Card index of games on etiquette in the middle group. Didactic training games for preschoolers

Anastasia Novikova

Board - printed didactic game« Rules of conduct for preschoolers. Etiquette»

The purpose of developing the manual:

Shaping the culture children's behavior and communication


Getting to know rules of etiquette,

Formation of cultural skills behavior in children in various life situations,

Developing children's communication skills with people around them,

Raising in children the moral qualities necessary in society,

Promote development speeches: speak Right, accurately and beautifully, enrich vocabulary,

Develop attention and memory.

Rules of the game:

They can play the game play 2–4 people(which children choose according to a counting rhyme). They choose chips and distribute the turn order, place their chips at the start, and use the dice to take turns walking around the colored circles. For example, the chip stops on a blue circle, the player takes a card from the pile with a circle blue and completes the task proposed on the card; if on a green circle he takes from a stack with a green circle. If the chip stops on the white circle, the player misses his turn. If a player gets caught in a circle "bonus",he takes a card from the pile with the name "bonus". If completes the task correctly, proposed on the card, makes an additional move. When you hit a circle "theater" takes a card from the corresponding pile and completes the task suggested on the card. The one who reaches the finish line first wins. But you should not disturb your friend, listen and answer; if necessary, you can complement your comrades’ answers, but you cannot give hints until your friend has answered; the turn order must not be violated; and move your comrades’ chips.

Begins game under the guidance of the teacher, and the rest of the children follow the progress, rules games and children's answers (after the game the teacher sums up.)

Who among us has not encountered aggressiveness and hostility, the inability to empathize with another person, be happy for him, the inability to communicate, regulate and control one’s behavior? And how we want our children, residents of the new millennium, to be different - kind, decent, well-mannered.

One of the modern technological means of shaping a child’s social behavior is didactic training games that teach socially accepted models of social behavior.

The source of the content of this type of didactic games is life itself in all the diversity of social relationships and styles of human behavior. The didactic training game promotes the formation of a positive image of the child’s “I”, teaches the art of seeing oneself “through the screen of someone else’s soul”, and social tolerance. It creates an atmosphere of goodwill, joy of communication, sympathy for each other, helps the child realize his uniqueness, the unique individuality of other children. We bring to your attention some of these training games for children.

Training game “Let’s find the magic words”

Target: train children in following the rules of speech etiquette.

The driver sits or stands with his back to the children. You need to approach him and gently say some magic words. The driver must guess who called him and answer. You need to call each other affectionately, by name, for example: “Thank you, Seryozha” - “Please, Natasha.”

Training game "Secret"

Target: teach children different ways to establish contacts with peers.

Equipment: a chest with small items and toys.

The host hands out a “secret” (a button, bead, brooch, small toy, etc.) from a beautiful chest to all participants in the game, puts “it” in his palm and squeezes it into his fist. Players walk around the room looking for ways to persuade someone to reveal their secret. The presenter monitors the process of sharing secrets and helps the most timid children find a common language with all participants in the game.

Training game “Gift for everyone”

Target: develop the ability to choose a positive style of behavior in a conflict situation, to cooperate with peers.

Equipment: seven-flowered flower.

The children are given the following situation: “You received a seven-flowered flower as a gift for the group. It has only seven petals, but many more children. Each child can make only one wish by tearing one petal from a common flower. But there are not enough petals for everyone. What should I do?

Option 1. The participants in the game spontaneously solve the problem that has arisen conflict situation. Afterwards, it is necessary to discuss with the children whether everyone can express their wishes, and how to make it possible to express the wishes of all children.

Option 2. Hold a competition for the best wish and make the best ones chosen by the children.

Option 3. Invite the children to divide into 7 groups according to the number of petals and agree on their desire.

Children can choose a group according to their wishes. It is necessary to ensure that desires are not repeated in each group.

Training game “Mittens”

Target: develop the ability to establish partnerships in joint activities.

Equipment: pairs of mittens cut out of paper in an amount equal to the number of pairs of participants in the game, three pencils or felt-tip pens for each pair.

The presenter lays out mittens with identical, but not painted, patterns throughout the room. The children disperse in search of their “mate.” The found pairs, using three pencils (felt-tip pens), try to color the mittens exactly the same as quickly as possible.

The facilitator observes how the couples organize their joint work, how they divide pencils, and how they negotiate.

The winners are rewarded with applause.

Training game “Walking in the Park”

Target: to develop in children the ability to establish cooperative relationships using verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Participants in the training game are divided into “sculptors” and “clay”. Sculptors “sculpt” their sculptures from clay: an animal, a fish, a bird, a toy, etc. Then the sculptures freeze, and the sculptors walk around the park, guessing their names. Only the participants change roles. The teacher is the main expert, he likes all the sculptures and praises them.

Training game “Guides”

Target: develop empathy, teach role behavior, ways of communicating with people who have any special needs.

Option 1. The players are divided into pairs. One child with with open eyes stands in front. The other, at arm's length, slightly touching the back of the person in front, stands up with eyes closed. These are "guide dog" and "blind". The guide first slowly begins to move around the room, the “blind” follows him, trying not to get lost, then the speed of movement gradually increases. Pairs change roles.

Option 2. The “guide” and the “blind” actively communicate with each other, coordinating the direction and speed of movement.

Option 3. “Grandmother” and “grandson”, “grandfather” and “granddaughter”, holding hands, must overcome obstacles together (walk along a narrow path, go around a puddle, step over a stream drawn with chalk, etc.). “Grandchildren” carefully suggest to “blind” old people how best to move.

Training game "Lunokhod"

Target: to promote children’s assimilation of the norms and rules of relations of management and subordination in conditions of cooperation.

Equipment: individual “control panels”.

The participants of the game are divided into pairs. Half of the children are “lunar rovers”, the other half are workers of the “control center”, who at a distance, using “buttons” and commands, control the movement of the “lunar rovers” to a specific goal. This game is good to play on the site, on rough terrain.

The winner is the couple that, thanks to the precise execution of commands from the “control center,” most consistently and amicably overcomes all obstacles, without allowing any collisions or accidents. Then the children change roles.

Training game “Welcoming guests”

Target: accepted in our society and other countries when meeting guests, using verbal and non-verbal means of communication; cultivate kindness and hospitality.

Option 1. Famous fairy tale characters flew to visit the children in a blue helicopter: Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, Pinocchio, Thumbelina, Carlson and Doctor Aibolit. It is necessary to greet and receive guests in different ways, given that Cheburashka is still small, and Doctor Aibolit is already old.

When greeting, use verbal and non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures), follow the following rules:

  • look into the guest's eyes,
  • smile, tilting your head slightly.

During the game, it is clarified when it is appropriate to say the word “hello”. Is it okay to say this to your friend? to an adult?

Option 2. Guests can be representatives different countries. How to greet foreigners? What do their greetings mean?

Training game “Farewell”

Target: promote the assimilation of norms and methods of communication, .

The teacher reports that it is time for the guests to fly away. Finds out that you can say goodbye not only with the help of words, but also with movements - you can say goodbye with a nod of the head, eyes, etc. Children are encouraged to say goodbye using verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Each child can choose their own way of saying goodbye.

Training game “Greetings”

Target: .

Equipment: tape recorder.

Option 1. Children are divided into two subgroups and stand in two lines facing each other at a distance of several steps. At a signal, the partners approach each other and exchange various greetings (handshakes, hugs, curtsies, nods). Children should use gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes, and glances to show how happy they are to each other.

Option 2. The teacher talks about how men and women, boys and girls greet each other. Then a training game is carried out. Children stand in two circles: girls in the inner circle, boys in the outer circle. Children walk in a circle to the music; when the music ends, they stop and turn to each other, exchanging greetings.

Option 3. Children dance freely to the music, after a certain signal they get into pairs and greet each other.

Option 4. A competition is organized for the most interesting greeting. The child must show how happy he is with his peer.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 14 in Sosnogorsk"




Prepared by:

teacher at MADOU

"Kindergarten No. 14 in Sosnogorsk"

Pashina A.N.



Word game on etiquette of speech communication

"Our names"

Goal: to help children and the teacher remember the names of the children in the group, promote the development of attention and coordination of movements.

How to play: Children sit on chairs. Each participant must clap one (three) times, turn his head to the person sitting next to him, smile at him and loudly and clearly say his name.

Pay attention and note who pronounced their name clearly, with pride; who - quietly, as if it was unpleasant to him.

Word game on speech etiquette

"Polite cat"

Purpose: Children pronounce various polite words, learn to say them, help someone who has forgotten the word.

Progress of the game: Holding hands, the guys dance around the soft toy, saying:

All good guys

They know kind words.

Come visit us (kittens, bear cubs, etc.)

We are always glad to see you.

The child who stops at the last word opposite the toy says a friendly word without repeating what has already been said.

Didactic game on etiquette appearance

“Every thing has its place”

Goal: To enrich children’s understanding of the diversity of the objective world. Develop attention, memory, thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards things and objects, the desire to keep them in order and in their place.

Material: Doll Masha – confused; demonstration pictures: wardrobe, dish cabinet, toy cabinet; handout pictures: dishes, clothes, toys.

Progress of the game: Masha comes to the guys, confused, and talks about her misfortune: all her things are confused, mixed up. Masha asks the guys to help find each thing its place

Didactic game according to the rules of etiquette in public places:

"In the theater"

Goal: Explain to children the basic rules of behavior in the theater; teach children the rules for purchasing a theater ticket and at the same time introduce into the children's vocabulary the etiquette expressions necessary when purchasing a theater ticket.

material: Theater tickets, theater poster, signs - symbols of what not to do while watching a performance.

Progress of the game: The teacher loudly announces to the children that the theater has arrived (funny music sounds). Invites children to purchase tickets at the magic box office (the box office operates exclusively on magic words). Children “buy” tickets, thank the cashier and take their seats on chairs (pre-arranged). The boys are asked to let the girls pass, the girls thank the boys.

The teacher and the children examine the signs and symbols: “What not to do while watching the performance.” Children invite artists by clapping. After watching, thank them.

Preliminary work: In advance, in secret from other children, “artists” - active children prepare a performance.

Plot - role play Guest etiquette:


Goal: To teach to emotionally express a feeling of joy and cheerful mood from communicating with other people. To consolidate children's knowledge of guest etiquette, to develop the ability to gain self-confidence, especially friendly communication skills, to teach the rules of behavior when visiting and when receiving guests at home. Develop the ability to be warm and friendly.

Progress of the game: The teacher informs the children that they will all go to visit today. Today is a special day. The bunny who lives in their group in the doll corner has a birthday. He invited all the guys to visit him.

The teacher invites the children to prepare gifts for the bunny. The bunny loves carrots and cabbage. The teacher suggests that for a birthday you can give flowers, colorful balloons, and so on. Children put all gifts in a basket.

The teacher invites the children to watch from the side how the bunny prepares to receive guests. He picks up a toy hare and, reading a poem, prepares a festive table.

I can do everything, I can do everything,

I can do everything.

Before you put it on the table

Cups and sweets,

It would be nice to make a bed

Clean napkins.

I put cups and spoons in a row,

I'm preparing tea for the guys.

So that every guest understands

He's very welcome.

I'll put flowers here -

The table will be elegant.

The bunny invites guests to his hut. Children come in, say hello, and then, together with the teacher, give the bunny gifts with congratulations:

Birthday is a day of fun,

There are jokes, songs, laughter everywhere,

And of course the guests love it

On this day, congratulate everyone.

The bunny thanks the guests for the gifts and congratulations, invites them to the table, treats them to tea with cake and sweets.

After the treat, the bunny invites the guests to play.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher reminds the children not to forget to thank the bunny for the treat and say goodbye to him.

How to give and receive gifts.

Goal: to help children adapt to society, learn the basic rules of behavior that are mandatory for everyone.

Procedure: 1. It’s a good custom to bring flowers or a small gift when you come to visit. Remember that a gloomy guest is not a gift. Therefore, leave all bad moods at home.

Flowers are always a nice gift. There is no shame in coming to visit with one flower.

It is customary to serve a flower on a long stem, or a branch of a flowering plant;

on especially special occasions they give roses or carnations;

flowers are given without packaging (if they are immediately placed in water; roses are presented in beautiful packaging (so as not to be pricked by thorns), as well as bouquets - compositions in which the packaging is part of it;

It is customary to serve the flower in the right hand, or with both heads up.

Having received flowers, you should note the beauty of the bouquet (flower) and be sure to say so.

2. Birthday or family celebration - the taste and interest of the gift recipient and guests should be taken into account.

you should not give expensive gifts so as not to put a person in an uncomfortable and dependent position;

expensive gifts are given to relatives and pooled for a big celebration;

the gift is selected for a specific event: for a birthday - items for personal use, for a wedding, family celebration, housewarming - household items, electrical appliances;

cash gift– for a wedding or housewarming;

for children - sweets, toys, books;

girls will definitely be happy with the dress and shoes;

Didactic game on telephone conversation etiquette:

"My phone rang"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​what a telephone is: it is an important means of short communication, thanks to which we make inquiries, find out about the health of relatives and friends, and agree on a place and time to meet. Introduce children to the rules of telephone conversation. Explain that the one who is older in age and position, the girl in a conversation with a boy, finishes the conversation first. Train children in the ability to observe telephone conversation etiquette in various situations.

Vocabulary work: Politeness, friendliness, means of communication, telephone, telephone set, beeps, call, number, levers, receiver.

Benefits: Two telephones.

Progress of the game: we select two participants who are replaced by other children, a jury of 3 - 4 children, which determines who fulfilled all the conditions of the game best of all.

The phone rings, you need to pick up the phone as soon as possible, but to do this you have to walk across the entire room without touching tables and chairs; carefully lift the handset from its cradle and say “Hello” so that it becomes clear to the person calling that his call was expected and he is welcome.

Word game

"Say the word"

    Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you)

    The old stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon).

    If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (Thank you).

    We will say goodbye to each other... (goodbye)

    You shouldn’t blame each other, it’s better soon... (sorry).

    What a beautiful kind word it is... (thank you).

    When you are guilty, hurry to say, I beg you, please... (sorry).

    The boy is polite and developed, he says when meeting... (hello).

    When you are scolded for pranks, you say...(excuse me, please)

    If a friend is in trouble,... (help him)

    Resolve disputes with words...(not fists)

Kolos Marina Evgenievna Preschool Educational Institution No. 98

Didactic games

Table culture

“Who can name more dishes?”

Goal: to develop speed of reaction to questions, attention; cultivate endurance and patience.

Progress of the game. The teacher names a vegetable or fruit and asks them to remember the dish that can be prepared from it. The one to whom the ball is thrown must name the dish without repeating itself. A child who makes a mistake or does not say anything misses the game. The teacher can set a dish, and the children must remember its components and agree on what component each of them will be. The host shouts out what he wants to put in the pan, and the one who recognizes himself jumps into the circle. The next one jumps up and takes the hand of the previous one. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. You can use mask caps, medallions with images of vegetables and fruits.

“What is eaten raw and what is cooked? »

Goal: to develop phrasal speech, voluntary attention; develop the ability to listen to your comrades, patiently wait for your turn.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children vegetables one by one and asks what can be eaten raw and what cannot be eaten. Gives a sample answer: “Cucumber can be eaten raw”, “Potatoes must be boiled.” Then the teacher suggests clapping your hands if the vegetable can be eaten raw, and sitting quietly if it is not.

“Table, cover yourself!”

Goal: To strengthen the skills of setting a children's table.

Progress of the game: participants draw out leaves with images of dishes for different stages of nutrition (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) and set the tables using flat figures.

“Let’s set the table for the dolls.”

Target. Teach children to set the table, name items needed for reference. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting people to the table, behavior at the table). To foster humane feelings and friendly relationships.

Progress of the game:

The teacher enters the group with an elegant doll. Children look at it and name items of clothing. The teacher says that today is the doll’s birthday, and guests will come to her - her friends. You need to help the doll set the festive table (doll furniture and dishes are used).

The teacher plays out the stages of the activity with the children (wash hands, lay out a tablecloth, place a vase of flowers, a napkin holder and a bread box in the center of the table, prepare cups and saucers for tea or plates, and place cutlery - spoons, forks, knives - next to them). Then the episode of meeting the guests is played out, the dolls are seated.

For older children preschool age In order to consolidate duty skills, you can show object pictures depicting the items listed above and offer to lay them out in order, determining the sequence of table setting.

"Cups - Spoons"

Purpose: to introduce children to serving items (spoon, cup, plate)

“Let’s teach Cheburashka how to set the table”

Goal: To teach children how to properly set the table, recognize and name serving items.

« Let's give Katya some tea."

Goal: Continue to introduce children to serving items and sit correctly at the table.

"Masha is having lunch"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about serving items.

“We’ll cook porridge and feed Sasha.”

Goal: To teach children how to use a spoon correctly.

"Feeding the Dolls"

Goal: To develop sustained attention, the ability to manipulate objects (spoon, cup, plate)

"Beautiful napkins for the three little pigs"

Goal: Continue teaching children how to use a napkin.

Games with object pictures “Children are having lunch”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about behavior at the table, knowledge about tableware.

Purpose: to introduce the names of tableware, their shape, color;

Equipment: tableware: plates (deep, shallow), mug, spoons (small, large).

The situation is unfolding naturally. The teacher draws the children's attention to the nanny, who is preparing dishes for setting the table for dinner.

The teacher shows the children tableware items in pairs: a deep and shallow plate, a small and large spoon, a mug. Common and distinctive features are identified. For example: “These plates are round. This plate is shallow, and this one is deep.”

The teacher explains to the children the purpose of each piece of tableware. He further explains that all these items are also called utensils. They are placed on the table to be set for dinner.

“First you need to put a bread basket in the middle of the table. Deep plates should be placed around the bread bin. To the right of the plate we need to put a large spoon with which we will eat the soup. You should place a fork next to the spoon. We will need it when we eat the second course. Between the deep plate and the bread bin we need to place a mug from which we will drink compote.”

After the table is set, the teacher makes a generalization: “Look, all that is on the table is dishes. Such utensils are called tableware.”

The nanny tells the children what the cook has prepared for the children for lunch today.

In his free time, the teacher organizes with the children the game “Let’s set the table for dinner for our favorite toys,” during which the names of tableware items are reinforced, cultural and hygienic skills and table manners are improved, and children practice proper table setting.

    Game educational situation “Take lunch”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the names and purposes of furniture and tableware for the dining room;

Learn how to properly and beautifully set the table and table manners;

Form the foundations of an attentive and caring attitude towards playing partners.

Equipment: doll, furniture, tableware; dinner tablecloth, tea tablecloth, table and tea napkins; an apron, a scarf, a pair of mittens - grips.

Children play with the doll independently. The teacher offers the children to feed the doll. The doll sits down at the table. But here’s the problem: there’s nothing to eat.

Children usually laugh. The doll is upset. We need to console her with the children: “Now we will set the table.”

It is necessary to prepare as many different dishes as possible in advance so that the children can make right choice and set the table for breakfast, lunch or dinner as they wish.

The doll is put on a headscarf and an apron and will help the children set the table. The teacher asks the children questions on behalf of the doll: “What should be put on the table first? What will we eat the second course and drink compote from?” Sometimes the doll makes a mistake, for example, it puts the cup on a plate rather than on the saucer. If the children themselves do not notice this, you need to attract their attention.

Finally, everything is ready: the nanny serves the doll food, and the teacher teaches her to sit at the table correctly, use cutlery, eat, and thank her for food.

The doll may ask: “Why do you need a spoon? It’s more convenient to eat with your hands, isn’t it, children?” And the teacher asks the children to tell the doll what they eat the first course, the second course, fruit from the compote. Then the doll asks: “What should you do after eating, children?” etc.

After the game is over, the children play independently, invite other dolls to visit, serve the tea table, etc.

Option. Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Khryusha, and other fairy-tale characters are invited to Malvina’s dinner. Children teach dolls to properly set the table, skillfully use cutlery, etc.

Game - activity “Let's give tea to Katya doll”

Didactic task:

Teach children to give tea to a doll (later other toys: a bear, a bunny, etc.)

Develop the ability to consistently perform actions, name objects and actions with them;

Develop an affectionate, caring attitude towards the doll.

Materials: dolls, cups, saucers, spoons, sugar bowl and teapot from a tea set, toy cookies.

Game content:

The teacher - mother sets the table for the children, shows and names each action. At the first lesson, it is advisable to set a common table according to the number of children playing. The adult invites the children to the table, once again clarifies what is on the table, what the name of each item is, what it is needed for, and how it can be used. The teacher tells the children that at this table the children will give tea to their daughters (dolls). Dolls and children appear from behind the screen

choose them at will, sit them on your left knee and hold them with your left hand (the teacher gives a demonstration on his doll, helps each child take the doll correctly, if such a need arises). The adult talks to his doll and invites each child to also talk to his doll: “Now we’ll drink tea, Katenka.

Here I’m pouring tea into a cup... I’ll put sugar... I’ll stir it with a spoon... take a cookie... bite the cookie... drink the tea... Take your time, the tea is hot...”

In subsequent lessons, the children themselves will give tea to the dolls; the game action gradually becomes more complicated by introducing jam, etc. into the game. Where possible, the speech accompaniment becomes more complicated, for example: “Don’t drink tea from a spoon. Hold the cup tightly. Well done, eat the cookies carefully, don’t crumble...”

“Let’s give the doll some tea”

Didactic task:

Introduce the names of items from the tea set;

Practice proper table setting for tea drinking (sequence of arranging cutlery for tea drinking).

Equipment: tea set (saucers, cups, teapot, sugar bowl, dessert plates, cookie bowl), teaspoons.

Progress of the game

The teacher turns to the children: “Guys, do you like it when guests come to you?” Today our favorite toys will come to visit us. Let's set the table for the guests. What will we treat them to? (Tea and cookies.)

The teacher explains to the children the sequence of arrangement of tea drinking utensils. First you need to place the bowl of cookies in the middle of the table.

Place saucers around the vase, and a cup on each saucer. Near

Each saucer should have a dessert plate. Each guest will put cookies on the dessert plate. Place a teaspoon to the right of each saucer. Place the sugar bowl and teapot last. They should also stand in the middle of the table so that each guest can conveniently take sugar and pour tea.

Then each child is given a short instruction such as: “Andrey, put the bowl of cookies in the middle of the table.” All children carry out assignments, placing tea utensils on the table. The teacher comments on their actions: “Andrey puts a vase of cookies on the table.” And so on.

Which vase is large or small? (The vase is large.)

After the table is set, the teacher summarizes the children’s statements.

Look, all that is on the table are dishes. Tea is drunk from this container. Such utensils are called “tea utensils”.

In conclusion, the children seat their favorite toys at the table and “treat” them to tea.

After the game, the teacher invites the children to help their mother set the table for evening tea in the evening.

    Game situation: “Katya’s birthday”


Summarize children's knowledge about table setting and some food products;

Strengthen food culture skills and use of tea utensils;

To cultivate the ability to be hospitable when meeting guests, to rejoice at their arrival, to express words of gratitude, to show attention during refreshments;

Bring up positive emotions. Develop children's independent, proactive spoken language

Equipment: toys: a doll in an elegant dress, a doll - a boy, a bear, a hare; set of products: carrots, banana, orange, raspberry, apple; tea utensils.

Progress: The teacher informs the children that today is Katya’s doll’s birthday and she invites us all to visit.

Discussion: “What can I give to Katya’s doll?”

Children gather for a birthday party and take prepared gifts with them.

Children come to visit Katya, greet her warmly, and give Katya their gifts. Katya thanks the children.

Educator: Look, children, how beautiful and elegant Katya is today. What is she wearing? (Children name the color of the dress, bow, shoes.)

Katya: My other friends came to my birthday party. Here they are sitting on the sofa.

Educator: Let's see who came to Katya's birthday.

Children name characters they know: bunny - jumping, Mishka - Toptyzhka, boy Kolya.

Educator: Katya wants to treat her guests. Let's seat the guests at the table.

Masha, put the bunny at the table. (The child puts the toy down, and the teacher activates the speech of the other children: “Who does Masha help sit down at the table? Masha puts the bunny down at the table.”)

Let's help Katya set the table. Here in the basket Katya prepared a treat for the guests (carrots, banana, orange, raspberry, apple in the basket). Let's put everything on the plate.

Children take out familiar products from the basket and answer the teacher’s questions: what is this? What color? How can you eat it? Do I need to remove the peel?

Then each child is given a short instruction such as: “Maxim, place the vase with cookies in the middle of the table. Inna will place saucers around the vase, and Zhenya will place a cup on each saucer.” All children carry out assignments, placing tea utensils on the table.

Educator: The table is set, the guests sat down at the table. Now they will choose their treat.

What do you think the bouncing bunny will choose?

Why do you think he will choose the carrot?

(The bouncing bunny will choose a carrot because he loves it.)

This is how all products are distributed. The little bear loves berries - let's treat him to raspberries. Boy Kolya loves apples. Katya gets an orange.

Katya: Guys, you also came to visit me. I want to treat you to tea and cookies.

The children sit down at the table and help themselves.

Then the guests thank Katya for the delicious treat.

Play in round dance game"Loaf".

They say goodbye politely.

Game-activity “Let's feed the doll Katya lunch”

Didactic task:

Teach children to pour soup from a saucepan with a ladle;

Teach to feed the doll with a spoon from a deep plate, put the second dish (pasta sticks, cutlet mugs, etc.) into a shallow plate, give it compote;

To develop basic skills to convey an attitude towards a doll as a child: to understand the state of the doll: wants to eat, is hungry, etc.

Teach children cultural and hygienic skills that need to be performed before eating.

Materials: saucepan, ladle, frying pan, spoon, fork, deep and shallow plates, cup - for each participant in the game.

It is advisable to use large play sets so that children can use them comfortably while playing.

Game content:

The adult says that the dolls want lunch, they need to prepare lunch and feed them.

Clarifies with the children what is needed for this. Asks questions about what each item is needed for: stove, pan, ladle; what kind of container should the soup be poured into, etc. Next, the adult shows how to cook the soup on the stove: “I put the pan on the stove, and the soup is cooked in it. The soup is cooked. cover

I open it and pour the soup. Be careful, the soup is hot, don't spill it. Here I poured the soup into a plate.”

The teacher places the doll on his left knee, holds it with his left hand and then acts with his right. Children will do the same. If it’s difficult for them, then you can put the doll on a chair, and you yourself, sitting or standing, as it suits you, can sit next to you, using both hands. The teacher shows a speech sample addressed to the doll, for example: “Eat, Katya. Keep the spoon level... don't spill the soup, okay! Well done! I ate everything."

After demonstrating the game action, the children are given stoves, pots, plates, spoons, and ladles; the name and purpose of these items are clarified along the way; The play action is performed by the children independently.

If necessary, the teacher helps the children.

If this stage did not cause any difficulties for the children, you can continue the lesson by feeding the doll a second dish. Or this is done in a separate lesson, and then combined into a single chain of game actions.

The teacher gives examples of actions and speech accompaniment: “Well done, Katya, she ate the soup well. Now I'll give you the second one. Here's a frying pan. It has cutlets and pasta (“make-believe”). Place the cutlet and pasta in a shallow plate. Take a fork, eat the cutlet and pasta. Take the cup... hold it tightly... drink the compote!” If children want to feed their “children” second, they ask for everything they need: a frying pan, a shallow plate, a fork, and then a cup for compote, along the way finding out what each item is for.

When children have learned to feed dolls lunch and play actions do not cause difficulties, you can complicate the game by introducing new “products”: small red squares - meat for soup, small plastic vegetables for soup and fruits for compote, etc. depending on the available material and the imagination of both the teacher and the children.

Complication is achieved by connecting chains of different game actions: washing hands and lunch; lunch and washing dishes; grocery shopping, cooking dinner and feeding dolls. At first, an adult works as a salesperson in the “store”; he prompts and directs the children’s actions:

Here, buy eggs (yellow or white balls, ovals), fry them in a frying pan along with cutlets” or “Buy potatoes, here they are. Peel and put in a saucepan along with carrots and meat, it will be an excellent soup.”

Later you will add “salt shaker”, “grater”, “knives”, etc. Children themselves will offer more and more new details of the game if you play with them systematically and with love.

Games and exercises aimed at development fine motor skills hands that contribute to the successful development of self-service skills and cultural and hygienic skills.

Developing the ability to use a knife independently

“Let’s feed the animals with salad”


Strengthen the skill of proper eating - hold a spoon correctly (with three fingers - index, middle, thumb);

Cut plasticine vegetables with a plastic knife;

Using a large spoon, stir salad into bowl; feed the dolls salad.

Vocabulary: cucumber, tomato, onion; salad bowl, spoon; I hold, cut, mix, feed.

Equipment: toy animals; plasticine vegetables, plastic knife, fork.

How to play: bring a beautifully decorated box and invite the child to see what’s in it (toy animals). Say: “The animals came to visit you from the forest.

It's cold and hungry in the forest now. We should treat them with something.” Invite your child to make a vegetable salad and treat the animals.

Rhyme: I don't miss you today

I treat everyone to salad.

Animals sit on a stump

And they eat my salad.

The child must prepare a “salad”:

· cut plasticine vegetables;

· put them in a salad bowl;

· Stir the salad in the salad bowl using a large spoon in a circular motion;

· Place a large spoon of salad on a plate for each guest;

· treat the animals with salad.

"Tea for Dolls"


Strengthen the skills of using a cup - hold the cup by the handle;

Enrich play activities - teach dolls to drink tea from a cup;

To consolidate knowledge of the “tea ceremony”: boil water, brew tea, pour boiling water and tea leaves into a cup.

Vocabulary: tea, boiling water, tea leaves, cup, teapot; I pour, brew, treat; hot, strong, tasty.

Equipment: toy tea set, doll.

How to play: Place a tea set in front of your child.

Look at the utensils together. Ask your child to name each item.

Show the doll, say that the doll came to visit the child, and it is customary to treat guests.

Rhyme: I invite Tanya to visit,

I'll treat you to tea and buns.

Drink tea, Tanyusha!

Drink and don't be bored!

Invite your child to prepare tea (place in front of him a mnemonic card with pictures depicting the sequence of actions when preparing tea). When the tea is ready, invite your child to give a drink to the dolls and adults playing with him.

Games and exercises aimed at developing eating skills

D/i “Feeding the doll”


Teach the simplest actions with story toys (feeding), instill hygiene skills;

Cause speech activity; cultivate good feelings for the doll.

Plot-display game “Meeting the doll’s girlfriends, treating them to tea”


Introduce children to utensils: teach them to name them, recognize them by word, use them for their intended purpose;

Learn to set the table for tea;

Foster a desire to take care of the doll.

D/i “Let’s feed the doll porridge”

Purpose: examining the plate, tablespoon, napkins. Training in cultural and hygienic skills.

"We're getting ready for lunch"


Familiarity with the names of tableware, cutlery, their shape, color;

Learn to set the table correctly and beautifully;

Teach dolls table manners.

“Let’s treat Katya to lunch”


Table setting for Katya doll's dinner;

Comparison of deep and shallow plates; familiarization with the names of devices and their

Purpose: table and tea spoon, fork, knife.

“It’s Katya’s doll’s birthday.”(We set the table for dinner and feed the dolls.)

Goal: generalization of knowledge about tableware and food products, activation of vocabulary and coherent speech.

D/i “Lunch for three bears”. ("The Three Bears Are Cooking Lunch")

Purpose: to clarify the concepts of “small” - “large” - “very large” in relation to kitchen utensils.

"The Fourth Wheel"(classification of utensils by purpose, use.)

D/i "Katin's vegetable garden"

"Gift for a bunny"

"What grew in the garden."


Looking at vegetables; introduce the names of some vegetables;

Learn to recognize them by name and call them yourself;

Activate your vocabulary, develop coherent speech (the ability to express thoughts in the form of a 3-4 word sentence).

Tableware identification games

D/i "Shop".(Purchasing groceries to prepare lunch. Purchasing dishes)

“Let's visit the sick doll. Let's prepare her some treats."(modeling of round-shaped objects - candies, cherries.)

“We bake pies for a doll”(playing with sand)

Purpose: to teach how to use a scoop - scoop up wet sand, fill the molds with it, tamp the sand into the molds with the back of the scoop, turn the mold over onto the table, hold the sand with your hand, tap on the bottom of the mold, remove it; treat the doll.

Actions with objects - tools. “Pancakes for Katya.”

Goal: - to develop the eye, coordination of movements of the right hand;

Practice the ability to pick up a round disc with the end of a scapula;

Cultivate dexterity, dexterity, and the desire to complete the task.

D/i “Let’s teach a doll to wash dishes”

Goal: -to develop skills in using utensils and keeping them clean;

Teach to use utensils for their intended purpose, carefully

treat her;

Name utensils while feeding the doll;

Name the actions (wipe, put).

Didactic game "What do they eat with what"

Cards depicting various products and dishes,

Children must choose the right card - what to eat with their hands

What do you eat with a spoon?

What do you eat with a fork?

What do you eat with a fork and knife?

Thanks to everyone whose photos I used to create this game!

Table manners

Eat your bread carefully -

This is a kitchen, not a barn.

Don't turn around like a top on your chair,

Don't put your head in the pan.

Will you bake pies -

Be careful not to burn your nose.

Eat the soup carefully, do not spit it back out.

Don't crumble bread crumbs, don't look for cockroaches.

Drink your tea without spilling. What is this big puddle?

What's that noise? What fell? Masha was dreaming at the table.

Don’t feed the cutlet to the cat, but eat a little yourself.

Wipe your mouth with a napkin and don’t drip on your stomach.

Use a spoon to eat jelly and porridge, soup, mashed potatoes and yogurt.

You can take potatoes, meat, rice with a fork (no need for a spoon).

You can take the pie, Glazed cheese with a handle. And say thank you to everyone from whom you ate food.

“find a place” type: everyone is given pictures of food,

and a spoon, fork, etc. are placed on the floor in different places of the hall.

To the sounds of a tambourine (or clapping), children (adults) move around the hall; when the sounds stop, you need to find your place.
