there are really a lot of them. There is "knowledge about the artifact", which accelerates the pumping of weapons. There are honor talents designed for PvP. But you don’t believe it any more: well, That Most Important Number will rise to 850 or even 853 - and what will this change in the gameplay?

About trying to fly born to crawl

Graphics u Wow depressing at best, and barely even competitive with games from a decade ago. Actually, I'm still in the review about problems with graphics. Mists of Pandaria in 2012, since then the world has changed the generation of consoles, and Wow stayed there. The question is not even about technology, but about design - it is mediocre and dreary. The Desecrated Lands of Outland are a fountain of colors, madness, space. Desecrated locations Legion- it is a pile of black cobblestones in poisonous green spots. Northrend is home to dozens of completely different zones, united by the theme of north and cold. The Broken Isles are unconnected forests, mountains, and ruins.

There are other reasons why Wow first you have to get used to it. Let's leave even the morally outdated interface where you can't drag windows and spend a long time looking for the item you need in your bag. Worse, the design of the armor is bored: only the pauldrons and the helmet change models, the rest of the elements have only textures. Therefore, in principle, you cannot create a sorceress in a suit like Jaina or a warrior in armor like Garrosh. Let's go further: monsters run towards you through the textures, and in other cases you cannot attack them, because you allegedly "do not see" them. Contact people always need to guess the distance, and the shooters always need to select each target, and God forbid, she was behind her!

Yes, this is all the legacy of an era when lags due to poor Internet were more dangerous than management conventions, but today in Wow these "crutches" are depressing. And now Blizzard introduces a new class - Demon Hunters. They run fast, jump high, glide on wings and look through walls. It was risky to introduce a class like this, but it's a hell of a lot of fun to play - you feel the freedom and drive like you're playing a slasher. Throw in the aggressive Illidan look and exemplary prologue campaign, and it's clear why almost every other person in the Broken Isles is a winged elf with glowing eyes.

In a word, you want to enjoy Legion- create a demon hunter, go through quests and look at the statistics window less often. Playing with other classes is a sheer pain from the feature-kata, and you are unlikely to want to go through the same missions with another hero a second time.


  • The wheel of Azeroth's history is picking up speed.
  • Demon Hunter is worth playing.

Nasty things:

  • Feels the obsolescence of the game.
  • Neither quests nor battles challenge the player.
  • Key mechanics keep sawing off.

Rating: 6.0

Legion I did not surprise with anything and did not really make me happy. Old fans will come here to look at familiar heroes, brush away the nostalgic trail, and in a month they will forget about Wow until the next addon.

Thanks to Blizzard Entertainment for providing the game key.

This is another massive expansion for the original World of Warcraft. Legion's storyline follows the events that followed. Players travel to the ancient lands of the Broken Isles to face off against the Burning Legion and prevent them from summoning the Dark Titan to Azeroth.

Legion adds completely new locations, story and side missions, and new heroes. The add-on also introduces changes to the gameplay and adds a class of demon hunters, which can be tested by pre-ordering.


Reviews and testimonials on the game "World of Warcraft: Legion"

Age of geeks

Despite its respectful age for MMORPGs, World of Warcraft once again proved its right to life. Legion will undoubtedly delight its current subscribers with a ton of interesting content, new raid dungeons, and a PvP balance turned upside down thanks to major class changes. The game will also be interesting for beginners, because for 12 years an incredible amount of gameplay has accumulated here and it was brought to the ideal by experience.

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Whatever fans say to criticize World of Warcraft and no matter how many “Wow killers” come out, the game continues to live and develop actively. This fact cannot be denied. Legion dramatically expands the capabilities of players and provides them with new high-level content. This, at least, will save old and attract new players, and perhaps open a new page in the game.

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It's no secret that the World of Warcraft subscriber base is falling year after year. And the point is not at all in the quality of the game, but in banal fatigue. The most famous MMO in the world has been around for 12 years, and during this time several game generations have changed. Blizzard showed us hundreds and thousands of different stories, but sooner or later the ideas dwindle and the developers start repeating themselves. This is exactly what the Legion expansion shows us.

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[email protected]

In general, we can say that the updated PvP system, pumping an artifact and even hiking in the dungeons in the Legion are arranged in such a way that you can access these things instantly, but in an amicable way to understand them and master them at a high level will take an abyss of time. And this is the whole Legion. The longer you play it, the more it is ready to give: suddenly hidden story quests open up, suddenly you notice a path ...

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World of Warcraft: Legion is really such a large-scale expansion, in which you will not experience and go through everything in a matter of days, because it is simply impossible. It will take you not just weeks, but whole months of exciting adventures. I think any fan of World of Warcraft already understands that the game engine is outdated and even covered with dust, so the graphic component is saved exclusively by the ingenious work of the designers.

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gambling addiction

World of Warcraft: Legion is so big that it is simply impossible to experience everything on yourself in a matter of days. It takes weeks and months. And in the near future, players will have a number of content patches: in particular, the raid "The Emerald Nightmare" will open in parts within two months, and along with it, mystical versions of dungeons will come into the game. Take the time to see everything with your own eyes. It's worth it!

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World of Warcraft: Legion Player Reviews (15)


    I liked the game, unlike other add-ons, there are a lot of things in it, that's understandable. Roughly speaking, after the loss of 3 million subscribers due to draenor, the blises fell into a state of "berserk" and now we have a legion. Perhaps this is even the best addition in its entire history. Although there is 1 minus - this is a huge farm, of course, it has always been in Vova, but in this addition there is a lot of it).

    To answer
  1. Valentine

    The worst addon of all. The game is addictive and in general has a lot of interesting things, but the most brutal thoughtless farming kills everything. The farm in pandas was much smaller. If you want to play with several classes - get ready for hell! Pumping an artifact, profession, garrison for one character takes a huge amount of time. If there are two characters, it will take twice as long, three times three times, etc. Without a pumped artifact, you are no one and it is impossible to play, you will not be able to get out of pumping an artifact, you will not be able to get out of pumping a stronghold ... there will be a brutal farm of resources, the power of an artifact and other things. The game turned into a brutal farming without any pleasure, a lot was killed. The threshold for entering new players has been raised to the point of impossibility, pumping is easy to level 110, but without pumping an artifact, these 110 are just meat. If you do not have time to devote at least 6-8 hours a day to this "game" there is simply no point in playing it, most likely you will not achieve anything in it in the so-called "high level" content.

    To answer
  2. Alexei

    Vov is not Warcraft or even its sequel. Going into this game for the first time, the first impression for me was disappointment. Then it became just ridiculous. It certainly became a game for young children. Boring and monotonous quests. The plot is utterly perverted. For some reason, Illidan was made an enemy and was beaten in 40 bodies in some incomprehensible raid. I didn't think blood elves were so much like women. Kael ... a blood magician, one of my favorite characters also became some kind of enemy and he was also beaten. The Lich King crumbled and lost that strong history, thanks to which most players once fell in love with Warcraft 3. And what happened to my favorite character, the strongest and most powerful warrior with two axes and his faithful bear companion, Rexxar? Even in a nightmare I would not have dreamed that he was made no one, and worse than some pathetic ally of some smelly stronghold! This is not a sequel to Warcraft 3, it is a completely independent game, not bad, very kind, even a little feminine and very childish. Quite a massive product, but not at all for gourmet content. As a supplement, it is very interesting and most importantly entertaining. Namely, amusement I consider the key to the success of any MMORPG.

    To answer
  3. Serg

    Legion - the final degradation of the wwii. Pumping too fast leads to the fact that at least 2/3 of the content is not needed by anyone, and entire locations are empty. I remember a time when passing even a low-level instance was perceived as an achievement - you could die there, and more than once; now they are passed through, which is simply boring. It is also worth adding here the presence of a storyline, which must be passed voluntarily and compulsorily. But the main evil is daily and farming. It's boring, as in the "line" with its quests like "collect 200 wolf tails". :)

    To answer
  4. Eugen

    Hello, annoying, and very much, farming of all sorts of rubbish. Leveling professions is horror. And the obligatory passage of the entire line of tasks is already too much. Return freedom, and this is how it became some kind of dictatorship. For the cancellation of PvP gear) +. Now the chances in the world are equal! and you can bite on BG. By the way, there is almost no imbalance, or not significant. There are hands and pairing with the head, there will be a result.

    To answer
  5. Ashenvale Beer

    As I am at the heart of pvp (vvp), then the legion kills pvp, it forces us to farm pve gear, I stopped raiding raids back in October, and what does that mean? in class terms, and in gear, I know that the disbalance is a part of wpvp, but the way he is in the legion has not yet been ... killed both arenas and fan bgs.

Have I tried throwing? Oh, many times. Once I quit playing for a whole year, and how many breaks I took half a year or less - I can't count. But every two years I break down. Lately, it's even more common, because I get bogged down as soon as Blizzard releases the next expansion - and it's only been 20 months between Draenor and Legion. Do I want to talk about it? Yes, I probably don't want to. I am hopelessly ill, I know. I will live with this schedule until the end of my days or until Blizzard closes WoW. What calms me down? That there are ten million like me. And we are good. Because being addicted to World of Warcraft means enjoying things that others simply cannot appreciate.

Indeed, if you have never traveled across Azeroth before, if you have no idea who the fallen titan Sargeras once was and how he even came to such a life, and the news of the death of Varian Wrynn and Vol'jin does not hit the heart - then the storyline of the Legion will seem to you some kind of indistinct burlesque performed by strange freaks. Meanwhile, before us is one of the most terrifying pages in the history of Azeroth. An army of demons is about to take over and destroy the entire world. The Horde and Alliance team up to fend off a long-standing enemy. Everything hangs in the balance - and, of course, depends exclusively on you.

In parallel, the story of one of the most tragic and controversial characters in the Warcraft universe, Illidan, begins to unfold. You will see two newborn twin babies with golden eyes, one of whom will become a great druid and the other a traitor. Use your own hands to help Illidan hold back the first offensive of the demon army and use the cursed magic, because of which the people will renounce him. Follow his path until Illidan turns out to be the lord of the Black Castle, surrounded by a handful of loyal Illidari. Each of these flashback episodes becomes available as your character progresses through the main plot - and while the plot itself is good, Illidan's line shines like a gem in it.

This time, the game has significantly more story cutscenes than in previous expansions.

The veteran players will also note how good Blizzard is with audience feedback. Class strongholds have appeared in the Legion - in fact, these are the same garrisons from Draenor, only without stupidity. What is a garrison? A small settlement under your control, where you always stuck in splendid isolation - either the mines must be bypassed, then violets grew in the garden, then the followers returned from missions and they must be sent somewhere again. At first, this fuss was fun and interesting, but gradually the garrison devoured almost half of the evening that you were going to devote to the game. Just sorted out all the routine and asked everyone to work, like bam - twelve nights, it's time to go to bed. When the garrison also had its own shipyard, it only got worse.

In the Legion, you can still tinker with your garrison, but the meaning of it has noticeably diminished. Quests for gold have long been canceled, and the resources and things that companions can bring are no longer relevant. But now each class has a stronghold: like a garrison, only daily maintenance will take five minutes. There are no mines and buildings here, improvements are minimal, employees are only five, so you can quickly shove them into missions even without third-party add-ons. In addition, Blizzard has released a mobile application that allows you to manage the stronghold without entering the game at all - on the subway on the way home, for example. The evening, therefore, remains for real interesting things - quests, PvP and dungeon trips.

If you complete the mission in the mobile application, then all the rewards for it will be in your inventory the next time you enter the game

There are so many missions in the Legion that you can easily reach your level 110 without even bypassing half of the Broken Isles. And when you have more or less dealt with all the story quests, you will get access to a new, endless layer - local quests. World Quests are actually regular daily quests, but with the slightest change in shape, Blizzard has amazingly made even repetitive quests much more fun.

Now on the global map of the world at any moment you have a couple of dozen "hot spots" - places where something is happening. These places are constantly changing: once every few hours, others - every few days. Somewhere you need to kill the boss (sometimes it will take a whole raid, sometimes you can handle a couple of friends), or bring a certain item, or clear the territory, etc. The reward for completing can be anything - gold, items, order resources, high-level recipes, or even rare mounts. When you don't know what to do, you can just open the world map and go through the local quests - the rewards for them “grow” with your hero, so there will always be something important and necessary there. Well, and also local quests are the only way to pump reputation with the new factions of the game, and experienced players know that a high reputation opens up the most interesting opportunities (including access to hidden dungeons).

Each artifact has several appearance options, but if you still don't like them, you can use transmogrification

Another important novelty of the Legion is artifact weapons: from now on it is your main concern, headache and pride at the same time. To pump a character in the Legion is a piece of cake, but pumping his weapon takes months of painstaking work, and this is not an exaggeration. Each class has several artifacts (each is strictly tied to a specialization), and pumping them all to the maximum is a real feat. Therefore, now changing specialization is an extremely unprofitable business. If you have already decided to be a tank, be so kind as to invest in weapons with all your might and go everywhere with them. Otherwise, the tank from you will turn out to be stupid and you will not be taken on any serious campaign. Surprisingly, at the same time, you can now change specialization completely free of charge and almost on every corner - only no one does it and no one needs it.

Serious campaigns are primarily raids (so far only the "Emerald Nightmare" dungeon is open). In addition, Blizzard has reworked the dungeon difficulty system. There are currently three main modes available: Normal, Heroic and Mythic, and the group finder system works only for the first two. If you want to go into a really difficult dungeon, you will have to collect the group yourself. In addition, difficulty level keys have appeared in the game, which act somewhat like portal stones in Diablo 3: the higher the key level, the more problems await you inside a seemingly familiar dungeon. But the reward for all these complications is better.

Most interesting ability of the new class, Demon Hunter - Double Jump with Glide

And the last major innovation for the Legion is the updated PvP system. The most important thing to know about it is that the level of your equipment means almost nothing, everything is decided by hands and experience. In addition, at 110 level, you will find that you were not given, as usual, to choose one of the three talents, but opened up a whole huge panel of pvp skills. To unlock them, it is enough to regularly take part in any organized fights - in arenas and battlefields. The most interesting thing begins when you unlock all the talents: you can either leave them, having received the most suitable hero for battles, or start pumping from scratch, receiving in return some kind of reward, for example, a new design for a weapon, or a unique mountable animal.

In general, we can say that the updated PvP system, pumping an artifact and even hiking in the dungeons in the Legion are arranged in such a way that you can access these things instantly, but in an amicable way to understand them and master them at a high level will take an abyss of time. And this is the whole Legion. The longer you play it, the more he is ready to give: suddenly hidden story quests open up, suddenly you notice a path that leads to some strange character, suddenly after almost a month of playing it turns out that there is still a whole huge island where you have never was. And ahead - new raids, and the next chapters of history, and it is necessary to somehow save the world, and maybe - Illidan. And then I'll quit WoW again. It's not difficult, I've done it a hundred times already.

A tale of why YOU are the main figure in Azeroth, how to defeat demons, and why Legion is the best expansion in the game's twelve-year history.


Blizzard repeatedly emphasized that - their main addition. Like, it is the largest, most interesting and most important from the point of view of the universe. For the creators of the longest-running MMORPG, this is indeed a very serious statement, because "" is the seventh of the major content packs, each of which lasted for a couple of years. Moreover, today, when the genre itself is going through hard times, WoW feels quite comfortable. Before the expansion was released, the number of players with active subscriptions jumped again. And this is when there are simply no other MMORPGs with a paid subscription. All of this suggests that Legion's release day is a major day for the genre throughout 2016.

So, the Burning Legion has returned to Azeroth. And if earlier we faced expeditionary forces, now we have a regular army in front of us. The threat has never been greater. For comparison, let's say that the Lich King with his army of undead was only a derivative of the Legion, and in general all troubles began with demons. Even the fallen titan Sargeras seems to be alive, and he has always been considered the main antagonist in the universe.

To show the gravity of the situation, we are shown a grand defeat for the combined forces of Azeroth. The King of the Alliance is brutally killed, the leader of the Horde is dying of wounds before our eyes, the Supreme Paladin, who survived the battle with the Lich, gives his soul to the Light in agony. And this is just the beginning of the local Game of Thrones. In the course of the plot, many will die, whom the players still remember from Warcraft strategies.

To fight the forces of evil, the Light requires only the most powerful heroes. This is where Blizzard shows how beautifully its writers are able to work. We are these heroes. We, who defeated Deathwing himself, saved Pandaria, destroyed the armies of the Undead, and thwarted the plans of the Iron Horde. We've been sent to command an expeditionary force on Draenor, but now the stakes are much higher. We are going to be in charge of ... At the head of something very important, because each class has its own story.

Chosen Death Knight - get ready to take the place of the commander of the forces of the Ebon Blade and resurrect the powerful heroes of the past in the form of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Playing as the Shaman? Travel directly to the Maelstrom to ask for help from the forces of the Earth. Do you like magicians? Your time has come - the hero is named the archmage of the reborn Order of the Guardians of Tirisfal. Moreover, the head of the Blue Dragonflight, the archmage of the Dalaran council and one of the first human mages, Meryl Felstorm, will fall into your service.

Lacking Epic? Check out the paladins. Here we will take from the chilling hands of Tirion Fordring almost the most powerful of the universe and the title of High Lord at the same time. From the dedication scene in the Cathedral of Light, the jaw begins to slowly slide to the floor. It is clear that the whole Dalaran will run alongside such high lords, but what's the difference? Isn't all this legend worth it?

Together with the new position, we also get a new home. For each class, they have their own. If the paladins live in the majestic Cathedral of Light, then the magicians climbed the highest tower in Dalaran and set up a small Hogwarts there. The druids got a spacious clearing, the warriors generally settle down imposingly in Valhalla. The strongholds look cool, and they will have to be developed with the help of mechanics familiar from "Draenor". We collected comrades-in-arms, sent them on a mission, and spent special resources. This process hasn't gotten any more fun, and some missions last up to 20 hours. Reminiscent of artificial time-stretching of the game. Yes, a mobile companion application has appeared that allows you to send associates and recruit students directly from the phone screen, but it does not negate the main thing - it's still boring to dig into all this. Each specialization received its own unique artifact. The same Retribution paladins now run with the Ashbringer, the most powerful weapon in the history of the game. The fire mages borrowed the blade of Kael'Tas Sunstrider, and stuff like that. From now on, the artifact will have to be pumped instead of the character itself. From time to time we will be given special items that increase the power of the artifact. There are also relics that can be inserted into special sockets. Inside the artifact there are systems of talents and skills. You need to choose wisely, because at later levels of pumping it will take a lot of strength. You can also change the appearance of the artifact. For some especially rare "skins" will have to run.

The pumping itself also takes place in an unusual way. There is a class campaign, and there are four zones of the Broken Isles. The first will have to be passed in any case, but the purpose of visiting each zone is to find the Pillar of Eternity, an important item with which you can defeat the demons. You can go through the zones in any order. The creature level will be automatically adjusted to yours.

The whole story is presented very beautifully and elegantly. Each location is preceded by a "prequest", or even a full-fledged scenario. The story is crowned with a dungeon. As a result, we are told the main stories very consistently and smoothly - like in a good single player game. If you love the Warcraft universe and, like us, have been waiting for details on key aspects of this world, then fun is guaranteed. Stories have never been told so well. A lot of beautiful videos, vivid characters, dramatic or funny stories - there is a lot of all this in the game.

Azsuna is a ruined kingdom of night elves who did not survive the Sundering because of their queen Azshara. The queen's shadow often hung over us - it seems, all 12 years of the history of the game. We defeated many of her minions, but the queen herself was first seen only here. This evil naga has clearly been reserved as a raid boss, and we will only be happy to finally have a heart-to-heart talk with her.

Stormheim is a very picturesque autumn location. Dragons, ghosts and vrykul live here - the enormous progenitors of modern humans. Here you can also find the most controversial quests. In one of them, we perform quite a lot of difficult and long tasks, so that at the end, instead of a reward, we will be called aphids. The other is the story of friendly local owls, who are mercilessly exterminated by the dragon, with whom they wanted to befriend. In short, be careful: some of the tasks here can seem quite brutal.

Highmountain is home to the native tauren. Here we learn the story of their struggle against the Drogbar tribe. The location turned out to be the weakest, both in terms of the plot and the picture. It's a pity: it could have turned out well.

At the end of the quartet is Valshara, the birthplace of the brothers Illidan and Malfurion. These are picturesque elven forests, tainted by the corruption of the Emerald Nightmare. Here we will take part in the last battle of one of the key characters of the universe and meet the oldest blue dragon.

There is one more, fifth location. We are talking about Suramar - the city of elves, sealed for 10,000 years. It was a great idea to show those same elves, altered by the magic of the night well. The dome disappeared, and lifeless ruins sprawled around the stunning beauty of the city. This contrast only underlines the plight of the people of Suramar. It looks really amazing. Blizzard has made without a doubt the most beautiful location in the game.

By making an agreement with the Legion, the Nightborne essentially signed their own death warrant. We see the most beautiful city of elven culture die, and fear and oppression can be seen behind the beautiful facades. This is where the fun begins. Suramar is a full-fledged quest zone, which we get into after pumping. That is, these tasks are high-level content that replaced the usual daily tasks, and this is the best that there is at 110th level. There are a lot of tasks, the awards are good, and it is really interesting to dive into the history of the dying city.

In general, quests are absolutely everywhere here. We go through quests to get to the location, go through quests to get recipes for professions, go through quests to get equipment, and this is not bad at all, because familiar things have become much more interesting.

However, without the usual repetitive quests, too, did not do, although they are served in a rather unusual form. From time to time, tasks of a very different kind appear on the map of the islands: here you need to kill the harpies, a dangerous monster has settled here, and there they call you to take part in the battle of pets. There are incredibly many types of such activities, as well as the activities themselves. They are also rarely repeated, while the awards are quite valuable. You can get good equipment, you can grab the resources of the stronghold, or you can get a reinforcement for an artifact. If you complete quests in certain locations, you will also be given a chest necessary to increase your reputation. She, in turn, will provide the ability to fly over the Broken Isles. This is such a complex scheme designed to extend the stay of players in Azeroth.

No, the usual ones for maximum activity level have not disappeared either. The dungeons are amazing how good they are. They will allow you to visit the ghost ship, visit Valhalla and the lair of Deathwing himself. World bosses are dangerous, but thanks to the cross-server system it is very easy to find raids on them. The raids themselves have just appeared in the game. The first of them, "The Emerald Nightmare", invites you to visit the territory that players have dreamed of since the very classics.

Professions have changed too. In addition to the fact that many recipes are now obtained with the help of quests, it is now only necessary to get to the limit for a handful of schemes. Jewelers make fewer stones and more jewelry. From now on, scribes are only concerned with cosmetic symbols, but they have learned to write obscene romance novels. Engineering is the best way to quickly travel the Broken Isles with a glider. At the same time, nothing particularly worthwhile was added from the new recipes.

Finally, it remains to tell about the demon hunters. Everyone has been waiting for this class for a long time, and here it is - appeared in all its splendor. These guys look cool and have amazing mobility. They soar on wings, can instantly close the distance or, on the contrary, escape. They also start right away at level 98 with a personal dramatic chain of tasks, which is accompanied by epic cutscenes. In a word, the class was clearly a success, but because everyone rushed to pump them, it is better to start the passage of the "Legion" from the usual class - it will be easier to find a group and get into a good guild.

What can you say here: if someone tells you that MMORPGs are dead, send them to conquer the Broken Isles. The next time you see this person, you will not see very soon. But seriously, seize the moment - this is really the best and most important addition in the history of the game.

Nowadays, it is extremely important for game makers not only to create high-quality and successful but also be able to keep users interested in their creations over the years. And to learn both, and another, many developers should be from Blizzard. Moreover, the legendary publisher has scheduled the release of the sixth (!!!) addition to its main online brainchild in mid-2016. So what can fans expect? multiplayer games from World of Warcraft: Legion?

What is it?

The Legion, which is slated for release in September 2016, is a typical add-on for Blizzard. In fact, its tasks are to expand the setting, add new original chips and other "goodies" designed to revive users' interest in the project. And the developers who "ate the dog" in this business did not reinvent the wheel, but went along the beaten track (and quite successful, as the history of their company shows).

Key features

If you try to include all the innovations in the WoW Legion review, the article will turn out to be simply huge. But still, the main features of the addon can be collected in several points:

    The appearance in the game of the Broken Isles - a new continent consisting of six huge locations, each of which is inhabited by unique inhabitants and hides hundreds of unique things.

    The leveling of all characters has been increased to level 110.

    The addition of a new hero class - the Demon Hunter. Among its capabilities are original options for character customization (choice of horns, tattoos and even eye shells), the presence of two specializations ("critical" Crush and "tank" Revenge), endowing the Persian with the ability to generate and spend energy and other innovative features.

    Refinement of classes and professions. For example, the addition of unique runes to the game, individual traits of old classes, an unusual resource called "Arcane Charge" and more than a dozen small adjustments that significantly affect the gameplay.

    Adding new artifact weapons for each class. Moreover, all these "fluff" users will be able to pump.

    Two new raids and nine original "dungeons" at once, which groups of five characters will be able to pass.

    "Fresh" sets of armor for different classes, for example, Rogue and Warlock.

And this is only a small part of the innovations that the game developers have prepared for Vovoka fans.


There is no doubt that World of Warcraft: Legion will be one of the most. Moreover, the creators of WoW did everything possible so that the continuation of the original game not only revived interest in the project among fans who had cooled to it, but also attracted the maximum number of users who, for some reason, are still unfamiliar with the world of Azeroth. And it is already becoming very clear that the idea of ​​the developers from Blizzard to attract new fans to one of the best among their creations will be successful.

Official video trailer for the game:

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