How to create a clan in World of Tank? The best clans in World of Tank. All about clans in World of Tanks

In any multiplayer game, there are a huge number of gamers who would be interested in playing not alone, but in a community with other people. It is for this reason that a type of battle called clan combat was created in the World Of Tanks game. It appeared 3 years ago and is now quite common. This article provides an example of how to create a clan in world of tanks, for those who have not yet reached this level, but sincerely want to defeat opponents in alliance with other players.

The introduction of such a function as clan rating divided the players into two different categories. The first is mainly concerned with entertainment and accepts players of any level and with any statistics, and the second, more serious category, is engaged in promoting the clan to the first lines of the rating.

In order to create your own, truly worthwhile clan, you need to be able to convince people and call them to action. In addition, you need to have a certain amount of gold in your account, namely 2500 gold.

How to create a clan yourself. Step by step instructions

  • The creation of a clan takes place directly on the game website. Please note that this cannot be done through the game client. The create a clan button is located in the action menu. Therefore, click on “actions” and select “Create a clan”;
  • After this, you must fill out the fields provided. It is advisable to think about filling them out in advance. Among them: the name of the clan. The correct name is the first step to the success of the clan! Next is “Motto”, you can come up with it yourself or find it on the Internet. By the way, you can find some good options on the Internet;
  • Having paid 2500 gold, click “Create a clan” and Hurray! You have become the commander of your own clan!

To ensure that all your efforts (including money) are not in vain, it is important to know that a clan can include no more than 100 players. Therefore, in order to move up the rankings to the very first lines, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing players for your clan. At the same time, you have every right to give each player a separate title. There are several titles in the game. It is important to understand that WoT is exciting game, but there should be moderation in everything; if you, for example, need a job, then it is better to look for suitable vacancies, and not spend all your time in tank battles.

How to attract players to your clan

To attract players, it is best to use the “Military Registration Office”. It gives you the opportunity to talk about your clan, recommend it, and the players themselves will apply to join your clan. It is also possible to independently find players in the Military Registration Office based on recommendations.

After the clan is created, players are invited and accepted into the “organization”, you have the opportunity to distribute game gold between players at your discretion. It would be better to encourage good tankers, which benefit your clan.

Many people have a question: how to create a clan in world of tanks for free. Of course, you won’t be able to do this completely for free, but you can split the payment for creating a clan among several players. If you have friends who are also fans of this game, decide which of you will be the commander and create your own clan. In this case, the payment will be significantly less, since it will be divided among several players.

The method of creating a clan described in this article is perhaps the simplest and most convenient, except for the fact that it is quite expensive and is not suitable for every player, much less a beginner. But, unfortunately, at the moment there are no promotions taking place in the game with the help of which you could create a clan in World of tanks without gold. Therefore, you should not be upset and for the first time you can join someone else’s clan and, perhaps, reach the rank of deputy commander. He has the same powers as the commander himself, except for assigning the rank of commander and removing the clan.

And now it's time to talk about what clans are in the game World of Tanks blitz. By definition, such a “grouping” in wotblitz is a kind of gaming community that unites gamers by interests, and these interests can be very diverse. So, for example, some collect benders, others collect sandbox lovers, and some even set themselves the goal of getting into fun company for joint virtual rides on tanks.

Clans in game World of tanks

According to statistics, today there are a huge variety of diverse communities on the Internet, united by one idea - tank battles in World of Tanks. And if in one of these teams there are no more than one hundred people, then another company may have five hundred or even a thousand “tankers”. And each member of the clan has his own responsibilities: someone is a “recruiter”, someone is a “treasurer” responsible for the financial side of the matter, someone monitors statistics, and someone is appointed to the position of “deputy commander” "

But what does joining such a friendly, organized group? So, let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Game on global map. If the community you are about to join or have already joined is strong enough, then you, as a separate unit of it, may well try your hand at fighting on the global map with other tankers for the right to own territory. But be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly provide assistance and support to your community, as there are often situations in which there is an acute shortage of people to protect the provinces.

Tournaments, events and other events. Any close-knit clan is famous for the fact that none of its members sits idle. Mass entertainers are constantly coming up with more and more new ideas for some interesting events - it could be something like “ram Mouse with the help of MS-1”, or “mass jump over a bridge”, or something else no less exciting ... We assure you that you won’t be bored!

How not to make a mistake and join a worthy group?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing the community you plan to join is its age, the number of units and players in each of them, as well as their skill and, importantly, friendliness. Of course, it is simply impossible to write a universal instruction that could reveal all the secrets and tricks of choosing a team and joining it, because there are a great many such “groupings,” as was said earlier, as well as the people in them. But behind each individual gamer hides his own character, manner of playing and communicating with his “compatriots.”

Therefore, the only thing that can be advised to “tankers” is to pay attention to the points that we indicated above and listen to your own inner voice. And if you feel comfortable in your “new family,” then you’ve come to exactly the right place. Otherwise, you shouldn’t torture yourself and it’s better to leave the group you don’t like without further ado and unnecessary scandals.

In this article we will try to reveal such concepts as a clan, methods of its creation and development. We will also touch on the topic of clan management, the method of selecting players and equipment.

What is a clan

So, what is a clan in one of the most successful projects of the last year, the World of Tanks game? There is, of course, a standard definition given by the developers themselves, but I don’t think anyone is interested in this, so I’ll write it as I see it myself. My opinion is this: a clan is what makes the already boring gameplay even more exciting. I would even say it brings you to new level understanding the game and your place in it. After all, you must admit, it’s one thing to just race in random battles and gradually level up, enjoying small successes, something like: wow, I knocked down a sneaker, or wow, I knocked out 5 kills, but it’s quite another thing to realize that you and your clans at least break up any random parties. And like the tip of the iceberg, you fight for the provinces on the world map. After all, you must admit, it’s nice to realize that by creating a clan you brought it to battles for provinces and maybe even captured one or more. Starting small, gathering around you a couple of friends in random games or other games, you are already victoriously marching across the world map.

Creation of a clan

Let's move on to the basics, namely the method of creating a clan. As it turned out, everything is very simple! On the main page World page of Tanks, go to the clans link, then you see another link “create a clan” and off we go. The main thing is that you need to come up with a name and write it down. That's probably all, nothing globally complicated. Oh yes, I forgot a small point: in order to create a clan, you will need to have a PA (platinum account). Well, there’s nothing you can do about it, you can just donate once or twice for such a thing. So you created a clan, but where to get players???

The first way is to call your friends, you’ll get at least some. Next, you begin to link announcements in the general chat and in the battle chat, this way you can easily recruit the main backbone, and then get used to each other and hone the coherence of actions. By the way, you can start even with the smallest equipment such as MS-1 and then gradually increase your combat potential to the top equipment. It is very important not to forget that you need not only TT or ST, but also art and PT. Try to select diverse combat units and unite them into companies and platoons by level. When you have your first full-fledged company, you will be able to take part in various events and clan wars.

Clan development

Now let's go a little through the development of the clan. Remember right away, the higher your clan is in the top, the more people will strive to join it. You will no longer just take everyone, but choose the best of the best. A logical question is: do you need a top??? There are two ways of development.

First - rapid development before participating in world wars for the provinces. Consider this option. A clan fighting for provinces is already a top clan. To reach this level, you need top-end equipment, a large online presence and straight-armed fighters. All these are the most important elements for further progress towards world domination. Gradually leveling up yourself or already having top equipment, you form basic companies of people who play well with each other, test with them various options for tactics and strategies, as well as behavioral models in a given situation. But most importantly, you teach them team thinking. Only the most well-played and able to quickly make the right decisions will continue to fight on world maps.

Now let's consider the second option - creating a clan for yourself, something like a mini club based on interests. By creating this community, you are not trying to bend everyone and everything, but rather are looking for communication with people who play the same game. It's kind of a way to relax after a hard day or on the weekend. The development model here is simple: you recruit people with whom you are interested in communicating! Teamwork or the presence of top technology is not relevant. The main thing is not to forget that you are not here for total domination, but for a pleasant pastime. Your lot is in battles against random players, as a platoon fan, and if everything goes well, you can take part in tournaments. But the path to the world stage is not closed for you! You can always gather 1-2 companies and fight with not very strong opponents for the provinces. And then you see, maybe it will drag on and you will begin to develop more globally according to the first scenario.

And finally, a little about technology. For organic development, you will need equipment of the same level. If you are creating a clan from scratch, then when searching for brothers in arms, focus on the availability of equipment that is approximately comparable, otherwise why would you need a person on an IS-7 if everyone else is driving a T34 and vice versa. This concerns gradual development. If you are creating a top clan, then your lot will be guild members with level 9-10 equipment and preferably with additional modules already installed.
Ours has come to an end brief overview clan creation and development in the game World of Tanks. If you have your own opinions, valuable advice and suggestions, write them in the comments to the article.

Are you constantly improving and starting to realize that you already want to get to the very top of the world of tanks?

If you are sure that you are already missing something in random, then become a clan commander.

To do this, you need to create a clan and you will have the opportunity to capture provinces.

So, how to create a clan in World of Tanks, what do you need for this and what advantages does it offer the player?

Well, future clan commanders, now you will find out everything!

From this article you will learn:


Any player can create a clan in World of Tanks. When you create it, you automatically become the commander of your own created clan.

To create it, you will have to pay, since the operation is a paid one and for this you must have the required amount of game currency on your account. However, this can be done for free.

How? I'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, I offer you to study the instructions on how to create a clan.

Instructions for creating a clan in the game World of Tanks

  1. On the main page of the official website, find “create a clan” and click.
  2. Enter the name of your clan.

As you can see, everything is simple. Therefore, come up with a name in advance for the clan that is being created and assemble its composition from friends - initially there may be fifty of them. Congratulations, you are now commander!

Why are clans needed?

In fact, a lot of attention is paid to the clan component in tanks. The main actions of all clans are a global map with company battles, a rather harsh world in which you literally have to survive.

Company battles are more like training, but large-scale battles take place on the global map to achieve goals.

There are several tens of thousands of clans created in World of Tanks, so there is a lot of competition here. Most players strive to get into the top 250 of the most successful and powerful teams.

Therefore, it is important to know how to properly maintain mid-level clans.


So, the clan has been created, now you should start compiling statistics for your clan, which includes studying all the capabilities of each fighter - various ratings (effectiveness of the armor site, bending, and so on, WN7, WN6).

After careful analysis, determine how many cards you will initially run. This is the initial card base and its number should not exceed three copies.

In the first stages, debug the system of interaction between clan fighters. Do as many workouts as possible.

You will still have time to fight, now it is important to study everything, consider how they are sent in groups and individually, where the hiding places are, that is, study the terrain and all the possibilities.

Having honed everything to perfection, you can think about further joining the Civil Code. Here, players will find the ivanerr resource useful, which allows them to carry out large-scale filtering of territories on the GK, suitable specifically for your maps and prime time.

The resource will also help to identify whether a clan is strong or weak holding a certain territory. You are required to draw up a thorough offensive plan, after which you can begin the offensive.

All this will help polish your actions, and the composition of the clan will begin to gradually increase.

Over time, it will become difficult for one player to command, but you can always hire good recruiters who will be involved in the correct selection of clan members, weed out unnecessary ones, in a word, they will be useful.

Hiring as a recruiter can be done when the number of fighters reaches 80 people.

Don’t forget about the internal climate of the clan you created, get in touch with your members as often as possible, discuss internal problems, periodically organize competitions and create a group on a social network.

It's important to support team spirit and unite all the fighters together!

Don't forget the emblem!

Each clan has an emblem. Creating a clan emblem is not difficult at all. Why is it needed? This is a symbol of the military brotherhood you have created, a recognizable image that reflects the philosophy and all the values ​​of the clan, which transmits information to your opponents and allies.

You can change it, and this action is also available to your deputies. Clan emblems on the global map are updated once every 24 hours.

Thus, in the review you learned how to create a clan in World of Tanks, as well as options for its promotion and support.

Creating a clan for free is also quite possible; for this you just need to use unique cheats for hacking the game (you can read more about them in the corresponding article on my blog).

This will give you the opportunity to receive the required amount for free into your account to create a clan.

Follow all the instructions, and you will quickly occupy an important niche among other contenders for the title of the most successful team.

Believe in what you are doing and in your fighting friends! Only in this case will you be able to achieve success, and fortune will be your eternal companion. Good luck!

World of Tanks is a fairly extensive and large-scale multiplayer game that could not ignore the clan system, which unites players with each other and provides additional opportunities. In World of Tanks clans play the role of receiving additional features, allowing you to appear on the global map and set up your own headquarters. In addition, various competitive battles, group tournaments and many other events are held specifically for clans. And if you have decided to create your own clan and have not yet fully understood its role, then this article will help you find all the answers to your questions.

Why are clans needed?

First of all, clans play in World of Tanks, that is, they unite players, allow them to communicate, achieve common goals and, in the end, just be friends. But this is just the main goal, but the side ones give you a chance to earn game currency and ensure a good existence for yourself in the vastness of this virtual world. For example, it will be possible to perform on the global map and fight for territories that bring a certain amount of gold to the clan’s treasury. You can build a headquarters and improve it, receiving various bonuses to your existing silver and experience. But at the same time, in World of Tanks, clans must fulfill their duties. If you have captured territory on the map or built a headquarters, you will have to defend it all from other clans.

Responsibilities and capabilities

We reviewed the main features, but did not indicate them. The main advantage of this internal gaming community is to gain experience. In World of Tanks, clans are a great opportunity to gain experience cooperative game group of players and company command. In a good clan, each player tries himself for a very different role, which gives a huge positive effect for each user. As for the duties, the head of the clan must first pay a fee, which is equal to 2500 gold, then he must recruit people by advertising his so-called organization, and only then carry out various activities. It is the head who is responsible for all processes, but at the same time he can appoint assistants (field commander, treasurer and others).

Main goal

Top World of Tanks clans are the main goal of each user association. After getting into the top 10 best, real freedom and fame opens up for the clan. The organization's staff is replenished with professionals, the fights become better, there is more gold, players in the clan become friends, as a result, you begin to conquer e-sports and declare yourself much louder than before. The higher your clan is in the table of all associations, the more opportunities you will receive and the more successfully you will run your virtual business. The main thing is not to give up, strive for this and destroy anyone who gets in your way, naturally, not in the literal sense. The success of your clan, the amount of gold in the treasury and overall popularity among the entire community will depend only on you, your command and team Games World of Tanks.

Ratings and power

Rating clans World of Tanks is an indicator of the success of a particular association. The higher the clan is, the stronger, more powerful and popular it is. To be a member of such a clan is a high honor, but to have such a clan under your command is at least a success. To rise in the rankings, you need to constantly fight on the global map and win, participate in various tournaments and earn points, try to maintain the power of your clan and properly conduct diplomatic negotiations with other clans. It is worth considering another main point of their association - the power of the players. It lies in the amount of high-level equipment that is in the arsenal of the players themselves. This will allow you to find out the various special services for the game World fo Tanks. Now the choice is entirely yours - to conquer virtual world in the ranks of associations or become a conqueror yourself.
